Scary Story: Army Horror - Trimid2. Five of the creepiest cases in military history

War is generally a terrible concept.
Military history knows not only many cases of cruelty, deceit and betrayal, but also absolute savagery and inhumanity, which simply do not fit in the head.

Some cases are striking in their scale, others in their belief in absolute impunity, one thing is obvious: for some reason, some people who find themselves in harsh military conditions for some reason decide that the law is not written for them, and they have the right to control other people's destinies, forcing people to suffer .

Below are some of the most eerie realities that took place during wartime.

1. Nazi baby factories

The photo below shows the rite of baptism of a small child who was "bred" through Aryan selection.

During the ceremony, one of the SS men holds a dagger over the baby, and the newly-made mother gives the Nazis an oath of allegiance.

It is important to note that this baby was one of tens of thousands of babies who participated in the Lebensborn project. However, not all children received life in this children's factory, some were kidnapped, and they were only raised there.

Factory of true Aryans

The Nazis believed that Aryans with blond hair and blue eyes few in the world, and therefore it was decided, by the way, by the same people who were responsible for the Holocaust, to launch the Lebensborn project, which was engaged in breeding purebred Aryans, who in the future were to join the Nazi ranks.

It was planned to settle the children in beautiful houses, which were appropriated after the mass extermination of Jews.

And it all started with the fact that after the occupation of Europe, mixing with the indigenous people was actively encouraged among the SS. The main thing is that the number of the Nordic race should grow.

pregnant unmarried girls, within the framework of the "Lebensborn" program, were placed in houses with all amenities, where they gave birth and raised their children. Thanks to such care during the war years, it was possible to grow from 16,000 to 20,000 Nazis.

But, as it turned out later, this amount was not enough, so other measures were taken. The Nazis began to forcibly take away from their mothers children who had desired color hair and eyes.

It is worth adding that many of the appropriated children were orphans. Of course, the fair skin color and the absence of parents is not an excuse for the activities of the Nazis, but, nevertheless, at that difficult time, the children had something to eat and a roof over their heads.

Some parents gave up their children to avoid ending up in a gas chamber. Those who most suited the given parameters were selected literally immediately, without further persuasion.

At the same time, no genetic examinations were carried out, children were selected based only on visual information. Those selected were included in the program, or they were sent to some German family. Those who did not fit ended their lives in concentration camps.

The Poles say that because of this program, the country has lost about 200,000 children. But it is unlikely that you will ever be able to find out the exact figure, because many children have successfully settled down in German families.

Brutality during the war

2.Hungarian Angels of Death

Do not think that only the Nazis committed atrocities during the war. The pedestal of perverted war nightmares was shared with them by ordinary Hungarian women.

It turns out that to commit crimes it is not at all necessary to serve in the army. These dear guardians of the home front, having combined their efforts, sent almost three hundred people to the next world.

It all started during the First World War. It was then that many women living in the village of Nagiryov, whose husbands had gone to the front, began to take an interest in the prisoners of war of the allied armies who were located nearby.

Women liked this kind of affair, and prisoners of war, apparently, too. But when their husbands began to return from the war, something abnormal began to happen. One by one the soldiers died. Because of this, the village got the name "murder area".

The killings began in 1911, when a midwife named Fuzekas appeared in the village. She taught women who were temporarily left without husbands to get rid of the consequences of contacts with lovers.

After the soldiers began to return from the war, the midwife suggested that the wives boil sticky paper designed to kill flies to get arsenic, and then add it to food.


Thus, they were able to commit a huge number of murders, and the women remained unpunished due to the fact that the village official was the brother of the midwife, and in all the death certificates of the victims he wrote "not killed."

The method gained such strong popularity that almost any, even the most insignificant problem, began to be solved with the help of arsenic soup. When the neighboring settlements finally realized what was happening, fifty criminals managed to kill three hundred people, including objectionable husbands, lovers, parents, children, relatives and neighbors.

Human hunting

3. Parts human body like a trophy

It is important to say that during the war, many countries conducted propaganda among their soldiers, in which they were implanted in the brain that the enemy is not a person.

Distinguished in this respect and the American soldiers, whose psyche was influenced very actively. So-called "hunting licenses" were distributed among them.

One of them sounded like this: The hunting season for the Japanese is open! There are no restrictions! Hunters get rewarded! Free ammo and equipment! Join the US Marine Corps!

Therefore, it is not surprising that American soldiers during the battle of Guadalcanal (Guadalcanal), killing the Japanese, cut off their ears and kept them as souvenirs.

Moreover, necklaces were made from the teeth of the slain, their skulls were sent home as souvenirs, and their ears were often worn around the neck or on a belt.

In 1942, the problem became so widespread that the command was forced to issue a decree that prohibited the appropriation of enemy body parts in the form of a trophy. But the measures were belated, because the soldiers had already fully mastered the technology of cleaning and butchering skulls.

The soldiers were very fond of taking pictures with them.

This "fun" is firmly rooted. Even Roosevelt was forced to abandon the writing knife, which was made from a Japanese leg bone. It seemed as if the whole country was going crazy.

The light at the end of the tunnel appeared after a furious reaction from the readers of the newspaper "Life", who had published photographs (and there were myriad) caused anger and disgust. The same was the reaction of the Japanese.

The most cruel woman

4. Irma Grese - man (?) - hyena

What is it that can happen that can terrify even a person who has seen a lot?

Irma Grese was a Nazi warden who experienced sexual arousal while torturing people.

According to external indicators, Irma was the ideal of an Aryan teenager, because she perfectly corresponded to the established standards of beauty, was physically strong and ideologically prepared.

Inside, it was a man - a time bomb.

This is Irma without her paraphernalia. However, she almost always walked around with a whip studded with precious stones, with a gun and several hungry dogs that were ready to follow her any order.

This woman could shoot at any person at her whim, whipped the captives and kicked them with her feet. This made her very excited.

Irma loved her job very much. She received incredible physical pleasure, dissecting the breasts of prisoners - women to the point of blood. The wounds became inflamed, as a rule, surgery was required, which was carried out without anesthesia.

She was always present in the operating room, because during operations she experienced the greatest pleasure.

She was only 22 years old when she was convicted and hanged.

Cannibalism in war

5. Incident on a Japanese island

During one of the battles of the Second World War over Japanese island Chichi-jima (Chichi-jima) were shot down by nine American pilots. One was picked up by the submarine "Finback", the rest were taken prisoner.

It is known that all the captives were executed with a samurai sword. By wartime standards, this is not unusual. But what happened later does not fit into any framework.

It is said that after the execution, the soldiers and officers of the Japanese army decided to have a party. But in the midst of the evening, the appetizer ended. Then one of the officers gave the order to get some "kimo" from a fresh grave.

"Kimo" meant "liver". The order was carried out, and the fried liver took its place on festive table among other dishes.

This was just the beginning. In order not to fall into the dirt in front of the army, the Japanese Navy officers began to execute their American prisoners and serve them to the table! And that is not all.

Some prisoners of war were executed after being eaten. They cut off their limbs and immediately ate them, because there were no refrigerators on the island in which meat could be stored.

It is worth saying something about one rescued pilot who was picked up by a submarine. It was George W. Bush.

In 1989, biologist Alexander Arefiev stated in the Nedelya newspaper:

“... the poltergeist obviously gravitates towards a quiet, cozy home environment, often in old houses, with the presence of blind and eccentric grandparents. By themselves, stoves light up, switches turn on, locks open, locks snap into place, and so on. God forbid such a "poltergeist" to be at the remote nuclear reactor or a combat rocket launcher, in a fuel or ammunition depot! But he's not there. There is no it at the factories either: discipline, you won’t indulge. ”

Contrary to the assertion of Mr. Arefiev, army poltergeists are still encountered, as well as industrial ones, despite the harsh discipline. The earliest army poltergeist known to date took place in the winter of 1643/44, during civil war In Great Britain.

Then a small garrison of government troops was located in one of the Irish castles, and the soldiers were annoyed by poltergeists, “like creatures in white shirts,” who pulled blankets off servicemen and did all sorts of other dirty tricks to them. One of the soldiers, descending into the basement, somehow found his colleague, frightened to death by evil spirits, at the bottom of a barrel with a candle in his hands, after which the entire garrison urgently left this terrible place ...

One can also recall the 1722 poltergeist in St. Petersburg's Trinity Church, where noisy spirits played pranks in the presence of sentry soldiers. And on January 10, 1906, "restless phenomena" began in the army fortress of Vincennes, located at the entrance to Paris.

There, among the barracks, there was an armory, in one of the rooms of which the watchman lived. At 4 o'clock in the morning he was awakened by noise from a brick wall. Then strange sounds began to be heard every night, and at the same hours. The watchman reported this to the authorities. Higher military officials came, but their intervention did not end in anything. The disorder continued, despite all the strictness.

Unfortunately, the paucity in the description of most army poltergeists does not allow us to identify the carrier, with the exception of the outbreak of 1990-1991 in the Bulgarian army.

It is described in detail in the Bulgarian magazine "5 F" for 1991 and in the newspaper "Izvestia" dated February 22, 1991 (the article "Counterintelligence catches "evil spirits").

It all started at about half past ten in the evening on January 18, 1990. Ivan Khristozkov, a soldier in one of the military units of the Bulgarian army, a mustachioed, healthy and broad-shouldered soldier, stood guard guarding an important object entrusted to him.

Suddenly, over one of the nearby hills, at a distance of about a kilometer, he saw two glowing yellow and light green balls. They either approached him at a distance of up to 40-45 meters, then moved away.

When they were close, the skin seemed to burn, and some kind of rumble arose in the head. And then a bunch of small stones hit Ivan! He thought his friends were joking, looked around, but did not notice anyone. The buzz in his head grew stronger, and from somewhere above, from the darkness, stones suddenly began to fall on him - one larger than the other. Ivan called the duty officer, and immediately a stone the size of a handball fell on him! Ivan, however, felt only a light touch.

The officer on duty, deciding that an attack was being made on the post, called an entire unit to help on an alarm signal. But this did not stop the "attacks": Ivan's helmet rang from the blows of stones, like an empty tank! The soldiers began to comb the neighborhood with a chain. At this time, stones flew at them from all sides - from above, to the left, to the right. They even "jumped" from the ground. Fire was opened on an invisible enemy. But the stones continued to hit the soldiers with great accuracy.

The next day, the guard, by order of the commander, remained indoors. Ivan, of course, too. That is, they guarded the object, being indoors. But the shelling with cobblestones resumed, and with such force that the platform in front of the guardhouse was almost littered with stones. We decided to leave the stones until the morning, then to give them for research. However, at dawn, all the stones did not understand how they disappeared. The duty officer reported that he observed them exactly until 6.00, and then the object of observation seemed to evaporate ...

On the third day, military counterintelligence joined the action. The search area was lit up like daylight. Vehicles were prepared to capture the annoying intruder. And Ivan was placed in a specially constructed metal booth. The military operations were commanded by military officials from the Higher Military Academy in Sofia and military counterintelligence. The soldiers, firing, walked in a chain. But the “violator” turned out to be smarter than he was thought. He hid.

Only Ivan saw one of the two luminous balls that appeared on the very first evening, and a cobblestone fell on the roof of his booth.

Another, more weighty - about 40x40 centimeters! - fell on the roof of the bus, where counterintelligence officers hid. He rolled down, leaving no trace on the roof.

The first "series" lasted eight evenings, then all was quiet. In August 1990, the second one began. They decided to transfer Ivan to another unit, but three days later everything resumed in a new place. Then it got quiet. And in February 1991, stones flew around Ivan again!

When this happened for the first time, few people believed in the reality of what was happening. There were accusations of alcohol abuse and even insanity. The commander blamed the duty officer, and the commander himself was accused of the same by the authorities.

In August 1990, when everything started for the second time, they decided to send Ivan for examination at the Military Medical Academy in Sofia. The foreman, who was sent along with Ivan to personally transfer him into the hands of the Aesculapius and explain the reason for sending him for examination, almost got himself to psychiatrists: his explanations were painfully unusual ...

Ivan stayed at the Military Medical Academy for twenty days. Colonel Emil Kaludiev, deputy head of the academy's psychiatric clinic, spoke about the results of the examination. His conclusion:

Ivan is a completely healthy person in all respects. Kaludiev's attention was attracted by unexplained malfunctions of the equipment during Ivan's stay in the clinic. For example, a magnetic recording of the biocurrents of Ivan's brain and heart did not work. Kaludiev witnessed the flight of a cup of coffee from the doctor's office to the ward where he, the nurse and Ivan were. Many clinic staff have seen similar phenomena. There are witnesses, Kaludiev said, in the unit where Ivan served.

The testimony of these witnesses is very interesting. So, the foreman complained that the soldiers, frightened by the stones, refused to be in the dormitory. A stone, according to his observations, can, falling vertically, change the direction of flight to a horizontal one near the ground and immediately hit a person in the popliteal cavity.

When a stone falls to the ground, but with force, it sometimes does not roll along the ground, but, as it were, sticks to it. In the room where Ivan lived, glass and glass jars were broken by stones flying in and out of it. Sometimes the phone stopped working, the power supply stopped.

Another witness, a senior sergeant, was surprised at how stones could fly into a room that was closed on all sides. He was surprised that only the last moment of the falling stones was visible. And once on the parade ground, in complete calm, ringing, a metal can from under the wax rolled back and forth ...

And Ivan himself says that before something happens, he experiences a strong buzz in his head. Then surprises begin: stones, electric lamps, bottles, bricks, pieces of gypsum and asphalt appear and fall around him. And once in the kitchen they noticed that the head of a nail sunk into the table warmed up to redness!

Filled with water, she hissed and evaporated. The tree didn't even smoke. They took out the nail, it turned out to be cold to the touch, of blue color. Ivan was surprised by such a feature of the flight of stones: they can fly at a person at a very high speed, but, approaching, they deviate, as if bypassing the person, and fly further.

The editors of the magazine "5 F" asks the question: what if something like this suddenly starts at an important command post of the army, stuffed with all sorts of electronics? What kind of panic will be caused there! Theoretically, this is possible, but it is scary to think about the consequences.

“This morning began unusually for the company commander of the internal troops, Senior Lieutenant Vetrov. From the report of Sergeant A. Botnarenko, on duty in the company, he learned that at night the unit was visited by "evil spirits."

It all started after lights out, at about one o'clock in the morning. The general notebook of the company duty officer for no apparent reason fell out of the bedside table with a noise. The sleeping quarters of the barracks were filled with rustling and tapping. The duty officer and private Turaev were surprised to see slippers flying in the aisle between the beds.

When the bedside tables began to topple over and the awakened soldiers began to raise their heads from the pillows, the sergeant decided to report what was happening to the duty officer. What was the surprise of him and other orderlies when they saw that the phone fell to the floor and remained standing on a sharp side edge. The tube did not fall off.

After listening to the slurred and incoherent report of the frightened sergeant, Captain V. Ivanov, on duty, went up to the barracks.

Half of the company was no longer sleeping, noisily discussing the incident. The officer did not see anything special and, except for the emotional story of the duty officer, did not hear. After waiting a little, the officer left. The lights were put out, the soldiers lay down in bed.

The orderly Markar, who was awakened for a shift, did not believe in what had happened. But after a while he had to be convinced of the miracles.

Sleeping on his back, Private Botizat's legs went up at a right angle and rested on the second-tier bed. Alexander continued to sleep peacefully in such an exotic position.

A loud noise was heard in the toilet room. Alarmed, soldiers from a neighboring unit came running. And who pushed back the heavy latch, with which the company officer on duty locked the door with his own hand? Later, the sergeant confesses that in the corridor, when no one was looking, he crossed himself. Did not help. And when private Markar saw through the bars of the weapons storage room that the boxes with gas masks had come off the floor by about a meter, he believed in the “devilry” too. They turned on full lighting - the boxes smoothly sank to the floor.

Again reported to the duty officer. This time, Captain Ivanov did not go up to the barracks alone, but with the head of the internal guard, Lieutenant S. Zhurnevich. Upon entering the premises, the officers saw that all the orderlies were crowded near the weapons storage room, more than half of the company was not sleeping, and soldiers from the neighboring company were crowding in the barracks. We checked the weapons - everything is in place.

Suddenly, frightened servicemen jumped out of the toilet, shouting: “There are garbage men jumping!” The noise of falling metal urns was heard from the toilet. Lieutenant Zhurnevich went there, but when he crossed the threshold, the door slammed the officer's door. It took a lot of effort to get free.

Realizing that people could not be put to sleep, the duty officer tried to calm the soldiers. Permitting them to keep the light on, puzzled, he left. For a while, everything was calm. Suddenly, in front of everyone's eyes, one of the plafonds burst with a slight pop. Fragments from it, according to eyewitnesses, fell smoothly, "like in a slow motion movie."

The next night passed quietly. So, the poltergeist and the "barabashki" got to the internal troops?

In the division of senior lieutenant Vetrov, an internal investigation was conducted with the involvement of doctors from the medical center of the unit. All servicemen were found to be healthy, no mental abnormalities were recorded. Their service continues."

Unfortunately, the official investigation did not reveal the carrier of all this devilry - most likely those who conducted it did not have the slightest idea about this. So an unidentified carrier can confuse bosses and colleagues for a long time.

“Recently, the privates on guard duty in one of the premises of the Khamovniki barracks, being in good health and of a sober mind, heard strange noises, indistinct conversations and loud laughter in one of the premises of the barracks.

Deciding that someone had decided to play a trick on them, the soldiers broke the lock, ran into the room ... and did not see anyone there. Meanwhile, strange sounds and laughter continued to be heard from somewhere in the ceiling.

Frightened by this circumstance, the guards in fast pace retreated from the premises and called for help ... a whole regiment of soldiers. But when they appeared together with the officers, the ghost, probably very frightened, evaporated. Having laughed at the "hallucinations" of the guard, which their comrades attributed to sleepless stormy night spent with booze, the soldiers and officers retired to the barracks.

Exactly a week later, the same incident happened in the same room, but with a different guard. The ghost howled and roared and laughed more than ever. True, this time the guard, fearing to be the object of ridicule of his colleagues, did not wake up the regiment, but locked the ill-fated door with one more lock.

Historical documents record many inexplicable cases that occurred during the war. Under mysterious circumstances, people, tanks, planes and ships disappeared.

Until now, many of these events have no logical explanation. 3,000 Chinese soldiers never seen again

Almost an entire division of Chinese soldiers disappeared without a trace during the Sino-Japanese War in 1937. Chinese General Li Fu Shi sent a division of 3,000 men to stop the Japanese advance on Nanjing. And in the morning the orderly reported to the commander that there was not a single soldier in the positions. At the same time, there were no traces of a night battle, no corpses. Such a number of soldiers simply could not leave their positions unnoticed and at the same time not leave any traces. After the war, the Chinese government initiated an investigation into this incident, but to no avail.

Disappearance of a battalion of the Norfolk Regiment

An entire battalion of the Norfolk Regiment disappeared on August 12, 1915 during the Dardanelles operation. And this happened inexplicable phenomenon in front of eyewitnesses - soldiers of the New Zealand unit, who were on the front lines in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"Hill 60" when the Norfolk were preparing to attack Turkish positions.
After the war, New Zealand veterans said that on that day 6 or 8 clouds hung over "Hill 60" in the form of "round loaves of bread", which did not change their location, despite the wind. Another cloud, 800 feet long, 200 feet high and wide, was almost on the ground. The Norfolk sent to reinforce the British units on "Hill 60" entered the cloud without hesitation. As soon as the last soldier disappeared in it, the cloud slowly rose and, having collected the rest, clouds similar to it, flew away. No one else saw the soldiers of the Norfolk Regiment.

All 267 missing servicemen are still considered missing. The British government tried to find its subjects and even turned to the Turkish authorities for help, but to no avail.

Missing "Unebi"

The disappearance of ships in the ocean is a fairly common phenomenon, especially in the Bermuda Triangle. However, the armored cruiser Unebi stands alone in this list. The ship went missing while crossing from Singapore to the South China Sea in December 1886, and this the only case disappearance without a trace in the history of the Japanese Navy.

No wreckage or dead bodies were found at the site of the alleged loss of the ship. The armored cruiser was well armed and could stand up for itself, and its crew included from 280 to 400 experienced sailors. To this day, not a single fragment of the Unebi has been found, so the ship is considered missing, and a monument to sailors has been erected at the Aoyama cemetery in Tokyo.

Link 19 Mystery

Under mysterious circumstances, five Avenger torpedo bombers and a PBM-5 Martin Mariner seaplane sent to search for them disappeared.

Events unfolded as follows: On December 5, 1945, a group of Avengers received a training mission to fly east from the Naval Air Station at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to bomb near Bimini Island, and then fly some distance to north and back.

The link took off at 14 hours 10 minutes, the pilots were given two hours to complete the task, during which time they had to cover about 500 kilometers. At 1600, when the Avengers were supposed to return to base, the controllers intercepted disturbing conversations between the commander of Flight 19 and another pilot - it looks like the pilots lost their bearings.
Later, the commander contacted the base, saying that compasses and clocks were out of order on all bombers. And this is very strange, because the Avengers had quite serious equipment at that time: gyrocompasses and AN / ARR-2 radio semi-compasses.
However, the flight commander, Lieutenant Charles Taylor, reported that he was unable to determine where the west was, and the ocean looked unusual. Further negotiations did not lead to anything, only at 17.50 at the air base they were able to detect a weak signal from the flight aircraft. They were east of New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and moving away from the mainland.
Somewhere around 20.00, the torpedo bombers ran out of fuel, and they were forced to splash down, further fate"Avengers" and their pilots is unknown.
The Martin Mariner plane sent to search for the missing also disappeared, however, on one of the ships that was in the search area, they saw an explosion in the air, perhaps this was the ill-fated PBM-5. However, the pilots themselves called the "Martin Mariner" a "flying gas tank", so its loss is quite understandable.

But there is a lot of obscurity in what happened to the Avengers: what caused the failure of navigation instruments operating on different principles? What was wrong with the ocean and why did the pilots get lost in places they knew? And there is also a legend that a certain radio amateur intercepted a message from the commander of Flight 19: "Do not follow me ... They look like people from the Universe ...".

By the way, in 2010, the Deep Sea search vessel discovered four Avengers lying in formation at a depth of 250 meters, 20 kilometers northeast of Fort Lauderdale. The fifth torpedo bomber lay two kilometers from the crash site.

The side numbers of two of them were FT-241, FT-87, and on two more, only the numbers 120 and 28 could be seen, the designation of the fifth could not be identified. After the researchers raised the archives, it turned out that five Avengers disappeared only once - on December 5, 1945, but the identification numbers of the vehicles found and Unit 19 did not match, except for one - FT-28, the aircraft of commander Charles Taylor, but what is the strangest , the rest of the planes were not among the missing.

Closely connected with the subconscious, with the depths human psyche, mysticism sometimes presents such surprises that the hairs on the head stand on end. It was during the Great Patriotic War. When people were on the verge of death, they understood: the need for a miracle is of the same nature as air and water, as bread and life itself. And miracles happened. Only here it is not known for certain what lay at their basis.

Fedor and Nikolai Solovyov (left to right) before being sent to the front. October 1941.

When time stops

Time is the most mysterious physical quantity. Its vector is unidirectional, the speed is seemingly constant. But in war...

Many front-line soldiers who survived the bloody battles were surprised to notice that their watches were lagging behind. The nurse of the Volga military flotilla, Elena Yakovlevna Zaitseva, who was taking the wounded out of Stalingrad, said that when their sanitary transport ship came under fire, the clocks of all the doctors stopped. Nobody could understand anything. And here is the candidate technical sciences, author of What is Time? Yuri Belostotsky, comprehending this and other facts, writes: “Academicians Viktor Shklovsky and Nikolai Kardashev hypothesized that there was a delay in the development of the Universe, which amounted to about 50 billion years. Why not assume that during periods of such global upheavals as the Second World War not violated habitual move time? This is absolutely logical. Where cannons rumble, bombs burst, the regime of electromagnetic radiation changes, and time itself changes.”

Fought after death

Anna Fedorovna Gibaylo (Nyukhalova) is from Bor. Before the war she worked for glass factory, studied at the College of Physical Education, taught at school No. 113 of the city of Gorky, at the Agricultural Institute.

In September 1941, Anna Feodorovna was sent to a special school, and after graduation, to the front. After completing the assignment, she returned to Gorky, and in June 1942, as part of a fighter battalion under the command of Konstantin Kotelnikov, she crossed the front line and began to operate behind enemy lines on the territory Leningrad region. When I had time, I kept a diary.

“A strong battle with enemy tanks and infantry,” she wrote on 7 September. - The fight started at 5 am. The commander ordered: Anya - to the left flank, Masha - to the right, Viktor and Alekseev were with me. They are behind a machine gun in the dugout, and I am in cover with a machine gun. The first chain was mowed down by our machine guns, a second chain of Germans grew up. The whole village was on fire. Victor is wounded in the leg. She crawled across the field, dragged him into the forest, threw branches at him, he said that Alekseev was wounded. She crawled back to the village. All my pants were torn, my knees were bleeding, I crawled out of the oatmeal field, and the Germans were walking along the road. A terrible picture - they shook and threw a man into a burning bath, I assume that this was Alekseev.

The fighter executed by the Nazis was buried locals. However, the Germans, having learned about this, dug up the grave and threw out the charred corpse from it. At night, some kind soul buried Alekseev for the second time. And then it began...

A few days later, a detachment of Fritz was walking from the village of Shumilovka. As soon as they reached the cemetery, an explosion rang out, three soldiers remained lying on the ground, another was wounded. For some unknown reason, the grenade detonated. While the Germans were sorting out what was happening, one of them gasped, grabbed his heart and fell down dead. And he was tall, young and perfectly healthy.

What was it - a heart attack or something else? Residents of a small village on the Shelon River are sure: it was revenge on the Nazis of the deceased soldier. And as confirmation of this, another story. A policeman hanged himself in the cemetery next to Alekseev's grave during the war years. Maybe the conscience tortured, maybe with a drink. But go and see - you did not find another place other than this.

Elena Zaitseva, nurse on the ambulance ship.

hospital stories

Elena Yakovlevna Zaitseva also had to work in the hospital. And there I heard a lot of different stories.

One of her wards came under shelling, his leg was torn off. Talking about this, he assured that some unknown force moved him several meters - to where the shells did not reach. For a moment, the fighter lost consciousness. I woke up in pain - it was difficult to breathe, the nausea seemed to penetrate even into the bones. And above him - a white cloud, which seemed to protect the wounded soldier from bullets and shrapnel. And for some reason he believed that he would survive, that he would be saved.

And so it happened. Soon a nurse crawled over to him. And only then did the explosions of shells become audible, the iron butterflies of death fluttered again ...

Another patient, a battalion commander, was taken to the hospital in an extremely serious condition. He was very weak, during the operation his heart stopped. However, the surgeon managed to bring the captain out of a state of clinical death. And gradually he began to get better.

The battalion commander used to be an atheist - party members do not believe in God. And then it was as if he had been replaced. According to him, during the operation he felt that he was leaving his body, rising up, seeing people in white coats bending over him, floating along some dark corridors to a light firefly flickering in the distance, a small ball of light ...

He felt no fear. He simply did not have time to realize anything when light burst into the blindness of the impenetrable night, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blight. The captain was seized with delight and awe before something inexplicable. Someone's gentle, painfully familiar voice said:

Come back, you still have a lot to do.

And finally, the third story. A military doctor from Saratov received a bullet wound and lost a lot of blood. He urgently needed a transfusion, but the blood of his group was not in the infirmary.

Nearby lay a still warm corpse - the wounded man died on the operating table. And the military doctor said to his colleague:

Give me his blood.

The surgeon twisted his finger at his temple:

Do you want two corpses?

I'm sure it will help, - said the military doctor, falling into oblivion.

Such an experiment has never been carried out anywhere else. And he succeeded. The deadly-pale face of the wounded man turned pink, his pulse recovered, he opened his eyes. After being discharged from the Gorky hospital No. 2793, the Saratov military doctor, whose name Elena Yakovlevna forgot, again went to the front. And Zaitseva, after the war, was surprised to learn that back in 1930, one of the most talented surgeons in the history of Russian medicine, Sergei Yudin, for the first time in the world, transfused the blood of a deceased person to his patient and helped him recover. This experiment was on long years classified, but how could a wounded military doctor find out about him? It remains only to guess.

Premonition did not deceive

We die alone. Nobody knows in advance when this will happen. But in the bloodiest massacre in the history of mankind, which claimed tens of millions of lives, in a mortal clash of good and evil, many felt their own and others' death. And this is not accidental: war sharpens the senses.

Fedor and Nikolai Solovyov went to the front from Vetluga. Their paths crossed several times during the war. Lieutenant Fyodor Solovyov was killed in the 45th in the Baltic. Here is what his elder brother wrote to his relatives about his death on April 5 of the same year: “When I was in their unit, soldiers and officers told me, Fedor was a faithful comrade. One of his friends, a foreman of the company, wept when he learned of his death. He said that the day before they talked, and Fedor admitted that this fight is unlikely to go well, he feels something unkind in his heart.

There are thousands of such examples. The political instructor of the 328th Infantry Regiment, Alexander Tyushev (after the war, he worked in the Gorky Regional Military Commissariat) recalled that on November 21, 1941, some unknown force forced him to leave the regiment's command post. And a few minutes later the command post covered a landmine. As a result of a direct hit, everyone who was there died.

In the evening, Alexander Ivanovich wrote to his relatives: “Our dugouts cannot withstand such shells ... 6 people were killed, among them commander Zvonarev, medical instructor Anya and others. I could be among them."

Alexander Tyushev in Berlin. May 1945.

front bikes

Before the war, Guards Sergeant Fyodor Larin worked as a teacher in the Chernukhinsky district of the Gorky region. He knew from the first days: they would not kill him, he would return home, but in one of the battles he would be injured. And so it happened.

Compatriot Larin, senior sergeant Vasily Krasnov, after being wounded, returned to his division. Caught a ride that was carrying shells. But suddenly Vasily was seized by a strange anxiety. He stopped the car and went on foot. The anxiety has let go. A few minutes later the lorry ran into a mine. There was a deafening explosion. There was essentially nothing left of the car.

And here is the story of the former director of Gaginskaya high school, front-line soldier Alexander Ivanovich Polyakov. During the war years, he participated in the battles near Zhizdra and Orsha, liberated Belarus, crossed the Dnieper, Vistula and Oder.

In June 1943, our unit was stationed southeast of Buda-Monastyrskaya in Belarus. They were forced to go on the defensive. Around - the forest. We have trenches, the Germans too. Either they go on the attack, or we.

In the company where Polyakov served, there was one soldier whom no one liked, because he predicted who would die when and under what circumstances. Predicted, it should be noted, quite accurately. At the same time, he spoke to another victim like this:

Write a letter home before they kill you.

That summer, after completing the assignment, scouts from a neighboring unit came to the company. The soothsayer soldier looked at their commander and said:

Write home.

The sergeant-major was told that the clouds had gathered over him. He returned to his unit and told the commander about everything. The regimental commander laughed and sent the foreman for replenishment to the deep rear. And it must be like this: a German shell accidentally hit the car on which the foreman was driving, and he died. Well, the seer was found on the same day by an enemy bullet. He could not predict his own death.

something mysterious

The places of bloody battles and mass graves are not accidentally considered by ufologists geopathic zones. Abnormal phenomena do happen here all the time. The reason is clear: there are many unburied remains, and all living things avoid these places, even birds do not nest here. It's really scary in these places at night. Tourists and search engines say that strange sounds are heard, as if from the other world, sounds, and indeed something mysterious is happening.

The search engines operate officially, but the “black diggers” who are looking for weapons and artifacts from the Great Patriotic War are at their own peril and risk. But the stories of both are similar. For example, where the Bryansk Front passed from the winter of 1942 to the end of the summer of 1943, what the hell is going on.

So, the word “black archaeologist” Nicodemus (this is his nickname, he hides his last name):

We set up camp on the banks of the Zhizdra River. They dug up a German dugout. Left the skeletons by the pit. And at night we hear German speech, the noise of tank engines. They were frightened outright. In the morning we see traces of caterpillars...

But who and why generates these phantoms? Maybe this is one of the warnings that we must not forget about the war, because a new, even more terrible one can happen?

Conversation with great-grandmother

You can either believe this or not. Nizhny Novgorod resident Alexei Popov lives in the upper part of Nizhny Novgorod, in the house where his parents, grandfathers and, possibly, even great-grandfathers used to live.

He is young and in business.

Last summer (2014 - approx.) Alexei went on a business trip to Astrakhan. I called my wife Natasha on the mobile phone from there. But for some reason her cell phone did not answer, and Alexei dialed the number of a regular apartment phone. The receiver was picked up, but a child's voice answered. Alexei decided that he was in the wrong place, and dialed the right number again. And the child answered again.

Call Natasha, - said Alexei, he decided that someone was visiting his wife.

I am Natasha, - the girl answered.

Alexey was confused. And the child was happy to communicate:

I'm scared. Mom is at work, I'm alone. Tell us what you do.

I am now standing at the window and looking at the lights of another city.

Just don't lie, - said Natasha. - In the cities now blackout. There is no electricity, Gorky is being bombed...

Popov was speechless.

Are you at war?

Of course the war is coming

The conversation was interrupted. And then it dawned on Alexei. In some incomprehensible way, he contacted his great-grandmother, whose name was Natalya Alexandrovna. How this could happen, he just can not understand.

Taken: Stepanov Sergey. Photo from the book “Not to be forgotten. Pages of Nizhny Novgorod history (1941-1945). Book Three, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgo-Vyatka book publishing house, 1995.

We all know how hard it is to Russian army because of the hazing there. Someone was simply beaten half to death, and someone was even driven to suicide. Grandfathers mock recruits and the saddest thing is that all this happens with the permission of the officers. Also, the situation with hazing is aggravated from year to year due to national hatred within the army. Read more creepy stories soldiers who became victims of hazing. Not for the faint of heart.

Anton Porechkin. Athlete, member of the Zabaikalsky Krai weightlifting team. He served on Iturup Island (Kurils), military unit 71436. On October 30, 2012, at the 4th month of service, he was beaten to death by drunken grandfathers. 8 blows with a sapper shovel, little was left of the head.

Ruslan Aiderkhanov. From Tatarstan. Drafted into the army in 2011, he served in military unit 55062 in the Sverdlovsk region. Three months later, he was returned to his parents like this:

Traces of beatings, an eye was knocked out, limbs were broken. According to the military, Ruslan caused all this to himself when he tried to hang himself on a tree not far from the unit.

Dmitry Bochkarev. From Saratov. On August 13, 2012, he died in the army after many days of sadistic bullying by his colleague Ali Rasulov. The latter beat him, forced him to sit for a long time on half-bent legs with his arms outstretched forward, striking him if he changed his position. Also, by the way, Sergeant Siviakov mocked Private Andrei Sychev in Chelyabinsk in 2006. Sychev then had both legs and genitals amputated, but he remained alive. But Dmitry was brought home in a coffin.

Before the army, Ali Rasulov studied at a medical school, so he decided to practice on Dmitry as a doctor: he cut out cartilage tissue from his nose with nail scissors, damaged during beatings, sewed up tears in his left ear with a utility needle and thread. “I don’t know what came over me. I can say that Dmitry annoyed me by not wanting to obey me,” Rasulov said at the trial.

Dmitry annoyed him by not wanting to obey...

Taking into account the fact that Rasulov conducted sadistic experiments on the victim for 1.5 months and tortured her to death, the sentence of the Russian court to the sadist should be considered ridiculous: 10 years in prison and 150 thousand rubles to the parents of the murdered. type compensation.

Alexander Cherepanov. From the village of Vaskino, Tuzhinsky district, Kirov region. Served in military unit 86277 in Mari El. In 2011, he was brutally beaten for refusing to deposit 1,000 rubles. on the phone of one of the grandfathers. Then he hanged himself in the back room (according to another version, he was hanged dead in order to simulate suicide). In 2013, Jr. would have been sentenced to 7 years in this case. Sergeant Peter Zavyalov. But not for murder, but under the articles "Extortion" and "Exceeding official powers."

Nikolai Cherepanov, the father of a soldier: “We sent such a son to the army, but they returned him to us ...”
Nina Konovalova, grandmother: "I began to put a cross on him, I see - he is covered in wounds, bruises, bruises, and his head is all broken ...". Ali Rasulov, cutting cartilage from Dima Bochkarev's nose, did not know "what came over me." And what happened to Peter Zavyalov, who for 1000 rubles. scored another Russian guy in the army - Sasha Cherepanov?

Roman Kazakov. From the Kaluga region In 2009 a recruit of the 138th motorized rifle brigade (Leningrad region) Roma Kazakov was brutally beaten by contractors. But apparently they overdid it. The victim lost consciousness. Then they decided to stage an accident. The soldier, they say, was asked to repair the car, and he died in the garage from exhaust gases. They put Roman in a car, closed it in the garage, turned on the ignition, covered the car with an awning to guarantee it... It turned out to be a gas wagon.

But Roman is not dead. Poisoned, fell into a coma, but survived. And after a while he spoke. For 7 months, the mother did not leave her son, who became disabled ...

Larisa Kazakova, mother of a soldier: "In the prosecutor's office, I met with Sergei Ryabov (this is one of the contract soldiers - ed.), and he said - I was forced to beat recruit soldiers. Battalion commander Bronnikov beat off my hands with a ruler, I have a criminal record, my conviction was not canceled until 2011, I could not act otherwise, and had to follow the order of the battalion commander ".

The case was closed, information about hematomas disappeared from the soldier’s medical documents, the car (evidence) suddenly burned down a month later. The contractors were fired, the battalion commander remained to serve further.

Roman Suslov. From Omsk. Drafted into the army on May 19, 2010. The photo below was taken at the train station before boarding the train. He had a son of one and a half years. I did not get to the place of service (Bikin, Khabarovsk Territory). On May 20, he told his family in SMS about bullying on the train by an officer and an ensign who accompanied the conscripts. On the morning of May 21 (on the second day in the army) he sent an SMS: "They will kill me or leave me disabled." May 22 - hanged himself (according to the military). There were marks of beatings on the body. Relatives demanded a re-examination of the causes of death. The military prosecutor's office refused.

Vladimir Slobodyannikov. From Magnitogorsk. Called up in 2012. Served in military unit 28331 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma (the same place in the Urals). At the very beginning of the service, he stood up for another young soldier who was being bullied. What caused the fierce hatred of grandfathers and officers. On July 18, 2012, after 2 months in the army, he called his sister and said: "Valya, I can't take it anymore. They will kill me at night. That's what the captain said." That same evening he hanged himself in the barracks.

Pechenga, Murmansk region 2013

200th motorized rifle brigade. Two Caucasians mock a Russian guy.

Unlike Caucasians, Russians, as always, are atomized. Not in solidarity. Rather, they themselves will mock the younger conscription than help someone in the lawlessness of national minorities. The officers also behave as they once did in the tsarist army. "Dogs and lower ranks are forbidden entry" signs hung in the parks of Kronstadt and St. Petersburg, i.e. the officers did not seem to consider themselves and the lower classes as one nation. Then, of course, the sailors, without regrets, drowned their nobles in the Gulf of Finland and cut them to pieces in 1917, but what has changed?

Vyacheslav Sapozhnikov. From Novosibirsk. In January 2013, he jumped out of the window of the 5th floor, unable to bear the harassment of the Tuvan community in military unit 21005 (Kemerovo region). Tuvans are a small people Mongoloid race in the south of Siberia. The current Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Shoigu S.K. - also a Tuvan.

I once heard an amazing scary story, let me tell you. It was in the army, we served on the border and, defending our homeland, we were sometimes very worried that there was no one to protect our personal life and property in civilian life. And then one day, during the next conversation, one fighter said, but I'm not afraid that someone will appropriate my apartment. No one will survive in my apartment except me, I tell you for sure. We immediately became interested in the whole crowd, how did he do it? And he told us a story from his life. Before the army, I was a merchant, doing various things, well, in general, there was a little money. Once I see an ad in the newspaper, an apartment is for sale, so cheap, I went and called, agreed with the owners of the apartment to see their apartment. We arrived with the owners at their apartment, I look and the apartment is normal, well, while they are selling it cheaper, I quickly bought it. I was not sober before the army closer to the night, they always brought me to my new apartment or I crawled to it on autopilot. I slept in it drunk to smithereens, my parents didn’t know anything, and in the morning I wake up with a hangover and immediately leave. It was very convenient, you can always have a drink and your parents will not know anything. But one day I got into a conversation with my flatmates and found out that many times they sold and resold my apartment at a cheap price, since there is a curse on this apartment, the tenants cannot live in it for a long time. And because of the notoriety that this apartment has, they always sell it at a cheap price. And guys, I always entered this apartment drunk to smithereens, immediately passed out, slept until the morning, immediately left in the morning, did not know anything and did not notice. But once I was not very drunk, but you won’t go home with an alcoholic smell either, and I went to my apartment. I lay down as usual on my bed, look at the window into which the moon shines, and suddenly I see. A young woman came to the window beautiful girl, looked out the window, combed her long hair and moved away from the window. There is no one in the apartment, I clearly saw, and this girl is visible only in the light of the moon, as soon as she enters the light of the moon it becomes visible, as soon as she leaves the light of the moon she is invisible. I fell asleep, and in the morning, after talking with my neighbors, I found out that a young girl committed suicide in this apartment a long time ago, she hanged herself. I went to my familiar grandmother, she understood these matters, I say so, they say, and so, I bought an apartment on the cheap and there is such a thing, what should I do? Grandma told me, in the afternoon, buy good food and set the table in the kitchen of this apartment, sit down to eat, tell this girl to sit down with you to eat together, treat her with respect. So I went, bought food as my grandmother taught, sat down at the table, invited the girl to eat with me, treated her with respect, nothing, silence, all for nothing. I think maybe I imagined a drunker girl, but in fact there is no girl at all. I came to my apartment at night, everything was calm, in general I fell asleep, and suddenly female voice tells me at night, so clearly, I liked the guy, live in this apartment, don’t be afraid of anything, I won’t touch you. I calmly came to this apartment, everything was fine, sometimes, rarely I talked to this girl. And when I left for the army, she told me at night, don’t be afraid for this apartment, this apartment will be yours, I won’t let anyone into this apartment except you, I will wait for you. And now I’m sitting here with you guys, and I’m not afraid that my apartment will be taken away, this girl will not let anyone live there except me) We all sat in thought after this story, how many guys were killed in Chechnya, Tajikistan, and if we sent and killed, so there is life after death? But then one fighter remembered his terrible life story, but more on that next time.
