Dream Interpretation - pregnancy in a dream: why dream of your pregnancy with a boy and a girl and the birth of a child for a married and unmarried, single girl, woman: interpretation of dreams. Why dream of your multiple pregnancy with twins and triplets? If you dream of pregnancy

If you interpret dreams in which the main event is the birth of a boy, then you need to remember who the owner of the dream is in real life. Young girls, after such a dream, should avoid all sorts of disputes. But, and if we consider why the birth of a boy is dreamed of by an adult lady, then here the dream promises financial well-being. The same applies to men.

The birth of a child is always a blessing. Of course, every woman wants to know the gender of her unborn child. But oddly enough, often on a subconscious level, the dreamer feels who will be born to her. It is for this reason that in a dream the birth of a boy may mark that in the near future a woman will have a son. By the way, such harbinger dreams can be dreamed not even by a pregnant woman, but only by those planning to conceive a baby. In this case, as a rule, they promise an early pregnancy, as well as quick and easy childbirth. If we consider such dreams from the other side, then the birth of a boy promises a person well-being and family happiness.

Girls who have not given birth and those who do not have husbands, after such a dream, should think about their position at work or soberly assess their behavior among other people. Also, the birth of a boy can promise a breakup with your soulmate.

Dreams with the birth of a boy are very often dreamed not only by women, but also by men. By the way, if the dreamer has a pregnant wife, this again indicates the birth of a son. But, and if a single man had such a dream, he should seriously take care of his health.

If the boy born in a dream is the son of a dreamer (whether a woman or a man), this is a harbinger of positive news concerning not only the owner of the dream, but also his relatives and friends. Plus, such a dream promises the immediate implementation of the plan. Dreams in which a boy is born to other people promise young people a carefree youth, as well as a positive charge from the life that they will live in bright colors. A dream in which the sleeper sees his birth in the face of a boy indicates that in real life this person is tired of carrying all the hardships of adult life on his shoulders, or others perceive this person as not yet a mature person. As for the actions of the owner of the dream, then all his attempts to change something in life to others will seem nothing more than real childishness.

A man who gives birth to a boy in a dream should expect wealth. The birth of a boy outside the hospital promises a pleasant journey. A dream with the birth of an illegitimate boy is interpreted negatively - this informs reality of a negative reputation and problems in communicating with people. Also, a dream about an unhealthy baby promises trouble. financial wealth portends a boy who spoke immediately after birth. A crying newborn boy all the time predicts small problems that are easily solved. See in a dream the birth of a calm and handsome boy means to experience some joyful event. If a boy immediately after birth stood on his feet, this becomes a harbinger of a long-awaited and necessary acquisition. The birth of a boy before the wedding in reality indicates that the dreamer should "take the bull by the horns", and not wait for everything to happen by itself.

The birth of a son loved one the dream book is interpreted as a warning about intrigues on the part of ill-wishers.

As practice shows, the birth of not only a boy, but also a girl in a dream speaks of a subconscious readiness for motherhood or fatherhood. This is especially true for dreams in which the birth of a child is accompanied by great joy.

According to most dream books, the birth of a boy is exclusively good sign promising success in many areas of life. This is a joyful harbinger not only for the clairvoyant, but also for his friends and relatives, so such dreams portend new plans, the implementation of which promises success.

A person has always been interested in something mystical and unknown, which is why the topic of dream interpretation has remained relevant for more than a dozen years. Today, there are a huge number of dream books for this. To use them, you should try to remember as many plot details and emotional stress as possible. In addition, it should be borne in mind that numerous dream books offer different interpretations of the same dream, so it is worth comparing the resulting transcripts with real life events.

Why dream of the birth of a boy?

Many dream books consider such a dream a good symbol, meaning that everything in family relationships will be fine. For those who want to get pregnant, the birth of a boy promises an early replenishment in the family. If a representative of the fair sex, who is in a position, sees a dream, this prophesies to her a good and quick birth. A dream about the birth of a boy's child before the wedding is an indication that you should protect your reputation. In some cases, such a dream is a harbinger of good news that will be related to close friends or relatives. It may also mean that new ideas and plans for the future will soon appear. The dream interpretation says that they should definitely be implemented, as they will give success.

A dream about the birth of a boy promises an improvement in business and work. You can count on significant success in matters in the financial sector. There is also information that such a dream is a recommendation that it is worth revising your life positions and re-arranging prerogatives. If a boy is born to a dreamer, it means that soon there will be a chance to radically change life and start everything from a clean face. It may also mean the fulfillment of cherished desire. Seeing the birth of a boy in a dream without any problems and complications is a good sign that predicts the retreat of troubles. If the birth was difficult, get ready for the aggravation of problems and the onset of the “black” streak.

If you are giving birth and a boy is born, it means that in the near future you will have to participate in a difficult task. Everything went well, which means that it will be possible to overcome all trials and problems. Another such plot may portend unexpected news from forgotten person. The interpretation of dreams about the birth of a boy depends on where exactly it happened. If the birth was at home, then you don’t have to worry, because everything will be fine in relations with loved ones, and there will be a full bowl in the house. Watching the birth of a boy in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected news. A dream about the birth of an unwanted child prophesies empty chores. Seeing the birth of a sick boy is a bad sign, meaning the approach of minor troubles and family scandals.

If you dream about the birth of a child of a boy and a girl, this is a good sign indicating that the right choice was made in life. It may also mean the existence of an imperious patron who will help in solving financial problems. Night vision, where two boys were born at once, promises wealth in the near future. It also means an increase in prestige. In some dream books, the birth of twins indicates that a career is the most important thing for you. this moment. For a girl going down the aisle, such a plot indicates a moral readiness to create a family. This interpretation is valid, if the birth brought joy, but if they caused discomfort, then it is worth putting off thoughts about the wedding for a while. Night vision, where the mother gave birth to a boy, indicates that she needs help and support in some important matter.

Dream Interpretation Birth, why dream of Birth in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why dream of Birth according to the dream book:

Seeing in a dream A child is born in a dream - the interpretation of sleep depends on the gender of the child born. If a child is born a boy: for a woman, such a dream means cloudless family happiness, for a man - prosperity and success in business. For a pregnant woman, a dream in which a boy is born means an easy birth.

Is a baby girl born in a dream? For women, this means material wealth, for men - the risk of losing money. For a young girl, such a dream is a warning that she should take care of her reputation.

A born child - when a man dreams of him - prosperity awaits him. The more children he sees, the better for him. A born child for a woman in marriage means that the time has come to conceive a child, you should not put it off indefinitely.

What is the dream of a newborn child for an elderly woman - pay attention to the state of your health, especially to the urinary-genital system.

French dream book Seeing Birth in a dream, why?

Interprets the dream book: What is the dream of birth - If you dream of the birth of a child, the dream will bring you and your home only happiness.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of Birth in a dream:

Birth - If you dream that you are having a child, this dream portends a happy improvement in your life circumstances, and it is possible that a beautiful child will indeed be born. If a young lady sees a dream about the birth of a baby even before the wedding, the dream warns her of the need careful attitude to their reputation and the protection of their dignity. A dream can portend good news, inheritance, etc.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff Why dream of Birth according to the dream book:

  • Birth - Birth is a sacred event that has ritual significance in all cultures of the world. And it is not surprising that it is closely related to one of Jung's archetypes - the Self, which gives life to another.
  • Since this is an archetypal image, there are many accompanying symbols associated with birth and life. The most significant are WATER and OCEAN. In many cultures, water is of vital importance. So, many women who guess about their (or someone else's) pregnancy dream of water. Here you can see the connection with the waters that depart during childbirth. The emergence of a new self from a cave or any closed space is how Jung's theory draws the moment of birth. In this sense, birth is not reduced to a purely biological act - it involves the emergence of additional facets of PERSONALITY or self-knowledge in real life.
  • According to Freud, dreams in which you return to a small room or cave symbolize the mother's womb. They can express your underlying desire to return to your MOTHER, to be fed by her, to hide in difficult situation under her wing. Since we were all once born, everyone has some opinion about this event. Life for us is a happy (positive) or unhappy (negative) being. In any case, our attitude to life leaves its mark on dreams about birth.
  • How does birth appear to the sleeper? A woman may have such a dream, either because she strongly desires it, or, on the contrary, is very afraid. IN this case medical, social and sexual factors play an important role. Perhaps there are some moral, religious or medical indications, according to which pregnancy for a woman is desirable or, on the contrary, dangerous. Let's compare two examples: a young sexually active woman suppresses her desires for moral and religious reasons, and a woman who wants to, but cannot become pregnant. In this case, the cause of childbirth - or lack thereof - may be an act that caused a feeling of guilt.
  • Women who dream of childbirth with a favorable outcome affirm not only the fact of birth, but also their archetype of a woman. They meet the requirements of their gender and are able to perform the function of childbearing, traditionally inherent in the female gender. Fearing to sound like a discriminator, I would like to point out the fact that to some extent we all perceive both men and women as representatives of different sexes with their strong and weaknesses and potentially different possibilities. This is what makes an archetype an archetype.

Vedic dream book Dream Interpretation: Birth to see in a dream

Why dream about birth - If an unmarried woman dreams that she has given birth to a child, then this indicates imminent debauchery. For a married girl, such a dream prophesies a successful birth.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The birth of a child, giving birth - For a man to see - new successful plans, undertakings, deeds, ideas, opportunities. For a woman, why dream of a birth is the desire to have a child. To give birth herself, to give birth is a dispute for a girl, joy and achievement of a goal for a woman. Seeing your birth is a happy outcome, life successes.

Dream interpretation give birth to a boy

Why dream of giving birth to a boy in a dream from a dream book?

A dream about the birth of a boy is a favorable sign. For women, it promises family happiness; for a pregnant woman, it portends an easy birth. A young girl can count on a carefree life, and a man will be able to achieve prosperity.

To give birth to a son for a pregnant woman means success in business, a favorable resolution of existing problems and difficulties.

Who dreamed of the birth of a boy?

Husband dreamed that his wife gave birth to a son

Why does a husband dream that his wife gave birth to a son? This dream speaks of his concern for his betrothed. He is impatiently waiting for a child and deep down he dreams more about a boy.

A pregnant woman dreams that she gave birth to a boy

The dream interpretation considers the birth of a boy for a pregnant woman as a good omen. Soon there will be a joyful event that will inspire and give energy.

What boy was born in a dream?

To give birth in a dream to a beautiful boy

They gave birth to a beautiful boy in a dream - a good sign. In business, expect a productive outcome and success. In the financial sector, everything will also be great.

I dreamed that they gave birth to a dead boy

She dreams about how they gave birth to a dead boy - despite the terrible plot, the vision is extremely positive. It promises the completion of unpleasant deeds and the end of the fuss.

How do other dream books interpret?

Miller's dream book

Why dream that she gave birth to a boy?

There is a belief that seeing a girl in a dream is surprising, and a boy is a profit. This, of course, is true, but not everything is so simple. In order to get a full interpretation of sleep, you need to take into account all its features, since it is they that contain detailed prediction tips.

In a man's dream, to note that the wife gave birth to a boy is undoubtedly a profit. However, if a woman is pregnant and married couple expects replenishment in the family soon, then such a dream can predict that a girl will be born in real life. The meaning of dreams also depends on how the newborn looks. For example, if a baby is beautiful and healthy, and evokes pleasant feelings, then in reality there will be positive changes in fate. In the event that he appearance causes hostility, this is a sign that a problem period will soon have to go through. If the newborn is noisy and capricious, and the sleeper cannot calm him down in any way, this indicates that he will soon have to deal with people who do not heed any persuasion. Rocking a baby in a dream, to the upcoming pleasant worries about your household.

In the process of solving a dream, all its details should be taken into account. It is important to note whether it is dark or light in the room where the newborn is located, what sounds are heard, what the mother of the baby and the baby himself look like. All this will tell you what events to expect in the future.

If the sleeper is nursing a child, and it's time to change his diapers, but he can't find clean and dry ones, this portends a betrayal by his loved one in the near future. If a woman who does not yet have children sees in a dream that she has given birth to a healthy boy, it means that something will surprise her soon. Recognizing your child in a newborn is a sign that soon the sleeping child will greatly surprise him. Whether this surprise will be pleasant can be determined by the feelings that a person experienced in a dream. If he was touched by a baby, then in reality the pranks of his child will cause an outburst of anger and irritation. Seeing a newborn boy trying to get out of diapers means that soon the sleeping person will have to get out of a difficult situation. If the baby is freed from the bonds, then the dreamer will succeed too.

If an aged woman sees that she has given birth to a beautiful boy and is caring for him, the dream indicates that the lady will soon meet a young man who will be much younger than her. Here it is desirable to pay attention to the color of the hair and skin of the baby. If they are dark, then the woman's new companion will be dark-haired. To give birth in a dream to a strong healthy baby, which significantly exceeds the size of an ordinary normal newborn, portends good profit, fame and respect. If a baby is surrounded by his numerous relatives who admire him, it means that soon there will be significant changes for the better. If the baby pulls his hands to the sleeping person in a dream, this is a sign that he will soon meet a person of the opposite sex who will reach out to the sleeping person with all his heart.

If the sleeper hears the newborn "gurgling", it means that in the near future there will be good news. Seeing a dead baby in a dream means that the important business that the sleeper started will be extremely unsuccessful and bring only losses.

In order for a woman to understand why she is dreaming that she gave birth to a boy, you need to pay attention to all the details of the dream. If the situation in a dream is pleasant, the bright sun is shining outside the window, and the baby is beautiful and strong, then everything will turn out well in the sleeping life.

Why dream of being pregnant and having a baby? girl???


Vera Kriulkina

The girl is amazing. You will probably surprise yourself)

Elvira Trio

I don't know, but I'm dreaming myself. Although there are no children and there are no obvious applicants for fathers ((
And the Internet says: "To see in a dream how a girl was born means that in the near future she is waiting
well-being and joyful moments. If several were born at once
babies are a symbol of success in business, you can start everything you plan without
concerns. If the birth was too difficult and painful, then perhaps
intentions will fail. In general, giving birth in a dream is a symbol of birth.
new ideas, new beginnings. Such a dream gives hope for the beautiful
future. For men, such a dream is very successful. The more born
babies in front of him, the more happiness awaits him. For girls, such a dream -
a warning against unnecessary connections, one should not take it lightly
this. If a woman in a dream sees how she gives birth to a girl, with such a dream to
the arrival of a newborn in her life. And if in a dream it's bright
rejoiced at this event, then in reality successful situations will occur,
which cannot be missed. If such a dream is seen by a young
girl, before her own wedding, then this is a warning that you need to be
be more careful. If in a dream the birth of a child, a girl,
happened easily enough, it means that soon it will be possible to shift
part of the responsibility on other people. "


to your great joy))) to your surprise))) in general, it’s possible you just think, that’s what you’re dreaming of))

Ekaterina Novikova

Pregnancy is a powerful sign. Most often, such a dream carries positive information for the one who dreams. It means change, the beginning of a new life, business success, some unexpected profit, joy. Very often it can mean a real quick pregnancy. Childbirth in a dream has many different meanings, which often cannot be summarized under one general characteristics. Childbirth in a dream means great difficulties in completing a very important matter. To give birth in a dream - to be disappointed in love relationships. A woman who sees herself pregnant will soon receive a lucrative offer. If a woman dreams that she has begun giving birth, she will soon find a way out of a difficult financial situation. A pregnancy test is often dreamed of by those who dream of having a baby. If an unmarried girl sees a pregnancy test in her dream, she should be careful during intercourse. Pregnancy girlfriend means chores. If chaste girls see themselves with a belly, then they will soon be matched. If a girl takes birth in a dream, a marriage proposal awaits her soon. Seeing a woman in labor - to difficulties in family life. A miscarriage dreams of disrupting plans for the future. If a pregnant woman sees a miscarriage, she should pay more attention to her health. A newborn baby means global changes in your personal life or work. Movements in the womb can signal that you are paying too little attention to your work. Pregnancy with a boy means a change of residence, a long trip.
If you dream that you are pregnant with a girl, a miracle awaits you. Someone powerful will show you his favor. It is possible to receive an inheritance or win the lottery. To give birth to a boy is a big fuss, trouble. The birth of a girl is a miracle. The afterbirth means ardent amorousness, changes in sexual life. Feel the contractions that women in labor feel - to health problems. When men see themselves pregnant, this is good. Such a dream promises a solution litigation in their favor. This dream is also favorable for those who are going to serve in a government house (soldiers, policemen). For such people, a dream portends a salary increase, career advancement. If a man sees his wife with a belly, such a dream promises profit for him. A man sees labor pains for an unexpected solution to complex issues; in general, such a dream promises him long-term material well-being. An unmarried man who dreamed of a pregnant woman should prepare for the good news, perhaps a new, interesting business awaits him. If older people see such a dream, they should take more care of their health. Children see their mother with a tummy in a dream, either to replenish the family, or to

Ira Ira

Your plans that you have been hatching for a long time will unexpectedly come true and bring profit

Maria Ivanova

Your plans are being realized, in some miraculous way that will surprise you. That's what your dream is for.

Anna Sokolova

To see in a dream how a girl was born means that in the near future she is waiting for
well-being and joyful moments.

Alexander Bronnikov

It means you get pregnant and give birth. a prophetic dream


to the diva the girl is dreaming

Pregnancy and the birth of a boy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Hello. In your case, this is a reflection of current thoughts and experiences. Good decisions and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant relative

The dreamer in this dream is not ready to burden herself with Extra personal concerns that will put her in an uncomfortable position in front of people. The one-year-old Daughter, just, says that the Dreamer has enough worries already. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

Perhaps your dream suggests that your relationship with a young man will begin its new round will move to another phase. Dreams about pregnancy and childbirth often symbolize some long-awaited events, new beginnings, predict the fulfillment of hopes. So, in any case, your dream is a good change.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

You at least reported your age and said: are you ready for a child. But okay, with regard to what you described, it clearly shows that your child is desired, therefore, there is a possibility that his dad - your young man - loves you very much. I mean that your boyfriend is very serious about you, and you about him. You understand that having a child is a very important step in the life of every couple. You and your young man are clearly aware now that your relationship is very strong and stable, and such a dream can confirm this. (of course, if you are not actually going to have a baby).

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant

You are waiting for interesting opportunities in life, a new business that you really want to do. And at the same time, you yourself want to feel the birth of a person, and most of all you want a boy. All the best to you and your stranger.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant

Such a dream promises you future profit, the acquisition of something valuable to you.

Dream Interpretation - A pregnant woman sewed a skirt for me

Such a dream is a dream of changes in life. Wearing or looking at your new, beautiful coat is exceptional luck in fulfilling your desires; To understand that someone else's coat is on you is a difficult situation in which you turn to friends for support; To dream of someone else's pregnant woman and take something from her hands, in your case a skirt (gray with lace and you remain dissatisfied) to unpleasant events, unwanted pregnancy, your losses in favor of others. You write: "But on the whole, not bad ..." - it means that events in general will not upset you very much or will pass by without causing any special problems, so you should not worry, but just be more careful with yourself. Moreover, the "new outfit" offered by fate is still too large ("... I remain not very satisfied, because I asked for it narrower, but this one is too free on me!")

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

It has nothing to do with real pregnancy. Pregnancy is a problem, a question, a matter, an event that drags on for more than one month and does not find a logical end, but when you see childbirth, it means the time has come for her to decide, and she decides, if the boys were born, then it’s very successful for you, if the girls are very surprised solution, if both sexes were, it's even better. You will find an amazing solution. It is very possible that a new relationship will begin with this man if there are no other lingering unresolved problems.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

Childbirth is like meeting with this man, the beginning of a relationship ... Relationships are still at the very initial stage, but everything is in your hands ...

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy ... ex-husband

Receive amazing news for you (a coffin in a dream), which will slow down the solution (Pregnancy in a dream) of the issue, the situation about which you receive news, is associated either with someone with an old event (from the past), or with a person from your past ( husband who was in a dream), but I would not associate a dream with him, although this cannot be ruled out



I dreamed about how I gave birth all alone, reclining in front of a mirror, gave birth to a healthy boy myself without complications. I myself wiped his nose, he was all dirty, held him in my arms) I didn’t see his face or don’t remember him, but he was healthy and large in length Please explain what this dream is for.


Hello Tatiana. I remember a dream from the moment of contractions and that I am already giving birth. moreover, it is possible even at home. childbirth, there was no pain, maybe a little water or mucus. in a dream, these details were dispensed with. a boy of some "golden-wheat" color was born. everything went so quickly and easily that I gave birth to him standing upright, putting my hand up and, as it were, took him and looked at him. he was very small, I began to clean his mouth so that he could breathe. all of a sudden there were professionals nearby. they said that the baby is healthy and weighs 1.5 kg, there were no clarifications. I accepted that it was, I accepted it. During what was happening, I did not suffer or suffer already ... in parallel, the memories of the birth of my daughter were superimposed, i.e. in a dream about real life events. my husband was still there. felt his empathy for the situation. Tatyana, please interpret the dream for me as cheerfully as possible. Thanks in advance)))


I was not pregnant yet, and tonight I dreamed about how I give birth easily and they show me my baby boy and give me hands, I experienced incredible happiness in a dream


I don’t remember the whole dream .. but the accident remained in my memory, the woman giving birth and I, in the role of an obstetrician, saw blood, the birth itself, later I saw a newborn boy in my arms


For the second time I have a dream ... ..
In a dream, I am pregnant with my second child. The first birth was a caesarean (in reality). With the second birth, they were going to have a caesarean, but the contractions started ahead of time, and before I could reach the midwife, I gave birth to a boy very quickly, but painfully.


I give birth to two boys, in a transparent room with a doctor. I tell the doctor that we were expecting one boy, and two were born ... after giving birth, I wash my face with scarlet blood ...


I gave birth to a boy. I was surprised that the birth was very easy and it didn’t even hurt, but I was a little upset because I thought that the girl would be born named him Nikita, and my mother really asked me to name him after my grandfather Gena and I was confused about what to me do because I didn’t want to call my son that, but my mother was also offended by my refusal of her request


I dreamed that I was giving birth to a boy, he was born all red in the blood, the ex-husband and the current were nearby civil husband. I remember a big belly and did an enema.


I dreamed ... that I myself gave birth to a boy. no one was around. I couldn't cut the umbilical cord and it broke off. I howled very painfully ... then I had a lot of blood on my hands on the dress, for some reason in my mother's old one. I went to look for my boyfriend covered in blood ... to tell .. and called an ambulance.


we came to my parents with my husband to get a job. I’m not pregnant, but contractions started at night and I gave birth to a boy without pain (just like going to the toilet). I cried because the doctors diagnosed infertility and my husband hugged me joyfully. the hands of my son.


Good afternoon My name is Anna.
Today I dreamed of a very easy birth of a boy, a large one. And also in a dream a very beautiful repair of the kitchen was made.
I'm waiting for your comments.
What is the cost of your services?


I didn’t see the birth itself, but I pressed the boy, I saw him kissing him in reality .. and I know that I gave birth to him from a man with whom I now live and my ex-husband does not allow me to see him. (.. although he is now married and everything is fine with him that marriage) and as a result it was stolen in a dream at my request by a friend.


Hello Tatiana! The fact is that today I had a very realistic dream, which was not there before. The whole dream, unfortunately I can’t remember, but the most basic thing is the following. I am in a position and walking down the street, suddenly I suddenly start to have pains and somehow I already find myself in a prone position. Then everything happens as if in reality, pain, attempts (saying reality, I mean approximately, because I did not give birth). And at the end of this they tell me that I gave birth to a boy, although for some reason I was expecting a girl. On my question "Why?" And with the same cry, I wake up.


Birth of a boy, in the hospital, a beautiful baby, with blue eyes and blond hair, childbirth was without water, but with blood, independent, walked to the maternity hospital


I already have a child - a girl of 2 years. During time B, I never dreamed of pregnancy, childbirth, fish and other things that are usually interpreted as Pregnancy. I have already dreamed 2 times that they tell me that I am pregnant with a boy, or I am holding a lump of small, indefinite something in my arms and I know that this is my boy. Yesterday I dreamed that I was giving birth in the car, in the back seat. I didn’t feel pain, I only remember it was unpleasant when the obstetrician made incisions in my womb so that the child would pass. And a pretty boy was born. And the first B was a cesarean. We have mystical things in our family, such as prophetic dreams. I would like another child and even ready for a boy, although in 1 B I was categorically against M and knew that there would be a girl - maybe it's just like an obsessive thought turned into a dream? I already have before my eyes the second B of relatives on the side of my husband is passing. Maybe I foresee who will be born to them, or just because of a pregnant woman, I began to dream about this. My husband and I have a PPA, and there have never been any failures, even B we planned and it happened.


On the night of 06/07/2015 I had a dream where I had already given birth to a boy. He is about 8 months old, bald, named Vanya. I dream about putting it in a stroller. But in a dream there is some kind of anxiety, probably due to the fact that she is alone in a dream, without her parents and husband. Now I don't have a boyfriend


I dreamed at the 7th month that my twin boy gave birth to a large one, and the second one woke up in me. one baby on ultrasound but the gender is not visible.


Hello! I dreamed today how I was giving birth to a child, I felt how he was coming out ...... and I saw his head. I gave birth very easily. A beautiful boy) blond with green eyes) then I started breastfeeding him. (I am not pregnant myself) Olga, 35 years old. Thank you)


I saw my birth in a dream. before that, I got up and felt that my baby turned over in my stomach. after that, childbirth began. mother took them. gave birth quickly .... kissed him ... started talking to him, he grew up very quickly and stopped for about 18 years ... I saw him off on a date)))) I'm not married .. Also in a dream my aunt was also pregnant.




Hello Tatyana. I had this wonderful dream all night today. As if I became pregnant and gave birth to a son myself, my husband also helped to take delivery. The dream was pleasant, but in reality we want a daughter (not yet pregnant). How can we understand this dream? Help us!!!


i dreamed that I was pregnant, but my stomach was very small, then I went to the toilet and saw how the baby’s head was climbing, then childbirth and a little boy was born and his hair was dark, but then when they brought him to me, it seemed to me that his age was more than was born


I saw from the beginning that I was pregnant, then I gave birth to a boy quickly, he smiled at me. his young man that he is leaving me


I dreamed that I was pregnant, I was about to give birth, but for some reason I didn’t have time to go to the hospital and gave birth at home, by myself, without anyone’s help. I clearly remember that the child was like a real newborn, a boy, I remember the umbilical cord, I didn’t cut it, because I didn’t know how. then went to the hospital. Then I already saw a little more boy, and he was talking, I was still surprised in a dream that the baby was talking

I give birth to a lily in a blanket and scream like a child:

I give birth to a child, I don’t reach the table. And the birth takes place on a chair.. I give birth to him in a blanket and shout to the woman about it. That a child is born. And now he was born a boy and he smiles at me in clothes. A child in a green blouse


Good afternoon I'm in a position right now, for a short time. A couple of days ago I dreamed that I was on the beach, the waves barely touched my legs, and my son was in my arms, aged 1.5-2 years old ... .. And today I dreamed that I was in the birth room. The doctor is nearby, says - "Well, all the waters have broken, we will give birth now!" And I give birth without much pain to a boy, the doctor tells me the sex of the child .... and then he says, "So good! Now we are having a second one! . And at that moment I woke up, that is, I kind of knew that I had two boys, but I didn’t see the process of giving birth to my second child .... In a dream, I was happy, although not much scared, the birth was easy and painless ... ..


I was supposed to give birth to a woman and a cat, but suddenly I began to give birth myself, the waters went away and contractions started, I started collecting to the hospital, nothing was collected, I didn’t see the birth itself, but a son was supposed to be born


i dreamed that I was giving birth to a boy and I wanted to call to tell the news, but I didn’t catch the connection and I couldn’t get through to anyone ... then I wake up abruptly.


that I’m pregnant in the hospital, I have a stomach. The doctor gave me an injection, my mother dreamed of giving birth and told me that I should give birth today. there was a pregnant woman near the forest.


I give birth on the bed at my mother’s house, first a boy, then a girl. Then I see a girl on her chest, very beautiful, with long eyelashes and light brown eyes


Hello! I dreamed about the process of giving birth to a child, I gave birth to a boy and naturally, even without the help of doctors, some unfamiliar two girls came and helped me, then they took the child away!


I dreamed about childbirth from the moment that they tell me that it will be the most difficult to give birth. They turn me on my stomach and make an incision, and at that moment my mother’s voice (I don’t see her) says that this is normal, that it will be even better and easier this way. I give birth easily and without pain, they sew me up and they say that I can get up and go to the ward with the baby. There is a double bed in the ward and nothing else. I know that I need to feed my son, but I put off feeding to change his clothes. And he is no longer a newborn, he already looks like 4 months old. I am confused, whether to swaddle him, or put on ordinary clothes, and he seems to be telling me what to wear. I dress him, take him in my arms and clearly see his face and think that he looks like me, but my father's eyes. I put it on the bed and then my girlfriend calls me, congratulates me and invites me to go for a walk. I look at the child and think that while he is sleeping, you can unwind. My friends come for me and we go towards my mother's house, and I think for myself that the girls will generally think that I left my son like that and left to ride. And then the thought jumps up that I haven’t fed him yet and my chest seemed to fill with lead. I ask to be taken back to the hospital, I run into the ward and the dream ends


my stomach got very sick, I called my mother, I told her it seems I am giving birth. although it's impossible


I am pregnant by my ex-husband. We talk to him, I ask him, are you sure that I need to give birth. He says yes, I will help. I choose you. And I give birth very quickly and easily to a boy


Hello, I dreamed that it was spring, Easter, we came to the temple and after the service I started giving birth, but how. it’s unusual. It’s as if I started to stir in my stomach, and then the child tore the skin of my stomach, and went out into the arms of a friend who was next to me. A child. I immediately cried, then the doctor appeared and said that everything was fine and I woke up on this. I also remember how I held him in my arms.


hello, I had a dream that I live with a guy after I gave birth to a boy. he was thin, but big enough for a baby. then everything was as usual, my breast didn’t have milk, my sister advised me to press, milk appeared and I started to feed the baby, after that guests came to me and we were going for a walk with children, and my boy played like a cat with a carpet, jumped under him and on him, I lay him on his back; outwardly he is a child, but inwardly a kitten, what is it for?


Hello Tatiana!
Tonight I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, I was very glad that this was a son, because. in our family Lately only girls are born. The birth was so clear, it was easy, I saw the placenta, the umbilical cord. The birth itself did not take place in a hospital, but in some apartment or hotel, and then I looked for a hospital with a newborn so that the doctors examined me and the child, they redirected me there from office to office, then someone took me. Then the picture changed, I met a friend from my previous place of work, I left the hospital and walked along the road, where there were a lot of cars and I still remember that it was winter outside. I don't remember the rest of the details.

If in a dream you seem to have had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If the boy was born to someone else, such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reason to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts a dual position for you, when you will seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. To beat a boy in a dream or to punish is a waking warning to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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The birth of a child is always associated with joy, so in most cases, a dream about pregnancy has good value, it portends profit, creative growth, transition to a new life stage. Why dream of being pregnant in a dream? Dream Interpretations decipher this dream in different ways, taking into account different nuances.

Why dream of your girlfriend's pregnancy

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means that the young girl is ready to start a family, it’s time for her to get married, become a wife and mother. It is a symbol of the transition from youth to adulthood. Perhaps this promises her a new man who will beautifully look after, and the relationship will be long. Often such a dream tells a girl about problems with her soulmate. It is time for her to look at her partner from the other side, to think about possible changes.

Why dream of pregnancy married girl? If a girl is sexually active, then a dream about pregnancy symbolizes her anxieties about an unwanted child. She'd better find out with a pharmacy test. If a girl is already pregnant, and she will soon give birth, then a dream about pregnancy portends her pleasant chores and worries. By esoteric dream book the main meaning is losses, losses, and books compiled “according to Vanga’s recommendations” warn the girl against betrayal and lies on the part of her chosen one.


Why does a married girl dream about pregnancy? Often it is filmed by adults, family women. If you dreamed of pregnancy in a dream, then she is waiting for the fulfillment of desires or early motherhood. For a pregnant woman, Vanga's dream book promises the appearance of twins. If you dream of a woman in a position with a big belly, then this is success in business, prosperity. For those who have a husband, the dream has the opposite meaning according to Miller's dream book: he warns against marriage failures, quarrels with her husband, disobedient children. A woman of advanced age is waiting for a serious illness, and a very sick woman - a quick death.

Why dream of a girl being pregnant

Sleep is the fruit of our subconscious, which is formed by our many thoughts. Why dream of your own pregnancy as a girl? If a woman in an “interesting position” dreamed of being pregnant with a girl, then it will be so, she will soon have a daughter. And if a girl is not pregnant, but feels a child in her stomach, then the dream portends her unexpected joy, which she will soon experience in reality. Our grandmothers believed - if a child is dreaming, expect a miracle, a miracle, joy.


The people's advice is simple: to see a boy in a dream is good, you will have a successful completion of projects and transactions. Why does a woman dream of her own pregnancy as a boy:

  1. Seeing this in a dream means a possible car accident.
  2. According to other dream books, the birth of a boy portends important changes. Wait for the event that will change your life.
  3. The boy - the future man - a symbol of strength, determination, rage. Perhaps the girl will have a situation that she can solve only with a lot of effort.


To see such a dream for an unmarried girl is the upcoming grief, loss, deceit. For married woman twins - a messenger of pleasant troubles. A dream promises family happiness. A lonely girl who dreamed of twins needs to be extremely prudent - in real life, slander and notoriety can await her. What is the dream of a pregnant twin man? If a husband dreamed of a woman waiting for twins, he is “threatened” with a big profit - twice as significant as the one he expects.

Why does a virgin dream of pregnancy

Find out why a virgin dreams about pregnancy. Such a dream is symbolic and indicates that the young girl is ripe for sexual relations, her female strength wakes up, her physical attraction to men, her readiness to become a mother. A dream has a bad meaning for a sick girl - her condition may worsen. If events are accompanied by negative emotions, experiences, then the young lady will face difficulties in her personal life. A girl can be condemned by other people for indiscriminate ties with the opposite sex.

Why dream of pregnancy and childbirth

Success, wealth, successful completion of a business transaction - this is what a girl dreams about pregnancy and childbirth. Young people, if they see their big belly in a dream or give birth, will soon get married. For women with a family - happiness in the house, the possible birth of a child, pride in their children. For an elderly woman, this does not bode well - the collections predict her illness. If the sleeping person is a man, then his own childbirth is a sign of success, prosperity, but for this, according to the esoteric dream book, he will need to make a lot of efforts.


Figure out what a woman in position dreams of. Sleep is associated with worries about the upcoming birth. The expectant mother sees her belly during the ultrasound procedure, which means she is worried about the health of the baby. Do not worry, childbirth will be easy! If you are not pregnant, then the dream portends prosperity, success at work, business. And sick people who have seen an ultrasound scan will expect an improvement in their condition, a quick recovery.


In dream books you can find different interpretation this dream. Some warn against rash acts, which may be followed by the loss of a good reputation. Others portend happy changes, and the more painful the birth, the more significant the changes in life will be. Why dream of pregnancy and contractions in men? This indicates that in reality he paid little attention to some business, he is tormented by a feeling of incompleteness. A man needs to give more strength, then everything will be successful.

According to Miller's dream book, being pregnant in a dream, feeling promises unexpected good changes in life, pleasure, new acquaintances. Analysis of a dream according to Freud could reveal that in reality the sleeping person is worried about the upcoming fateful meeting with a life partner. A psychological dream book portends a solution to a problem that for a long time tormented you. Vanga advises to rethink life position, to begin a new life.


Symbolizes a missed opportunity. Some situation, suggestion could solve your problem or change your life. Why dream of pregnancy and abortion? Perhaps you are planning an important event, you are worried about an upcoming important meeting or a deal that could fall through. In this case, you need to be more attentive and calm, then everything will go well. Don't do things that could make your life or the lives of others worse.

Frozen pregnancy

Be prepared to solve problems at home or at work. Why dream? Subconsciously, you are afraid of something, you are worried, you don’t know how to get out of a difficult situation. Perhaps you have a chance to change your life, get new job, to change the place of residence, and because of fears you did not take advantage of this opportunity. Deal with your psychological limitations, get rid of anxiety, fear. If you can't deal with your feelings on your own, ask a psychologist for help. The main thing is not to suppress your emotions.

Ectopic pregnancy

A very unpleasant dream, which can mean minor problems and quarrels. Why is a woman or a man dreaming? This is almost direct advice: everything can be solved if be patient and you will behave with restraint. It is better to remain silent, even if your interlocutor is not right, otherwise the situation will worsen even more. For your patience you will soon be rewarded, good news, the opportunity to change lives, start a new business.

Why dream of being pregnant with a dead child

Do not rush to be upset, this does not portend any trouble. A child is a symbol of life, and a dead child is a farewell to the past, a meeting of a new life. A dead baby portends cardinal changes, changes in your real life. Why dream of being pregnant with a dead child if the girl is really “in position”? There is nothing to fear, the birth will go well, and the woman in labor will be able to rely on the support of close relatives. If you already have children, then the dream means that you control your children too much, they need to be given more freedom.


Interpreting what pregnancy is dreaming of, the dream book deciphers incredible images and intricate plots. Not out of idle curiosity: signs in a dream warn, reassure, help in preparing for a new social role. Allegorical symbolism will tell about the nature of the coming changes.

Dream about pregnancy

Interpretations of dream books, as the symbol tells, are allegorical. The images in a dream personify the birth of an idea, a change in worldview, the beginning of friendly, romantic, business relationships. This is the harbinger of the start of learning, creative project, acquisitions.

The sign also warns that the conception has already successfully taken place, reflects desire get pregnant or become the father of a little man.

Miller's concerns

Miller's interpretations of what pregnancy means in a dream do not sound very optimistic. The famous psychologist prophesies a lonely lady an unsuccessful marriage and problematic heirs. Compromising circumstances lie in wait for the young dreamer.

Miller's dream book offers a positive forecast for a sleeping woman who is really expecting a baby. The vision promises that childbirth will be easy, nothing will overshadow the joy of motherhood.

Vanga's prediction

Interpreting why the pregnancy was seen, the clairvoyant Vanga draws attention to family status dream heroines and gender:

  • It is desirable for an unmarried woman to take care of her reputation;
  • Signs of pregnancy promise a legal wife many children;
  • A stranger on demolitions symbolizes profit;
  • A woman in labor in a dream promises a solution to the problem;
  • If a man dreamed about the image, he is seriously in love.

Collection of dream books

In the Muslim dream book, the wife's pregnancy portends prosperity and encouraging news. For a virgin, her own rounded belly promises marriage, for a man prosperity, for a grandmother, malaise.

The dream book of Nostradamus considers the symbol a harbinger of losses. The erotic interpreter believes that a man who becomes pregnant in a dream has difficulty in intimate communication. The lady has a stormy romance ahead.

What does surprise mean

The latest dream book will help you figure out what an unexpected pregnancy means. An unplanned event takes young and old by surprise even in a dream. Why dream of such phenomena?

If you happen to see the seashore, swim, motherhood will be a joy. RybnNews can mean an extraordinary independent act contrary to the wishes of loved ones. This is a call to make important decisions at your own discretion. Intuition is a reliable adviser, although it is permissible to listen to the words of others.

Young and early

Early pregnancy is identified with unforeseen circumstances, the culprits of which are often the sleepers themselves. Your behavior threatens to overwhelm those around you.

A pregnant teenager appears in a dream on the eve of an immoral spectacle, a choice is to be made on how to respond to disgrace. The young lady, upset by what is happening, portends a strong excitement, which will turn out to be unfounded.

It's never too late

late pregnancy in mature years, which was clearly not planned, calls to protect the reputation: getting rid of slander is not easy. This is not the only explanation why she dreams that the elderly intends to become a mother.

A sign in a dream opens up new horizons, tempting prospects. Careful planning is one of the conditions for success. A dream that has long been classified as unrealizable can suddenly come true.

See how dreams come true

Hasse's dream book will help you find out when it happens to see pleasant moments. If in night dreams the chosen one gives an engagement Golden ring, a wonderful son will be born.

If you happen to see the seashore, swim, motherhood will be a joy. Fishing portends pregnancy, and if it has already taken place in reality, there will be an improvement in living conditions, the purchase of expensive equipment.

Missed pregnancy

Dream Interpretations will help you find out why an unsuccessful pregnancy was seen: intentional interruption or loss of a child.

  1. If you dreamed of an abortion, in reality think over every act;
  2. Interruption happens as a sign of renunciation of the innermost;
  3. Did you get rid of the fetus in a dream? A quarrel will lead to a break;
  4. If a dead man is born, the business will fail;
  5. You give someone an abortion - to your own conception.

I dreamed who would be born

If a pregnant woman dreamed of her real condition, English dream book promises that twins will be born. If the sex of the newborn is clearly indicated in a dream, this is a shifter: the girl dreamed of the birth of her son and vice versa.

If a woman dreamed that she was carrying not a human cub, but an animal or a mythical creature, promiscuity ahead, adultery that could not be hidden, exposing past secrets.

See another pregnant

The esoteric dream book explains in detail why it was necessary to see someone else's pregnancy. The greater the degree of kinship, the more significant the dream.

  • A daughter in anticipation of a baby symbolizes a new beginning;
  • A demolition niece promises important, but unprofitable events;
  • Aunt personifies the solution of domestic issues;
  • The daughter-in-law portends profit;
  • The rival reflects anxiety for the strength of the marriage;
  • Mom's tummy warns of ailments.

Figurative meaning

Modern dream interpreters associate the meaning of the symbol with business ideas. You should not hesitate, otherwise competitors or smart colleagues will get ahead of you. Pregnancy is associated with career and social take-off, creative upsurge, financial success.

Unexpected income is possible: the return of a forgotten debt, a win, a valuable find. Children or younger relatives will please, positive changes are expected in the family.

Interpretation of sensations

In a dream, it matters what the sleeping person feels. Interpretations may vary depending on the trimester. The first is characterized by anxiety. Catastrophes, loneliness are explained by changes in the body, an unusual state.

The second trimester of social adaptation reflects relationships with loved ones in a dream. The third is associated with overflowing waves - the body is preparing for childbirth.

Feeling Tricks

Interpretations affect physiological sensations. Why do you dream that you are pulling your leg? Loff's dream book suspects that you offend your soulmate. If you managed to describe yourself, you will experience relief.

When a side numbs in a dream, excessive restraint is fraught with damage. Sweating promises a test. Muscle pulling predicts strange case which will turn into a profit.

Hear movement: for good or ill

Dream Interpretations sometimes contradictory interpretation of why one dreams of hearing the fetal movement. The old Slavic dream interpreter considers the sign unfavorable for health and wallet.

The universal predictor promises unexpected positive changes, it is important to recognize them. For the poor, the Eastern oracle predicts enrichment. Contraction of the uterus in a dream is identified with a health hazard.

Aliens from outside

If you happen to freeze in a dream, Denise Lynn believes that you are ruled by emotions. It is necessary to experience excitement when there is no one to expect support from.

Why dream of being afraid? Dream Interpretation Meneghetti offers an amusing explanation. Pregnancy is perceived as something foreign inside, not belonging to the body. A woman worries that she is being used as an incubator for bearing a fetus.

Month and female biorhythms

The female cycle is associated with the Moon, therefore it is quite natural that during pregnancy a month appears in the sky in night dreams. The full moon represents success, the absence of clouds indicates a cloudless personal life.

The waning night luminary indicates that it is not long before the birth. The growing moon symbolizes unpredictability, the red one - a challenge to social norms or forced separation.

What are the rumors

Sometimes pregnancy is not an established fact, but just a suspicion. If the doctor in a dream says that it is, remember what emotions you had to endure. When the news is frightening, new vistas will open up.

When this is the most joyful news that you have ever heard, in reality you are very lucky. Upset that predicted motherhood? In reality, stress awaits. When it doesn't matter what they say, any difficulties are on the shoulder.

dreamed of being pregnant with a boy

If you dream that you are pregnant with a boy, then you are in trouble in your personal relationship with your husband (young man). If you are in a position, it means that your future and the future of your child will be bright.

pregnancy with a boy in a dream what is it for

If you dream that you will soon have a boy, then expect replenishment in the family. The gender of the child is very important in a dream. The boy means worries, unnecessary worries. If a woman is already pregnant and she has such a dream, she will successfully solve her problems.

If in a dream you dream of pregnancy, but you are not going to have a baby, be careful, you will be deceived.

dream book pregnancy boy

Such a dream is interpreted as a messenger of a joyful event in the life of a girl. You can soon start a family, have a baby.

pregnancy with a boy in a dream

Watching the interpretation of a dream and thinking about what you dreamed about is normal. A dream where you are in an interesting position is a pleasant dream, think only about the good.
