Student of the year. Scenario of the competition at school with a presentation

Valentin Rogolev
Scenario of the competition "Student of the Year-2016"

In the gaps, just enter your data!

Scenario XII district competition« Student of the Year - 2016»

(Solemn music sounds, school. Against the background of music, words)

(Leaders exit.)

VOICE BEHIND THE SCENE: School plays a big role in a person's life. Much is erased in human memory, much is forgotten, but it is impossible to forget the School where a person begins to learn about the world. And people walk through life confidently, because they have the warmth of the School in their hearts. All the brightest things in a person's life are connected with the school. The school is a link between the past and the present, between childhood and the prose of life. This amazing house is a school. Everybody is here mixed up: childhood and maturity, youth and romance, science and art, dreams and real life. The school lives an interesting life.

"Musical Discovery" responsible ___

First presenter:

Good afternoon dear friends!

Second presenter:

Good afternoon Dear guests and members of the district competition« Student of the Year - 2016» »!

First presenter:

We are glad to welcome all of you on this spring day at the annual competition« Student of the Year 2016» for grades 9-11.

Second presenter: on the eve of the May holidays, I would like to note an important page in the history of our country. This year we are celebrating the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

First presenter: Within this significant event in the schools of the district there are concerts honoring the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers and residents classified as "Children of war"!

Second presenter:

Our hall is warm from the friendly atmosphere and closely from the proximity of eras and generations. People came to visit us, who endured all the hardships on their shoulders. terrible war, passed a huge life path with joys and successes, losses and adversity.

First presenter: Veterans of the Great Patriotic War are present in our hall today! Let's give a round of applause their:

Second presenter: Once a year, events take place in the Karatuz region that attract the attention of almost all residents of the region. With great tension, nervousness, arguing, everyone is preparing for the annual competition "Student of the Year". This event is of particular importance. And now this day has come. We begin.

First presenter: In order to learn about the secrets of the participants' vision of their teachers, classmates and school, and was announced

Subject competition:

"The history of my school in events and people"

Second presenter: Today, the fire of knowledge, lit on September 1, like the Olympic flame (figurative expression) will witness real competitions of mind, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

For the title student of the year 10 representatives from schools of the Karatuz region will compete. Our contestants will present to your attention the history of their school in events and people!

First presenter: It's time to invite the participants of today's competition. « Student of the Year 2016» We meet!

(Background, exit contestants on stage, through the hall)

(Leaders take turns calling the participants competition, to dynamic music from the hall on contestants enter the stage, stand in a semicircle)

Second presenter: Let's once again greet with thunderous applause the participants of the district competition« Student of the Year 2016» .

First presenter: In this stage contestants were not accidental. All of them are united by hard work, the desire for knowledge, a creative approach to business, an individual look at many things!

Second presenter: For 12 years now, the Karatuz region has been holding contest« student of the year» for grades 9-11. Every year we gather in this hall caring, active, promising and talented children. The younger generation, who in the future will work in educational institutions district.

First presenter: Teachers and students spend great job to collect photos, video materials and information about the residents of the area - the heroes of labor of different generations. Participate in the implementation of a patriotic project "Labor glory of the Karatuz region".

Second presenter: I would like to note that within the framework of the project, joint efforts were created and published "Book of memory of the Karatuz region"!

First presenter: The younger generation, preserves traditions and continuity, developing a sense of love for their small Motherland!

Second presenter: For grand opening and a parting word to the participants of the district competition« Student of the Year - 2016» on scene the head of ___ is invited

(background, chapter exit)

The head of the district goes to scene welcomes participants and guests.

First presenter: In any school, in any class, be it a city or a village, every day teachers argue about which student is the best. And it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since each teacher sees it in his own way. But still there are criteria by which one can determine giftedness. student. And these criteria are known to our guests of honor, who today are members of the jury. Allow me to introduce the jury, which today has a difficult job - to choose the best of the best:

Jury members:

Your friendly applause!

(background, Jury members welcome)

Second presenter: The life of every person is connected with the school. It is here that childhood, growing up and the formation of the personality of each pass, here we spend most of our time, those around us (classmates, teachers) become for school years people close enough to us.

First presenter: Dear contestants, You have already passed the first and second rounds competition showing excellent results. Today is the third and final round. Open Final competition« Student of the Year - 2016» .

Second presenter: It consists of three stages:

Stage 1: Business card participant on the topic "The history of my school in events and people"

First presenter: 2 – stage: Intellectual game "Erudite"

Second presenter: 3 – stage: Creative contest"School time".

First presenter: And now dear contestants, please go backstage to prepare for the first competition: Business card!

Second presenter: For your attention, participants competition provide videos for topic: "The history of my school in events and people" performance time from 3 to 5 minutes. The maximum possible points for competition - 10 points.

(background, members go backstage to prepare for "business card")

First presenter: And according to the order, we invite the first participant to scene. Meet! Participant number 1

(Contestants go out in order scene, after the performance they go backstage)

Second presenter: Our participants did an excellent job. We invite everyone contestants on stage.

(background participants all go to scene)

First presenter: And, now we will know the result of the first competition! Dear jury, your estimates:

Participant number 1 ...

(The presenters read out the names from the list, the jury shows the marks, the presenters announce the marks.)

(background on the results of the first competition)

Second presenter: We thanks to the jury for the ratings.

(participants remain stage for the second competition)

First presenter: The next stage of our competition, intellectual game. Scrabble!

Game progress:

The facilitator brings questions to school themes (questions for reasoning about school, subjects, teachers, USE, etc.).

Calls in order contestants for the performance. First contestant answers a question, after a minute of preparation. The second and subsequent ones are prepared at the time of the performance of the previous participant. The jury evaluates the participants' answers.

Performance time 1 minute.

The maximum points for competition - 10 points.

Second presenter: Time to take stock competition"Erudite", dear jury, you have the floor! Your estimates:

(Background, presenters announce the results competition"Erudite".)

First presenter: Dear friends, let's give a friendly applause, we send our participants to prepare for the next competition.

(background, contestants go backstage to prepare)

Second presenter: And now meet the dance group «___» dance composition "Veselukha" supervisor ___

First presenter: And now, now, the time has come for the third final stage of our competition - Creative competition"School time"! The maximum possible points for competition 10 points! The jury will evaluate the performances according to the following criteria:

The originality of the performance of the support group in accordance with the topic.

Emotionality and artistry.

Appreciation and kindness.

Level common culture speakers.

Accompanying the number with a presentation or a clip.

Escorts welcome musical number presentation or clip. IN competition a support group participates with a participant competition, performance time up to 6 min.

Second presenter: And on scene first support group is invited (school):

(background, cheerleaders go backstage)

(after the performance, each support group goes backstage)

First presenter: Let's greet the members applause competition. All contestants are invited to the stage.

(Background, Participants go to the music to the scene)

Second presenter: Thank you dear contestants

First presenter: We are all looking forward to the results of 3 nominations competition"School time".

Attention, marks for the third stage:

Second presenter: Let's give the participants a round of applause.

First presenter: And now we ask the distinguished members of the jury to sum up the final results.

Musical beat for the departure of participants from scenes.

Second presenter: In the meantime, the jury is summing up everything competition, dear audience will perform for you young talents land!


1. Dance group «___» dance "Darkie", leader Olesya Alexandrovna Tokareva.

2. And now, ___ and the Ensemble will perform for you «___» with vocal number - "This will never happen again" Meet!

3. And now, meet! Winners of the zonal stage of the 5th regional creative festival "Talents Without Borders" dance group «___» with dance composition « Good company» Supervisor.

Fanfare sounds. Leaders come out.

First presenter: And, so, we invite all participants stage competition!

(background, participants competition take the stage)

(contestants take the stage, stand in a semicircle)

Second presenter: And before proceeding to the final stage of our competition, will share his impressions with us and announce the results of the third competition"School time" Chairman of the jury, Head of the Department of Education ___ District ___,

You have the floor!


First presenter: Let's greet the participants of the 12-district competition« Student of the Year - 2016» .

Second presenter:


A solemn musical screensaver sounds.

Presenters announce contestants by name. Contestants in robes in turn fast pace, leave the hall and climb scene:

(background, festive, solemn music sounds)

First presenter: Thank you dear contestants You have passed all the tests with dignity.

Second presenter: We invite you to scene representatives general education schools and heads of settlements to congratulate our contestants.

First presenter

(bag contestants, packages, gifts are removed behind the back, put on the floor)

(background, exit of representatives, directors, heads of settlements)

Second presenter: To congratulate our contestants the floor is given to the director of ___ secondary school ___

(Short fanfares for the exit.)

First presenter: Thank you very much. Please come down to the hall.

Second presenter: It's time to announce the results of the intellectual marathon, which took place on April 16, because it was the most important of all nominations competition.

First presenter: The intellectual marathon was held in the form of the Unified State Examination, the performance of tasks from different fields of knowledge.

The maximum possible number of points for completing the tasks of the intellectual marathon is 30 points.

Second presenter: To announce the results of the intellectual marathon and presentation of certificates to the participants of the competition. We invite you to scene deputy head of the district for social issues - head of the education department.

(___ goes out on scene, opens the envelope with the results of the intellectual marathon, reads out and the scores are displayed on the scoreboard. Remains on stage to reward participants).

(Assistants take out a diploma and medals and give ___, for presentation to the participants. The facilitators read out the participants by name)

Music sounds.

First presenter: Diploma for participation in the district competition« Student of the Year - 2016» among students in grades 9-11, awarded:

Second presenter: For awarding the winner of the 12th district competition« Student of the Year - 2016» on scene the Head of the district is invited ___

Fanfare Chapter exit!

(Assistant presenters take out the diploma of the winner and the main prize.)

First presenter: Diploma of the winner of the district competition« Student of the Year - 2016» among students in grades 9-11 is awarded (Chapter says name, ___ hands out grand prize)

(solemn fanfare to the winner)

At this time, scores are displayed on the scoreboard, received by the contestants in all rounds, especially marks for knowledge competition and results.

Second presenter: Group photo for memory (with ___and)

No one climbs scene!

First presenter: Dear ___, ___, please come down to the hall.

Attention! All contestants stay in place!

Second presenter: The response word is given to the winner competition« Student of the Year - 2016» ___

Immediately after the response word starts playing "Hymn of ___ district"

Anthem of ___ district «___»

First presenter: In conclusion of our event, we would like to wish you success, growth, peace and prosperity!

Second presenter: On this our the competition has come to an end. Goodbye, « Student of the Year - 2016» , Hello « Student of the Year 2017» !

Music sounds. The guests leave the hall.

Scenario of a student's performance at the competition "Student of the Year"

(Russian folk melodies sound)



On the rubble, in the light
Or on some logs
Gatherings were going
The elderly and the young.
Did they sit by the torch,
Ile under the bright sky -
They talked, they sang songs
And they led a round dance.
And how they played! Into the burners!
Ah, the burners are good!
In a word, these gatherings
They were a celebration of the soul.
The life of people is marked by a century,
changed old world.
Today we are all in the bottom of the barrel
Personal cottages or apartments.
Our leisure is sometimes shallow,
And what is there to say:
It's boring to live without gatherings,
They should be revived.

The world without art is small for people.

Trust me on this, friends.

Without music, good songs

Humanity cannot live.

Old traditions don't die.

There are people in the village who revive them.

They have an interesting life.

Greet their audience - they are right there!

(Both bow to the audience)

Playing the accordion

Master.Hey good people! Do you sit at home today and look out the windows! Do you today get foggy, sad and sad!

Mistress.We are glad to see you as a guest in our room. Here for you, for dear guests, there will be a big holiday, a joyful holiday! According to custom, according to the old gatherings, it is called.

(Knock on the door)

Master.Please, dear guests! Fun and joy to you!

(1 guest arrives)

hostess. Hello, come in, make yourself at home!

1guest. Don’t worry, hostess, we don’t lie at home and don’t stand at a party.

(The hostess seats the guest on the bench, the second guest enters)

Master. We have a place and a word for everyone.

2 guest.The guests are forced people, where they put them, they sit there.

(The host seats the second guest, the third guest enters)

hostess. A rare guest is never a burden.

3 guest.Stay at home, do nothing. We decided to look at people and show ourselves.

Master.Gathered to us guests from all volosts. Well, a good start, as they say, is half the battle.

Mistress.We have been waiting for you for a long time. We have in store for you fun for every taste. To whom - a fairy tale, to whom - the truth, to whom - a song.

Master. Are you comfortable, dear guests? Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear? Is there enough space for everyone?

We have a place and a word for everyone.

4 guest.The guests, of course, had enough space, but isn't it a bit cramped for the owners?

hostess. In crowded but not mad! Let's sit side by side and have a good conversation.

The staging of Vysotskaya's fairy tale "The Golden Egg" begins. To the song "Canopy", which the girls perform, they bring out a table for staging, an egg, a samovar, bagels. Participants leave.

Master: Dear guests, would you like to eat sweets, and listen to a fairy tale (treats everyone with sweets)

Kononova Irina Sergeevna
Business card script for student competition elementary school"Student of the Year-2017"

Business card for the contest« Student of the Year 2017»

storyteller: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a King and a Queen. And they had a daughter - Katyushka. Clever, smart, danced, read smart books. And then one day….

Queen: Hello, my beautiful King!

Why are you sitting like a rainy day?

Saddened for what?

Tsar A: I don't know what to do.

Our daughter, a flower,

It's been 9 years already.

It's time to bring it out into the light.

Queen: Well, what's the problem, King,

Your Majesty?

Tsar: Oh, dear Queen,

A girl was born

Beauty anywhere,

Well, the rest is a problem.

That draws, performs,

Reads smart books

Knows about everything in the world.

Learned to write

And speak English.

That roller skates

Ile on performs on stage.

Well, if you enter the chat,

Doesn't turn back.

But we already, mother,

Release to people soon!


Yes, our child has grown

Well, not exactly what you need.

(the Princess appears on roller skates and with a book in her hands)

Princess: Hello father! Hello, mom! How are you? I learned a new tune. Do you want me to play for you? Do you want me to sing to you? And I’ll read poetry to you ... And I also found out that there are such .... And also…

Tsar: Enough! Spare us! We better send it to contest« student of the year» , and not alone, but with a support group.

Queen: That's where she belongs!

(The king and queen leave with scenes.)

storyteller: And now the young princess, together with her friends, ended up here, In this hall. On competition« Student of the Year - 2017»

Action two.

/Children run out to the music

1. Sun, smiles,

Joy and laughter

Let it be today for everyone

Hello friends contestants

Our participant's name is Katya!

It all gradually mixed talents

In everything, only victory is just waiting for her!

2. Without embarrassment and barriers

I am glad to welcome you.

This meeting is not accidental.

And I'll tell you gentlemen

What is important to her is not Victory

And participation! Yes Yes Yes!

3. Contests, olympiads

And an object game!

Everything, for what would not be taken,

Everything goes with a bang! (All)

4. Where? When? For what? And with whom?

In general, a thousand problems!

Solve them easily

Why? (All)

book, internet

Inseparable friends!

5. A hearty smile and a sparkle of radiant eyes

shine day and night for you, friends, and us!

6. I'll tell you a secret

What makes friends with sports!

Sport strengthens health!

And I'll tell you, don't melt

In all competitions - she wins!

7. I didn’t forget about leisure

I spent all the holidays

And don't mind having fun

IN competitions to compete.

Even if we go around the whole world, we won’t find Katerina better!

1) Nimble, athletic

2) Bold, active

3) Smart

4) inquisitive,

5) and very attractive!

6) She is reliable, true friend, does not give out strangers' secrets

7) If trouble happens somewhere, everyone will come to our aid.

8) And in the lessons in school knows about everything in the world,

9) He serves us all as an example and understands us all.

I can be different: Business and Important,

thoughtful and humble,

Sometimes I joke, sometimes I am silent,

But I always want to be the best!

There are achievements

And there are results.

For that I received awards.

But the main thing is not to lag behind in studies,

I try to learn only "5"!

I am friends with sports, a brave athlete,

Keeping your health is important, I know!

I can handle any records

I urge you to be friends with sports!

I'm on my way to victory

And, I know for sure, I'll get to the top

When around friends, parents, teacher

I will definitely succeed!

And in conclusion I want say:

"Looking for my own I:

I came to the conclusion that I need to be

Cheerful, generous, attentive, sincere, courageous, sympathetic.

Be independent and charming

Then your life path will be stellar!

With you today I am Ekaterina Grigorieva.

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Student of the Year 2017

Business card Zh - howl Alina Grade 9

(Text to accompany the presentation)

1. Hello, here I am

And my story is about me. (slide)

My name is Alina Zh - ova, I am 15 years old, I study in the 9th grade of Panovskaya high school.

2. My family comes first (slide)

In trouble and in joy, we are all together.

I'll tell you frankly

That I love all my relatives so much!

3. I visited kindergarten and dreamed of going to school as soon as possible, counted the days, months, and now I'm on the threshold of school! Time flies unnoticed: dictations and tests, tasks and equations, great historical figures and the wonders of nature - and now I'm in the 9th grade. I'm interested in absolutely everything! Perhaps that is why I study "good" and "excellent".

I'll tell you guys honestly:

I'm interested in learning

There are many things in the world

The very, very different.

For me, I know for sure -

School is a holiday!

4. Constantly participate in school olympiads in various subjects, she repeatedly became the winner and prize-winner of not only the school, but also the municipal stage. I also participated in Internet projects, master classes, I have diplomas and certificates.

5. I try to be active everywhere,

Do not forget about your school and class;

I am a member of the Council of High School Students,

And I do events.

6. I love to work,

I defend the honor of schools.

I compose projects, reports, poems,

I participate in promotions, competitions

AND top places occupy!

6.Our hands are not for boredom!

Approves all the people.

Allow me to present

An exhibition of my work!

I knit toys

Here is a picture on glass.

I know testoplasty

Quite masterfully.

I will prepare gifts for everyone:

Here flowers from ribbons are so bright!

Christmas tree, and all my friend -

New Year's cock.

7. I'll tell you a secret

I sing in the school choir. (slide)

With violin and piano

I am happy to be friends. (Performs a musical etude)

I love to cook, draw,

And even kick the ball.

8. I love doing sports, (slide)

Skiing from the big mountains!

I love to play basketball

And wave the racket.

And as a result - medals and awards,

Won in fair fights

All relatives for me, of course, are happy

And they cheer even at the warm-ups.

9. I know how to be friends with guys, (slide)

I don't dare to betray my friends.

We've been together for many years now.

They are support and advice!

10. In conclusion, I would like to say that the story of my life continues. I am sure that there will be new discoveries, victories, joyful moments in it, because I am only 15, my whole life is ahead!

I look at my future with optimism and stick to my motto: “Dare and discover! We create our own destiny!”

Visiting card of the competition "Student of the Year".

Oh, you gentlemen,

How long did you travel? Where?

Is it okay overseas or is it bad?

And what is the miracle in the world?

We have traveled all over the world.

Overseas life is not bad.

In the light, what a miracle:

A wonderful city lies between the mountains,

The school is the first in it,

There is a ninth grade at school,

The letter "B" is marked here.

All the guys there are cool

All beauties are gone.

And one is the best

He is expected to be a great success.

Dima is as strong as Lobachevsky in mathematics

And he is in love with history like Klyuchevsky

Dreaming about physics night and day

He loves chemistry more than anything!

He also dances and plays

Pushkin knows everything by heart

And so in everything! I'm not going to count!

And the girls are just a treasure

Lookout - everything!

And one is majestic

Acts like a pava

Well, he says speeches -

Like a river murmurs.

And smart, beautiful,

Graceful to everyone's wonder.

Alina knows a lot about Russian

She's not afraid Gray wolf.

Good with math

Yes, and physics on the "AH".

Lit-ra, chemistry, in. yaz -

Alinushka is just an ace in them!

We'll let you in on a secret:

She has no equal in her studies!

There's another girl there

Learning is also a master.

The character is lively, mischievous,

Cheerful disposition and direct look.

She is white-faced, black-browed,

Yes, and the temper of a meek one.

We can call it elegance,

Pleasantness, strength, beauty, gallantry.

The whole country marvels at the miracle.

As long as I'm alive,

I will visit that wonderful city,

I'll be the first to go to school.

So what was the issue?

Take a look in the mirror:

Won Dima is ready to shine in the battle of wits

And you see Annushka sitting nearby

Got bogged down in business. Doesn't eat or sleep.

And look, Alina,

A very nice girl.

Dima, Anya, Alina together: We are beshki, artists, pen sharks.

Always at the forefront

On any adventure.

Always careful, always active,

Excitement does not allow us to sleep peacefully,

And our appetite only grows stronger in the attack.

And, in general, our life is like a joke,

Funnier at times than even in "Full House".

Look, this is the pride of 9B,

How much grace, talent and mind,

Uniquely exquisite, please note

Isn't it a great company?

We wish Alinka, Anyuta and Dima victory,

We believe in the guys, they are just class!

Solve problems, discard resentment,

And the very first prize will be yours!
