Kristen Stewart stated that she sincerely loved all her partners. Actress Kristen Stewart: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo of Kristen Stewart and her personal life

Actors often become hostages of the image, genre, or even the words they uttered unsuccessfully - a trail of failures or, conversely, a successful role can haunt them throughout their careers. There are many examples of this, but one of the most offensive and unfair is the general categorical rejection of Kristen Stewart. This actress received world fame, having played a major role in a very specific franchise, and since then there has been no release with her participation, so that crowds of “haters” would not shower her with the epithets “wooden”, “untalented”, “empty” without looking. But all this is not at all true - Stewart does not deserve even a hundredth of the insults that are directed at her. The release of "Personal Shopper", another tape with her participation (rather talented, I must say) is an excellent occasion to talk about Kristen and forever discard a set of clichés that have never been fair in assessing her work.

5. Stewart's career began long before the role of Bella Swan.

Shot from the movie "Panic Room"

When it comes to lack of talent Kristen Stewart, first of all, it is worth asking the spiteful critic if he has been seen enough to draw such far-reaching conclusions. After all, the life in the cinema of this actress did not begin with Twilight, she has been filming since the age of nine - you may not know about Stewart's roles, but everyone has seen films with her participation. The Devil's Mansion and Zatura: A Space Adventure, The Messengers and In the Land of Women, Fincher's Panic Room, of course - with such a set of pictures in the resume, it is not at all surprising that Kristen claimed three times in a row at one time for Award for Best Young Actress. Where other young artists were just trying themselves, looking for a niche, experimenting, Stewart declared herself loudly and unconditionally. She starred with excellent directors, her partners were stars of the first magnitude, and Jodie Foster, with whom Kristen played together in Panic Room, noted that her game is distinguished by intelligence and skillful demonstration of the best facets of talent. And this at the age of 13! Rumor has it that Foster chose Stewart for the role of her daughter solely because of the resemblance, but the famous actress and director is not of the level of a person to rely only on the visual component, I'm sure the teenage girl's talent also impressed Jodie. Moreover, by the time she began work on the Twilight saga, Kristen Stewart was noted in many of the most diverse genres of films - she can be seen in comedy roles and tearful dramas, thrillers and science fiction, by the age of twenty she had conquered such peaks that others have to go all their lives , but even with diligence, these heights often remain unconquered. Is it possible that a role in several subsequent films under one umbrella name can break and destroy a true talent?

4. Twilight isn't that bad.

Shot from the movie "Twilight"

I will say something unacceptable to many, but the first "Twilight" is not at all such a bad movie as it is commonly believed. Of course, like any movie about teenagers and for teenagers, they have many shortcomings, thousands of minor flaws and give dozens of reasons for obstruction, but nevertheless, this film is quite tightly tailored, adequately filmed and, most importantly, confidently acted out. If we dismiss the mystical component, and this is quite simple, then "Twilight" appears as an understandable drama of the growing up of a girl who has changed her place of residence, forced to fit into a new school team, recognizing new people, knowing new feelings and emotions. "Twilight" is a film about the fear of growing up, about the unwillingness to move into a new incomprehensible world, about defenselessness on the verge of hormonal, physical and emotional upheavals. It's just that the film is made in a somewhat "lightweight" manner - less straightforward details, more castles in the air and sighs under the moon. The authors of the first film did not yet have a crowd of fans and opponents, there was no crazy excitement yet, the director had the opportunity to shoot in the author's, chamber style, the audience did not have an abundant background of endless copies, clones and followers. And Stewart is completely organic in this tape - yes, she plays with some coldness, her emotions are hidden, Bella is closed and unsociable, but only because this is required by the image and logic of the story. Kristen fulfilled her task as an actor and coped with it brilliantly. Could someone play better? Not at all. Would the Saga have been such a huge success without the Stewart-Pattinson tandem? Very doubtful. Acting "Twilight" performed very well, and then we all became victims of the machine for knocking money out of the audience - less sense, more feelings. But it's definitely not Kristen's fault.

3. Top directors have a very high opinion of Kristen.

Shot from the film "Secular Life"

Viewers who are dissatisfied with the image of Bella Swan somehow forget that in between filming in the arms of Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart starred in other projects quite a lot. Moreover, none of the directors was in the least embarrassed by the tantrums of the fans and their opponents - the actress was interesting to them, regardless of the scandalous trail of her most profitable franchise. During the release twilight saga"On the screens, Stewart managed to star in the romantic melodrama" Park of Culture and Leisure", musical biography The Runaways, the generational drama On the Road, the fantasy love story Snow White and the Huntsman - and not for a moment did the authors of these pictures doubt who was invited to the cast. If they needed a talented girl with a great acting range, who was bold and not shy about changing, Stewart was the choice. After the end of "Vampire Sufferings", the number of Kristen's proposals only increased, and the bias was made precisely in the dramatic direction - can you imagine such that all directors suddenly go crazy or succumb to someone's persuasion? Olivier Assayas, Nima Nourizade, Drake Doremus may not be the most famous directors to rely on their opinion on Stewart, but the authority of Woody Allen and Ang Lee is trusted by millions of critics and viewers. And their opinion is unambiguous: out of the many candidates and contenders for the images in the films " High Life" and " Billy Lynn's Long Way at Halftime of a Football Game", they chose Kristen and did not miscalculate. And they were satisfied, which is important. Positive reviews such masters, along with the praises of David Fincher, Greg Motolla, Doug Liman, are worth a lot. But most importantly, they are all well-deserved and sincere. Before us is truly one of the most powerful actresses of her generation.

2. Stuart is obedient to any undertakings.

Shot from the film "Sils-Maria"

By the way, it was not in vain that I focused on drama - today Kristen Stewart is submissive to any genres, any formats, any images, but she focuses on drama. And quite rightly - in a serious movie, she is absolutely incomparable and is able to compete in the frame with the stars of the first magnitude, with experience and merits an order of magnitude greater. Just look, in Sils Maria, Kristen performs on an equal footing with Juliette Binoche, and Chloe Grace Moretz moves so completely that there is no trace of her in memory. In "Still Alice" Stewart is not inferior to either Julianne Moore or Alec Baldwin, and from Kate Bosworth leaves some kind of blind spot. But Moore received an Oscar for her role in this picture, for a minute! " Savor"So it completely belongs to Stewart, although formally the main character is the character of Jesse Eisenberg, - without her, the picture would not be worth the time spent by the viewer. Seriously, if we discard "twilight doubts", the young actress simply does not have unsuccessful works - she is always in place, always moves the flywheel of overall success, always energizes colleagues in the frame and even inspires directors. Yes, and Stewart herself is ready to reach a new level - the release of the short film Let's Go for a Swim is scheduled for 2017, in which Kristen will act as a director. Do you think it will back off? For some reason, it is easy to believe that she will succeed, if not brilliantly, then really. high level. She plays with equal ease both in the fantastic "Equals" and in the combat "Ultra-Americans", Stewart finds the strength to plunge into history and look into the future; if you still believe that Kristen is the same everywhere, then you need to do something about this, not her.

1. Kristen Stewart has more success in the future.

Shot from the movie "Personal Shopper"

But if we talk about future achievements, then first of all I would like Kristen Stewart to have even more interesting roles that would be noted not only by her fans, but also by high critical circles. So far, the actress has received only two really impressive awards: in 2010, the BAFTA jury awarded Stewart special prize"Rising Star", and in 2015 the French Cesar Award went to Kristen for best role second plan in the drama "Sils-Maria" - for the first time, by the way, a purely European prize went to an American actress. Is this not an indicator? I'm sure this is just the beginning - one or two projects as deep and confident as "Still Alice" and "On the Road" and Stewart will be showered with "Oscars" and "Golden Globes". However, everything can turn out differently - in the comic universes of Marvel and DC there are a lot of empty places, if Kristen agrees to the offer to play some kind of superheroine, and there will be no free bytes left from the enthusiasm of fans on the Internet, from hate to love, as you know, nothing at all. But a third option is also possible. Kristen's experience in directing may prove so successful and appealing that, like her "godmother" Jodie Foster, Stewart will move away from acting and devote herself to directing films. And this, too, can only be welcomed, there is always a shortage of women directors. Be that as it may, this brilliant actress has only the best ahead of her, so it’s foolish to deny yourself the pleasure of following her career and recent work because of dissatisfaction with one project. Break free, throw off your blinders and watch Personal Shopper - Kristen Stewart will open up to you from a different side. Bella Swan is long gone ugly duck" became beautiful swan while you were looking for derogatory words for him. The girl is ripe, you are too.

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Kristen Stewart - one of the brightest and most original Hollywood actresses, was born in Los Angeles on 04/09/1990.


Both parents of the girl had the most direct relation to television. The father assisted the director, and later he was engaged in the production of entertainment shows. Mother edited scripts for popular TV programs. So she has been on film sets since childhood and literally raved about cinema.

Christie became the second child in the family. But soon after her birth, the girl had another brother - the adopted son of her parents, with whom they were the same age. But since they practically grew up together, Kristen considers him a family too.

In youth

Their family was very creative and original. Parents not accustomed to strict limits did not even try to drive their own children into them. Those, of course, enjoyed freedom and even at school were known as informals. Although this was almost not reflected in studies - all the children did well.

Kristen showed her acting abilities early: already in primary school she first appeared on stage in an amateur production. She enjoyed performing so much that she asked her parents to take her to a theater studio. They supported their daughter and even invited a professional Hollywood agent to one of her performances.

The parents' plan worked. Not knowing that she was actually going through a casting, the girl behaved very brightly and naturally. Therefore, after a few weeks, she first appeared on the screen in the children's program "Son of a Mermaid." At that time she was only 8 years old. A year later, she was removed in a small role, and this is how the actor career girls.


At the age of 12, Kristen has already played one of the main roles in the thriller Panic Room. Moreover, against the background of the eminent Judy Foster, whose daughter she was according to the script, she managed not only not to get lost, but also to interact with her vividly, creating a full-fledged creative tandem. The girls' game was immediately noticed and appreciated by professionals.

Her next partner on the site was at least shining star— Sharon Stone. With her, the girl played in the horror film "Devil's Mansion". Both actresses did a great job, but because of the frankly weak script, the film went almost unnoticed by the audience.

The girl's next work in a youth comedy revealed new facets of her talent. She was no longer perceived as a hostage of one image and, accordingly, they began to offer more diverse roles. The filming schedule became so tight that she was forced to switch to correspondence courses and take school exams externally.

Over the next few years, the young actress played more than 10 bright roles. But real fame came to her after the premiere of the Twilight vampire saga, in which she played one of the main roles. The transformation was so complete that it overshadowed all her previous work. Today she is one of the most talented and sought-after Hollywood actresses.

Personal life

Since all of Kristen's youth was spent on film sets, it is not surprising that the girl met her first love there. During the filming of Speak, she developed a warm relationship with script partner Michael Angarano that went beyond the film and lasted for five whole years.

With Michael Angarano

However, during the next project, a new young man suddenly burst into the girl’s heart - handsome Robert Pattinson. Because of him, Kristen broke up with Michael, completely breaking his heart. But she was in love, and there was even talk of a wedding. But Kristen again showed inconstancy.

With Robert Pattinson

While filming Snow White, Kristen ended up in bed with one of the film's producers, who was also married. Rumors instantly spread around the set and soon reached the groom. He could not forgive the betrayal of his beloved and broke off the engagement.

In 2013, Kristen suddenly announced at the top of her voice about her bisexuality and had an affair with her assistant. The girls began to openly appear together in public and, not embarrassed by the cameras, showed their feelings. But this romance did not last long. After a little over a year, the friends broke up.

Kristen was not alone for long - she soon found herself another girlfriend - a singer from France, Soko. The girls' relationship was reminiscent of Italian passions - they either quarreled or reconciled.

With Soko

But in 2016, the couple announced to everyone that preparations for the wedding had begun. Let's see if this marriage takes place.

Kristen Stewart is a young and talented American actress who gained great popularity thanks to her role as Bella in the cult melodrama Twilight. She also starred in the films The Runaways, Still Ellis, and Personal Shopper.

Photo: (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Right now, many experts call the girl one of the most promising movie stars. Today you will find out the most Interesting Facts about the biography, career and personal life of a celebrity.


The baby was born on 07/09/1990 in the capital of the world film industry - Los Angeles (California). Although the future star spent the first couple of years of her life in Colorado, after a while the Stuart family returned closer to Hollywood.

2. Childhood on the set.

The girl's future was decided very early. Her dad (John Stewart) worked as an assistant director, produced a number of popular projects and was the head of some programs that aired on Fox. Also in the family grew older brother Kristen - Cameron. After some time, the parents adopted two boys - Taylor and Dan.

3. Good luck.

The girl made her debut on stage as part of a school play. The usual production of her day became truly fateful, because the game of an eight-year-old baby was spotted by an agent from Hollywood, who contacted her parents almost immediately. Mom and dad Kristen wanted the girl to get a quality education at first, but then agreed to make some compromise. Thus, Stewart started attending her first auditions very early.

4. Learning at school.

The future performer of the role of Bella managed to study at school together with classmates only up to the 7th grade. Peers treated the rising star in different ways. Kristen has always been modest and simple, she did not tell anyone about her career achievements.

When everyone became aware of the new status of Stewart, the guys and girls began to impose their friendship. Stuart was not interested, she tried not to say anything about work. Her friends decided that such behavior is a sign of star fever. Permanent participation in various projects was the reason that the student was transferred to individual training.


5. Debut.

The girl first appeared on television as part of the production of "The Son of a Mermaid", which was released in 1999. Her role turned out to be inconspicuous, the schoolgirl did not have a serious chance to prove herself. The first solid project for the girl was the melodrama The Safety of Things, where she played the role of a daughter who lives without a father.

6. Room of fear.

2002 film Panic Room famous director David Fincher allowed the girl to show all her skills. Kristen played her own daughter Jodie Foster well (it was this experienced actress who single-handedly conducted the casting and chose a heroine who looks like her in appearance). Film critics praised the efforts of the novice star and called her game very "interesting" and "smart".

7. The first major role.

The comedy "Forbidden Zone" became Stewart's debut project, where she was central character storytelling. She managed to perfectly convey the character and feelings of a young climber who was forced to commit a crime in order to pay for the treatment of her sick father. Plot Features This film allowed the actress to show herself well not only in sad scenes, but also in funny moments.

8. Follow-up work.

The psychological drama with her participation "Undercurrent" completely failed at the box office. More successful for the American was the film "Speak", where she played the role of a schoolgirl who was the victim of brutal rape. Already at such a young age, Stewart began to be talked about in Hollywood, between 2003 and 2005 she was nominated three times for the Young Actor Award.

The rising star constantly participated in various projects, she practically had no time to rest. On account of the girl shooting in the following films: "In the country of women", "Messengers", "In wild environment"," Cake Eaters.

9. The status of a world celebrity.

In 2007, the filming of the film "Twilight" began. The authors of the script were guided by the motives of the novel by the writer Stephenie Meyer. Stewart played the young Bella Swan well. The girl, almost without a single casting, was selected for the main role, as the actor Emile Hirsch advised her to the director. The brunette's appearance was perfect for the book description.

Soon the world saw several continuations of the cult story: "New Moon", "Eclipse", "Dawn - Part 1", "Dawn - Part 2". For her famous role, Stewart received several awards at once. For example, the MTV channel presented her with the Best Actress award, as well as a statuette for Best Kiss.

10. Other famous roles.

Kristen played the role of a girl helping a family cope with death well. own daughter, as part of the "Welcome to the Riley" project. Her game was highly acclaimed at the famous international film festival which takes place regularly in Milan. She won the Best female role". Also, many film lovers note the game of an American in the film "Ranavis", where she reincarnated as a participant in the women's musical group named Joan Jett. Later, the singer said in an interview that Stewart had achieved the effect of a frightening resemblance.

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Personal life

11. Stewart and Pattinson.

During the filming of Twilight, the girl began dating her partner and the main character of the film, Robert Pattinson. At first sight ideal relationship collapsed several times.

In 2012, media representatives began to actively disseminate information that Stewart was cheating on Robert with Rupert Sanders (the director of the movie Snow White and the Huntsman). Pattinson immediately sold the large private house where the couple were going to live after marriage, and Stewart moved back to her mother. Although relations were resumed in 2012, such an undertaking completely failed. The man and woman broke up again after a couple of weeks.

12. Sexual orientation.

Kristen is an open bisexual. In 2016, she confirmed all the rumors in an interview, as she spoke about her relationship with designer Alisha Karagail. Also an actress for a long time seen in the company of a singer from France named Soko. Many have spoken about love relationships stars with producer St. Vincent, who worked on the soundtrack for the film Stewart.

13. Current relationship.

A woman has been dating a famous woman for more than a year American model Stella Maxwell. The girls are happy together, they are not ashamed of their status and spend a lot of time in public. For example, in celebration of the anniversary of their relationship, they visited a restaurant in Los Angeles, and then went to a local nightclub.

Other facts

14. Memes with Cate Blanchett.

Many Internet users and fans of Stewart's work have noticed that their favorite is not indifferent to actress Cate Blanchett. Photographers often caught moments when the Twilight star kept a close eye on her colleague. One of these images has become a real meme, because everyone wants to find a soulmate who will look at you like Kristen looks at Kate.

15. Was a juror.

Kristen never forgets hers civic duty. In the US, every citizen is required to attend court to receive some specialized training and then take part as a juror. Stewart decided not to ignore the subpoena that came to her. She went to court immediately after the premiere of the second part of "Twilight".

16. Lover of unusual animals.

Celebrity loves a variety of animals. On the net you can find a huge number of her photos, not only with cats and dogs familiar to everyone.

For a long time, a hybrid of a wolf and a dog named Jack lived in her house. The huge furry friend is very similar to the werewolves that were featured in Twilight. Kristen's parents specifically went to Florida to make such a non-standard purchase, because in the state of California the sale of a hybrid breed is prohibited. Also, the celebrity was engaged in the education of an ordinary mongrel.

17. Hobby.

The American plays the guitar and sings well. Especially for participation in the film "Into the Wild", she took lessons in playing the instrument, since such a skill was necessary for the performance of her role. Real American fans know that her voice can be heard on the soundtrack of this movie.

18. Scandal on the red carpet.

The celebrity did not hesitate to break the dress code and walked barefoot on the red carpet in Cannes. As part of the Cannes Film Festival, all participants are required to attend official events in heels. It was no coincidence that Kristen initiated a protest action, the girl has repeatedly said that such a rule is stupid and even sexist.

Quick Facts

  • 19. The height of the actress is 168 centimeters, and her weight is 54 kilograms.
  • 20. The woman knows how to dance a striptease, as she took professional lessons for the movie "Welcome to the Rileys."
  • 21. The celebrity loves to read, her favorite book is East of Eden.
  • 22. Traveling is another hobby of the star. She dreams of visiting Russia because her friend Nicky Reed liked it here.
  • 23. In 2013, Kristen was in the top 3 highest paid actresses according to Forbes.
  • 24. Girl's favorite bands - green day, Nirvana and Led Zeppelin.

Kristen James Stewart is beautiful and bright girl, which the whole world knows, thanks to one role - Bella in the sensational vampire saga "Twilight".

This popular young actress who quickly burst into show business and the world of cinema. The girl blinded herself, she did not listen to the advice of her parents and persistently walked forward towards her dream.

Kristen is the only rising American film star to win the French César award for her talent in Sils Maria.

Height, weight, age. How old is Kristen Stewart

After all parts of the Twilight saga passed on the TV screens of Russia and the world, all the newly-minted fans of the actress wanted to know about the young beauty's height, weight, age. How old is Kristen Stewart - also a popular query in Internet search engines.

Kristen Stewart was born in April 1990, so we can say that the girl just recently turned twenty-seven years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Christy belongs to the irritable, stubborn, combative and arrogant Aries. She is incredibly resilient to challenges and is not at all afraid of competition, because she knows that she is the best.

By Eastern horoscope Stewart - A horse that has such features of this sign as independence, independence, passion, incredible ability to work.

Kristen looks at her fans from a height of one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. The weight of the actress is surprisingly stable and is only fifty-four kilograms. It may vary slightly depending on the requirements of a particular role.

Biography of Kristen Stewart

The biography of Kristen Stewart started from the moment of her birth in 1990. The girl was surrounded by love and understanding, she grew up in an informal and creative environment.

No one tried to shove the baby into the generally accepted framework, so she amazed everyone with her individuality and brightness. Still studying at elementary school, Kristen gravitated towards theatrical art, the girl made her debut in the Christmas school play. After that, the baby began to engage in youth theater studio.

Her parents were not particularly supportive of Stewart's desire to go through auditions for roles, because they believed that failure would lower her self-esteem. They decided to help the girl and, without saying a word to her, invited a Hollywood agent who took her to one of theatrical productions.

However, the agent himself became interested in a talented girl who could enter into any image instantly. Eight-year-old Christy made her debut in the Disney Channel project called "Son of a Mermaid."

Filmography: films starring Kristen Stewart

Since then, the filmography has been rapidly replenished with roles in such films and TV series as "Panic Room", "Cruel People", "Zatura", "Teleport", "Sweet Midnight", "K-11", "Sils-Maria", " Still Alice”, “Anesthesia”, “Equals”. The talented role of Bella Swan-Cullen in five parts of the Twilight saga deserves special attention, after which the heroine fell in love, and the actress woke up famous and in demand among directors.

In the past few years, Kristen has appeared in such projects as "Civil Life", "Ultra-Americans", "A Few Women". In 2017, Stewart directed and wrote the film Let's Swim.

By the way, quite often fate simply smiled at the future famous actress. For example, she starred in cult movie"Panic Room" only because Hayden Panettiere turned down the role. Most of the roles offered to little and young Kristen were in horror films and psychological dramas.

The popularity and demand in the field of cinema made the girl a choice: a profession or a school. Kristen began to receive education externally. She did not give up and did her homework right on the set in between takes.

Personal life of Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart's personal life is a very interesting and popular aspect among her fans. Since childhood, the girl attracted the enthusiastic glances of fans and ordinary boys.

When Christy became famous, she became the object of desire for many teenagers and older men. Stewart, by the way, never wasted time. She dated her partner in the psychological drama Speak, Michael Angarano, for five years.

Maybe this romance would have led to marriage, however, in the life of Kristen appeared her hero-lover. They became Robert Pattinson, who played the role of her beloved vampire in the Twilight saga. Relations were strange and tense, they soon fizzled out.

In 2012, Kristen Stewart reported that the love-loving actress had another affair with Snow White and the Huntsman producer Rupert Sanders. It did not lead to anything, however, it finally quarreled with the couple of Pattinson and Stewart.

Photos of Kristen Stewart kissing her young assistant Alicia Cargile appeared on the front pages of newspapers and websites on the Internet. Then young ladies were often seen walking by the hand, like a couple in love. At the same time, Christie, in response to all the questions and accusations, only smiled: yes, she is bisexual and even made an offer to her cute non-traditional soul mate.

The fact that Kristen Stewart is a lesbian was proved when the girl started a new unconventional romance with French singer Soko. However, the relationship turned out to be fleeting, and Christie returned to Alicia.

Kristen Stewart family

Kristen Stewart's family is rather strange and extraordinary. Her parents were very unusual and very creative people. Mom could well show up for work in sneakers and a stretched sweater, and dad dismissed long hair and get another tattoo.

Kristen's father - John Stewart - was a collector creative professions, he worked at the famous Fox film studio as a producer and director, director of production of the show, assistant director.

Mom - Julia Mann - edited the scripts for television shows and was a very good artist.

Cameron Stewart's older brother works as a costume designer for the Fox film studio. Kristen has two unusual brothers who were adopted by her parents, Dan and Taylor, who is only four days younger than Kristy.

Kristen Stewart children

Kristen Stewart's children have not yet been born, because the girl could not find the only one from whom she would be ready to give birth to a baby. Fans have long hoped that the most beautiful couple in Hollywood, Stewart and Pattinson, will have a charming and intelligent baby, however, this did not happen.

Few people know, but Kristen is the godmother of the son of Britney Spears, whose name is Sean. She is happy to tinker with him and learn the basics of raising children.

Currently, Stewart's motherhood is being put under big question, because the girl talks about her lesbian inclinations everywhere and even prepares to marry a woman.

Former civil husband of Kristen Stewart - Robert Pattinson

Former civil husband Kristen Stewart - Robert Pattinson appeared in the life of a young actress in 2008. The guys first saw each other on the set of the Twilight saga, but the romance did not start right away.

Pattinson sought attention from Christy for a long time, and she finally gave up. However, do not think that the couple lived the same way as their on-screen heroes. This a beautiful couple was a model of instability and problematic relationships. The guys constantly quarreled, argued, dispersed and converged again. It was a screen adaptation of the saying: both sickening together, and apart nothing.

Kristen and Robert have decided to live in a civil marriage and maybe even have a baby. However, this kind of marriage lasted only four years and ended with the release of the last part of the Twilight saga.

The guy sold the house he bought for family life, and then announced that there would be no wedding. Kristen Stewart moved to parental home and stopped appearing in public with the luxurious "vampire" of her novel.

The reason for the separation of the brightest couple in Hollywood was Kristen's affair with Rupert Sanders on the set of the fairy tale film Snow White and the Huntsman. The guy tried to forget himself in the arms of the first beauties, however, he did not succeed.

A month later, the guys tried to lick the wounds of betrayal and restore their former relationship, but they did not succeed. Even the printed invitations to the wedding, which they did not have time to send out to relatives and friends, did not save.

This civil marriage ended in a very strange way: the young people remained comrades, but unanimously changed their orientation. The funny thing is that the news that Robert Pattinson is gay turned out to be just gossip and fake. Now fans are hoping that the news about Kristen's orientation will also turn out to be bad gossip, and the couple will be reborn to please them with a luxurious long-awaited wedding.

Photo Kristen Stewart before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Kristen Stewart before and after plastic surgery can be found on numerous sites. Fans carefully examine the photo of Christy as a teenager and her at a more mature age. They note that Stewart's style and behavior in public has changed a lot.

Experts noted that Christie clearly did rhinoplasty, however, the actress strongly rejects this fact. She is strongly against plastic surgery, which the actress definitely does not need. She has clean and elastic skin, an angelic face and impeccable taste, so she does not need any intervention.

Kristen Stewart nude - this is a very popular request on the Internet, however, we hasten to inform you that you should not expect absolute negligee. It is possible to find only a few photos of the semi-nude star that were found on the set of the first part of the Twilight saga and Welcome to the Rileys.

In 2012, Stewart starred in the movie On the Road, where she appears naked in front of the audience and commits obscene acts. This film has already been categorized as erotic and banned from screening during the daytime, although it was nominated for the Palme d'Or at Cannes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Kristen Stewart

Instagram and Wikipedia Kristen Stewart are quite official, as well as other profiles in in social networks.

On official page on Wikipedia it is possible to find reliable and verified information about the life of a young actress. You can clarify some facts or add reliable information personally.

Instagram has a huge number of profiles that are created on behalf of Stuart ordinary people and her fans. It is worth noting that Christie's official page was @kristenstewart, but she has not added information to it since 2013. As the star herself explained, she was simply tired of sharing the details of her personal life.

Sometimes information slips that Stewart has a secret profile on Instagram, which is available only to her friends.

Kristen James Stewart (Kristen Jaymes Stewart), known as Kristen Stewart, was born April 9, 1990 in Los Angeles (USA). Kristen is the younger of two children in a television-related family.

Kristen showed an early interest in acting profession, and her talent was noticed by film professionals in one of the school productions, which was attended by an agent. It was he who inspired the girl's parents with the idea that their child had certain abilities that needed to be developed. As a result, from the age of eight, the young actress began to appear at various castings and auditions, and in 1999 she appeared on the Disney Channel in the television production of The Son of a Mermaid. Following these, she played the role of the daughter of a single mother in the 2001 film The Safety of Things.

In 2002, Kristen starred in the first truly serious film. In the film Panic Room directed by David Fincher, Stewart played the daughter main character performed by Judy Foster. The role of the girl received such high marks from critics that they began to compare her with the young Judy Foster - and not only because resemblance. For her role in this film, Kristen was nominated for the Young Actor Award.

In 2003, Kristen was lucky enough to work with such a star as Sharon Stone in the film "The Devil's Mansion" directed by Mike Figgis, and the young actress was again nominated for the "Young Actor" award. After that, in 2004, Stewart played in three tapes at once. In the youth film "Forbidden Mission", she got the main role, in which the girl demonstrated outstanding comedic abilities. In the serious psychological film "Undercurrent" Stewart starred with Dermot Marlony, Jamie Bell. For her role in this film, the actress was nominated for the Young Actor Award for the third time, which, however, she did not receive. She played a difficult role in the film "Speak" based on popular book writer Laurie Holes Anderson, which was shown on several television channels.

In 2005, she again starred in a comedy role in the fantasy film "Zatura", which received critical acclaim, as well as in leading role in the film "Tough People", which, however, was never released into wide release. In 2006, Kristen worked with Meg Ryan and Adam Brody in In the Land of Women. In 2007, she starred in the film The Messengers, which was filmed by Thai directors. By the way, the film with Tersk failed. In the same year, more successful films came out with Stewart - "Into the Wild" by Sean Penn and "The Cake Eaters" by Mary Stuart Masterson.

IN next year the actress appeared in the same frame with Rebert de Niro, Bruce Willis and Sean Penn in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and also played one of her key characters - Bella Swan - in the movie Twilight that brought her world fame.

Followed in 2009, the continuation of "Twilight" - the film "Twilight. Saga. New Moon" brought Stewart the title best actress according to MTV. In the same year, Kristen returned to the comedy genre again, starring in the film "Park of Culture and Leisure."

The third "twilight" part - "Twilight. Saga. Eclipse "2010 - also not without an actress. In the same year, two more films with her participation were released - "Welcome to the Rileys" and "Ranways".

By 2011 - 2012 include two more films of the vampire saga - “Twilight. Saga. Dawn. Part 1 "and" Twilight. Saga. Dawn. Part 2 with Kristen Stewart. She also co-starred with Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman in 2012.

Kristen paparazzi attributed an affair with the star of "Twilight" Robert Pattinson, which was never confirmed by any of the actors.
