Small spool and expensive story. Small spool, but expensive: The meaning of the proverb

There lived a brother and two sisters. We lived together, you can’t spill water. Their names were Golden, Cinderella and Sister-in-law.
The spool was the smallest of them. What were they doing? Of course, gold was washed and washed in the river. In the morning they will collect all the gold from the sky and carry it to the river to wash. They will wash it clean, wipe it dry and hang it back to the sky to dry.
"What is the gold in the sky?" - you will be surprised. Well, the stars and the moon. After all, this is real gold.
With the stars, they certainly were easily controlled. They will put a ladder up to the sky and collect it in a basket, just like a cherry. By dawn, they usually had time to collect everything.
But with the moon it was more difficult. She is big, heavy, like a watermelon. It was not always possible to remove it from the sky. Especially when there are a lot of stars. They used to leave the moon hanging in the sky until the next morning. Yes, you yourself probably saw the moon during the day.
And washing Luna was harder. She was always washed last, and there was no time left. Therefore, the stains remained on it.
All this terribly displeased Zolotnik. Once he came up with the idea of ​​the first to remove the moon from the sky. To finally wash it cleaner and take on the stars.
They put a ladder to the sky and began to shoot the moon. They filmed for a long time, they got tired completely. They finally took off the moon and the sister-in-law rolled her to the river to soak in the water. She rolled over and splashed her into the water. It immediately became dark. The moon is no longer shining in the water!
And Zolotnik was standing on the stairs. He stood there and saw nothing. Only stars around. And what's the point of them? It's still dark.
He got scared. Suddenly he falls down the stairs in the dark, what then? Who will shoot gold from the sky? The sisters don't know how to climb stairs.
He shouts to the sister-in-law, “Bring Luna back as soon as possible, I don’t see anything!”
And the moon floats in the water! The sister-in-law tried to pull her out of the water, but nothing happened. The moon got wet in the water and became heavy! And slippery too! We need to take the three out.
And Cinderella is holding the ladder so that she does not fall. The spool cannot go down either, because it is dark to go down, you can fall.
So they stood until dawn: Zolotnik - on the stairs, Cinderella - under the stairs, and the sister-in-law with the Moon - in the river.
The sun has finally risen. Zolotnik was so tired of standing on the stairs that he could no longer shoot the stars. He went down a little alive and his sisters carried him home. All day they took care of him, so that he would quickly recover.
And the moon remained unwashed.
People went outside that day and saw all the stars in the sky! They were so happy! Just like children - new toys. Nobody has ever seen the stars before. Everyone slept at night and did not look at the sky.
Therefore, no one went to work that day, everyone took the children and went to the mountain to take a closer look at the stars. That was great!
By evening, Zolotnik recovered and, together with his sisters, got Luna out of the river. They took her up to heaven and hung her in her place. And in the morning they began to take gold from the sky again. Only now, in order - first the stars were all removed, and then the moon.
That's what they've been doing ever since. They, as before, do not have time to wash the moon to the end. Therefore, you can notice spots on it. But still, she is the most beautiful in the sky and shines brighter than all the stars!
And people liked to look at the stars so much that they began to do it at night too. They even invented binoculars and telescopes for this purpose. To see the stars better. That's just about the fact that all this happened thanks to Zolotnik, no one remembers.
But we know that!

Proverb: Small spool but precious.

What is a "golden"?

Zolotnik is an old Russian measure of weight that was used to weigh gold, silver and precious stones. The spool was equal to 4.3 grams (more precisely, 4.26 g). It is assumed that the word "zolotnik" comes from the name of the first ancient Russian gold coin "zlatnik".

In 1917, after October revolution, the old measures of length and weight were abolished, and introduced new system which we still use today. Thus, the word "spool" went out of everyday use, and remained to live in proverbs.

How to understand the proverb "Small spool, but expensive":

In the old days, a spool was called a measure of weight equal to about 4.3 g. A weight in the spool was used to measure the mass of precious metals - gold and silver. The heavier the ingot, the more expensive it is. But even if a small "piece" of gold weighed only one spool, it was still of great value. So the proverb was born: "Small spool, but expensive."

The proverb is used in most different situations and can refer to both people and inanimate objects. When we say this about a person, we mean that despite the modest and very ordinary appearance, young age, not the most high position in society, etc., he has qualities for which he can be valued and respected.

There are many sayings that are similar in meaning: “Small, but remote”, “Small cricket, but sings loudly”, “Small bird, but sharp claw”, “Small nightingale, but great voice” and others. If we apply this saying in relation to any thing, we emphasize that it has a special value for us. For example, if it is a gift for a loved one, even if it is not the most expensive one.

The main meaning of the proverb: Even something small (by weight or size) can be very valuable.

Other proverbs with the word "spool":

  • Health (glory) comes in gold pieces, and leaves in pounds.
  • Misfortune (grief, misfortune, shortage) comes in pounds, and leaves in spools.

Proverbs similar in meaning, analogues:

  • Small, but remote.
  • The cricket is small, but it sings loudly.
  • The bird is small, but the claw is sharp.
  • The nightingale is small, but the voice is great.
  • Small ruff, but prickly.
  • The spool is small, but they weigh gold, the camel is large, but they carry water on it.
  • The pot is small, but the meat is cooked.
  • Small and smart, old and stupid.
  • The spool is small, but expensive, the figure is great, but the fool.
  • Small spool but precious; the stump is great, but the hollow.
  • Small shorty, but strong.
  • A small chunk, but a century feeds.
  • An ant is small, but it digs mountains.
  • Small initiative, but expensive.
  • Small in body, but great in deed.
  • Small, but expensive spool, and a large pile, but smelly.

A short story with the proverb "Small spool, but expensive." Help writing an essay

Often asked in school composition on the topic of: Write short story according to the proverb "Small spool, but expensive". The task can cause misunderstanding not only among schoolchildren, but also among their parents. But for the sake of this, they go to school - to learn something new and develop their intellect. Therefore, we will not give up, but we will try to write an essay together. The meaning of the proverb has already been sorted out. Now we will try to find situations to which the proverb about the spool can be applied.

You can start your story like this:

  • In the life of each of us every day there are situations to which one or another proverb can be picked up. Once an incident happened to me, about which you can say "Small spool, but expensive." (and tell a suitable story from your life).
  • “The spool is small, but expensive” is a very wise proverb. Its meaning is that even something very small and insignificant can be of great value. It can be an act, a thing dear to the heart, or the fruit of a person's efforts.

"Small spool, but expensive": examples of situations

  • The boy with mom and dad went to the sea. The trip turned out to be interesting, fun, with a lot of impressions. On the seashore, the boy found a small shell. Its edges were chipped, and on one side there was even a crack. Despite this, the shell was very beautiful, and by putting it to your ear, you could even hear the sound of the sea. The boy took her with him. At home, in Russia, the boy showed the shell to his grandmother, friends and talked about a trip to the sea. His eyes shone with happiness. Small spool but precious.
  • The two brothers went for a walk in the yard. The older brother's name was Misha, and the younger one was Vanya. The boys began to play tag and suddenly heard a dog barking. Rushed across the yard little kitty, and after it - big dog. Misha was frightened and climbed up the hill, and Vanya blocked the dog's path and shielded the kitten with himself. The dog did not expect such a turn of events and left. So Vanya's brave act saved the kitten from inevitable death. Small spool but precious.
  • Varya could not learn to knit for a long time. The fingers did not obey, the threads were tangled, the knitting needles pricked the fingers painfully. The girl could not knit even the simplest scarf, but she started again and again, even if it came out crooked. Dissolved a number and taken again. And finally, by the beginning of winter, Varya managed to knit a scarf. It was short and uneven in places, but bright and very warm. But most importantly, the scarf was handmade! Small spool but precious.

Examples of similar situations from own life a student or parents can pick up essays before writing and compose their own story. And we hope that the article will help you with this 😉


(Island that deserves love)

Our planet is generous with gifts: every corner of it is beautiful in its own way. It happens that a small piece of land dazzlingly pleases with its serene sunny bright beauty; and the other - beckons and indulges in year-round warmth of water and air; and another one - dazzles the eyes with tropical colors .... All this does not apply to the region that is called Sakhalin ... And, nevertheless, Sakhalin is beautiful! It can also be sunny, but also generous with snow... it can be bright, or it can become painfully overcast and dangerous, it can warm with warmth, or it can overwhelm with typhoon cyclones...

The shape of Sakhalin Island is often compared to a dolphin, a fish, a shrimp, or a compass needle on a map of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. On the world map, it is barely noticeable - a slender island, cautiously nestled against the eastern side of heavy Eurasia - neither give nor take - "mama's boy" ... In fact, Sakhalin is a very independent, special, rich, unusual and very mysterious land.

Sakhalin - strange word, brought to Europe in the 13th (!) century from China by the famous Marco Polo. This name is translated in different ways, but most often, as “rocks at the mouth of the Black River,” as the Manchus saw it from the banks of the Amur.

Sakhalin was not always an island; in ancient times it was connected by land "umbilical cords" with the mainland and Japanese lands. But for over 10,000 years, its shores have been washed from all sides by the cold waters of the Okhotsk and Seas of Japan

This piece of land, gracefully elongated from north to south, is a little less than 1000 km long, and its width varies from 8 to 160 km. Therefore, Sakhalin, like a stiletto, pierces several climatic zones: tundra, taiga, temperate marine ...

The northern Sakhalin tundra, as it should be, is severely stingy in appearance, but generous in subsoil - gas, oil in such colossal volumes that the three strongest powers - Russia, the USA, Japan - have enough room for activity. The famous Sakhalin projects for the development of offshore fields are thundering all over the world!

Harsh climate, reindeer, polar partridges, long winter, berry places and unimaginable wealth in the earth and in the sea depths, this is northern Sakhalin.

To the south - real taiga, mountains, coal deposits, furs, gold, tangled and meandering rivers, in the valleys of which temperature drops from -56 C in winter to +34 C in summer ...

Further south - the calm of moderation - the most inhabited part of the island (the climate is milder).

Here vegetable and animal world masterfully diverse, and a scattering of delightfully beautiful lagoon lakes, luring, does not let go ... And the bowels are generously filled - deposits of building materials, hard and brown coal, peat, building materials, marble, decorative stones, jasper, there is even amber ... A special offer of Southern Sakhalin – unique in quality marine sulphide therapeutic mud and healing arsenic water sources. There were and still are colossal reserves of blue clay ...

The flora and fauna of Sakhalin is unique in many respects: more than 100 species are endemic.

The local population has long used everything that grows, lives on Sakhalin and in the surrounding waters for life, nutrition, and treatment.

Eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis, actinidia kolomikta, birch, aralia, velvet, adonis, wild rose (we have 4 types of them), blueberries, gonobobel, currants, raspberries, cranberries (all wild plants!) And, alas, "little promoted" in world krasnika (on Far East better known under a not very aesthetic name - klopovka) ... All these are just some of the terrestrial medicinal plants that are very widely used by the population today. And the thickets of sea meadows - fucus, kelp, ahnfeltia ... We are just learning to master them fully.

The special and most widely known wealth of Sakhalin is its fish and seafood: over 200 commercial species (both marine and freshwater), among which we note the most notable and famous - chum salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, sim, sockeye salmon (these are salmon); there is also a Sakhalin sturgeon - fish breeders are engaged in restoring the number of its herd; among connoisseurs of nature, the legendary “Red Book” Sakhalin taimen, a fish more than 1 meter long and weighing over 30 kg, has a special account. In addition, the near-Sakhalin waters supply the tables of Russians and residents of the countries of the Asian region with delicacy halibut, several types of crab, shrimps, scallop, sea ​​urchin, trepang, flounder, greenling, herring, trumpeter, pollock and other representatives of the abundant (still) local marine fauna ...

The waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the northern part of the Sea of ​​Japan are filled with life - an abundance of cetaceans, different types seals, fish. The land of South Sakhalin is full of greedily developing and living vegetation. Sakhalin is dotted with lakes and rivers that give fresh water. There is everything for people's life here.

The natives of Sakhalin - Ainu, Nivkh, Uilta, Tungus - pagans. The main deities of the Nivkhs (Gilyaks) and the Ainu are the gods of the Earth and Water. Defining the hierarchy of deities, the peoples did not have to rack their brains for a long time: nature itself gave a unique hint, which, perhaps, is not found anywhere. Certainly, chief god- The God of the Earth (the Bear has always been his personification). The argument is not from a person, but from nature: the God of Water annually sends his subjects as a sacrifice to the one who is more important - to the earthly God. What an amazing explanation was found for the majestic phenomenon, which still surprises all its observers - the move to spawn fish. And on Sakhalin, such a rune passage was not only salmon, but also herring. The spectacle is incomprehensible, bewitching, subjugating, sometimes frightening in its inexorability and predestination.

Isn't this a mystery and a mystery - a combination of tundra moss moss and almost tropical lianas on one piece of land; minerals from sand and peat to ... gold. Even mammoth and dinosaur remains have been found on this land.

And its history is even more full of mysteries and intrigues.

Sakhalin changed owners, names, races of the peoples who lived on it ... They owned it different countries. His map is filled with names that reflect all stages of the development of the island by peoples - here are the Dutch names - Tonin, Castricum, given in the 17th century by Martin Garritsen De Vries; and French - Lamanon, Crillon, Jonquiere, Moneron, left at the end of the 19th century by the expedition of Jean Francois Galou de la Perouse; and Russian names - Mordvinova, Maria, Elizabeth, Mulovsky, given by Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern in 1805; and sonorous, but obscure names that preserve the features of the Nivkh, Evenki, Ainu languages- Tunaicha, Nabil, Aniva, Due, Poronay, Moskalvo, Okha ... There are almost no names of Japanese origin left on the map, but in the conversation of Sakhalin people you can still hear - Toyohara, Oodomari, Ochiai, Shiretoku and others - such names were worn during the period of Japanese boards familiar to us Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Korsakov, Dolinsk, Makarov ...

Sakhalin residents are very proud of the names of those who visited the island in different years. This is accepted not only by us. But staying on Sakhalin has always been a significant event for Russians - regardless of what brought them to the edge of Russia - work, service, family affairs or a court decision ...

There were very few who followed to a distant island at the behest of the heart, conscience. That is why Anton Pavlovich Chekhov took a very special place in our history. Having accomplished in 1890 a civil and human feat, having gone to a hard labor island, he was able to accomplish another feat - a literary one. Chekhov's Sakhalin Island, published in 1895, has become for all time best book about Russian history and the life of Sakhalin. Truly an honest book by an honest man.

And those who served here, served a hard time, B.O. Pilsudsky, and M.S. Mitsul, and P.P. Glen, and S.O. Makarov, and G.I. Nevelskaya, and V.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, and V.M. Doroshevich, and F.B. Schmidt, and N.P. Rezanov, and F.F. Bellingshausen… You can't count them all.

Sakhalin history also knew wars. In the distant past - the wars of the natives with the Manchus. The 20th century was marked by two clashes on Sakhalin land - Japan and Russia (USSR).

Both during the Russian-Japanese (1904-1905) and the Soviet-Japanese (August 1945) wars, the fate of Sakhalin's territorial affiliation was decided - and, as a result, it changed! fighting on Sakhalin (during these wars) were extremely tragic in their essence for those who fought.

In 1905, the Russian island of Sakhalin was defended from invasion partisan detachments, the main backbone of which were convicts and exiled settlers. Another paradox: the prisoners defended Sakhalin, their prison, because during the war the prison became the personification of the Motherland!... Sometimes, one could not even imagine that someone would even know about the worthy end of their sinful lives...

In 1945, when the USSR returned South Sakhalin to the bosom of Russia, a lot of blood was shed on both sides - Japanese and Soviet. The truth was on our side. But, if you think about it, for the Japanese soldiers who fought with us, born in the 20s, the Sakhalin land (Karafuto, as they called it) was also the Motherland ... They died for their villages and their homes, for their own, also native to them, edge...

Everything changed exactly the opposite in 1945: a terrible retribution came to them for the deeds of their grandfathers in 1905.

“These are the ways of anyone who hungers for someone else’s good: it takes the life of the one who has taken possession of it,” says the biblical truth ...

Everyone knows about Sakhalin. Its history is remarkable. His name is heard. It is a household word when in the European part of Russia they talk about something distant, cruel, unfair, terrible, incomprehensible and monetary ...

Life on Sakhalin is not easy, but strangely attractive.

At present, Sakhalin is incredibly polar and controversial: new technologies are combined here using “ last words technology” and dying (still quite recently flourishing) cities and towns; staggering wealth and blinding ugliness of poverty; civilized enterprises and the wildness of the existence of the population; the growing urbanization of the capital of the island against the background of the degradation of the remaining few cities; dazzling romanticism and discouraging cynicism; incredible beauty of nature and equally incredible clutter; fantastic wealth and resources and the still far from prosperous state of the unique subject of our Federation.

Sakhalin - main part the only island region among Russians. From time to time this name fills the pages of newspapers and magazines. From time to time - Sakhalin chains the minds of adventurers. From time to time Sakhalin becomes the object of experiments. From time to time, the island experiences prosperity and, alas, the next one - decline. It has always been so. He is like that - he promises a lot, gives a lot ... Only most of the experimenters forget that he also strictly, by and large, asks ... Those who deceived his trust once, he punishes. Those who betray him, he refuses love. It seems to me that this is fair. Sakhalin is waiting for love and knows how to respond to it. He is waiting for worthy applicants, but they are still beyond the horizon ...

And the horizon near Sakhalin is everywhere!

… An island of contrasts. It's hard to get away from him. It's not easy to get used to it. It's impossible not to love him.

Elena Rashchupkina-Lopukhina

Sanka Polimonov was small… even very small – about 160 cm, from the lower border. He was the shortest cadet in the 45th class department and looked very comical against the background of the “thugs” with a height of 1.80 meters. Sanka was the smallest of the 144 cadets in the entire 4th company. And, probably, the smallest in the entire 1st training battalion. And maybe even the smallest in the entire Air Force School ... or even in the entire Air Force ?!

Polimosha was a rather slender young man - puny with graceful arms and a leg size worthy of the fairy-tale Cinderella. His boots were so small that warehouse ensigns were looking for them for more than one day, shoveling a couple of thousand pairs until they found the 36th size! And cadet Polimonov ate like Thumbelina - a couple of rice grains a day. And there was not enough blood in his body, he almost fainted! (see "Vampires") And his heart was also probably very small - in proportion to his skinny carcass. And the name of the cadet Polimonov in everyday life was exclusively diminutive - Polimosha. Less often, Polymon. And the attitude towards him among the cadet brethren was like a younger brother, who could not even be taken seriously! Like: "Well, what do you want, baby?"

But little Polimoshi had great love! Not just big, but huge - a prominent Ural girl who was taller than him by a whole head and a little more. As the saying goes: “You can’t command your heart” and our dear Polimosha was smitten on the spot by the bright beauty and impressive size of a local beauty named Irina!

Sanka looked at the object of his adoration from the bottom up, wide-eyed and not hiding his snotty delight. And everything would be fine, but looking at your beloved girl from the bottom up is somewhat humiliating for manhood, and cadet Polimonov suffered severely on this occasion. It is understandable! Moreover, it’s not far from an inferiority complex ... Constantly looking at a woman with her head up?! You don't wish it on your enemy!

In the evenings, peering into the beautiful face of his beloved on black and white photo Sanka sighed heavily and was quietly sad. He was terribly jealous of all the tall guys in the company, of which there was an overwhelming majority, and with undisguised despair, he called out to the next giant.
- Well, why do you need 190 cm?! Give me 10 centimeters! To my 159 it would be just right! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

After another dismissal to the city, sophomore Sanka Polimonov seemed to have gone crazy ... Every day, when he visited the cadet canteen, he ran into the vegetable shop and filled his planchette with carrots with notes to the very eyeballs. Jokes aside, Sasha devoured carrots with the fantastic performance of a huge flock of rabbits. Moreover, Polimosha hung on the horizontal bar for hours, tying heavy pancakes from the barbell to his lower back. After a couple of weeks, he turned to us with an unexpected request.
- Guys, help me grow up!

Good-natured Lelik skeptically looked at Polymon, greedily gnawing another carrot and theatrically touched his forehead to determine the high temperature.
- What else did you invent, Sasha? Has it overheated? And in general, you are kind of obsessed! Head not weakened?
- Guys, I want to get married!

Under the friendly laughter of shameless cadets' throats, Lelik gives out another tirade.
- Get married! Who doesn't give you?! Only, mind you not on me, I have a girlfriend in Kyiv! Garny black-eyed dark-skinned girl! I'm sorry dear, but my heart is hopelessly busy! They drove up to Hoof, his heart is in Once again smashed to smithereens, maybe he will reciprocate?! Or at least caress!
- You should scoff at everything, but I have a tragedy! Irishka is a head taller than me...
- And what?! Everyone is equal in bed!
- So the OK in bed?! And how to walk the streets together! She will be ashamed of me!
- If he is shy, then he does not love! You will find another ... The Lilliputian circus has arrived in the city, such beauties are drawn on the poster ...
- I don't want another! I don't want a midget! I love Iruka!
- Well, tody, oh! What do you need?!
- Guys, pull me out!
- What?
- I hang on the horizontal bar as much as I can, but my fingers get tired quickly and unbend! Can't take long! If my hands are tied to the back of the bed, and you pull on my legs, then I can grow up ... So, I eat carrots regularly! Vitamin A is the growth vitamin! I've grinded it off so much that I'm already shitting with one carrot ...
- A?! I see… come on!

The personnel of the 45th class department gathered in the dormitory for a free performance. Asking for help? Why not?! Let's help! Sanya's hands were tightly tied to the metal headboard with waffle towels, and two strong guys took hold of his legs, and the process began ...

As soon as Lelik Ponomarev and Fedya Mirzaliev pulled Polimosha by the legs, he squealed like an uncut pig. The frightened guys loosened their grip, but the stubborn one, having stopped squealing in pain, demanded to continue the stretching procedure. OK! Let's go further! ... yelling again! And so many times in a row! You pull - yells! You stop pulling - you need to continue! Circus!

And laughter and sin, but we conscientiously pulled Sanka for a couple of weeks every evening before going to bed. Polimoshi's pulling proceru has become a kind of traditional occurrence for the coming sleep. Then we got a little fed up with it ... Moreover, we were afraid of harming the health of our friend. Is Mali? Stretching the spine? HZ!

As a result of our joint efforts, soon Sanka's body stretched out, and somewhat disproportionately in relation to the limbs. But the legs remained pristinely short. Having received such a somewhat unexpected result and after consulting on self-training, we decided to stop all medical experiments on our friend. And then, some kind of freak turns out!

Left without support, the stubborn Polimos continued his regular hanging on the bar on his own. Every free minute, while all the cadets lazily fell on the bunk or ran for a smoke break, Sanka Polimonov jumped on the horizontal bar and stupidly hung to the point of complete insanity and exhaustion, to cramps in tired hands and numb fingers ... That's what love brings !!! Horror!

After such exercises, Sasha's arms stretched out almost below the knees. And he began to resemble a disproportionate monkey with long arms and torso, but with very short legs ... Laughter, and nothing more!

In fairness, it should be noted that Polymon grew by about 2.5 cm, which he was very proud of. Every evening he stood by the wall of the barracks, where marks of "old" and "new" height were marked with a thin pencil. It is ridiculous to think, but the 2.5 cm of “increase” obtained in this way warmed the soul of Polymon and instilled in his heart a trembling hope for reciprocity from the prominent and stately Irishka.

The moment of truth has come - Polimosha, visibly worried, went on another dismissal to the city to propose to his beloved ...

He returned gloomier than clouds and on the verge of despair. The guys pestered with questions ... On the one hand, Irina confessed her love for Sasha, but asked for time to think. And Polimoshka stopped living, eating and drinking, and began to breathe every other time ... He was consoled and encouraged as best they could.
- If you don't give up right away, then everything will be fine! The women love how they love to mock the guys! It's in their blood! Say what you like, but Irinka is a prominent mare, and even with a temper, but you hold on too! Bring on the style, you’re some kind of man, and this is the main thing! Don't call, wait...

Having withstood the "traditional" pause, Irina nevertheless agreed. Polymon glowed with delight and without a doubt at that moment was the most happy man in the world. Still would! Grabbed such a prominent beauty!

At the merry wedding, almost all of the 45th department walked. The bride was charmingly beautiful, graceful, slender and miraculously good. White dress and an airy veil emphasized the volume and weight of the wealth that Sanka Polimonov grabbed. And although Irishka put on low-heeled shoes, she was still a whole head taller than her fiancé. Nevertheless, despite the striking difference in height, the guys were frankly happy! They just glowed with joy, and it was clearly evident!

To be honest, at his own wedding, Polimosha was a little lost against the background of his guests - the giants of the cadets, but these are such trifles !!! We showed everyone and everyone in every way that, despite the flimsy physique, Sanka Polimonov, among the thugs and giants surrounding him, enjoys great respect and indisputable authority. How else?!

After the allotted time, Sanka and Irishka had a son and Polimon became the first dad in the 4th company. In order to raise his social status and personal self-esteem to sky-high heights, all the guys in our 45th squad, and then the entire 4th company, began to call him exclusively: "Father." The nickname "Polymon" gradually faded away. "Father!" …and that's it.

Naturally, we unanimously played along with Sanka, and our respectful attitude it was somewhat ostentatious and theatrical and picturesque, but the frankly happy Polimosha blew his cheeks solidly and held his back importantly. From the side it was very noticeable that he was bursting with pride.
To be honest, our respect for little Polimosha was absolutely sincere, because. none of us had children of our own yet and we had no idea what it was to be a FATHER?! And in the very last line of our 4th company there was a real “Father”, ... small and frail, but - FATHER!

From time immemorial, there has been a saying among the people: "The spool is small, but expensive."
This is also about her, Valentina Averkievna Semenova, a milkmaid of the MIR collective farm near Torzhok.
2014 was a big year for her. In the accounting sheet of annual milk yields assigned to her by fifty cows, an entry appeared: 7952 kilograms of milk from a cow, per year.
The result in the non-chernozem region is phenomenal. Until recently, only livestock breeders in Western Europe had such milk yields.
Experience allowed our milkmaids to achieve such results before, but the desire came up against the conditions of the food supply and diet. In addition to hay, green grass and silage, the farmer grew cereals, flax and potatoes.
Two years ago, the purchase of flax from the villagers stopped and the collective farm, which in the recent past had the largest in the region, and in Russia, the field of flax, was forced to abandon the cultivation of northern silk.
The areas released from under flax were sown with fodder crops. This replenished the food base and allowed adding additional calories to the diet of animals.
A positive role was played by purchases of high-quality compound feed and cake for feeding cows.
It is not for nothing that they say: "A cow has milk on its tongue." On the collective farm, milk yields have increased. In 2014, the collective farm received 5,790 kilograms of milk from each of the 1,100 cows.
Cows also respect polite treatment, attention and care. On the farm of the Voskhod brigade, which is headed by Vasilyeva Svetlana Ivanovna, milkmaids treat these inclinations of cows with due understanding. Over the past year, the farm team received 7,201 kilograms of milk from 144 cows.
A leading role in this success was played by the initiative of the chairman of the collective farm, Popov Nikolai Ivanovich, to overhaul the farm.
Valentina Semenova has been working in animal husbandry for decades. Growth is small. It will pass on the other side of the cow, only the corner of the scarf will flash. And diligence and the ability to handle animals does not hold her. And cows answer her with record milk yields.
For high performance in the work of Semenova Valentina was awarded the title: "Honorary Worker Agriculture Tver region". Congratulations.


Alexander Vasilyevich!
Now they write and show more and more about "secular" parties. How they dressed, what they ate, what they drank, what vulgar jokes they threw around.

Thank you for your story about the modest worker who feeds us. Good health to Valentina and further high performance in work.

I wish you, Alexander Vasilyevich, to become the winner in the contest for the title of "People's Writer". I voted with pleasure and the vote is accepted!
Only there are doubts. And this night they only intensified when in the voting for the month of November that had barely begun, literally half an hour later, the author Irina Babich suddenly found 102 votes.
Strange, very strange. Usually this is a good indicator when the author gains a hundred votes per month. By the way, earlier it was nominated for a competition. But somehow the stars from the sky were not enough. And then - suddenly, yes immediately! I do not believe!
You know, here I am for honesty!

Good luck and victory! In any case, you are loved, read, your word is valued.
So, you are PEOPLE!
With great respect!

Thank you for your attention, Vera.
And thank you twice for your help.
Kolkhoz Mir is now at a crossroads. Something unthinkable happened a month ago.

What will happen now, no one knows.
I, too, was not a little surprised by the appearance of a marathon with a "dowry" at the competition. Apparently, what is allowed to Jupiter ...
I read it again: "Meeting".
And the second time I want to read this life-filled story. Yes, even as filled. In the calm flow of the plot, such deep streams of feelings boil that one wonders how the banks hold such a channel. And all from life. Our. Appreciated and scolded. Native.
Thank you, Vera, for your words and thoughts are correct.
May you be lucky for all future years.

Alexander Vasilyevich!
I've read "Cutoff" before. My answer is.
All this is sad. And it's irreparable! If only everything would not have a bad effect on the Mir collective farm. Prosperity and good results!

Good luck to you too, singer. native land! Let your countrymen be proud of you! In turn, I am glad that I know, albeit virtually, with a wonderful writer. From the plow?
Well, so fertile soil and beautiful fruits!
Rejoice, rejoice with the works!
