The soldier who does not dream of being a general is bad. A bad soldier is one who, having become a general, ceases to be a soldier.

Bad is the soldier who does not dream of being a general
From the collection "Soldier's Notes" (1855) by the Russian writer Alexander Fomich Pogossky (1816-1874), nicknamed "military Dahl" by his contemporaries. In his collection of aphorisms-teachings, stylized as folk proverbs, there is also such an expression: “The soldier who does not think to be a general is bad, and even worse is the one who thinks too much what will happen to him” (Complete collection of works by A. F. Pogossky. T. I. St. Petersburg. , 1899). The first part of this phrase became winged.
Used: usually to encourage, encourage someone in his enterprise, bold plan, plan (jokingly).

  • - Trust in God, don't make a mistake yourself. Wed We must hope in God ... "No, brother, that's enough: you yourself will be bad, so God will not give it!" Dal. Father with son. 1. Look at God, hope, but don’t make a mistake yourself ...
  • - who, what to be ✦ X P out of hand. In the role of the nominal part of the tale. - What about the weather? “A week out of hand,” Jonah admitted honestly. - So out of hand! - Inka allowed herself to doubt. V. Platova, Crystal trap...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - takes the words of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov from his letter dated January 19, 1761 to Count I. I. Shuvalov ...
  • - About striving for perfection, dreaming of a better...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - deceptive remark...

    Live speech. Dictionary colloquial expressions

  • - BAD, -oy, -oy; , -a, -o, -i and -i; in meaning comp. and superior. Art. use...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - bad adj. unfold Very weak, severely and hopelessly ill...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - in a general way I. - haughtily, proudly Cf. My teacher, who expected that his majestic address would be answered majestically, i.e. they will say no-general "um" and stretch out two fingers, he was very embarrassed and timid, ...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Wed. Ah, damn it! Gogol. Auditor. 5, 1. Mayor...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - God is God, and don’t be bad yourself. Trust in God, don't make a mistake yourself. Wed We must rely on God ... "No, brother, that's enough: you yourself will be bad, so God will not give it!" Dal. Father with son. 1...
  • - b. Wed Oh, damn it, it's nice to be a general! Gogol. Auditor. 5, 1. Mayor...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - A thin soldier who does not hope to be a general. Wed And let yours cheerfully hurry, As their forces will not be small; Bad - they say with us - a soldier, When he does not aim for generals. Omulevsky. To the younger generation...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - From the song "Spring is Coming", written by the composer Isaac Dunayevsky to the verses of the poet Mikhail Davidovich Volpin for the film "Spring" directed by Grigory Alexandrov ...

    Dictionary winged words and expressions

  • - See GLASS -...
  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - seriously ill, unwell, looking into the coffin, completely, the days are numbered, barely breathing, looking into the grave, barely a soul in the body, breathing hard, sick, standing with one foot in the grave, standing on the edge of the grave, sick, standing on the edge coffin, worth ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Bad is the soldier who does not dream of being a general" in books

He wants to be a general

From the book Suvorovets Sobolev, get in line! author Malyarenko Felix Vasilievich

He wants to be a general Sanka was sitting alone in the classroom and was solving problems that he additionally asked for when Vitka brought him a letter. It was signed in crooked and heavy lines, one letter pressed on another, and from this the words fell side by side one after another. Sanka is not

The story of a man who could not be happy...

From the book Charmed by Death author Aleksievich Svetlana Alexandrovna

The story of a man who could not be happy… Victor Ivanovich Marutin - photographer, 55 years oldFrom the daughter's story “He went to the dacha… It was he who told us that he would go to the dacha. He got off the train, they saw him: with a backpack, with a hunting rifle and a camera. And turned into the forest ...

62. How good it is to be a general

From the book Luftwaffelmen author Sidorov Alex

62. How good it is to be a general The mood, to put it mildly, was bad, and for everyone. There was a strong impression that we were full of shit and, moreover, slurped with a large spoon. And it flowed down the mustache and enough got into the mouth. Everyone understands that the cadet military school,


From the book Marshals and General Secretaries author

Knot 8 IS IT GOOD TO BE A GENERAL IF YESTERDAY YOU WAS A MARSHAL On February 16, 1942, by the decision of the Special Presence of the Supreme Court of the USSR, Grigory Ivanovich Kulik was deprived of the rank of Marshal Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union and all military awards. He was judged by three, one of

From the book of Heinrich Heine author Deutsch Alexander Iosifovich



From the book I do not believe in anarchy (Collection of articles) author Letov Egor

EGOR LETOV. THE JUDGMENT THAT WAS NOT, BUT WHICH COULD BE... ...There was an almost palpable smell of sweat. Port and marijuana. Someone with a thin, bearded face was pushed onto the stage. Four grim uniformers slammed him into the rickety throne with a flourish. The throne staggered, but stood firm. Dwarf with a pin


From the book Memoirs of a sclerotic author Smirnov Boris Natanovich

HOW? IS IT GOOD TO BE A GENERAL? Leading means not interfering with good people's work. Pyotr Kapitsa The mind of a ruler is first of all judged by the kind of people he brings closer to himself. N. Machiavelli At the very beginning of this biographical story, I, as if focusing on


From the book Illness to Death author Kierkegaard Soren



From the book Katyn the author Mackiewicz Jozef

Annex 7. REPORT OF ROTMISTR CHAPSKY ON MEETINGS WITH GENERAL NASEDKIN, GENERAL RAYKHMAN AND HEAD OF THE NKVD DEPARTMENT BZYROV “The formation of the Polish army in the USSR began in September 1941 in Tatishchev near Saratov and in Totsk on the railway

Bad is the soldier who does not dream of being a general

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

The soldier who does not dream of being a general is bad. From the collection "Soldier's Notes" (1855) by the Russian writer Alexander Fomich Pogossky (1816-1874), nicknamed "military Dahl" by his contemporaries. In his collection of aphorisms-teachings, stylized as folk proverbs, there are

Chapter Four. How hard is it to be a general

From the author's book

Chapter Four. How hard it is to be a general “O bright image of a counterintelligence hero, hard as flint, with iron nerves and an indomitable will, you fall apart! ..” Karpov muttered, cramming his overweight body into the saloon of the “traband” and turning the key in the lock

It should be profitable to work and live in the countryside. The border is not where a soldier with a gun, but where a peasant plows

From the book Russia - an alternative to the apocalypse author Efimov Viktor Alekseevich

It should be profitable to work and live in the countryside. The border is not where the soldier with a gun is, but where the peasant plows. The Russian Federation has land resources of more than 12 hectares per inhabitant. Maintenance and effective development of this living space

It's good to be a general!

From the book News from the Kremlin author Zenkovich Nikolai Alexandrovich

It's good to be a general! On January 1, 1994, the reduction of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of Russia began. Now these structures number 8,000 servicemen. As a result of the reorganization, six thousand people should remain.

Chapter 8

From the book It Should Have Been Wrong the author Pavlov Alexey

Chapter 8. HOW GOOD TO BE A GENERAL OR CRIMINAL PHILOLOGY "Let's look at him!" came an authoritative voice outside the door, then an obliging response: “Of course, here! Lively like a dog. A peephole opened, and someone stared at it for a long time. “Pavlov, into the corridor!” Hands behind your back.

Oleg Kashin The Man Who Didn't Want to Be a General

From the book Russian God (December 2007) author Russian life magazine

Oleg Kashin The man who did not want to be a general Remembers the only democratic head of the Moscow police department

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This methodical development relevant in our time, because it is built on the principle of "quest", which is so popular among young people.

Purpose of the event: education of moral and patriotic feelings in relation to their homeland.

Event objectives:

  • to cultivate love for the Motherland through respect for the past of the country, the present, as well as a sense of responsibility for its future;
  • to intensify the interest of young men in military affairs.
  • develop memory and imagination,
  • instill a sense of pride for our army, for the heroes of our Fatherland.

Forms of organization of children's activities: game by stations (analogous to the modern "quest" in our time).

Age: 8-9 grade.


  • "combat sheet" and "shoulder straps" can be printed on A5 format on both sides;
  • it is necessary to explain to the girls before the game the principle of filling in the “shoulder straps”,
  • every girl should have a marker different color so that they cannot “play along” with the guys and do not paint over an extra star or badge (thus, everyone should be painted different color),
  • filling in the “shoulder strap”: in order to avoid confusion, draw “stars” or “badges”, all the insignia are already numbered (that is, the guy came to the first station, completed all the tasks, then the first stripe is painted over for him, at the next - second, and so on). As soon as all the numbered elements are painted over on the first "chase", only after that you should move on to the next "chase", do not jump, do everything sequentially. You should also pay attention to the fact that some elements are numbered with two the same numbers, this means that you need to paint over both elements at once (The appearance of certain stars is due to an increase in military rank, but there are some inaccuracies, this is not so scary, the main thing is that the meaning of the gradual “increase” of a teenager during the game is preserved).
  • 3 minutes to complete each task, 2 minutes to move around the stations, return to the station again (you can’t fail to complete the task),
  • The game is scheduled for 1 hour 30 minutes. At the end of time, the girls leave their stations. Some boys may not have time to go through everything.
  • at the end of the game, the boys bring their "battle sheets" with "shoulder straps". The teacher looks at what ranks have been collected and makes a suitable "shoulder strap". Blanks with green shoulder straps must be made in advance, as well as stripes and stars different sizes. Immediately you just need to glue those elements that are necessary after passing all the stations for each child individually.
  • Not all children will be able to "reach the rank of general" for reasons of their sports or intellectual abilities, and this is natural, since in life few become generals. But there are also simple tasks so that the child does not leave as a simple ordinary at the end of the game.

Game progress

Teacher: Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we have gathered on the eve of the holiday, which is dedicated to our valiant defenders. February 23rd was celebrated in 1922. In Soviet historiography, it was generally accepted that on this day in 1918 the army of revolutionary Russia won its first victories. It happened near Narva and Gdov, where the Red Army forced the troops of Kaiser Germany to retreat. Over time, the content of the holiday has changed.

1 girl: Previously, February 23 was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. It was a military holiday. The authority of the military was high, military service was considered prestigious. It should be noted that not everyone was taken to the Red Army in those years. The young man had to have not only excellent health, but also belong to certain social groups. Called for military service guys from working and peasant families. Very rarely they took children from the families of the intelligentsia, and those who had nobles among their ancestors could not even dream of it. Among the officers, there were people noble origin, officers of the tsarist army who went over to the side Soviet Russia. They were called soldiers. Red Army Day in those years was not a day off. It was a professional holiday when only soldiers and officers were congratulated. It was also not customary to arrange festive feasts on this day.

2 girl: After the Great Patriotic War The Red Army was renamed into the Soviet. Accordingly, the name of the holiday has also changed. From 1949 until the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was called the Day Soviet army and the Navy. Until about the beginning of the 60s, it continued to be considered an exclusively military holiday. Not only men were congratulated. There were quite a lot of women among the military, especially among the former front-line soldiers. On this day solemn meetings, concerts, major cities fireworks were arranged on "round" dates. The tradition to congratulate all men on this day was formed in the 60s. The fact is that men did not have their own holiday, while International Women's Day was celebrated quite widely. Employees of enterprises, students and schoolgirls began to give gifts to those with whom they work or study together, arrange concerts and friendly gatherings.

3 girl: Day of the Soviet Army and Navy became the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. Back in 1995, the law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia" was adopted. The day of February 23 was also indicated there. Defender of the Fatherland Day became a non-working day in 2002. Now Defender of the Fatherland Day is not a military holiday. This is the day of all men. The representatives of the stronger sex are congratulated at home and at work, they are given gifts, concerts and folk festivals are arranged for them. However, some women are also congratulated on this day, because there are still a lot of them in the army. This day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in some countries of the former Soviet Union.

Teacher: So you learned some facts from this holiday. In honor of this day, we decided to arrange a small quest game for the boys of our class. At the very beginning, you will receive small envelopes in which there will be “combat sheets”, on which places with tasks and “shoulder straps” are indicated. These "shoulder straps" are on this moment clean, and your task is to collect all the necessary badges and stars in order to become a general from a private. Now the girls will leave to take their "combat posts", and I will explain the rules in more detail.

Rules of the game

(The rules of the game can be written on the board, it is necessary to distribute envelopes with “fight sheets” and “epaulettes”. Appendix 1 and Appendix 2).

  1. The game is 1 hour 30 minutes long and has 17 stations. You have 3 minutes to complete each task, and 2 minutes to move around the stations.
  2. If you can not complete the task - do not waste time, move on. It is impossible to return to this station again in order to exclude the tips of comrades who were able to complete this task.
  3. Tasks of 3 types:
    • sports (they are marked in combat sheets as "C")
    • intellectual ("AND")
    • creative ("T")
      Tasks are performed in random order. If you feel that you can easily complete intellectual ones, then start with them.
  4. At each station you have the opportunity to earn a badge or a star.
  5. When you pass all the “battle points” or the time runs out, you return back to the class so that you can exchange your “battle lists” for shoulder straps that you could deserve.

I hope everyone understands the rules. So, I'm timing. The game starts!

(Children go on assignments).

Description of tasks

1C. Hit the target!

In this task, it is proposed to hit a tennis ball into a bucket (if it is possible to spend it in the gym, then throw a basketball into the ring from the foul line). You need to hit 3 times, only 4 attempts. If he hit 3 times, then a star is “drawn” to him, if he hit only 2 times, then he gets nothing.

2C. military bowling

Here you need to knock down the pins with the ball (as in bowling. 2 attempts are given). If in two attempts he knocked down all the pins, then he earned a "star", if he could not, then he does not receive anything.

3C. push up

According to sports standards, a teenager must do at least 10 push-ups. Less than 10 times, then the "star" does not receive.

4C. squat

It is necessary to perform squats 30 times. The task is not difficult, but everyone can complete it.

5C. Team: "Gases!"

Execution standards - 5 seconds. It is desirable that a life safety teacher stand at this station so that unpleasant situations with a gas mask can be avoided.

6C. pull up

It is necessary to pull up on the crossbar 5 times (this is the minimum according to the standards).

7I. Great battles

In this task, you need to correlate the name of the event and the date. To do this, you need to prepare and cut the cards (Appendix 3)

Battle on the Ice - 1242

Battle of Kulikovo - 1380

Battle of Poltava - 1709

Battle of Moscow - January-April 1943

Battle of Kursk - summer-autumn 1943

8I. Historical figures

Must be placed in chronological order the next generals. Print and cut cards (Appendix 4)

Macedonian, Genghis Khan, Suvorov, Napoleon, Caesar, Nevsky, Donskoy, Zhukov, Kutuzov.

9I. Rebus

It is necessary to guess which statement is encrypted here (Appendix 5)

10I. Theorist

Solve the problem. An example can be written on a piece of paper.

Answer: 1 - 2 * 3 + 4 + 5 = 4

11I. Proverb

Here it is necessary to cut it into letters and let it be put together (Appendix 6)

The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done!

12I. Encryptor

Guess what is encrypted here. Give a "key" as a hint (Appendix 7)

15 22 17 1 14 1 13 15 18 19 1 –

19 17 9 19 1 14 11 1 8 1 17 6 11 15 10

18 16 17 1 3 1, 3 15 3 17 1 4 6 15 5 9

(protection of the bridge - three tanks across the river on the right, one tank in the ravine)

13T. Launch the plane!

It is necessary to make an airplane out of paper and launch it. If the plane has flown more than a meter (make a mark on the floor), the attempt is counted. Two attempts.

14T. Tank

You just need to draw a tank.

15T. Sing the song!

You need to name 5 songs on a military theme.

16T. shirt guy

It is necessary to fold the shirt neatly and beautifully. After the task is completed, compare it with how it should have been done (that is, show a neatly folded shirt in advance).

17T. Burime

A very creative task, but you need to strictly ensure that you get a small rhyme, and not just a set of words.





After all the participants return from their assignments, everyone gathers in the class. In the meantime, you can already prepare the "epaulettes" and stick on them those stars / badges that the teenager was able to "collect" for the entire period of the game.

Teacher: We are happy to welcome you all here again. Each of you tried very hard and with honor and valor performed all the tasks that you met on the way. As the proverb says - "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." And now we will find out which of our guys was able to reach the general in our impromptu game. So, the awards ceremony!

1 girl: We begin our rewarding in ascending order - from private to general.

(There is an awarding of participants).

Teacher: Once again, we would like to thank everyone for their participation. Not everyone was able to become generals, but it had to be so, because in life only a few can reach heights in a military post. As a gift to all our defenders, our girls will sing a song for you!

(The song can be any, the main thing is to have a military theme).

Any of us at least once faced such a problem: flashing someone's catchphrase, people embarrassedly say: "I don't remember who said it ..." Or they refer to a certain poet, often without indicating his name: "As the poet said .. Or they even attribute any vivid expression to Napoleon.

But behind every word or statement there is a very specific person - a philosopher, poet, historical figure or any specific source, such as the Bible, explains the philologist, the author " encyclopedic dictionary winged words and expressions" (publishing house "Lokid-Press") Vadim SEROV. - This distinguishes aphorisms from such stable phraseological turns, such as, for example, "shout all over Ivanovo" or "Kolomenskaya verst", which have an anonymous or folklore origin.

Agree, - continues Vadim Vasilyevich, - it is very interesting to know: who said this? When? For what reason? And what exactly did the author mean? Interesting discoveries are possible here. Not for nothing that at one time the famous American satirist writer Ambrose Bierce joked: "A quote is an incorrect repetition of other people's words."

So here are the myths catchphrases debunked Vadim Serov.

Truth in wine

This phrase, as a rule, is taken literally: they say, you can’t figure it out without a hundred grams. Meanwhile, the meaning here is somewhat different. The author of the phrase, the Roman erudite writer Pliny the Elder, who lived in the 1st century AD, in his work "Natural History" (XIV, 141) used it in the sense that under the influence of alcohol people become liberated and say what they think, in connection with than the meaning of the phrase should be understood in the sense of "What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunk on his tongue." In some cases, this phrase is reproduced with a continuation: "In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas" - "Truth in wine, health in water."

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword

This phrase Soviet writer Pyotr Pavlenko, screenwriter of the film "Alexander Nevsky" (together with Sergei Eisenstein, 1938), put it into the mouth of Alexander Nevsky. Subsequently, it was repeatedly cited in newspaper articles and on posters as a genuine historical phrase that belonged to the prince. In fact, this phrase is evangelical. In the original, it sounds like this: "Those who take the sword will perish by the sword." In addition, in the sources of the biography of Alexander Nevsky ("Pskov Second Chronicle" and "Sofia First Chronicle"), these words are not.

And yet she turns!

It is generally accepted that, having signed a renunciation of his "heretical teaching" and having heard the verdict of the Inquisition on life imprisonment, Galileo, rising from his knees in the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, stamped his foot and uttered this famous phrase. No matter how beautiful the legend, no matter how courageous Galileo was, he did not say that.

For the first time, the story of famous phrase was told only five years after the death of Galileo. Most likely, it arose due to famous artist Murillo, who after the death of Galileo was commissioned his portrait. The order was completed by one of Murillo's students in 1646. And only 250 years later, art historians found that the wide frame skillfully hides the "heretical" part of the picture, which shows astronomical sketches showing the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, and the famous words: "Eppus si muove!" ("She's spinning!"). Here, probably, the roots of the origin of the legend are hidden.

"Newspaper Duck"

The expression has absolutely nothing to do with ducks proper, since it is based on consonance. It appeared at the end of the 18th century in Germany, where newspaper publishers, scrupulous about business reputation, marked the most dubious, from their point of view, materials with the letters N. T., which meant "non testatur" - "not verified." And since "ente" in German means "duck", this word later became a symbol of false reports contained in the media.

Religion is the opium of the people

Whoever thought that this was Lenin's phrase was mistaken. Its author is German writer Novalis (1772 - 1801). But that's not all. In the introduction to his Critique of the Hegelian Philosophy of Law, Marx wrote: "Religion is the sigh of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a soulless order. Religion is the opium of the people." That is, on the one hand, we have an inaccurate quotation, but, in addition, its general meaning is usually misunderstood. Initially, it was meant that religion is not a poison (by the way, opium was not considered a drug in those days, on the contrary, it was considered a very popular painkiller, and therefore was sold in pharmacies even without a prescription), but an outlet, a therapy that can alleviate suffering. The famous slogan "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" also invented not by Lenin or even Karl Marx, but by the German revolutionary Karl Schapper (1812 - 1870).

Born to crawl cannot fly

Who does not work shall not eat

The authors of the well-known communist slogan are by no means Bolsheviks: they simply repeated it more often than others. Why and authorship is attributed to them. Nevertheless, it should be noted that it goes back to the Second Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians: "If anyone does not want to work, then do not eat."

State is me

The phrase, so familiar to us from childhood, is perhaps one of the most perverted in meaning. The Roman satirist Juvenal, to whom she, in fact, goes back, wrote in his 7th satire: "We must pray to the gods that the spirit be healthy in a healthy body ..." - on the basis of which the well-known Roman proverb "Mens sana" was formed. in sorrore sano - avis rara" - "In healthy body a healthy mind is a rare blessing."

Bad is the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general

Attributed to the great commander Alexander Suvorov. However, reading the collection "Soldier's Notes" (1855) by Alexander Fomich Pogossky, which is a collection of aphorisms-teachings stylized as folk, we find: "The soldier who does not think of being a general is bad, and even worse is the one who thinks too much that with he will be "(Complete collection of works by A. F. Pogossky. T. I. St. Petersburg, 1899).

Only the first part of the phrase became winged. The sequel, as is often the case, was forgotten. IN modern meaning used, usually to encourage, encourage someone in his enterprise, bold plan, plan.

No person - no problem

Few doubt that this is how Joseph Stalin expressed himself. Meanwhile, the author is, apparently, the writer Anatoly Rybakov, who put the phrase into the mouth of the "leader of the peoples" in the novel "Children of the Arbat" (1987). Stalin pronounces it in connection with the execution of military specialists in Tsaritsyn in 1918: "Death solves all problems. There is no person, and there is no problem." Subsequently, in his "Roman-recollection" (1997), Rybakov wrote that he "probably heard this phrase from someone, perhaps he himself came up with it."

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

This methodological development is relevant in our time, because it is built on the principle of a "quest", which is so popular among young people.

Purpose of the event: education of moral and patriotic feelings in relation to their homeland.

Event objectives:

  • to cultivate love for the Motherland through respect for the past of the country, the present, as well as a sense of responsibility for its future;
  • to intensify the interest of young men in military affairs.
  • develop memory and imagination,
  • instill a sense of pride for our army, for the heroes of our Fatherland.

Forms of organization of children's activities: game by stations (analogous to the modern "quest" in our time).

Age: 8-9 grade.


  • "combat sheet" and "shoulder straps" can be printed on A5 format on both sides;
  • it is necessary to explain to the girls before the game the principle of filling in the “shoulder straps”,
  • each girl should have a felt-tip pen of a different color so that they cannot “play along” with the guys and paint over an extra star or badge (thus, everyone should be painted in a different color),
  • filling in the “shoulder strap”: in order to avoid confusion, draw “stars” or “badges”, all the insignia are already numbered (that is, the guy came to the first station, completed all the tasks, then the first stripe is painted over for him, at the next - second, and so on). As soon as all the numbered elements are painted over on the first "chase", only after that you should move on to the next "chase", do not jump, do everything sequentially. You should also pay attention to the fact that some elements are numbered with two identical numbers, which means that you need to paint over both elements at once (The appearance of certain stars is due to an increase in military rank, but there are some inaccuracies, this is not so scary, the main thing is that the meaning of the gradual "raising" of the teenager during the game).
  • 3 minutes to complete each task, 2 minutes to move around the stations, return to the station again (you can’t fail to complete the task),
  • The game is scheduled for 1 hour 30 minutes. At the end of time, the girls leave their stations. Some boys may not have time to go through everything.
  • at the end of the game, the boys bring their "battle sheets" with "shoulder straps". The teacher looks at what ranks have been collected and makes a suitable "shoulder strap". Blanks with green shoulder straps must be made in advance, as well as stripes and stars of different sizes. Immediately you just need to glue those elements that are necessary after passing all the stations for each child individually.
  • Not all children will be able to "reach the rank of general" for reasons of their athletic or intellectual abilities, and this is natural, since few become generals in life. But there are also simple tasks so that the child does not leave as a simple ordinary at the end of the game.

Game progress

Teacher: Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have gathered on the eve of the holiday, which is dedicated to our valiant defenders. February 23rd was celebrated in 1922. In Soviet historiography, it was generally accepted that on this day in 1918 the army of revolutionary Russia won its first victories. It happened near Narva and Gdov, where the Red Army forced the troops of Kaiser Germany to retreat. Over time, the content of the holiday has changed.

1 girl: Previously, February 23 was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. It was a military holiday. The authority of the military was high, military service was considered prestigious. It should be noted that not everyone was taken to the Red Army in those years. The young man had to have not only excellent health, but also belong to certain social groups. They called for military service guys from working and peasant families. Very rarely they took children from the families of the intelligentsia, and those who had nobles among their ancestors could not even dream of it. Among the officers, there were people of noble origin, officers of the tsarist army, who went over to the side of Soviet Russia. They were called soldiers. Red Army Day in those years was not a day off. It was a professional holiday when only soldiers and officers were congratulated. It was also not customary to arrange festive feasts on this day.

2 girl: After the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army. Accordingly, the name of the holiday has also changed. From 1949 until the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Until about the beginning of the 60s, it continued to be considered an exclusively military holiday. Not only men were congratulated. There were quite a lot of women among the military, especially among the former front-line soldiers. On this day, solemn meetings, concerts were held, in large cities, fireworks were arranged on “round” dates. The tradition to congratulate all men on this day was formed in the 60s. The fact is that men did not have their own holiday, while International Women's Day was celebrated quite widely. Employees of enterprises, students and schoolgirls began to give gifts to those with whom they work or study together, arrange concerts and friendly gatherings.

3 girl: Day of the Soviet Army and Navy became the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. Back in 1995, the law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia" was adopted. The day of February 23 was also indicated there. Defender of the Fatherland Day became a non-working day in 2002. Now Defender of the Fatherland Day is not a military holiday. This is the day of all men. The representatives of the stronger sex are congratulated at home and at work, they are given gifts, concerts and folk festivals are arranged for them. However, some women are also congratulated on this day, because there are still a lot of them in the army. This day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in some countries of the former Soviet Union.

Teacher: So you learned some facts from this holiday. In honor of this day, we decided to arrange a small quest game for the boys of our class. At the very beginning, you will receive small envelopes in which there will be “combat sheets”, on which places with tasks and “shoulder straps” are indicated. These “shoulder straps” are currently clean, and your task is to collect all the necessary badges and stars in order to become a general from a private. Now the girls will leave to take their "combat posts", and I will explain the rules in more detail.

Rules of the game

(The rules of the game can be written on the board, it is necessary to distribute envelopes with “fight sheets” and “epaulettes”. Appendix 1 and Appendix 2).

  1. The game is 1 hour 30 minutes long and has 17 stations. You have 3 minutes to complete each task, and 2 minutes to move around the stations.
  2. If you can not complete the task - do not waste time, move on. It is impossible to return to this station again in order to exclude the tips of comrades who were able to complete this task.
  3. Tasks of 3 types:
    • sports (they are marked in combat sheets as "C")
    • intellectual ("AND")
    • creative ("T")
      Tasks are performed in random order. If you feel that you can easily complete intellectual ones, then start with them.
  4. At each station you have the opportunity to earn a badge or a star.
  5. When you pass all the “battle points” or the time runs out, you return back to the class so that you can exchange your “battle lists” for shoulder straps that you could deserve.

I hope everyone understands the rules. So, I'm timing. The game starts!

(Children go on assignments).

Description of tasks

1C. Hit the target!

In this task, it is proposed to hit a tennis ball into a bucket (if it is possible to spend it in the gym, then throw a basketball into the ring from the foul line). You need to hit 3 times, only 4 attempts. If he hit 3 times, then a star is “drawn” to him, if he hit only 2 times, then he gets nothing.

2C. military bowling

Here you need to knock down the pins with the ball (as in bowling. 2 attempts are given). If in two attempts he knocked down all the pins, then he earned a "star", if he could not, then he does not receive anything.

3C. push up

According to sports standards, a teenager must do at least 10 push-ups. Less than 10 times, then the "star" does not receive.

4C. squat

It is necessary to perform squats 30 times. The task is not difficult, but everyone can complete it.

5C. Team: "Gases!"

Execution standards - 5 seconds. It is desirable that a life safety teacher stand at this station so that unpleasant situations with a gas mask can be avoided.

6C. pull up

It is necessary to pull up on the crossbar 5 times (this is the minimum according to the standards).

7I. Great battles

In this task, you need to correlate the name of the event and the date. To do this, you need to prepare and cut the cards (Appendix 3)

Battle on the Ice - 1242

Battle of Kulikovo - 1380

Battle of Poltava - 1709

Battle of Moscow - January-April 1943

Battle of Kursk - summer-autumn 1943

8I. Historical figures

It is necessary to arrange the following commanders in chronological order. Print and cut cards (Appendix 4)

Macedonian, Genghis Khan, Suvorov, Napoleon, Caesar, Nevsky, Donskoy, Zhukov, Kutuzov.

9I. Rebus

It is necessary to guess which statement is encrypted here (Appendix 5)

10I. Theorist

Solve the problem. An example can be written on a piece of paper.

Answer: 1 - 2 * 3 + 4 + 5 = 4

11I. Proverb

Here it is necessary to cut it into letters and let it be put together (Appendix 6)

The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done!

12I. Encryptor

Guess what is encrypted here. Give a "key" as a hint (Appendix 7)

15 22 17 1 14 1 13 15 18 19 1 –

19 17 9 19 1 14 11 1 8 1 17 6 11 15 10

18 16 17 1 3 1, 3 15 3 17 1 4 6 15 5 9

(protection of the bridge - three tanks across the river on the right, one tank in the ravine)

13T. Launch the plane!

It is necessary to make an airplane out of paper and launch it. If the plane has flown more than a meter (make a mark on the floor), the attempt is counted. Two attempts.

14T. Tank

You just need to draw a tank.

15T. Sing the song!

You need to name 5 songs on a military theme.

16T. shirt guy

It is necessary to fold the shirt neatly and beautifully. After the task is completed, compare it with how it should have been done (that is, show a neatly folded shirt in advance).

17T. Burime

A very creative task, but you need to strictly ensure that you get a small rhyme, and not just a set of words.





After all the participants return from their assignments, everyone gathers in the class. In the meantime, you can already prepare the "epaulettes" and stick on them those stars / badges that the teenager was able to "collect" for the entire period of the game.

Teacher: We are happy to welcome you all here again. Each of you tried very hard and with honor and valor performed all the tasks that you met on the way. As the proverb says - "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." And now we will find out which of our guys was able to reach the general in our impromptu game. So, the awards ceremony!

1 girl: We begin our rewarding in ascending order - from private to general.

(There is an awarding of participants).

Teacher: Once again, we would like to thank everyone for their participation. Not everyone was able to become generals, but it had to be so, because in life only a few can reach heights in a military post. As a gift to all our defenders, our girls will sing a song for you!

(The song can be any, the main thing is to have a military theme).

Who is a manager and what does it mean to be a leader?

When we talk about a career, we most often mean a vertical trajectory - specialist, head of department, deputy director, director. What does it take to get to the next step? Experience and years of service are the first things that come to mind. Initiative and activity - this is what I would like to see. But to be honest, very often the appointment to a position occurs without any obvious rules - this is how the stars were formed.

Managers are not born, they are made. Management is a job like any other. But you have to learn, often, already in the course of management itself. And for starters, it’s worth understanding whether a potential leader has necessary qualities in order to become a great professional.

So what kind of manager is he?

  1. Strategist. He has developed the appropriate kind of thinking. He knows how to set goals, formulate them clearly, knows what SMART processing is. He is able to deduce tasks from goals, identify resources and plan deadlines and actions. In addition, he knows about the "horizons of the future" and takes into account external factors capable of influencing the work of his department.
  2. Scrabble. The leader knows everything about the world. This is necessary both for making decisions, and for finding new ways and means of organizing work, and for talking with subordinates, and for creating the image of a leader, and for building one's own reputation.
  3. Empath. The manager does not adapt to others, as one might think. He just knows everything about people and emotions. Human life is subject to emotions, which is confirmed by the laureates Nobel Prize Kahneman and Thaler. The laws of behavioral economics are a necessary and obligatory knowledge for modern leader. And, of course, full-fledged empathy will allow you to create a constructive atmosphere in the organization - employees will want to come to work and work, and not serve time.
  4. Negotiator. A leader who is unable to negotiate is a bad leader. Communication is the main tool of a manager. Employees, partners, contractors, journalists, regulators… Almost any business contact is a negotiation process. Or even just conversations, where communication skills and the art of communication, at times, play a decisive role.

Diploma specialty, experience and length of service are important, but not decisive, things for a manager. Organization management is a separate science and independent activity. The leader is the one who makes the decisions that allow the organization to move towards the goal that has been set on the basis of analysis and strategic planning. The leader is the one who is able to solve any communicative task and create the very psychological climate that distinguishes a good organization from a “not very” one.
