Kudri biography. The daughter of a millionaire, singer Nastya Kudri: “I am glad that people are discussing me

Russian singer and model Nastya Kudri. Performs R'n'B songs, raps.

Biography of Nastya Kudri

Nastya Kudri was born in Moscow in 1996 in the family of millionaire Igor Kudryashkin. As a child, she was seriously fond of dancing, and at the age of 15 she began to study singing. Studying at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

Nastya's father Igor Kudryashkin in 2017 was in 115th place in the Forbes list of the richest businessmen in Russia.

The creative path of Nastya Kudri

Nastya began to play music professionally at the age of 18, when she asked her father to take pictures as a gift Music clip with a rapper named Kravets.

Nastya Curls does not hide his financial opportunities and was not accustomed to being ashamed. Rather, on the contrary, she makes the most of her father's capital. Igor Kudryashkin strongly supports his daughter in show business.

Nastya Curls has already recorded about twenty songs and shot more than ten clips. In each video, the singer tries to bring zest. In 2016, in the video "Fantik" the main role was played by the actor of the series "Molodezhka" Matvey Zubalevich. Song "Attention" Nastya Curls performed in a duet with actor Alexander Golovin.

Nastya is constantly working on herself: she works with a vocal teacher, sets her voice and composes songs. According to Curly herself, she has no idols in the musical field, but she would love to record a song with rappers such as Kanye West and Taiga.

In 2016, singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov invited Nastya to live with him in the USA, where they filmed a video for her song "Bad Boy". American actor Cam Gigandet ("Twilight") played the main role. By the way, Vorobyov became the director and ideological inspirer of another clip of the singer - "Tell".

In mid-May 2017, the track # We Will Be Hot was released, on which Nastya Curls sang a duet with Olga Buzova. Later, a video for this song appeared, which collected more than seven million views.

In April 2017, there was an accident with actor Vasily Stepanov. According to all reports, he jumped out of the window of his apartment in Moscow, but the actor assured the media that he did not try to commit suicide. Knowing tragic fate actor, Nastya Curls offered him 100 thousand rubles for shooting in her new video "Draw".

“Many people will think that this is PR, but I don’t care. I did not know that such tragedies happen to Vasya regularly. We do not personally know him, and I know him, like most, from his role in the film by Fyodor Bondarchuk. I need a clip lyrical hero, and in terms of texture and type, Vasya is perfect. ”

Personal life of Nastya Kudri

Nastya had a rich fiance named Yuri, whom they met for a year and a half.

Since November 2016, the goal has been Serious relationships with the son of the owner of the Reso company Sergei Sarkisov.

Singer Nastya Kudri, despite her young age, is already conquering Russian show business. The creative piggy bank of the long-legged beauty from year to year is only replenished with new hits. By the way, the last video for the song Bad Boy was directed by the actor and musician Alexei Vorobyov, and the main role in the video was played by Hollywood actor, Twilight star Cam Gigandet. How the young artist managed to agree on cooperation with the main "Bachelor" of the country and how she conquered the "bad boy-vampire", read in our candid interview with Nastya Kudri.

It seems that everything in the life of the children of the rich and famous appears at the snap of a finger - from the next Barbi doll to a prestigious position in big company. That's just in Lately heirs famous families more and more often they prove the opposite - it is possible to achieve career success without the connections of influential relatives. Even when they do not approve of their child's hobbies.

Businessman Igor Kudryashkin was at first categorically opposed to his beautiful daughter Anastasia becoming a singer. However, she managed to convince her beloved father that music in her case is not just a whim ... But let's talk about everything in order.

We meet the 19-year-old artist, who performs under the pseudonym Nastya Kudri, in a cozy cafe on Patriarch's Ponds in the center of Moscow. In a simple sweet girl who laughs out loud at the central table with her friends, we do not immediately recognize today's heroine. In the course of the conversation, we find out that Nastya is also our future colleague - she is a second-year student at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. And so we have an absolutely natural question...

website: Nastya, you are now building a career as a singer, but at the same time you are getting a higher education in a completely different specialty. How did it happen?

In the eleventh class, I set myself the goal of enrolling in journalism. Why I chose this faculty, I still do not understand (smiles). Probably, my father influenced my choice to some extent.

“I was then in a transitional age, and it seemed to my father that I didn’t think about anything serious, I didn’t want to study, although this was not so. In the end, I decided to prove to dad that I could do it myself, without anyone's help.

I prepared, passed the exam, wrote the entrance exams well, and I was enrolled. I have achieved my goal.

N.K.: No. Zhurfak is a very atmospheric place where you can meet amazing and at the same time such different people. Learning is interesting, on some pairs you listen to teachers without stopping. But there are also disadvantages. For example, in educational program few practical exercises.

website: That is, you do not plan to become a journalist and see yourself in the future only on stage?

N.K.: Yes, I want to be a singer - this is already my job, and I like it. Music is the only thing that can get me out of depression or make me forget about problems.

N.K.:“Even as a child, I liked to sing, however, I never studied in music school so it's hard for me now. But I'm making up for lost time, I'm doing vocals and solfeggio with teachers, I'm learning to write music. I plan to start learning to play the piano when I have a little more free time.”

I started playing music professionally at the age of 15, and, to be honest, by accident. My mother and I were in Kyiv, and there we met Yulia Ivanova, my current manager. She then worked with Irakli Pirtskhalava, and they needed a teenage girl to shoot in the video. Julia asked me if I would like to try. Without thinking twice, I agreed. A few months later, she called again and already offered to create a solo project.

N.K.: My family is creative, but at some amateur level (laughs). My mother is very creative, she constantly has new ideas and hobbies, she is always busy with something. True, she never tried to translate her hobbies, whether it was singing or dancing, into the business of life. Dad is a serious person, he works in a completely different field. Therefore, I was very afraid of his reaction, because from the side of show business it looks pretty dirty and disgusting. And I was only 15 at the time...

website: How did your father react when he found out that you want to become a singer?

N.K.: He was against it, of course. He said that since I was offered a contract, it means that they would soon begin to exploit me. But my mother and I saw that Yulia is a beautiful girl, and the contract is a formality that is everywhere. In the end, we were able to convince him.

"Now my dad is mine. big fan, he supports me very much, is interested in my work, advises something all the time and always says what he thinks.

website: Who is stricter - mom or dad?

N.K.: Of course I'm a girl! (Smiling.) How can I not be spoiled?

N.K.: I have an older brother and sister, but they are both stepsisters. Papa - 23-year-old sister, mum - 26-year-old brother. We communicate, make friends, keep in touch whenever possible, because everyone has their own life for a long time. The sister is married, raising a child, and the brother is now preparing for the wedding. I have been living alone since the age of 17.

N.K.: Parents live outside the city. When I was in school, it didn't bother me. But when I grew up, entered the university, it became very inconvenient to go to study. So I moved to Moscow. Naturally, I miss my mom and dad.

“Sometimes I come home, and I really want to be fed, given delicious tea and asked: “How are you?” ... But in reality, you are alone in the apartment, and there is no food at all.” (Smiling.)

website: So you don’t know how to cook?

N.K.: No, honestly (laughs). Of course, I'm trying to learn, but more often I order food delivery from cafes and restaurants. Although, you know, I'm great at reheating pizza and cooking dumplings! I also make good pasta. cream sauce with shrimp - a friend recently taught me how to cook.

? It is clear that not culinary delights.

N.K.: Lesha and I met more than a year ago. Often crossed paths at some events. At one party, the conversation turned to creativity. At that time I had a duet song in my hands, the text of which I wrote myself, and my friend, a talented arranger, helped me with the music. I did not know with whom I should perform it, and offered to listen to Lesha's track. He liked the composition, and we eventually recorded a duet, although it has not yet been released (smiles).

"It's been a little less than a year from that moment. I am releasing the single "Say", and I urgently need a video for it. Lesha just arrives in Moscow, and his video "Crazy" "blows up" Youtube. I throw off the track to him, they say, there is a song, but there is no video, any ideas?

Lesha immediately responded, wrote an awesome script, we shot a video. All is cool. After that, he somehow writes to me: “Nastya, I have a new composition, it seems to me that it will suit you in terms of image and style,” and sends the Bad boy track, for which we just recently released a video.

website: ... And in leading role not anyone, but the star of "Twilight" and "Burlesque", Hollywood actor Cam Gigandet! Admit it, did you negotiate with him for a long time?

N.K.: No one believes in this, but we did not persuade him, did not beg, and did not even pay him. We met Cam by chance!

N.K.: Lesha and I decided that we would shoot the video in America, in Los Angeles. Arriving there, they started preparing for filming. They even wanted to announce the casting for the main male role, but they did not have time.

“Lesha and I came to the Grammy party, having fun, chatting, chatting with other guests. It so happened that Cam Gigandet overheard our conversation about cinema and also joined the conversation. As a result, we became friends with him, as a joke we decided to invite Cam to star in our video.

Surprisingly, he seriously asked to send the script, and after reading it he said that he would be happy to work with us. I never imagined that this would happen! Yes, for us it looks strange and suspicious, but in Los Angeles people are different, more open and friendly.

During the celebration, guests took pictures with vodka bottles and smoked cigars

The doors of the capital's La Barge restaurant were closed last Saturday even for the most devoted visitors to the institution on the water. However, the two-meter guards still had to part at the entrance to the ship at least 120 times. That is how many guests that evening had the cherished invitations to the party on the occasion of the 18th birthday of the daughter of a permanent resident Forbes list Igor Kudryashkin - singer Nastya Kudri.

Table setting, a significant area of ​​which was occupied by strong drinks, and the amount of smoke above them were more likely associated with the 30th anniversary of the next secular rake than a festive party of teenagers. The event ceased to be official after the first glasses of forty-degree liquid soared into the air. The main ringleader at the celebration was the son of a 53-year-old Russian artist Boris Krasnov Daniil - plying past the tables with a glass and a cigar, a 19-year-old young man incessantly toasted in honor of the hostess of the evening.

When the degree of mood was finally raised, the hero of the occasion changed the snow-white Evening Dress for a comfortable stage costume to sing a few of their songs to friends and present a new video for a duet with rapper Kravets. After her performance, Anastasia's boyfriend, the son of the ex-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Osipov, Yuri, also took the stage. Among the guests of the noisy party were also seen the daughter of the general director of the airline "Transaero" Olga Pleshakova Natasha and the eldest son of the singer Jasmine Mikhail. For the rest of the holiday, the excited teenagers were entertained by the singer Creed and the "Beasts" group, and the actor Pavel Priluchny acted as the entertainer of the evening.

By the way, the scale of funds spent on the party is also impressive - 1,899,360 rubles was only one bill for a banquet in a restaurant. For big company yesterday's schoolchildren were ordered 25 bottles of champagne, 23 bottles of vodka and the same number of bottles of whiskey, as well as 50 bottles of red and white wine. The invoice amount for only one hookahs, of which there are 30 pieces in the festive estimate, is 120 thousand rubles and does not include a generous tip. The main amount went to pay for the performances of artists and decoration of the celebration. The final price for the celebration of the 18th anniversary of his beloved daughter was more than 9 million rubles.

Not so long ago, a new one broke into the Russian musical arena bright Star which is already prophesied successful career. A spectacular blonde with a model figure and decent, by Russian standards, vocal data has already captivated fans with her first hits and, of course, fascinating facts from the biography. The youth star, acting under the pseudonym Nastya Kudri, is the daughter of the richest Russian businessman, spends his holidays with Hollywood stars, and in his free time from school he shoots videos and storms the music charts with his songs.

Looking at the photographs and videos, it is not clear how old Nastya is - the image of the fatal beauty confuses the audience. However, the star is still young. She was born on November 27, 1996 to a wealthy family in Moscow. The girl started singing professionally at the age of 15.

Until this age, all her strength went to another favorite pastime - dancing and choreography, but the injury made adjustments to her creative destiny and made me think about a new field for activity. To this day, Nastya is constantly working on herself - she takes vocal lessons, sets her voice and composes songs. And dance plasticity and stretching turned out to be a plus for the young singer. For getting higher education the girl chose Moscow State University, Nastya is a journalist by profession.

Nastya is not modest, she does not hide the state of her parents and her opportunities, rather, on the contrary, she uses them to the maximum. The desire to try his hand at creativity, or rather on the stage, was eventually supported by Nastya's father, who initially resisted, Igor Kudryashkin, a regular on the Forbes list of "The Richest People of Russia". On her 18th birthday, instead of a car or other status gift, Nastya asked her dad for a music video for a joint song with a rapper named Kravts.

Creativity and music

Nastya began her career as a singer at the age of 15, from the age of 18 she began acting in music videos for her own songs. The singer has already recorded dozens of songs and filmed music videos. All music videos singers performed at the highest level using current trends and tricks.

Clip Nastya Kudri and Alexander Golovin - "Attention"

A number of clips have a fascinating backstory or cast. For example, in October 2016, the singer's video for the song "Fantik" appeared on the Web, in which the actor of the star series starred with her.

Another song and video released by the singer is "Attention". Here, a popular young Russian actor sang a duet with Nastya. And the script for the video for the track “Bad Boy” was presented to Nastya by an old admirer and friend. By the way, Vorobyov became the director and ideological inspirer of another clip of the singer - "Tell".

Clip Nastya Kudri "Say"

In the songs, the girl sings in the style of pop and R'n'B, and also raps. According to Nastya herself, she has no idols in the musical field, but she would love to record a hit with top performers and Taiga.

Nastya's youth allows her not yet to think about strict diets or exhausting workouts. As the singer herself admits, she does not limit herself in products and does not adhere exclusively to proper nutrition. On the contrary, he loves flour, sweet, Italian cuisine and French pastries.

The girl regularly goes in for sports and dancing, and this is quite enough to maintain a model figure and develop plasticity and grace.

For her bright appearance, high growth (with a height of 177 cm, her weight is 51-52 kg) and the resemblance to the top model Nastya has long been nicknamed Russian. Often in photo shoots, girls emphasize this resemblance to a popular model.

Nastya, like any other girl of her age, loves make-up and shopping, as well as parties and travel. As far as clothing is concerned, young star equally loves foreign fashion houses and Russian designers. Nastya does not neglect things from the mass market either. But she passionately loves designer shoes.

Among Nastya's hobbies is tattoo body decoration. Images appear on the girl's hands with enviable constancy. Curly is not afraid of experiments with both small tattoos and volumetric images.

Clip Nastya Kudri and Alexei Vorobyov "I promise"

In 2016, Alexey Vorobyov invited Nastya to accompany him during his trip to the USA, and the singer agreed to stay in the Hollywood Hills. In the course of spending time together, Alexei and Nastya regularly attended star parties.

At one such Hollywood get-together, they were accompanied by an actor known in Russia for his role in the popular vampire saga. As Nastya admits, Cam made an impression on her, showing himself to be a charismatic and witty guy. Later, the singer released a music video "Bad boy" with Gigandet in the title role, directed by Alexei Vorobyov himself.

Personal life

Nastya Kudri has an extremely rich personal life, which is covered in the thematic press. In November 2016, it became known that the rich heiress tamed enviable groom- the son of the owner of the Reso company, Sergey Sarkisov, saw his soul mate in the blonde.

The singer's previous boyfriend is also a rich heir named Yuri, with whom the girl met for a year and a half. Their relationship regularly hit the pages of publications - either the couple will go on an expensive joint vacation, or throw a party in one of the best clubs in the capital of Russia. Alexey Vorobyov also looked after the girl.

Nastya has many friends from among the "golden youth", and at the end of 2016 everyone was shocked by an accident that happened to one of her friends. died in a car accident in Switzerland. However, despite the misfortune, two weeks later, Nastya Kudri gathered friends and threw a noisy party in honor of her 20th birthday. This fact caused a wide resonance in the press - some publications condemned the girl for her insensitivity to such grief, others praised her for her ability to live and enjoy every minute, no matter what.

The girl maintains her accounts on social networks. The singer has a personal page in social network « Instagram", group in " In contact with”, as well as a professionally created website. Of course, Nastya Kudri does not yet have millions of subscribers, but this is a good platform for future victories and gaining recognition from the public.

Nastya Curls now

In 2017, Nastya Kudri began cooperation with the star of the TV show "Dom-2". The girls recorded a joint track "We will be hot", which was soon followed by shooting. This song is associated with a number of scandals. First of all, the appearance of the singers at the Europa Plus Live 2017 concert and the Heat festival in Baku in costumes, pop stars from the video for the song Dirty, outraged the fans of the American. Judging by the photo, they differed only in color and some details of the pattern.

Clip of Nastya Kudri and Olga Buzova - “We will be hot”

Nevertheless, the rest of the fans of Olga Buzova and Nastya Kudri were satisfied with the performance, because during the performance of the song the girls were on the platform, in the middle of a special rebuilt pool, and jets of water poured on top of them. The clip has been viewed nearly 8 million times on YouTube.

Later on joint creativity stars by residents of the Comedy Club and a parody was created. In addition, comedians accused the performers of plagiarism. According to Pavel, the girls borrowed material from the song Worth it by Fifth Harmony. In November 2017, the singer visited the Comedy Club studio, where she talked with comedians.

Nastya Kudri in the show "Comedy Club"

A couple of months later, the Russian performer, DJ Dj Tivoli (Alexey Parfyonov) sued the girls with, referring to the same song “We will be hot”. Several calls to Nastya Kudri did not give anything, so the musician promised to complete the case in court. The DJ planned to withdraw funds from Olga and Nastya to help a sick child in need of expensive treatment.

Perhaps such an interest in their personalities only served to the advantage of both performers. In an interview, the singer commented on the hype around the hit: “I'm glad people talk about me. Bad PR- also PR.

Clip Nastya Kudri "Rendezvous"

At the end of 2017, Nastya presented the album “Without Preludes” to the audience, in support of which she released the hit “Moveton”. This was followed by another work - the song "Rendezvous" and a video for it, which included spicy scenes.

Now Nastya Kudri continues to release new tracks, including the premiere of 2018 "I am Marshmallow". As a genre for the video for the new hit, the girl chose action, and at the end of the video she got out of a big cake with a gun.

Clip Nastya Kudri "I - Marshmallow"

In the summer, Nastya visited the "Night of Music" in Yekaterinburg, where she performed with a hype musician, a rapper nicknamed. And on September 18, Kudri plans to hold the long-awaited first solo concert in the entertainment club of the capital Red.

Today you will find out who Nastya Kudri is. Her biography will be discussed in detail later. Spectacular blonde with good vocal abilities and beautiful figure has already found its audience by recording the first compositions. It's about about the daughter of a wealthy Russian businessman. By the way, Nastya spends her vacation with Hollywood stars.


The biography of Nastya Kudri is closely connected with music, while creativity for her at this stage remains, rather, entertainment. She makes videos for free time not busy with studies. Her compositions began to fall into all sorts of music ratings. The girl was born in 1996 (November 27) in Moscow. She started singing professionally at the age of 15.

Prior to this, the future Curls directed all her strength to other activities - choreography and dancing. However, the injury affected creativity and made me think about a new field of activity. Currently, the girl is studying with a vocal teacher, puts her voice, composes songs.

As a professional field, the performer chose journalism. Anastasia Kudryashkina is not modest, does not hide her abilities and position in society, on the contrary, she tries to use them to the maximum extent. The desire of the girl to test her strength on the stage was eventually supported by her father. Although initially he was categorically against it.

We are talking about Igor Kudryashkin, who, according to Forbes, is one of the the richest people Russia. At the age of eighteen, instead of a car or a status gift, the girl asked her father to allocate funds to create a video for a song performed together with rapper Kravets.


Above, we talked about the childhood of Nastya Kudri. Her biography, as a singer, takes a countdown from the age of fifteen. From the age of 18, she began to release music videos for her compositions. The singer has 20 songs and 10 videos. All music videos of the singer correspond to high level. Many works have their own interesting backstory.

In 2016, a video of the performer for the song "Fantik" was published on the Internet. In it, the girl starred together with Matvey Zubalevich, an actor in the TV series Molodezhka. Another composition and clip of the singer is called "Attention". IN this case Alexander Golovin, a Russian actor, performed in a duet with the performer.

The script for the clip Bad Boy was presented to the girl by Alexey Vorobyov - good friend and longtime admirer. By the way, he also acted as the ideological inspirer and director of another work of the girl - “Tell”. In songs, the performer prefers R'n'B and pop styles, sometimes she raps. According to Nastya, she has no idols in the musical field, but she would like to record a duet with Taiga and Kanye West.


Nastya's youth gives her the opportunity not to think about exhausting workouts or strict diets. As the singer admits, she does not limit herself in products and does not adhere to proper nutrition. He loves French pastries, Italian cuisine, sweets and starchy foods. The performer regularly goes in for dancing and sports.

This is enough for the development of grace and plasticity, as well as maintaining perfect figure. The singer is compared to Gigi Hadid for being tall, and resemblance with a model. Nastya loves shopping and make-up, traveling and parties.

As for clothes, the performer equally appreciates both domestic designers and foreign fashion houses. Nastya does not neglect things from the mass market. At the same time, she is fascinated by designer shoes.

Walking in Hollywood

You already know how Nastya Kudri spends her free time. Her biography is also associated with Hollywood. Alexey Vorobyov invited her there. She agreed to keep company young man while traveling in the USA. The girl not only visited the Hollywood hills. Spending time together, Nastya and Alexei regularly attended various star parties.

At one of these Hollywood events, young people were accompanied by Cam Gigandet, an actor who became famous in Russia thanks to his participation in the vampire saga.

According to Nastya, famous figure the movie made a good impression on her and proved to be a witty and charismatic interlocutor. Later, the performer and Gigandet released a joint music video. The director of this work was Alexei Vorobyov.

Personal life

There is one more question that interests fans of Nastya Kudri. The personal life of the performer will be described below. The girl is extremely saturated. She is often written about in relevant publications. In 2016, Sergey Sarkisov, the son of the owner of the Reso company, saw his soulmate in this blonde.

Young people met for a year and a half. Their relationship was described on the pages of various publications. For example, cases of a long-term joint vacation and a party in one of the clubs were described. Russian capital. Alexey Vorobyov also courted the girl.

Nastya has many friends from the representatives of the "golden youth". One of them, Diana Lebedeva, had a tragic incident in 2016 that shocked Russia. The girl died in a car accident in Switzerland.
