How to make pork cutlets juicy. Tender pork cutlets

How to cook cutlets from minced pork- juicy and soft? Why do cutlets turn out dry or fall apart when frying? To add an egg or not? Let's look at everything in order.

7 grandma's secrets of cooking juicy meatballs

  1. Prepare minced meat yourself, from fresh meat. Store minced meat is of poor quality, sometimes frozen - when defrosted, all juices flow out of the meat, which means that your cutlets will turn out dry.
  2. Choose a piece of pork “with fat” for minced meat or add a piece of bacon when grinding so that the cutlets are not bland.
  3. For more juiciness, be sure to pour a little water into the minced meat. I soak a couple of pieces of bread crumb in ice water, which absorbs and retains all the moisture.
  4. Beat the mince well. Of course, you don't need a hammer. To do this, you need to collect the minced meat in a lump and several times how to throw it with force into a bowl. Due to such a simple procedure, the meat will keep its shape well, that is, it will not fall apart when frying. And most importantly, cracks will not form on the surface of the cutlets, through which valuable meat juice can flow.
  5. Don't be afraid to add an egg to the patties. And although there are endless disputes among culinary specialists about this, I always add large egg. And it has never happened that egg cutlets turned out hard or tasteless.
  6. Bread the cutlets in flour - you need quite a bit of it to “seal” the meat juices inside.
  7. Fry in a very hot pan so that the fat and juice do not flow out. And then steam the cutlets under the lid, adding a little water to the pan - due to this, they will not only reach full readiness, but also turn out to be more lush and soft.

Of course, every housewife has a couple of her secrets of the most delicious cutlets in the world. Someone adds potatoes (mashed or raw), someone puts a spoonful of mayonnaise in minced meat. How do you cook?


  • pork 500 g
  • lard 100 g
  • water 100 ml
  • loaf 2 slices
  • onion 1 pc.
  • garlic 2 teeth
  • ground black pepper 2 chips.
  • salt 3/4 tsp
  • large egg 1 pc.
  • flour for breading 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook juicy minced pork cutlets

Probably, there is not a single person who would refuse to try cutlets. They are prepared from meat and fish, vegetables and even porridge. Delicious, juicy cutlets, for example, from pork - perfect option for breakfast (you can fry them with scrambled eggs), lunch (serve with pasta, mashed potatoes or buckwheat) or dinner (just add a little steamed, stewed or fresh vegetables).

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cook juicy pork cutlets, and this is not very difficult, you need to know a couple of secrets and follow simple rules.

Rules and secrets:
  1. Any juicy recipe starts with right choice meat. From the tough meat of an elderly animal, with all the tricks, it will not be possible to cook tasty and healthy cutlets. Therefore, the meat must be fresh (preferably today's). Light: pork - pink, veal - light red, beef - rich red. In no case do not take dark red or burgundy meat.
  2. The second secret is that meat should not be lean. You should not go to the other extreme, juicy meatballs will not work out of too fatty meat either, we choose the neck part from pork, the back tenderloin from veal or.
  3. Vegetables give juiciness to cutlets. You can add a couple of onions, 2-3 not very large potatoes or a small zucchini to the minced meat (per 1 kg). In addition, be sure to knead the minced eggs, chicken or quail. Unsweetened bun or loaf soaked in milk will also add juiciness to cutlets.
Minced pork cutlets


  • a piece of pork neck with fatty layers - 1.5 kg;
  • white wheat loaf - ½ pc.;
  • low-fat milk or cream - 0.4 l;
  • rock salt without additives - 2 pinches;
  • freshly ground pepper in a mill - 1 small pinch;
  • onions or white bulbs - 0.2 kg;
  • boiled white potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • quail egg I grade - 12-15 pcs.


We start by cutting the meat into not very large (about the size of a matchbox) pieces, peel the onions and potatoes. Soak slices of loaf in milk or cream. We grind meat in a meat grinder with a large nozzle or chop meat with a food processor or blender, grind onions and potatoes in a separate bowl, squeezing juice. We squeeze the bread and also grind it. We combine the minced meat, vegetables, bread, add salt, pepper, eggs, mix and start beating the minced meat. You can put it in a plastic bag. The better the minced meat is beaten, the more juicy the pork cutlets will turn out, the recipe for which is simple, fry small cutlets in a pan in heated sunflower oil for 3 minutes on each side.

According to the same recipe, we prepare cutlets from minced beef and pork, they will turn out to be the most juicy if you take 2 parts of pork and 1 part of veal.

Servings: 13-14
Cooking time: 30 min.
Cuisine: Russian

Recipe Description

The recipe for minced pork cutlets that you see here, I have long wanted to describe. Cutlets are different -, pork, from mixed minced meat "assorted" and others. Each type has its own little secrets that are important to know and apply so that the cutlets turn out so soft, juicy and appetizing that they “can be eaten with your lips,” as my mother says.

This recipe for minced pork cutlets with bread is one of my most successful recipes. I got it from my mother, and she, I think, from her grandmother. Mom cooked them very tasty - soft, even tender, I still remember the taste of these cutlets. My husband, too, at first always asked me to make cutlets "like mother-in-law." I'm sure you'll like them too, and even more - your husbands and children will like it, because our man is so arranged - there is nothing better for him on the table than delicious pork.

To cook minced pork cutlets, the recipe of which I am giving today, you need to use quite a lot of bread - for a pound of meat I take half a white loaf, always stale, at least two days old. Let this moment not bother you, our cutlets will not get worse from bread. In general, professional chefs recommend adding up to 30% bread to minced meat. In this matter, I agree with the famous chef Ilya Lazerson, according to whose recipe I cooked "".

We take homemade minced pork, low-fat. It is better to cook it yourself from a pork tenderloin or neck, and I run the meat through a meat grinder twice. If you have ready-made minced meat, then, unfortunately, they often add a lot of fat to the meat. In this case, you can add a little chicken fillet to the pork meat, or even better, turkey fillet to reduce fat content.

To cook juicy minced pork cutlets, you need:

  • ground pork tenderloin - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • White bread- 1/2 sliced ​​loaf;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon (without a slide);
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • pork fat for frying (lard) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking step by step:

  • Cut the stale loaf into slices and soak briefly in water - literally for 3-4 minutes.
  • While the bread is soaking, we rub the onion on a large throat grater. You can also chop finely, but it’s better to grate - it will be smaller, we don’t need onion pieces in cutlets, right?
  • We also chop the garlic - you can squeeze it through a press, but I most often rub it on a grater too - on the smallest holes.
  • Minced meat (even ready-made) is passed through a meat grinder.
  • Add chopped onion with garlic, squeezed bread, 2 eggs, salt and pepper to it.
  • And now the main task is to knead this mixture well to a homogeneous consistency. We mix with our hands for at least 4–5 minutes, even beat a little, until it almost stops sticking to our hands, it becomes completely homogeneous.
  • We turn to frying: we heat a frying pan with a non-stick coating or a well-calcined one over medium heat so that the meat does not stick to the frying pan during frying. In a bad pan delicious dish will not work.
  • Add a tablespoon of lard.


I want to note that in Lately we switched to animal fats - lard in the first place, and also rabbit fat, butter cow or goat butter. For frying, this is a healthier option, because vegetable oils form carcinogens when heated, they are best left for raw consumption (for salads).

  • When the fat in the pan is hot, put the formed meat cakes into it.
  • We collect approximately 2 tablespoons of minced meat with wet hands and form an oval cake in the palms, scrolling the meat ball in the hands several times (patting and beating it). This removes air from the minced meat so that there are no voids in the cutlet. The cake itself should not be too flat, just a little flattened.

  • Moreover, we do not roll the meat cakes either in flour or in breading - we spread them directly into the fat. I fit up to 12 pieces in a large frying pan.
  • Fry until golden brown - 4-5 minutes on one side and 3-4 minutes on the other. Do not overcook, no blackness - a beautiful golden ruddy color - this is enough, they will not be raw.
  • If everyone does not fit, we prepare the second batch from the remaining minced meat.
  • We remove the finished cutlets on a plate - they turn out to be tall, fluffy, and they smell - just wonderful!

Cook cutlets according to my recipe. It's very tasty, it's very satisfying, it's quick and easy!
Bon appetit!

They will become a very appetizing addition to boiled potatoes or any porridge.

Their taste and juiciness depend on the observance of the process of preparing minced meat for cutlets. It is especially important to properly mince pork cutlets in order to get the desired result and surprise the family with this simple, but such a favorite dish.

There are just a lot of options and recipes for meat cutlets, and as additional ingredients, many housewives add grated zucchini, grated potatoes or carrots to the meat. All this gives ready meal special taste and aroma.

For cooking cutlets, it is best to take chilled rather than frozen meat. Its freshness at purchase is easy to determine by appearance and smell. Buy meat only in trusted places and stores.

Well, now more about the products and ingredients needed in order to cook pork cutlets.

We'll need:

1. Pork pulp - 1 kg

2. Slices of a long loaf (yesterday's) - 5-10 pieces

3. Onion - 2 pcs. major

4. Garlic - 5 cloves

5. A glass of milk - 280-300 ml

6. Salt to taste

7. Ground black pepper -? tsp

8. Eggs - 2 pcs.

9. Vegetable oil for frying cutlets - 150 ml

In most recipes for making meat cutlets, namely pork cutlets, you can find one important ingredient - this is bread. It is added in order to bind the minced meat and make it homogeneous. Pork meat is dry in itself, and bread softened in milk, which is sent to minced meat, can solve this problem.

To make cutlets fatter, you can add a couple more pieces of lard to the list of products. It is twisted in a meat grinder after the pork.

Delicious pork cutlets: a step by step recipe

Having chosen meat for cutlets, it must be washed and freed from excess veins. And in order not to waste time while we deal with the meat, you can break or cut the bread into cubes and place it in a deep bowl.

Pour the bread with warm milk, but not hot. Let it sit for five minutes so that the bread absorbs the liquid and becomes soft.

Prepared meat should be cut into small pieces so that they can be conveniently placed in the neck of the meat grinder. Also peel the onion and cut into pieces. Peel the garlic.

We skip the pieces of pork through a meat grinder.

Following the meat, we send onion and garlic to the meat grinder. Onions can not be passed through a meat grinder, but then it will not give the juice necessary for minced meat.

Following the already chopped ingredients, pour the softened bread into the meat grinder. If the bread has not absorbed all the milk, then simply pour its remains into the minced meat in a bowl.

Add two eggs to the minced meat. Salt and add black ground pepper. If desired, you can also add red ground pepper or a mixture of various herbs for meat dishes to the minced meat. You can finely chop the young green onion and add minced meat to them. Pork cutlets in this case will also turn out very tasty.

Mix well with your hands until the mixture is smooth. If the finished stuffing seems rough and tough to you, you can pass it through a meat grinder again. Many housewives twist minced pork three times, and only after that they knead well.

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