Libra zodiac sign bull. Fire Bull Woman

Eastern zodiacal- Your zodiac sign gives you a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page East elemental horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs
Eastern signs:
Zodiac signs:



Temperament, power, pressure. For the Ox, bursting with energy, this should not be a problem. The main thing is not to try to restrain yourself, not to extinguish energy flashes. No restrictions on the manifestation of natural powerful temperament. So that the image does not go to waste, it is better to lead some process, some movement. Light up your heart, and from it let other hearts ignite, bring energy to the masses.

So that the words do not remain an empty abstraction, turn to the cinema, look there for those small details, without which it is so difficult to create a real image.

For some reason, women feel more confident in this image. Sergey Bezrukov takes the rap for men (10/18/1973). On the screen, he was most remembered as the mafia boss Sasha Bely from the "Brigade", as well as the sharper from the "Chinese Service". He's also going to play Napoleon. From childhood, he had a powerful temperament. The first roles created the image of a merry fellow and comedian. And he surprisingly copies the voices, voiced Smoktunovsky, his own daughter does not distinguish, in "Dolls" he voiced everyone in a row.


All talk about energetic and sluggish annual (or zodiac) signs should be forgotten, because any sign can find energy, the main thing is to know where the energy source is buried. But to demonstrate energy or lethargy is already a matter of image and, therefore, of the Virtual horoscope.

You can show energy in different ways. Let's say the two most hyped Leaders in our history, Lenin (Horse, Taurus) and Stalin (Cat, Sagittarius) acted in different techniques. Lenin's eyes are on fire, his body is shaking, his hands are working non-stop in characteristic gestures, and his voice, frankly, is on fire. Stalin seems to speak quietly, no special gestures, and yet the hall from his speeches lit up no worse than from Lenin. So, Stalin could convey inner fire without too much noise.

Thus, there are two opposite techniques: external, through noise, crackling, loud voice, sharp gesture, and internal, through grinding of teeth, some kind of convulsions invisible to the world, and most importantly, eyes full of fire. The decisive criterion is the fact of energy return. Another thing is that the energy itself can be different (white, black...). And so, any charismatic leader, be it Lenin, Stalin or Yuri Luzhkov (Rat, Virgo), of course, energy donors. A well-promoted Leader is able to raise thousands or even millions of people to fight and inspire with his word. Therefore, the price of the Leader is so great at the moment when it is necessary to break the enemy's initiative with an energetic rebuff. The same Ilya Ehrenburg (Cat, Aquarius) from the first days of the war becomes one of the main agitators and inspirers of hatred for fascism.

Margaret Thatcher (Bull, Libra). The Iron Lady did not just make politics, she literally crushed with her pressure, temperament. Her image helped her a lot in politics, although, of course, you can’t make politics with just an image.


The energy pressure of the sign, aimed at deforming others, turns on its owner, and it also leads to maximum deformation, deprives harmony, makes it twitchy, funny. The same motor skills and vocabulary, which in a revolutionary era or during a war look not only appropriate, but also the only true one, causes bewilderment and even laughter in civilian life.

Since laughter in life is a rather expensive commodity, it is not worth disdaining the ability to give rise to laughter. Although, to be honest, the laughter caused by the eccentric is not too subtle and is similar to laughter from tickling.

The leader shouts, bulges his eyes, waves his arms. With its perpetual motion, it is called upon to turn on the exhausted, wake up those who have fallen asleep, tickle fat bodies, and cause general activity. If people remained passive, if the Leader could not scare them with his energy attack, then at least let them laugh.

If there is a Jester in a row of seven signs, then why is such a funny Leader needed? The answer is simple, the Jester's humor is not clear to everyone, too poisonous, too intellectual. There is a type of people whom the Jester does not make laugh at all. The Leader's humor is simpler, numbers that have been tested for centuries: funny faces, jumps, falls, slaps in the face. Rough, but reliable. And therefore, you should not be zealous with subtleties, it is worth looking for stamped, age-old humor.


The joy of being, combined with naivety, gives rise to enthusiasm. Not always enthusiasm accompanies childhood. Paradoxically, but in early ages a person can afford the luxury of sadness and despondency, because everything is still ahead. But the older he gets, the more important it is not to lose his tone, the more important it is to believe in the victory of good, enjoy work and hope for the fixability of the most neglected situations.

IN mature years loss of enthusiasm is deadly. As a result, it is the Leaders who become so desirable in any place where not too young people have gathered. Therefore, it would be good to fill medical institutions with Leaders, as well as administrative offices occupied by the elderly. The elderly do not need peace, they already have too much peace, but noise, din and a sea of ​​​​enthusiasm.


You can’t keep silent, sit in a corner, be petty, neat, dress up in modest clothes. And therefore it is worth avoiding everything masking, modest. No gray and brown tones, no ordinary hairstyles, banal styles.

natalia boychenko

The Libra-Ox combination refers to people born in 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021. This is the most harmonious combination of eastern and western horoscopes, as they only reinforce best qualities in each other. The characteristic of men and women of Libra in the year of the Ox is calm and balanced.

  • The influence of the constellation Libra reduces the tyranny and stubbornness characteristic of people who appeared in the year of the Ox.
  • The influence of this year reduces Libra's tendency to hesitate and doubt when making a decision.

People who are influenced by the constellation Libra and who were born in the year of the Ox, get along well with others and imbued with the feelings of loved ones. They go to the defense of their friends and are loyal even to not entirely favorable deeds.

Characteristics of men Libra-Ox

First of all, the Libra guy in the year of the Ox is an aesthete. He is educated, well-read, knows how to show tact and intelligence. The man of this compound of signs has a great sense of humor and the ability to maintain a conversation on any topic. By nature, such men are calmer and hardworking. They are slowly but surely achieving their goals.

Libra men born in the year of the Ox most often have some kind of non-standard hobby that will never harm their main activity.

For them it is always more important practical side process, so they perfectly solve the most complex issues in the business area. They skillfully understand the movements of the economy. A man born under a combination of such horoscopic signs knows how to reconcile the opposing sides. He has flexibility and the ability to get what he wants.

A career for a man of this astrological combination develops if the representative of the stronger sex has chosen a profession associated with any kind of training, consultation, and education. He is able to achieve great heights in the economy, trade, and the financial sector. He is shown mental work, since the representatives of such a horoscopic combination are well-read, erudite and practical.

The Libra-Ox man is good in the economy, trade, finance

Libra men born in the year of the Ox can be found in noisy companies, so they are often considered frivolous and windy. With age, they become sedate and realize the importance of family ties and relationships with their chosen one. They are honest with their other half and if they understand that they have nothing in common, they will immediately tell her about it, without delay with a frank conversation.

The constellation Libra endowed his character with the ability to find mutual language with the fair sex

These are excellent seducers who approach the choice of their only companion with all care, as they believe that relationships should be formalized once and for the rest of the time.

Sign flaws

As a drawback, it should be noted weakness for romance and dreaminess. In some cases, these qualities are so pronounced that they do not allow a man born under the horoscopic combination of Libra-Ox to soberly assess what is happening around and, as a result, make the right decision.

In the upbringing of children, they show excessive demands. Their disadvantage is callousness towards smaller members of the family.

Characteristics of women Libra-Ox

Venus, the patroness of the sign of Libra, gives charm, romance and a craving for communication to her wards. These are open, life-loving people. who know how to show tact and firmness in life situations.

With her talkativeness, the Libra girl, born in the year of the Ox, does not like useless speeches. Her partner will be happy with a cheerful, practical and wise woman who is an excellent hostess. Thanks to her sense of humor, foresight and visionary mind, she makes a favorable impression on those who are nearby. Just like men, the fair half often addicted to unusual hobbies.

Libra girl, born in the year of the Ox, does not like useless speeches

Their daydreaming often carries away from reality, turning the lady into an exalted person. In order to maintain their individuality and at the same time remain true to their dreams, astrologers advise Libra women born in the year of the Ox to take up art and various creative views work. Then life will remain real.

The sign of Libra gives its wards controversial character. Her energy and ambition give excellent chances for achieving great heights in her career. To become successful, she needs to direct her energy to the main business, not being scattered on side hobbies and not succumbing to someone else's influence. Because often a career fades into the background, giving way to your favorite hobbies.

In work, it is important for them to receive moral satisfaction, while making a profit fades into the background.

In the family, she often claims to be the head, but at the same time she avoids scandals and can, with her inherent wisdom, get out of any everyday situations. These are amorous, romantic natures who are able to quickly get carried away. At the same time, they are able to idealize their partner, preferring not to think that everyone has their own shortcomings. The Libra woman, born in the year of the Ox, is honest with her partners, both at work and at home. She prefers trusting and open relationships.

Sign flaws

The main disadvantage of women who appeared under this combination of two horoscopes is responsiveness turning into sacrifice. The fair sex is able to take on an unbearable burden of responsibility, which they often cannot cope with. Their weak character in this regard, it makes you disregard your thoughts and desires.

Love Compatibility Libra in the Year of the Ox

For Libra men born in the year of the Ox, the best partner is Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, who appeared in the years of the Rat, Ox, Rabbit and Dragon. Love compatibility will then be one hundred percent if his companion often expresses her feelings. He will be happy around an emotional wife.

If his soulmate shows coldness, the Libra-Ox man will turn into a silent, gloomy pessimist. At the same time, astrologers advise a more careful approach to the issue of relationships in marriage. It is worth showing loyalty and then the relationship will be harmonious and happy.

When choosing their spouse, they show legibility, remaining for a long time alone. Her partner must live up to the ideals that the Libra woman, born in the year of the Ox, puts on a pedestal. She has a great love compatibility with a male Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, born in the year of the Rat, Ox, Rabbit or Dragon.

She will be better suited for friendly and affable partners who are ready for any adventure. Relationships become strong in cases where a woman born under the horoscopic combination of Libra-Ox begins to look at life more realistically and understands that everyone has their drawbacks.

Maximum Compatibility Average Compatibility Minimum Compatibility
By Eastern calendar Rat, Ox, Cat (Rabbit), DragonGoat, Pig, Dog, SnakeRooster, Tiger, Horse, Monkey
according to the western calendar Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, AquariusVirgo, Pisces, AriesScorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of the child Libra, born in the year of the Ox

The girl, like the boy Libra in the year of the Ox, is distinguished by perseverance. They are able to perform routine work without fatigue and interruption. Thanks to this quality, they often study for "4" and "5".

It is difficult to recognize the representatives of this horoscopic combination in the crowd. They have a Nordic calm and poise.

Very rarely, a boy or girl born with such an astrological combination takes the initiative in the circle of their peers.

October 10, 2017

The Libra-Ox sign includes people born from September 24 to October 23 in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

The Year of the Ox is perfectly combined with the sign of Libra. In this version, Libra and Ox perfectly complement each other, reinforce positive traits each other and interact harmoniously.

In this combination, Libra smooths out, and the conservatism and pressure of the Bull does not allow Libra to hesitate for a long time when choosing one or another path. This calm person trying to resolve all issues amicably. Libra, born in the year of the Ox, are excellent partners and friends, reliable allies and family men, fair colleagues and honest employees. The environment of these people gladly accepts any of their ideas. Libra-Ox is a fairly balanced personality, capable of sound deeds. A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Ox understands well the feelings and desires of other people, knows how to get along with the majority. They are very loyal to their friends and always stand up for them.

Libra - Ox characteristic

According to the Eastern and Western horoscopes, Libra-Ox is a resourceful and sociable person. Thanks to his charm, he easily converges with people, gets used to any team and quickly becomes the soul of the company. With the combination of Libra-Ox, peace-loving, fair and sophisticated people are born. Their opinion is listened to and practical advice is valued.

The bull has a positive effect on disorder, adding organization to it. And Libra, in turn, adds loyalty, softness and flexibility to the stubborn Ox. Therefore, a person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Ox has a calm and balanced character. He loves order, harmony, peace and concord in everything. But, despite the above qualities, a person who possesses them is not at all a soft and gentle person. He has a strong character, and thanks to his calmness and endurance, he easily achieves success in almost any field of activity. He is able to solve complex issues, both in everyday affairs and in business. Libra-Ox is perfectly oriented in time and space. He knows how to communicate with people and in conversations draws almost all the information he needs. But, it should be noted that for all its excellent performance, Libra-Ox needs comfortable working conditions and regular rest. He needs periodic entertainment and pleasure, the possibility of a variety of communication. Difficulties in life for this person are delivered by his inability to say “no”. He devotes a lot of time to friends, colleagues, solving their problems, but he may not have enough time for himself. It is this reliability that can fail in many situations.

As for the field of activity, Libra-Ox can perfectly prove itself in psychological and pedagogical professions. Heavy, physical labor bypasses and gravitates toward humanitarian work. At the same time, Libra-Ox is a multifaceted and addicting personality. If he finds a hobby for himself, he will devote his whole life to it.

IN love relationships Libra-Ox seeks diversity, tries not to take on unnecessary obligations, but if he accepts such, he takes them very seriously. And when they find their love, they become faithful and devoted partners. Family relationships, as a rule, are built with people who have been known for a long time and well.

Libra - Ox woman

The Libra-Ox woman is very charming, romantic and sociable. She is open, honest, cheerful, tactful, very communicative, but firm and does not like empty talk. She knows how to enjoy life and at the same time work perfectly, she is practical and wise in everyday affairs, a good housewife and an excellent organizer. It produces a very favorable environment on others, is sociable, has a good sense of humor, as well as a perspicacious mind and foresight.

Born in the year of the Ox, and extraordinary. However, such a position often takes her away from real life, making her an exalted personality. She should express her ideas more through art and any kind of creativity, so that life remains life, and dreams remain dreams.

By nature, the Libra-Ox woman is a rather contradictory nature. She is energetic and ambitious, can reach good results in any business. However, in order to become successful, she should not waste her energy on various side affairs and succumb to other people's influence. It is worth noting that the Libra-Ox woman is not a careerist and can only do what she loves. And if the profession is chosen by chance or at the insistence of her parents, then she will constantly experience disappointment. It is important for her not only to make a profit, but also moral satisfaction.

In a love relationship, the Libra-Ox woman loves romance, is amorous, can easily get carried away, although she is very picky in choosing a spouse. Her love affairs are often held to a standard that has nothing to do with real life and is only in her imagination. She wants to see certain qualities in a partner, forgetting that everyone has their own shortcomings. In the family, she prefers the role of the head, but at the same time she is non-conflict and is able to wisely find solutions to everyday situations. In personal relationships, the Libra-Ox woman is as honest as at work: open and trusting relationships are important for her, where each of the spouses has their own personal space and at the same time is faithful to each other.

Libra-Ox man

A man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Ox has absorbed the best qualities from both signs and, as a result, it is easy and pleasant to communicate and maintain relationships with him. By nature, this is a calm and hardworking person, slowly but surely moving towards his goal. A Libra-Ox man may have a non-standard hobby, but it will not harm the main activity, but, on the contrary, will give a charge of vivacity and inspiration. The profession usually chooses a practical one, since the practical side of any process is more important for him than the rest.

Born in the year of the Ox, as he is well versed in market trends and the economy as a whole. Often plays the role of mediator of different interests and desires, and can help all participants achieve their goals. He has a realistic outlook on life and has enough purpose, flexibility and understanding of the current moment and knows how to get along with people and get what he wants from them. The Libra-Ox man can achieve success in work related to various kinds of consultations, trainings, education, as well as in trade, economics, and the financial system. He loves mental work, very well-read, erudite and at the same time practical. He is an intellectual and financier at the same time, so communication with him can be very interesting. Success can be achieved in any area that arouses his interest. But here physical labor tries to avoid. cash knows how to manage calmly and without unnecessary expenses, which allows him to make savings.

In the love sphere, it may seem windy and frivolous, but in fact it can quickly settle down and be faithful to the chosen one. He loves crowded parties, noisy companies, but with age there is an awareness of the importance of family and home comfort. He is always open to communication and honest. If he feels that a woman does not suit him, he will not hesitate to break up. He has no shortage of fans, since the sign of Libra has awarded him the ability to find a common language with women, seduce them and guess desires. To relatives future wife he is also very attentive and always tries to support with them harmonious relationship. He approaches the choice of a wife very carefully, as he believes that you need to marry only once. And once having chosen a life partner for himself, he will protect the family hearth and good relations with all his might.

He is very demanding with children and his minus in communicating with them is some callousness.

happiness in family life for a Libra-Ox man, it largely depends on his life partner. If he chooses an emotional woman who expresses her feelings every minute, then he will be very happy. And if the spouse is cold and cannot give him recognition and romance, then he will become gloomy, gloomy and pessimistic. To be happier in marriage, you yourself need to become more loyal to your spouse and pay more attention to children, giving them affection and love.

, Metal Ox , Water Ox .

This Bull is a conqueror. There are no roads that he would not pass. Everything is given to him not so easily, but rather quickly: he does everything accurately, competently and efficiently. Mind, grip, assertiveness, honesty often allow him to become a leader. He does not have many friends, but they are devoted to him all his life, however, as he is to them. The family of this Ox is strong, friendly, in his complete obedience. It would be nice for the fiery Ox to listen to the opinions of family members, because they, just as smart and stubborn, are also not “barely born”.

Such people are impulsive demonstrators. They are most concerned with power and self-importance. The element of Fire enhances the Bull's ability to self-control and creates a decisive character. As a result, such a Bull can be stronger and prouder than other Bulls. An exception would be the Metal Ox, which often surpasses the Fiery Ox in these qualities. The Fire Ox is a materialist, often prone to megalomania. Getting into a new place, he conducts a consistent work to get rid of those things and people that he considers useless and unsuitable. At the same time, he often detracts from the dignity of others. Yet more often he is objective and frank, but he can be quite tough with those who try to contradict him.

The element of Fire can arouse the Ox's interest in the army and battles. Sometimes the Fire Ox even believes that life consists solely of fighting opponents. The Fire Ox sometimes overestimates his abilities and weakly listens to the feelings of other people. Despite all this, he is the owner of an honest soul and he does not seek to dominate others. His family will receive much thanks to his work, and he will love his loved ones and make sure that they have everything. The Fire Ox never forgets his duties. He, on the contrary, is always at the forefront and ready to rush into battle.

Fire Ox Chinese Zodiac

From the south side, heat was born in the sky, when it descended and fertilized the earth. Thus, Fire was born. The element of fire personifies the heated noon, the South, summer. This is Yang energy, it destroys, burns, burns. Usually such people have a bright complexion.

The Fire Ox is by nature an imperious person who likes to impose his opinion on everyone. In the labor collective they are conscientious and diligent. Their gaze is simply unshakable. And if suddenly events do not develop as they planned, this reflects badly on the environment. Among other things, they are often subject to temporary moods and often do not consider the opinions of others. They have many different qualities necessary for a leader and often achieve power, money and fame.

Fiery Bulls are attracted by politics, they are bright individuals. Often their aggression is provoked by their own slowness, making the wrong move in the game. But the Fire Bulls do not need to get involved in these games, as it seems to them that victory is close, in fact, this is just an illusion. At the moment of disappointment, the Fire Ox is afraid of defeat. Fire Ox people are not standard, they are conquerors and they do not need to bury their talent in the ground. Very often they are surrounded by loyal and close friends and devoted to their loved ones.

Their season is summer, in hot weather they feel great. The vulnerable organs of the fiery bull are the small intestine and the heart. Fire Bulls love bitter food, but lamb and rice dishes are good for them. These Bulls need to be careful and try to slow down their rhythm of life, as slowness is inherent in their nature, they do not like to build their plans in vain. Fire Bulls have a love of pleasure because of this, in old age it can cause a heart attack.

The color of luck and happiness is red.

Fire Bull Man

An assertive, self-confident man is admired, it seems that he is able to solve any problem. There are no barriers for the Fiery Bull, who is determined to win. He will sweep away everything in his path, completely ignoring the opinions of the people around him. Often he is accused of mental callousness, he is so focused on his own interests. He tries to get a profession that guarantees high earnings, he is not interested in a job he likes. In communication with colleagues, he shows rigidity, categoricalness. With close people, he tries to be more restrained, but still has a reputation as a domestic tyrant and despot. True, this circumstance does not bother him at all.

In relations with women, representatives of this sign try to demonstrate all their best qualities: assertiveness, determination. It is impossible to imagine the Fire Ox rejected, he will find a way to achieve a favorable attitude even from the most capricious beauty. A man cares, albeit unpretentiously, but very passionately. He gives the chosen one luxurious gifts, does not spare money for the fulfillment of her whims. However, she will not allow her beloved to make any decisions without her approval. Immediately firmly indicates his position, it is he who is the leader in the relationship. In addition, the Fire Ox is a jealous man, trying to control every step of his wife.

Fire Bull Woman

For these emotional women, any objection or remark is a signal to fight. Only they have the right to decide how and what to do in each specific situation. At work, the Fire Ox woman appears as a strict boss, although she cannot be accused of injustice. He always treats good specialists with respect, tries to help and support. In relations with loved ones, he does not hesitate to dictate tough conditions, while he is afraid to hear a refusal. For all her equanimity, she is quite vulnerable, and sometimes not self-confident. The Fire Ox is a hardworking, devoted woman, a little unrestrained, but at the same time reliable, you can always rely on her.

In a love relationship, a woman of this sign makes an incredible amount of demands on her chosen one. Won't put up with bad habits, all the more will not tolerate a loafer next to him. She needs a strong partner who can create comfortable living conditions. The Fire Ox is a woman worthy of all the best, this hardworking and purposeful person knows her worth. If desired, she can solve all the problems herself, without resorting to the help of her lover. However, like all women, she needs support, needs care and attention. In family life, he manifests himself as loving wife and mother, true husband and children should always and in everything obey her.

The combination of the signs Ox and Libra is favorable, since there is a harmonious combination of the features of both signs. Some qualities contribute to the manifestation of others. The influence of the Bull manifests itself as organization. And Libra, not inclined to clarity and composure, become calmer. On the contrary, the effect of Libra on the Ox manifests itself as softness and flexibility.

The character of the Ox-Libra

It turns out a calm, balanced character, not prone to the manifestation of aggression. He prefers to live in peace and harmony. Meanwhile, this is a strong character, capable of solving complex issues both in everyday affairs and in business. It's just that such a person is very well oriented in time and space. He knows how to communicate with people and in conversations draws almost all the information he needs.

This combination of signs, like the Ox and Libra, provides excellent opportunities to work as a consultant in any field of activity. Ox-Libra is not inclined to work day and night in difficult conditions. He needs pauses, entertainment and opportunities for a variety of communication. In love, Ox-Libra is also looking for diversity. But, he stops his choice, usually on the same type.

Ox-Libra Man

The Ox-Libra man is quite capricious and defends his interests very stubbornly. The Ox-Libra man is businesslike and active in the area of ​​life that interests him most. There he tries to achieve significant success, learn to fulfill the role he has taken on with all responsibility and very high quality.

The combination of such signs is favorable for men, since it does not incline to aggressiveness, even if not everything that he plans is formed according to his desire. He really looks at life and knows how to find the right ways to solve his problems. Therefore, the Ox-Libra man is most often very successful in life - he has enough determination, flexibility and understanding of the current moment, he knows how to get along with people in order to get what they want from them.

Ox-Libra Woman

The Ox-Libra woman of natures is romantic, very pleasant in communication, but also, like the man of this combination of signs, she always knows what she wants and is able to get it sooner or later. She is tactful, but firm, very sociable, but does not like empty talk. The Ox-Libra woman is practical and wise in everyday affairs, she is a good housewife, an excellent organizer.
