Read a presentation on the topic of Leo Tolstoy. Lesson-presentation "Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Artist, thinker, man. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28 (September 9), 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate of the Krapivensky district of the Tula province in an aristocratic noble family. “I don’t remember my mother at all. I was 1.5 years old when she passed away. ... She was not pretty, but well educated for her time. She knew ... four languages ​​..., played the piano well, and ... was a great master of telling fairy tales ”“ Father was of medium height, well-built, lively sanguine, with a pleasant face and always sad eyes. Father never humiliated himself before anyone, did not change his lively, cheerful and often mocking tone. And this self-esteem that I saw in him increased my love, my admiration for him "Mother - Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya () Father - Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy ()

The Tolstoy clan The first annalistic references to the Tolstoy family refer to XVI century. Pyotr Andreevich, the first of the Tolstoy family to receive the title of count, was a comrade-in-arms of Peter I. The Tolstoys were related to the families of famous figures in Russian history and culture: Pushkin A.S., P.Ya. Chaadaev, Decembrists S.G. Volkonsky, S.P. Trubetskoy, A.I. Odoevsky

Childhood After the death of his father (1837), a distant relative, T. A. Ergolskaya, who had a huge influence on Tolstoy, took up the upbringing of children: “she taught me the spiritual pleasure of love.” Childhood memories have always remained the most joyful for Tolstoy: family traditions, the first impressions of the life of a noble estate served as rich material for his works, were reflected in the autobiographical story "Childhood".

Adolescence and youth Tolstoy was 13 years old, the family moved to Kazan, to the house of a relative and guardian of the children P. I. Yushkova. For two and a half years he was preparing to enter the university. Deciding to become a diplomat, Tolstoy took exams for the eastern branch.

In Kazan, He successfully passed exams in history, geography, mathematics, statistics, Russian literature, logic, English, French, German, Latin, Arabic, Turkish and Tatar languages and entered the Kazan University at the Department of Oriental Languages ​​of the Faculty of Philosophy, then transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for less than two years. Classes did not arouse a lively interest in him, and he passionately indulged social entertainment. In the spring of 1847, having filed a petition for dismissal from the university "due to frustrated health and domestic circumstances", Tolstoy left for Yasnaya Polyana.

From the diary of L.N. Tolstoy What will be the purpose of my life in the countryside for 2 years? - 1) Study the entire course of legal sciences required for the final examination at the University. 2) Study practical medicine and part of the theoretical one. 3) Learn languages: French, Russian, German, English, Italian, Latin. 4) Explore Agriculture both theoretical and practical. 5) Study History, Geography and Statistics. 6) Study Mathematics, Gymnasium course. 7) Write a dissertation. 8) Achieve an average degree of perfection in music and painting. 9) Write the rules. 10) Get some knowledge in the Natural Sciences. 11) Compose essays from all the subjects that I will study. 1847

Caucasus In 1851, elder brother Nikolai, an officer in the army, persuaded Tolstoy to go together to the Caucasus. For almost three years Leo Tolstoy lived in Cossack village on the banks of the Terek, participating in hostilities (at first voluntarily, then he was recruited).

Crimean Campaign In 1854 Leo Tolstoy was assigned to the Danube army in Bucharest. Boring staff life soon forced him to transfer to the Crimean army, to the besieged Sevastopol, where he commanded a battery on the 4th bastion, showing rare personal courage (he was awarded the Order of St. Anne and medals). In the Crimea, Tolstoy was captured by new impressions and literary plans(I was also going to publish a magazine for soldiers), here he began to write a cycle of "Sevastopol stories". At this time, Tolstoy writes: "The Crimean War showed the rottenness and impotence of serf Russia"

In the circle of writers In November 1855, after the war, L. Tolstoy arrived in St. Petersburg and immediately joined the Sovremennik circle, which included N.A. Nekrasov, I.S. Turgenev, A.N. Ostrovsky, I.A. Goncharov and others. L.N. Tostoy was greeted as “the great hope of Russian literature.” However, in the journal L.N. Tolstoy did not work for long, and already in 1856 he left for Yasnaya Polyana, and then went on a trip abroad.

Opening a school In 1859, Leo Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in the village and helped set up more than 20 schools in the vicinity of Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy was so fascinated by this occupation that in 1860 he went abroad for the second time to get acquainted with the schools of Europe. Tolstoy outlined his own ideas in special articles, arguing that the basis of education should be the "student's freedom" and the rejection of violence in teaching. In the early 1870s he compiled the "ABC" and "New ABC" for teaching children to read and write.

When I enter the school and see this crowd of ragged, dirty, thin children, with their bright eyes and so often angelic expressions, anxiety comes over me, the horror that I would experience at the sight of drowning people ... I want education for the people ... to save those Pushkins drowning there, ... Lomonosovs. And they teem in every school. L. Tolstoy - A. A. Tolstoy. December 1874 L.N. Tolstoy opened 26 public schools where children studied.

On the work of Leo Tolstoy For many years a stern and truthful voice sounded, denouncing everyone and everything; he told us almost as much about Russian life as the rest of our literature. Historical meaning Tolstoy's work ... is the result of everything experienced by Russian society over the entire 19th century, and his books will remain for centuries, as a monument to hard work done by a GENIUS ... M. Gorky

Let's summarize the lesson Interpret the words of L.N. Tolstoy and about L.N. Tolstoy within the framework of those discoveries that were made in the lesson. Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. He is one of those geniuses of art, whose words - living water. K. Fedin

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy 1828 - 1910. Life and creative way. Introductory presentation to the lesson on the novel "War and Peace". To live honestly ... 1844 - 1851 Kazan University - Philological - Faculty of Law, was expelled for negligence, poor progress in history. “History is a collection of fables and useless trifles that do nothing to improve the fate of a person” - this position is reflected in the novel “War and Peace”. Fascinated by the philosophy of J.-J. Rousseau - you can fix the world only through self-improvement: he keeps diaries, wants to learn 11 languages, the basics of forestry, music, illustrations. An attempt to get closer and help the peasants. He is considered an eccentric ("Morning of the landowner") 1851-1855 Caucasus - studies mountain languages, life, culture. "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth", "Cossacks". “I was not a student in literature, I was immediately great” An innovator in revealing the “dialectic of the soul” - a special psychologism, as it develops human consciousness. "People are like rivers." Participates in the defense of Sevastopol, was awarded personalized weapons. "Sevastopol stories" "Sevastopol in the month of December" (1854), "Sevastopol in May" (1855), "Sevastopol in August" (1855). "The hero of my story is the truth - and its goal is to prove that the true hero of the Sevastopol epic was the Russian people." War in blood and suffering. Soldier's heroism - officer aristocracy (caste, desire for brilliance, orders) Nakhimov, Kornilov, Istomin with 22 thousand sailors with the support of the population withstood the siege of 120 thousand enemy armies (349 days) The main thoughts of the cycle It is the masses who decide the fundamental issues of history, determine the fate of the state. War is not banners and fanfare, but a dirty business, hard labour, suffering, blood, tragedy, it exposes the true essence of man. Life credo of Tolstoy. In order to live honestly, one must tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again. And forever fight, and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness. Spiritual crisis in the life of Lev Nikolayevich (1860-1870) "Arzamas horror" - a dream about his own death, a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness of life, disappointment that the ideals of brotherhood, unity of classes, thoughts of suicide are crumbling. 1870-80s - overcoming the crisis, "Confession": "Why everything, if the only irrefutable reality is death." Own understanding of Christianity as a rational religion - "the Kingdom of God on earth." He denied the dogmas of faith, reproached the church for "justifying violence", "I renounced the life of our circle, recognizing that this is not life, but only a semblance of life." Breaks with his class and goes over to the position of the patriarchal peasantry. The main works of Tolstoy 1863 - the beginning of work on the novel "War and Peace" 1873-77 - work on the novel "Anna Karenina" 1879-82 - "Confession" 1884-86 - "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" 1887 - "Kreutzer Sonata", the play "The Power of Darkness" 1889 - the novel "Sunday" is printed. "War and Peace" 1856 - the beginning of the idea for the story "Decembrists". The image of a man who after 30 years found himself in the city of youth, where everything has changed, and he is the same. 1825 - Decembrist uprising - "the era of delusions and misfortunes of my hero." Seeing a world without slavery, the officers were ashamed of what was happening in Russia and felt a duty to the oppressed people. "Three Pores". 1812 - "To understand him, I had to go back to his youth, which coincided with the glory of Russian weapons - 1812." 1805-1807 - foreign campaigns of the Russian army - "failures and shame." The structure and genre of the novel "War and Peace" Volume I - 1805 Volume II - 1806-1811 Volume III - 1812 Volume IV - 1812-1813 Epilogue - 1820 Epic novel Beginning of publication - 1865 "1805" Criticism for inept handling historical facts, inconsistency with the genre canon. Features of the genre Roman-epopee - pictures of history (Shengrabenskoye, Battle of Austerlitz, the Peace of Tilsit, the war of 1812, the fire of Moscow, the partisan movement) Chronology of the novel 15 years. Socio-political life: Freemasonry, the activities of Speransky, the Decembrist Society. The relationship of landowners and peasants: the transformation of Pierre, Andrei, the rebellion in Bogucharov. Display of various segments of the population: local, Moscow, St. Petersburg nobility, officials, army, peasants. wide panorama noble life: balls, receptions, dinners, hunting, theater. 600 actors and characters. Wide coverage of geographical space: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Otradnoe, Bald Mountains, Austria, Smolensk, Borodino.

In 1844, Tolstoy entered Kazan University to study oriental languages, but dropped out after three years, as she quickly got bored. When Tolstoy was 23 years old, he and his older brother Nikolai left to fight in the Caucasus. During the service, a writer wakes up in Tolstoy, and he begins his famous cycle- a trilogy, which describes the moments from childhood to adolescence. And also Lev Nikolaevich writes several autobiographical stories and short stories (such as "Deforestation", "Cossacks").

Once on his allotment, Lev Nikolaevich creates own system pedagogy and opens a school, and also begins to engage in educational activities. Entirely carried away by this type of activity, he leaves for Europe to get acquainted with the schools. In 1862, Tolstoy marries the young Sofya Andreevna Bers - and immediately leaves with his wife for Yasnaya Polyana, where he is fully engaged in family life and household chores.

But by the fall of 1863, he began work on his most fundamental work, War and Peace. Then, from 1873 to 1877, the novel Anna Karenina was created. During this period of time, Tolstoy's worldview is completely formed, which is speaking name- "Tolstoyism", the whole essence of which is well depicted in such works of the writer as "Kreutzer Sonata", "What is your faith", "Confession".

And in 1899, the novel "Resurrection" was published, which describes the main provisions of the teachings of the brilliant author. Late in the autumn night, Tolstoy, who at that time was 82 years old, together with his attending physician, secretly leaves Yasnaya Polyana. But on the way, the writer falls ill and gets off the train at the Astapovo Ryazan-Ural station.

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28 (September 9), 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate of the Krapivensky district of the Tula province in an aristocratic noble family. house in Yasnaya Polyana.

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By origin, Lev Nikolaevich belonged to the famous noble families Tolstykh (from his father's side) and Volkonsky (from his mother's side), who gave a number of statesmen and military figures known in the history of Russia. Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky, grandfather of L.N. Tolstoy. Ekaterina Dmitrievna Volkonskaya, Leo Tolstoy's grandmother. Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy, grandfather of Leo Tolstoy. Pelageya Nikolaevna Tolstaya, Leo Tolstoy's grandmother.

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Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya in childhood, mother of Leo Tolstoy. Nikolai Ilyich, father of Leo Tolstoy. Maria Nikolaevna and Nikolai Ilyich had 4 sons: Nikolai, Sergey, Dmitry, Lev, and the long-awaited daughter Maria. However, her birth turned out to be an inconsolable grief for the Tolstoys: Maria Nikolaevna died during childbirth in 1830. And in 1837 Nikolai Ilyich died. The children's teacher was their distant relative Tatyana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya. In 1841, the children were taken by their aunt Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova, who lived in Kazan.

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In 1844, Lev Nikolaevich entered Kazan University in the department of Oriental languages, then transferred to the Faculty of Law. State teaching did not satisfy his inquisitive mind, and in 1847 Tolstoy filed a petition to dismiss him from among the students. Tolstoy is a student. The building of Kazan University.

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Leo Tolstoy leaves Kazan and returns to Yasnaya Polyana. And in 1850 he was appointed to serve in the office of the Tula provincial government, but the service also did not satisfy him. Under the influence of his older brother Nikolai, L.N. Tolstoy left for the Caucasus in 1851 and volunteered to serve in the artillery. Brother of the writer N.N. Tolstoy.

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In 1854-1855 Tolstoy took part in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. This time was for him a school of military and civil courage. The experience gained by him in battles later helped Tolstoy the artist to achieve true realism in the battle scenes of War and Peace. In besieged Sevastopol, Tolstoy wrote Sevastopol Tales. For the first time in Russian literature, the writer chose soldiers and sailors who fought for the Motherland as his heroes. L.N. Tolstoy. Publication of "Sevastopol stories" in the journal "Contemporary".

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In early November 1855, Tolstoy was sent by courier to St. Petersburg. He stayed with I.S. Turgenev, in his apartment on the Fontanka, near the Anichkov Bridge. In Petersburg, Turgenev led Tolstoy into a circle famous writers contributed to his literary success. Tolstoy became especially close to the writers grouped around Sovremennik. L.N. Tolstoy in the group of writers of Sovremennik.

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Turgenev's persistent advice to leave military service still had an effect on Tolstoy: he submitted a letter of resignation and in November 1856 received a dismissal from military service, and at the beginning of 1857 he went on his first trip abroad through Warsaw to Paris. Paris

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From France, Tolstoy arrived in London in early March 1861. Here he was fortunate enough to attend a lecture by Charles Dickens, who was one of Tolstoy's most beloved writers; he placed his portrait in his Yasnaya Polyana office among the portraits of close people. From London Tolstoy returns to Russia via Brussels. London.

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Immediately after the wedding, Lev Nikolaevich and Sofia Andreevna left for Yasnaya Polyana, where they lived almost without a break for 20 years. In Sofya Andreevna he found a diligent assistant in his literary work. She sorted and rewrote the author's difficult-to-read manuscripts an infinite number of times, happy about that the first reads his works. S.A. Tolstaya. L.N. Tolstoy.

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Since 1882, Tolstoy and his family lived in Moscow. The writer was impressed by the contradictions of the large capitalist city that Moscow had become by that time. It aggravated spiritual crisis, which led Tolstoy to break with the noble circle to which he belonged. Family of Leo Tolstoy.

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On October 28, 1910, at six o'clock in the morning, Tolstoy left Yasnaya Polyana forever. He and his companions were heading through Kozelsk to the south of Russia. On the way, Tolstoy fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to leave the train at Astapovo station. The last seven days of the writer's life passed in the house of the head of the station. On November 7, at 6:50 am, Tolstoy died. Funeral in Yasnaya Polyana.

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Grave of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy's death triggered a wave of anti-government demonstrations: factory workers went on strike; in St. Petersburg, at the Kazan Cathedral, a student demonstration took place; unrest and riots took place in Moscow and other cities.

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1828. August 28 (September 9, new style) Leo Tolstoy was born in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, Krapivensky district, Tula province. 1841. After the death of his mother (1830) and father (1837), L. N. Tolstoy with his brothers and sister moved to Kazan, to the guardian P. I. Yushkova. 1844 - 1847. LN Tolstoy studies at Kazan University - first at the Faculty of Philosophy in the category of Arabic-Turkish literature, then at the Faculty of Law. 1847. Without completing the course, Tolstoy leaves the university and arrives in Yasnaya Polyana, which he received under a separate act. 1849. A trip to St. Petersburg University to take exams for the degree of candidate. 1849. Leo Tolstoy returned to Yasnaya Polyana. 1851. L.N. Tolstoy writes the story "The History of Yesterday" - his first literary work(unfinished). In May, Tolstoy goes to the Caucasus, volunteers in military operations. MAIN DATES OF THE LIFE AND CREATIVITY OF L. N. TOLSTOY 1859.

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1860 - 1861 Leo Tolstoy studies the organization of school affairs abroad during his second trip abroad in Europe. In May Leo Tolstoy returns to Yasnaya Polyana. 1861 - 1862. LN Tolstoy - world mediator, protects the interests of the peasants; the Tula provincial nobility, dissatisfied with him, demands his removal from office. The story "Polikushka" is written. 1862 L. N. Tolstoy publishes the pedagogical journal Yasnaya Polyana, finished the story The Cossacks. 1863 - 1869. Leo Tolstoy is working on the novel "War and Peace". 1868. L.N. Tolstoy begins to work on the "ABC", graduated in 1872. 1872. In Yasnaya Polyana resumed pedagogical activity LN Tolstoy, interrupted after a search, is going to a congress of teachers of public schools. LN Tolstoy is trying to create teacher training courses in Yasnaya Polyana. Work on stories for children. 1873. Tolstoy began to write the novel "Anna Karenina", finished in 1877. In June - August, L.N. Tolstoy participates in helping the starving peasants of the Samara province.

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1901 - 1902. L.N. Tolstoy lives during his illness in the Crimea, where he often meets with A.P. Chekhov and A.M. Gorky. 1903. L.N. Tolstoy wrote the story “After the Ball”. 1905 - 1908. L.N. Tolstoy writes articles “For what?”, “I can’t be silent!” and others L.N. Tolstoy. 1895

The presentation on the topic "Biography of Tolstoy" tells about the life of the great writer, who is not only the author of many works, but is also prominent figure, who left a significant contribution to the development of Russian culture and society of his time.

Who is intended to view the presentation slides about Leo Tolstoy? Himself a wide range spectators. The teacher can conduct an interesting lesson in literature using this development, students can independently prepare at home for a lesson or test on the topic "Tolstoy's Life". And why not just leaf through the slides of a beautiful presentation with the facts of the biography of Leo Tolstoy, learn about his childhood and adult life and expand your horizons.

Download a presentation on the topic "Biography of Tolstoy", which contains facts about his childhood, youth, creative success, is available for free from the site for students in grades 10-11 or anyone who wants to get to know the life of this great moralist, writer and artist in one person, who glorified an entire era.

Long before school, the children got acquainted with the children's stories of Leo Tolstoy. These are “Kostochka” and “Filippok”, “Fire” and “Two Comrades”. It is unlikely that their parents told them about who is the author of such amazing works.

The presentation on the topic "Biography of Tolstoy" was created for children in grades 2 - 4. In her in plain language talking about a hard life amazing person. From the presentation slides, students will learn:

  • About Tolstoy's mother - Princess M.N. Volkonskaya
  • About the writer's father - Count N. I. Tolstoy
  • About the wife of Lev Nikolaevich - S. A. Bers
  • About the service in the artillery troops
  • About fellow writers
  • About activities in the literary and social field

A brief biography of L. N. Tolstoy, which fits on 14 slides of the presentation, will arouse the interest of children in grades 2-4 in his work.

The presentation reveals new interesting facts from the life of Leo Tolstoy for 10th grade students, which they may not yet know. The name of Tolstoy became known to the whole world thanks to his enormous contribution to literature and influence on the life of society. He is considered as great in a galaxy of writers, and revered as Pushkin, Dostoevsky.

The presentation is presented by several of the most milestones from the life of Tolstoy:

Download presentation material from interesting facts biographies can be used not only for a lesson in literature, but also for promoting the work of Leo Tolstoy at extracurricular activities.

A presentation on the topic "Biography of Leo Tolstoy" can be used in grades 7 - 10 when getting acquainted with the writer's new works or on class hour dedicated to the life of this amazing Russian figure. It can rightly be attributed to the greatest people era.
