Zodiac sign Scorpio woman in love and life: conditional compatibility. Compatibility with other scorpio woman signs

Scorpio woman compatibility in love and marriage

In choosing a life partner, Scorpio is very demanding. Despite all his passion, short-term novels are of little interest to him - he is set for long ones, serious relationship. He is looking for a partner who could share with him the fullness of his stormy feelings, and also have intelligence, a clear life position, sense of humor, etc. Having met his ideal in the flesh, Scorpio is ready to turn the world upside down in order to achieve reciprocity. In this case, neither a tangible difference in age, nor a social or financial situation will become an obstacle for him.
And in love relationships, and even more so in marriage, the owner of Scorpio should not even for a second doubt the fidelity of his life partner. He is very jealous, and his burning jealousy, like fire, is too dangerous to play with.

Scorpio woman + Aries man

Relationship type:
Storm Harmony

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 100%

In this union, both the self-confident Aries and the ardent Scorpio woman are able to find everything that they unconsciously strive for - harmony, love, mutual assistance and understanding. They have excellent sexual compatibility and many similar character traits, such as energy, sincerity, independence.
However, this does not mean at all that a quiet family hearth awaits them. The harmony of the relationship between the Aries man and the Scorpio woman is not the balance of a quiet backwater, but a raging whirlpool of feelings, desires and passions that periodically threaten their family boat with collapse, but which, on the other hand, bring brightness, meaning and fullness to their life together.
However, their boat is extremely stable: the Scorpio woman is ready to give way to the ambitious Aries in the main issues and even help him make a career to the detriment of her own.

Scorpio woman + Taurus man

Relationship type:
Power multiplied by two

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 100%

This is a fairly common union. Both Taurus and Scorpio woman strong personalities, and this allows them not only to love, but also to respect each other (which is vital for them). The Scorpio woman appreciates in Taurus his independence, perseverance, ability to earn money, and he in her - the strength of character, combined with incredible femininity.
In addition, they have excellent sexual compatibility and similar views on the family, which they both take very seriously and responsibly. In other words, it is practically perfect union: a Scorpio woman does not like henpecked people, she will calmly let Taurus be the head of the house, and even help him make a career.

Scorpio woman + Gemini man

Relationship type:
Clash of the Titans

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 40%

The Gemini man is independent and fickle, while the Scorpio woman is extraordinarily jealous. In other words, this union is a real explosive mixture. It has a sea of ​​passion and romance, jealousy and quarrels.
As a rule, the relationship of a Gemini man and a Scorpio woman can be blamed for anything, but not for insipidity and banality, because both of them are strong personalities with unusually strong emotions, and in relation to them the expression “found a scythe on a stone” sounds relevant , more than ever. This bright cocktail of feelings is even more intensified sexual compatibility partners. Usually this stormy and vibrant union, full of rivalry, passion and resentment, turns out to be short-lived, but the partners remember it for the rest of their lives.

Scorpio woman + Cancer man

Relationship type:
Compressed spring energy

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 70%

Usually, in this difficult union, the leading role is given to the Scorpio woman, whose enormous energy and strength can be both creative and destructive for this couple. It is the Scorpio woman who is able to inspire the prudent Cancer to bold deeds, make him believe in himself, find Good work and generally change your life for the better.
On the other hand, Scorpio is often annoyed by the passivity and slowness of Cancer. In a bad mood (which she often has), with her exactingness and emotionality, she can greatly complicate the life of a sensitive Cancer. However, Cancer and a Scorpio woman always have a chance to make peace - they are both sensual natures, and in bed they are perfect for each other. The main thing for Cancer is not to give up her position as the head of the house: a Scorpio woman must feel a real man in him, otherwise pride will simply not allow her to stay close to him.

Scorpio woman + Leo man

Relationship type:
Fights without rules

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 50%

Usually in the struggle of characters there is no winner: living together generally not a very good field for battle. Nevertheless, understanding this with the mind, in fact, the maximalists Leo and the Scorpio woman are able to arrange from their relationship real war ambition. Alas, the strength of their characters is extremely great, and in relation to their couple, the expression “found a scythe on a stone” sounds especially relevant.
In everyday life, this often results in conflicts and showdowns, and the Scorpio woman is able to inflict much more painful wounds on the proud Leo than he does on her. If this relationship is dear to Leo and the Scorpio woman, they should not forget that their union cannot do without patience and compromise. Otherwise, there may be only losers on their love front.

Scorpio woman + Virgo man

Relationship type:
Great team

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 70%

A Virgo man and a Scorpio woman are connected by a lot, and first of all, such common features like honesty, the pursuit of justice, a sense of duty. In addition, both of them are strong personalities. In life, they do not expect gifts from Fate, they endure trials stoically and are used to achieving everything with their own labor. Their union is, first of all, love-friendship, love-support and mutual assistance. However, this does not at all exclude love itself: a Scorpio woman - passionate nature, and her fire is more than enough for two. Another thing is that she is used to thinking broadly, and Virgo's punctuality, his attention to detail and his frugality often confuse her. Virgo, on the other hand, can hardly endure her violent outbursts of emotions. This union can become truly lasting only if both partners learn to reckon with each other's feelings.

Scorpio woman + Libra man

Relationship type:
Miracles on turns

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 70%

In this union, all existing options for relationships are possible, from friendship to cooperation and from hatred to love. Choosing the latter option, the Libra man and the Scorpio woman are unlikely to regret: their couple can be called truly bright, and the union is hot and passionate.
It is not surprising that the loving Libra and the sensual Scorpio woman are usually just crazy about each other at first. However, in addition to harmony in bed, there are many more things that unite them. All this together can serve as the basis for a very temperamental marriage, in which there will be noisy quarrels, and resentment, and love, and passion.
True, over time, this union may break up at the initiative of the Scorpio woman: in Libra, she does not find the decisiveness, even the rigidity that she appreciates in men. In addition, Libra is not too ambitious, and for an ambitious Scorpio woman, this is also a minus. Sometimes their relationship turns out to be much more durable if it does not reach marriage, but remains at the stage of non-committal love meetings.

Scorpio woman + Scorpio man

Relationship type:
War of the Worlds

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 40%

Alas, the prospects for this explosive alliance are about the same as those of two typhoons under one roof. And despite the fact that it can begin with love at first sight, and continue with a very stormy and passionate romance. However, over time, the joint life of self-confident Scorpios can turn into an ongoing war of two unusually strong, bright and independent personalities. This can be avoided only if both sides soften their unbridled temper, having learned the art of patience and compromise.

Scorpio woman + Sagittarius man

Relationship type:
The intensity of stormy passions

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 40%

This passionate and stormy union is rarely long and lasting. The most difficult thing for a Scorpio woman is to understand and forgive betrayal, while the freedom-loving Sagittarius has its own ideas about fidelity. He is popular with women and sees nothing wrong with flirting. In other words, conflicts and scenes of jealousy are not uncommon in their life together. In addition, the Scorpio woman is embarrassed by the optionality of Sagittarius and his lack of clear goals in life. Often their relationship ends with both getting tired of this endless struggle of opposites.

Scorpio woman + Capricorn man

Relationship type:
The whole gamut of feelings

Compatibility in love: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 90%

In this union there is passion, love, and mutual respect. The relationship between the stubborn Capricorn and the Scorpio woman, with her stormy emotions, cannot be called quiet in any way - they are both strong and independent individuals who are used to living their own minds. Therefore, in a life together, especially at the beginning, it can be difficult for them to adapt to each other, learn to give in and seek compromises. Nevertheless, they often succeed, and then their marriage turns out to be long and lasting.

Capricorn and a Scorpio woman are more than anyone capable of appreciating each other's merits. Their relationship has everything they aspire to - romance, tenderness, reliability, and stability. At the same time, both are tuned in to a serious relationship, value the loyalty and honesty of a partner, and are able to live hand in hand all their lives.

Scorpio woman + Aquarius man

Relationship type:
Extraordinary miracle

Compatibility in love: 80%
Marriage compatibility: 50%

This is a very difficult union emotionally. On the one hand, Aquarius and the Scorpio woman have excellent sexual compatibility: the ardor and passion of Scorpio is enough for two, and bright Aquarius brings enchanting and unpredictability to their relationship. Often they fall in love with each other on the first date, however, in a life together, differences in characters make themselves felt, resulting in a heated showdown.

The Scorpio woman, as a rule, gladly shares many of the hobbies and hobbies of Aquarius, however, she believes that he is scattered over trifles, being carried away by one or the other, without much benefit for himself. However, in spite of everything, Aquarius and the Scorpio woman are interested together. They always have something to talk about, and therefore often this bright, extravagant union stands the test of time.

Scorpio woman + Pisces man

Relationship type:
mutual luck

Compatibility in love: 90%
Marriage compatibility: 80%

In general, this is a successful union, since the sensitive Pisces man and the Scorpio woman have excellent sexual compatibility. However, in addition to this area, they have much in common: both are set for a serious relationship and value fidelity and constancy in a partner.

In everyday life, a Scorpio woman can put a little pressure on Pisces, encouraging him to achieve more, and often this has the most positive influence. Scorpio herself is able to take on an organizational role in the family, skillfully solving current problems and tasks. In their relationship there is love, and friendship, and mutual understanding, so that they can last for many years. 8.

Scorpio channel.

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Of all the pair combinations of zodiac signs, scorpions have the most unfortunate compatibility. These people could communicate normally if they did not get close and adhere to neutrality in the relationship. The problem is that scorpions are drawn to each other like a magnet, so they are unlikely to limit themselves to a superficial acquaintance. If we are talking about personal relationships, then this couple will remember even a short relationship for a long time, but it is unlikely that this love story there will be a happy ending.

If a scorpio man and a woman of the same sign are tied business relationship, then a very important role is played by which of them is higher in position. If the couple is young, but their communication in the work team connects them, most likely they will look for opportunities to retire right in work time, because they are cute to each other and love extreme sports. If they compete, things are bad. A scorpion is still capable of yielding to a weaker person, but he sees a worthy and dangerous opponent in a representative of his own zodiac sign, and least of all wants to lose to him. Any methods of struggle will be used, up to the most unexpected ones. The enemy's retaliatory strike, accordingly, will not be weak, so the story will continue. An angry scorpion is capable of much, and if he allows himself to be unfair to an opponent, then he does not even think that they can do the same to him. The struggle will last until its logical conclusion. If a scorpion man turns out to be the winner, then, oddly enough, he can arouse sympathy from a former competitor. She respects strong men. If a scorpio woman manages to get around the representative of the stronger sex in this race, he will hate her, after which he will make every attempt not to intersect with her anymore, up to and including dismissal from work.

♏ + ♏: In love relationships

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- For the emergence of mutual interest, it is enough for a guy and a girl for scorpions to see each other once. Having met in a campaign of friends, they can have a casual small talk, but until they are alone. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not show their feelings in public. It would never occur to anyone from their environment that these young people are interesting to each other, despite the fact that they have been dating for a long time.

In this pair, both are equally active, they have similar interests and outlooks on life, but they also have the same shortcomings. The guy and the girl are not ready to give in to each other even in small things, there will be quarrels about and without him. Scorpios are jealous, each of this couple communicates a lot with people of the opposite sex, including their exes. Neither of them supports the other in this, but he himself is in no hurry to change.

Scorpios in love spend more time on quarrels than on normal communication. Such a way of life does not add either optimism or health. Feeling exhausted from constant scandals, scenes of jealousy and mutual claims, young people accept the desire to leave, after which they reconcile in the shortest possible time. Together they feel bad, but without each other it is completely unbearable.

♏ + ♏: Married

UNWANTED UNION- The marriage union of two scorpions is very difficult. Spouses will always be at the peak of emotions, passionate love and mutual dependence will never leave them. Quarrels promise to be stormy, with scandals, mutual insults, and sometimes with assault. Each showdown is invariably followed by no less emotional reconciliation. Close people of each of this couple seriously fear for their mental health, and even the lives of these people, and it cannot be said that these worries are in vain.

The husband strives for success in his career, but his wife does not pretend to be a housewife either. It is unlikely that the spouses will agree on the decision to distribute roles, because in this pair there is no one who wants to be led. Confrontation will become a matter of principle, so conflicts are inevitable.

As regards spending the general Money, then the interests coincide. Extra spending is not in the spirit of the spouses of scorpions, they strive for practical acquisitions and hoarding. Nevertheless, the one who is more proactive will suffer, because even the most sensible proposal can be taken with hostility because of resentment that this idea came before another. For each of the scorpions, the recognition of someone's rightness is tantamount to a loss.

Passions boil in intimate life. Each joint night promises to be special and unforgettable. The problem is the high sexual activity of the spouses, even in bed they fight for leadership. Sex gives them not rest and relaxation, but physical exhaustion. Both suffer from this, but no one is able to overpower himself and change tactics.

Scorpios can get divorced in a very short period of time after the wedding, but they are unlikely to stop being lovers. The new passion of each of the former spouses will not feel in the first place, so subsequent marriages, too, most likely will not be successful. Bred scorpions can converge and diverge several times throughout their lives. This connection can be called destructive and fatal.

♏ + ♏: In friendship

UNWANTED UNION- Friendship between opposite-sex scorpions is impossible. Neither the guy nor the girl believe in. Only if they are related to each other can we talk about mutual understanding and support. If there is no relationship between them, but young people spend a lot of time in each other's company, this can only mean that they are interested in each other, and will soon become lovers.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Love: 100%

Marriage: 100%

Both signs have strong personalities. These two know exactly what they want from life, have a clear plan of action. Scorpio and Aries are always full of ambition, they strive for well-being and security. Partners have a wonderful intimate life. In addition, they can boast of mutual understanding.

Lovers are very emotional, so you should not expect calmness and measuredness from their relationship. These two cannot live without storms. Sometimes there are loud scandals, but they always end in reconciliation. Such emotional shaking only strengthens the relationship. During quarrels, these two never cross the boundaries of what is permitted, they do not throw offensive words. The reason for all the misunderstandings is identical characters. Sometimes the scythe finds a stone, and each partner ignores the feelings of his other half.

In solving the main issues, a woman is inferior to her persistent Aries. It is easier for her to put up with his leadership than to suffer from constant competition. She helps her man upstairs career ladder. Such relationships cannot be called the most calm, but they are very strong and reliable.

Scorpio Woman + Taurus Man = Unstoppable Force

Love: 100%

Marriage: 100%

This union is quite common. Scorpio and Taurus are strong personalities who believe in their success, are not afraid of difficulties and step forward with confidence. If these two are up to something, then they will not back down from their plans. They are hardworking, never spare their efforts to achieve their goals. Both partners are smart and self-sufficient. They do not look for easy ways, they try to do everything efficiently and correctly.

A woman adores her chosen one for his independence, masculinity. Taurus can plunge headlong into work, but at the same time he remains loving and affectionate. A man is inspired by the femininity and tenderness of his chosen one, who remains a real lady in any situation. She does not provoke scandals, she knows how to stop Taurus in time when he is indignant.

Lovers can boast of excellent sexual compatibility. These two have absolutely everything, so they never look for love on the side. Scorpio and Taurus are an example of an ideal couple, looking at which one can say with confidence that God connected the two halves.

Scorpio Woman + Gemini Man = Clash of the Titans

Love: 90%

Marriage: 40%

If these two are settled under one roof, you can be sure that sooner or later they will demolish it. Both partners are incredibly strong and rebellious personalities. A man appreciates his independence, so he does everything to ensure that his chosen one does not gain complete control over him. A woman is often jealous of her beloved, and he does not get tired of giving new reasons for this.

Relationships between Scorpio and Gemini are never stable. They constantly find new adventures, violently quarrel. The scandal may end with a loud smashing of dishes. Of course, after such quarrels, no less emotional reconciliation follows, since the partners have excellent sexual compatibility.

This union is filled with passion and emotions. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for partners to live under the same roof, as they both strive for leadership. Gemini and Scorpio are never bored, but in family life cannot realize themselves. As a rule, these lovers disperse very quickly, but the memory of the relationship remains for life.

Scorpio Woman + Cancer Man = School of Understanding

Love: 90%

Marriage: 70%

In these respects, the leader is Strong woman. She takes care of the main concerns, deals with the solution of important issues. Cancer is not always happy with this course of events, but in most cases he is silent about it. man throughout for long years accumulates resentment in himself, after which a crushing scandal may ensue.

Cancer does not like to rush anything, he takes decisions very seriously, thinks a lot. Such slowness often upsets his beloved. This is what causes most of the misunderstandings. In most cases, lovers quickly come to a compromise. Partners have a rich intimate life, they know how to bring true pleasure to their other half. Thanks to this compatibility, their union can be strong and reliable.

To reduce the number of misunderstandings, partners must learn to understand each other. A woman should be more condescending to the shortcomings of her chosen one. Cancer needs more time to improve financial condition families. In the eyes of his beloved, he must always remain a strong man. Otherwise, the woman will give preference to another gentleman.

Scorpio Woman + Leo Man = Family Front

Love: 90%

Marriage: 50%

Family life is not a battlefield. Unfortunately, these two cannot find common language. Scorpio and Leo are strong personalities, they strive for leadership. Partners are self-sufficient and emotional. Lovers often forget that living together requires patience and mutual understanding. They often arrange unreasonable scandals, which can be avoided if you learn to restrain your emotions.

During scandals, partners rarely choose words, throw offensive phrases. As a rule, a woman inflicts strong emotional wounds on her chosen one. Leo's pride suffers from this. Lovers always have something to talk about, they do not get bored together, but this is not enough to become an ideal family.

To save a marriage, partners must learn self-control, mutual understanding. Otherwise, their relationship is doomed to failure. To become one whole, you need to spend a lot of effort, but it's worth it. Such strong personalities with joint efforts can reach any heights. The main thing is to find the right use of your energy, and not waste it on a showdown.

Scorpio Woman + Virgo Man = Team Spirit

Love: 90%

Marriage: 70%

These two are very similar. They are honest in everything, very responsible. Scorpio and Virgo look at life the same way, strive for well-being. They spare no effort to ensure that their family is well off. From the first meetings, lovers begin to talk about a joint future, set goals for themselves, towards the achievement of which they move, holding hands. They do not wait for gifts of fate, because they are used to achieving everything by their own efforts.

First of all, Scorpio and Virgo - best friends. They know how to support, help, give good advice. By joining forces, these two can move mountains. Their union has everything: respect, passion, love. Of course, even in such sunny relationships there are cloudy days. A woman is upset by the frugality of her chosen one, which she often takes for greed.

It is difficult for a man to accept the emotionality of his beloved. Sometimes he just doesn't understand what upset her so much. To maintain a relationship, partners need to become more patient and attentive. A woman must learn self-control. You should also be more condescending to look at the shortcomings of your loved one. This will help keep the family together.

Scorpio Woman + Libra Man = Rollercoaster

Love: 100%

Marriage: 70%

Lovers often go to extremes. Today they love passionately, and tomorrow they sincerely hate. Passions do not subside between them. In society, they look like an ideal couple. The people around do not even suspect that these two know how to violently scandal.

At the first stage of the relationship, Scorpio and Libra rush into the pool with their heads, they do not notice anything but their love. A wonderful intimate life, interesting conversations, new discoveries - this is not all that unites lovers. They can talk for hours about everything in the world, dream about the future, share plans. Scorpio is one of the most powerful signs. Such a woman always knows what she needs to take from life. You can't say the same about Libra. The man is indecisive and slow. Different temperaments are the main reason for quarrels.

In most cases, the provocateur of a breakup is a woman. She does not find in her chosen one those qualities that she would like to see. A woman is waiting for her lover heroic deeds, while he is accustomed to a calm, measured life. Partners must realize that all people are different. Each person has their own merits and demerits. Having learned mutual understanding, Scorpio and Libra will be able to maintain a relationship.

Scorpio Woman + Scorpio Man = Battlefield

Love: 100%

Marriage: 40%

Their home is not a safe haven, but a battlefield. Partners constantly compete, come up with new reasons for litigation and high-profile scandals. They don't skimp on emotions. Every day is a struggle for survival. In this case, all means are good. Scandals end with smashing dishes, screaming, tantrums. The two are an explosive mixture.

Scorpions strong characters. They are not used to making concessions. This union cannot have one leader. If fate brought the Scorpions under one roof, it was only to teach them a lesson. Of course, lovers drown in their passion, plunge into the sea of ​​love, but this is not enough in order to become an inseparable couple. There is no mutual understanding between them, because they are very proud and emotional.

Their marriage can be saved, but it takes a lot of effort. First of all, partners should become more restrained, learn to be responsible. It is difficult for them to come to a compromise, but there is a possibility that Scorpios will be patient and become kinder to each other.

Scorpio Woman + Sagittarius Man = On the Turns of Fate

Love: 90%

Marriage: 40%

This union is a model of strength and stability. Man does not seek to create strong family because he has completely different priorities. First of all, he is interested in self-realization. Sagittarius loves freedom, does not want to complicate his life by fulfilling family obligations. At the same time, a woman tries to take an active part in all the affairs of her chosen one.

A man always keeps his beloved at arm's length. He is very afraid of responsibility. In addition, other representatives of the fair sex are always interested in Sagittarius. He gives his chosen one a lot of reasons for jealousy. On this basis, most of the scandals occur. The man is frivolous, he does not make joint plans with his soulmate, which upsets her very much.

There are always many secrets between partners that they do not want to share. These omissions lead to misunderstandings. Scorpio and Sagittarius cannot boast of mutual understanding and trust. They constantly compete among themselves, share leadership. This leads to the fact that lovers are very tired of such relationships. As a result, they decide to disperse and start life from a new page.

Scorpio Woman + Capricorn Man = Palette of Feelings

Love: 100%

Marriage: 90%

Looking at this couple, we can safely say that fate has connected the two halves of a single whole. Partners have absolutely everything to create a strong marriage. They take life seriously and are not afraid of difficulties. From the first days of their acquaintance, Scorpio and Capricorn begin to think about a joint future. They can boast of mutual understanding and respect.

Of course, there are misunderstandings between them too. Both partners are very strong and self-sufficient individuals. They know how to set goals and achieve them. The main difficulties arise only at the first stages of the relationship. At this time, lovers get to know each other, study the subtleties of character. After the adaptation process is completed, Scorpio and Capricorn become inseparable.

They strive for stability and well-being, devote a lot of time to making money. At the same time, their relationship remains romantic and tender. Capricorn and Scorpio boast a rich intimate life, they are so passionate about each other that they do not want to part for a second. They highly value such qualities as honesty and perseverance, therefore they are able to go through life holding hands.

Scorpio Woman + Aquarius Man = Extravagant Love

Love: 80%

Marriage: 50%

Living under one roof is no easy task. Scorpio and Aquarius rarely manage to achieve complete harmony. Excellent compatibility, unfortunately, is observed only in bed. If lovers learn to be responsible for their relationship, then they can become a strong family.

Passions are always raging between them. Their lives are like fireworks. An emotional woman and an unpredictable man are a ticking time bomb. There is no stability in these relations, since partners do not like gray everyday life, they strive for adventure, new acquaintances. A woman is offended by her chosen one for his irresponsibility. A man does not want to be the head of the family, to bring money into the house. A strong Scorpio woman is always engaged in solving the main tasks.

The pluses of such a relationship include the fact that a man knows how to make surprises. He often surprises his beloved, makes small, but very nice gifts. This often replaces female anger with tenderness. Unfortunately, the marriage of Scorpio and Aquarius rarely stands the test of time, because they are so different. To save a relationship, a man must become more responsible, and a woman needs to learn self-control.

Scorpio Woman + Pisces Man = Seventh Heaven

Love: 90%

Marriage: 80%

Over the fate of these lovers, no doubt, the stars conjured. If Scorpio and Pisces come together under the same roof, then you can be sure that the house will turn into an abode of love. What are they worth sex life! She is filled with passion and tenderness. This is not all that these two have in common.

At first glance, it may seem that the partners are completely opposite, but they highly value each other's company. They can spend their evenings having exciting conversations or traveling the world. At the same time, they will never be bored. Scorpio and Pisces are not afraid to burden themselves with family obligations, they value loyalty and constancy.

In this union, the role of the organizer is played by a woman. She deals with all important issues. A woman stimulates her chosen one to achieve heights, teaches him to be persistent and fearless. Sometimes he is offended by his beloved, but over time he realizes that she was right about everything. Hand in hand, these two are able to cope with all the trials that fate is preparing. They are very different, but they are so good together!

Scorpios are very dangerous when it comes to relationships: they can hurt a person even without the desire to do so. Therefore, families with Scorpions are usually not happy: these people either take on the role of a domestic tyrant, or, due to their adaptability, they soon forget their own personality, which negatively affects them.

At first glance, it seems that Scorpio gives his partner complete freedom and does not limit him in anything, but in reality, people of this sign are insanely jealous, often they can even follow their chosen one, read his letters, etc. At the same time, Scorpios want a person to fully trust them and will not forgive him for what they themselves do.

If the representative of this sign is also strong, then at first he feels happy, but after a while he begins to despise his partner for weakness, and himself for a mistake. A person who is able to withstand the golden mean can get along really well with Scorpio: yield in some matters, and insist on his own in others.

Often, Scorpios, due to an unhappy marriage, start romances on the side, not paying attention to the opinions of others around them. Representatives of this sign are characterized by contempt for social norms: they arrange their happiness as they see fit.

Scorpio compatibility with other signs in love

In their younger years, Scorpio is attracted to easy, uncomplicated relationships with Aries, Gemini and Libra, which often leads to disappointment. And the imaginary superficiality is diluted with the difficult, harsh disposition of Scorpio, leading to scenes of passion in Italian serials. Having matured and become more experienced, Scorpio strives for the signs of water and earth, in view of their calmness and diligence.

Being mature and wise, Scorpio is able to pair with Sagittarius, Leo or Aquarius. In relationships, the unions of Scorpios hurt mostly themselves and only occasionally partners, which is due to their special impressionability.

Scorpio compatibility with other signs in sex

The sex life of Scorpios is quite heterogeneous. At a young age, they usually prefer to remain virgin and are limited to purely platonic relationships, but over the years they often already have considerable experience in this area.

Hungry for love, Scorpios are often very liberated sexually, which can even border on promiscuity. The main thing for them is still not this: they put ambition above all else. Very often such people make excellent careers. By the way, when they receive an offer to arrange their lives through sex, they reject it with contempt, but later they may regret the decision.

Often abandoning classic relationships, Scorpios continue to find and charm a huge number of people through their developed charm. It is very difficult to resist them. At the same time, Scorpios do not choose their partners very carefully: it can even be stupid or ugly person. By the way, this has a rather negative effect on the attitude of others around them.

It is worth noting that even a short relationship with a representative of this sign is often the most striking event in the life of a partner; this is due to the ingenuity and originality of Scorpions, striking in the very heart.

The femme fatale Scorpio is considered to be the most mysterious and charming type of women. , her compatibility with other signs should be known to those who wish to win her rebellious heart. Her sincere, fiery whirlwind of emotions, drawing in her depths, passion and honesty, thirst for justice and perseverance await someone who will be strong enough to build a strong relationship with this beautiful woman.

Scorpio woman: compatibility with other signs

  • . If you wonder which zodiac sign suits Scorpio, then one of the first answers will definitely not be Aries. Although at first glance, the ambitious Aries is able to get along with Scorpio, their union will be filled with a struggle for supremacy. It will not be difficult for a Scorpio woman to win this fight. Scorpio in love always needs to be the first. fire sign Aries will always seek to subdue and dominate in relationships and especially marriage. Scorpio, which belongs to the water element, will not submit, but will gladly accept the battle. Most of the time, such a couple will spend in skirmishes and the struggle for leadership. However, in sex, they are perfect for each other.
  • Calf.- an ideal partner who is perfect for a woman according to the sign of the zodiac. He is exactly the best option of all with whom Scorpio is compatible. These are two opposite, but equally strong personalities, complementing each other in everything related to love and marriage. Taurus according to the horoscope, this strong man- exactly the one who suits Scorpio. Their life principles match, perseverance and decency will help to withstand any storm that is possible in their union. But such storms only cement the marriage with true love.
  • Twins. He is one of those with whom Scorpio is compatible. But only in love. This perfect couple, about such love they write songs and compose poems. What a storm of emotions awaits this couple! Unfortunately, everything ends in romance, not turning into something more serious. The devotion of a woman with her full dedication, which is like an obsession, does not find a response in the heart. Scorpio woman, her compatibility in love with Gemini is beyond doubt. However, everything ends tragically for a woman, while the superficial Gemini calmly endures the gap.
  • Cancer. Which sign suits Scorpio for strong family relations so it is. He perfectly feels and understands the secretive nature, reads it as well as she reads him. This is the best, amazing union of two devoted personalities who are united by given horoscope. She is an ideal match for family Cancer, he is like no other suitable for a woman who appreciates his rare inner qualities. They have best compatibility than with Aries and Gemini, the future of such a couple is full of joyful experiences and events.
  • . This alliance is a battle of ice and fire. This is a pair of two predators that will fight the second half to the end, even if this end becomes a gap. This is not the best sign compatibility, but if both are patient, then it is quite possible harmonious relationship. But patience is not strong point these signs.
  • Virgo. This is a very earthy sign, inclined to perceive other people's problems as their own. This sign is able to get along with any wayward woman better than any other. - a successful union. The girl finds herself a patient patron who is able to accept her with all the whims. Virgo will not try to subdue her and dominate.
  • Scales. The union with the loving will delight with its brightness. The outcome depends on both, an idyll is possible, rare light quarrels or a real family storm. Libra is not inferior in temperament, but they lack the rigidity and assertiveness that women value so much.
  • Scorpion. Is it suitable? There is no single answer to this question. Is it good when your partner is yours mirror reflection? Their life is a graceful duel between two dangerous personalities. They know each other's weaknesses, all the pain points, but love does not let them hurt. They have better compatibility than the union of Scorpio with other signs. Scorpio and Scorpio are a strong couple, a union of dedicated, self-confident people. They have many difficulties, but overcoming them, this couple becomes stronger and stronger day by day.
  • Sagittarius. He appreciates freedom, she is that jealous one. A passionate, but short-lived union, if both do not want to make concessions.
