Venus and the moon in the horoscope. What does Venus give in the horoscope for women? Moon in Aquarius

I meet a lot of women who cannot find their “woman” - this is a wonderful state when you are completely satisfied with life and yourself in any state, when you accept yourself and truly love with all your heart, believe me, you are the dearest person you have ... as the owner of a tense aspect between the Moon and Venus, and these are the two main female planets, I will say that there were many internal conflicts, ranging from dissatisfaction with oneself, one's appearance, body, ending with an internal misunderstanding between the "mistress" and let's say "lover". This is a rather difficult aspect for a woman at the household level, because the Moon personifies the inner girl, the soul, she is responsible for the life and housekeeping in the house, it is not for nothing that the Moon loves the sign of Cancer and Taurus so much, Venus personifies the lover and the queen - this is a woman who, in principle, does not want to plunge into everyday life, a hedonist who loves earthly pleasures. The conflict between the “mistress” and the “mistress”, the “girl” and the “queen” has such consequences as:

1. You do not accept yourself, your body, it seems to you that you look bad. You can go on diets and still not lose weight, as this is a psychological blog, looking at yourself in the mirror you reject yourself, as if you are offended, thereby building up your sides, a protective shell

2. You are not satisfied with your style of dressing, clothes may not be wearable, for example, fabric, with its high cost, can quickly lose its beauty, fade, and most importantly, for owners of this aspect, a purchased new thing quickly gets bored, loses relevance.

3. You do not know how to run a household (with a disharmonious Moon), store food, grow flowers, make your home cozy, warm and hospitable. With a harmonious Moon and a disharmonious Venus, you will be a good housewife, but it will be difficult for you to combine the two states of a woman "Mistress" and "Mistress" - making a choice in favor of the first.

4. You can spend money on things you don’t need, you don’t know how to manage family capital.

5. As a child, your mother instilled in you that the world is not beautiful and refined enough, and therefore you are constantly looking for flaws in other people.

6. You have few girlfriends and generally tense relationships with women.

7. It is difficult to find a balance in relations with a partner/husbands, something constantly does not suit you, “either bought the wrong fur coat, then gave the wrong flowers, then he champs, then he snores.”

💍If Venus and the Moon are in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), then the struggle with "women" can be protracted, a long self-acceptance can drag on for years, in this case, I would recommend including yoga and meditation on awareness and living all "women", to eat right and balanced, giving preference to natural food (especially if the Moon / Venus is related to the 2nd house and / or Taurus). Do not be afraid of change, bring something new and unusual into your image, for example, change your hairstyle, your usual style of clothing.

💍If Venus and the Moon are in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), then the struggle may not be constant, but impulsive and quickly passing, depression associated with appearance, for example, as in the first case, will not last for years, it will take it like a tsunami and leave you just as quickly, and here it is important not to do stupid things, to be able to remain calm and cool mind. Do not try to be an ace everywhere, change your “women” smoothly and gradually realizing, living each of them, it is not a fact that each state appeals to you, the main thing is not to reject, but to accept.

💍If Venus and the Moon are located in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), then the struggle will not be as impulsive or protracted as in the first two cases, it will more have a dual color, and most importantly, women adapt to the state of "dissatisfaction" than - or letting everything take its course, she deceives herself, being afraid to face the truth and this is her main mistake.

The whole "charm" of this aspect is that a woman from a beautiful, well-groomed and young woman quickly turns into a grumbling aunt lying on the couch, so girls do not lose your women, love and accept yourself any!

In every woman there are certain kinds of complexes, it is no secret that each of us strives to become better. Some accept themselves as they are with the thought “I won’t have another myself”, others force out their real woman, their “I”. 😼Unfortunately, I have not seen many women who experience unconditional 💕 love for themselves and accept themselves in any state. I have met such wise, loving, sincere, open women twice in my life...and these are definitely the brightest memories. With such a woman, one wants not only to speak, but simply to look at her, catching rays of warmth and feeling her endless love for herself. In each of her movements, she shows her love for herself and the world🌏and it doesn’t look feigned, it’s so naturally beautiful that the one who looks with all the fibers of her soul feels and feels it. What do you think influenced such an open and pure love for yourself? As an Astrologer, it was very interesting for me to look at their charts, and especially at the position of the Moon and Venus, since these are two very important planets in the chart of any woman👩🏻. And I was not at all surprised when in the chart of one of the women I saw the exact quadrature between the Moon and Venus, and in the chart of the other woman I saw the opposition again between the Moon and Venus💃🏻. As classical Astrology interprets, this aspect is something terrible for a woman and it is expressed in the fact that a woman rejects herself and does not accept, somewhere I read the following interpretation: “A difficult expression of attachment to loved ones and constant problems in relationships with a partner at home. The desire to decorate your life often takes ugly or ridiculous forms. Laziness, selfishness prevent the creation of strong relationships with loved ones and the arrangement of one's home. Internal conflict and self-acceptance. Conflicts with mother about finances, partners, tastes. In part, it will manifest as described, but the interpretation will vary depending on the signs, aspects and houses in which the Moon and Venus fell, as well as on the signs of the core and base of the personality. Without taking into account such important factors, it is impossible to interpret the aspect so to speak in a “dry form”🙅🏻, since any aspect is multifaceted like a crystal💎, in principle, like the whole map as a whole.

The tense aspect can bring pain and suffering only if you do not use it in any strenuous activity, but it can serve as a great impetus to development and harmonization. On my own example, it became clear how women managed to compensate and eliminate this itchy aspect. The tense aspect between the Moon and Venus served as an impetus for their female development and self-acceptance happened in the greatest and most incredible form🔮. This aspect can dull feminine qualities, many complexes and ailments can be delivered, for example, from Astromedicine this is the first bell that there is a risk of diseases of the female genital organs. Working on ourselves and compensating for tense aspects in a constructive way, we eliminate problems not only psychological nature but also, of course, physical. After all, not only our
appearance, but also health.

☑ So, in the chart under number 1, Venus in Libra in the 1st house makes tense aspect to the Moon in Capricorn, a woman has always strived for beauty and grace, and what does her Venus say in the aesthetic sign of Libra. She is very charming and attractive, knows her own worth, always strives for balance and balance. Regarding upbringing, my mother was very demanding and disciplined, which of course affected the native. Mom taught and punished her daughter for careless behavior and a sloppy attitude to her things, because from childhood the native had a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe culture of behavior and the correct presentation of himself. With age, quadrature sent to talent (trine) and the woman began to teach women etiquette and style, which also allowed her to turn on her Sagittarius Sun ⭐

☑ In card number 2, there is a quadrature between the Moon and Venus, here the aspect manifests itself in a constant everyday form and constant dissatisfaction with oneself. Moon in the 2nd house in Taurus square Venus in Leo in the 6th house, the woman has an obsessive-compulsive disorder and a pathological mania for order and cleanliness. She cleans up all the time, she won’t go to bed until she has washed the whole apartment to a shine, takes out the brain of an already tired husband for an unwashed cup and an abandoned sock. Throughout her life she worked as an accountant, but by the age of 45 she realized that Accounting was not her way at all, having listened to herself, she found out and clarified for herself the things that bring her pleasure and at the same time cause internal itching and tension. This woman opened her own clearing agency, thanks to which the tense aspect turned into absolute accumulated talents ✨

☑The next example (card number 3) here the Moon as a base receives not only a tense aspect from Venus, but also from Chiron, which only doubles it. Involved houses 4th / 12th-1st, a woman has a psychological rejection of herself, I would say innate / embedded in the genes. Being at home (Moon in 4), she reproaches herself for the fact that she got married and gave birth to children, experiences a pathological hatred of everyday life and often withdraws into herself from the fact that she cannot and does not want to change anything, at the same time, a wild fear of loneliness and loss of a family, such a double bottom (an aspect in mutable signs) However, the manifestation of this aspect was not noticed when a woman flirted and talked a lot with men (Venus in Gemini), the inclusion occurred when a woman got married and had children, plunged into the world of everyday life (Moon in Virgo in the 4th house). In this case, the aspect is compensated when a woman leaves her home routine and life, when she communicates and even flirts with the world, for example, to work in men's team or with men as clients. The native, just like air, needs complements and support from outside, since the female planets are tense⭐Being in everyday conditions and severe restrictions (Saturn square Moon / opposition Saturn Chiron in a closed configuration of tau-square with access to the Moon), the native slowly turns into a greenhouse plant and an aged woman in her 30s. Aspect not worked out✔

The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the horoscope tells a person high spirits, love for comfort and the ability to create it. The moon is responsible for the psychological state and well-being of the native, and Venus, being a good planet, fills his life with love, beauty and harmony.

The influence of the aspect on the psychological characteristics of a person and his behavior

Men in natal chart which there is a conjunction of the Moon and Venus, are distinguished by a good disposition, charm, peacefulness and a deep understanding of the beautiful world. Surrounding people consider them, if not the most charming and attractive, then certainly in all respects sweet and likeable people.

Such a person always has excellent taste, tact and good manners. Subjects with the conjunction of the Moon and Venus are able to create an easy, harmonious and attractive image, and thanks to this, those around them are drawn to them. In relations with people, the native shows flexibility, plasticity and diplomacy. He tries to create a friendly atmosphere and seeks to circumvent sharp corners in communication.

The owner of this aspect knows how to relax, have a good rest and get joy and pleasure from life. He draws inspiration from creative types activity and interaction with nature. Often such people have talent in art, they sing beautifully, write music, compose poetry, make sketches. Even if the native is involved in a field of activity not related to art, he can devote his free time to creativity.

If the Moon is in aspect with Venus, then the owner of the horoscope can become a good consultant, work in the field of trade or catering. The latter is especially true if the conjunction of the planets occurred in the signs of Cancer, Taurus or Libra.

The main disadvantage of people with this astrological constellation in the horoscope can be laziness, frivolity and a tendency to an idle lifestyle. The subject may be careless about their health, suffering from obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Seeking pleasure, expecting easy success, and not wanting to change yourself and the world V better side can lead a person to stagnation and spiritual emptiness.

The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the male horoscope

The close interaction of the Moon and Venus in the horoscope of a man indicates the importance of relationships with the opposite sex in the life of the native. The lady of his heart is always feminine and has a gentle character. The native will give preference to a woman who knows how to cook and housekeeping well, loves children and supports family values.

As a rule, the owner of the aspect is popular with the fair sex, knows how to win the attention of women and find with them mutual language. The exception is when the Moon and Venus are in Scorpio and Aries. A man with this astrological combination can often face problems in love and relationships.

The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the female horoscope

The conjunction of the Moon and Venus in a woman's natal chart will give her important characteristic and describe her as spiritually generous, gifted and merciful. As a rule, the owner of the aspect seeks to successfully marry and live in her own home. In the family, she tries to create a good atmosphere of love and mutual understanding, and in children she finds the joy of life.

Conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the horoscope of a child

Children, in whose horoscopes there is a conjunction of Venus and the Moon, often become universal favorites and minions. The people around are touched by their funny behavior and cheerful laughter, they are happy to prepare surprises for them and organize holidays.

Children with this aspect should not be given a lot of sweets, starchy and fatty foods. IN kindergarten and at school it is necessary to pay much attention to the creative education and development of the child.

Before considering the opposition of the Moon and Venus, I will say a few words about the meaning of these planets.

Moon in the horoscope

Moon, both in feminine and in male horoscope responsible for the subconscious emotional perception and how to adapt. Unlike the Sun, which belongs to the conscious part of the personality and always knows what it wants, the Moon shows unconscious addictions that are difficult to control. The moon is our inner, instinctive, animal essence, beyond the control of reason. Therefore, when the partners of the Moon are in inharmonious aspects, such as a square or opposition, mutual understanding is extremely difficult to achieve. With opposition, at the level of emotions, there is a misunderstanding of each other and rejection of each other. In this case, one partner reacts to external impulses in a diametrically opposite way than the other. And the square always brings sharp disagreements due to the clash of internal reactions along the Moon. The square is the aspect of conflict and struggle. Since the Moon is a Yin planet, receptive and not intended for struggle, such a position always brings painful disagreements between people.

Venus in the horoscope

Venus is human "Wishlist". What you like, what you don't like, what attracts you, what you want to have. This is our guideline in choosing one or another thing. Venus reflects the sphere of feelings in the natal chart. It is important not to confuse the feelings for which Venus is responsible and emotions, that is, the Moon. Hatred, love, sympathy, antipathy, affection are long-lasting sensations that can be described as feelings. And the lunar manifestations: joy, anger, sadness, euphoria are a momentary state, so it is more difficult to control and understand.

Opposition Moon and Venus

What happens when emotions and feelings, the Moon and Venus, are in opposition to each other? Opposition, that is, confrontation, is the impossibility of reaching an agreement, finding a compromise, reconciliation. It is necessary to choose one thing, sacrificing another. This is an eternal contradiction and imbalance. With the opposition of the Moon and Venus, there is a constant dissatisfaction with the choice. Feeling the rightness of one conscious choice quite different. A person knows what he needs to feel inner comfort, but opposite things attract him.

Opposition of the Moon and Venus in the horoscope of a man

Let's take an example. The Moon is in Taurus and Venus is in opposition to Scorpio in a male chart. This person needs comfort. And he understands that he needs a wife who will provide him with a decent level of comfort: to be fed, comfortable, warm and affectionate. Because convenience is a part of his own personality, and one of the main ones. But it is far from a soft bed that excites him, strewn with rose petals with fragrant candles lit. He likes self-confident bitches, powerful and independent persons, eccentric and vicious ladies. These are men from the breed that fall in love with some, and marry completely others. And their logic remains incomprehensible to the naked eye. Such a husband will sincerely appreciate his home and comfort, but secretly from his wife will visit his intimate girlfriends. Unless, of course, the wife turns out to be wise enough and cuts through this moment, giving out a “tigress” from time to time.

Another a prime example. Venus in Leo in opposition to the Moon in Aquarius in a man.
It is comfortable for a man to be next to an unpretentious woman who would give him enough freedom to do interesting things. And even better if interesting things would be joint. But what kind of joint business with someone can Venus in Leo have? She is a queen. Proud, demanding, in need of luxury. She chooses only what will emphasize her status, visibility, brilliance. And a man with his Aquarius Moon constantly falls short of the level of his chosen one. He is unable to impress her, to give her everything necessary. Of course, he will complain about too high demands from women. But after all, such a man, being modest, chooses Venus in Leo himself!

The opposition of the Moon and Venus in the horoscope of a woman

For example, a woman in the horoscope has the opposition of the Moon and Venus. Moon in Virgo and Venus in Pisces. She understands that in life she needs stability and calculation in everything. And that it is right to be guided by the mind, and not by the heart. And romantically minded Venus, ruled by Neptune, the lord of illusions, is confusing all the time. I want such romance to forget with my head. The heart asks for serenades under the window and adventures in that back seat, which is usually pumped in the gym. A woman with such an opposition of the Moon and Venus falls in love with creative people: poets, artists, musicians, and even marginal criminal elements. In the worst case, such an aspect can attract a drug addict, alcoholic, dependent on gambling. A classic example: a girl with honors, with a red diploma, falls in love with a “bad guy” and her whole life goes down the drain. She, so correct, will try with all her might to turn the bad guy into a worthy member of society. It is clear that dragging a hippopotamus out of a swamp is a thankless task and there are quite few chances for a successful way out of the situation. But, even if such an opportunity presents itself, a miraculous healing will occur, and Petya, who yesterday took away wallets from passers-by in dark gateways, or Ivan, an avid roulette player, sign up for yoga, tie up with debts, vices and a criminal past, then most likely they will stop be interesting to the owner of Venus in Pisces. She will find another for herself: someone who should be pulled out of the quagmire and turned into a person.

The Moon and Venus are Yin host planets. But the main difference is that the Moon expresses the maternal principle, while Venus expresses the sexual. The moon is a woman as a mother, wife, homemaker. Venus is a woman as a beloved, a beautiful lady, an object to conquer. The opposition between these two qualities in the female horoscope entails the inability to try on both these roles. That is: either I am a beautiful goddess, bewitching and bewitching, or a housewife in a dressing gown at the stove. And to combine the functions of a mistress and mother does not succeed. There are claims to my husband, they say, I don’t have enough for everything: there is no time to go to the beautician, that’s why I’m so scary; I don’t get enough sleep because the child is on me alone, cook dinner for yourself, because I have my own business. In such a situation, of course, all problems will be solved by a nanny, a house worker or a governess. And if this is not possible, then there are two scenarios: either the household will fall on the shoulders of the husband, the child on grandparents, or the wife will stop taking care of herself, referring to household obligations. It is no wonder that the husband begins to walk. This moment fully reveals the significance of the aspect of the Moon in opposition to Venus: disappointment in love, in choice, parting with what is desired. And there are no universal tips for establishing family relationships. This is a pattern of behavior that carries certain natural consequences.
The opposition of the Moon and Venus in women can give a rejection of feminine principles. The vast majority of those who consciously refuse to have children and also from marriage have such an aspect in the map. These ladies do not want to spend their lives on housework, bearing, giving birth and raising children, preferring to live for their own pleasure. In this case, the bias is towards Venus, and the lunar principles are relegated to the background.
Be that as it may, with the opposition of the Moon and Venus, you will have to decide on your priorities, realizing which of the principles is more important. You can't sit on two chairs. And remember, no matter what choice you make, it will only be right if you make it yourself. Neither society nor relatives are advisers in this matter. Calculate not just a certain “model of happiness” with step by step instructions for operation will work, it's not worth it.

Where is the mystery of femininity? If we turn to myths with this question, we can see that female energy is everything that relates to the goddess of love - Aphrodite. She is the Venus of the Romans.

Beautiful, seductive, sexy, charming ... Such a goddess of love will not go unnoticed. However, if we go a little deeper into the study of female images in the same ancient legends and tales, then femininity is mentioned with equal frequency in connection with the image of the Moon. Mysterious and languishing, thoughtful, self-absorbed, possessing secret knowledge…

In other words, a woman whose energies are incomprehensible, sometimes foggy and even dark, but still attractive to men.

When a woman asks the question: where is the source of my feminine strength, she often runs into contradictions, for example, is meek - is it obedient or wise? To be able to express yourself - is it only your positive properties or to give free rein to your character? Is crying good or bad? And what if men don’t want to smile at all. There is no mood and that's it ...

All these questions turn us to the duality of the feminine essence. Indeed, in each of us lies two main images: a woman playing and a woman-sorceress. Both of these images are due to the mixing of the energies of Venus and the Moon. And since it is naturally difficult for a woman to divide herself into parts (every woman strives for integrity and reunification), then in search of femininity, doubts and throwing begin.

Let's talk about lunar and Venusian energies in more detail.

Venus in every woman e is that external picture that we show and / or strive to show to the world. It is the Venusian qualities that are expressed in the desire to dress up, adorn yourself, do your hair, take care of your face and body.

External beauty is always connected with the internal state. This is true, but sometimes a woman, focusing on the outside, forgets about the inner essence. And this imbalance will manifest itself sooner or later. For example, when a woman notices the first wrinkles, starts to gain weight... At these moments, our inner Venus panics. And naturally, we begin to work hard on our appearance.

In general, Venus in a woman can manifest itself on three levels:
Venus in harmony (I am worthy of love by birthright - I give love ) - love for your body, attention to its condition and health, self-care. At the level of relationships, this is the desire to please a man, the ability to flirt, give love, joy, lightness, a radiant smile, self-confidence, self-esteem, sexuality, naturalness, romance. At the level of space, it is the ability to bring harmony to your surroundings, the desire to decorate your home. Mission - giving beauty to the world through yourself.
Venus in imbalance (I want love and recognition - I'm waiting to be loved ) is an over-reliance on appearance. The race for fashion, youth, comparing yourself with other women, envy. At the level of relationships, this is a bulging sensuality, a certain aggressiveness towards men, promiscuity in sex, hidden disrespect for men, manipulation, pride, sometimes bitchiness, an excessive desire to please. At the level of space, this is the priority of high cost, the desire to be on top, the inability to enjoy the beauty of nature, the gradual loss of naturalness and flexibility.
Venus in oppression (I'm not sure that I can be loved - I don't believe in love b) is a painful self-doubt, rejection of one's appearance, sacrifice. At the level of relationships - indifference to men - "no one notices me", crushed sexuality, dependence on a man. At the level of space - "dullness" in a woman's house, unisex style in clothes, preference for practicality - feminine things that are "for one day", a strict "no" is said.

As you can see, the goddess of love Venus is in every woman, regardless of whether she thought about it or not. Having determined the image of your Venus, you can find out the answer to the question: why do my relationships with men develop one way or another? And whether I am the goddess of love or drag out a miserable existence. Can I give love?

It may seem that the traits of the Goddess of Love, the Venusian traits, are difficult to develop. One of the most common excuses here is no money for nice clothes, no time to go to beauty salons, etc.

In fact, Venus has the main features that do not need to be acquired for fabulous money. The goddess of love is a smile, an infectious laugh, feeling like a woman, the ability to see men and trust them, the desire to love and be loved and the absence of tension.

Do you imagine the goddess of love who lives with difficulty or, also putting maximum effort, trying to attract the attention of a man? All of the above is nonsense. Venus is the natural flow of feminine energy. With her indispensable interaction with men.

If you do not have relationships with men, if you do not see men, then your Venus is sleeping. And it's time to wake her up and bring her out of the world of dreams.

Let's move on to lunar energies. It is the Moon that reflects the full power of female energy and depth female soul. The image of the Moon is the state of a woman, her thoughts, feelings, sensations, feeling herself a part of Nature and owning her power. Lunar energy is the role of mother and wife-mistress, the image of a sorceress or a sorceress - who will choose what?

1. Moon in harmony (I accept myself completely and completely - wise b) - this is the acceptance of all one's qualities, including "negative", wisdom, the ability to support and listen, inner flexibility, gentleness, courage when immersed in one's "inner hell", calm living of physiological processes female body, accepting one's age, having inner peace, the ability to focus on oneself, knowing what a state is.

Relationship level- this is following your desires in a relationship, the ability to listen to your soul, the support of a man, the ability to develop relationships in a feminine way, respect for a man, accepting the role of motherhood and harmonious relationship with her mother, the ability to live through difficult periods with confidence in a positive outcome.

At the level of space- this is the creation of that space of love, in which both the woman herself and the man are comfortable. The ability to create small and large magic, trust in the world. The ability to create a "house" and fill it with comfort. The ability to be filled with power from the elements: water, fire, air, earth. Parenting.

2. The moon is out of balance (I doubt what I really need is search) - These are frequent mood swings: either melancholy, or euphoria. Often denial or ignorance of the role of such feminine qualities as flexibility and meekness, desire for activity and excessive control, anxiety and inability to sit still - a desire to run away and do something, an endless search for oneself. At the level of relationships, such a Moon manifests itself as resentment against a man, a misunderstanding of male nature, a denial of one's "negative" qualities - a struggle with oneself. At the level of space, this is instability in the main areas of life: family, health, finances, occupations. Chaos in the house. Difficulties with children and childbearing.

3. Moon in oppression (I'm lost in this life - dead end) is a manifestation dark side feminine in an excessive way. Such a Moon is expressed through depression, tears, disappointment in oneself, in life, self-hatred. feminine energy here it manifests itself in the desire to bind a man, for example, through sex. Although sex the woman herself may not please. Problems with women's health, infertility. At the level of relationships - conflicts with the mother, men - when a woman plays the role of a mother for a man; frequent breakups and inability to survive a divorce or temporary crises, coldness in sex.

At the level of space - there is no feeling of one's place in the world, loss. Rejection of women's duties at home - the perception of this side of life as slave labor.

Lunar energies in women are what allows you to maintain contact with your soul. And perceive the world in a feminine way. Therefore, the weakness of the lunar energies greatly prevents a woman from understanding and accepting herself.

And regardless of the quality of the lunar energies in a woman. they can suppress the Venusian ones. For example, a woman is used to suffering (Moon in oppression), but at the same time she longs to be loved (the desire of inner Venus).

Why is this happening? First, because girls with early years they teach to be correct and to be afraid of their “dark side” and, secondly, the priority of the role of the mother, and not the woman in the couple. Therefore, sometimes growing up to 30 or more years, we can half-heartedly show Venusian qualities - dress up ourselves and charm a man, but we don’t know how to create a strong relationship with him and overcome an eternal inferiority complex or a good girl.

Venus in our soul directs us to external world- this is how we realize our mission - to be the personification of femininity in social environment. The moon, on the contrary, directs us to our own soul, where the value and understanding of oneself is acquired.

Now I suggest you take a closer look at how freely you manifest these two hypostases - the energy of the Moon and Venus? Which of these goddesses of female nature is manifested stronger or weaker?

Venus in the horoscope of women affects not only the choice of men, but also relationships with others, predisposition to work, hobbies, lifestyle. Determine your position of Venus and find out what qualities you have!

Venus and the Moon are the main feminine planets in a woman's horoscope. These planets show how we feel as a woman, whether we know how to dress up, whether we love ourselves.

Also, these planets affect gender relations and show whether we freely communicate with men, whether we can build harmonious relationships with our lover, how compatible we are, and also whether we are good wives, mothers and grandmothers, can we understand our child, and so on. .

What to do if Venus is not well placed in your horoscope?

Below are the characteristics of the position of Venus in the horoscope for women.

But if you feel stressed in dealing with Venus¹ issues, or you are haunted by constant problems in your personal life, then Venus in your horoscope is not very harmonious.

What then to do, because you can’t rearrange the planets?

Don't be discouraged, you just can and should work on yourself.

First, you must understand the particular position of your Venus in the sign of the Zodiac. Think about them, understand yourself.

Then write down your strengths and decide how you can use them in your life. Maybe they will help you in your work, maybe in communication with your loved one, etc.

Thirdly, write down your cons. Think about where and how these disadvantages can interfere with you. Try to avoid such situations, and if you can’t avoid them, work on your own and develop a strategy for the best behavior.

Fourth, look for a man who suits the character traits that the sign of Venus has endowed you with. The location of the planets in a personal horoscope has a strong influence on the relationship of the sexes. When a man has Venus, Moon, Sun or Mars in his horoscope in the same zodiac sign as your Venus, it will be easier for you to build a harmonious relationship with him.

For example, you have Venus in Aquarius. Look for the Aquarius man by the Sun, even better if he has the Moon or Venus in Aquarius. Harmony is also possible if he has Mars in the horoscope in Aquarius.

One of his planets in the sign of the Zodiac you need is enough - and your Venus will positively influence your relationship.

What does Venus give in the horoscope for women?

Venus in Aries

Such women like to impress others with their appearance. They dress either very brightly (sometimes even defiantly), or so that everyone pays attention to them.

A woman with Venus in Aries is very sincere in her feelings, if she loves, she loves. If she falls out of love, she will sincerely say this directly, and nothing will stop her.

When she falls in love, it shows immediately. Such a woman begins to actively manifest herself, makes it clear that she is waiting for courtship. Can "fall in love" to death. Feelings show sharply and impulsively. Doesn't like the weak. Timid men too.

Her behavior is strongly influenced by her mother. When she gets out of her mother's control, she begins to act as she wants.

This is a very business woman, works well and can earn a lot. It is difficult for her to deceive and hypocrite. She is not afraid to tell the truth. Can't appreciate things. Handles loss easily. Doesn't like to get used to things.

Venus in Taurus

These women know how to take care of themselves. Often have a good figure and well-groomed appearance. They love money when there is little or not enough of it - for them it is a great psychological stress.

Women with Venus in Taurus create beauty and comfort around themselves, have good taste. They are very passionate and impressionable. At the same time, these women are very annoying, it is difficult to get rid of them.

In many ways, such women are selfish, but peaceful, do not like scandals, wars, quarrels and violence. Trying to harmonize the environment around them. In gender relations, they are conservative, have their own stereotypes. male appearance which are difficult for them to get rid of. Love is treated in an earthly way: practical and realistic.

In addition, such a woman is a great owner.

Venus in Gemini

Such a woman is light, contact and mobile. She values ​​herself for her intelligence and ingenuity. Good contact with brothers, sisters, neighbors and immediate environment. Gets acquainted easily and simply, even on the street.

He does not particularly react to feelings, he can also easily leave. She has a "short memory" for relationships.

A woman with Venus in Gemini loves variety and interesting relationship, monotony and boring, typical relationships can not stand. A date with her should be interesting, unusual, unexpected and dynamic.

Sitting on a park bench for 3 hours and silently admiring the stars is not for her.

Such a woman is well versed in household purchases: she knows where it is more profitable to buy and sell. Loves poetry and science. Doesn't like dumb people. Often distracted and strayed from his goal. Starting - doing - finishing is very difficult for her. Can get distracted and lost at any stage. Hence, a lot of unfinished business.

Venus in Cancer

Such a woman is very amorous and impressionable. Love is not a game for her. This is just a prelude to starting a family.

She loves to create comfort and coziness around herself. Without this, he feels tension and incomprehensible excitement inside. He chooses clothes that are traditional, conservative, often loose, so as not to hinder movements. Likes flowing soft fabrics.

Such a woman knows how to win over herself, without suspecting it. She good psychologist, understands gender relations and knows how to quietly bypass conflicts. She cares deeply for the people she loves. Very vulnerable and emotional nature. If she is offended, she does not leave right away, she needs to go through it inside, “digest”.

Venus in Leo

This is a queen with a very high internal self-esteem. In any situation relating to Venus, she behaves as if she were performing on stage. He has good theatrical skills.

This is a very valuable quality, since she can play any role without prejudice to her dignity and emerge victorious from any situation.

Such a woman takes care of her appearance, dresses well and neatly. He likes to live beautifully, with holidays and creative inspiration. She sincerely loves and understands children, and children, feeling this, also reciprocate her love. Coquettish and playful.

Venus in Virgo

Such a woman is restrained, constrained, pedantic. It is very difficult for her to open up emotionally, to show her feelings - such women are hindered by internal complexes.

A woman with Venus in Virgo is choosy, squeamish, analyzes everything and everyone, looks for benefits in everything. He thinks that everyone is looking for benefits in relationships, in love, in their hobbies in the same way.

On the one hand, it's not bad. She does everything with benefit, not living in vain, blindly obeying her feelings. But often this brings problems in relationships with the opposite sex.

Such a woman often falls in love at work and at work. office romances not rare for her. She is affectionate, if she gets used to a person, then it is difficult for her to part with him. She is afraid that the next lover may be worse than the previous one, so she breaks off relations with difficulty.

A woman with Venus in Virgo is very caring, provides practical help without much emotional reasoning and sympathy. Likes to treat loved ones.

Venus in Libra

Such a woman appreciates equality, justice and responsibility. Approaches relationships consciously, without any special emotions. Sacrifice himself for the partner, for the sake of his convenience and comfort. He wants to please his partner first, and then he thinks about himself.

In disputes, she is ready to look for an alternative solution that suits both. It is aimed at harmonious and satisfying both relationships.

A woman with Venus in Libra is a good psychologist. She knows how to choose the right partner for herself and can easily help her friends in this matter. Also, such a woman is caring, sometimes too much. When in love - very subjective. Depends on public opinion which interferes with her life.

Venus in Scorpio

This woman strives for tension in relationships. She needs dynamics, drive, intensity of passions and emotions. Not every man can live with such a woman. But, some men are looking for just such women, they are bored with others.

In partnership, a woman with Venus in Scorpio is very demanding. She has good makings of a businessman. To test the stability of the relationship, such a woman can even create provocations.

She is very suspicious, she constantly lacks peace, stability.

A woman with Venus in Scorpio knows how to attract men with her inner magnetism, this is a real vamp² woman. Sexual relations for her are primarily determined by sexual relations, which are more important for her than emotions and feelings.

She is very jealous, needs a strong partner with a good financial position. Often hides his personal life from others.

Venus in Sagittarius

For happy family life such a woman needs to marry a man with great career prospects. Marriage should raise her social status.

She loves men from show business, politicians, film directors, etc. Her husband must be respected and reckon with his opinion. Then a woman with Venus in Sagittarius will adore her husband.

Such a woman loves to communicate with foreigners, she is interested in other countries, other cultures and orders, she is attracted to everything rare and unlike.

A woman with Venus in Sagittarius can easily meet the people she needs, make a profitable acquaintance, or herself (if possible) likes to patronize. All she wants in return is gratitude.

She follows fashion, always on top in this matter. She loves foreign trips, in them she feels like a fish in water. If her partner does not develop her and does not develop himself, then she grows cold towards him.

Venus in Capricorn

This is a difficult position for a woman, both for a wife and for a mother.

Such a woman tries to look more rigid and strict than she really is. She keeps her feelings under control all the time, and it is very difficult for her to relax.

This is an internal clamp, a complex that is not so easy to overcome. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. Such a woman needs to gradually reveal her femininity, or find a man who suits this position.

A woman with Venus in Capricorn tries to lead everyone, thus showing concern for loved ones. But control is not always perceived with a bang.

She is an excellent organizer, there is always order in her head and in the house. If there is a hobby (most likely it is related to work), then it is framed, and they are regularly engaged in it. A woman with Venus in Capricorn takes her hobbies very seriously and responsibly, not like a vacation.

Such a woman is objective, soberly looks at things. She studies the situation for a long time, looking for expediency and benefit in everything. It has refined taste, buys high-quality, good and solid things, not sparing money on it. Doesn't like cheap stuff.

Venus in Aquarius

This is a very democratic lady. She always stands for equality and freedom for all. Can devote his life to fighting for an idea. The real wife is a Decembrist.

In appearance does not like to focus on femininity, can stick to unisex style. In public, it can be somewhat non-standard, sometimes even extravagant.

In gender relations, such a woman greatly appreciates friendship, love and intimacy in her second place. She does not become attached to a person, she likes to leave free space for herself in order to feel like a free bird.

In men, he appreciates the mind and non-standard (in various manifestations). Likes to experiment. It is difficult for her to make a choice in favor of any one man.

Venus in Pisces

Such women often have superpowers, they can try themselves in clairvoyance and extrasensory perception. Such women are very psychological, their emotions are always "on the verge".

Women with Venus in Pisces have great taste, they feel nature well, they love programs about wild animals.

In addition, such women are adventurous, can get involved in some kind of shadowy activity, have a well-developed intuition for money.

Such women need to learn to build relationships with a partner in bricks, as their approach to relationships is very emotional and impractical.

Women with Venus in Pisces want an easy relationship, but they themselves are not capable of it. Here a psychological problem arises, and their task is to work on themselves.

Women with Venus in Pisces have a powerful craving for beauty. They enjoy going to theaters and museums. They love talismans and amulets and put a special meaning into them.

Such women need to look for themselves in art. Occupation with beauty will solve internal tensions.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ To learn more about how Venus affects our lives, see:

² A vamp or femme fatale is a common image in literature and cinema of a sexy woman who manipulates men through flirting. She's never who she claims to be at first
