We draw a birch. Master class on drawing "Autumn birch" Children's drawing white birch

Inna Koltsun

Drawing materials:


watercolor paper;

The brushes are round and flat;

A glass of water;

Cloth for wiping brushes;


Stage 1: Draw the background and field:

We take a sheet of paper vertically, make a wash of white gouache to the middle of the sheet(paint must be wet).

Then, on top of the white paint, we blur the yellow, red, brown paint, from the middle of the sheet brightening to the top.

We paint the lower remaining part of the sheet black, climbing a little to the horizon line, blurring it. Let the painting dry a bit.

Large, hard only with a dry brush we make colored spots using the method "poke" on the black bottom background of the sheet ( colors: yellow, red, ocher, green, white, blue, so you get field or flowering meadow.

Stage 2: Draw birch:

Mixing ocher and white on the palette gouache until a beige color is obtained. Then draw the trunk birches flat brush , down up. at the base birches press the brush firmly, and then, lifting it to the top, gradually turning it on edge and slowly tearing it off the paper (paints take abundantly)

On the right side birch brown gouache use a thin brush to circle the trunk birches, then with a flat dry brush we blur the paint to the middle of the barrel.

Then, with the thinnest brush, draw the branches birches, rotating it back and forth between the fingers (the brush must be wet, and the branches birches go not only up, but also down).

We take fine brush with black gouache and draw black spots

bark (lentils) different in shape and length (they should not be repeated and be symmetrical).

At the end of our drawing, we draw the foliage birches. We take a big, dry, hard brush, on it take green gouache and draw foliage using the method "poke".

That's all - the picture is ready!

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How to draw a birch Even if you are a completely beginner artist, this will not be a problem, because you have a good and simple step by step lesson drawing from LessDraw. If you have already prepared everything you need for drawing (in our case, this is a pencil, an eraser, a simple White paper and some materials for coloring the picture, for example, paints or colored pencils), then you can safely proceed! You will definitely succeed.

First, let's draw a birch trunk, leaving some space at the top and bottom. We try to make the lines neat and beautiful, and if something doesn’t work out, we correct ourselves with an eraser. Pay attention to how slender the trunk of such a tree is like a birch, it does not at all look like a trunk, for example,. We make a smooth bend and a gradual narrowing to the top.

Now we need to add additional branches. The lower the birch branches, the longer. Notice how they curve sharply towards the tip. Add the required number of branches and at the same time make sure that even at this stage the birch tree looks harmonious.

At this stage, I make a few strokes, these will be the outlines of the crown. Next, I will erase these lines, I need them to build the shape of the crown and the overall volume.

Throughout this area from the main branches we draw additional ones. They have the shape of a wave, several branches come from one branch at once, and they are all of different lengths. As a result, you should get something like this.

Now we remove the extra lines and proceed to coloring the trunk. Distinctive feature birches are dark spots on the bark, and we definitely need to take this point into account in the drawing process. If you plan to draw a winter birch, then you can stop at this stage - it remains just to finish the bluish snow, the landscape and get rid of unnecessary strokes. We will continue to draw.

Gradually fill in birch branches. Try to draw leaves of approximately the same size, they can become only a little smaller than the standard ones towards the ends of the branches.

Thin, slender birch has always been a symbol of beauty and shyness. This beautiful and useful tree, which gives delicious sweet juice, is very graceful and it is a pleasure to draw it. Birch is especially magnificent in summer, when lush foliage and birch "earrings" appear. Be sure to make some sketches in nature with a simple pencil, watercolor or watercolor pencils, with crayons and watch how the wind sways its thin branches, how shiny carved leaves shimmer in the sun, touch the warm trunk. Now let's try to draw a birch in watercolor.

How to draw a birch in stages?
  1. Take a thick sheet watercolor paper A4 format. We draw on its rough side, not on the smooth side. You will also need a hard slate pencil, sharpened sharply. Do not just try to make the lead sharp as a needle, it will scratch the surface of the paper and watercolor paint, falling into these scratches, will eat into tightly and all of them will be very noticeable in the picture. Doing easy pencil sketch of a future birch. Its features are a thin trunk and flexible branches that bend under the weight of foliage. The leaves are small, so we will depict them only as a hint, without drawing carefully.

  2. We outline with a pencil the area where the birch foliage will be. Since it is small, from a distance it will seem that it is a dense bulk mass. The areas are uneven, somewhere part of the branches goes down, somewhere it lies in an even layer, especially at the top. Birch foliage descends like a cascade or a large green waterfall.

  3. Now watercolor comes into play, and let's try to paint a birch with paints. With a transparent green-yellow paint, we paint over the surfaces where the foliage will be. We outline the sky with pale blue - the darkest paint will be on top, and light on the bottom. Making a smooth gradient transition by adding more water, it turns out soft summer sky. We denote the grass under the tree.

  4. We enhance the color of the sky, you can add either a warm violet or a cold blue, outline the shadows. Each branch is like a big bunch, it has volume. Since the sunlight falls at an angle from above, the shadow will be at the bottom. We do not completely paint over the surface, but as if we are making such light strokes with a brush, indicating small clusters of birch leaves. In the lightest areas, the leaves can be drawn with small dashes or dots, just outline.

  5. In the shadows, add more dark to give volume to the foliage. Notice how the layers of paint overlap - with little indentation. First came the lightest watercolor layer, then a little darker and the last - the darkest. You can make another one darker than the previous one and also draw it with a little indentation. We draw the leaves with dots or small “droplets”. See how birch leaves are arranged.

  6. We draw a trunk of a birch and its branches. On the trunk with a thin brush, draw small dark stripes. Please note that they are very different and uneven - some are small, there are more. It is better to take not a thick black watercolor, but blue and red to make it saturated Brown color with a cold tone. Part of the birch branches hide the foliage, so do not draw solid lines, make them dashed. This is especially noticeable in the figure in the lower branch on the left. We draw hanging thin branches. Under the branches we make a shadow - brown paint + blue or blue. Near the trunk, the branches will be darker. We add blue to the sky, you can leave spots and stains, they look like clouds. At the bottom at the base of the tree, we will strengthen the shadow - green + blue.

  7. We complete the drawing. With a thin brush, we work out the details, enhance the shadows for contrast on the branches, tree trunk and on the ground. Pure black paint should not be used, it will look rather rough. It is better to take a combination of dark blue and red or dilute black with blue watercolor.

Now you can move away from the drawing and look at it from afar, check if you missed anything and what needs to be corrected. Following this not very complicated instruction for you, it will be quite easy to paint a birch tree with watercolors on your own.

Step by step drawing: how to draw a birch?

What is the difference between birch and oak or pine, maple or spruce? Of course, all these trees have a different trunk, branches are arranged differently, completely different pattern leaves, and pine and spruce have no leaves, but only green needles. But it is most convenient to start drawing any tree from the trunk. Explain to the child that he does not suffer, trying to draw a perfectly straight line of the trunk, that you should not draw a line straight. A tree looks more naturalistic if it is drawn crooked, since straight lines and straight tree trunks are practically absent in nature.

Do not forget to remind the child that the tree grows from the ground, therefore, he must indicate the place from which the tree grows and shade horizontal line under the tree.

The trunk is the most important and thickest part of the tree. And the trunk of a birch is very easy to draw with a pencil. Because the birch trunk is flexible, uneven, and the bark is very interesting - black and white. Therefore, it is not necessary to shade the entire trunk, as in the previous figure. It's better to leave it white, like this:

Now the child should draw branches near the birch and partially shade the bark of the tree:

If you explain to your child that there are different birch trees, he can draw birch branches hanging down. Then it will be a weeping birch.

If a child draws birch branches stretching upwards, then it will be a curly birch.

Then it remains only to add foliage, and the birch is ready:

When drawing a tree, it is not necessary to draw each leaf individually. No artist does this, because the tree is in the distance, and characteristics leaves are hidden in the total mass of foliage.
