Russian participants of all Eurovision contests. Russian participants of "Eurovision" in the history of the contest

The Eurovision Song Contest is an event that every year attracts millions of people to the screens in many countries, in 2018 Portugal won the right to host the contest. Singer Salvador Sobral won the competition last year. His lyrical ballad literally fell in love with the audience. Therefore, the next 63rd in a row the competition will take place in Lisbon, the two semi-finals will be held on 8 and 10 May respectively, followed by the grand finale of the show on 12 May. Loyal fans of the show are interested in who will go to Eurovision 2018 from Russia and from other countries. At the moment, participants from many countries are known, and in some they will be determined in the very near future.

After Yulia Samoilova was banned from Ukraine last year, she will represent Russia again this year. For the Eurovision Song Contest 2018, Samoilova was chosen from many competitors, including: singer Nyusha, Elena Temnikova, who already participated in the show as part of the Silver group, Alexander Panayotov and Daria Antonyuk, the Leningrad group, Turetsky Choir, who have not a typical Eurovision format. The song that Yulia Samoilova will perform has not yet been selected.

Who will go from Ukraine?

MÉLOVIN will represent Ukraine at Eurovision 2018. The singer took part in the vocal show "X Factor", the 6th season of which he won, as well as in the selection of 2017, he entered the top three winners, taking third place. But he did not have enough votes of the jury. And already in 2018, the singer tried his hand again and this time took first place. On February 24, 2018, he became the official representative of the country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 with the song "Under The Ladder"

Who will represent Belarus?

Representative of Belarus - singer Ukrainian origin Alekseev with the song "Forever". The selection final took place on February 16, 2018, where it was announced that he would go to Eurovision 2018 from Belarus. The song has a scandalous history, the singer's competitors considered that it was created in violation of the rules of the competition. But the European Broadcasting Union carefully checked the composition, as a result of which its uniqueness was revealed, and no violations were found.

Participation of Kazakhstan

Previously, Kazakhstan has never participated in the Eurovision Song Contest. In 2016, the country got the opportunity to participate in it, as the Khabar TV channel became a member of the European Broadcasting Union. But in the near future the country will not be able to participate in the competition, as it is not a member of the Council of Europe. Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan can be cited as an example, they are members of the Council of Europe, therefore they participate in the competition. At the end of 2017, information appeared about the debut of Kazakhstan at the competition in 2019, according to the general director of Channel 31 Baghdad Kozhakhmetov, representatives of Kazakhstan in 2018 will go to participate in qualifying round. In 2019 they will participate in the big Eurovision Song Contest. However, there was no confirmation from the EBU. Therefore, Kazakhstan is not included in the list of participating countries.

List of participants and who made it to the final

Most of the representatives of the countries for the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 and their songs have already been determined.

The finalists are highlighted in green.

A country Participant Song
Australia Jessica Mauboy "We Got Love"
Austria Cesar Sempson "Nobody But You"
Azerbaijan Aysel Mammadova "X My Heart"
Albania Eugent Bushpepa "mall"
Armenia Sevak Khanagyan Qami
Belarus Alekseev Forever
Belgium Laura Gruseneken "A Matter of Time"
Bulgaria Equinox Bones
Great Britain SuRie Storm
Hungary AWS "Viszlat nyar"
Germany Michael Schulte "You Let Me Walk Alone"
Greece Gianna Terzi Oneiro Mou
Georgia Iriao "Sheni Gulistvis"
Denmark Rasmussen "High Ground"
Israel Netta Barzilai "Toy"
Ireland Ryan O'Shaughnessy "Together"
Spain Alfred and Amaya "Tu Cancion"
Iceland Ari Olafson "Our choice"
Italy Ermal Meta and Fabrizio Mora "Non mi avete fatto niente"
Cyprus Eleni Foureira Fuego
Latvia Laura Rizzotto "Funny Girl"
Lithuania Eva Zasimauskaite "When We're Old"
Macedonia Eye Cue "Lost and Found"
Malta Christabel Taboo
Moldova DoReDoS "My Lucky Day"
Netherlands Waylon "Outlaw in 'Em"
Norway Alexander Rybak "That's How You Write a Song"
Poland Gromee
& Lukas Meijer
"Light Me Up"
Portugal Claudia Pascal "O jardim"
Russia Julia Samoilova "I Won't Break"
Romania The Humans Goodbye
San Marino Jessica and Jennifer Brenning "Who We Are"
Serbia Sanya Ilic and Balkanika Nova Deca
Slovenia Lea Sirk "Hvala, ne"
Ukraine MELOVIN "Under the Ladder"
Finland Saara Alto "Monsters"
France Madame Monsieur

On January 8, 2018, the hosts of the competition were announced, they were 4 girls: Daniela Rua, Silvia Alberta, Katarina Furtado and Filomena Kautela.

The venue for the competition will be Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. On January 7, the logo and slogan of the competition were presented, since historically Lisbon was considered the center of sea routes, the theme of travel by sea became the main theme of the symbolism. Out of 13 options, a stylized shell was chosen. The slogan of the competition was the phrase All aboard, which is translated into Russian as - all aboard.

Rule Changes

In connection with the scandal that took place in 2017, when Yulia Samoilova was not allowed into the host country of the Eurovision Song Contest, EBU fines were imposed on Russia and Ukraine. The host country of the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest, Ukraine, was fined, and Russia received a verbal warning for refusing to broadcast the contest on official TV channels. For this reason, the European Broadcasting Union has amended the rules of the competition. They concern performers, the participating countries do not have the right to choose those representatives who cannot enter the host country. Also, TV channels organizers must meet all the deadlines, otherwise the competition may be transferred to another country. In addition, members of the jury are obliged to vote completely objectively, not to have any connection with the songwriters or performers.

The very first to the main European music competition was sent to Maria Katz, who performed under the pseudonym Judith. It was thanks to her that Russia immediately managed to enter the top ten, in the final standings Maria Katz took ninth place.

In 1995 and 1997, Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva traveled to the competition from Russia, taking 17th and 15th places, respectively. Commenting on his then performance, producer and musician Philip Kirkorov during the “Live broadcast” on the Russia 1 TV channel stated that he was young, but performed the song well, “did not sing a single false note.”

The next European musical Olympus went to conquer the singer Alsou. Until now, her performance is considered one of the most successful in the history of Russia at Eurovision. She performed the song Solo, with which she took second place in Stockholm.

After not too successful performances by the groups "Mumiy Troll" and "Prime Minister", the duet t.A.T.u managed to get closer to the results of Alsou, having won the bronze of the competition in Riga.

In 2004, Russia was represented at the competition by Yulia Savicheva with the song Believe Me, and the next by Natalya Podolskaya, but the girls managed to win only 11th and 15th places for the country, respectively. But already in next year Dima Bilan from Russia went to the contest with the song Never Let You Go. In 2006, the singer took second place, losing to the Finnish band Lordi, but Bilan's popularity and support was so high that even then he decided to go to conquer Europe again. But before Bilan, Europe was still waiting for the performance of the Russian trio Serebro, the girls won third place.

In 2008, the TV channel "Russia" for the first time showed the broadcast of "Eurovision" and this year was the most successful for the country. Dima Bilan, again going to the competition, for the first time in the history of the country won the competition in Belgrade. The winning song was called Believe.

Then Anastasia Prikhodko went to the competition from Russia, Music band Peter Nalich, Alexey Vorobyov. And in 2012, the broadcast on the TV channel "Russia 1" again brought good luck to the country. The folklore group from Udmurtia "Buranovsky grandmothers" got the silver of the competition. Their song Party for Everybody was so loved by the audience that they received only 13 votes less than Dima Bilan the year he won the contest.

In 2013, Russia was represented at the competition by Dina Garipova, who eventually took fifth place. And the next year, the touching duet of the Tolmachev sisters went to represent the country. 17-year-old Nastya and Masha performed the song Shine by Philip Kirkorov and Dimitris Konotopoulos with lyrics by John Ballard, Ralph Charlie and Gerard James Borg. According to the results of the European voting, our girls took the seventh place.

In 2015, quite a bit was not enough to win Russian singer Polina Gagarina. She performed the song A Million Voices, which brought her 303 votes from all over Europe, and this is the highest result of Russia in the voting.

Eurovision Song Contest in last time was held in Swedish Stockholm in 2000 and ended for Russia with an excellent result from Alsou.

The results of the Eurovision Song Contest can be called a miracle

This opinion was expressed by Ukrainian media expert Anatoly Shariy in his video blog.

Video: Anatoly Shariy / YouTube

“I can't help but say a couple of words, and my couple of words is about a miracle - because Eurovision has become a competition of miracles. It's wonderful when bookmakers, who can "hit" hundreds of millions of euros, put up certain people as winners, and then it all doesn't add up. It's wonderful when the audience all over Europe votes like this, and the jury - that is, a professional jury, which is very "professional" - votes differently from the audience. It's a miracle"

he stressed.

The blogger noted the obvious politicization of the competition. In his opinion, the jury's decision was based not on the performance of the performers, but on the attitude towards the countries they represented.

“I liked Jamala's song, and now I like it. I like the performance, I like Jamala herself, we will remove the politics - and this is super. But it's a miracle when the jury of all countries give the country, which has "graters" with Ukraine, zero and minimum. It is a miracle when two countries go to the end, to the final, and the whole world is watching, who is this or that? And one country miraculously breaks out, as if we are seeing a painted scenario.

he noted.

Shariy also suggested that the organizers change the name of the competition to a more truthful one.

“If you have turned your competition into a political competition, just call it Political Vision. And it will be fair and objective. And if you consider all thinking people as a herd that does not understand what happened today in your great competition then you underestimate the mental development of people "

The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2016 was the Ukrainian Jamala with the song "1944". The second place was taken by the Australian Demi Im, the third - by the Russian Sergey Lazarev. The audience criticized the results of the jury voting, and many of them admitted that the decision to award prize-winning place musician from Ukraine had a political connotation.

The Network is begging Russia not to give money to Kyiv for Eurovision 2017.

How Europe “leaked” Lazarev

In 2016, the rules for announcing the results of the competition were changed - if earlier the points from spectators and professionals were summed up, now the results are announced separately.

At the same time, despite the Ukrainian jury's boycott of the Russian performance, viewers consider Lazarev the winner. Sergey was the first, having received 361 points from the Europeans, and the Ukrainian Jamala was the second.

Despite the success of the 33-year-old Russian ( according to bookmaker rates and iTunes charts, Sergey was ranked first), many members of the jury ignored his performance. Russia did not receive any points from 20 out of 41 countries: the Czech Republic, Ireland, Georgia, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Israel, Germany, Norway, Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Lithuania, Macedonia, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Ukraine.

Representatives of four countries put the highest mark on the Russian singer: Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Belarus and Greece.

Russophobic sanctions of Eurovision 2016

You don’t have to be a music lover, it’s enough to have an open mind to understand: Eurovision is a show for the mass fooling of people around the world.

To be more precise, another rather successful "soft power" of the West, used under the guise of mass musical culture for processing public opinion in the right direction for the West.

Habitual propaganda poison of the West

But this action began to slip. Just as Western propaganda no longer works when they lie to the layman about the participation of the Russian Armed Forces in civil war in Ukraine, when they falsify the history of the Great Patriotic War and World War II in favor of growing neo-Nazism, they lie about the “seizure” of Crimea, whose people proved their desire to return to Russia by elections.

Here, at first glance, the results of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016, which ended in Stockholm, were beneficial to the West, clearly revealed the hypocrisy and, as most observers and commentators write on the Web, the politicization of the current "Politvision". And this - flagrant violation rules (apoliticality) of this contest. It's like that. And yet, looking closely at the results of the vote, you find out: behind everything there is a banal Russophobia, which has become the main propaganda poison of the West, used against Russia and to brainwash its own “golden billion”.

And yet the incompetence ... of the jury?

Mikhail Tversky's Estonian project "We Speak Russian" organized a vote to determine the professional suitability of the members of the Estonian "professional" jury, which gave the Russian performer Sergey Lazarev at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 only 18th place out of 26 finalist countries. As you know, the performer from Russia received the first place from the audience in total, and the 5th-6th place from the jury of other countries (the overall result is the third place!).

You can talk as much as you want about the professionalism of the members of any jury, each of which can boast of personal achievements in music world, but such a blatant discrepancy between the Estonian jury and the total opinion of other juries makes us doubt, no, not the competence of the mass audience who does not understand anything, but the jury itself in Estonia. And this is even taking into account different taste preferences, characteristics of national cultures.

Five members of the Estonian jury gave Sergey Lazarev the following places: 10th (Els Himma), 11th (Kadri Koppel), 16th (Priit Pajusaar), 18th (Taavi Paomets) and last 26th (Hanna Parman) . You involuntarily turn your finger at your temple. But the fact is: the younger the member of this jury, the worse he assessed the performance of the representative of the Russian Federation. The same correlation of Russophobia is observed among the population of Estonia - than younger man, the more he is poisoned by xenophobia and Russophobia produced by the school, the media, the state machine.

NATO, it is also at Eurovision NATO

If we recognize the work of the Estonian jury as objective, then the question arises about the professionalism of the jury of other countries (42 in total), which, on average, highly appreciated the work of the singer Sergey Lazarev (recall: 5-6th place, although with a lag of 2.5 times from the leader - Australia).

The loyalty of the jury of a particular country to speakers from neighboring countries, which generated serious indignation in past years, is a thing of the past. Less and less national characteristics observed in the works of the contestants, although they still leave their mark today.

But another trend became obvious - the Russophobic one. Not a single point was given to Russia by the jury of 18 (!) countries out of 36. And, above all, these are NATO countries, known even for state Russophobia. Russia received the "steering wheel" from Denmark, Holland, Germany, Norway, Belgium, Great Britain, Lithuania, Macedonia, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. NATO's friends, Australia and Ireland, and even Israel and Ukraine voted in the same way. Serbia, which shyly reminded of its love for Russia, almost fell into this system of countries loyal to Brussels and Washington. She received from the "fraternal Slavic people» 1 (?!) point, and Ukraine - 12 (?!). And what is characteristic, almost all of these countries gave the maximum scores to Kyiv. Interestingly, several countries have compromised by not awarding even one point to either Russia or Ukraine. These are the Czech Republic, Ireland, Finland, Hungary. France (Russia - 1 point, Ukraine - 0) and Holland (respectively 0 and 3) decided to show objectivity (in order not to be accused of obscenity).

Nothing musical, just Russophobia

Proud Poland became a victim of an undocumented, but obvious behind-the-scenes game. The organizers have chosen Australia to play the role of "layer" between Russia and Ukraine, to mitigate the inevitable scandal - a direct clash of interests between them. That would be the same policy! Because of this, those who counted the votes bitterly offended the representative of the Green Continent. Taking the first place with a large margin (320 points against the second Ukraine with 211 points and the third - France with 148 points), Australia received fewer votes from the audience than the same Poland. The jury of other countries "for some reason" forgot about it - only 7 points (?!) and 229 points from the audience (!). Alas, the cheaters had to sacrifice someone.

In general, the victory of Russia, which was given to it by viewers in many countries of the world (despite the facts of refusal to receive calls in Tallinn, as some commentators of the Network wrote about), became, figuratively speaking, a powerful nationwide exposure of the frontal and vulgar Russophobia of the West. But also the disagreements of the representatives of the "golden billion" with the rulers of their countries, who are more and more threatening to Russia, shamelessly going on the rampage.

So nothing personal and musical, just politics and Russophobia!

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This music competition is incredibly popular all over the world. Every year, talented performers take the stage and amaze the audience with their voices. This event is distinguished by its huge scope and the presence of the most modern special effects. This is confirmed by Eurovision 2018, last news which they say that an even bigger show will take place in Portugal.

Little background

Last Eurovision took place in Kyiv. In it, as before, representatives of many countries of the world spoke. On the eve of the competition, bookmakers make their prediction regarding the future winner. Very often they are right. However, in the capital of Ukraine, the predictions of bookmakers did not come true. Instead of their favorite Italian - F. Gabbiani, the contest was won by a singer from Portugal - S. Sobral. His song conquered the national juries of many European countries and, most importantly, the audience of most of our continent. Since the crystal microphone went to this particular performer, the next competition will be held in Portugal.

It should be noted that the representative of Russia did not take part in the European song contest. This happened due to the ban of the Ukrainian authorities, who could not let a participant who violated the legislation of this country into their territory. It's about about the visit of the contestant from Russia to the annexed Crimea. It must be said that the dispute between Ukraine and Russia over the peninsula continues, and the European Union supports the first country in this matter. In this regard, sanctions have even been imposed on Russia by European states. All this complicates the situation about the next Eurovision Song Contest. It is quite possible that in 2018 Russia will be denied participation in this song festival.

What we already know about the 2018 competition

S. Sobral, who performed the song "Amar Pelos Dois" in Kyiv
brought victory to this country for the first time.

Before that, Portugal had achieved at least some significant result only twice:

  • in 1999, the Portuguese performer finished sixth;
  • in 2010, representatives of this country reached the final.

After it became known that it was in this country that the competition would take place, various cities began to compete for the right to host Eurovision:

  • Pharaoh - the city could not succeed, because it could not offer a worthy arena for the competition;
  • Guimarães - was rejected from the list of applicants, due to the lack of an airport;
  • Porto - did not become the city of the competition due to the protracted repair work.

The only city that met all the criteria was Lisbon. There is also a large concert hall, and developed infrastructure, and numerous railway stations and airport. The competition will be organized by the national television and radio company.

Today, the slogan of the song contest is already known - "All aboard". Therefore, it is no coincidence that the scene will be decorated in a marine style. By the way, the contest logo is an ocean shell.

The contest will be designed by Florian Wieder. This is the fourth time he has taken on this responsibility. The stage designer shared his thoughts with the press about its design. He wants the platform where the performers will perform to resemble a ship. The whole festival should be imbued with the history and culture of Portugal. This is the task set by the organizers of the competition. They will try with the help of current technologies to recreate huge waves and other spectacles relating to the ocean. This is quite possible, since the competition will be held at the largest indoor stadium in Lisbon.

As you know, Eurovision always takes place in last month spring in the interval of May 10-20. It consists of two semi-finals, which are two days apart from each other.

The Broadcasting Union of Europe, under whose auspices the contest is held, has already announced the date of the Eurovision:

The hosts of the contest are also already known. They will be four Portuguese beauties:

  • F. Kautela - host of various television shows, has an acting education;
  • S. Alberto - has been working on radio and television since the age of nineteen;
  • D. Rua - film actress, was born in America, and now lives in Portugal;
  • K. Furtado - famous TV presenter who is a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador.

In case someone forgot, the previous contest was hosted by three creative men:

  • V. Ostapchuk;
  • T. Miroshnichenko;
  • A. Skichko.

About thirty million euros are planned to be spent on the organization of Eurovision. Basically it will be the funds of sponsors.

The competition will take place at the third largest indoor stadium in Europe, Meo Arena. It can accommodate up to twenty thousand spectators. The choice of this site was made because next to it there is everything necessary for the press, contestants and guests of the competition.

List of participants

In 2018, forty-three countries announced their participation in the competition. So far, qualifying competitions are being held in each of them for the right to speak on behalf of the state. Today, the names of several participants in the competition are known:

  • A. Mammadova from Azerbaijan;
  • Waylon from the Netherlands;
  • Y. Samoilova from Russia;
  • S. Alto from Finland.

Other performers will be announced in late February or early March 2018.

Who will go from Russia?

Even during the scandal over the Russian participant in Eurovision 2017, the leadership of this competition recommended changing the candidacy of the Russian contestant. The head of Channel One Ernst refused to make concessions. Due to the ban on participating in the competition, Russia refused to broadcast this competition. As a result, the Russian side was given a hefty fine.

Then the leadership Russian channel it was announced that Y. Samoilova will also go to Eurovision 2018.

Thus, the same situation may repeat itself. The EBU can easily not let our contestant in, but now in accordance with European sanctions regarding Donbass and Crimea.

Due to political disagreements between Ukraine, Russia and the European Union, Russian viewers may once again be left without their favorite contest.

The organizers of Eurovision had a good goal: to merge the countries of Europe that were scattered after the Second World War in a single musical impulse. In 1956, the first competition was held, and the place was chosen in the best possible way: the action took place in Lugano, the southern city of Switzerland, distinguished by its diplomacy. The victory was also received by the representative of this country - Liz Assia with the song Refrain. The show has never been canceled since this year.

Eurovision rules

The participants are required to have a live sound (there can only be accompaniment in the recording), an original three-minute composition and no more than 6 people simultaneously on stage. You can sing in any language. Participants must be over 16 years old: since 2003, the Junior Eurovision Song Contest has been founded for underage musicians (participants children's competition 2006, the Tolmacheva sisters represented Russia at the adult competition in 2014).


The show airs on live, and after that, SMS voting begins, allowing you to choose best performers. Depending on the number of voters, participants receive from 12 to 1 point from each of the countries (or do not receive a single point if they are not voted for). And six years ago, music experts joined the audience: five professionals from each country also vote for their favorite songs.

Sometimes countries receive the same number of points - in this case, the number of 10 and 12 points is taken into account. By the way, in 1969, when this rule had not yet been taken into account, four countries were declared winners at once: France, Spain, the Netherlands and Great Britain. The rest of the participants did not like it much, so now the jury is choosing the favorite more carefully.

Eurovision countries

Only countries that are members of the European Broadcasting Union (hence the name of the competition) can participate in Eurovision, that is, it is not the geography that matters, but the channel that will broadcast the show live. For many who wish, this regulation becomes a serious obstacle: Kazakhstan, which applied for membership in the EBU, was not approved by the organizers of the competition.

The Eurovision organizers do not advocate for new participants at all, but this does not interrupt the appetite of many countries dreaming of participating in the contest. Compared to 1956, the number of performers has increased 9 times: instead of 7 states, 39 are now competing. By the way, Australia will enter the stage this year. The green continent will be presented for the first time in history by singer Guy Sebastian. The only "but": in the event of Australia's victory, they have not yet been allowed to host Eurovision at home.

But there are those who are never denied participation: these are the countries of the so-called "Big Five", which includes the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. These states never tremble for qualifying performances and always automatically find themselves in the final.

Eurovision rejections

"Eurovision" is an expensive pleasure, so the most common reason for countries' refusals is economic. In second place is politics, which intervenes in the competition every now and then. For example, Armenia refused to send its musicians to Baku in 2012 due to strained relations with Azerbaijan, while Morocco for a long time was not shown in the competition due to conflicts with Israel.

There are those who do not want to go to the show, accusing the judges of bias. The Czech Republic turned out to be the most dissatisfied country: since 2009, the state stubbornly avoided Eurovision (in three years of participation, the Czechs scored only 10 points in total), and only this year decided to try their hand again.

Turkey said no this year, with a backlog of complaints. Muslims are unhappy with the victory of the bearded Conchita Wurst last year and Finnish Krista Siegfrids' lesbian kiss with her backing vocalist, which was captured by cameras during the semi-finals in 2013.

Famous participants of Eurovision

Many performers believe that Eurovision is a stepping stone to world popularity. In fact, the competition, even if it gives a few seconds of fame, gives few people a chance to become truly famous. There are also pleasant exceptions. For example, in 1974 swedish group ABBA, at that moment unfamiliar even within their native country, won first place with the song Waterloo. This victory instantly brought the team success all over the world: 8 singles of the group, one after another, firmly established themselves at the top of the British charts, and in the USA, three albums of the quartet became gold and one platinum. By the way, the Waterloo hit in 2005, thanks to the vote of viewers from 31 countries, was recognized as the best Eurovision song in history.

Celine Dion was already a star in Canada and France by the time of the competition. The victory in 1988 with the song Ne partez pas sans moi (the singer represented Switzerland) expanded her geography: Dion's records began to be sold in Asia, Australia and most European countries, and made her think about recording singles on English language. Approximately the same story happened with the Spaniard Julio Iglesias, who in 1994 reached fourth place with the song Gwendolyne, and then learned to sing in Portuguese, French and Italian and made himself known in Europe.

The Brainstorm group, which took third place in 2000 (by the way, these were the first performers who performed in the competition from Latvia), Eurovision, if not opened the whole planet, but allowed them to successfully tour Scandinavia and consolidate their success in Eastern Europe, the Baltic states and Russia.

The opposite also happened: when music competition performers with a name took part, but they did not achieve leadership in the competition. So, Tatu, despite encouraging forecasts, took only third place, the British Blue became 11th, and Patricia Kaas - eighth.

Eurovision scandals

They like to criticize Eurovision: the first places are probably bought, the lyrics are unoriginal, and the countries vote not for the composition, but for their neighbors. Even texts, behavior and appearance some of the contestants.

In 1973, fans of the Israeli singer Ilanit were seriously worried about the life of the singer. On the eve of the contest, the singer received threats from Islamic radicals who made no secret of the impending attack. Nevertheless, the performer took the stage, having previously put on a bulletproof vest. Fortunately, nothing dangerous for her life did not happen.

In 2007, a scandal arose around the Ukrainian participant - the singer Verka Serdyuchka (aka Andrey Danilko), in whose song the words "Russia, goodbye" were heard. The culprit of the story herself explained that the text contains the phrase Lasha Tumbai, which means “whipped cream” in Mongolian. Be that as it may, Verka's performance turned out to be prophetic: relations with Russia deteriorated sharply, and now the singer is a rare bird in our area.

And the Spaniard Daniel Dihes was “lucky” to be the victim of a bully in a red cap Jimmy Jump, who usually breaks into football matches to make the audience laugh and get into the frame. In 2010, Jimmy chose Eurovision as the venue and snuck onto the stage during Daniel's performance. Jimmy flaunted in front of the cameras for a full 15 seconds, until the shocked guards began to act. Dihes (who hadn't lost his temper during Jump's antics) was allowed to sing one more time.

Non-standard participants of the show, representatives of sexual minorities or alternative musical genres, also attract attention to themselves. Several times such musicians managed to win, which angered many spectators, but did not cancel their victory. In 1998, it was transgender Dana International from Israel; in 2006, hard rockers Lordi caused a wave of irritation, and last year Thomas Neuwirth became a bone of contention, who appeared on stage in the form of a woman with a beard Conchita Wurst.

Musical competition "Eurovision"- one of the most popular in our country. According to statistics, every second Russian every year with interest follows the struggle of the contestants, cheering, of course, first of all for his own. PEOPLETALK invites you to remember all the Russian performers who had the honor to represent the country at the competition.

Masha Katz, 1994

In 1994, Russia was represented at the competition by the singer Masha Katz(42). Her performance was the debut of our country on "Eurovision". Masha Katz, better known under the pseudonym Judith, performed with an English-language song "The Eternal Wanderer". The competition then took place in Dublin (Ireland). Bright and charismatic Maria managed to take only the ninth line, which is not so bad for the first time.

In 2004 on "Eurovision" the winner of the youth show went "Star Factory - 2" Yulia Savicheva(28). Because of the intense excitement with which Savicheva could not cope in the first minutes of the performance, the beginning turned out to be weak. However Julia managed to overcome emotions and take 11th place with the song believe me.

Natalia Podolskaya, 2005

Follow Savicheva to conquer Europe another one went "manufacturer"Natalia Podolskaya(33). Song Nobody Hurt No One and 15th place.

In 2006 on "Eurovision" from Russia went Dima Bilan(33). in a desperate struggle Dima still lost first place to a costumed rock band Lordi from Finland. Song Never Let You Go brought Dima And Russia second place.

Silver, 2007

Group Maxim Fadeev "Silver" went to the competition in 2007 for the first place, but the sexy trio took only third. The girls sang a song Song #1.

Dima Bilan, 2008

2008 was a triumphant comeback Dima Bilan(33) on "Eurovision" after an embarrassing defeat in 2006. Determined to win Dima called for help Olympic champion Evgenia Plushenko (32) and famous violinistEdwin Marton (41) . All three sang Believe. Dima was irresistible and Russia finally won the long-awaited victory for the first time.

Anastasia Prikhodko, 2009

Next year Russia represented by the ward Konstantin Meladze (52) − graduate "Star Factory", singer Anastasia Prikhodko (28) . Song "Mamo", performed in Ukrainian, instead of the coveted first place, brought us only 11th.

Musical group of Peter Nalich, 2010

In 2010, he was selected to participate in the competition "Musical group of Peter Nalich". Composition Lost and Forgotten brought again only 11th place.

The singer did not stay aside Alexey Vorobyov (27) who went to "Eurovision" in 2011. Alexey's participation caused a real stir due to an incorrect comment Vorobiev about sexual minorities. As a result, the singer performed extremely unsuccessfully, taking 16th place.

Buranovskiye grandmothers, 2012

In 2012, from Russia to get the championship on "Eurovision" go "Buranovskiye grandmothers". Unusual folk group from the village of Buranovo, Malopurginsky district of Udmurtia, was considered the favorite of the competition. And indeed, the charismatic grandmothers enchanted the audience by singing the song Party for everybody. Eventually "Buranovskiye grandmothers" took second place.

Diana Garipova, 2013

In 2013 on "Eurovision" the winner of the show went "Voice" Dina Garipova(24). Song What If written by Swedish producers Gabriel Alares And Joachim Bjornberg, brought the country fifth place.

Maria and Anastasia Tolmacheva, 2014

In 2014, the sisters went to the competition Tolmachevs (18) . twins Maria And Anastasia sang a song shine, finishing in seventh place.

And this year our country on "Eurovision" presents a singer with a delightful voice − Polina Gagarina(28). Even before the start of the competition, the bookmakers were recording a song A Million Voices in the favorites, prophesying the singer first place. Whether the forecasts will be confirmed, we will find out soon, but for now we offer to listen again Polina.
