Resorts near Athens. Museum of the History of Greek Costume

The sights of Athens and its environs on the map are located close to each other, and their picturesque photos in tourist brochures inspire every tourist to explore and, of course, take their own pictures.

Yandex Maps /

The map of Athens and the suburbs of this city is replete with interesting places connected with the ancient world, and with the formation of Christianity, and with later times. Archaeologists work almost everywhere, that is, travelers can watch exactly how the pages of history are opened and survey what has already been discovered.

What to see first in Athens?

There are so many things that you want to see around Athens and in this city itself that a tourist who comes here literally has his eyes wide open and decides where to go first, and what to leave for later can be quite difficult, especially with limited time .

Inspection of ancient Athens should begin with the acquisition of a good paper map with annotations in Russian and its study. Paper - because it is not always possible to use a phone or tablet - the connection may be lost, the battery may run out, or something else will happen.

Another advantage of paper editions is the ability to leave notes on them, for example, write down the bus number. Of course, you can take a picture of the board with the schedule, but, as a rule, while traveling, there are always problems with the sufficiency of memory in gadgets.

Andy Montgomery/

In addition, the map can be spread on the table and, together with the family, or with the help of a waiter in a restaurant, draw the most ergonomic and interesting route for exploring the city and its suburbs.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the following places:

  1. Agora.
  2. Mount Lycabettus or Lycabettus Hill.
  3. Archaeological Museum.
  4. Constitution Square.
  5. Temple of Nike Apteros (on the territory of the Acropolis).
  6. Temple of Pallas Athena - Parthenon (on the territory of the Acropolis).
  7. Temple of the Erechtheion (on the territory of the Acropolis).
  8. Temple of Olympian Zeus.
  9. National garden.

You need to start your acquaintance with Athens from the Acropolis - the ancient heart of the ancient city and its today's visiting card.

The Acropolis is a historical and architectural complex that includes a large number of monuments. Its visit requires at least half a day, and if you include in the tour not only the ruins of ancient temples, but also the expositions of the Old and New Acropolis Museums, then you need to have a whole day in reserve.

By itself, the Acropolis is a hill with a seemingly cut top, which made it the best place for construction. The natural height of this hill is 156 meters, the length is 310 meters, and the width is 170. Accordingly, for an excursion here, you need to carefully choose shoes, otherwise worn out legs will spoil not only the inspection of local monuments, but also the entire subsequent rest.

Guillen Perez /

Before entering the hill there is a stand with a map of its attractions, including 22 names. It makes sense to stop and study this plan, or even better, get a tourist map of the Acropolis, which is sold along with the entrance ticket. In addition to the location of historical objects and their names, the stand lists the rules for visiting the Acropolis. They, of course, also need to pay attention.

The first thing to see here is:

  • Parthenon;
  • Erechtheion;
  • temple of Nike Apteros.

These ruins, of course, are associated with ancient times and will be of interest to anyone who reads myths and legends. Ancient Greece.

But in addition to the Aegean wars and other events of those times, the remains of the Parthenon, the Temple of Nike and the Erechtheion show their visitors the traces of the Turkish invasion, the consequences of the looting of local temples, first by the Venetians, and then by the British. They provide an opportunity to present all the gigantic work to restore the Acropolis to its original form, which began after Greece gained independence at the end of the 19th century and continues to this day.

The complex is always open for visits:

  • on weekdays from 8:00 to 18:30;
  • on weekends and holidays - from 8:30 to 14:30.

Yandex Maps /

The entrance fee is 12 euros. This is a single ticket valid for 4 days from the date of purchase and, in addition to the Acropolis, gives the right to visit the following places:

  1. Theater of Dionysus.
  2. Agora - Roman and Greek.
  3. Temple of Zeus.
  4. Adrian Library.
  5. Cemetery Keramik.

New Museum Acropolis - a huge modern building, visible from any point on the hill, is 300 meters away, you won't have to look for it.

The museum is unique, it has no analogues in the world - its area is 226 thousand square meters, this is the territory of excavations. That is, the building was built directly above the excavated objects. The floor is made of glass, there are areas without glass protection. The work of archaeologists here has not stopped for many years, and it is quite interesting to observe it.

In addition to live archaeological research, there are many exhibits here, and there is a cafe on the roof of the museum where you can not only have a bite to eat and relax, but also take amazing photographs of the city in terms of beauty and compositional content.

The new museum is open daily, except Mondays, from 8:00 to 22:00. And the entrance ticket costs 5 euros.

Mike Norton /

The most convenient way to get to the Acropolis from anywhere in Athens is by metro, you need to get off at the Acropolis station.

Being in Athens, you should definitely take a walk through the streets. This city is interesting not only because it still has ancient buildings, but also because of its modern life.

You should definitely walk along the streets of the Plaka district and go to the Constitution Square.

Syntagma, or Constitution Square, is the center of the modern life of the city. It is here that the parliament building, the royal palace and the famous sentry "in skirts" stand. The changing of the guard is a breathtaking sight, it is more like a dance than replacing one military with another on duty. For example, at the changing of the guard at Lenin's mausoleum, in Soviet times gathering crowds of onlookers, the ceremony in Athens is completely different.

Ozzy Delaney/

The square itself also differs from the typical concept of squares. Its eastern part is located higher than the western one, and a marble staircase of 30 wide steps leads from west to east.

8 streets flock to Syntagma:

  • Mitropoleos, passing into Otonos;
  • Ermu;
  • Karayorghi Servias;
  • Vasilissis Sofias;
  • Vasilissis Amalias;
  • Panepistimiou;
  • Stage;
  • Philellinon.

Seen from above, as on maps, this area resembles a drawing of the sun, with a center and rays, as children usually draw it.

Sjaak Kempe/

There are fountains and a large number of pigeons, but souvenir shops and small restaurants are located next to the square, on each of the streets flowing into it.

You can get here by metro, getting off at the Syntagma station, or just walk, during a walk - the square is located between the Acropolis and Mount Lycabettus. Many land transport routes pass by it, however, it is usually difficult for tourists to sort out the numbers and routes of buses, of which there are more than 200 in Athens, while the metro is much more convenient for foreigners.

The Plaka district is the oldest in the city. Here are preserved buildings built during the life of Socrates. It is located between the Acropolis and Constitution Square. On the streets there are a huge number of souvenir shops, restaurants, Greek fast food outlets, and, most importantly, shops where you can relax during a long walk around the city.

In addition to souvenirs, here you can buy national shoes and clothes, soap, spices and much more, there are even shops offering fur coats and fur accessories. Prices are no higher than any outlet in Athens.

If you want to come here, and not go from the Acropolis to Syntagma or, conversely, through this area, it is most convenient to use the metro and get off at the Monastiraki station, so you will be right in the center of Plaka, and not on the outskirts of this area.


Mount Lycabettus is, in fact, an observation deck. Height - 277 meters. You can climb up in different ways:

  1. Along the path, through a cypress grove and pine alleys, from the Abelokipi metro station;
  2. Along the serpentine, through the thickets of cacti, admiring the view from the cliff, from the metro stations "Evangelismus", "Syntagma", "Panepistimo";
  3. On the funicular, from the intersection of Aristippu and Plutarchu streets - the cost is 14 euros in both directions, you can’t pay only the rise, the departure interval is every half an hour, the rise time is 3-4 minutes.

You need to use the cable car only if your legs are very tired or you are running out of time, since the funicular is inside a special tunnel all the way, that is, you won’t be able to look around and take pictures.

Walking around Athens, you meet sights literally at every step, so with limited time it is important to plan your route so that they “line up”.

For example, on the first day, visit the New Acropolis Museum, then go to the Acropolis itself and purchase a ticket, having examined on the hill what you have enough strength for, it’s better - old museum.

Guillen Perez /

On the second day, meet the dawn on the top of the Acropolis, wander through those ruins that are most interesting, then walk through the Plaka area to Constitution Square, and from there walk to Lycabettus and admire the sunset from its top.

On the third day, it makes sense to explore the Agora and go to the nearby Keramik cemetery, it is worth visiting if you want to see Schliemann's burial, and you can end the day listening to birds in the National Garden.

Making a route is easy if you have a detailed and understandable map. And with conveniently planned sightseeing, transport is not needed, since the distances between Athenian sights are small, and along the way you can go to a national tavern, a souvenir shop, or sit at an outdoor table of a “home” restaurant.

Video: sights of Athens and interesting places.

What to see in the surroundings?

There are many places in the suburbs of the city that will be no less interesting than Athens itself.

If you have time, you should pay attention to such places:

  • The city of Marathon, here is the Marathon Valley, in which the battle of the same name took place, and from where the messenger fled, who gave the name to the sport. Tourists are offered a memorial complex, which includes a park, a memorial of memory, a tomb and a museum. The cost of visiting is 3-5 euros, opening hours are from 8:00 to 15:00 daily, the distance from Athens is 30 km.
  • The Parnita mountain range, located 35 km from the city, is a natural reserve with over 1,000 plant species, 45 animal species and 128 bird species. To the west is the Cave of Pan, in which 2,000 lamps were found, and nearby is the Filis Fortress, a hotel has been built here, and you will have to go by car or taxi along the Lamia highway.
  • Daphnia Monastery - it will be of interest to those who are passionate about the Byzantine period of Greek history, you need to go here on Tuesday or Friday, opening hours are from 9:00 to 14:00, entry cost is from 3 to 5 euros.
  • Attica Zoo, you should go here for one purpose - to see giraffes, which are not just a lot in the zoo, but a lot, the ticket price is 15 euros, and the opening hours are from 9:00 to 18:00, seven days a week.
  • Cape Sounion - this place is famous for the temple of Poseidon, the remains of the sanctuaries of Athena and Hera, as well as the cleanest beaches and sea views. The Temple of Poseidon is open to tourists from April to October, from 8:30 to 20:00. Entrance costs 4.9 euros for adults, no payment is required for children, you can get here by bus from the Aigiptou bus station or by car.

Of course, these are not all the sights of Athens and its environs, but it will take a week to explore these places, without fatigue and without confusion in the minds of what they saw.

The Greek capital, in addition to an abundance of attractions, attracts with beach holidays. Athens is located in the region of Attica, in the southeast of the peninsular part of the country.

The city itself is not suitable for a beach holiday, but in half an hour you can reach the Athenian Riviera, located along the Saronic Gulf. The entire resort area is located in the suburbs of Athens, there are prestigious, comfortable hotels with comfortable clean beaches. Holidays in Athens in 2019 by the sea - how to combine relaxation and knowledge? Read the article about beaches and attractions, as well as some prices for holidays in the Greek capital.

Athens: history and modernity

Athens is the cradle of the great Greek civilization, which influenced the entire development of mankind. The city became an important cultural center around 500 BC. At the same time, until the transition to Roman civilization, Athens prospered and grew stronger. The city is the birthplace of democracy, the center of the development of philosophy. It is simply impossible to overestimate the importance of Athens in history.

Unfortunately, later the city lost its significance for a long time: the Romans, and then the Turks, weakened it. But at present, fortunately for Greece and the whole world, Athens is a metropolis, a significant economic center and at the same time keeps the legacy of ancient eras.

The capital of Greece - Athens - attracts travelers from all over the world not only with numerous ancient monuments, but also with comfortable beaches with clean sea ​​water. The suburbs of Athens offer a prestigious vacation on the Athenian Riviera, as well as affordable free beaches with a range of services.

Athens on the map:

Climate conditions and when is the season in Athens

At the height of summer in Athens it is very hot, the most favorable time for rest is the period May - June and September - October. At the peak of the season, the air temperature in the city can be approximately 32 degrees Celsius. At coastal resorts, it is the same, but the heat is more easily tolerated there.

In Greece, from July 25 to September 5, the holiday season begins, and the locals go on vacation, including to local resorts, so it's worth remembering this if you want to relax away from the crowds or, on the contrary, immerse yourself in the general fun.

How to get to Athens and resorts?

For starters, you should fly to Athens itself. The cost of a plane ticket in the summer of 2019 will be approximately 4 thousand rubles, there are many direct flights, the flight will last about 4 hours.

Some beaches near Athens from the center can be reached by public transport, it will also interesting journey along the city streets. The ticket price will be approximately 2 euros, you can go by tram, bus, trolleybus.

Other beach resorts are further away, so it will be easier to book a hotel right there, and go to Athens for sightseeing. There is also an option to rent a car, then you can not depend on public transport: if you want, spend a day at sea, if you want, walk around Athens.

Where to stay in Athens for vacation?

It is clear that you can book a place in a particular resort. But if you want to settle in the Greek capital, and only go to the sea, this is also possible, because in such a large city there are many accommodation options.

Unpretentious tourists can stay in a simple hostel for about 1.5 thousand rubles per couple of tourists per day. A three-star establishment in Athens will require around 5-6 thousand rubles a day for two people. Do you have funds? Allow yourself a luxurious vacation in the center of the Greek capital for 15 thousand rubles a day for two tourists - and more.

Sea resorts in the suburbs of Athens

Video about sea holidays in Athens:


The prestigious suburb of Faliro is located 5 kilometers from the center of Athens. In 2010, Flisvos yacht marina was reconstructed here. Faliro attracts many tourists and local residents for a relaxing holiday.

In Faliro there is an urban sandy beach. The water can turn out to be cool, since at the depth of the sea the temperature here is only 12 degrees. Therefore, a small storm or wind raises cold water to the surface. However, in calm weather, the water warms up quickly.

In the evening you can stroll along the beautiful embankment, where there are many cozy cafes, taverns, shops. There is a large shady park where you can ride a bike, which is provided free of charge.

You can stay close to Faliro together for about 4-8 thousand rubles. There are apartments, as well as hotels from 2 to 5 stars.


On the coast of the bay, 15 kilometers from Athens, there is a prestigious area of ​​Glyfada. This is a party place with a vibrant nightlife, perfect for young people to relax. There are beautiful villas in this resort suburb, and tourists also prefer this place to relax, as there is great shopping here.

In this area there is a luxurious Asteria beach, which is equipped with elegant small houses, umbrellas, changing rooms. On the beach, you can take advantage of the numerous water attractions that are located in the park located in the sea.

Despite the high cost (almost three times higher than in other resorts near Athens), there are always a lot of people here. At the entrance you can read about the availability of free umbrellas and sun loungers. In the Glyfada area there is a prestigious golf club that meets European and American standards. The club also has tennis cakes. This place is used by the local elite for weddings and other festive events.

The most inexpensive accommodation option at this prestigious resort will cost two travelers about 4,000 rubles a day. However, most of the hotel establishments are luxury four-star hotels that offer amenities such as deluxe rooms, swimming pools, spa services and more - at a cost of about 8-20 thousand rubles per day for two people.


Another prestigious suburb of the capital is Vouliagmeni, which will welcome you with coniferous trees that make the local air healing.

The sea beach of Akti attracts with the purest water, interesting wooden sun loungers and umbrellas. There are two volleyball courts at the back. Free beaches are also well equipped with changing rooms, sun loungers, umbrellas and showers. You can have a bite to eat in small cafes that are located directly on the beach. One of the beaches in the Voula area was once even awarded the Blue Flag for environmental friendliness. Both beaches have everything for water sports, there is a playground.

Also, this area is attractive for its lake with thermal water, which does not cool down even in winter and the temperature in it is 22 degrees. It was formed in the prehistoric era as a result of the collapse of a large cave. People come to the lake to treat joints, skin, gynecological and other diseases. Here everything is perfectly equipped for rest and treatment.

Vuliagmeni is an expensive resort, the most inexpensive accommodation for two tourists will cost about 8 thousand rubles a day. If you want to fully enjoy the spa facilities of the resort, then you will have to pay in the region of 15-25 thousand rubles per day for two people.

Holidays in Athens: where to go, where to go, what to see, what to do?

Attractions in Athens and around

The Greek capital is a godsend for those who are interested ancient history and culture. The main item on the tourist list is the Temple of the Parthenon. It is located on the territory of the Acropolis, on a hill. Of course, now the buildings of this majestic complex do not show their former grandeur, but the monumentality has not gone anywhere, on the contrary, these ruins still make the heart tremble, and the mind think about how everything was here in the time of famous philosophers.

It is worth visiting the ancient temple buildings. So, the Temple of Olympian Zeus began to be built long before the beginning of our era. At present, the main thing that remains of the structure is the mighty columns. The Temple of Hephaestus, on the contrary, has been preserved quite well: even those who are not too versed in the intricacies of Greek architecture understand what this building was like before the destruction. Among the Christian temples, it is worth noting the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Virgin. From the outside, this is a modest building, but inside a majestic interior awaits visitors: gilded icons, tombs, treasuries.

Do you want to understand how performances were arranged for the people in ancient times? Visit the theater of Dionysus. About 17 thousand people could accommodate and watch tragedies and dramas. And also Savor the city was in full swing on the Agora - the main square of ancient Athens. Here they met, sold and bought. Another ancient place is the Plaka quarter. It is quite quiet here, despite the fact that many shops and cafes are located in the quarter waiting for tourists.

You should definitely visit the numerous museums of Athens. There are too many to list them all, but a few are worth mentioning in particular:

  1. Archaeological Museum of Athens. Worth a visit for anyone interested in the history and culture of Greece.
  2. National Art Gallery of Athens. The collection of the museum contains not only works by Greek authors, but also paintings by foreign painters: Dürer, Giordano and others.
  3. Military Museum of Athens. I must say that the inhabitants of the city were not only good philosophers, but also brave warriors. You can track the history of the military art of Greece and several other countries by examining the exposition of the museum.
  4. Byzantine Museum in Athens. Byzantium, one might say, is the successor of Ancient Greece. More than 25 thousand exhibits, most of which concern Christian art, are waiting for visitors to the museum.
  5. Museum of the History of Greek Costume. Not only art and religion show the spirit of the people. Fashion can say a lot about an era or mentality, and in this museum visitors will admire how the costumes of the inhabitants of different parts of the country differ, as they have been for several eras.

Resting in the resorts of the suburbs of Athens, you will have the opportunity to see the ancient temple of Poseidon. It is located at Cape Sounion. A unique energy reigns in this place, which everyone feels while staying on the cape. From here, King Aegeus threw himself into the sea, mistakenly thinking that he had lost his son Theseus during the battle with the Minotaur. Many tourists stay on a yacht to spend the night at the cape and watch an unforgettable sunset.

In addition, the Daphni Monastery is located in the vicinity of the city. This Byzantine temple, unfortunately, was destroyed, but later, thanks to the restoration, some frescoes and mosaics were restored.

Things to do in Athens

Young children are generally well received Greek myths and legends, because in a truncated version for children's perception they even look like fairy tales. However, walking through the ruins and museums can tire the kids, and then you should find your child easier entertainment.

So, in the Greek capital is located Children's Museum. "Museum again?" - you will say, and you will be wrong, because it is simply intended for kids. Baby creative work and toys will seem close to the little soul, besides, in the museum you can also learn a lot: master classes in cooking, painting, theater, games and quizzes will keep the child busy for the whole day.

Allou Fun Park will also become good place for family holidays. This is the most interesting park entertainment in the country, it has both extreme slides for teenagers and carousels for kids, and from the Ferris wheel you can see a colorful panorama.

In each area located on the coast, and in the city center, there are many cafes, taverns, restaurants where you can have a delicious meal. Greek cuisine is cheese, olives, fish and seafood, olive oil and spices. Try Greek moussaka, pasticio. A dinner for two with wine will cost about 30 euros, a meat dish costs 8 euros, fish - 13 euros, fruit - from 2 euros. Greek cuisine is a taste and benefit for the whole family.

Because Athens is major city, here you can indulge in shopping. There are shopping centers, boutiques, outlets. But for color it is better to visit a small shop or a flea market - there you can find gizmos that will take their rightful place on your shelf and will remind you of a wonderful trip.

What do travelers usually carry from Athens? So, for example:

  • ceramic products;
  • olive oil;
  • drinks "raki" and "metaksa";
  • antiques;
  • textiles and wool.

Athens, as in antiquity, is a stunningly colorful city. Excellent climate and beaches, beautiful nature, antiquities, good-natured people and delicious food - all the best for the mind, heart and body await those who want to indulge in hedonism, which, by the way, was also invented by the ancient Greeks!

In Russian, the name of the capital of Greece sounds like it should be - in plural, as it once sounded in ancient Greek and modern Greek, until the 70s of the 20th century (!), until the “kafarevusa”, an artificial archaic official written Greek language, completely disappeared from everyday life.

In Greek, Athens sounds like "Athena" and from the name of the goddess Athena the name of the city differs only in emphasis: in the first case - on "and", in the second case - on the last "a".

But no matter how you call this luxurious ancient city, one conclusion can be drawn: Athens has not lost its ancient splendor, even turning into a metropolis: the city covers an area of ​​​​41,200 hectares, bounded by the mountains of Egaleo, Parnif, Pendeli and Imittos.

One third of the total population of the country lives in the capital of Greece - 3,074,160 people, according to the latest census in 2011. That is, there are 7,462 inhabitants per square kilometer in Athens! The capital of Greece is the 7th most populous city in Europe.

At the same time, Athens is in no way inferior to any resort city in Greece. Within the city there are many beautiful beaches, which can be reached by an ordinary city tram. The coast of the Saronic Gulf, where the quarters of the southern Athenian districts are located, is a place of rest for both residents of the city and guests of the capital.

Athens International Airport "El. Venizelos, located in the metropolitan suburb of Spata and built for the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, is one of the best, most convenient, safe and organized airports in Europe and the world.

From the central railway station of Athens - the Larissis station - branches diverge to the Peloponnese (south of the country) and to Northern Greece, as well as to the island of Euboea, which can be reached by land, along a magnificent bridge connecting it to the mainland, and to the northern villages the Peloponnese peninsula. By railway you can get to Athens and from many European capitals.

Athens has a wide network of urban transport and taxis. Built for the Olympic Games in Athens, the subway, suburban train (Proastiakos) and tram line, significantly relieved the streets and avenues of the city from private transport: after all, the Greeks are passionate lovers of cars and motorcycles, and usually part with the steering wheel with great difficulty, even going short distances .

The Athens metro is the most convenient means of transportation. At the moment, there are two lines that intersect with the third line - the line of the old city train, whose trains run from the north of Athens (Kifissia) to the port of Piraeus.

Athens, growing, becoming a multinational city, is gradually losing its traditions, which the inhabitants of the city strictly observed in the middle of the last century, when its population had just exceeded one million.

In principle, each district of the city has its own patron saint; his name day is considered a national holiday of local significance and is accompanied by festivities, fairs, cultural and sporting events.

In general, Athens is trying not to forget its carnival, which, again in every district, is organized on the last Sunday before Pure Monday and the beginning of the Great Easter fast. Back in the middle of the last century, the carnival was especially celebrated on Plaka, in the most picturesque, and today - the most touristic quarter of the capital. Plaka is the hot heart of Athens, still beating passionately and hotly under the "breast" of the city - the Acropolis.

Noisy and crowded is celebrated by the inhabitants of the city Clean Monday, when kites fly over Athens in a cloud. Especially beautiful is the flight of kites over the Parthenon: the Athenians gather on the hill of Philopappou and unanimously launch multi-colored kites into the blue early spring sky, together, with one single hand, holding the threads stretched by the fresh wind.

The parks of Athens, hills and courtyards were generously given by the Athenian administration for picnics: spreading tablecloths on the young grass, the Greeks place lenten dishes on them, which are in great abundance in Greek cuisine, and, having had enough, they dance folk dances familiar to every Greek from childhood.

Athens does not part with another ancient tradition - the celebration in the Athenian manner of the New Year and Christmas, when on the eve of these significant days- December 24 and 31 - children pour out onto the streets of the capital and, knocking on the doors of houses and shops, sing carols to the owners. Previously, “street singers” were content with Christmas sweets, but now the owners “pay off” them with money, stocking up on the eve of a handful of little things. The most informed come out to sing carols on the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany - January 5th. On Epiphany Day on January 6, the Athenians try to be near water bodies in the early morning - if they can’t get to the sea, they gather around the regional pools. Priests consecrate the Athenian waters by throwing a cross into them. The most courageous - usually young people - rush into the water after them, and the lucky man who gets the cross is considered the luckiest person in the whole world. next year, as he receives a personal blessing from the priest.

According to the mythological version, the city of Athens is the fruit of a dispute between two powerful gods of Olympus - the daughter of Zeus, the goddess of wisdom Athena, with the god of the seas and the uncle of the goddess, Poseidon, for influence over the city and for the right to give him his name.

Poseidon, hitting the rock with his trident, obtained precious water (albeit salty) for the inhabitants of the city, and Athena planted an olive tree, which struck down the onlookers watching the competition. Athena won the bet, gave the city her name and became its patroness and protector. (Speaking of water: tap water in Athens is not only drinkable, but it is also the best quality among European capitals).

The history of Athens is lost in centuries. Great Philosopher Plato related that the Egyptian priests informed his predecessor, the Athenian sage and legislator, Solon, that, according to their Egyptian archives, a flourishing city called Athens existed almost 10,000 years ago.

In the absence of evidence for this hypothesis, it is believed that the first inhabitants of the region were the Pelasgians. The first king of Athens was Kekrop, who lived in the 3rd - 2nd millennium BC. Behind the Pelasgi, Attica was settled by the Ionians. The myth about Prince Theseus, who killed the Minotaur in the famous Labyrinth on Crete, and from which Ariadne's thread helped him to get out, suggests that Athens once obeyed Crete.

In the Trojan War, Athens sided with the Achaeans and King Menelaus of Sparta, from whom the Trojan prince Paris stole Helen the Beautiful.

But Athens reached its real heyday in the classical period of its history, between 500 and 300 BC, called the “Golden Age” or “Age of Pericles” after the strategist who headed the Athenian Republic. It was then that the majestic buildings of Athens were built, including the Acropolis, headed by the Parthenon. It was then that the art of Greece, philosophy, science, theater reached their highest peak. The study of the ancient Greek classics one and a half thousand years later will lead to the flowering of the Renaissance, the "Golden Age" of Western European culture.

In 86, after a long siege, Athens was captured and sacked by the Roman strategist Lucius Cornelius Sulla. However, even after the capture of Athens by the Romans and up to the 3rd century AD. they stayed significant city until they were plundered by the Germanic tribes. But the city rose again from the ashes, like a Phoenix bird, and stayed "afloat" for another three hundred years: the final fall of the once brilliant Athens will occur when in 529 all the famous philosophical schools. Gradually, the center of progress, sciences, arts and trade will move to the north of the country and to Constantinople.

Athens remained a possession of the Franks until 1458, when the Duchy of Athens was conquered by the Turks. In the 17th century, when the Venetians tried to recapture Athens from the Turks, a Venetian shell hit a powder warehouse located in the Parthenon, with deplorable consequences for the latter.

By the day the city was liberated from the Turks, Athens had, in fact, turned into a village.

Athens became the capital of young and independent Greece in 1833, when King Otto of Greece moved it here from Nafplion. In 1834, the city began to build up, grow and become prettier. In 1862, the Greeks expelled the Bavarians, and the Danish prince George sat on the Greek throne, becoming King George the First, the founder of the only royal dynasty of Glücksburgs in Greece. The Glucksburg dynasty once again intertwined with the Romanov dynasty, when the granddaughter of Alexander II, the daughter of Grand Duke Constantine, Olga, became the Queen of the Hellenes (wife of George the First). The last king, Constantine II, was deposed by a referendum in 1974.

Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. Athens survived two Balkan Wars, the First world war, the Asia Minor catastrophe, when Greek refugees from the Asia Minor coast of Turkey flooded Greece, the dictatorships of Pangalos, Metaxas and Papadopoulos, the Second World War, when thousands of Athenians died of starvation in the capital during the occupation, civil war when on the streets of the capital the Greeks fought with the Greeks, the dictatorship of the Black Colonels, the events of the Polytechnic in 1973, the student uprising that marked the end of the power of the dictators.

All of the latest Greek history was written mainly in Athens, which in August 2004 became the capital of the next, XXVIII Olympic Games, and the city was shaken up, revived, renewed.

Today Athens is a metropolis where a third of the country's population lives. City east and west, city modern culture and art. The city is one of the capitals of the European Union.

Athenian cuisine, as such, does not exist. Athens eats according to the laws of the Mediterranean diet and does not neglect any cuisine that does not even have a single point of contact with the gastronomic habits of the Greeks.

The dishes of the old Athenian cuisine include tender Athenian roast beef and Athenian jellied fish, as well as Athenian potato salad with mayonnaise: Athens tasted and appreciated mayonnaise much earlier than the rest of the country, perhaps because it was in Athens that the residences of Western powers were located, and Western diplomats set the tone (bonton, good tone) in Athenian society. It should not be forgotten that Thessaloniki emerged from Turkish influence only in 1912!

The nightlife of Athens is famous all over the world, the change of day in the Greek capital is a purely physical concept that has nothing to do with the rhythm of the life of the city, which remains frantic day and night.

Most of the metropolitan bouzouki is located on seaside avenue and seaside areas; the best soloists of the Greek stage perform on their stages. If you come here by 9 pm, it may seem that the music stages, bars and restaurants are empty. It's just that the nightlife starts after 11 o'clock: as the Greeks themselves say, "at 10 o'clock in the evening they just start to shave."

The summer period is the period of the Greek Festival, when the best theaters, performers, opera singers and dancers from all over the world. The center of the Athens Festival is the theater of Herod Attic under the Acropolis.

Greek clothes and Greek shoes are considered among the best in Europe, so a trip to the countless shops of Ermou Street will not be superfluous. Those who wish can also visit the fur factories and shops on Mitropoleos Street, parallel to Ermou.

As for souvenirs, we recommend walking around the quarter of Monastiraki and along the main street of Plaka - Adriano (Emperor Hadrian) Street, replete with jewelry stores with jewelry and simpler and cheaper silver and gold jewelry: Greek gold and silver are extremely quoted in Europe.

Greek leather and fur products, Greek woven carpets, ceramics and bronze and marble figurines are remarkable.

For those who are looking for something special, we suggest visiting the boutique of the Benaki Museum, which sells copies of Byzantine silver - utensils, jewelry, Byzantine ceramics.

As souvenirs, you can bring cosmetics, which are based on olive oil or mastic of the island of Chios.

Closest beaches to Athens. The best beach holiday near Athens.

The best beaches of Athens - top 5

Many people ask if there are beaches in Athens? After all, traditionally everyone goes to the Greek islands for a beach holiday, and to Athens for history. Good news. There are wonderful beaches near Athens. They will be discussed in this article.

In short, the most pleasant time for a holiday in Greece is from May to mid-June and from September to October. June and July are very hot, so bring sunscreen. If you do not rely on yourself, then you can take insurance to Greece with sunburn protection.

The beaches in Athens feature crystal clear waters and sandy beaches that are easily accessible from the city centre. Athens has the longest coastline compared to other European capitals. This year, 13 local beaches received the Blue Flag status for their high levels of cleanliness and water quality. Greece ranked 3rd out of 50 countries with a total of 430 Blue Flags.

In this article, we have selected for you the beaches near Athens that have the Blue Flag and are easily accessible by car or public transport. I hope our selection will help you choose the best one. So let's get started. Greece, Athens, sea, beaches…

Top 5: the best beaches in Greece near Athens

Astir Beach Club (Astir Beach, Greece)


Entrance fee: 18 euros on weekdays and 28 euros on weekends. There are discounts for children.

Why this particular beach: here is a luxurious beach holiday.

This beach club spans 300 meters of coastline on the exclusive Laimos Peninsula. Astir is for those who are looking for a "luxury" holiday. The entrance is more expensive than other beaches in Athens, but there are no crowds of tourists and plenty of options to relax.

There are small designer boutiques, masseurs, good service and food right on the beach. There are also full-fledged restaurants here, they can be found near the Astir Palace hotel. There are ancient ruins scattered around so you don't forget which city you are in.

Everything is here for water sports and hold yoga classes right on the beach.

Address: 40 Apollonos, Vouliagmeni

For a taxi driver: Astir Beach Aπόλλωνος 40, Βουλιαγμένη

Working hours: from 8:00 to 21:00.

Akti Vouliagmenis Beach

Location: 20 km from the center of Athens. We advise you to get on a rented car or taxi.

Entrance fee: 4 euros on weekdays and 5 euros on weekends. There are discounts for children.

Why this particular beach: great place for swimming, picnic or outdoor activities. There are lifeguards on the beach.

Vouliagmeni is a beach where swimming in Athens is a pleasure. The beach itself is surrounded by large manicured lawns. Here you can play tennis, volleyball and basketball in the open areas. Or you can have a small picnic away from the busy coastline.

Vouliagmeni beach is an ideal place for outdoor recreation if you come with your family and children or like active holidays. There is an ambulance station, a playground, sun loungers and umbrellas, and free Wi-Fi.

A short walk from the beach is a cozy tavern where you can have a great lunch or dinner. And nearby are stalls with food and drinks.

Address: 2 Poseidonos Ave, Vouliagmeni

Taxi driver address:Ακτή Βουλιαγμένης, Ποσειδώνος 2 & Απόλλωνος

Working hours: from 8:00 to 20:30.

Asteras Beach

Another beach near Athens is Asteras, Glyfada. Glyfada is a suburb of Athens.

Location: 14 km from the center of Athens. We advise you to get on a rented car or taxi.

Entrance fee: 7 euros on weekdays and 8 euros on weekends. There are discounts for children.

Why here: the beach in Glyfada is great for both youth companies and families with children.

The beach in Glyfada, Athens is an excellent value for money entertainment complex. For 8 euros you will get at your disposal a sunbed or beach chair, an umbrella, a locker for things, a changing room, showers, trampolines, a playground, a self-service restaurant, three bars and water sports equipment.

Address: 58 Poseidonos Ave, Glyfada

Taxi driver address:Αστέρας Γλυφάδας Ποσειδώνος 58

Working hours: 9:00 - 19:00, the restaurant is open until 3 am.

Yabanaki Beach

Location: 35 km from the center of Athens. We advise you to get on a rented car or taxi.

Entrance fee: 5 euros on weekdays and 6 euros on weekends. There are discounts for children.

Why here: You can easily spend a whole day on Yabanaki. Suitable for families of all ages.

Near the beach there is a pizzeria and a sushi bar. You can play tennis, go for a massage, and there is a water park for children. Plenty of water sports equipment, such as windsurfing and water skiing.

You will have to pay separately for a sun lounger and an umbrella. Sometimes there are parties until late.

Address: Varkiza Coast

Show the taxi driver: Ακτή Βαρκιζασ

Opening hours: 8:00 – 19:00

Lake Vouliagmeni/Lake Vouliagmeni, Athens Greece

Location: 22 km from the center of Athens. We advise you to get on a rented car or taxi.

Entrance fee: 12 euros on weekdays and 13 euros on weekends. There are discounts for children.

Why here: the water in Lake Vouliagmeni is considered healing, here you can relax with benefits for body and soul.

Although Vouliagmeni is not a beach, as it is usually imagined, it is very pleasant to swim here. The lake is fed by the sea and underground springs. It has a very calm and peaceful environment, limestone caves, hydrotherapy and relaxing spa treatments.

The water in the lake is fresh and rich in salts and minerals. It is useful for the prevention of rheumatism and arthritis. You can swim in the lake all year round. Its water temperature is constant +25 degrees Celsius.

Cafe, umbrellas and sun loungers are included in the price. The local hotel has a good restaurant.

Address: Vouliagmeni Lake, Vouliagmeni Attica

Show the taxi driver: Λίμνη Βουλιαγμένης, Βουλιαγμένη

Opening hours: 7:00 - 20.00

Athens- one of the oldest cities in the world, the capital of Greece and the birthplace of democracy. Many people stay in Athens for a few days to visit the Acropolis, Plaka, Argolis and other attractions, and then go to rest on the islands, but if you decide to spend your holidays near this majestic city and fully enjoy its magnificent monuments and modern life - the Athenian Riviera is waiting for you.

Kifisia- a resort town 14 km north of Athens. Kifissia is home to some of the best Athenian restaurants, patisseries and cafeterias. At a short distance from Athens there is a strip of luxurious beaches - in the places of Faliro, Glyfada, Voura, Varkiza, Kavouri and Vouliagmeni (the most prestigious resort in Attica).
A little further, 20-40 km. from Athens, the most famous resorts of Attica are located - Mati, Marathonas, Vravrona, Lagonisi, Nea Makri, Loutraki (famous for healing mineral waters, beautiful nature and unique climatic conditions).
Peloponnese- one of the most beautiful regions of the country, where historical monuments and ancient ruins, dense forests, and the sea has a unique blue color. Regions of the Peloponnese: Corinthia - known for its many summer resorts located on its coast, as well as various archaeological sites.

Small villages and towns (Vrahati, Derveni, Kiato, Xylokastro, Isthmia), located on the shores of the Corinthian and Saronic Gulfs, attract many tourists from all continents, as well as the Greeks themselves; Argolis is one of the most beautiful regions of Greece. On the territory of Argolis there are extremely interesting archaeological sites.

There are also numerous summer resorts here - Tolo, Candia, Porto Heli; Messinia is a region of the Peloponnese little known to tourists. In addition to architectural monuments, Messinia also captivates with its nature: a warm climate, green landscapes, a sea with a wide sandy shore, traditional villages; Laconia is one of the most interesting areas of the Peloponnese (the capital is Sparta); Arcadia; Achaia; Or me.

Macedonia- the largest region of Greece, occupying its northern part. Thessaloniki, the capital of the Macedonia region, attract tourists not only with the opportunity to visit this largest commercial and cultural center of Greece, but also have a great summer vacation on the coast of the Thermic Gulf in its suburbs: Perea, Agia Triada, Nei Epivates. To the south of Thessaloniki lies the area of ​​Chalkidiki, a world famous resort, with three narrow and long peninsulas: Kassandra, Sithonia and Agios Oros, with their colorful sandy coastlines, pine groves.

To the east of Thessaloniki are three nomes: Serres, Drama and Kavala with the capital cities of the same name. Outside the city of Serres stretches the archaeological area of ​​the ancient city of Phillipi and everywhere - an amazing seashore with crystal clear waters. Central Macedonia extends to the west and north of Thessaloniki.

The capital of the nome (region) of Pieria is the city of Katerini. The golden clean coast, located in the west of the Thermaic Gulf (Thermaikos Kolpos) and Olympus covered with eternal snows, characterize this corner of the Greek land. The region of Imathia and its capital, Veria, is known for its archaeological sites. Nome Pella: its capital is the beautiful city of Edessa with waterfalls. Nome Kilkis is interesting for its huge cave, rich nature and Lake Doirani. In Western Macedonia there are nomes of Kozani, Gravena, Kastoria, Florina.

Central Greece (otherwise called Middle or Mainland, in Greek Sterea Hellas). It consists of 5 nomes: Etholoakarnania, Phocis, Boeotia, Phthiotis and Eurytania.
Thessaly- a historical region in the north-east of Greece. Thessaly is surrounded on all sides by mountains: Pindus, Otrys, Olympus, Kisavos, Mavrovouni and Pelion. Between them stretches a large fertile Thessalian plain, on which there are 4 nomes: Trikala, Karditsa, Larissa and Magnesia. The mountainous area of ​​Pelion is an ideal summer holiday destination that combines living in mountain villages in a comfortable climate with the opportunity to visit some of the best beaches in Greece, such as Mylopotamos.

Epirus- an area in the north-west of Greece, near the Ionian Sea. Includes nomes: Arta, Preveza (here is a sandy coast, fertile plains, green hills, ancient and recent archaeological sites), Ioannina, Thesprotia (from Igoumenitsa, the main city of Thesprotia, there is a constant ferry service to the island of Corfu, as well as Italy).

Island Greece

Aegean islands: Euboea (Evia) - the second largest island of Greece off the east coast of its mainland. It stretches along the east coast of Central Greece, from which it is separated by the Euboean Gulf and the famous Strait of Eurypus. The capital of the island is Chalkis, where you can see the ancient baths, the ruins of the temple of Apollo, Palestra with mosaics and the ancient theater, which has preserved unique underground passages. On Evia there is a small picturesque town of Eretria - a great place to relax with sandy beaches and azure-clear sea.

ionian islands(located west of mainland Greece), these include: Corfu, Lefkada (to get to Lefkada, you do not need to travel by ship. It is enough to cross the narrow channel that separates the island from the coast of Aetoloakarnania, and you are already on Lefkada), Kefallonia, Ithaca, Zakynthos . The island of Kofrou (or Kerkyra) is one of the most beautiful places Greece. Corfu is an ideal place for a relaxing family and elite vacation, for sports lovers.

Resorts in Corfu: Paleokastritsa (25 km from the city of Corfu. A real paradise in miniature. Crystal clear sea, picturesque small bays, greenery stretching to the very water, underwater caves. Around the bays - mountains covered with forests), Daphnila (11 km from the city of Corfu), Nissaki (25 km from Corfu town), Moraitika (22 km from Corfu town), Kommeno (12 km from Corfu town), Kanoni (3-5 km from Corfu town), Kondokali (8 km from Corfu town), Dassia (13 km from Corfu town), Ermones (17 km from Corfu town), Roda (40 km from Corfu town), Saint John (16 km from Corfu town), Glyfada (14 km from Corfu town), Messonghi (25 km from Corfu town) , Pirgi (15 km from the city of Corfu). Sidari is a famous sandy beach of amazing beauty. The rocks, sinking into the sea, form small shallow bays, the most famous of which is Canal d "Amour.

Crete- the largest and most picturesque Greek island, located in the Mediterranean Sea, where best resorts Greece. Crete is divided into four regions: Heraklion, Rethymnon, Lassithi and Chania.

Rhodes island- a major tourist center with gorgeous beaches, luxurious hotels and entertainment venues for every taste. The main resorts on the island of Rhodes: Rhodes, Ixia (Ixia, 4 km from the city of Rhodes), Ialyssos (Ialyssos, 8 km from the city of Rhodes), Kallithea (Kallithea, 6 km from the city of Rhodes), Faliraki (Faliraki, 12 km from the city of Rhodes ), Kiotari (Kiotari, 54 km from the city of Rhodes and 15 km from Lindos). The Southern Sporades also include the islands: Astypalea, Karpathos, Kos, Leros, Patmos, Tilos.
