Ostrovsky thunderstorm main characters. Drama "Thunderstorm"

The action of the play "Thunderstorm" takes place in the fictional town of Kalinov, which is a collective image of all the provincial towns of that time.
There are not so many main characters in the play "Thunderstorm", each must be said separately.

Katerina is a young woman married without love, "in a strange direction", God-fearing and pious. IN parental home Katerina grew up in love and care, prayed and enjoyed life. Marriage for her turned out to be a difficult test, which her meek soul opposes. But, despite outward timidity and humility, passions boil in Katerina's soul when she falls in love with a strange man.

Tikhon - Katerina's husband, a kind and gentle person, loves his wife, pities her, but, like all households, obeys his mother. He does not dare to go against the will of the "mother" throughout the play, as well as openly tell his wife about his love, since the mother forbids this, so as not to spoil his wife.

Kabanikha - the widow of the landowner Kabanov, mother of Tikhon, mother-in-law of Katerina. A despotic woman, in whose power the whole house is, no one dares to take a step without her knowledge, fearing a curse. According to one of the heroes of the play, Kudryash, Kabanikh - “a hypocrite, she gives to the poor, but eats homemade food.” It is she who tells Tikhon and Katerina how to build their family life in the best traditions of Domostroy.

Barbara - Tikhon's sister unmarried girl. Unlike her brother, she obeys her mother only for the sake of appearances, while she herself secretly runs on dates at night, inciting Katerina to do so. Its principle is that you can sin if no one sees, otherwise you will spend your whole life next to your mother.

The landowner Dikoy is an episodic character, but personifying the image of a “tyrant”, i.e. those in power who are sure that money gives the right to do whatever your heart desires.

Boris, Diky's nephew, who arrived in the hope of receiving his share of the inheritance, falls in love with Katerina, but cowardly runs away, leaving the woman he seduced.

In addition, Kudryash, Wild's clerk, is participating. Kuligin is a self-taught inventor, constantly trying to introduce something new into the life of a sleepy town, but is forced to ask Wild for money for inventions. The same, in turn, being a representative of the "fathers", is sure of the futility of Kuligin's undertakings.

All the names and surnames in the play are "speaking", they tell about the character of their "masters" better than any actions.

She herself vividly shows the confrontation between the "old" and "young". The former actively resist all sorts of innovations, complaining that young people have forgotten the orders of their ancestors and do not want to live "as expected." The latter, in turn, are trying to free themselves from the yoke of parental orders, they understand that life is moving forward, changing.

But not everyone decides to go against the parental will, someone - because of the fear of losing their inheritance. Someone - accustomed to obey their parents in everything.

Against the backdrop of flourishing tyranny and precepts of Domostroy, the forbidden love of Katerina and Boris blossoms. Young people are drawn to each other, but Katerina is married, and Boris depends on his uncle for everything.

The heavy atmosphere of the city of Kalinov, the pressure of the evil mother-in-law, the thunderstorm that has begun, force Katerina, tormented by remorse because of her betrayal of her husband, to confess everything in public. The boar rejoices - she turned out to be right in advising Tikhon to keep his wife "strict". Tikhon is afraid of his mother, but her advice to beat his wife so that she knows is unthinkable for him.

The explanation of Boris and Katerina further aggravates the situation of the unfortunate woman. Now she has to live away from her beloved, with her husband, who knows about her betrayal, with his mother, who will now definitely exhaust her daughter-in-law. Katerina's piety leads her to think that there is no more reason to live, the woman throws herself off a cliff into the river.

Only after losing the woman he loves does Tikhon realize how much she meant to him. Now he will have to live all his life with the understanding that his callousness and obedience to his tyrant mother led to such an ending. The last words of the play are the words of Tikhon, pronounced over the body of his dead wife: “Good for you, Katya! And why in the world did I stay to live and suffer!

Sections: Literature

Lesson Objectives:

  • Tutorials: students deal with theoretical concepts (hero, character, characteristic, speech, author, author's assessment), define and explain literary concepts, master such the most important concepts and skills, such as speech characteristics of characters, clarification author's position trying to see features speech characteristics heroes of Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm" and find out how the speech of the characters helps to understand their character
  • Developing: from observations on the features of Ostrovsky's style, they make initial conclusions and generalizations regarding individual components of style, master the theoretical and literary concept of style in a specific analysis artistic text, in the process of working on the text of the play, they learn thoughtful reading, a sensitive attitude to the word, an aesthetic perception of the images and events of a dramatic work.
  • Educational: learn to understand people, draw conclusions and generalizations, based on the speech of the interlocutor, build their own statements

Equipment: computer, screen, flash presentation, handout.

During the classes

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Hero Image artwork consists of many factors - this is character, and appearance, and profession, and hobbies, and the circle of acquaintances, and attitude towards oneself and others. One of the main ones is the speech of the character, which fully reveals and inner world, and lifestyle. The image of the adventurer Ostap Bender is inseparable from his aphoristic speech, replete with witticisms. The lexicon of Ellochka the cannibal has long become a textbook. The paradoxical nature of Lord Henry's statements in The Picture of Dorian Gray is a reflection of his mind, eccentricity, education and cynicism. From contemporary writers Boris Akunin can be attributed to the masters of speech characteristics. The first chapter of the novel "F.M.", written from the point of view of a criminal, contrasts sharply with that refined literary style, to which the reader of the Fandorin cycle is accustomed:

The talentedly created speech characteristic of the hero is an adornment of the artistic text and an important touch to the portrait of the character. The skillful use of speech characteristics is one of the tools of a professional writer. And there is nothing more boring than heroes different ages, different kinds of occupations and temperaments, who speak the same language.

You will not find this in Ostrovsky. And today in the lesson we will observe the speech characteristics of his characters.

Slide 1-4. (Write down the topic of the lesson)

What is needed to understand this topic? slide 5

2. Question: What is the peculiarity of the literary basis of the drama? What are the reasons for these features?

? slide 6

  • Ideological and thematic content;
  • composition;
  • characters;
  • character language and etc.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of dramaturgy:

  • lack of descriptive speech of the author;
  • greater severity of manifestation conflict situations;
  • speech actors as the only source for characterization and analysis of character images

3. Information of the teacher.

Slide 7

What role does speech characterization play in a work of art?

Slide 8

4. Let's see how the characters of the drama appear on the stage?

Slide 9

The first remarks of the characters What can you say about the characters?

Conclusion: Five lines - five characters.

Slide 10

5. The heroes of the drama are conditionally divided into two camps. Is it possible to determine from their statements who is from which camp.

slide 11

Conclusion: Ostrovsky in the drama "Thunderstorm" very clearly shows the whole global difference between positive and

negative characters of his work. All the most important traits of characters, their reactions to developing events are clearly visible. slide 12

6. Analysis of the speech of the character on the example of the Wild.

Slide 13-14

Features of speech What do we know about the hero?

“I told you once, I told you twice”; "Don't you dare meet me"; you will get everything! Is there enough space for you? Wherever you go, here you are. Pah you damned! Why are you standing like a pillar! Are you being told or not?"

Wild frankly shows that he does not respect his nephew at all.

Wild - " significant person» in the city, merchant. Here's how Shapkin says about him: For no reason will a person be cut off.

Recall what Dikoy says: “I was talking about a fast, about a great one, and then it’s not easy and slip a little man, he came for money, he carried firewood ... I sinned: I scolded, so scolded ... I almost nailed it.”

He says to Boris: “Fail you! I don't want to talk to the Jesuit with you." Dikoy uses in his speech "with the Jesuit" instead of "with the Jesuit". So he also accompanies his speech with spitting, which finally shows his lack of culture.

In general, throughout the drama, we see him sprinkle his speech with abuse. “What are you doing here! What the hell is a merman here! ”,

Wild is rude and straightforward in his aggressiveness, he does things that sometimes cause bewilderment and surprise among others. He is able to offend and beat a peasant without giving him money, and then, in front of everyone, stand in front of him in the dirt, asking for forgiveness. He is a brawler, and in his rampage he is able to throw thunder and lightning at his household, hiding from him in fear.

It seems to him that if he recognizes over himself the laws of common sense common to all people, then his importance will suffer greatly from this, although Dikoy is aware that he is absurd. In a conversation with Kuligin, he refuses to give money for "thunder taps", while calling him a "robber", "a fake little man."

For others you fair man, and I think that you are a robber ... What a

fake man...

The whole conversation with Dikoy emphasizes her importance, independence from anyone, and even more so from Kuligin.

Report, or something, I'll give you! I don't give an account to anyone even more important than you.

Although Kuligin says that “the expense is empty,” Dikoy still stands his ground, denying even the possibility of fulfilling the request.

He went to Kabanikha and told her about his unrighteous deeds.

Somehow I was talking about a great post, and then a peasant was not easy to slip in: he came for money, he carried firewood ... He sinned: he scolded ...

Wild differs from other characters in the drama with his uncontrollable nature, but when he calms down, he is ready to admit that he is wrong.

Truly I tell you, I bowed at the peasant's feet.

Dikoy and Kabanikha are very similar. Only one can admit that he is wrong, referring to his good "heart", and the other is sure that she is always right.

The mass of the merchants completely denies progress. New states can be built in the world, new lands can be opened, the face of the planet can change, and in the city of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga, time will flow slowly and measuredly, as if it never happened. All the news reaches them very late, and even then it is very distorted. In unknown countries, people walk around with “dog heads”. The merchants have achieved a lot: they are rich, they have privileges, dependent peasants. Because of this, they do not want to go to new era for fear of being left out. Therefore, they wanted to push it back at least a few years. At the same time, realizing that progress is still inevitable, it is always present in human society.

Wild as if nothing had happened just like that can offend a person. He does not put in anything not only those around him, but even his relatives and friends. His household live in constant fear of his wrath. Wild in every possible way mocks his nephew.

He puts himself above everyone around him. And no one offers him the slightest resistance. He scolds everyone over whom he feels his power, but if someone scolds him himself, he will not be able to answer, then hold on, all at home! On them, the Wild will take all his anger.

We are struck by their heartlessness in relation to people dependent on them, their unwillingness to part with money in settlements with workers. All relationships between people, in their opinion, are built on wealth.

We can say that Dikoy is completely illiterate, which shows him as an extremely rude and ill-mannered person.

The boar is richer than the Wild Boar, and therefore she is the only person in the city, in dealing with which Wild should be polite. “Well, don’t open your throat very much! Find me cheaper! And I love you!"

Another feature that unites them is religiosity. But they perceive God, not as someone who forgives, but as someone who can punish them.

On the one hand, it seems that the Wild is rougher, stronger and, therefore, scarier. But, looking closer, we see that Wild is only capable of screaming and rampaging. She managed to subdue everyone, keeps everything under control, she even tries to manage people's relationships, which leads Katerina to death. The boar is cunning and smart, unlike the Wild Boar, and this makes her more scary.

It is important not only what the hero is talking about and how it characterizes him, but also the very manner of expressing his thoughts, the dictionary, the construction of the phrase.

After all, the word is a live reaction to the interlocutor’s thought, a live reaction to what is happening on the stage, an expression of his thoughts and emotional experiences.

slide 15

7. Group work. Speech characteristics of Kuligin, Varvara, Kudryash and Boris.

8. Summing up.

slide 16

"Ostrovsky's work - filigree polished gems of the Russian word". Through the language of its characters, Russian speech shines through with its most essential features: lexical richness, richness, figurativeness, accuracy, flexibility. The speech of Ostrovsky's characters is a manifestation of their inherent appearance, worldview, social and domestic ties and influences. That is why the actors of the same social category differ not in their actions, but especially in their language, in their manner of speaking.

9. Homework.

Slide 17

Compose a speech description of Katerina or Kabanikh (with quotes)

To prepare, on the basis of speech characteristics, an analysis of the image of a character in a dramatic work.

Add. task: presentation-quiz "Recognize the hero by replica".

9. Reflection.

Reflection at the lesson of literature (self-analysis of the student)

  • In today's lesson, I learned...
  • I succeeded…
  • Failed..
  • I understand…
  • I didn't understand.
Boris Grigorievich - nephew of Wild. He is one of the weakest characters in the play. B. himself says about himself: “I walk around completely dead ... Driven, hammered ...”
Boris is a kind, well-educated person. It stands out sharply against the background of the merchant environment. But he is weak by nature. B. is forced to humiliate himself in front of his uncle, Wild, for the sake of hope for the inheritance that he will leave him. Although the hero himself knows that this will never happen, he nevertheless fawns before the tyrant, enduring his antics. B. is unable to protect himself or his beloved Katerina. In misfortune, he only rushes about and cries: “Oh, if only these people knew how it feels for me to say goodbye to you! My God! God grant that someday it will be as sweet for them as it is now for me ... You villains! Fiends! Oh, if only there was strength! But B. does not have this power, so he is not able to alleviate Katerina's suffering and support her choice, taking her with him.

Varvara Kabanova- daughter of Kabanikhi, sister of Tikhon. We can say that life in the house of Kabanikhi morally crippled the girl. She also does not want to live according to the patriarchal laws that her mother preaches. But despite a strong character, V. does not dare to openly protest against them. Its principle is “Do whatever you want, as long as it’s sewn and covered.”

This heroine easily adapts to the laws of the "dark kingdom", easily deceives everyone around her. It became a habit for her. V. claims that it is impossible to live otherwise: their whole house is based on deceit. “And I was not a liar, but I learned when it became necessary.”
V. was cunning as long as it was possible. When they began to lock her up, she ran away from home, inflicting a crushing blow on Kabanikha.

Wild Savel Prokofich- a rich merchant, one of the most respected people in the city of Kalinov.

D. is a typical tyrant. He feels his power over people and complete impunity, and therefore creates what he wants. “There are no elders above you, so you are swaggering,” Kabanikha explains the behavior of D.
Every morning his wife begs those around her with tears: “Fathers, don’t make me angry! Doves, don't get angry! But D. is hard not to get angry. He himself does not know in what mood he can come in the next minute.
This "cruel scolder" and "piercing man" is not shy in expressions. His speech is filled with words like "parasite", "Jesuit", "asp".
But D. “attacks” only on people weaker than himself, on those who cannot fight back. But D. is afraid of his clerk Kudryash, who is reputed to be a rude man, not to mention Kabanikh. D. respects her, moreover, she is the only one who understands him. After all, sometimes the hero himself is not happy with his tyranny, but he cannot help himself. Therefore, Kabanikha considers D. a weak person. Kabanikha and D. are united by belonging to the patriarchal system, following its laws, and anxiety about the upcoming changes around.

Boar -Not recognizing the changes, development and even diversity of the phenomena of reality, Kabanikha is intolerant and dogmatic. It “legitimizes” habitual forms of life as an eternal norm and considers it its highest right to punish those who have violated the laws of everyday life in a big or small way. Being a staunch supporter of the immutability of the entire way of life, the "eternity" of the social and family hierarchy and the ritual behavior of each person who takes his place in this hierarchy, Kabanikha does not recognize the legitimacy of the individual differences of people and the diversity of peoples' lives. Everything that distinguishes the life of other places from the life of the city of Kalinov testifies to “infidelity”: people who live differently from Kalinovtsy should have dog heads. The center of the universe is the pious city of Kalinov, the center of this city is the house of the Kabanovs, - this is how the experienced wanderer Feklusha characterizes the world for the sake of a harsh mistress. She, noticing the changes taking place in the world, argues that they threaten to “belittle” time itself. Any change appears to the Kabanikha as the beginning of sin. She is a champion of a closed life that excludes communication between people. They look out the windows, in her opinion, from bad, sinful motives, leaving for another city is fraught with temptations and dangers, which is why she reads endless instructions to Tikhon, who is leaving, and makes him demand from his wife that she does not look out the windows. Kabanova listens with sympathy to stories about the "demonic" innovation - "cast iron" and claims that she would never have traveled by train. Having lost an indispensable attribute of life - the ability to change and die, all the customs and rituals approved by Kabanikha turned into an "eternal", inanimate, perfect in its kind, but empty form

Katerina-but is incapable of perceiving the rite outside its content. Religion, family relations, even a walk along the banks of the Volga - everything that among the Kalinovites, and especially in the Kabanovs' house, has turned into an outwardly observed set of rituals, for Katerina is either full of meaning or unbearable. From religion she derived poetic ecstasy and a heightened sense of moral responsibility, but she is indifferent to the form of ecclesiasticism. She prays in the garden among the flowers, and in the church she sees not a priest and parishioners, but angels in a beam of light falling from the dome. From art, ancient books, icon painting, wall painting, she learned the images she saw on miniatures and icons: “golden temples or some extraordinary gardens ... and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as in the images write” - all this lives in her mind, turns into dreams, and she no longer sees painting and a book, but the world in which she moved, hears the sounds of this world, smells it. Katerina bears in herself a creative, ever-living principle, generated by the irresistible needs of the time, she inherits the creative spirit of that ancient culture, which seeks to turn into a meaningless form Kabanikh. Throughout the action, Katerina is accompanied by the motive of flight, fast driving. She wants to fly like a bird, and she dreams about flying, she tried to swim away along the Volga, and in her dreams she sees herself racing on a troika. She turns to both Tikhon and Boris with a request to take her with her, to take her away.

TikhonKabanov- Katerina's husband, son of Kabanikha.

This image in its own way indicates the end of the patriarchal way of life. T. no longer considers it necessary to adhere to the old ways in everyday life. But, by virtue of his nature, he cannot do as he sees fit and go against his mother. His choice is worldly compromises: “Why listen to her! She needs to say something! Well, let her talk, and you pass by your ears!
T. is a kind, but weak person, he rushes between fear of his mother and compassion for his wife. The hero loves Katerina, but not in the way that Kabanikha requires - severely, "like a man." He does not want to prove his power to his wife, he needs warmth and affection: “Why should she be afraid? It's enough for me that she loves me." But Tikhon does not receive this in the house of Kabanikhi. At home, he is forced to play the role of an obedient son: “Yes, mama, I don’t want to live by my own will! Where can I live with my will! His only outlet is business trips, where he forgets all his humiliations by drowning them in wine. Despite the fact that T. loves Katerina, he does not understand what is happening to his wife, what mental anguish she is experiencing. The softness of T. is one of its negative qualities. It is because of her that he cannot help his wife in her struggle with passion for Boris, he cannot alleviate the fate of Katerina even after her public repentance. Although he himself reacted gently to his wife’s betrayal, not being angry with her: “Here’s mother says that she must be buried alive in the ground so that she will be executed! And I love her, I'm sorry to touch her with my finger. Only over the body of his dead wife T. decides to rebel against his mother, publicly blaming her for the death of Katerina. It is this rebellion in front of people that inflicts the most terrible blow on Kabanikha.

Kuligin- “a tradesman, a self-taught watchmaker looking for a perpetuum mobile” (i.e., a perpetual motion machine).
K. is a poetic and dreamy nature (admires the beauty of the Volga landscape, for example). His first appearance was marked by the literary song "Among the flat valley ..." This immediately emphasizes K.'s bookishness, his education.
But at the same time, K.'s technical ideas (installing a sundial in the city, a lightning rod, etc.) are clearly outdated. This "obsoleteness" emphasizes the deep connection between K. and Kalinov. He, of course, is a “new person”, but he developed inside Kalinov, which cannot but affect his attitude and philosophy of life. The main business of K.'s life is the dream of inventing a perpetual motion machine and getting a million from the British for it. This million "antique, chemist" Kalinov wants to spend on hometown: "work must be given to the bourgeoisie." In the meantime, K. is content with smaller inventions for the benefit of Kalinov. On them, he is forced to constantly beg for money from the rich people of the city. But they do not understand the benefits of K.'s inventions, they ridicule him, considering him an eccentric and crazy. Therefore, Kulig's passion for creativity remains unrealized within the walls of Kalinov. K. pities his countrymen, seeing in their vices the result of ignorance and poverty, but he cannot help them in anything. So, his advice to forgive Katerina and no longer remember her sin is unfulfillable in the Kabanikh's house. This advice is good, it comes from humane considerations, but does not take into account the characters and beliefs of the Kabanovs. Thus, for all positive qualities K. is a contemplative and inactive nature. His beautiful thoughts will never grow into beautiful actions. K. will remain Kalinov's eccentric, his peculiar attraction.

Feklusha- a stranger. Wanderers, holy fools, blessed - an indispensable sign of merchant houses - are mentioned by Ostrovsky quite often, but always as off-stage characters. Along with those who wandered for religious reasons (went on a vow to bow to shrines, collected money for the construction and maintenance of temples, etc.), there were quite a few simply idle people who lived at the expense of the generosity of the population that always helped the wanderers. These were people for whom faith was only a pretext, and reasoning and stories about shrines and miracles were the subject of trade, a kind of commodity with which they paid for alms and shelter. Ostrovsky, who did not like superstition and sanctimonious manifestations of religiosity, always mentions wanderers and the blessed in ironic tones, usually to characterize the environment or one of the characters (see especially “There is enough simplicity for every wise man”, scenes in Turusina’s house). Ostrovsky brought such a typical wanderer onto the stage once - in The Thunderstorm, and the role of F., small in terms of text, became one of the most famous in the Russian comedy repertoire, and some of F.'s remarks entered everyday speech.
F. does not participate in the action, is not directly connected with the plot, but the significance of this image in the play is very significant. Firstly (and this is traditional for Ostrovsky), she is the most important character for characterizing the environment in general and Kabanikha in particular, in general for creating the image of Kalinov. Secondly, her dialogue with Kabanikha is very important for understanding Kabanikha's attitude to the world, for understanding her inherent tragic feeling the collapse of her world.
Appearing on stage for the first time immediately after Kuligin's story about the "cruel morals" of the city of Kalinov and immediately before the exit of Ka-banikha, mercilessly sawing the children accompanying her, with the words "Bla-a-lepie, dear, blah-a-le-pie!", F. especially praises the house of the Kabanovs for their generosity. Thus, the characterization given to Kabanikha by Kuligin is reinforced (“The hypocrite, sir, he clothes the poor, but completely ate the household”).
The next time we see F. is already in the Kabanovs' house. In a conversation with the girl Glasha, she advises to look after the wretched, "wouldn't have pulled off something," and hears an annoyed remark in response: "Whoever sorts you out, you all rivet each other." Glasha, who repeatedly expresses a clear understanding of people and circumstances well known to her, innocently believes F.'s stories about countries where people with dog heads are "for infidelity." This reinforces the impression that Kalinov is a closed world, ignorant of other lands. This impression is further enhanced when F. begins to tell Kabanova about Moscow and the railway. The conversation begins with F.'s statement that the "end times" are coming. A sign of this is the widespread fuss, haste, pursuit of speed. F. calls the steam locomotive “a fiery serpent”, which they began to harness for speed: “others from the fuss do not see anything, so it shows them a car, they call it a car, and I saw how it paws like this (spreads its fingers) does . Well, and the groan that people of a good life hear like that. Finally, she reports that "time began to diminish" and for our sins "everything is getting shorter and shorter." The apocalyptic reasoning of the wanderer listens sympathetically to Kabanov, from whose remark that ends the scene, it becomes clear that she is aware of the impending death of her world.
The name F. has become a household name for a dark hypocrite, under the guise of pious reasoning, spreading all sorts of ridiculous fables.

The history of the creation of the play The work has a general meaning, it is no coincidence that Ostrovsky named his fictional one, but real city non-existent name Kalinov. In addition, the play is based on impressions from a trip along the Volga as part of an ethnographic expedition to study the life of the inhabitants of the Volga region. Katerina, remembering her childhood, talks about sewing on gold velvet. The writer could see this craft in the city of Torzhok, Tver province. The work has a general meaning, it is no coincidence that Ostrovsky called his fictional, but surprisingly real city with the non-existent name of Kalinov. In addition, the play is based on impressions from a trip along the Volga as part of an ethnographic expedition to study the life of the inhabitants of the Volga region. Katerina, remembering her childhood, talks about sewing on gold velvet. The writer could see this craft in the city of Torzhok, Tver province.

The meaning of the title of the play "Thunderstorm" A thunderstorm in nature (act 4) is a physical phenomenon, external, independent of the characters. A thunderstorm in nature (act 4) is a physical phenomenon, external, independent of the heroes. A thunderstorm in Katerina's soul from the gradual confusion caused by love for Boris, to the pangs of conscience from betrayal of her husband and to the feeling of sin before people, which pushed her to repentance. A thunderstorm in Katerina's soul from the gradual confusion caused by love for Boris, to the pangs of conscience from betrayal of her husband and to the feeling of sin before people, which pushed her to repentance. A thunderstorm in society is a feeling by people who stand up for the immutability of the world, something incomprehensible. Awakening in the world of unfreedom of free feelings. This process is also shown gradually. At first, only touches: there is no proper respect in the voice, does not observe decency, then disobedience. A thunderstorm in society is a feeling by people who stand up for the immutability of the world, something incomprehensible. Awakening in the world of unfreedom of free feelings. This process is also shown gradually. At first, only touches: there is no proper respect in the voice, does not observe decency, then disobedience. Thunderstorm in nature is external cause, which provoked both a thunderstorm in Katerina's soul (it was she who pushed the heroine to confession), and a thunderstorm in a society that was dumbfounded because someone went against it. A thunderstorm in nature is an external cause that provoked both a thunderstorm in Katerina's soul (it was she who pushed the heroine to confession), and a thunderstorm in society, which was dumbfounded because someone went against it.

The position of women in Russia in the 1st half of the 19th century. The position of women in Russia in the 1st half of the 19th century. In the first half of the 19th century, the position of women in Russia was dependent in many respects. Before marriage, she lived under the unquestioned authority of her parents, and after the wedding, her husband became her master. The main sphere of activity of a woman, especially among the lower classes, was the family. According to the rules accepted in society and enshrined in Domostroy, she could only count on a domestic role - the role of a daughter, wife and mother. The spiritual needs of most women, as in pre-Petrine Rus', satisfied folk holidays and church services. In the first half of the 19th century, the position of women in Russia was dependent in many respects. Before marriage, she lived under the unquestioned authority of her parents, and after the wedding, her husband became her master. The main sphere of activity of a woman, especially among the lower classes, was the family. According to the rules accepted in society and enshrined in Domostroy, she could only count on a domestic role - the role of a daughter, wife and mother. The spiritual needs of the majority of women, as in pre-Petrine Rus', were satisfied by folk holidays and church services. "Domostroy" - a monument of Russian writing of the 16th century, representing "Domostroy" - a monument of Russian writing of the 16th century, which is a set of rules for family life. a set of family rules.

The era of change The play "Thunderstorm" was created in the pre-reform years. It was an era of political, economic and cultural change. The transformations affected all strata of society, including the environment of the merchants and the bourgeoisie. Collapsed the old way of life, gone to the past patriarchal relations- people had to adapt to the new conditions of existence. The play "Thunderstorm" was created in the pre-reform years. It was an era of political, economic and cultural change. The transformations affected all strata of society, including the environment of the merchants and the bourgeoisie. The old way of life was collapsing, patriarchal relations were becoming a thing of the past - people had to adapt to the new conditions of existence. In the literature of the mid-19th century, changes are also taking place. Particularly popular at this time were the works, the main characters of which were representatives of the lower classes. They interested writers primarily as social types. In the literature of the mid-19th century, changes are also taking place. Particularly popular at this time were the works, the main characters of which were representatives of the lower classes. They interested writers primarily as social types.

The system of characters in the play Speaking surnames Speaking surnames The age of the heroes The age of the heroes "Masters of life" "Masters of life" "Victims" "Victims" What place does Katerina occupy in this system of images? What place does Katerina occupy in this system of images?

The system of characters in the play "Victims" Varvara: "And I was not a liar, but I learned." “But in my opinion, do whatever you want, as long as it’s sewn and covered.” Tikhon: “Yes, mother, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live with my will! Kuligin: "It's better to endure."

Features of the disclosure of the characters of the heroes Katerina poetic speech, reminiscent of a spell, crying or a song, filled with folk elements. Katerina is a poetic speech, reminiscent of a spell, a cry or a song, filled with folk elements. Kuligin speech of an educated person with "scientific" words and poetic phrases. Kuligin speech of an educated person with "scientific" words and poetic phrases. Wild speech is replete with rude words and curses. Wild speech is replete with rude words and curses.

The role of the first replica, which immediately reveals the character of the hero: Kuligin: “Miracles, truly it must be said: miracles!” Kuligin: "Miracles, truly it must be said: miracles!" Curly: "What?" Curly: "What?" Dikoy: “You’ve come to beat the ships! Parasite! Get lost!” Dikoy: “You’ve come to beat the ships! Parasite! Get lost!” Boris: “Holiday; what to do at home! Boris: “Holiday; what to do at home! Feklusha: “Bla-alepie, dear, blah-alepie! Amazing beauty." Feklusha: “Bla-alepie, dear, blah-alepie! Amazing beauty." Kabanova: "If you want to listen to your mother, then when you get there, do as I ordered you." Kabanova: "If you want to listen to your mother, then when you get there, do as I ordered you." Tikhon: “Yes, how can I, mother, disobey you!” Tikhon: “Yes, how can I, mother, disobey you!” Barbara: "You won't respect you, how can you!" Barbara: "You won't respect you, how can you!" Katerina: “For me, mother, it’s all the same that own mother that you, and Tikhon loves you too. Katerina: “For me, mother, it’s all the same that your own mother, that you, and Tikhon loves you too.”

Using the technique of contrast and comparison: Feklusha's monologue Kuligin's monologue, Feklusha's monologue Kuligin's monologue, life in the city of Kalinovo Volga landscape, life in the city of Kalinovo Volga landscape, Katerina Varvara, Katerina Varvara, Tikhon Boris Tikhon Boris

Homework Monologues of Kuligin - act 1, yavl. 3; act 3, yavl. 3 Kuligin's monologues - act 1, yavl. 3; act 3, yavl. 3 Feklusha's monologues - act 1, yavl. 2; act 3, yavl. 1 Feklusha's monologues - act 1, yavl. 2; act 3, yavl. 1 Residents act 3, yavl. 1; act 2, yavl. 1; act 4, yavl. 4; act 4, yavl. 1. Residents action 3, yavl. 1; act 2, yavl. 1; act 4, yavl. 4; act 4, yavl. 1. How is it different from the inhabitants of the city of Kuligin? How is it different from the inhabitants of the city of Kuligin? Wild and Boar. Wild and Boar.

Subject. Drama Storm. The history of creation, the system of images, methods of revealing the characters of the characters.

Goals: 1. Present material about the creation of Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm" in the form of a video report.

2. To develop the skill of analyzing the characteristics of dramatic characters using the example of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov: first of all, those on whom the spiritual atmosphere in the city depends.

3. Education of patriotism on the example of the history of the creation of Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm"; arouse interest in the work of Ostrovsky

Equipment: a multimedia projector, a computer, a presentation for a lesson on the topic, a video report about the cities located on the Volga River.

Lesson Plan.

    Organizing time.

    Checking homework. Survey:

Why did the formula "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye" "grown" to Ostrovsky?

How did Ostrovsky imagine Zamoskvorechye himself?

What is dramaturgy?

What theater did Ostrovsky collaborate with, and how did Goncharov call this theater in a letter to Ostrovsky?

What is Ostrovsky's contribution to the theatre?

III. Work on the topic of the lesson. Lesson topic announcement:Drama Thunderstorm. The history of creation, the system of images, methods of revealing the characters of the characters.

1. Video report on the history of the creation of Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm".

1. "Prototype" of the city of Kalinov

In the summer of 1855, the Naval Ministry of Russia equipped an ethnographic expedition to study the life and culture of the Volga cities. A.N. Ostrovsky took part in the expedition. Impressions from the trip were reflected in many works of the playwright. According to researchers, the "prototype" of the city of Kalinov in the play "Thunderstorm" could be Kostroma, Torzhok or Kineshma. It is connected with Kostroma by a picturesque area, with Kineshma by the scene of the Last Judgment, captured on the porch of one of the churches, with Torzhok by local customs. It would be more correct to say that Kalinov is a generalized image of the provincial cities of Russia.

2. Work with theoretical material.

Class conversation:

name genre features drama.


1) genre;

2) literary gender belonging simultaneously to theater and literature.

Drama Feature:

1) conflict,

2) dividing the plot into stage episodes,

3) a continuous chain of characters' statements,

4) the absence of a narrative beginning.

Identify the conflict in the play.

A.N. Ostrovsky showed how “a protest against age-old traditions is ripening

and how the Old Testament way of life begins to crumble under the pressure of the demands of life.

The conflict between the "dark kingdom" and the new

a person who lives according to the laws of conscience.

3. Work with the text of Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm".

Consider the system artistic images:

"Dark Realm"

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna

Wild Savel Prokofich

wanderer Feklusha

tradesman Shapkin

maid Glasha

Victims of the "dark kingdom"







- let's turn to the meanings of names, since the heroes of the play have "speaking names".

Catherine- colloquial Katerina, translated from Greek: pure, noble.

Barbara - translated from Greek: foreigner, foreigner.

Martha - from Aramaic: mistress

Boris - abbreviation of the name Borislav, from Bulgarian:

struggle, from Slavic: words.

Sovel - from Savely, from Hebrew: requested

(at God).

Tikhon - from Greek: successful, calm.

Teacher's word: The action takes place in the city of Kalinov, located on the banks of the Volga. In the center of the city is the Market Square, near the old church. Everything seems to be peaceful and calm, but the owners of the city are distinguished by rudeness and cruelty.

Conversation with the class on the following questions:

    Tell us about the inhabitants of Kalinov.

    What are the rules in the city? (Substantiate your answer with text).

N. Dobrolyubov spoke about the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov as follows:

"Nothing holy, nothing pure, nothing right in this dark

world: the tyranny that dominates him, wild, insane,

wrong, drove out of him all consciousness of honor and right ... ".

Do you agree with the critic's opinion?

"Samodurs of Russian life".

Class conversation:

    What does the word "selfish" mean?

    What is your idea of ​​Wild?

    What is the cause of the unbridled arbitrariness of the Wild?

    How does he treat those around him?

    Is he confident in the limitlessness of power?

    Describe the speech, manner of speaking, communicating Wild. Give examples.

Let's conclude:

Wild Savel Prokofich -“a piercing man”, “swearing”, “tyrant”, which means a wild, tough-hearted, domineering person. The purpose of his life is enrichment. Rudeness, ignorance, abuse, swearing are habitual for the Wild. Passion for cursing becomes even stronger when he is asked for money.

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna - a typical representative of the "dark kingdom".

1. What is your idea of ​​this character?

2. How does she feel about her family? What is her attitude to the "new orders"?

3. What are the similarities and differences between the characters of the Wild and Boar?

4. Describe the speech, manner of speaking, communicating Kabanova. Give examples.

Let's conclude:

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna - the embodiment of despotism, covered with hypocrisy. How correctly Kuligin described her: “The hypocrite ... She clothes the poor, but she completely ate at home!” For her, there is no love, maternal feelings for her children. Boar is the exact nickname given to her by people. She is the "guardian" and defender of the customs and orders of the "dark kingdom".

Young heroes of the play. Give them a description.

Tikhon - kind, sincerely loves Katerina. Exhausted by the reproaches and orders of his mother, he thinks about how to escape from the house. He is a weak-willed, submissive person.

Boris - soft, kind, really understands Katerina, but is unable to help her. He is not able to fight for his happiness, he chooses the path of humility.

Barbara - understands the senselessness of the protest, for her a lie is a defense against the laws of the "dark kingdom". She ran away from home, but did not submit.

Curly - desperate, boastful, capable of sincere feelings, not afraid of his master. He fights in every way for his happiness.

Katerina's struggle for happiness.

    How is Katerina different from other characters in the drama "Thunderstorm"?

2. Tell the story of her life. Give examples from the text.

3. What is the tragedy of her position?

4. What ways is she looking for in the struggle for happiness?

Comment on the illustration for the work.

Why is Katerina left alone with her grief? Why didn't Boris take her with him?

Why didn't she return to her husband?

Are Boris and Tikhon worthy of her love?

Did Katerina have any other choice but death?

Work with text.

    Why did Katerina decide to publicly repent of her sin?

2. What role does the thunderstorm scene play in the play?

3. Read aloud Katerina's monologue in the scene of repentance. What role does it play in revealing ideological content works?

Try to interpret the meaning of the title of the drama "Thunderstorm".

Storm - it is an elemental force of nature, terrible and not fully understood.

Storm - this is a thunderous state of society, a thunderstorm in the souls of people.

Storm - this is a threat to the outgoing, but still strong world boar and wild.

Storm - this is a Christian belief: the wrath of God, punishing for sins.

Storm - it is the maturing new forces in the struggle against the old remnants of the past.

    Prove that the development of action inevitably leads to a tragic end?

    Could Katerina find happiness in the family? Under what conditions?

    What is the heroine struggling with: with a sense of duty or with the "dark kingdom"?

    Read expressively last words Catherine. Who is to blame for her death?

N.A. Dobrolyubov:“Katerina is a ray of light in a dark kingdom.

At the tragic end ... a terrible challenge to self-foolish power is given. morality, a protest brought to the end ... ”(N.A. Dobrolyubov“ A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom ”).

D.I. Pisarev:“Upbringing and life could not give Katerina either a strong character or a developed mind ... She cuts the tightened knots with suicide, which is completely unexpected for herself.”

(D.I. Pisarev "Motives of Russian drama").

What is your opinion and why?

Lesson summary:

Evaluation of student responses.

Today in the lesson we learned not only about the customs of the Kalinovites, but also examined the representatives of the "dark" and "light" kingdoms

At the end of the lesson, answer the question for yourself: “Which side of self-education should I pay more attention to?”.


Complete the abstract of the article by N Dobrolyubov “A ray of light in the dark kingdom” according to the plan:

    « dark realm» in «Thunderstorm»

    Katerina - "a ray of light in the" dark kingdom "

    Expression of popular aspirations

    Most decisive work Ostrovsky.
