Roman Abramovich how to become successful. Orphan raised by grandma and uncle

Everyone knows about Roman Abramovich - his name is synonymous with wealth and power. To get to his current fortune of 9.1 billion dollars, the businessman started as an active player in the oil trading market and always made the necessary connections.

  • FULL NAME: Abramovich Roman Arkadievich
  • Date of Birth: 24.10.1966
  • Education: incomplete higher education, Ukhta Industrial Institute
  • start date entrepreneurial activity/age: 25 years
  • Type of activity at the start: production of polymer toys
  • Current activity: entrepreneur, billionaire
  • Current state:$9.1 billion Forbes versions for 2017

Roman Abramovich is a man whose name alone can arouse genuine public interest. Any facts of his biography attract attention.

Childhood and youth

Abramovich Roman Abramovich was born on October 24, 1966 in the city of Saratov into a Jewish family, although his father's "nationality" column says "Russian". The childhood of the future oligarch cannot be called cloudless - he became an orphan at the age of four. When the baby was one year old, the mother died of illness, and three years after the injury received at the construction site, the father also died. The boy was brought up by Uncle Leib, who lives in Ukhta, but Roman graduated from school already in the capital, living with another uncle.

After school, the guy was waiting for the army, air defense, from which he returned to the industrial institute of Ukhta. And just here he began to show his organizational skills. They did not touch on studies - a diploma of higher education Roman Abramovich never got it, because his interests turned towards entrepreneurship.

How Roman Abramovich's business began: a course towards oil rivers

By the end of the eighties, Abramovich was "ripe" to start doing business. And the first project was the cooperative organization "Uyut", which was engaged in the manufacture of polymer toys.

The next step was the transition to trading operations - at first the businessman acted through intermediaries, then he moved on to independent decisions. At the dawn of the nineties, Roman became the head of AVK-Komi, an intermediary enterprise for operations in the oil market. It is noteworthy that his first fuel supply case almost became a criminal one - there was a theft, but the entrepreneur himself actively helped the investigation, and the thieves were found.

The grasping exporter was noticed by Boris Berezovsky and the Yeltsin family. At that time, Berezovsky was more engaged in political activities, and therefore transferred business (raw materials and financial flows) from Sibneft, which actually belonged to him, to a new person.

And here it is worth talking about joint projects with Mr. Berezovsky. It's about about an oil corporation operating along a single vertical, basic foundation which Noyabrskneftegaz and the Omsk Oil Refinery (then owned by Rosneft) would serve.

The year 1996 turned out to be especially successful: in June, Roman was taken over by JSC Noyabrskneftegaz (Board of Directors). The Moscow representative office of Sibneft submitted to him around the same time, and the board of directors of this organization - already in September. By the way, this also includes many partners of the entrepreneur, whom he trusted since his first cooperative.

In 1998, there was an attempt to merge Sibneft and Yukos, but this did not go beyond theory. And first of all, because of the ambitions of the owners - the disagreements between Abramovich and Berezovsky led to a complete discord with each other. But by this time, our hero was already confident in his own abilities - behind him was a fortune estimated at 14 billion dollars.

Beginning of the new millennium

The 2000s continued to reveal the potential of our hero. Among successful projects distinguish the following:

  • Russian Aluminum (co-founder Oleg Deripaska);
  • redemption of shares of ORT company from Berezovsky with subsequent sale to Sberbank;
  • repurchase of a controlling shareholding from Aeroflot.

In December 2002, Sibneft is engaged in strengthening relations with Belarus. So, first, a 10% stake was bought from the Russian-Belarusian oil concern Slafneft, then, together with a partner TNK, another 74.9% was acquired. The resulting assets were divided equally.

What other major oil companies are lifting up the domestic oil market? It turns out that there are 7 largest magnates in this area.

Much less clear was the second half of 2003: the Prosecutor General's Office and the Tax Inspectorate began to doubt whether shares in many of the oligarch's companies were legally acquired. All this resulted in fines of $1 billion. Abramovich begins to sell stocks of many companies - from Aeroflot and Russian Aluminum to RusPromAvto and Sibneft.

Speaking of more recent projects, we should mention Boris Polanski, who is known as a financial investor. In the future, such cooperation is the opening of Polanski Bank Capital.

Business Wisdom and Acceptance optimal solutions led to the fact that our hero in 2012 was an arbiter in the Nickel War. He was given the right to manage 20% of the trust fund.

Conquest of the political Olympus

Roman Abramovich's business did not interfere with taking part in political life countries. It all started in 1999, when our hero became a State Duma deputy from the Chukotka constituency. Why was this geolocation chosen? But after all, it was on this territory that firms engaged in operations with petroleum products on behalf of Sibneft were registered.

Roman did not get involved in factions. But since 2000, he got into the committee, problem solver North and Far East.

This led to gubernatorial activity in 2001-2008. The time of his leadership is characterized as a period successful development region, in particular the oil industry. For this, Roman invested a lot of his own funds. In 2006, for a similar approach to work, a businessman was awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2005, Abramovich sold his own block of Sibneft shares (75.5% at a price of $13.1 billion) to Gazprom and made attempts to step down as governor. However, every time he abandoned this idea after a conversation with Putin. And only with the advent of Medvedev, the governor's powers of Roman Arkadyevich were terminated.

But participation in politics did not end there - in the same 2008, Roman, yielding to the request of the deputies of the Duma of Chukotka autonomous region participated in by-elections. The result was stunning - 96.99% voted for him.

The former governor reported on his financial condition. He did not hide from anyone how he earned his first money:

Since October 2008, Abramovich has been the chairman of the local Chukotka Duma. However, by that time he was already permanently living in the UK, where his passion for football led him.

Love for football

Let's go back to 2003 - that's when the oligarch makes a world-famous business deal. We are talking about buying out an almost bankrupt Chelsea football club, sorting out all its debts and renewing the team, moreover, with contracts for six zeros (with wide coverage in the world media).

The renovation cost £150 million. In the Russian press, a stir immediately arose: they say that the oligarch is developing foreign sports, and not domestic ones! No one tried to remember that Roman made attempts to acquire CSKA, but the deal failed. And the investment in Chelsea paid off by winning the UEFA Champions League tournament in Europe.

Information allowing oneself to make statements in the direction of Abramovich's unpatriotism: he did a lot for Russian football. What is worth only the creation of the fund "National Academy of Football". And it was from his own pocket that Roman paid for the invited head coach for our football team - the famous Dutchman Guus Hiddink.

Scandals related to Abramovich

Big money cannot remain in the shadows. And this is not only an idle interest of the public - the success story of Roman Abramovich is connected with scandalous stories.

It all started back in 1992, when the entrepreneur was taken into custody, charged with stealing diesel fuel. A substantial amount was presented - 4 million rubles.

1998 marked another major scandal: the businessman was named a confidant of Boris Yeltsin - it was he who sponsored the election race of the politician. But that's not all - Roman, it turns out, also paid for the expenses of Yeltsin's daughter and son-in-law.

Forbes Favorite

In a prestigious Forbes list The novel first appeared in 2009. In 2017, he is in 139th place in the global list of billionaires and 13th in the list of rich people in Russia. The oligarch's fortune totals $9.1 billion.

Table 1. What is included in the fortune of oligarch Roman Abramovich



Interesting details

Real estate

  • villas in West Sussex (£28 million);
  • Kensington Penthouse (£29m);
  • French Houses (£15m);
  • Belgravia 5-storey mansion (£11 million);
  • 6-storey mansion behind Knightsbridge (£18 million);
  • St. Tropez, at home (40 million pounds);
  • Moscow suburbs, dachas (8 million pounds).

In 2015, Abramovich bought three townhouses in New York for about $68 million, intending to combine them into one complex.

  • Ecstasea (£77 million), has a pool, Turkish bath;
  • Le Grand Bleu (£60 million), has a helipad;
  • Eclipse (€340m)

Eclipse is one of the ultra-modern anti-missile warning yachts, with a hull made of precious woods and a bulletproof coating. The yacht has a submarine that dives to 50 meters.

There is information about other ships:

  • Yacht "Luna" (115 meters) - the largest yacht for expeditions;
  • "Sussurro" - escort vessel


Exact cost unknown

Armored limousines, sports car collection (with Ferrari FXX and Bugatti Veyron)


  • Boeing767 (£56m);
  • Boeing business class (£28m);
  • 2 helicopters (£35m each)

In addition to Boeing, there is also an Airbus A340

Art objects

Approximately $1 billion

The most famous recent acquisition is a collection of 40 works by Ilya Kabakov ($60 million).

Predictions for Abramovich's fortune

Financial experts are trying to convince the public that the rumors and arguments about the state of Roman Abramovich are greatly exaggerated. However, he is still considered one of the top businessmen.

But the same Forbes predicts: the state of the Russian oligarch may fall in the near future. This situation began in 2011, when its figures began to decline from $13 billion to today's numbers. And the trend does not think to stop.

"Helps" in this and the crisis. Here is a case in point: in September 2014, Roman Abramovich failed to conduct an IPO to a commission associated with securities and US exchanges. He tried to act through Evraz North America, where he holds the position of chairman of the board of directors. However, he did not manage to increase his fortune.

Personal life

No less than the amount of the state, the public is interested in the personal life of the oligarch. Abramovich had two official marriages. The first wife was Lysova Olga Yurievna - not too much data has been preserved about her, except that she was born in Astrakhan.

Much more attention was attracted by the second wife - Malandina Irina Vyacheslavovna, a former stewardess. She gave birth to five children to her oligarch husband: three daughters and two sons. But despite the fact that the family now consisted of seven "I", in 2007 the couple divorced. Everything went without scandals and litigation: Roman and Irina themselves resolved the issue of custody of children and the division of property (by the way, the ex-wife received an amount of $ 300 million during the divorce).

The vacant place of the life partner of a rich groom was quickly occupied by designer Daria Zhukova. There was no official registration, but this did not prevent the lovers from having two children - a son and a daughter. IN currently the couple also decided to part, but to raise children together and remain friends.

The paparazzi have now announced a real hunt for a possible contender for the heart of the oligarch. Among the potential brides, even the British actress Emma Watson, better known to everyone as Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter movie saga, was called. Another possible variant- ballerina Mariinsky Theater Diana Vishneva (according to unverified information from the media).

Who today has not heard about Roman Abramovich and his multi-million dollar income? But, many are not so much interested in Abramovich himself, as in the question "how did Abramovich get rich." According to the latest data, this man-legend occupies a leading position in the annual ranking the richest people on the planet. According to data that have been known since 2010, his fortune was estimated at more than 11 billion conventional units. Naturally, every year, he increases his income.

By the way, before the divorce proceedings with her ex-wife, Abramovich's bank accounts officially had 6.8 billion Russian rubles. Some, knowing about these large sums, come to the conclusion that it is necessary to study the question of how to get rich according to feng shui, suddenly Abramovich used the one who fell in love with last years Russians spiritual practice.

Whatever you say, the dream of getting rich leaves no one indifferent. Therefore, everyone is interested to know the path to wealth that Abramovich went through. He began his career in 1987, working as a mechanic in the construction trust Mosspetsmontazh. Abramovich himself admits in an interview that while studying at the institute he was able to organize a cooperative for the production of polymer toys. Then, with the same team, they ended up in Sibneft. For some time he was a broker selling products on the Moscow market.

Apparently, for successful businessmen, the question of how to get rich in Kazakhstan is irrelevant. For them, location doesn't matter. The main thing is to work hard and constantly try something new, as Abramovich did in his time. This perseverance and diligence, and sometimes curiosity, led to the fact that in 1992-1995 this person already creates 5 organizations that are engaged in the manufacture of consumer goods. Along the way, Abramovich had problems with law enforcement more than once.

For example, in 1992, in June, he was taken into custody on suspicion of hiding wagons with diesel fuel. This happens on the way to wealth. Many do not even think about how to get rich in the village, because it turns out unrealistic dream. But Abramovich is not one of those who are afraid to make plans. And as you can see, he achieves them. Be that as it may, in 1993 Abramovich continues his oil activities and so far his income has been multiplying.

From the foregoing, one can come to the conclusion that in order to understand how to get rich in Moscow, you can only find out by arriving in the capital on your own and without fear of anything stubbornly go towards your goal, as the character of the article has always done. And, if you go your way without stopping, you can achieve certain results. Naturally, everyone cannot be Abramovich, but everyone can achieve tangible results thanks to their ingenuity and diligence.

Just look into the eyes of this kind, seemingly simple and naive person :) But he is one of the richest people on Earth. Almost everyone knows Abramovich, even more of those who want to be him.

Today we will find out how the path of the great billionaire began and how he managed to get so rich!

And his business began with toys! When he was still studying at the institute, then between times, together with his fellow students, he organized the cooperative "Comfort". He made children's toys from polymers. Samples brought him future wife Irina Malandina. The guys who worked with him eventually made up the management of Sibneft. Abramovich also worked as a broker on the stock exchange, pushing products on the Moscow markets.

From 92 to 95, Abramovich managed to create as many as 5 companies! He was not deprived of attention from law enforcement agencies, in 1992 he even got arrested for stealing 55 wagons with diesel fuel. In general, from 93 he again continued to sell oil. Became the head of the branch office of RUNICOM S.A.

Further, Roman Abramovich, together with Berezovsky, creates the Closed Joint Stock Company "P.K. - Trust". From 95 to 96 he creates 10 more firms. Some time after some machinations, Abramovich has full control over the Sibneft company, owning at least 36% of the shares.

In 2001, he bought a stake in the Chelsea football club for $98.6 million. He also committed to repay its debts, which amounted to 29.6 million pounds. In total, the amount of the entire purchase amounted to 230 million dollars.

Abramovich served as governor of Chukotka from 2000 to 2008, and since October 2008 he has been a deputy and chairman of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

According to Forbes magazine, the Russian tycoon is worth $12 billion. But Forbes counts only according to official data, so no one knows how much money Abramovich actually has, except for himself and his entourage. Of course, he made his main fortune on oil and aluminum.

From open sources you can find out that Abramovich owns a squadron of four ocean yachts, he owns residential buildings and land in Anadyr, Great Britain, the Moscow Region, the USA and France, plus a bunch of apartments and very expensive cars.

Yes, Romka did business. I can't even wrap my head around how one person can organize so many things. Many of us cannot cope with the opening of a kiosk or a cafe, but here ...

Someone envies him, someone admires him. Some say he was just lucky, others say he stole it all. Of course, he broke the law more than once, maybe he was lucky somewhere, and influential people helped. But he would not have achieved any of this without hard work, without enterprise, risk, a certain mindset and desire to work and earn money.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how Abramovich got rich can be very short - he did not sit on his ass exactly, unlike most people who want to become rich without making any effort.

Every Russian knows the name of the oligarch Abramovich. Someone is angry with him, and someone condemns and quietly envies. Such negative feelings arise because few people know who he really is. Abramovich Roman Arkadyevich, how he got rich and this extraordinary person became famous all over the world. It was especially difficult to earn the first million.

First steps to wealth

Like many other guys, Abramovich served in the army. After demobilization, the future billionaire lived in Ukhta for some time, trying to forget about military service. Roman did not smoke and occasionally drank only champagne. In one of the bars, he met the beautiful brunette Olga, whose parents explored the oil shelf in Vietnam. However, Abramovich did not marry according to calculation, treating his beloved's parents rather coldly. Roman took on any job and began to trade with his wife near the Riga market.

People who know firsthand how Roman Abramovich got rich say that the future billionaire has always been distinguished by one important quality: if something was not clear to him, he did not stop and did not lag behind the person with information until he found out what he wanted . Vladimir Romanovich Tyurin, Roman's first business partner, really liked this quality. In addition, Vladimir appreciated his friend for accuracy, modesty and self-irony . Tyurin claims that at the time of their acquaintance, Abramovich worked at the Kirovets factory, which produced clothespins for women. He was asked to leave, as an overly active employee tired the management of the enterprise with his advice. In those days, the future magnate did not even have money for travel, and he lived in a tiny apartment. It was in it, sitting in the kitchen, that Roman immodestly declared to Tyurin: "I will buy the world."

The first successes of Roman Arkadyevich

The affairs of Abramovich and Tyurin quickly went uphill. They began to visit restaurants, relax together. Vladimir appointed Roman the head of the Uyut cooperative, which sold rubber toys. The new leader did not stand behind the counter, but traded products at the speed of a hypermarket. Soon we had to expand and open new shops. So the future oil king became a toy tycoon. In 1991, Roman got tired of this type of business and left it. Abramovich took his entire team, with whom he worked well in Uyut, to the Sibneft company. However former friend The secretaries stopped letting Tyurin go further, and under Roman Arkadievich they began to speak quietly, to come in quickly, and to ask little.

Abramovich was a businessman of a wide profile. He took on everything: from manufactured goods to oil. So, for example, in the late 80s, the future oil tycoon brought from Moscow scarce toothpaste and sold in Ukhta. For this he was given the nickname Romka the Toothpick.

Roman also traded wallpaper with Alexander Lipin. However, Abramovich eventually got a Boeing for 500 million, and his former partner got an expensive car for 50 thousand. While other entrepreneurs climbed the ladder of the business, Roman took the elevator to the top. Luck was on his side. Indeed, in Ukhta in those days, oil itself flowed under its feet, and after the disappearance of the communist government, chaos arose, from which Abramovich appeared in time.

The high-profile case of Abramovich

Ukhta Oil Refinery Shipped 55 Tank Cars diesel fuel worth about 4 million rubles. In February 1992, at one of the stations near Moscow, this cargo was received by the director of the AFKO enterprise, Roman Abramovich, for subsequent shipment to a military unit located in the Kaliningrad region. The train never reached Kaliningrad, dissolving into the independent and then duty-free Baltic states. The case was closed due to lack of corpus delicti. Thus began his path to success Abramovich, who rose to his empire almost out of nowhere.

Speaking about how Roman Abramovich got rich, it would not be superfluous to recall a few of his aphorisms.

Smart thoughts to take note

  • Great wealth can only be sustained by a sick head.
  • There is no sadder story in the world than children waiting for an inheritance.
  • They do not argue with power, they share wealth with it.
  • Money should be kept in savings yachts.

Perhaps the story is how Roman Abramovich got rich, will inspire those who start a business from scratch. Of course, experienced business sharks may object that there are far fewer opportunities now than in the 90s. However, it is difficult to deny that they exist, and quite legal. Good luck!

Watch the video on the success of Roman Arkadyevich. This is not a call to crime at all. However, judging by the comments to the video, journalists also envy him:

The news that billionaire Roman Abramovich was having trouble renewing his British visa came as a complete surprise.

A few weeks ago, after the start of the Skripal case, Theresa May's government began talking about tightening the fight against money laundering of dubious origin. According to the British government, the laundering of "dirty" Russian money poses a threat to the security of the country and it does not intend to turn a blind eye to this. However, it was very difficult to imagine that the sanctions would affect Abramovich.

How Abramovich became an oligarch

He started his business in the late 80s of the last century. His first company was the cooperative "Uyut", engaged in the production of children's toys from polymers.

AVK, Supertekhnologiya-Shishmarev Firm, Elita CJSC, Petroltrans CJSC, GID CJSC, NPR Company followed after Uyut - all these companies were engaged in the resale of oil products from the north of Russia. During its commercial activities Abramovich has repeatedly attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies.

Roman Abramovich's entry into the big oil business is connected with Boris Berezovsky and the latter's struggle for the possession of OAO Sibneft. The years 1995-96 were fruitful for Abramovich: he established several more companies, which he used together with Berezovsky to acquire Sibneft shares. Roman Abramovich and his associates acquired the largest oil company Sibneft for $100 million with the help of loans-for-shares auctions. In 2011, a businessman told the court that the privatization was illegal, and Abramovich became who we now know.

In 2003, Abramovich bought the English football club Chelsea for £140 million and actually moved to live in the UK.

In October 2005, he sold his stake (75.7%) of the Sibneft company to Gazprom for 13.1 billion rubles, after which he became the richest businessman in Russia.

According to Forbes magazine, at present his capital consists of shares of Evraz (31%), Channel One (24%) and real estate. Together with his partner in Evraz, Alexander Abramov, he owns 5.87% of the shares of Norilsk Nickel.

Why did Abramovich have visa problems?

Roman Abramovich had an "investor" visa, which is issued for a period of 40 months for investing more than 2 million pounds in the British economy. Abramovich's visa expired in April, according to The Guardian.

This type of visa was introduced in 2008 during the financial crisis to attract foreign capital. Until November 2014, in order to qualify for a Tier 1 investor visa, the applicant had to have 1 million pounds, then the amount was increased to 2 million.

From September 1, 2015, new requirements were introduced: invested funds must not be acquired with illegal funds. In addition, the authorities must be sure that the money is not used to the detriment of the “public good”. Perhaps it was on this point that the British had questions for Abramovich.

However, on May 23, 2018, it became known that the British authorities did not require the businessman to explain the origin of the capital when collecting documents for the extension of the investment visa, a source close to the businessman told RIA Novosti. "There were no questions to explain the passage of capital. No additional requirements. The usual renewal process is just longer than usual," the source said.

The richest Russians who settled in the UK

Russian oligarchs living in the UK are widely known for their extravagant lifestyles. The public associates them with expensive London mansions, shares in Premier League football clubs and superyachts.

The most famous among them is Roman Abramovich. In the list of the richest residents of Britain, he is located on the 13th line. The size of the assets of the owner of the football club "Chelsea" is 9.33 billion pounds.

The rating also includes Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov, who occupies the eighth line of the list. His fortune was estimated at 10.56 billion pounds. Last year, Usmanov ranked 5th in the ranking of the richest residents of the UK. Usmanov, who owns 30% of English football club Arsenal, made his money from steel and iron ore mining. The Russian-born billionaire now lives in London. He also owns Sutton Place, a famous estate located in Surrey and once owned by billionaire John Paul Getty.

Russian-British relations

Relations between Russia and the UK deteriorated sharply amid the incident in Salisbury, where a former GRU colonel and his daughter Yulia Skripal were poisoned. London claims that Russia was involved in the poisoning of the Skripals, while the Kremlin categorically denies this.

British Prime Minister Theresa May in March announced the measures taken by the British government against Russia. In particular, control over citizens of the Russian Federation staying in the United Kingdom is being strengthened. The head of the Liberal Democrats, Vince Cable, in turn, referring to the advice of the Russian Alexei Navalny, proposed a thorough check and disclosure of the origin of the assets of businessmen from Russia. In his speech, he mentioned Igor Shuvalov and Alisher Usmanov.
