Happy female names. Girls born in February: names, name days, character

Since ancient times, it has been known that the name affects the fate of its bearer. It determines the character, and already when naming, it endows a person with qualities that may appear in the future. This article will help determine the name of the parents who are expecting a girl in 2017.

Names for girls by months for 2017

In order not to get lost in the variety and huge number of names, it will be more convenient to divide them by months. Moreover, parents often turn to when naming Orthodox calendar, in which the birthdays of the canonized righteous are entered just in this way. To name a baby in honor of a saint means from the moment of birth and for life to give her daughter a personal guardian angel.


So, according to the names for girls according to the calendar, a newborn in January 2017 can be called:

  • Ulyana, Anastasia, Eva, Eugenia, Emilia, Tatyana, Nina, Julia, Alice, Barbara, Efrosinya or Natalia.

Studies in the field of astrology claim that babies who celebrate their birthday in the first month of the year will have a strong, strong-willed character in the future. To mitigate excessive authority and firmness, it is better to choose a name for a girl born in January 2017 with a soft consonant. Leadership, determination, self-confidence in the January ladies are inherent in nature. And the task of parents is not to ruin these valuable and necessary sprouts for life.


Choosing a name for a girl born in February 2017 is very simple. You just need to turn to the Orthodox calendar. This month is the birthday of the following saints:

  • Louise, Vasilisa, Karina, Anastasia, Agatha, Olga, Xenia, Maria, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Irina, Vera and Bella.

The character of princesses born in the month of snowstorms and blizzards is quite selfish. Girls have extraordinary courage and determination, like those born in January. But there is a small nuance here - the February ones are afraid of difficulties. Another quality that this month gives girls is straightforwardness.


The month is rich in gentle spring names:

  • Marianna, Camilla, Elizabeth, Kira, Victoria, Daria, Elena, Nadezhda, Kapitolina, Matryona, Alena, Olesya, Vasilisa, Berta, Cornelia and Christina.

March girls have the same "spring" character - vulnerable and receptive. They painfully react to critical remarks, they hardly endure failures. They are sensitive and indecisive, but still quite ambitious and stubborn.


Girls born in April can be called the following names:

  • Maria, Daria, Svetlana, Polina, Taisiya, Lydia, Alla, Miroslava, Susanna, Tamara and Larisa.

April makes those who are born in it materialists. Self-confidence is an essential quality of April girls. And as a result - in the future they will be successful in all spheres of life. But they also have laziness, with which they will constantly have to fight in order to achieve the desired success.


Names for this month:

  • Violetta, Valeria, Glafira, Karolina, Arina, Faina, Irina and Julia.

Girls whose birthday fell in May have an uncompromising and changeable character. They are sharp-tongued, demanding, power-hungry. They do not have rigid principles and priorities.


In the first month of summer, girls can be called like this:

  • Efrosinya, Alena, Diana, Vera, Julia, Valeria, Alice, Martha, Angelica and Pelageya.

June girls are talented. And soft, non-conflict and practical. They very often reach the heights in their careers, because they approach any business responsibly, developing their skills to the highest level.


Girls born in the middle of summer are suitable for such names:

  • Rimma, Zinaida, Inna, Yana, Agrippina, Angelina, Evdokia, Valentina and Veronica.

By nature they are independent, selfish, proud, but generous. Leadership is in their blood. Good friends, unless, of course, you do not notice that they look down even on their friends.


This month, name days are celebrated by:

  • Anfisa, Margarita, Iraida, Maria, Sofia, Julia and Anna.

These girls are energetic and very emotional. August gave them good qualities: wisdom, self-confidence. They are the kind who smile even when things go wrong. The only downside is that it's too gullible.


The beginning of autumn is favorable to such names:

  • Elizabeth, Karina, Lyudmila, Xenia, Vera, Irina.

September breeds practical, selfish, secretive people trusting only the closest people.


It is better to give October babies such names:

  • Arina, Tatyana, Polina, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Elizabeth.

By nature, these are changeable, quick-tempered, emotional creative natures.


Best Names for November:

  • Anastasia, Theodosia, Yaroslav, Agafya, Kapitolina, Elena, Nina, Claudia.

Those born in November have serious perseverance and determination. These are the qualities that, together with self-confidence, are needed to achieve success in life. But it is precisely this very confidence that they lack. And another obstacle to achieving what you want is internal fears. But parents can easily cope with this if they wish.


Names for December girls:

  • Yana, Julia, Sofia, Lilia, Angelina, Zoya, Olesya and Victoria.

Reasonable and calm girls are born in December. And they are also responsible. And they are practical. Open only with loved ones.

Rare names for girls in 2017

There are some names that have not been used for a long time. But they can make a far from modest contribution to the formation of positive human qualities. Among the long-forgotten, but very good female names, were the following:

  • "royal" Augusta;
  • "immaculate" Agnes;
  • "blooming" Virineya;
  • "sweet" Glyceria;
  • “given by God” by Dositheus;
  • "happy" Eupraxia;
  • "cheerful" Ilaria;
  • "good" Kaleria;
  • "fair" Ustinya;
  • "God's creation" Feklista;
  • Juno is the goddess of love and marriage.

And, perhaps, the most commonly used in Lately girls names.

The best popular names for girls in 2017

The most common modern female names:

  • Milana - sweetheart;
  • Arina - peaceful;
  • Anastasia - resurrecting;
  • Kira - mistress;
  • Sofia is wise.

Giving a name to a child is a sacred act. After all, it defines future life baby. Although it is more important which necessary qualities brought up by his parents. And yet: the main criteria for choosing should be not only the month of birth, the meaning of the name, its rarity or popularity, but also consonance with the patronymic and surname. And, of course, common sense.

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Alice Krays

Every mother wishes her daughter a good fate: happiness, good luck, good health. We see our future in our children and we want to give them all the best. Therefore, before the birth of a daughter, mothers are very careful in choosing a name for their baby. I want it to be attractive, unusual, while not too pretentious and have a happy meaning. How to choose such a name? What are the popular names for girls born in 2017? Which of them are the most beautiful?

What are female names

The time has long passed when there were 2-3 most common names for girls or boys, and there were simply a huge number of children with the same names in the district. Today, there are several groups of names in parallel, each of which has its own fashion. Let's consider them in order.

Ancient Slavic

interest in traditional Slavic names society woke up about a few decades ago. It has to do with growth national consciousness in the countries of the broken Soviet Union. People wanted to restore their connection with the roots, there were many religious and cultural movements aimed at this, for example, family estates. In some places, even ancient pagan holidays began to be celebrated.

All this was reflected in the fashion in women's names, especially since there are real pearls among them. folk art. The girls were named after the Slavic goddesses - Lada, Mara. I remembered such sonorous names as Tsvetana, Zlata, Zoryana, Iskra. The best names for girls in the Slavic style in 2017 are Bazhena, Velina, Vlad, Darina, Zlatana.

Such names of daughters will take root in families in which tribal traditions are honored and have a strong connection with their ancestors, they are proud of them. They say that traditional names act as a guardian. They attract the patronage of the ancient gods and the natural forces of a certain area. Not for nothing, for example, doctors talk a lot about the fact that fruits and vegetables that are common in the latitudes where we live are the most useful. The same can be said about Russian names: someone believes that these rare names for girls bring special luck.

Other nationalities

A huge number of peoples live in Russian-speaking countries, who also want to honor their national traditions. The fashion is growing muslim names for girls in those families where someone (most often the father) professes Islam. Moreover, among the Muslim female names there are such masterpieces as Amina, Leila, Talia, Gulnara, Nadira. Mixed families also often choose names that are close in sound to Slavic, for example: Daria, Irada, Leah. A girl with this name will feel comfortable both in a Russian-speaking country and in the Muslim homeland of one or more parents.

Since ancient times they have been famous for their special euphony Tatar names for girls: Almira, Aisha, Elvira, Yasmina. Such names allow you not to lose touch with the roots, even living in a foreign land. They protect, protect from adversity and attract the patronage of ancestors.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar and Christmas time: data by month

January: Anastasia, Anna, Natalia, Tatiana, Elena, Maria February: Ekaterina, Maria, Olga, Sophia, Svetlana, Irina March: Olga, Daria, Victoria, Irina, Alina, Elizabeth April: Svetlana, Irina, Alina, Alexandra, Karina, Arina
May: Julia, Maria, Victoria, Irina, Alina, Elizabeth June: Sophia, Alina, Elizabeth, Polina, Alena, Diana July: Polina, Marina, Alena, Alexandra, Evgenia, Christina August: Ksenia, Evgenia, Christina, Oksana, Karina, Lyudmila
September: Anna, Natalia, Tatiana, Maria, Sophia, Victoria October: Alexandra, Christina, Karina, Veronika, Arina, Hope November: Alexandra, Margarita, Nina, Ulyana, Olesya, Elina December: Polina, Alexandra, Christina, Angelina, Yana, Alice

Foreign names for girls

IN last decade the most unusual names for girls are usually of foreign origin. Some foreign names have long come into use - Carolina, Eva, Diana. They are suitable for those parents who want to give their daughter a non-standard name, but are not ready to decide on something more rare.

Other modern names for girls with foreign origins are only gaining momentum. There are not many girls named Bella, Martina, Emilia. Some parents name their daughters after popular singers, such modern names are Riana, Adele, Sia. Someone chooses a name in honor of their favorite movie actresses or heroines of books, for example Uma, Hermione. The names Penelope, Gloria, Dominica, Angelina are popular in 2017.

A girl with a similar name will always stand out from the crowd of peers, starting with kindergarten and ending with the highest educational institution. Parents need to be prepared for this, and give their daughter strong support so that she believes: her rare name is a gift and a talisman. But in the outback, the girl and her family will still have to face a lot of misunderstanding or even ridicule, and you need to prepare for this as well. The meaning of the name is very important, and foreign names they just allow you to choose the name whose meaning is most in harmony with the character of the daughter.

In a separate category, it is worth highlighting the so-called flower female names. This is the usual name Lily, and such original names as Violet, Rose, Azalea, Camellia. It is said that names associated with flowers attract the patronage of Venus, the main female goddess of love and beauty. A woman with this name will certainly be happy in love, attractive, tender and rich.

Among the most beautiful flower names are: Violetta or Viola (violet), Yolanda (in Latin "lilac flower"), Camilla ("chamomile").

Fancy modern women's

Every year in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries there are parents who shock society by giving original names to their children. For example, in 2015 in Perm, a young family named their son Lucifer, thereby causing a storm in the media. Among the unusual female names recent years can be called - Russia, the Olympics, Inflation, Victory, etc. However, as a rule, such families completely neglect the rule of compatibility of the name with the patronymic and surname. But their children are doomed to glory, at least in their city.

In 2017, the craving for female names from the time of the Roman Empire continues. For example, Leontius, Cornelia, Concordia, Clarissa, Nonna, Susanna, Juno, Justina. The special charm of such names is in their nobility and grace. Hearing such a time, you immediately imagine a stately Roman matron or a noble maiden, whose hand is sought by everyone in the district. These names go well with Russian patronymics and surnames. For example, Nonna Ivanovna, Leontiya Petrovna, etc.

By choosing a similar name for your baby, you will give her increased attention from others in the future, respect and admiration. At the same time, these names do not sound too pretentious and unusual for the Slavic ear.

They have their own charm Greek names. A girl bearing a Greek name will evoke associations with beautiful goddesses, nymphs and others. fabulous heroines epics. Examples of such names: Galatea, Calista, Neonilla, Emilia. Many Greek names are associated with famous Orthodox saints who have always been popular in Rus'. For example: Praskovya, Theodora, Pelageya, Evdokia. These names are now popular in Ukraine. The choice of such a name will attract the protection of heavenly forces to your daughter.

The most popular names for girls in 2017 (first quarter)

There are always parents who want to focus on fashion when considering what to name their daughter. Consider the statistics of popular names in January-March 2017. The top three most popular female names, according to Russian registry offices, include the following:

  1. Sofia.
  2. Maria.
  3. Daria.

The name Sophia began to gain popularity 5-7 years ago and has now reached its peak. Some psychologists say this is due to the fact that an increasing number of parents want to see their daughters not only beautiful, but also smart (after all, Sophia is translated as “wise”), to develop curiosity and independence in them. In addition, the name Sofia has a soft and pleasant sound, and also sounds very touching in its abbreviated form - Sonya, Sonechka.

Do not lose their popularity and such names as Catherine, Anna, Xenia, Barbara, Elizabeth. These female names can be called classics, which, as you know, never go out of style. In addition to their sweetness, they are associated with significant Orthodox saints, therefore they attract their patronage to their bearers. Also, these names are suitable for almost all surnames and patronymics, which is also very important.

So, in order to understand the most popular girl names of 2017, we discussed what modern female names are, what groups they can be divided into, and what families they suit. In each group, we have best names for girls, the most popular and interesting ones. Remember, by giving your daughter a name, you create her destiny. Do not try to find an objectively correct option for yourself, do not focus on the list of names, the opinion of relatives and friends, listen to your heart and intuition. It will certainly tell you what choice to make, how to name your newborn daughter. Before the birth of the baby, it is better to choose several options and decide finally, having already looked into her eyes. However, some mothers feel the character of their child already during pregnancy, and the right name seems to come to them by itself.

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Young couples who will become parents in the very near future are already starting to think about the choice correct name for your baby. Every mother or father wants the name of the child to be beautiful, sonorous and unusual. But everyone knows that the name of a person directly affects his fate, so it is important to name the child in such a way that later he did not suffer from his character and felt many life problems.

The names of those born in January 2017 are numerous and varied. IN given time governs zodiac sign zodiac Capricorn. A person born under this constellation has an extraordinary thinking and mind. Such people are very lucky in life, but not due to the blessing of Heaven, but due to their own strengths. However, there are also negative aspects of character in Capricorn. This sign can be quite cruel, even with the closest people. Another negative side of the character and behavior is that this zodiac sign is an endless pride, it seems to him that only he is able to create masterpieces, and the rest can only serve him.

Children born in January 2017 (the year of the Rooster) will be leaders in life. Before them there will never be insurmountable obstacles. An optimistic position in life will help grown children achieve maximum success in life. But all this will be so if the child does not interfere with achieving the most higher heights his name.

Many families come to choose unique name for his long-awaited child from the traditional side. They call him a part of some respected people. IN this case Giving advice is completely pointless. Parents will name the baby the way they have sacredly instituted according to family traditions.

Other parents prefer to choose a name for those born in January 2017 for church reasons. For example, a child was born on the day of St. Elijah, which means that this is how the baby is destined to be called. Let's take a closer look at this calendar.

The names of all girls and boys born in January 2017 are varied. Among male names, the following remain popular: Arthur, Victor, Ilya, Peter, Victor, Daniel, Maxim, George, Alexander, Ivan. Almost all names contribute to the development of an imperious character in a child. There is a small warning, if there are several letters "P" in the name and patronymic of the baby, then fate will subsequently present him with many negative events. Such children will grow up to be terrible egoists and will never take into account the opinions of the people around them. All other variants of the chosen name will give the boy a proud, but reasonable character. With such a person it will not be scary to do business and conduct a joint business. The boys will make faithful spouses who will take good care of their beloved and precious family and will never offend those close to them.

Choose a name for your own child in January 2017 Rooster not difficult at all. Let's see what the calendar of female names will tell us. For little girls, the following names are preferred: Tatyana, Anastasia, Eugene, Love, Alexandra, Ulyana, Polina, Nina. These names will give future women tenderness, romance and inner beauty. Growing up girls will be wonderful keepers of the family hearth, they will be successful in their careers and will never forget their elderly relatives. A little pride in the character of the girl will help her to gain a foothold in high positions in life.

Unwanted female and male names born (born) in January 2017 for all girls- Daria, Dina, Zhanna and Ekaterina; and for boys - Igor, Dmitry, Anatoly.

Even though I am a medical professional, I am a woman first and foremost. Therefore, when someone asks what to name a child, I advise you to think carefully. After all, this not only determines character traits, but also affects the fate of the baby as a whole. After all, as they say, what do you call a boat ... I wondered what modern and beautiful names for girls will bring 2017. This post will focus on just that.

What will be the baby born in the year of the Rooster

Let's see how to name a girl in 2017. First of all, we note that the children who will be born in next year, will receive from their patron - the fiery Rooster - not only a bright temperament, but also a lot of energy, endurance and hard work. The child will have leadership qualities and perseverance, will be successful in school, active and sociable.⁣

You need to name such a crumb accordingly. To cool the hot temper of girls born next year, cold names are suitable: Snezhana, Agatha or Gerda. You can also soften the character if you call the baby gently and feminine. But with a bright name, on the contrary, you can emphasize the fiery nature of the little Cockerel. In addition, names that are both male and female are well suited for them: Valeria, Evgenia, Alexandra, Vladlena or Vasilisa.

Girls names by months for 2017

Over the past few years, parents have often turned to the traditions of their ancestors. Previously, the choice was less long and less painful. They called the child by "saints" or by months:

Popular girls names in 2017

Let's continue the review and get acquainted with the most popular names girls in 2017. But do not forget that any of them should sound harmoniously in combination with a patronymic. This will save your little one from ridicule in the future, and a successful combination of two names will have a positive effect on her life. So, the most common names for girls in 2017 will be:

1. Anastasia;

3. Valeria;

7. Milena;

8. Miroslava;

9. Polina;

10. Ulyana.

But remember that you need to focus not on popularity, but on individuality. When our baby was born, Sofia and Eve were in fashion. My husband and I really wanted our daughter to be called Sonya, but when she was born, it became clear that Marta was in front of us. We can say that she herself told us what to call her. By the way, we do not regret it, because in the group in the garden two Sonya are working with us and Sophie is growing on the floor below. So think before choosing only from trendy names for girls in 2017. It seems to me that they are very sonorous and beautiful, but any fashion is temporary, and most importantly, massively.

Expecting replenishment in the family, young parents solve a huge number of important issues: they equip a room for the baby, buy a comfortable bed and a functional stroller, purchase a bath and clothes ... However, with the current fullness of the children's goods market, all these moments are exciting, but solvable. So, the most important and difficult task is choosing a name for the newborn.

Parents are especially anxious about choosing a name for a girl - dad and mom sort through girl names many times, trying to find the most beautiful and harmonious. When naming a child a certain name, we shape his fate, make adjustments to his character, give some features and hide others. The simplest thing is to name the child in honor of the patron saint of his birthday, looking at the name in the calendar.

The name you choose can make adjustments to the character of the child!

But what if you simply don’t like the name that fell on this day? Moms and dads always want to choose a name for their daughter in such a way as to emphasize all the individuality and uniqueness of the little princess. Let's figure out together what you first need to pay attention to when choosing girl names.

How to choose a name for a baby?

So, not only the beauty of the name is important, but also its characteristics. When studying popular female names, see how the meaning of the name corresponds to the sign of the zodiac of the newborn - the name should not conflict with the horoscope. It would be best if it further strengthens strengths sign, leveling weak and negative characteristics. The names you like should be compared with the time of year when the baby was born:

  • winter girls they are naturally endowed with a strong character, and it is not worth strengthening it with too strong a name. For a baby born in the cold winter months, it is better to choose an affectionate, melodious name that will give her tenderness and trepidation.
  • spring natures prone to excessive reflection and softness, so choose not just beautiful names, but those that can enhance the temper of the newborn.
  • summer kids overly emotional and often quick-tempered, so the names for girls should be concise and as simple as possible.
  • autumn girls- these are creative personalities, endowed with fantasy and dreaminess, but a little insecure in themselves. For them, you can recommend a name with a solid sound.

Choose a name for your daughter based on the horoscope and season

Choosing a name for a girl born in the year of the Rooster

Year Fire Rooster will endow newborn babies with perseverance, endurance, diligence, optimism, high intelligence and a very bright personality. Along with these personality traits, girls born in 2017 will be very stubborn, uncompromising and prone to excessive eccentricity. Try looking through fashion names, choose from them one that balances this complex combination.

If you are superstitious, then do not name the child the same as the deceased relative. Especially if the fate of this person was not the most in the best way, otherwise, with every failure of the baby, you will reproach yourself for the chosen name. Don't forget that for a long time the child will not be called by a loud name and patronymic, but in a diminutive form, so when choosing a name for your daughter, think about how affectionately the child will be called.

Of course, the name should be in harmony with the patronymic and surname - simple surnames require the same simple, but no less beautiful names. Complicated patronymics should not be emphasized with an overly intricate name, for example, Alexandra Arnoldovna or Ruslana Georgievna sounds good, but this combination will give its owner a far from sugary character. Let's look at current fashion trends so that you can pick up names for a girl born in 2017 in advance.

Exotic and native Russian names have already lost their relevance

Fashionable female names in 2017

The fashion for beautiful, but already rather boring, names borrowed from foreign stars (Nicole, Elizabeth, Milana) is gradually disappearing. After several years of wild popularity of native Russian names, this trend began to fade. In the new season, it is better to immediately discard such options as Seraphim, Vasilisa, Pelageya or Praskovya.

Of course, every parent wants their child to stand out from the crowd. The easiest option is to choose an exclusively non-standard name. However, many are tired of the extraordinary, so do not forget that beautiful names can be simple: the once popular Julia, Natalia and Elena are a rarity today, and they will definitely attract attention on the playground and at school. Now let's look at the popular female names of 2017 and their main characteristics.

Fashionable names for girls born in winter

Winter children are distinguished by good health, endurance and a harsh disposition, which can be directed to achieve their intended goal. Such children are often characterized by a pronounced firmness of character, which can harm the relationship of the child with others. Children born in December have passion; those born in January usually achieve their goals without any effort; well, February girls often have masculine features. Such babies need to choose especially melodic names.

Gentle melodic names are best suited for winter children.

So, the best female names for the winter of 2017:

  • Evgenia- a name that is quite rare these days. In translation, it means "noble". And this is quite justified: Eugenes are very kind, intuitively absorb good manners and have a highly artistic taste. This is a wonderful hostess who leads the house with an unobtrusive but firm hand. Such girls are distinguished by their developed intuition, they always achieve their goals and really appreciate the attention of others, so relatives can hear reproach for his lack. Evgenia's character is somewhat quick-tempered, but by directing this energy in a peaceful direction, you will always get an excellent result.
  • Nina- more often given name interpreted as "royal". This is not surprising - Ninas truly have royal article. Such girls are proud and will never "graze the rear", for this they are too responsible and pretentious. Little Nina is charm itself, she has a pronounced grace and tact, she loves to read and learn new things. Growing up, she is too inclined to demand perfection from others, which can cause her inconvenience due to high standards.
  • Valeria- translated from Latin, this harmonious name translates as "strong" or "healthy." Lera is a girl with amazing determination. Willpower helps her successfully survive any troubles and troubles, she is able to console and protect. Such a woman will always find someone to take care of, although she herself is quite vulnerable. Lerochka is an impulsive but quick-witted child. However, it is very difficult to penetrate the heart of this girl and win her affection. She definitely needs to do some creativity.
  • Anna- a noble name that endows its owner with grace (it was not for nothing that it had such a meaning in Hebrew). This is a meek and gentle girl, loving family and parents. She needs to get rid of excessive sacrifice so as not to become a tool in the hands of selfish people. Annas are faithful natures who do not tolerate and do not forgive betrayal and betrayal, so when communicating with them, forget about trying to deceive, it is best to build relationships on honesty and trust. Alas, the tendency to excessive "truthfulness" can ruin Anya's career advancement.
  • Zoya- an undeservedly forgotten name, which translates as "life". Zoya is a very balanced person who is difficult to unsettle. Her calmness is transmitted to others, so that in a team where there is a girl with this name, there are rarely quarrels and conflict situations. She is indifferent to any achievements, so she needs to be constantly stimulated and pushed to reveal her talents. Zoya is endowed with excellent intuition and perfectly feels any change in the mood of her parents.

Fashionable names for girls born in spring

Girls who were born in the spring months often have an indecisive disposition and tend to play it safe a hundred times before making a final decision. They are cautious and do not like sudden changes. March babies are very curious and are drawn to new knowledge; the main feature of April girls is calmness; girls born in May are very smart and often have an angelic appearance. Spring women often lack firmness, so the name should enhance this character trait.

spring girls a name that shows strength of character

Fashionable names of spring 2017 sound like this:

  • Alexandra- the translation of this name does not sound like a “protector” for nothing, because Sashenka has a rare sense of justice. These are tireless individuals with a lively and assertive character, often leading them into dead ends. The name endows the owner with charm and grace. The propensity for leadership can develop into an undisguised thirst for dominance in the house, so this child needs to be gently pulled. For close people, Sasha is capable of much, among her main characteristics are sincere love and affection for her parents. The efficiency of such a woman is truly unlimited, but this may be accompanied by overwork.
  • Tamara- the name that once bore the beautiful queen of Georgia. This is a very artistic nature, which does not accept the monotonous way of life and the lack of diversity. Toms are often dreamers and dreamers, they are fond of various ideas, which, however, are rarely brought to their logical conclusion. At the same time, if she is properly motivated, Toma is able to achieve good results in any business, as it is extremely obligatory and hardworking. This is a decisive and even somewhat domineering girl, quick-tempered and assertive. When conflicts arise, Tom will rarely go for reconciliation, but she is quick-witted and able to listen to reasonable arguments.
  • Irina- from childhood, little Iras demonstrate the ability to soberly assess the world and others. Such girls are rarely prone to excessive sentimentality and are even quite tough. Irina is a sociable person; it seems that she is able to negotiate with any person, so the bearers of this name always achieve what was intended. Irochka is a responsible and caring girl who will always be a support for mom and dad, she appreciates home comfort and does an excellent job with any housework. At the same time, she is able to build an enviable career.
  • Ruslana- a name endowed with very strong internal energy. Ruslans are distinguished by their sociability and sociability, they easily win sympathy in a new company. These are open, but rather quick-tempered and sharp personalities. At the same time, they quickly move away and after a while can logically evaluate their actions. Such a girl is a leader by nature, but she needs to be gently taught tolerance and instilled a sense of tact. Bright and active women with the name Ruslana amaze with optimism and assertiveness, they are able to build a successful career and at the same time manage a large family.
  • Christina- from the early childhood The owner of this name analytically approaches the solution of any problem. These individuals are characterized by honesty and unobtrusiveness in achieving their goals. But if Christina has planned something for herself, it will be very difficult to move her astray. These are cheerful children who fill the house with positive energy and fun. Such girls study well, quickly learn new knowledge and easily contact with others. However, a tendency to change their mood can drive them into depression, so little Christines need to be distracted from sad thoughts in time.

Fashionable names for girls born in summer

Personalities who came into this world in one of the summer months are cheerful natures and pronounced optimists. They are disgusted by pettiness, they love and know how to work, but it is very difficult for them to restrain emotions - the actions of summer children are often based on momentary impulses. June girls are especially sensitive and kind, but unbalanced. Babies born in July are temperamental and often seek attention. August endows a woman with a good disposition and excessive legibility.

Babies born in the summer radiate optimism and determination.

Summer babies are quite suitable for neutral-sounding girlish names:

  • Elena- the bearer of this bright name (namely, as it is translated from the language of the Ancient Hellenes) is a calm and balanced girl. Lenas early acquire the ability to sympathize with their neighbor, love their home, family and parents. They almost never lose their temper and are capable of compromise. However, Elenas are often prone to tragedy and sacrifice (sometimes ostentatious) and can manipulate loved ones, drawing all the attention to themselves. hallmark such women are amazingly picky and able to be content with little.
  • Jeanne- French-language variation of the name "John", which translates as "God's gift." The double "n" endows this child with pronounced stubbornness and a surprisingly early opinion on any issue. The owners of this name are characterized by a sharp mind and resourcefulness, a decisive disposition and impulsiveness. Jeanne does not tolerate gossip and is very straightforward, you can always rely on them and entrust any business. In the upbringing of little Zhannochka, the main thing is to direct her perseverance in the right direction, and then the results will not be long in coming. Such individuals successfully cope with household chores, combining family and career very harmoniously.
  • Julia- an undeservedly forgotten maiden name. With all the harmony and softness, it is able to endow its owner with the qualities of a true leader. Julia is sociable, has the ability to be creative, does not tolerate quarrels and conflicts. In childhood, they are vulnerable and offended by any little thing, but they can easily be distracted and put in a good mood. Envy is completely unfamiliar to them, so feel free to share any achievements - Yulenka will always listen with pleasure about other people's victories. The actions of girls with this name are often overly cautious, so she needs to be gently motivated and pushed.
  • Svetlana- a bright name that endows its owner with kindness and easy character. Svetochka has been sociable since childhood and immediate child, however, even then, the makings of a real commander begin to awaken in her. These are pronounced neat people who value cleanliness and comfort. Such women are usually disinterested, artistic and have a pronounced intellect. The parents of this child need to correct his self-esteem in time, as it can become overestimated very quickly. Sveta's parents are treated sensitively and remain close to the family for life.
  • Ulyana- this girl from early childhood has a heightened sense of justice. Such natures are characterized by integrity, self-sufficiency, energy and pronounced inner strength. Usually they are open to the outside world, so parents need to take care that no one inflicts irreparable moral trauma on this child in childhood. Sensitive and soft women grow out of them, who are extremely delicate and tactful. Illyana is quite easy to offend, she is indecisive and tends to avoid obstacles, so she needs to build character and learn to overcome difficulties.

Fashionable names for a girl born in autumn

In the fertile autumn time, wise and pedantic personalities come into the world. They are characterized by integrity combined with diplomacy. Autumn children are rarely the instigators of conflicts - from early childhood they are distinguished by soundness of judgment. Girls born in September are quite flirtatious and love compliments; October babies are very sensitive to the feelings of others and will never hurt them on purpose. Children who come into the world in November are very patient and playful.

Autumn's children need a name that symbolizes confidence

Girls of the autumn period need to strengthen their character, so these fashionable names are suitable for them:

  • Natalia- the name that has begun to gain popularity again carries the concept of "native". This is a cheerful girl who is able to warm and comfort loved ones. From early childhood, the owner of this name knows her worth and takes both praise and reproaches very close to her heart. Natasha needs to be weaned from vindictiveness and taught to be patient. Such individuals are very proud, but not without reason: their achievements often amaze others.
  • Hope- from early childhood inclined to decisiveness and firmness of character. Understanding little Nadyusha is quite difficult, because with all her emotionality she knows how to subjugate her feelings, so parents should teach her to be more open. By nature, she is characterized by cheerfulness and irrepressible optimism, infecting those around her with energy. Able to do several things at the same time, and quite successfully. Such a woman is characterized by diligence and authority in any matters.
  • Faith- a name that speaks for itself. These are smart and truthful girls who are characterized by prudence and practicality in everyday matters. Verochka does not need excessive fantasies, so you are unlikely to force this child to read. Although she is certainly kind and caring, she is capable of being tough in achieving personal goals. Faith needs to try to suppress in itself suspiciousness and a tendency to stereotypical thinking - these are its main weak sides. She is an excellent hostess, so comfortable living conditions are guaranteed to everyone who lives with her under the same roof.
  • Taisiya- this name translates as "fertile." Taya is a person who is unwilling to compromise, she resolutely follows life path and capable of taking risks. This independent girl is characterized by a certain secrecy of nature, but if emotions come to the surface, then everyone will know about it. the world. You don’t have to worry that the child will ever deceive you - the owner of the name Taisiya does not tolerate lies and omissions, so you need to be as honest with her as possible. She is an excellent organizer and diligent student. However, she does not like to take care of the housework too much - her mother will have to make an effort to make a good wife out of her daughter.
