Galya, the dawns here are quiet. Boris Vasilyev And the dawns here are quiet...

The story "The dawns here are quiet ..." gave Soviet literature and cinema five subtle sensual female images. Absolutely different, touching and lively heroines are described. Characters and their characteristics are very important for the narrative. Five life stories, united by terrible military battles, broke off at the front. The tragedy of every girl and great sorrow for a country that has lost hundreds of thousands of people are depicted in a work that was later filmed.

History of creation

The story was written and published in 1969. The plot of “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” was based on real events. The author learned the story of the feat of seven soldiers who opposed the German saboteurs. The military defended a strategically important zone on the Kirov railway at the cost of their lives. Only the sergeant survived. The fate of the soldiers inspired Boris Vasiliev. During the work on the work, the author realized that daily feat during the war, both men and women committed, and made the latter the main actors.

Write about the role of women in war time in those years was not accepted. Their destinies remained in the shadow of men - defenders and heroes. Vasiliev's writing was a discovery in Soviet post-war literature and stood out against the background of writings about the war. The writer, commenting on his essay, said that it was important to highlight the initiative Soviet man who stood up with his chest to defend his homeland not by order, but by own will. If he described the behavior of men, it would be typical. But it was more difficult for women, and their heroic deeds no one dared to describe.

The main characters of the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..."

The heroines of the work were Sonya Gurvich, Galya Chetvertak, and. The story served as material for film adaptations. It was used by domestic directors and representatives of foreign cinema. Motion pictures with a similar plot appeared in India and China.

“And the dawns here are quiet…”

The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” describes five female images - girls of different origins, representatives of different types. Their biographies differ, but the heroines are united by daydreaming, femininity, sensitivity, and a keen perception of reality.

Galya Chetvertak was the youngest representative of the detachment. She was about 17-18 years old. The miniature girl came from an orphanage. The meaning of her last name, invented by the workers of the shelter, is fully justified by her appearance. As a child, Galya was left in the care of the state, without taking care of future fate babes. Being a foundling, she never stopped believing in miracles. A rich fantasy helped the girl to avoid the harsh reality.

They decided to direct the talent for telling composed stories and inventing fables in a peaceful direction, sending Galya to study at a library technical school. Before the war, the girl studied. As a third-year student, she received a call to the front. At first, they did not want to take Galya into the service because of her small stature and miniature physique, but the girl's desperation helped her to be enrolled in anti-aircraft gunners. She wanted to attract attention and distinguish herself, so cowardice was out of the question. She dreamed of public recognition. IN Peaceful time would like to do solo career, and in the war is obliged to become a hero.

Frame from the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" (2015)

When Galya went to the front, the realization came that war is not a romantic adventure, but a risk that brings death, a struggle for survival and constant tests of character. In the detachment, she had to strictly follow the instructions of her superiors and follow the orders given. But here, too, the girl did not forget about her passion for writing. She easily invented a story about herself, which featured a mother-nurse, the one she dreamed of. The people around quickly realized that the girl was not always truthful, but she did not want to deceive her colleagues. She simply dreamed of a better fate and lived in a world that she herself invented and contrasted with the harsh realities of war.

Frightening circumstances made it possible to test Gali's resilience. The young girl is not one of the brave ones, so they were in no hurry to go with her to complete the task. The girls understood that Galya would be the weak link in the operation and would accidentally set her up. Absent-mindedness and fearfulness of the girl lead her to death. This event shows that not everyone is ready for war. No matter how brave people show in life, no matter how strong they seem to themselves in their own dreams, in conditions of threatening danger, daydreaming and fantasies are out of place.

The last minutes of the life of Gali Chetvertak

Fear broke Galya. The fact that her friend Sonya Gurvich died affected her, filled her soul with horror. Fear and the realization that such a death threatens her disorientated the girl. Galya lost her vigilance and in a deadly skirmish with the Nazis, trying to escape from danger, she came under open fire from enemy guns. The dreamy girl was crushed by the cruel machine of war, which does not spare the weak and romantics.

Screen adaptations

The first film incarnation of the story became legendary, capturing the performers of the roles in the images of their heroines on long years. Today it is difficult for viewers to imagine other artists in the roles of young Soviet anti-aircraft gunners. In the film, released in 1972, Gali Chetvertak performed the role.

Inspired by the work, foreign filmmakers created works based on it. In cooperation with the Russian side, the Chinese director Mao Weining filmed a 12-episode series “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” in 2005. Alexandra Teryaeva was invited to the role of Gali Chetvertak.

Indian director S.P. Jananathan made an action-adventure film based on Vasiliev's story. The picture called "Valor" was released in 2009.

He again raised the topic of female heroism in the war in 2015, creating the film "" based on the first film adaptation literary work. The actress played Galya Chetvertak in this project. The director was criticized for a superficial interpretation of the work and erotic scenes, depicting heroines in the bath.

Galya Chetvertak image and description according to plan

1. "Foundling". One of the main characters of B. Vasiliev's story "" Galya Chetvertak immediately arouses touching pity in the reader. Even the girl's surname indicates her physical handicap - "height ... a quarter less."

The inconspicuous and modest pupil of the orphanage herself tried to attract attention. "The case of the attack ...", the search for non-existent treasures, the appearance of witches, love fever - all these tricks made Galya famous, allowed her to believe in herself and her own significance.

Galya dreamed of "universal worship." She was not satisfied with the surrounding gray reality, from which she escaped with the help of a rich imagination.

2. War. Immersed in dreams, the girl believed that she had a good opportunity to prove herself in the war. Therefore, she so persistently sought to be sent to the front. Galya managed to persuade the lieutenant colonel, who sent her to the anti-aircraft gunners, despite the discrepancy between age and height. However, military everyday life turned out to be even further from the dream than the reality in civilian life.

Galina's romantic and heroic ideas, the desire to accomplish a feat without fail, crashed against a strict military charter. The quarter turned back into a small, mortally frightened, defenseless girl, in whom the slightest trouble caused tears.

3. "Mom is a medical worker." The sharp discrepancy between dream and reality made Galya, from the time of the orphanage, go into her own imaginary world. Gradually, she even begins to believe in the reality of the images created in her imagination. With their help, Galya tries to protect herself from the surrounding rudeness and cruelty. The need for protection is especially acute for Chetvertak during Vaskov's expedition.

In the war, Galya feels completely defenseless. She is very easy to offend. The girl is afraid of the ridicule of her friends, the harsh Vaskov, and, of course, the still unseen main enemy - the Germans. Constant fear makes Galya invent and believe in the existence of her mother, a medical worker. The profession was not chosen by chance - the role and authority of medicine in military conditions is incredibly high.

With the help of a fictitious mother, Galya tries to protect herself from things that are terrible from her point of view: drinking alcohol and putting on the boots of her dead friend. Osyanina does not even understand how terrible and cruel her impatient cry becomes for Gali: "Enough! You don't have a mother!"

4. "The fighter has already been killed". The sight of the murdered Sonya dealt the final blow to the romantic notions of Gali Chetvertak. The war appeared before her in all its terrifying fullness. Gali's cowardice during the skirmish with the Germans is an inevitable consequence of the animal sense of self-preservation caused by overwhelming fear. Gali, and even more so Vaskov, had no way out. Taking Chetvertak with him, the foreman hoped to give her strength in this way. But it was no longer a fighter who went with him, but simply a mortally frightened girl. The war even entered her imaginary world. "Dumb, cast-iron horror" paralyzed Gali's will and left her no chance of salvation. tragic death A quarter, if such a comparison is appropriate, resembles the cold-blooded murder of a cornered defenseless animal.

Bushes rang out with a noise, and suddenly Galya burst out of them. Arching, clasping her hands behind her head, she rushed across the clearing in front of the saboteurs, already seeing nothing and not thinking.

Quarter. Ma - ma - -a-a-a-a-a-a-

Short hit machine gun

musical accent

Theme "Remembrance"

Quarter. Love will die first. on the spot,
Struck by your cold gaze.
In vain I bandaged and treated
I, dead, do not need anything anymore.

Scene 16

Vaskov realized that he was left alone. There was no strength to go, and he knelt down to drink from a puddle.

Komelkov. Fedot Evgrafych ... Fedot Evgrafych! .. Comrade foreman! ..

I rushed to them: here, in the water, and hugged. Both hung on him at once, kissing - dirty, sweaty, unshaven

Vaskov. Well, what are you, girls, what are you! ..

Vaskov. Oh, you are my girls, girls! Have you eaten at least a piece, slept at least with half an eye?

Komelkov. I didn’t want to, comrade foreman ...

Vaskov. What kind of foreman am I now, sisters? I'm kind of like a brother now. That's what you call Fedot. Or Fedya, as my mother called ...

Osyanin. And Galka?

Vaskov. Our comrades died a heroic death. Chetvertak - in a shootout, and Lisa Brichkina drowned in a swamp. It turns out that together with Sonya we have already lost three. This is true. But after all, for a day here, in the inter-lake area, we circle the enemy. Day! .. And now it's our turn to win the day. But there will be no help for us, and the Germans are coming here. It's time to take the fight there. The last one seems to be...

Scene 17

musical accent

Vaskov. Get down.

And again machine guns, and grenade explosions ...

Komelkov. Hurry!.. Rita!..

Osyanina lay in a pool of blood

Vaskov. How?

Osyanin. Grenade...

Vaskov. Rags! Linen come on!

With trembling hands, Zhenya was already tearing at his sack, already thrusting something light, slippery...

Vaskov. Not silk! Come on linen!

Komelkov. No...

Vaskov. Ah, goblin! (reached for the bag) Tightened it like a sin ...

Osyanin. The Germans... Where are the Germans?

Zhenya stared at her for a second, and then, grabbing the machine gun, rushed to the shore ..

The foreman tore off his shirt and began to bandage it.

Vaskov. Nothing, Rita, nothing ... He went over the top: the intestines are whole. Will heal...

musical accent

"The rattle of automata, the breaks of the grain"

Osyanin. Go... go there... Zhenya is there...

Vaskov hid it under spruce branches, and left.

Komelkova sang "Katyusha"

Komelkov. Apple and pear trees were blooming, fogs were floating over the river... Well, come here, come... Katyusha came ashore... Hey, you... took the song with you... for Rita (throws a grenade), Katyusha went ashore ... for Galka (throws a grenade), took the song with her ... for Sophia (throws a grenade) for Lisa...

musical accent

"The rattle of automata, the breaks of the grain"

Vaskov soon returned. He scattered the branches, silently sat next to him, clasping his wounded arm, swaying ...

Vaskov.But this time she seemed to know
That it will be a very difficult fight
But, as always, she saved her again,
I'm chasing after myself.

And there at the end ruthlessly, point-blank,
Squeezing a stone, barely getting up on enemies,
She was shot ... and since then
I also stopped hoping.

musical accent

Theme "Remembrance"

Osyanin. Zhenya died?

He nodded.

Osyanin. Zhenya immediately ... died?

Vaskov. Straightaway. They didn't defeat us, you know? I'm still alive, I still need to be knocked down! ..

He paused, clenching his teeth, swaying, cradling his arm.

Osyanin. Hurts?

Vaskov. This is where I hurt. It's itching in here, Rita. It's so itchy!.. I put you down, I put all five of you, but for what? For a dozen Fritz?

Osyanin. Well, why is it so ... Still, it's clear, the war ...

Vaskov. While the war, of course. And then when will there be peace? Will it be clear why you had to die? Why didn’t I let these Fritz go further, why did I make such a decision? What to answer when they ask: what is it you, men, couldn’t protect our mothers from bullets! Why did you marry them with death, but you yourself are whole?

Osyanin. No need. Motherland does not begin with canals. Not from there at all. And we protected her.

Vaskov. Yes ... You lie down for a while, I'll take a look around. And then they stumble - and the ends of us.

He took out a revolver, for some reason carefully wiped it with his sleeve.

Vaskov. Take it. True, two cartridges remained, but still calmer with him.

Osyanin. Wait a minute! Remember, I ran into the Germans at the junction? I then ran to my mother in the city. My son is there, three years old. Alik's name is Albert. My mother is very sick, she will not live long, and my father has gone missing.

Vaskov. Don't worry, Rita, I understood everything.

Osyanin. Thank you.

Vaskov. I'll do some reconnaissance and come back. We'll get there by nightfall.

Osyanin. Go. They covered me with branches. And be sure to come.

Vaskov. Let's reach together (went)

musical accent


Vaskov.When will we stay together
She, closely following the fight,
So ON TIME will crush them with fire
And give a second to replace the clip.
And I will die ... with the last regret:
“Again, the sisters put in vain ...”
There will be no breeze, no breath
And only a quiet dawn will rise.

musical accent

"Wait for me"

Soldiers sing a song

Hero characteristics

Lisa Brichkina is the forester's daughter, modest, speaks "o". One day, their father brought a guest to their house. Lisa liked him very much. He promised to place her in a technical school with a hostel, but the war began. Lisa always believed that tomorrow would come and be better than today.

Rita Osyanina- a widow, there is a son, serious, reliable, her husband died heroically on the second day of the war, and Rita found out about it only a month later.

Evgenia Komelkova- the first beauty of the trip, grew up in a good family, which was then shot. She loved to have fun, and one fine day fell in love with Colonel Luzhin. It was he who picked her up at the front. He had a family, and Zhenya was sent to this siding for contact with him.

Galya Chetvertak- does not know her parents, she was thrown into Orphanage, but Galya told everyone that her mother is a medical worker.

Vaskov- speaks “0”, always strict with subordinates, but fair, 30 years of joy, survived a personal drama: after the Finnish war, his wife left him. Vaskov demanded his son through the court and sent him to his mother in the village, but the Germans killed him there. The foreman always feels older than his years.

….. the first to die was Liza Brichkina. She drowned in the swamp, returning to the junction: “Liza saw this blue beautiful sky for a long time. Wheezing, she spit out dirt and reached out, reached out to him, reached out and believed. She believed until the last moment that tomorrow would come for her too.
Sonya Gurvich was shot when she returned to collect Vaskov's forgotten pouch.
Gali Chetvertak's nerves could not stand it when she was sitting with the foreman on patrol.
Rita Osyanina was wounded by a grenade, and Zhenya died while leading the Germans away from her. Rita, knowing that her wound was fatal, shot herself in the temple.

The story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" by Boris Vasilyev is one of the most heartfelt and tragic works about the Great Patriotic war. First published in 1969.
The story of five anti-aircraft gunners and a foreman who fought sixteen German saboteurs. Heroes speak to us from the pages of the story about the unnaturalness of war, about the personality in war, about the strength of the human spirit.

IN main topic the story - a woman at war reflects all the "ruthlessness of war", but the topic itself was not raised in the literature about the war before the appearance of Vasiliev's story. To sort out event series story, you can read the summary of “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” chapter by chapter on our website.

Main characters

Vaskov Fedot Evgrafych- 32 years old, foreman, commandant of the patrol, where anti-aircraft gunner girls are assigned to serve.

Brichkina Elizabeth-19 years old, the daughter of a forester, who lived before the war on one of the cordons in the forests of the Bryansk region in "a premonition of dazzling happiness."

Gurvich Sonya- a girl from an intelligent “very large and very friendly family” of a Minsk doctor. After studying for a year at Moscow University, she went to the front. Loves theater and poetry.

Komelkova Evgeniya- 19 years. Zhenya has his own account with the Germans: her family was shot. Despite the grief, "her character was cheerful and smiling."

Osyanina Margarita- the first of the class got married, a year later she gave birth to a son. Her husband, a border guard, died on the second day of the war. Leaving the child to her mother, Rita went to the front.

Chetvertak Galina- a pupil of an orphanage, a dreamer. She lived in the world of her own fantasies, and went to the front with the conviction that war is romance.

Other characters

Kiryanova- Sergeant, platoon commander of anti-aircraft gunners.

Chapter 1

In May 1942, several yards survived at 171 railway sidings, which turned out to be inside the hostilities going around. The Germans stopped bombing. In case of a raid, the command left two anti-aircraft installations.

Life at the junction was quiet and calm, the anti-aircraft gunners could not stand the temptation of female attention and moonshine, and according to the report of the commandant of the junction, foreman Vaskov, one half-platoon “swollen from fun” and drunkenness replaced the next ... Vaskov asked to send non-drinkers.

Arrived "non-drinking" anti-aircraft gunners. The fighters turned out to be very young, and they were ... girls.

It was quiet at the crossing. The girls teased the foreman, Vaskov felt embarrassed in the presence of "learned" fighters: he had only 4 classes of education. The main concern was caused by the internal “disorder” of the heroines - they did everything not “according to the charter”.

Chapter 2

Having lost her husband, Rita Osyanina, the commander of the anti-aircraft gunners, became harsh and withdrawn. Once a carrier was killed, and instead of her they sent the beautiful Zhenya Komelkova, in front of whom the Germans shot her loved ones. Despite the tragedy. Zhenya is open and mischievous. Rita and Zhenya became friends, and Rita "thawed out".

Galya Chetvertak becomes their friend.

Hearing about the possibility of transferring from the front line to the junction, Rita perks up - it turns out that she has a son next to the junction in the city. At night, Rita runs to visit her son.

Chapter 3

Returning from an unauthorized absence through the forest, Osyanina discovers two strangers in camouflage robes, with weapons and packages in their hands. She hurries to tell the commandant of the section about this. After listening carefully to Rita, the foreman understands that she was confronted by German saboteurs moving to the side railway, and decides to go to intercept the enemy. 5 female anti-aircraft gunners were allocated to Vaskov. Worried about them, the foreman tries to prepare his “guard” for a meeting with the Germans and cheer him up, joking, “so that they laugh, so that cheerfulness appears.”

Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Liza Brichkina, Galya Chetvertak and Sonya Gurvich, with the group leader Vaskov, set out on a short path to Vop-Ozero, where they expect to meet and detain saboteurs.

Chapter 4

Fedot Evgrafych safely leads his fighters through the swamps, bypassing the swamps (only Galya Chetvertak loses his boots in the swamp), to the lake. It's quiet here, like in a dream. “And before the war, these lands were not very crowded, and now they are completely wild, as if lumberjacks, and hunters, and fishermen went to the front.”

Chapter 5

Expecting to quickly deal with the two saboteurs, Vaskov nevertheless chose the retreat path "for safety net". While waiting for the Germans, the girls had lunch, the foreman gave a combat order to detain the Germans when they appeared, and everyone took up positions.

Galya Chetvertak, drenched in a swamp, fell ill.

The Germans appeared only in the morning: “grey-green figures with automatic weapons at the ready came out of the depths”, and it turned out that there were not two of them, but sixteen.

Chapter 6

Realizing that "five laughing girls and five clips for a rifle" cannot cope with the Nazis, Vaskov sends the "forest" resident Lisa Brichkina to report that reinforcements are needed.

Trying to frighten off the Germans and force them to go around, Vaskov and the girls pretend that lumberjacks are working in the forest. They loudly call to each other, scorch fires, the foreman cuts down trees, and the desperate Zhenya even bathes in the river in full view of the saboteurs.

The Germans left, and everyone laughed "to tears, to exhaustion", thinking that the worst was over ...

Chapter 7

Lisa "flew through the forest as if on wings", thinking about Vaskov, and missed a conspicuous pine tree, near which it was necessary to turn. With difficulty moving in the swamp slurry, she stumbled - and lost the path. Feeling the quagmire swallow her up, last time saw sunlight.

Chapter 8

Vaskov, who understands that the enemy, although he has fled, can attack the detachment at any moment, goes with Rita to reconnaissance. Having found out that the Germans settled on a halt, the foreman decides to change the location of the group and sends Osyanina for the girls. Vaskov is upset to find that he forgot his pouch. Seeing this, Sonya Gurvich runs to pick up the pouch.

Vaskov does not have time to stop the girl. After a while, he hears "a distant, weak, like a sigh, voice, an almost soundless cry." Guessing what this sound could mean, Fedot Evgrafych calls Zhenya Komelkova with him and goes to his former position. Together they find Sonya killed by enemies.

Chapter 9

Vaskov furiously pursued the saboteurs to avenge Sonya's death. Having imperceptibly approached the "Fritz" walking without fear, the foreman kills the first one, there is not enough strength for the second one. Zhenya saves Vaskov from death by killing the German with a gun butt. Fedot Evgrafych "was full of sadness, full to the throat" because of Sonya's death. But, understanding the state of Zhenya, who painfully endures the murder she committed, she explains that the enemies themselves have violated human laws and therefore she needs to understand: “these are not people, not men, not even animals - fascists.”

Chapter 10

The detachment buried Sonya and moved on. Looking out from behind another boulder, Vaskov saw the Germans - they were walking straight at them. Starting an oncoming battle, the girls with the commander forced the saboteurs to retreat, only Galya Chetvertak, out of fear, threw away her rifle and fell to the ground.

After the battle, the foreman canceled the meeting where the girls wanted to judge Galya for cowardice, he explained her behavior by inexperience and confusion.

Vaskov goes on reconnaissance and takes Galya with him for educational purposes.

Chapter 11

Galya Chetvertak followed Vaskov. She, who always lived in her fictional world, at the sight of the murdered Sonya was broken by the horror of a real war.

The scouts saw the corpses: the wounded were finished off by their own. There were 12 saboteurs left.

Hiding with Galya in an ambush, Vaskov is ready to shoot the Germans who appear. Suddenly, Galya Chetvertak, who did not understand anything, rushed across the enemies, and was struck down by machine gun fire.

The foreman decided to take the saboteurs as far as possible from Rita and Zhenya. Until night, he rushed between the trees, made noise, briefly shot at the flickering figures of the enemy, shouted, dragging the Germans closer and closer to the swamps. Wounded in the arm, hid in the swamp.

At dawn, getting out of the swamp to the ground, he saw Brichkina's army skirt blackening on the surface of the swamp, tied to a pole, and realized that Liza had died in the quagmire.

There was no hope for help now ...

Chapter 12

With heavy thoughts that "he lost his whole war yesterday", but with the hope that Rita and Zhenya are alive, Vaskov goes in search of saboteurs. He comes across an abandoned hut, which turned out to be a refuge for the Germans. He watches how they hide explosives and go to reconnaissance. Vaskov kills one of the remaining enemies in the skete and takes the weapon.

On the bank of the river, where yesterday “a performance was staged for the Fritz”, the foreman and the girls meet - with joy, like sisters and brothers. The foreman says that Galya and Liza died the death of the brave, and that they all have to take the last, apparently, battle.

Chapter 13

The Germans went ashore, and the battle began. “Vaskov knew one thing in this battle: do not retreat. Do not give the Germans a single shred on this shore. No matter how hard, no matter how hopeless - to keep. It seemed to Fedot Vaskov that he was the last son of his Motherland and its last defender. The detachment did not allow the Germans to cross to the other side.

Rita was seriously wounded in the stomach by a grenade fragment.

Shooting back, Komelkova tried to take the Germans away with her. Cheerful, smiling and resilient Zhenya did not even immediately realize that she had been wounded - after all, it was stupid and impossible to die at the age of nineteen! She fired as long as she had bullets and strength. “The Germans finished her off at close range, and then looked at her proud and beautiful face for a long time ...”

Chapter 14

Realizing that she is dying, Rita tells Vaskov about her son Albert and asks him to take care of him. The foreman shares with Osyanina his first doubt: was it worth protecting the canal and the road at the cost of the death of girls who had their whole lives ahead of them? But Rita believes that “Motherland does not begin with canals. Not from there at all. And we protected her. First her, and only then the channel.

Vaskov went towards the enemies. Hearing the faint sound of a shot, he returned. Rita shot herself, not wanting to suffer and be a burden.

Having buried Zhenya and Rita, almost exhausted, Vaskov wandered forward to the abandoned monastery. Bursting into the saboteurs, he killed one of them, and took four prisoners. In delirium, the wounded Vaskov leads saboteurs to his own, and, only realizing that he has reached, loses consciousness.


From a letter from a tourist (it was written many years after the end of the war) resting on quiet lakes, where there is “complete carlessness and desertion”, we learn that a gray-haired old man without an arm and rocket captain Albert Fedotych who arrived there brought a marble slab. Together with visitors, the tourist is looking for the grave of anti-aircraft gunners who once died here. He notices how quiet the dawns are here ...


Many years tragic fate heroines does not leave readers of any age indifferent, making them realize the price of a peaceful life, the greatness and beauty of true patriotism.

The retelling of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" gives an idea of storyline works, introduces its characters. It will be possible to penetrate into the essence, to feel the charm of the lyrical narration and the psychological subtlety of the author's story when reading full text story.

Story test

After reading summary be sure to try to answer the questions of this test.

Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 2353.

In the section on the question, the characterization of Gali Chetvertak in the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” given by the author Vote the best answer is Gali's life Chetvertak - one continuous dream, and she also dreamed of war, but "a dream come true is always devoid of romance. Real world turned out to be harsh and cruel and demanded not a heroic impulse, but the strict execution of military regulations. The festive novelty disappeared quickly, and everyday life was completely different from Galina's ideas about the front.

Answer from Elena Fedorova[guru]
An orphan, the surname was given in the orphanage, because she was very small. She always wanted to be noticed, which is why she fantasized all the time. When the war began, together with all her classmates, she appeared at the military registration and enlistment office - they did not take her because of her small stature. But she did not give up and got her way. But the test of the war Chetvertachok (as Komelkova affectionately called her) could not stand it, she died, giving herself away with a cry. And that cry was "Mom"

Answer from Caucasian[active]
Galya Chetvertak is an orphanage resident. When she grew up, she went to a library technical school, where she managed to study for two years, until the war began.
The foreman leads the detachment through the swamps along a narrow path, and together with the girls successfully reach Lake Vop. Having set up an ambush on the Sinyukhina ridge, they are waiting for the Germans. Those approach the shore only the next morning. But there are much more of them - sixteen people. Vaskov sends Liza Brichkina for help, but the girl stumbles on the path and dies in the quagmire. Meanwhile, the girls decide to trick the enemy by pretending to be lumberjacks.
The Germans are retreating to Lake Legontov, believing that someone is really cutting down the forest on the Sinyukhin Ridge. The detachment, meanwhile, changes position. Vaskov realizes that he forgot his pouch in the same place, and Sonya Gurvich decides to run after him. In a hurry, she runs into two Germans, from whose hands she dies. Vaskov and Zhenya take revenge for the murdered comrade-in-arms, and then they bury Sonya.
