New Year's Changelings (from New Year's songs). New Year contests for corporate parties

Most modern companies on the eve of the New Year hold entertaining corporate parties with games, entertainment and various adult competitions. Shared rest at work allows the team to unite and learn more about each other. But in order for the guests of the event to be really interesting, you need to select cool competitions that will be held at the table or in the office itself, its offices. Choose funny contests For New Year's corporate party 2018 can be among the examples below. You can also use the suggested ideas to create an unusual holiday program.

Adult contests for a New Year's corporate party with jokes: ideas and examples of competitions

The selection of non-standard competitions will help to make the holiday held on the eve of the New Year really exciting and interesting. In them, each participant will be able to show their talents, show their strengths and skills. It is also necessary to include contests with jokes in the program of the New Year's corporate party that will help cheer up everyone present.

Ideas for compiling a New Year's program for a corporate party with cool contests

It is better to hold adult games and competitions at corporate parties after a short feast. Thus, more people will participate in the competition. At the same time, tasks can be both team and single. For example, you can hold the following competitions:

  • dance (who dances better or longer, who can show more movements);
  • choice of pairs (blind, for some reason);
  • musical (performing karaoke songs, performing compositions by couplets, choir or duet);
  • quests (solving riddles, searching for objects, playing detectives);
  • board (from the usual Mafia to poker competitions).

Cool adult competition "Squirrels and Oaks" for a corporate party in honor of the New Year

All the guys from the company become big circle in the center of the room (backs inside the circle). The squirrel girls must run around this circle while the music is playing. As soon as the support is turned off, the squirrels should jump on the oaks (guys need to support dangling girls). Those squirrels that did not find their oaks are removed from playing field. Also, one oak tree is removed at each level. The pair that reaches the end of the competition wins.

Interesting contests with jokes for a New Year's corporate party for holding at the table

When all colleagues have time to chat and dance, you can move on to table games. They will help to have an interesting time and take a break from active competitions. You can choose contests with jokes for a New Year's corporate party for holding at the table from the following example. You can change or add to it if you wish.

An interesting table contest "Guess a couple" with jokes for the New Year's corporate party

Guests at the table receive pieces of paper with the names of celebrity couples (if boys and girls odd number, then some of them will not get a pair and should just confuse other players). To find your soul mate, each of the male or female participants of the game should ask the representatives of the opposite sex about their activities and hobbies. The winner is the pair that is the fastest to reunite.

Funny contests for the New Year corporate party "Question and Answer": with ideas and a video example

Board games at a corporate party can be not only intellectual, but simply funny. To do this, you just need to prepare the appropriate cards with questions, answers and choose a leader. It is advisable to ask the players funny or tricky questions: then the table game will be fun. The following tips will help you find out what the Q&A contest can be like at the New Year's corporate party, and how to prepare for it.

How to make a funny Q&A contest for a corporate party for the New Year?

For the contest, you need to print out separate cards with cool adult questions (How often do you wake up in someone else's bed? Have you had problems with a hangover for a long time? Could you perform a feat for your beloved / beloved?). Separately, you need to prepare cards with universal answers (Only on Mondays, from birth, I can’t live without it). The facilitator should read out the questions from the prepared cards, and each of the participants should blindly select the card with the answer from the table and read the text of the answer from it.

New Year is not far off, the time of widespread corporate parties is approaching. Yes, and at home, many groups of friends will probably want to diversify their vacation with games. And now is the time to pick up contests for the New Year 2019.

Remember: what is ideal for a small group of vacationers is not at all suitable for a large corporate party. And at home you can afford more than in the same restaurant.

New Year's contests for a home holiday

In small companies, it is worth giving preference to those contests for the New Year, which involve the inclusion of all those present so that no one is bored. And it’s not so difficult to take 5–7 people in one competition.

Take care of prizes in advance. Even an adult wants to receive some material proof of his victory. Let it be the most ordinary sweets, tangerines or simple souvenirs with the symbol of the year. At the end of the evening, participants can count who has collected more prizes. It's also a lot of fun.

New Year's melody

For this competition, you will need several identical bottles into which water is poured to different levels. It turns out a kind musical instrument. The bottles are put on the table, and guests are offered to perform any New Year's melody on these bottles with the help of an ordinary spoon. The winner is the one who, according to the general opinion, extracted the most similar melody.

Joke with a beard

Each person in the group takes turns telling a joke. If one of the others says that he knows this anecdote and really continues it, then the narrator is put on a cotton beard. In the end, the one with the shortest “beard” wins. And the most "bearded" can be appointed Santa Claus.

Find a Christmas tree

Another very fun competition for the new year. To do this, you will need to pre-purchase a car flavor in the form of a Christmas tree. They usually have a very strong, specific smell. It is hidden somewhere in the room, and the guests must find the object by smell.

hold snowflake

This contest will again require some cotton wool. You need to make something like a small and light snowflake. It should be possible to keep it on weight with a stream of air. A snowflake is tossed up, and the participants must blow on it from below, preventing it from falling. The winner, of course, is the one whose snowflake later falls to the floor.

New Year's gift

3 people can participate in this competition at the same time. The gender of the participants does not matter. One of the three is placed in the center of the room. He will New Year's gift. The other two are bred on opposite sides of the "gift" and blindfolded. One is given ribbons in his hands, he must tie bows on the gift by touch. The second one should also untie them to the touch.


This competition is designed for a rather warm company. A paper sheet is laid on the floor, long, but not too wide. A roll of standard wallpaper is ideal. Further, women are offered to overcome the "brook" without getting their feet wet, that is, to walk along its two banks, legs wide apart. First time women try it with open eyes, the second time - with closed ones.

Moreover, when the first of them overcomes the "brook", the rest should be outside the room. When a woman finishes the test, but has not yet unleashed her eyes, one of the men present lies down on the "brook".

The woman's eyes are opened. She sees a man and, naturally, is embarrassed. Now the next woman is invited to participate. The first sees how the competition actually took place, calms down and laughs.

I have in my pants

This is just one of those rare occasions when ordinary newspaper headlines can be useful. Journalists are now particularly zealously competing in originality. Cut out the most unexpected ones and put them in an envelope. Then this envelope starts in a circle. Each participant takes out one headline and says “and in my pants ...” and reads the headline from the pulled out piece of paper.

New Year's contests for a small company in a restaurant

In this case, there are some peculiarities. Funny competitions for the new year in a restaurant can be quite moving, but not too much so as not to damage furniture and utensils. Therefore, it is not necessary to involve all those present in the competitions at once. It is better to involve 2-3 people. Contests are also welcome, allowing you to have fun without leaving the table. In this case, you can have fun even where there is no special agreement for this.

Congratulations alphabetically

Invite the guests to take turns congratulating the audience and say toasts, but not just like that, but alphabetically. The first one says a toast to the letter “a”, the second - to “b”, and so on. The most fun, of course, begins, towards the end of the alphabet, in the area of ​​​​the letters "y", "s", as well as solid and soft sign. The winner is the one whose congratulations or toast will be the most fun.

The original is supposed to be a competition with a fake, drawn pie, on each piece of which predictions are written or drawn. So, a drawn penny portends wealth; heart, of course, love; envelope - news, news, and so on.

You can hold a contest with a real pie, in every piece of which such a prediction is hidden. Fortune-telling and predictions are invariably successful. People always want to know what the future holds for them. And even if fortune-telling is comic, it gives a lot of pleasure.


The perfect competition for the new year in a restaurant. Firstly, guests do not have to get up anywhere, and secondly, it is quite fun and interesting. Remind guests of the stories of several famous fairy tales, offer to choose one for yourself and retell, but slightly changing the genre. It can be a detective, a thriller, love story. If desired, you can spend several rounds, changing fairy tales and changing genres. In each round, the author of the most interesting version is selected as the winner.

two oxen

Two participants are selected. They are placed with their backs to each other, a rope tied into a ring is thrown over them in the manner of a team. A chair or table with a prize is placed in front of each participant at a distance of several meters. The task of the participants is to pull the opponent and be the first to grab their prize.


For this cool competition for the new year, you will need some kind of delicate product: jelly, jelly, soufflé. The task of the participants is to eat their portion as quickly as possible with the help of matches or toothpicks. This competition is good because it does not involve getting up from the table, it is quite fun for both participants and spectators.


Another "sitting" competition. Each participant is given a pen and a piece of paper, where he must write down all the New Year's dishes, for example, with the letter "n". When the lists are ready, the participants read them one by one. The one with the longest list wins.

You can slightly modernize this competition. Participants do not make preliminary lists, but simply take turns naming their dishes. Can't be repeated. Whoever finds it difficult to answer is out. The last one standing wins. This contest awakens the appetite very well, and it is convenient to hold it, for example, between appetizers and hot dishes.

New Year contests for corporate parties

Corporate events usually involve the presence in one place of a large number of people who are unfamiliar with each other. It is here that for the first time employees of different departments meet, who, in ordinary life they do not communicate with each other in any way, and even at all are at enmity. Therefore, competitions for New Year's corporate parties should unobtrusively bring people together. Here, team entertainment, pair competitions and the like are used.

Chief Accountant

On the poster, various banknotes in a variety of currencies are randomly drawn. Banknotes must be recognizable. The task of the participants is to count the banknotes starting from the first and ending with the last. Moreover, all currencies must be counted simultaneously: 1 ruble, 1 dollar, 1 euro, 2 euro, 2 dollars, 2 rubles. The one who never fails wins.


Since most often they rent for corporate parties separate room, here you can usually afford mobile contests. The diver competition will require two pairs of fins and two binoculars. Participants go to the start in twos, put on fins, take binoculars and, looking at it from the opposite side, try to overcome the distance as quickly as possible. It's quite difficult, so don't make the distance too long, and even more difficult, with a lot of turns and obstacles.

Baba Yaga

The meaning is similar to the previous one. Participants put one foot in the bucket and hold it with their hand. In the second hand they are given a mop. Baba Yaga in a mortar with a broom is ready. It remains only to find out which of the two (three) is more agile and faster.


Team competitions are also good for New Year's corporate parties. For example, next. Participants are divided into 2 teams and each of them is given a ball. First, the teams open a new planet, that is, inflate the resulting balloon. And then they pick up markers and begin to populate this planet. That is, to draw inhabitants on the ball. When the allotted time ends, the leader counts the inhabitants on both planets. The team with the largest population wins.

Damaged Phone and Associations

Do not forget about the good old, time-tested games. For example, a broken phone. Participants sit in a circle or a chain, depending on the capacity of the hall. In principle, you can play it without leaving the table. The first participant whispers a hidden word into the neighbor's ear. It is usually advised to do this quickly and indiscriminately. But in fact, no matter how you pronounce your word, there are many people in a long chain who hear it wrong. Whispering does not contribute to speech intelligibility. As a result, you need to compare the initial and final word.

The association game is not too different from the "telephone". In this case, the participants do not repeat the word they heard, but tell their neighbor their associations: Santa Claus - gifts - a holiday, and so on.

The main thing is that the suit sits

This contest is best held towards the end of the evening, when the guests are already a little drunk, get to know each other and are ready for really fun contests. A bag with various funny clothes is prepared in advance: felt boots, scarves, scarves, family underpants, diapers for adults, padded jackets, glasses with a mustache, and so on. The contestants are seated in a circle, and a bag of clothes is passed around the circle while the music is playing. When the music stops, the person who has the bag left, without looking, takes out one item from there and puts it on. The winner is the one who wears the least "competitive" clothes. However, by the end everyone looks fun.


Participants are again divided into two teams and handed out to them 8 inflated balloons. Each team has its own color balls. For example: red and blue. Letters are written on the balls with a marker so that the result is the word "Snowman".

From these 8 balls you can make other words. This is what speed teams will do. The facilitator asks questions, the answers to which can be laid out from the given letters. A point is earned by the team that completes the task faster. The team that scores more points than the opponent wins.

paper dress

This competition is played in pairs. The task of a man is to create a toilet paper dress for his female model. You can't use anything but paper. But you can do anything with it: twist, plug, tie in a bow. The contestants retire to a separate room, then the girls come out and show off their outfits. Please note, the model should come out in THIS by itself. The audience chooses the winners.

When choosing contests for a corporate party, try to alternate between mobile and seated games. To begin with, choose calm and not too frivolous tasks, allowing the participants to get to know each other and loosen up. Toward the end, when people are already relaxed enough, you can afford more daring contests for the new year.


Usually, the brightest and most memorable corporate events- these are holidays with fun contests and skits in which all employees of the company can prove themselves. We hope that the games and contests offered to your attention will help you organize corporate holidays.

Jump into the New Year

A ribbon is stretched in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as the host calls the number "three", everyone jumps into the "new year", that is, they jump over the ribbon.

New Year is a favorite holiday

How beautiful, look.

Let's jump into the new year together

As I say: one - two - five ...

New Year comes at midnight

You look at the clock

How the arrows come together

Let's jump together: one - two - one!

Round dances around the Christmas tree ...

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Our tree will light up

How to hear: one - two - seven!

We're tired of waiting

"Three" is time to say.

Who did not jump - cucumber!

Who jumped, he - well done!

Hot snowball contest

Explain that: I have a snowball in my hands, it is not ordinary, it is hot. Whoever this snowball lingers on will melt. All comers stand in a large circle. Snowball (sew a large one from synthetic winterizer) is transmitted to the music. The music stops, whoever has a snowball has melted (i.e., is removed.) And so on until the last participant. The latter is awarded the title of Snowman, or snow queen. Not stressful and fun.

"Sew on a button"

2 teams of 4 people participate. The teams are standing next to each other. Large fake buttons (4 pieces for each team), made of thick cardboard, lie on the chairs next to the teams. At a distance of 5 meters from the teams there are large coils on which a rope 5 meters long is wound, and a knitting needle lies. At the command of the leader, the first participant unwinds the rope, threads it into a needle (knitting needle) and passes it to the next participant, the second player sews on a button and passes the needle to the third participant, etc. The team that completes the task first wins.


The game involves 2 people. To play the game, 2 chairs are required, which stand at a distance of about 10 meters from each other, Balloons in the amount of 10 pieces in two colors (for example: 5 red and 5 blue), 2 empty plastic bottles. At the signal of the host, 2 "shepherds" must drive their "sheep" (balls of a certain color) into their "caves" (chairs) with plastic bottles. This must be done quickly, while not "losing" a single "sheep".

"Balloon Dance"

5-6 people participate in the game, a balloon is tied to the left leg of the participants. To the music, the participants must dance and try to burst the opponent's ball with their right foot. The game continues until one ball remains with the participant.

"Musical Vinaigrette"

The game involves 6 people, i.e. 3 pairs. Under contemporary music couples need to dance "gypsy", "lezginka", tango, "lady", modern dance. The best couple is chosen by the applause of the audience.

The game "The main thing is that the suit sits"

To play, you will need a large box or bag (opaque), in which they are folded various items clothing: size 56 briefs, bonnets, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, shoe covers, wigs, etc. funny things.

The host invites those present to update their wardrobe by pulling out some item from the box, on the condition that they do not remove it for the next half hour.

At the signal of the host, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music has stopped, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing that comes across and puts it on. The view is amazing!

Competition “Next year I will definitely...”

Each of those present takes the papers and in three versions finishes the phrase - "in next year I am sure ... ", the papers are folded into a common container, mixed and in three sittings they are pulled out of the container by those present and read aloud. For example, a statement young man about the fact that I will definitely have a baby next year, etc. arouses great joy among the rest ... The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants ...

The player is offered to cover himself with a blanket. Then they report that the people around have guessed the thing that is on it and offer to guess what it is. For each wrong answer, the player must remove the named thing. The secret of the game is that the correct answer is the blanket, and the player, as a rule, does not know about it.

For convenience, the coverlet can be supported by someone else.

locker rooms

Volunteers are called - 2 guys and 1 girl. And so 2 or 3 teams. The task is on the command of the presenter to put on the girl as quickly as possible and more things taken from the guys. Even socks and shorts count. As a result, imagine the following picture: there is a girl dressed from head to toe in men's clothing, and two naked guys! The degree of their nudity is determined by the degree of their modesty and the solidity of the prize to the winner!

Where have I been in the past year?

Three to four people are needed for this game. They turn their backs on the guests. Pieces of paper are attached to their backs, on which the names of institutions, organizations, and government offices are written. For example: bathhouse, police station, railway station and so on.

If the party is private, close people have gathered, you can play pranks and, without restraining your imagination, diversify the list (toilet, maternity hospital, etc.).

Participants should not see what is written. Each of them is asked questions in turn. How often do you visit this place? Do you go there alone or accompanied by someone? What are you doing there? Is this place free or do you have to buy a ticket?

Since the participants do not see what is written on their backs and answer at random, ridiculous and ridiculous mismatches, inconsistencies arise.

Russian roulette

A very effective draw. That is why it is carried out only once. Re-organizing it in an auditorium where at least one person is familiar with the nuances of the game detracts from the impression.

The men present at the party are invited to demonstrate their ability to act romantically and recklessly. As once in jousting tournaments, each of them can dedicate participation in this competition to his beloved lady.

The men line up. The hostess approaches each one in turn, holding a vase of eggs in her hands. Boiled eggs, except for one. Each of the men must take an egg and break it on his forehead.

Here you need both a certain courage and courage - what if you get a raw egg? Real Russian Roulette!

The situation heats up the more, the fewer eggs remain in the vase.

Usually it is ladies who are very worried about the safety of a decent appearance participants in the tournament. They begin to give advice on how it is more convenient to get up, break; holding out napkins.

The game, of course, requires certain props, but given that New Year's table it is covered almost everywhere, there should be no problems with its preparation. The number of eggs is determined by the number of people present at the party.

The secret is that raw eggs not in the vase. They are all hard boiled.

Auction "Pig in a Poke"

In between dances, you can hold an auction in the dark. The facilitator shows the participants the lots wrapped in wrapping paper so that it is not clear what is inside. To provoke the audience, the presenter in a comic form announces the purpose of this item.

The auction uses real money, while the initial price of all lots is quite low. The participant who offered the highest price for the item redeems it.

Before being handed over to a new owner, the item is unwrapped to satisfy the curiosity of the public. It is advisable to alternate funny and valuable lots to increase the excitement of the public.


A volunteer is chosen. One leader takes him away and explains that he will have to portray the kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but without making a sound, and everyone else must guess what he is depicting. At this time, the second host tells the audience that now the victim will show the kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal they are shown. It is necessary to name any other animals, except for a kangaroo. It should be something like: "Oh, so it's jumping! So. It must be a rabbit. No?! Strange ... Well, then it's a monkey." In five minutes, the simulator will really resemble a kangaroo gone mad.

marksmanship pen

You will need two cans, 20 coins. Two couples are called - in a pair of a gentleman and a lady. Now the gentlemen are attached to the belt of the jar. Ladies are given 10 coins. Ladies move 2 meters away from gentlemen. At the signal of the leader, the lady must throw all the coins into the gentleman's jar. The gentleman helps her by rotating his waist (if any). The couple with the most coins in the jar wins.

The year of the Dog will soon come, and, of course, in many friendly work teams, the bosses (or the employees themselves) will decide to celebrate this event. In addition to pickles and alcohol - faithful companions every New Year - the guests will need to be captivated by something less material, otherwise, tired of monotonously chewing food and raising toasts “for happiness and “for good luck”, the audience will simply start to yawn. Guests will not be allowed to sleep cool contests for the New Year corporate party 2018, held at the table and in nature. Funny table games and fun entertainment will enliven even the most ordinary evening, passing to the sound of glasses and shots of champagne. Check out some of the funniest ideas and contest videos on this page that you remember the most, such as a Q&A game or a dance competition.

Games and contests for the New Year corporate party 2018 with jokes: video ideas

As a rule, about the upcoming new year party in the company of colleagues is reported in advance. Each invitee receives his homework»: prepare salads, hot dishes, pastries, sweets, buy disposable tableware and champagne, bring napkins, tablecloths and towels, etc. However, the most difficult task receives the future host of the evening. He must not only pick up interesting games and funny contests for an organized New Year's corporate party 2018 with jokes and pranks, but also know how to conduct them. Our video ideas will help him organize the fun.

Cool New Year's contest "Ball on the nose"

For this competition, the host prepares a lot of cotton balls, petroleum jelly and four voluminous bowls. Cotton balls are placed in two bowls, and the other 2 are left empty. Two guests of the corporate party take part in the competition - the tips of their noses are smeared with Vaseline and the timer is started. The player who managed to move the tip of his nose to another bowl largest number balls, wins. The prize can be a chocolate bar or a kiss from a beautiful department head.

New Year's Karaoke Contest 2018

Most funny Games and contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018 with jokes can also be song. Their ideas are prompted by the contestants themselves, posting videos online. Anyone can become a participant, but the winner is the one whose singing causes the most violent reaction from the audience.

Funny contests with jokes at the table for the New Year corporate party

Tired of dancing and eating Olivier salad, holiday guests can take a break by organizing fun contests with jokes at the table for the New Year's corporate party. For such games, as a rule, sheets of paper and pens are required for each of the guests.

Table competition "Blind New Year's poem": burime game

A fun competition with jokes at the table for a New Year's corporate party can be a game of burime . Before the start of the game, each contestant must prepare a pen. The first participant is given a sheet of paper, on the top of which he writes any phrase. The field of this sheet is wrapped in such a way that the written line remains hidden from others, but the rest of the paper can be used further. The first participant reports the last word lines to the second contestant, and he comes up with an arbitrary line for him, rhyming with the previous one. For example: “I love the wind and FROST” and “My NOSE does not smell anything”, etc. The sheet is passed around in a circle, and everyone writes in rhyme. The last participant reads the resulting poem - everyone here is laughing!

Humorous contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018 - Funny question-answer game

Among all the humorous contests for the New Year's corporate party, the funny Question-Answer game will probably cause the most laughter. Before the start of the game, the leader prepares several dozen arbitrary questions on separate small sheets of paper, and on other sheets - answers “at random”, seemingly unrelated to the questions asked. One participant draws a question from the header and asks it to any contestant. He, without stroking, pulls out the answer and announces it to everyone. Coincidences are so funny that during the game, bursts of laughter are heard every now and then.

What can you ask in the game "Question and Answer"

If you want to learn humorous contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018, the funny Q&A game will be remembered forever. You can ask here about anything; answers - any sets of words. For example, a contestant may get the phrase “Why do you run in the morning?”, And another participant may answer “Then I don’t see you.”

Cool competitions for a corporate party for the New Year: videos and ideas

Sometimes it happens that all the guests of the party have already gathered, and the host is late or even decided to skip the event. What to do: make endless toasts and praise self-made snacks? No, the coolest corporate party contests for the New Year can be suggested by the guests of the evening. Videos and ideas for holding such evenings with colleagues will help them with this.

Contest "Guess who's in front of you"

For this and other cool corporate party contests for the New Year 2018, pay attention to the videos and ideas of cool games with the participation of adults presented on this page. In order to play “Guess who is in front of you”, the men are blindfolded, and the women are seated in a row on chairs. In turn, touching only the knee of each lady, the gentlemen are trying to guess who is sitting in front of him this time. The one who guessed the largest number of female colleagues wins.

Funny contests for the New Year for a corporate party in nature

Not always winter brings us only blizzards and colds. Sometimes December is unusually warm: fluffy snow falls, laying on the ground in soft drifts, and the air smells of frosty freshness. During such weather, you can arrange funny contests for the New Year and hold a corporate party in nature. It can be ordinary “snowballs”, sledding from the mountain and wrestling in the snow.

Examples of New Year's competitions in nature

Not always funny competitions for the New Year for a corporate party in nature should be associated with vigorous activity and physical activity. Tired of throwing snowballs at the opposite team or from funny "ski" races on branches tied to your feet, you can relax and turn on your intellect. Why not play "Changeling" - guessing versions of the names of songs, movies and books "in reverse". For example, the “inverted” line “Woman, I don’t dance” will sound like “Man, I sing.” Now try to guess what kind of book is encrypted in the title "Cat's Kidney". Surely, " dog's heart"! Here are some examples of "shifters" for a fun contest.

Changeling - movies

1. "Seventy-one eternities of autumn" ("Seventeen Moments of Spring").
2. "Ragged hippopotamus" ("Dundee, nicknamed the Crocodile").
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. "Cap french republic" ("Crown Russian Empire»).
5. "Everyone is on the street" ("Alone at home").
6. "Glass leg" ("Diamond hand").
7. "Thieves' vocational school" ("Police
8. "Cadets, back!" ("Midshipmen, forward!").
9. "Black Moon of the Jungle" ("White Sun of the Desert").
10. "Home cactus" ("Wild Orchid").
11. "Cold feet" ("Hot heads").

Changelings - movie titles (second option).

1. "Devil's Liver" ("Angel's Heart").
2. "Sing, sing!" ("Dance Dance!").
3. "Uryupinsk trusts smiles" ("Moscow does not believe in tears").
4. “We will die after Wednesday” (“We will live until Monday”).
5. "Vasil the Good" ("Ivan the Terrible").
6. “All men in rock” (“Only girls in jazz”).
7. "Little hike" ("Big walk").
8. "Cat under the straw" ("Dog in the manger").
9. “Put Dad on a Plane” (“Throw Mom off the Train”).
10. "Sidorovka, 83" ("Petrovka, 38").
11. "Short lesson" ("Big break").

Changeling - lines from songs

1. “Above the floor of his hut” (“Under the roof of my house”).
2. “The painter who smears the snow” (“The artist who paints the rain”).
3. “Wake up, your girl is sick” (“Sleep, my little boy”).
4. "Dirty green sock" ("Stylish orange tie").
5. “I will live with myself for a hundred years” (“I can’t live a day without you”).
6. “There were locusts on the tree” (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”).
7. “Russian in the house is not waiting for sunset” (“Chukchi in the plague is waiting for dawn”).
8. "I, I, I am in the morning and in the evening" ("You, you, you night and day"),
9. “That night of defeat does not smell like a bullet” (“This Victory Day smells like gunpowder”).
10. “Black Bat Polonaise” (“White Moth Samba”).
11. “He hates tomatoes on fire” (“She loves strawberries on ice”).

Adult competitions for corporate parties for the New Year 2018 - New Year's games and entertainment

If you are looking for the most extraordinary funny adult corporate contests for the New Year 2018, take a look at this collection of New Year's games and entertainment. Remember your favorite pranks, jokes, fun and offer them to the guests of the holiday party.

Examples of adult competitions for a New Year's corporate party

Perhaps guys often think that all the best adventures and fun events happen to a person only in happy childhood. All those who even know what funny and “flying” adult contests for corporate parties for the New Year 2018 will argue with them, new year games and entertainment arranged by their moms and dads at work. Well, for example, wouldn’t it be funny to fulfill the request of the presenter, who invites each of those present in turn to depict in a dance a journey to the country whose music he hears in this moment?

Board games for the New Year corporate party 2018 at work

The New Year is not always just a gastronomic holiday and an excellent occasion to drink without any complaints from the close circle. Why not remember the childhood that ended so recently and hold board games for the New Year's corporate party 2018 at work? At least one of the guests of the event will always have the requisites for such games - paper and a pencil or pen.

Game "Who? Where? When? What?" for the New Year

A board game for a fun New Year's corporate party 2018 at work does not copy the most popular TV quiz. This competition has another, lighter and more amusing interpretation. The essence of the modern game “Who? Where? When? What did you do?" is as follows. All participants are given sheets and pens. After question asked leading "who?" all participants write a name on the sheet and, folding the sheet so that the word is not visible, give it to the neighbor on the right. The following questions are “when?”, “where?” and “what did you do?” are written and transmitted according to the same scheme. After that, the sheets unfold and the "secret" becomes clear. For example, well, who could have guessed that “Ivan Ivanovich salted tomatoes in the supermarket on May 1?”

Memorize these funny questions and answers games, fun activities and cool contests for New Year's corporate party 2018, and arrange New Year's Eve at work real holiday!

On the eve of the New Year, most companies and organizations organize corporate parties for their employees. Someone prefers to go to a restaurant, someone arranges a holiday right in the office, and someone even prefers an active type of recreation. One way or another, as a rule, any corporate party is remembered by colleagues not only because of the delicious treats, but also because New Year's program for corporate.

New Year's contests for a corporate The best way"revive" the holiday, give each employee the opportunity to take part in the event, and even rally the team, not to mention good mood and unforgettable experiences. Also pick up thematic for colleagues.

Contests for corporate parties

To New Year's celebration in the circle of colleagues passed without a hitch and much thought about what to do, competitive program it is better to prepare in advance, as well as the props (if necessary) for contests and games.

Contest "Parodies"

Everyone takes part in the competition. The host writes on a piece of paper the names and surnames of all office employees. Then, each in turn blindly pulls out a piece of paper with a name. The task of the participant is to use pantomime to show the person whose name is written on a piece of paper, while others must guess who exactly the player is showing. The winner is the one who most interestingly and accurately parodies his colleague.

Accuracy Competition

Men and women are divided into pairs. An empty tin can is attached to each man's belt. Women move away from men by 10 meters, they are given 20 moments. The task of the woman is to get the coin into the jar. At the same time, men can help their ladies, for example, rotate their waist. But, none of the participants in the competition can move from their place. The winner is the one who manages to throw more coins. Think in advance, like at a corporate party.

Competition "Noah's Ark"

The host of the corporate party writes on pieces of paper of different animals. Animals must be paired, for example, 2 elephants, 2 rabbits, 2 bears. You can make the competition even more thematic, and be sure to enter the animal symbol of the coming year, the Goat. Next, the contestants draw an animal for themselves. It turns out that everyone has a pair, but you need to find your pair.

The participant's task is to find his animal with the help of gestures and movements. Talking and making sounds is prohibited. The first person to guess where his pair is wins. To make the competition more interesting, it is better to think of animals that are less recognizable, such as a lynx or a hippopotamus.

Cool New Year's contests for corporate parties

Nothing helps to relax like funny New Year's contests. In addition, fun contests not only create a relaxed atmosphere, but also help employees to become liberated.

TV Program Contest

This cool New Year's competition for a corporate party can be held even at the table. he is not active, but positive.

For the competition, you should prepare as many cards in advance as the number of people who will attend the corporate event. On each card you need to write 6 unrelated words. For example:
1. Vase, elephant, government, ball, coin, broom;
2. Sheep, medicine, president, parachute, kebab, backgammon;
3. Australia, Christmas tree, thief, windmill, skis, microphone;

Participants draw one card and read to themselves what is written there. Then, the participants are given 1 minute to come up with one sentence from the words. The proposal should sound like hot news about some event that allegedly happened on the eve of the New Year. The sentence must include all the words from the card, they can be declined and turned into any part of speech. It turns out very funny!

For example:
“An Australian supermarket announced over the microphone that a thief with chickenpox stole a Christmas tree and fled the scene on skis.”

Competition "Dance with a balloon"

Everyone can participate in this mobile competition, the main thing is that there are enough balls. An inflated balloon is tied to the participant's left leg. Then the music turns on and everyone starts dancing. The task of the participants is to burst the ball of their opponent with their right foot. Only the right leg can be used! The one whose ball remains untouched wins.

Music Assortment Competition

Participants go to the dance floor. Some modern melody is included. Participants of the competition must dance several types of dance to this melody: lezginka, polka, hip-hop, ballet, tango. At the end of the competition, you can gather a round dance around the Christmas tree, and also dance something unusual, only with the whole team.

Competitions for corporate parties in the office

When the decision on where to hold a corporate party falls on the walls of the office, the task of the organizers becomes somewhat more complicated, because. not always a place in the office allows you to walk in a big way. Therefore, when choosing New Year's competitions for a corporate party in the office, this factor should be taken into account. Fortunately, there are many funny contests that can be held in the office!

Competition "Retrospective of events"

This competition can be held at the table. Each worker in turn should remember some funny or important event from the life of the office, which happened in the past year. Anyone who cannot remember the event is eliminated from the competition. The one who stays in the game until the very end wins a prize. Sometimes memories reach even the most ridiculous events! But that's what makes the competition funny.

Competition "Not looking"

All participants in the competition are blindfolded and one number is told in the ear. This figure is his serial number in the queue. After a loud beep. All participants must line up in numerical order, no talking or whispering!

To extend the competition, you can then announce that this is the line for gifts, and give out joke prizes. However, each gift must be intended specific person. So, if someone in the queue does not take their place, then he will receive someone else's gift. Before the start of the competition, you need to make sure that there is enough space in the office, and that no foreign objects will interfere with the participants. Before a corporate party, review
