Yuri Antonov: Three wives and favorite pets of the first Soviet millionaire from show business. Yuri Antonov: biography, personal life Yuri Antonov biography, personal life, his children

IN Soviet years singer Yuri Antonov was adored by millions of music lovers. The singer's compositions were simple and sincere, made us think about life and our place in it. Popularity did not come to Yuri Antonov immediately, but when it came, it made him recognizable and in demand throughout the Soviet Union.

Today, Yuri Antonov is already 73 years old, but he still goes on stage and performs his old compositions that have entered the musical history of the country. The singer to this day remains a favorite of the public and has his listener.

In the 80s, the singer's popularity was gaining momentum, while everyone wanted to know any details about the rising star, including height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Antonov can be found in any network source. The singer's height is 178 cm, weight is 67 kg. In February 2018, Yuri Antonov celebrated his 73rd birthday.

Despite the fact that the peak of the singer's popularity has long passed, often netizens are looking for information on the topic: "Yuri Antonov, photos in his youth and now." By the way, since his youth he has not changed much, he is still faithful to his haircut, which he wears from a young age.

Biography of Yuri Antonov

Those who are interested in the biography of Yuri Antonov can plunge into the world of memories of a man who was born in Tashkent, in the distant and harsh 1945. Father - Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, soldier, participant in the Great Patriotic War, mother - Natalya Mikhailovna Antonova, sister - Antonova Zhanna Mikhailovna.

After the capture of Berlin Soviet troops, the father of Yuri Antonov continued to serve here for the good of the motherland, where the whole family moved. At this time came into being younger sister singer Jeanne. After Germany, the Antonov family moved to Belarus.

It was in Belarus that young Yuri Antonov began his creative way from the music school, where he went to study at the insistence of his mother.

Having received a secondary education and graduating from a music school, Yuri Antonov takes the entrance exams to the music school in the class folk instruments. Here the singer first organized his Music band speaking at the House of Culture.

The first profession of Yuri Antonov after graduation is teaching at the music school in Minsk. Then the whole family of the singer already lived in the capital of Belarus. Then the singer began to work in State Philharmonic as an instrumental soloist. In 1964, Yuri Antonov was called up for military service.

After serving in the ranks of the Soviet army, the singer returns to his former place of work and leads the Tonika musical group.

Then, Yuri Antonov will create more than one musical group, where he will also sing his own songs.

All-Union fame comes to Yuri Antonov in the 70s, when he begins to collaborate with the Araks group. Released then new records broke all sales records. But the peak of the singer's fame came in 1982-1983, when such famous songs, as "Take care of the woman", "Everything has its time", "Life". At this time, the singer released an album in Yugoslavia with a large number of songs, which were also sold in such countries as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Cuba.

For some time, the Chechen-Ingush Republic became the singer's place of work, where he became a Philharmonic soloist.

One of the most popular songs of Yuri Antonov - "The Roof of My House" instantly became a hit and also brought the singer a place in the final of "Song of the Year".

Some of the singer's compositions were translated into English for a wider audience, but as it turned out, their meaning is very different from the Russian originals.

1988 brought a little novelty to the life of Yuri Antonov, thanks to the filming of the singer in the film, where his songs also sounded. One of them "Bullfinches" again received attention on the "Song of the Year".

In one of the cities of Russia, with the singer happened unpleasant incident. He did not flatter the public, including rich and influential listeners, this led to consequences, or rather a 2-year ban on the singer's broadcast on television.

Although latest songs Yuri Antonov were released a long time ago, but many of them still gather full halls of fans of the singer's work.

21 years ago, the singer received the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and three years ago, personally by President Vladimir Putin, Yuri Antonov was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov

Many fans of the singer are interested in the personal life of Yuri Antonov. On this topic, he rarely speaks to the press and does not like to talk about any details. It is known that popular singer was married three times, but today, he is officially divorced and remains a confirmed bachelor.

It so happened that all three spouses of Yuri Antonov wanted to live abroad, while the singer himself is a true admirer of Russia, and did not want to leave it. Last wife Anna gave him two children - a son and a daughter, with whom the father maintains a relationship in every possible way.

Family of Yuri Antonov

If we take into account all the wives from three marriages and children, then the family of Yuri Antonov is quite large: the first wife is Anastasia, the second is Miroslava, the third is Anna, and the children are Mikhail and Lyudmila.

The singer's daughter lives in Paris, sometimes comes to Russia, while her son lives in Moscow.

In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that for a man who provides for a family, his wife is obliged to obey and put his opinion above all else, perhaps just a peculiar look at family life Yuri Antonov and became the cause of his three unsuccessful marriages.

Grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov

A lot of public attention is attracted by the grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov. You can find only a couple of lines about this on the net. It is known that both children of the singer were born from the third wife of Yuri Antonov - Anna, who today permanently lives in France. Daughter Lyudmila also lives in French capital, and son Mikhail lives in the Russian Federation.

It is the son who is the closest relative of the singer, with whom he regularly maintains relations. There is no information about the grandchildren of Yuri Antonov, perhaps they exist, but no one knows about this.

The son of Yuri Antonov - Mikhail

The son of Yuri Antonov - Mikhail, lives in Russia. There is almost no information about the fate of the man. With his mother, third wife Anna, the singer did not agree on a permanent place of residence. According to the singer, one can understand that he is a domineering man who likes to keep everything under his control and does not tolerate characteristic women.

With his son Mikhail, the popular singer maintains a warm relationship, helps him. The public and the media do not have more information. Well, everyone has the right to keep details about their personal lives secret from outsiders.

Daughter of Yuri Antonov - Lyudmila

Yuri Antonov's daughter, Lyudmila, also appeared in the singer's third marriage. She lives in France with her mother. The singer is silent about how their fate turned out, and always without willingly gives comments about his ex-husbands and children.

It is possible that the singer travels abroad to sometimes visit his daughter, because this is his blood, and, regardless of the fact that he and Lyudmila's mother did not get along and could not save the family, blood ties take their toll. Whether Lyudmila comes here is also not known for certain. It is only reported that the singer of all members of his family considers his son Mikhail to be the most dear person.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Anastasia

The first and ex-wife of Yuri Antonov, Anastasia, even before the marriage, warned the singer that she planned to leave for the United States after marriage. Yuri Antonov not only knew about this, but also actively prepared for departure: he bought tickets, prepared documents. But, on the day of departure, he changed his mind and stayed in Russia. Life apart did not leave the marriage a chance, which was terminated shortly after Anastasia moved.

It is not known what prompted the singer to take such a step, but he sealed the fate of the marriage, which might have been successful. But neither the singer nor the rest will ever know about this.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Miroslava

The second and also ex-wife of Yuri Antonov is Miroslava. The identity of the second wife of the singer is unknown. Only her place of residence is reported - Croatia, Zagreb. Apparently, Yuri Antonov first married the second chosen one, and then found out about her plans to live abroad.

In any case, there is no more information about Miroslava, and the singer himself talks about her without enthusiasm, since nothing good came of the second marriage with a certain woman named Miroslava. Whether this is fate, or the usual step in the life of Yuri Antonov, which he stepped over, remains a mystery.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Anna

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov, Anna, brought the greatest joy to the singer from all three marriages, as she bore him two children - son Mikhail and daughter Lyudmila.

Yuri Antonov always believed that a family cannot have two heads, two masters, one person must fulfill this role. Apparently, the third wife, Anna, claimed leading role in family. The firm character of Yuri Antonov prevailed over the integrity of the family.

Anna moved to permanent residence to France, followed by eldest daughter singer Ludmila.

Wikipedia Yuri Antonov

One of the most accurate and informative sources of the singer's biography is Yuri Antonov's Wikipedia. The site contains all the data about the beginning of the song activity of Yuri Antonov, about his rise, peak of popularity, awards, works as a composer.

Personal life is almost not covered here, as in any other network sources, which directly depends on the desire of a popular artist.

Today Yuri Antonov is 73 years old and he is still cheerful and full of love for the stage. About this man, you can say for sure that he devoted his life to music.

Mom instilled a love for music in Yuri, it was she who sent her son to a music school, after graduating from which he entered the Molodechno Music College in the class of folk instruments. During his student years, Antonov organized his first group - a pop orchestra, performing at the local House of Culture.

After graduating from college in 1963, Antonov was assigned as a teacher at the Minsk Children's Music School, where he began working as a soloist-instrumentalist in the State Philharmonic. But in 1964 he was drafted into the army, after which he returned to the Philharmonic, where he began to manage the Tonika ensemble.

In 1969, the artist was invited to work as a keyboard player in the popular Leningrad VIA team"Singing Guitars". Over time, he became the vocalist of the group. A year later, Yuri moved to Moscow, where he got a job at the VIA "Good Molodtsy". After that, he got into the Sovremennik orchestra, and also led the ensemble at the capital's music hall. Over time, Antonov became the artistic director of the VIA "Magistral" with regional philharmonic society and at the All-Union Recording Company Melodiya.

In 1973, the first record-minion of Yuri Antonov and Sovremennik was released, which included the songs "Third Day", "Well, what to do with him?", "At birches and pines". And three years later, the artist and VIA "Good Molodtsy" recorded an album with Antonov's compositions "No, not me", "Why" and "The current carries me". Soon the first compositions of the musician appear and in VIA repertoire"Funny boys". At that time, Antonov's songs were performed by many famous VIAs of the 70s, such as: "Singing Hearts", "Earthlings" and "Red Poppies".

In the early 80s, thanks to cooperation with the Araks group, Antonov gained all-Union popularity. His records are sold in a million copies, and Yuri himself becomes one of best performers in USSR. His songs become the soundtracks of films popular at that time, and their author himself begins to tour abroad, where his records are also sold.

In 1983, Antonov became a soloist of the Chechen-Ingush Philharmonic, where he soon received the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR. After collaborating with VIA "Blue Bird", Antonov releases the disc "The Roof of Your House", which includes songs from five minions of the composer with various instrumental ensembles. Also, Antonov, together with Mikhail Plyatskovsky, write several parts of the musical for children "The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi". And in 1983, for the first time, he entered the final of the Song of the Year festival with the composition "The roof of your house."

In 1982, Antonov organized the Airbus team and two years later released two albums, Believe in a Dream and Long-Awaited Plane. A few years later, Yuri Antonov began working as a soloist-vocalist at the Mosconcert. In 1987, his giant disc "From Sorrow to Joy" was released.

In 2000, Antonov presented the album "You Are Not More Beautiful", which included compositions recorded back in 1995 together with the Mikhail Finberg Orchestra at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Yuri's creative activity. By that time, the author and performer had about 20 records and discs on his account, the total circulation was 48 million copies.

Personal life

Was married three times. The artist's first wife was Anastasia, a Menaian girl, who eventually moved to the United States and lives there in New York City. Antonov's second wife was Miroslava, who, after breaking up with the singer, moved to the Croatian city of Zagreb. The third wife Anna lives in Paris. Children: daughter Lyudmila and son Mikhail.

Interesting Facts

IN Soviet time Yu. Antonov, by his own admission, officially, on copyright, earned more than a million rubles

In "The Kingslayer" characters watch on TV a fragment of the video clip included in the musical television film based on the songs of Yuri Antonov "About you and about me", for the song "The long-awaited plane"

In 1990 and 1991 he voiced the cartoons "The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi"

Wrote music for films: "Take care of women", "Unfamiliar song", "Before parting", "Beauty salon", "Order", "The adventures of Sadko the bear", "Fools die on Fridays" and "Predators"

He starred in such films as "Where will he go!", "Unfamiliar song", "Before parting" and "Farewell, Zamoskvoretskaya punks ..."

Adheres to monarchist views

Vice President of the International Union of Workers variety art and member of the RAO Authors' Council


1983 - The roof of your house

1983 - The Adventures of Grasshopper Kuzi

1985 - Believe in a dream

1986 - The long-awaited plane

- a real legend of the Soviet, and later Russian stage. Popular talented singer, composer, songwriter. Born on February 19, 1945 in hot Tashkent.

Childhood, parents and nationality

Yuri Mikhailovich has no Uzbek roots. Both of his parents are Russian. The place of birth of little Yura was determined by fate. During the difficult war years, Tashkent was a place of mass evacuation of military families. Antonov's father was a regular military man, and his mother Natalya, along with other officer wives, was in distant Tashkent. Mikhail Antonov came there to see his beloved for just a few days in June 1944.

After the end of the war, Mikhail Antonov remained to serve in Germany, and his wife and son moved in with him. But this is not for long, only a few years. Already in 1948 the Antonovs moved to Belarus. Having changed several garrisons, the family, which already has two children, settles in the small cozy town of Molodechno.

Conscious choice

The boy always liked music. Fortunately, there was also a music school in the town. Rejoicing at her son's passion, his mother took him to learn to play folk musical instruments. Everything was easy for Yura, but still he gave preference to the accordion, which sounded in his hands in a completely special way. regular school the boy did not like it too much, although he tried to study well. But he devoted himself entirely to music.

In childhood, he constantly performed on the stages of both schools. The audience warmly accepted the talented boy, and by the end of the school there were no doubts about the choice of a professional and life path Yuri didn't have any. He saw himself only in music and easily passed the exams at the music school, where he received the specialty of the conductor of the folk choir.

First steps

He started earning his first money with music quite early. Already at the age of 14, he received the salary of a choir conductor, however, very modest - only 60 rubles. In addition, even during his student days, he showed excellent makings of a leader and managed to put together his first group of the same young guys. The boys often appeared on the stage of the city's House of Culture, performing popular pop songs.

After studying, the distribution sends Yuri to work in one of the Minsk music schools. But as soon as he has the opportunity to perform on a professional stage, he immediately makes a decision and moves to the position of soloist of the regional philharmonic society. Military service interrupts Antonov's musical career for two years. But even there he continues to study music as part of an amateur ensemble.

Soon after Antonov's return, he becomes music director quite well-known in those days, the Belarusian ensemble "Tonika". Such work gives him invaluable experience in organizing work on the professional stage, opens up the pop scene and brings new interesting acquaintances, which subsequently influence his future.


"Tonika" performs not only in Belarus, but also tours a lot around the territory former USSR and talented Yuri are quickly noticed by colleagues on the stage. Already in 1969 he was invited to move to Leningrad and become a keyboardist in the very famous Singing Guitars band. Yuri is simply happy, but this turned out to be only the beginning of his rapid musical career.

Quite quickly, from the position of a musician, he moves to the place of a vocalist and in the same year sings his first author's songs from the big stage, one of which "Airport" becomes his musical for many years calling card. However, another composition brought him wide popularity. A few months later, Antonov's first mini-album was released with the song "You are not more beautiful." It was she who, after a few days, already sounded from almost all windows.


The young performer, who quickly became super popular, moves to Moscow and becomes the soloist of another very famous group"Good fellows." However, Yuri dreams of writing and performing his own songs. He changes one job after another in search of an opportunity to realize his own style creativity. During this time, written and recorded a lot good songs released several records.

Easy to communicate and talented Antonov manages to tie and keep a good relationship with almost all famous Moscow bands and performers. He actively works at the country's main recording studio Melodiya, works closely with the Sovremennik orchestra, writes for Merry Fellows, Singing Hearts, Earthlings and Red Poppies. Lev Leshchenko, already famous in those years, took the songs of the young composer into his repertoire.

On the crest of a wave

Although Yuri Antonov is already at the top of the musical Olympus, he is better known as a composer. He also dreams of a solo career and his own group. And only as part of the Araks ensemble does he practically solo concert and then record the album. in which he himself performs his own songs, almost all of which have become popular hits: "White Ship", "Mirror", "That's how it happens", "I remember" and others.

In 1983, with his song "The Roof of Your House", he made it to the final of the Song of the Year, and then to the shooting of the most popular musical TV program "Wider Circle". After these broadcasts, he becomes famous throughout the entire territory of the Soviet Union. The touring era begins. Entire stadiums of spectators gather at the concerts of Yuri Antonov. Even the famous Luzhniki, which seats tens of thousands of spectators, is almost impossible to get tickets for.

This continues until 1987. By this difficult period for everyone, Yuri Antonov allowed himself public statements addressed to cultural leaders of a fairly high rank, and their reaction was the mass persecution of the artist. For almost two years, he disappears from TV screens and all concert venues. But, having survived this crisis. The artist finds the strength to continue his creative career.

Modern Antonov

After the collapse of the Union, Antonov continues to tour the post-Soviet space and even for his foreign compatriots in Germany, Israel, even the USA. A few more of his records are released, becoming very popular children's musical about the grasshopper Kuzya. Until 2002, Antonov did not miss a single festival Song of the Year, where he regularly receives diplomas for new popular songs.

After 2002, he practically completed solo career and stopped writing new songs. IN Lately he works a lot with young performers and since 2009 has been a permanent member of the jury of the prestigious competition " New wave". And since 2014 - one of the mentors of the Voice project.

In 2015, Yuri Antonov decided to keep up with the times and created his account in social network Instagram, where he posted a photo from family archive, and their number is about two dozen.

However, the page was hacked and posted a lot of bad information. After this incident, the composer publicly announced that he was deleting his account, and the artist's personal lawyer backed up this statement.

The next year, 2016, became quite difficult for the singer, as he had health problems. The artist tried to refute the media's assumption of a heart attack and said that it was only a small food poisoning.

But after some time, the singer fell ill again, and this time things were more serious, since he even had to cancel his participation in the Chanson of the Year competition, as well as several concerts and planned tours.

Unfortunately, the composer relegated the work to the background, motivating this by a fairly respectful age. However, in 2018, the composer added to his album "Road to the Sea" with a new masterpiece "Girl school years". The artist also managed to participate in one of the children's competitions "Blue Bird" and in a concert dedicated to Victory Day.

Personal life and wife of Yuri Antonov

Yuri Antonov tried not to advertise his personal life too much. He was married three times, but the marriages did not work out for various reasons. His first wife moved to America. The other, Croatian by origin, now lives in her native Zagreb. And his third wife, from whom in 1996 gave birth to his long-awaited son, now lives in Paris, although she is Russian by origin.

Yuri Antonov is the son of a serviceman. His dad was an officer Soviet army, he remained to serve in Berlin after the end of the Great Patriotic War. In Germany, by the way, she was born Native sister singer Jeanne.

Youth of Yuri Antonov

After completing his service in Germany, Antonov Sr. was transferred to Belarus, where he served in various garrisons. For some time the family settles in the small town of Molodechno. There begins the musical career of Yuri Antonov. Mom brought her son to a music school, after studying in which the future artist enters the Molodechno Music School in the class of folk instruments. In his student years, Antonov organized his first team - it was a pop orchestra that performed at the local House of Culture.

In 1963, Yuri Antonov graduated from college and was assigned as a teacher at the Minsk Children's Music School. By that time, his parents already lived in the capital of Belarus. In Minsk, the artist began working as a solo instrumentalist in the State Philharmonic, but in 1964 Antonov was drafted into the army. After the service, he returned to the Philharmonic and began directing the Tonika ensemble.

The beginning of the career of Yuri Antonov

In 1969, Antonov worked in the popular Leningrad group VIA "Singing Guitars" as an instrumentalist-keyboardist, and a little later he went on stage as a vocalist of the group. It was then, in the early 70s, that the first songs of the author sounded: “Where is the courage?”, “Airport”, “Stop, don’t shoot, soldier!”, “About good fellows and red girls”, “If you love”, but the popularity of the artist and the team is brought by the composition “You are not more beautiful”, which was performed by Evgeny Bronevitsky.

In 1970, Yuri Antonov moved to Moscow and went on stage with the VIA "Good Molodtsy", then followed by work in the Sovremennik orchestra, head of the ensemble at the capital's music hall, and then artistic director of the VIA "Magistral" at the regional philharmonic society and at the All-Union Recording company Melodiya.

The first success of Yuri Antonov

In 1973, the first record minion of Yuri Antonov and Sovremennik was released. It included the songs “Third Day”, “Well, what to do with it?”, “By birches and pines”, and three years later the artist and VIA “Good Molodtsy” are already recording an album with Antonov’s compositions “No, not me”, “Why "," The current carries me. The first compositions of Yuri Mikhailovich also appear in the repertoire of VIA "Merry Fellows" ("Well, what to do with him", "If you love", "Meeting", "Why").

Yuri Antonov - Twenty years later

In the 70s, Antonov's songs are gaining popularity, they are performed by singers Valery Obodzinsky and Lev Leshchenko, as well as VIA "Singing Hearts", "Earthlings", "Red Poppies".

Star success of Yuri Antonov

In the late 70s and early 80s, cooperation with the Araks group brought Yuri Antonov all-Union fame. Three EPs recorded with the group, as well as several more recorded with other bands, have sold several tens of millions of copies.

In 82 - 83 years Antonov - one of the most famous performers throughout the Soviet Union.

In 1980, a proposal was received from the Odessa Film Studio to include some songs in the film "Take Care of Women" (1981). In the picture you can hear the compositions “Take care of women”, “Everything has its time”, “Life”. Later, tracks were written for the films "Before Parting" in 1984, "Beauty Salon" in 1985, as well as for "The Order" in 1987, "Predators" in 1991 and the music for the film "Fools die on Fridays" in 1990.

Top songs of Yuri Antonov

Yuri Antonov released his first big album in Yugoslavia in 1982. Later, records were also released in the countries of the social community - Poland, East Germany, Cuba, Czechoslovakia.

In 1982, Antonov organized the Airbus team and two years later released two giant discs, which were named Believe in a Dream and Long-Awaited Plane.

In 1983, Antonov became a soloist with the Chechen-Ingush Philharmonic, where he worked for three years and became friends with Makhmud Esambaev. Yuri collaborated with VIA "Blue Bird" and went on tour with them. As a result, a giant disc was released called "The Blue Bird at the Sports Palace in Luzhniki" with compositions performed by the ensemble. The merits of Yuri Mikhailovich were noted on high level, he received the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR.

In 1983 in TV show of the same name The song "Wider Circle" was presented. The composition performed by VIA "Blue Bird" became the title song of the festival for a long time. At the same time, together with Mikhail Plyatskovsky, Antonov wrote the first and second parts of the musical for children “The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi”.

In 1983, Antonov's giant disc "The Roof of Your House" was released, which included songs from the composer's five minions with various instrumental ensembles. A little later, Yuri for the first time becomes a finalist of the Song of the Year festival with the composition The Roof of Your House.

In 1985 the album was recorded in Russian and English. It is noteworthy that the Russian-language and English-language songs are not related in any way. For example, "The Roof of Your House" is called "Look at their faces", and "Vacation" is called "I Send to You My Love".

Yuri Antonov - The roof of your house

In 1986 Yuri Antonov became a soloist at the Mosconcert. At the closing of the Goodwill Games in Luzhniki, he sings the song "The World Depends on Us."
In 1987, the artist recorded the musical tape "About You and About Me" - a collection of videos for songs, in the same year the disc "From Sorrow to Joy" was released.

A year later, Yuri Antonov starred in the film of his friend and film director Alexander Kosarev called "Before Parting". He gets the role of the artist Ryzhikov. At the same time, the artist made it to the finals of the Song of the Year festival for the second time, this time with the composition Bullfinches.

Yuri Antonov's record

In the early 80s, the artist actively toured, giving concerts in different cities of the Union at the most large venues. It was then that Yuri Antonov gave 28 concerts at the Lenin SCC in Leningrad in 15 days. There were 14,000 people at each performance.

Yuri Antonov - I remember

Loud scandal with Yuri Antonov

At one of the performances in Kuibyshev, the artist spoke unflatteringly about the high-ranking public, and the media began to persecute the artist. For two years, Yuri Antonov was removed from the air.

Yuri Antonov - The current carries me

New age of Yuri Antonov

In 1988, the artist returns to creativity. He writes two more parts of the musical about the grasshopper Kuza together with Mikhail Plyatskovsky, for the third time he reaches the final of "Song of the Year" - with the work "Do not pick flowers." After that, in the late 90s and early 2000s, the artist enters the festival with songs from past years.

At the beginning of the new century, Antonov presented the album "You are not more beautiful." It included songs that were recorded back in 1995 together with the Mikhail Finberg orchestra at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Yuri's creative activity. By 2000, Antonov had released almost 20 records and CDs, with a total circulation of 48 million copies.

At the turn of the century, the artist tried himself as a producer, trying to promote a girl named Svetlana Almazova. With the help of Antonov, the young singer released the album "Sweet Honey", but new project was not successful, the compositions performed by Sveta were not taken on the radio, since they lost much to Antonov's previous songs. As a result, the project was curtailed, and Yuriy tried to remove the album from sale so as not to discredit himself.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov

Yuri Antonov was married three times. For the first time in 1976 on a girl who planned to move with her family to the West. The artist prepared documents for her and himself, bought tickets, but did not dare to move to the States.

The ex-wife remained in New York. Very little is known about the second wife - only that she lives in Croatian Zagreb. The third wife - of Russian origin - lives in Paris. Yuri Antonov has two children. An adult daughter also constantly lives abroad, but the youngest son (born in 1996) is in Moscow.

Yuri Antonov now

Lyrical and very musical songs by Yuri Antonov are still popular. At his concerts, he collects full houses.

In 1997, Yuri Antonov was awarded the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation. For merits in the development of national culture and many years of fruitful activity, on December 10, 2015, he was awarded the Order of Friendship, which he received from the hands of President Vladimir Putin

Antonov Yuri Mikhailovich - Soviet and Russian composer, singer, poet.


Yuri was born on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent in a military family. His father, Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, fought in a separate marine brigade during the war. In the summer of 1944, he was rewarded with a vacation and he arrived in Tashkent, where his wife Natalya lived in evacuation. Nine months later, she was born future star Russian pop singer Yuri Antonov (besides him, there was another child in the family - a daughter Zhanna; she was born in 1948).

Mikhail Vasilievich saw his son in fits and starts, as he worked in the Berlin commandant's office for two years. When the Antonov family finally reunited, it was decided to move to Belarus - to the city of Molodechno. There Yuri went to school. He became seriously interested in music and at the age of 14 became the head of the railway choir at the local depot (in the same choir he played the accordion, received 60 rubles a month). Since the club was located 20 km from Molodechno, Antonov had to get to it in different ways: when on foot, when by passing cars.


Yuri Antonov was no less active during his years of study at music school(from 1959 to 1963): he created Dixieland there. However, due to the lack of the necessary equipment, its participants had to be content with what was at hand: Russian folk instruments. But even despite this, Antonov's Dixieland was popular.

In the early 60s, Antonov got a job as an accordionist at the Belarusian Philharmonic. His first tour as part of an ensemble of folk instruments took place in February 1964 in Novosibirsk. For them, Antonov received 400 rubles. At the same time, the talented musician was noticed by the popular singer Viktor Vuyachich in those years and invited him to be the music director in his ensemble. As part of this team, Antonov traveled to many cities and villages of the then USSR. During one tour in Donetsk (in 1969), Antonov met with the musicians of the Leningrad vocal and instrumental ensemble Singing Guitars. Having received an invitation to work with them, he agreed and moved to Leningrad.


Start of a serious career

Antonov lived in the city on the Neva for about a year and a half. Then his creative relationship with the "Singing Guitars" ceased and he was forced to look for a new job. But where? And then his musician friends from Moscow created the vocal and instrumental ensemble "" and invited Antonov to their place. So at the very beginning of the 70s he ended up in Moscow.

Since in those years the attitude of the official authorities towards the youth VIA was wary, "" failed to attach themselves to the capital's musical organizations and toured from the Chita Philharmonic. However, this did not affect the popularity of the team at all. The band's repertoire included everything: songs Soviet composers, Western hits and songs of his own composition. In 1971, the first LP with songs by Y. Antonov was released (two others will be released in 1974 and 1976).

Meanwhile, Antonov's stay in "" turned out to be short-lived. Due to creative differences, he left the band and got a job at the Rosconcert: first he played in the music hall, then in the ensemble of Anatoly Kroll. In the mid-70s, Antonov finally created his own team - VIA "Magistral" - and went to the Moscow Philharmonic. It was in this ensemble that Antonov knew real success with the audience. According to a survey of readers of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Magistral was named the best VIA in 1976 (along with ""). Antonov's songs “You are not more beautiful”, “Stop, do not shoot, soldier”, “About good fellows” became popular hits.

However, despite this success, creative position Antonov could not be called stable. He was stubbornly not accepted as a member of the Union of Composers, so the Melodiya record company did not have the right to release giant discs with his songs (although she really wanted to, considering Antonov one of the most classy Soviet performers). He was not given a title in Moscow, so Antonov had to get it elsewhere: he became an honored artist of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR. He was also not allowed on television because of the hostile attitude of the then television leadership towards him. Difficulties also arose in the artist's touring activities: in 1976 he was not released to Bulgaria and Finland. In the end, Antonov's nerves could not stand it and he decided to leave the USSR forever. Submitted documents to OVIR. However, the mother and father were able to persuade their son not to leave their homeland.

New stage of creativity

In 1979, Antonov begins his collaboration with popular rock band"", which in those years worked in the troupe of the Theater named after Lenin Komsomol and considered one of the best hard rock bands in Soviet Union. The result of this collaboration was the release of two minions at once with songs by Antonov (“Mirror”, “Golden Stairs”, “Anastasia”, “A Dream Comes True”, etc.), which instantly became national hits.

In the early 80s, Antonov already confidently occupied the place of one of the most popular composers and performers in the Soviet Union. In 1981, in the popularity parade held by the newspaper " TVNZ”, he was nominated by readers in the first place. Each new song Antonova, barely going out, became a popular hit. It's about about the songs: “Under the Roof of Your House”, “Twenty Years Later”, etc. In 1981, a television film by V. Makarov and A. Polynnikov “Take care of women” was released on TV screens, in which songs written by Yuri Antonov sounded. Largely due to this circumstance, the film was a great success with the public.

Meanwhile, Antonov's super-popularity continued to cause open discontent on the part of many venerable composers. The artist himself recalled this as follows: “When my song “Poppies” appeared, Eduard Kolmanovsky rebelled against it. He was outraged that I interfered in his ideological channel. He decided that his song “Do Russians Want Wars” should be almost the only song about the war. And Nikita Bogoslovsky, sensing a competitor in me, also tried his best to cross out what I had done. Their criticism was not just verbal, they were members of many artistic councils, had influence in various instances, harmed me in practice. That is why I was not accepted into the Union of Composers for a long time ... ".

But, despite the hostility of venerable colleagues, Antonov lived well in the 80s. He had a concert rate of 30 rubles, but the administrators paid him another 400 unofficially. Plus, on his account in the VAAP, 15 thousand rubles were transferred monthly. Where does such money come from? For example, "Melody" released a record-minion with his songs with a circulation of several million copies.

“I took a thousand rubles a month for my expenses. Where more? Going to a restaurant with a girl then cost 30 rubles, including cognac and sturgeon. I bought a lot of clothes, but you won’t wear them out in a month. So I left the rest of the money in the Savings Bank ... ".

In 1985, Antonov finally stopped being restricted to travel abroad and got the opportunity to go to Finland, where he was offered to record a record at a large recording company. They say that Antonov then brought his wife two suitcases of fashionable clothes (Antonov was married three times: two of his wives were Russians, and the third was from Yugoslavia).

star fever

Antonov's popularity with listeners then grew by leaps and bounds. His new records were released (in 1985 the giant disc “Believe in a Dream” was released), television played his songs, many pop venues of the most major cities The Union was revered for happiness, so that he spoke to them. And then in March 1987, a scandal suddenly broke out.

The newspaper "Soviet Culture" wrote: "First came alarm signal from Togliatti - in the five thousandth hall of the Voltar Sports Palace, where Yuri Antonov's performances took place, the singer allowed himself inappropriate, rude statements about the audience. Togliatti people were offended.

Following this signal, another came from Kuibyshev - Yuri Antonov disrupted the concert at the local Sports Palace.

... The huge hall was overcrowded. The audience warmly received the artist, gave him flowers. Suddenly there was a loud shout.

Since this all started. The shout seemed insulting to the artist, he, interrupting the song in mid-sentence, demanded that the author of the remark apologize, and he himself went backstage. The musicians followed him. Then they again went on stage, performed several instrumental pieces and the performance ended there. Antonov no longer deigned to sing. The outraged public was indignant, and local cultural authorities decided to prematurely interrupt Antonov's tour.

In Kuibyshev, with its rather active concert life such a case is not remembered. But since this happened, it is necessary to understand the reasons for such behavior on both sides ...

Everyone says that Antonov's "own goal" has been brewing for a long time. He clearly does not stand the test of glory. Premiere manners are noticed behind him not for the first time. Going on tour, he requires increased attention to himself: a personally assigned car of a popular model, hotel apartments are more luxurious. But what is even worse is that he allows tactless statements from the stage to the audience.

For some reason, Antonov is especially annoyed by the age of the audience. Concerts with his participation gather a lot of people who are already over 30 and even over 40. I would be glad that mature your people I like art too. But, apparently, Antonov is consumed by longing for a young, overexcited and enthusiastic crowd of fans. And therefore, he considers it normal to loudly, through a microphone, extort from the audience: where are the youth, are they among those present and why are there so many people who “they bring tickets to the offices” ...

In the editorial mail, there are often letters telling about the unworthy behavior of Yu. Antonov. Readers from Nikopol sent an issue of Nikopolskaya Pravda, which talked about how the artist forbade the newspaper’s photojournalist to take pictures of him, citing the fact that the portraits would be “launched” for sale among the population. The newspaper “Soviet Youth” wrote about the more than strange performance of Yu. Antonov in Riga (October 11, 1986). G. Pankov, a reader from the Moscow region, cites in his letter the remarks with which the artist flavored his numbers during the concert at the Sports Palace in Luzhniki and in the Central Concert Hall. “The situation when Yuri Antonov also allowed himself to spit on stage is completely incomprehensible,” writes A. Zubkova, a reader from Kuibyshev.

Capriciously disrupting concerts is not the first time for Antonov. Here, in Kuibyshev, they have not yet forgotten how in 1983, also on the pre-holiday days of March, the already announced concert did not take place through his fault ... ".

The only print organ that stood up for the artist in those days was the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. Correspondent A. Roslyakov wrote in the article “The viewer was punished”: “The singer screwed up. After a loud cry from the audience, he left and could not return to the stage, did not finish exactly 18 minutes from his one and a half hour program ... Parterre behaved sedately, did not want to react to his performance. And those who really needed him, Yuri Antonov, who stood in line for tickets, sat far away.

And the singer allowed himself to reproach half-jokingly that it is not easy to perform when in the forefront those who have concert tickets are carried directly to the office. And the punishment was not long in coming - at the next concert it is heard loudly: "Hack!".

Antonov asks to remove the screamers from the hall, but no one responds to this. And then he leaves on his own.

He was interrupted by the tour and offered to clean the hotel.

But Antonov did not immediately give up. On March 7, the day after the incident, he came with the ensemble to the Sports Palace, on which there was already an announcement about the cancellation of concerts "due to the unworthy behavior of Yu. Antonov." We have a contract, the singer said, no one has terminated it, the audience is waiting for us, we will perform. But the audience was already waiting for serious barriers with orders not to let anyone in. Antonov with the ensemble still managed to break into the hall. Get dressed and go on stage. The administrator of the ensemble announced through a megaphone: the concert will take place. But someone, for greater insurance, cut off the electricity in the Palace. Through the friendly efforts of the security guards, the concert was disrupted. Antonov flew away, the ensemble remained to guard the equipment ... ".

However, the article in Komsomolskaya Pravda turned out to be a voice crying in the wilderness. And on April 16, in the "Soviet Culture" appeared the official response of the director of the Mosconcert K. Bulgakov to the article "What the audience was offended by." It reported: “For unethical behavior at a concert at the Palace of Sports in the city of Kuibyshev on March 6, 1987, comrade. Antonov Yu.M. issued a severe reprimand, he was suspended from participation in foreign trips for a period of six months ".

But what about Antonov himself? Here is how he explained what is happening in an interview with the Golos newspaper: “The case in Kuibyshev is simply unique. And typical at the same time. At one of the concerts, the audience did not like my performance. But it was not a simple spectator, but the party-bureaucratic elite. At that time, I was most upset by the behavior of some journalists. Correspondent " Soviet culture”Across the Volga region, Prazdnikov, having learned about the directive of the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU Muravyov, wrote a huge article about me. By the way, he was not even at the concert, like Muravyov, to whom my performance was presented accordingly. I took the opportunity and Soviet Russia, who made up nonsense about me. After that, I was forbidden to appear on Central Television, my songs stopped being played on the radio. There were tours in Finland, but they did not let me out of the country. The firm that invited me suffered big losses, because it reserved the halls for performances and, naturally, it had to pay a penalty. Why I was not allowed to leave was not explained. Here the Mosconcert was especially zealous - the organization is disgusting. She had had a grudge against me for a long time, and now an opportunity presented itself to settle scores. In the Mosconcert, they are used to the fact that artists give large bribes for providing equipment, but I didn’t give them anything ... ".

The massive attack on Antonov from the pages of the central press ended only after the singer himself took decisive action. Together with the poet Oleg Vilenkin, they wrote a letter to the name and took it to the Old Square - the Central Committee of the CPSU. It got to the main ideologist Alexander Nikolayevich Yakovlev, and he ordered the newspaper editors: "Stop bullying the man!". The bullying has stopped.


The beginning of the 90s was for Antonov a period of some oblivion on the part of the listeners. A wave of new-found pop music then covered the country and many former performers were unclaimed. However, several years passed and time put everything in its place. Most of the new "stars" in a professional sense were completely untenable and the public demanded the old idols. They returned to the stage, and, of course, Yuri Antonov. He released three audio cassettes with recordings of his old songs in a new arrangement: “Mirror”, “Moon Path”, “The Current Carries Me”.

In 1995, he was finally admitted to the Union of Composers. However, the number of his envious people did not decrease after that, but on the contrary. Moreover, in their intrigues against Antonov, they sometimes went to extreme measures. Let's give examples. On July 15, 1996, Antonov almost lost his recording studio on Maroseyka. The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper then reported: “Last night in Moscow, unknown people tried to blow up a recording studio famous singer and composer Yuri Antonov. According to the Moscow Department of State. fire service until an unidentified explosive device went off at 3:40. A fire started immediately after the explosion. According to KP sources, the night crime was committed on a “commercial basis”.

According to other sources, Antonov was then avenged by his political opponents. The fact is that the artist at one time actively supported the Liberal Democratic Party and was even going to become a deputy from this party. He met with at his dacha, after which he described the LDPR leader as follows: “The personality is purposeful, strong, you can’t say anything. Although, of course, some of his views can be discussed and even shocking..

But Antonov did not become a deputy. After the agreement of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation that the Lgovsky district would be given to the communists, Antonov withdrew his candidacy from the elections.


In the early 2000s, Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov retired a little. In 2001, he released the collection “You Are Not More Beautiful” and stopped there. Seven years later, the disc was re-recorded by another studio, but nothing has changed significantly in it.

Thanks to Antonov, the world recognized such talented performers as Yevgeny Margulis, Viktor Zinchuk and many others. All of them at a certain time collaborated with Antonov, studied with him and tried to learn at least a little from his rich experience.

Yuri Antonov was a jury member of the New Wave music competition three times - in 2009, 2011 and 2013. In the summer of 2014, Antonov was once again lucky enough to become a judge - he was invited to the Five Stars competition.

Personal life

Until the summer of 1997, Antonov lived in Moscow in two-room apartment near the Vorontsovskie Ponds. He lived alone, as he divorced his third wife a few years before. He later explained his loneliness as follows: “I have been married three times. And I've had enough. Almost all of my friends dream of getting out of what is called a quiet family haven as soon as possible. Women with character do not interest me at all. Let the character be shown somewhere on the side, away from me. A normal woman should be soft, flexible. If a man brings money into the house, then there cannot be two chapters in it. You need to respect the man and adapt to him. And if this is not the case, then the family ends. There are many women that I like from a distance: they are very individual and independent. You can be friends, chat: "Hello - hello!". But close - no, goodbye. These are certainly magnificent mistresses and wonderful girlfriends. But not the wife ... ".

Note that all three ex-wives Antonov moved abroad: one - to New York, the other - to Zagreb, the third - to Paris. The first wife of Antonov was called Anastasia, the second - Miroslava, the third - Anna. Anna gave Yuri Mikhailovich children - daughter Lyudmila and son Mikhail.

In the summer of 1997, Antonov finally completed the construction of a three-story mansion in Peredelkino. About a year and a half it was built by Turkish masters according to Antonov's own project. Everything appeared in the artist's new home: a recording studio, a gym, a billiard room. Together with him, his living creatures began to live in the mansion: twelve cats and four dogs (Antonov loved animals since childhood). However, already in the fall of 2011, the composer moved from his mansion to a new home - a luxurious house in the village of Gribovo, which is located fifteen kilometers from Moscow.

From an interview with Yu. Antonov: “Fans rather like not me, but my music. I am very critical of myself. True, from time to time they try to take me apart for souvenirs, they get me on the phone. Here is a lady from St. Petersburg who calls every day and talks such nonsense! .. In my opinion, she is crazy ....

In Moscow, I practically do not buy anything. All abroad. I go to the store, I like it - then I take it. Most of all I like to buy jackets. I have a lot of them hanging in my closet. Different colors. I rarely wear them, mostly just admire. This lifts the mood...

I part with money quite easily when it comes to acquiring any equipment for the studio. Apart from spending money on perfumes. And first I’ll buy some kind of toilet water, and then I figure out whether its smell suits me or not ...

Politics is a flexible concept. I'm not going to stick around on the podium, to defend the interests of some movement. But I have other options. For example, I personally know the President of Belarus. He is an honest and decent person. And all his motives, thoughts are aimed at uniting Slavic peoples which I fully share."

Awards and prizes

In 1997, Yu. Antonov was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. Then at the "Square of Stars" near the Central concert hall"Russia" in Moscow was laid a plate with his name.

An interesting case from life

On December 27, 1997, Moskovsky Komsomolets published an article by K. Pryannik under the intriguing title “Yuri Antonov miraculously did not fall under the barrel”: “Yu. Antonov almost fell victim to his own sentimentality. In order to spend New Year's Eve at a high aesthetic level, Yuri Mikhailovich acquired a Christmas tree in advance. I chose a bad copy and took it to be installed at their summer cottage.

The maestro looked for a Christmas tree not simple, but blue. They say, no less than the Kremlin counterparts. They brought the plant on a truck, as many as 15 workers installed it, and the customer himself watched everything from the side. And just as he began to figure out how to decorate the branches, the tree collapsed right on its owner. It's scary to even think what consequences threatened Antonov's health if he fell under the barrel. Fortunately, it was just covered with a crown. And he escaped with shallow scratches.

Video Antonov Yuri

the site (hereinafter referred to as the Site) searches for videos (hereinafter referred to as the Search) posted on video hosting YouTube.com (hereinafter - Video hosting). Image, statistics, title, description and other information related to the video are presented below (hereinafter - Video Information) in as part of the search. Sources of Video information are listed below (hereinafter - Sources)...

News Antonov Yuri

Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov, the famous pop singer and composer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, filed a lawsuit. Recall that in the fall of 2011, Mr. Antonov was severely beaten by a biker named Alexander Ishutin. At...

Russian singer Yuri Antonov was robbed in broad daylight. Despite the fact that he was in a crowded place, no one began to help him. Such a nuisance happened to the performer on the Kiev highway, near one of the shops ...

Photos by Yuriy Antonov


Romanna (Moscow)

2019-01-25 10:34:32

Eugene ( Rostov-on-Don, birthplace of Pruzhany, Belarus)

Yesterday at work I accidentally turned it on on my PC anniversary concert Yu.M. Antonov in 2014 and could not tear myself away, so that periodically breaking away, to watch it to the end! Yuri Mikhailovich gave us a great legacy of wonderful songs that inspire and help in life, especially in difficult moments. Many thanks to him for this! Health and long life to him! Genius and real man! No stardom! This is characteristic of the military and post-war generation + youth in Belarus. Vivat. Yu.M. Antonov!!!

2017-10-07 16:27:20

Elena (Saratov)

Yuri Mikhailovich! Thank you so much for the wonderful songs, for such a unique performance. But special thanks to you for saving the lives of animals. I am your colleague in this noble cause even though most people think we're crazy. If there were more of us like this, maybe then there would be fewer wars. S.V. Obraztsov once said: "Those who do not love animals are not able to love people." Health to you and your happy pets.

2017-07-12 10:58:16

Viktor (Pskov)

2017-03-21 00:38:19

Valentine (Miass, Chelyabinsk region)

As my children say, you have Yuri Antonov, mother, forever. I adore, love you and your songs from my youth. Health to you and good luck in everything!!!

2017-02-22 10:32:22

Tamara (Yoshkar-Ola)

Yuri Mikhailovich! Honor and praise to your talent! My generation lived and lives with your wonderful songs! I'm a little younger than you. All your songs are amazing! They will live forever! My favorite songs are "Golden Staircase", "Don't Forget". Such beautiful songs can only be written and performed by a talented and loving person! Thank you

2016-12-12 22:06:02

Love (Kirov)

I want to wish Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov long life, creative success and all the very best... May all the kindness, sincerity of feelings, the positive of your songs come back to you in full... Good luck!!!

2016-12-06 20:23:00

Love (Kirov)

My generation grew up on the songs of Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov. His songs are very melodic, soulful, sincere... They are not subject to fashion, time... Such great composers have the right to stardom, because they are really stars. I am very sorry that in this collection they write very disrespectfully about our idol. I'm really sorry...

2016-12-06 20:17:46

Irina (Moscow)

I need a job. I am a Muscovite. 3 years as a pensioner. Worked at Sberbank (economist, knowledge of Excel, Word, etc.). But everything is in the past. I have an apartment in Morshansk (Tambov region), and to this day I cannot sell it. When I walk around Morshansk, I see a lot of homeless cats and I feed them all (I carry Wiskas + water + plastic bowls). And it's such a pain. I think and am convinced that I am the person who is ready, able and loves to take care of animals. And, accordingly, to help the composer. I've been since 1956, and certainly not a "predator". Everything is transparent, any documents will be provided to you.

2016-04-11 12:43:20

Natalia Mikhailovna (Kamyshin)

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich, Your songs are, of course, amazing, but your affection for animals is even more amazing. I bow before you for every saved cat or dog, bird... I know and understand this, I live with it myself. I have lived up to 15 cats. I feed them, treat them if necessary, vaccinate them, in a word, I just love them and help them in any way I can. People are now angry, greedy. Communicating with them, you get sick, communication with animals gives such pleasure that it is comparable only with communication with children. I wish you health and success.
Sincerely your admirer.

2016-02-29 13:12:23

2015-11-17 16:14:09

Zosya (Moscow)

Yes, the songs are undeniably good, sincere. But the question is: where are the new ones, who performs them, and why does Antonov sing hits of past years on his anniversaries and just birthdays? Once information flashed that he bought an unknown, but very talented self-taught guy, who wrote all the songs for Antonov, but drank himself and died. And that's it, nothing else new since then (it seems to be true). I was at his last concert, dedicated to the next anniversary, I was waiting for something new, at least one thing ... There is nothing.

2015-10-20 09:53:20

Alla (Vitebsk)

Handsome, smart, modest, which is not typical for a star of such significance. As always, such people are lonely. He is right - the husband brings money, and even such a talented one. It should be carried on hand. It remains only to regret that I did not meet. Dust particles would be blown away. He would like one like Nelly at Kobzon. A talent of this magnitude must be given daily love and attention. He is fragile and tender, like an orchid. A lot of women don't appreciate it. His music and charm would have been enough without money. Well, what were those wives like? What do they have abroad? Yes, one name could be proud of and considered an honor to live with him under the same roof. I love, I love, I love!
Sincerely yours Allah.

2015-08-30 05:52:35

Great musician, vocalist, composer! I grew up with your songs! They are always fresh and young for any generation, because they are sincere and sincere! Simple, beautiful, pro!!! It seems to me that you are the Mozart of the stage! And the attacks on you are proof of this. You can't attribute your compositions to anyone, they are brightly individual! Good luck, love and joy to you!!!

2015-08-28 19:56:31

Galina (Saratov)

The composer is brilliant! No words! And what kind of person - cats and dogs cannot be mistaken, they have a sixth sense!
Happiness and long years! From the heart!

2015-06-13 21:53:05

Svetlana (Murmansk)

In March 2011, she was at a concert by Yu.M. Antonov (the concert was held in Murmansk). I have been singing songs by this author since I was five years old. For my birthday (March 8), my children and husband presented me with a concert ticket and a CD with Y. Antonov's songs, knowing that I always take autographs from performers. But, alas, Yuri Mikhailovich gave an autograph to everyone and everything: a paper napkin, a piece of paper from something, concert ticket, but he didn’t give me an autograph, saying that he doesn’t give an autograph on counterfeit products. If a singer is fighting for his rights like that, then he could take this disc from me and give me an authentic one with his autograph or give a postcard with his photo and autograph. After this concert, there was (still) a sediment on my soul. This is the first time with me that like this in front of thousands of people... Those who were next to me were surprised and outraged. I've been listening to songs ever since...

2015-03-24 22:53:59

Irina (Chelyabinsk)

Great composer and singer. One word - talent!

2015-03-21 10:56:19

Louise (Republic of Tatarstan)

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich, we congratulate you on your anniversary! Many thanks to you for the wonderful songs: "For me, you are not more beautiful", "Anastasia", "Twenty years later", etc. I love them very much. After watching Andrei Malakhov's program, I respected you even more for your love for animals, for the fact that you defend the rights of animals to a "human attitude" towards them. Thank you. Health to you for many years!

2015-03-17 15:04:38

Ekaterina (Moscow)

Yuri Mikhailovich! Thank you for the hit of the 70s "For me, you are not more beautiful." For the first time I heard it at the age of 10 and really worried, listening to both music and words, but only 40 years later I found out that the composition was yours. Although I thought I knew all your work. Yes, this is a discovery. So thank you for being able to endure everything quite with character, and character is destiny. And we all come from childhood. And I understand you perfectly why both dogs and cats stick to you ... You can’t fool them, just like you. Good health, or at least try to maintain, be in harmony with yourself and, maybe, God willing, a third wind will open for creativity ?!

2015-03-17 04:20:05

Maria (St. Petersburg)

Yuri Antonov is good as a composer and as a performer. I like his songs performed by Yuri Antonov. Health, creative success.

2015-03-16 14:48:50

Elena (Khakassia, Sayanogorsk)

Yuri Antonov, or rather, his songs, have helped me more than once in my life. It was a very difficult parting with my first husband, my brother sent me a postcard with the words from the song "A Dream Comes True", this song helped me get out of depression. Since then, his songs have always made me feel better when I feel bad. And I am painfully sad that he has been living alone for so long. And what it is, I know: I have been a widow for 20 years, my family is my daughters (by the way, a pianist and a future singer).

2015-03-15 00:57:07

Elena (St. Petersburg)

Everyone knows his songs. Wherever you hear it, you involuntarily begin to sing along right away. But where are the new songs? He has such a modern studio and spends so much time in it.

2015-03-14 21:05:05

As a person Antonov is complex, but as a composer he is simply brilliant. Here, try to name at least a few really good songs of some composer. And with Yuri Antonov, you can immediately recall about twenty, if not more. Talent!

2015-03-05 21:39:00

I want to feel sorry for him like a mother.

2015-02-25 00:23:45

Olga (Rostov-on-Don)

It's February 21 already... It's one o'clock in the morning... An anniversary concert of Yury Antonov is going on in "Russia-1"... Cool!!! Love the oil!!! God bless him for many years to come and to the joy of enthusiastic listeners!!!

2015-02-21 01:10:21

Olga (Chekhov)

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich, we congratulate you on your anniversary. You are our favorite composer and singer.
I really want to hear your new songs. May God give you inspiration and new creative successes!

2015-02-21 01:07:48

Irina (St. Petersburg)

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich! Happy birthday to you. Health. Thank you for your creativity, I always loved your songs and thought best composer.

2015-02-21 00:44:19

Natalia (Vladivostok)

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich, I congratulate you on your birthday, good health to you, creative success. I love all your songs, I consider you the best composer and pop singer in Russia. I watched your concert today - a wonderful gift to everyone!!!

2015-02-20 18:31:02

Chukova Nina (Vladivostok)

Yura, your songs are warm, tender, they penetrate the very heart. Happy birthday, health, abundance, wealth, a lot of joy and happiness, endless luck on this bright birthday.

2015-02-19 13:13:42

Vera (Khanty-Mansiysk)

Antonov is great. Good luck to him and good luck.

2015-02-19 09:16:21

Nina (Kostroma)

I respect and love you very much. Such talented people are born once in a hundred years. His songs will be sung and listened to for a very long time. Thank you for being with us.

2015-02-17 11:04:21

Natalia (Tolyatti)

Our family composer. My husband plays all the songs on the guitar, and we (my friends and I) sing with such a soul!! We love it! Were at his concerts - everyone is dazzling, both young people and us, quite adult grandparents. God bless him!!!

2015-02-06 13:35:58

Tatiana (Volgograd)

Each song created by Yuri Mikhailovich is a hit, it is an anthem of love, an anthem to a woman, an anthem to the Motherland! The fact that for almost twenty years he has not written new songs, but still collects full houses, says that he is a genius!!! Live longer, please us with your ingenious creativity!

2014-05-02 19:34:40

Marina (Moscow)

The songs of this greatest man are eternal!!! Just super! Listen, love, love! Thanks to Yuri Antonov!

2014-03-01 04:40:21

Anna (Kislovodsk)

His songs help to live, his songs heal people from a variety of ailments, even in those moments when there is no hope at all. His songs help to make our most cherished dreams come true. Raise the mood. Thank you for your songs.

2014-01-30 18:57:25

Viktor (Rzhev)

Normal Russian, Slav.

2013-12-06 23:45:39

Victor Pavlovich (Khabarovsk)

2013-10-17 13:25:30

A very good singer.

2013-04-15 23:59:06

Irina (Kaliningrad)

Talent, music like no other, wonderful musician. I was at his concerts in Odessa once.

2013-02-22 20:13:59

Andrey (Moscow)

I really respect Antonov's songs. Old... Because there are no new ones. It's a pity...

2013-02-03 22:08:11

Kuanysh (Kazakhstan)

Especially the song "My wealth". I wish you long life and health

2013-01-21 14:51:30

Kuanysh (Kazakhstan)

Antonov the most cool composer, adore.

2013-01-21 14:48:51

Olga (Moscow)

2012-11-21 21:00:54

Elena (Moscow)

Good music, great songs. And for so many years they sound and can not get bored. In my opinion, the best performance of all songs is only by Yuri Antonov. I understand that Yu. M. more interesting opinion youth, but his songs are my youth and I always enjoy listening to them. And the dogs are great. But the geese bite. But the most shocking thing in the article about Yu. M. was his love for buying jackets. Killed on the spot. How consonant. Thanks again for the wonderful songs.

2012-11-21 19:59:48

I really like the songs of Antonov, one of the best performers in our country. Such soulful songs, kind, positive. About 10 hits that still delight listeners.

2012-10-12 20:07:14

Hope (Vladikavkaz)

God kissed you on the crown. And for the music, and for the animals - thank you!

2012-04-04 16:44:19

Yu.M.Gerasimov ("Shamkhal", Dagestan)

2012-01-27 14:45:20

And the opinion is twofold. Like Khrushchev - WHITE / BLACK. Sharply negative and sharply positive. Nature is restless, searching and very vulnerable, ambitious. It is a pity that it was not enough for the family. Maybe the wrong ones were nailed to him? And the genius of creativity is not discussed!

2011-12-30 21:20:31

Happy Anniversary, MAESTRO! Health and creative success, satisfaction from every day you live! Happy New Year of the Dragon! Big shared LOVE!

2011-12-30 21:06:06

Ramil (Kazan)

Health to you, happiness and long life!
You are a PERSON and a desperate person, thank you!
Keep it up!))

2011-11-04 01:21:51

Jan (Vorkuta)

Vlad (krasnodar), uncle, you are lying. Sir Paul McCartney really liked Antonov's music, and that says a lot!
