Soviet culture 1920 1930 presentation. Biophysics and biochemistry

The development of culture in the 1920-1930s.

Education. Based on the decrees of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, adopted in 1918-19, the education system was radically changed: the existence of private schools was prohibited; introduced free education, joint education of children of both sexes; the school was separated from the church, and the church from the state; teaching in educational institutions of any creed and the performance of religious rites was prohibited; physical punishment of children was abolished; all nationalities received the right to study at mother tongue; the foundation was laid for the creation of a system of public preschool education; new rules for admission to universities were developed and put into effect. In 1928, on the initiative of the Komsomol, the so-called cultural campaign was launched. Its strongholds were Moscow, Saratov, Samara and Voronezh, where the bulk of the illiterate were trained by the public. By the middle of 1930, the number of cult-army soldiers reached 1 million, and the number of students only in registered literacy schools - 10 million.

Art. In Soviet textbooks, this period was characterized as "Art in the period of struggle for the victory of socialism and the strengthening of socialist society." 1921 - the date of the end of the Civil War, in Soviet historiography is taken as the starting point of the report. Since that time, the country has been restoring the economy, reorganizing the economy according to the socialist principle, and destroying the old habitual foundations of life. All this is reflected in art.

Painting. This period for painting was stormy and productive. Many artistic associations continued to exist with their own platforms and manifestos. Art was in search and was diverse. The main groupings were AHRR, OST, and also "4 arts".

Soviet easel painting also experiences the aforementioned craving for monumental significant forms and images. Painting is becoming broader in subject matter and less etude in manner. “Heroic generalization penetrates the easel painting.”

Sculpture. Nikolai Andreev "Lenin is the leader"; Ivan Shadr "Worker", "Sower", "Peasant", "Red Army", "Cobblestone - a tool of the proletariat. 1905"; Vera Mukhina "Peasant Woman" (1927); Sarra Lebedeva "Woman Undressing", "Woman Putting on a Shoe", "October".

Architecture. During this period, compared with the previous decade, there was stability, the economic situation was strengthened, and great opportunities opened up for architecture. Large-scale construction began - residential buildings, factories, factories, power plants, new cities and towns were designed. The style was developed and distributed Soviet architecture. It was fed by different traditions - a number of masters kept the old traditions, others were engaged in innovation. Members of both these groups could adhere to two main tendencies - rationalism and constructivism.

In the 1930s, the active construction of cities and towns continued, it was necessary to reconstruct many old cities.

Literature. In the first post-revolutionary years, a group of futurists who welcomed Soviet power still had a resounding success. True, V. Mayakovsky, and V. Kamensky, and V. Khlebnikov, and II Aseev had to abandon some of their former positions. Since 1923, their group became known as "LEF" ("Left Front of Art"). Among the most significant literary groups, one should also single out the Moscow Association of Proletarian Writers (1923, MAPP), the All-Russian Society of Peasant Writers (1921, VOKP), the Serapion Brothers (1921), the Constructivist Literary Center (1924, LCC), the Pass (1924 ), Russian association proletarian writers (1925, RAPP). The largest was RAPP, and then - VOAPP (All-Union Association of Associations of Proletarian Writers). The face of the country was changing, and the creative searches of writers were also changing. In August 1934, the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers took place. The main report was made by M. Gorky, who highlighted the state of affairs in the country and outlined the prospects for the development of literature.

Music. Inspired by the great ideas of V. I. Lenin, following the calls of the Communist Party, writers and artists, composers and cinematographers already then sought to truthfully embody the themes of revolution and socialist construction in images of art. Their works of those years were called upon to promote the cultural growth of the people, to awaken and raise new, young creative forces from its depths. In the mid-1920s, the first Russian Soviet operas appeared. It is noteworthy that they were mostly written on historical and revolutionary topics (“Eagle Revolt” by A. Pashchenko, “Decembrists” by V. Zolotarev, “Stepan Razin” by P. Triedin and others), and some are devoted to the topic civil war(“Breakthrough” by S. Pototsky, “For Red Petrograd” by A. Gladkovsky and E. Prussak). However, the first experiments in the field operatic art have not yet led to the creation of full-fledged works.

In 1927, R. Gliere created the first Soviet ballet on a modern international revolutionary theme - "The Red Poppy"17. This was an important milestone.

Rice. 1. Educational program courses

Lenin considered the fight against illiteracy to be one of the main tasks of building socialism in the country. In 1918, the "Regulations on the Unified Labor School of the RSFSR" was approved - the school was proclaimed free, it was managed on the basis of self-government, pedagogical innovation was encouraged, respect for the personality of the child. But a number of experiments have negative side- canceled lessons, desks, homework, marks, etc.

Rice. 2. B. Ioganson “The Rabfak is coming!”

When entering universities, the poor enjoyed the advantage. In order for workers and collective farmers to be able to study at universities, workers' faculties were created under them. The state provided graduates of workers' schools with scholarships and hostels.

In 1919, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a decree on the fight against illiteracy. All people between the ages of 8 and 50 had to learn to read and write in their native language or Russian; for this, special schools were created throughout the country.

Rice. 3. Academician I. Pavlov

In the history of Russian culture, the revolution fell on the heyday of the "Silver Age". Many masters of culture, appreciating the freedom of creativity, ended up abroad.

M Gorky went to Italy, I. Bunin, A. Kuprin, F. Chaliapin and others - to France. Part of the cultural figures remained in the country, but went into the deaf opposition (A. Akhmatova, M. Bulgakov, M. Voloshin and others).

At the same time, V. Mayakovsky, A. Blok, B. Kustodiev, K. Petrov-Vodkin and others adopted the ideas of the revolution.

Rice. 4. K. Tsiolkovsky

The Bolsheviks sought to attract famous scientists to cooperation, because. the defense capability of the country depended on their activity. These people were given the opportunity to normal life and research. Many scientists believed that it was necessary to work for the good of the Motherland and therefore did not share the ideology of the Bolsheviks. In the 20s. the scientific activity of I. Pavlov, N. Zhukovsky, K. Tsiolkovsky, N. Zelinsky, I. Michurin, V. Vernadsky and others continued.

Rice. 5. N. Berdyaev

After the Kronstadt rebellion, the Bolsheviks tightened control over the spiritual sphere of society. In August 1921, the Petrograd combat organization was "exposed". N. Gumilyov, M. Tikhvinsky and other figures of science and culture were shot on charges of belonging to it. In 1922, 160 scientists were expelled from the country - N. Berdyaev, S. Bulgakov, A. Kizevetter, P. Soroka and others.

Rice. 6. Party censorship

In 1922, Glavlit was established, which carried out censorship of all printed matter. In 1923 Glavrepetkom was created with the same functions. But until 1925 relative spiritual freedom was preserved in culture. Party leaders, fighting with each other, could not agree on a single line. With the rise of Stalin, the situation changed - the ideologization of artistic creativity began.

Rice. 7. Patriarch Tikhon

The fight against religion was caused by the atheistic views of party leaders and the desire to remove a competitor from the spiritual sphere. At the beginning of 1918, the school was separated from the church, and the church from the state. The closure of churches and monasteries and the confiscation of their property began. At the end of 1917, Lenin restored the patriarchate, but Tikhon took an anti-Soviet position, which aggravated relations between church and state.

Rice. 8. Explosion of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

In 1922, the property of the church was requisitioned for a fund to fight hunger. This led to the performances of the believers. In response, the authorities went on the offensive. In the spring of 1922, in Moscow and Petrograd, trials over church leaders. Several people were executed, and Tikhon was imprisoned. In 1925, after the death of Tikhon, the election of the patriarch was banned. Peter, who took over his duties, was soon exiled to Solovki.

Rice. 9. S. Eisenstein, I. Pyriev, M. Strauch, E. Garin

In the 20s, it began to take shape " proletarian culture". Proletkult covered about 400,000 people and set the task of forming new culture. In 1920, the Theater of Working Youth appeared (S. Eisenstein, I. Pyryev, M. Strauch, E. Garin). In 1925, the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers was created. She was given a number of censorship functions. A galaxy of talented writers appeared - M. Sholokhov, K. Trenev, I. Babel and others. In painting, the art of the propaganda poster came to the fore (V. Denis, D. Moor).

Rice. 10. D. Shostakovich, V. Mayakovsky, V. Meyerhold are working on the play "The Bedbug"

The Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia set the task of displaying "revolutionary everyday life". M. Grekov's studio is working on military themes, A. Gerasimov, I. Brodsky paid attention to "everyday life of great construction projects." I. Shadr, A. Matveev worked in the genre of revolutionary romance.

V. Tatlin, having designed the "Tower of the III International", laid the foundations of modern industrial design.

Rice. 11. School on the collective farm. K. Marx in Kabardino-Balkaria

Economic transformations in the USSR set the task of raising the educational level of the population. The pedagogical experiments of the 1920s were unsuitable for this. In 1930, the transition to universal primary education, in 1937 - to the seven-year plan. Lessons, a fixed schedule, grades, etc. have returned to school. New programs and textbooks were created. In 1934, the teaching of history and geography was restored, and then other disciplines.

Rice. 12. Village school for adults

20 thousand new schools were opened in the country. In the 30s. in the USSR there were 35 million students. According to the 1939 census, literacy was 87.4%. at a fast pace specialized secondary and higher education. In terms of the number of pupils and students, the USSR took the 1st place in the world. The circulation of books in 1937 amounted to 700 million copies. They were published in 110 languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR.

Rice. 13. D. Nalbandyan Session of the USSR Academy of Sciences

The development of science in the USSR proceeded under powerful ideological pressure. Those who disagreed with this approach were subjected to harassment and repression. In biological science, a group led by T. Lysenko harassed Soviet geneticists - N. Vavilov, N. Koltsov, A. Serebrovsky. Lysenko explained his actions by defending Darwinism and Michurin's theory from "bourgeois science." Subsequently, many geneticists were repressed, and genetics itself was banned.

Rice. 14. S. Vavilov

Rice. 15. N. Koltsov

Rice. 16. A. Serebrovsky

Stalin paid great attention to historical science. History began to be interpreted as the history of the class struggle. In 1938 came out " Short Course history of the CPSU (b), edited personally by Stalin. He extolled Stalin and in fact became the official interpretation of the foundations of Marxism-Leninism and questions of the history of the CPSU (b). On its basis, unofficial schools in historical science were destroyed, irreparable damage was done to it.

Rice. 17. A. Ioffe

Rice. 18. P. Kapitsa

Despite ideological pressure, representatives of the natural sciences were able to achieve outstanding success. S. Vavilov (optics), A. Ioffe (crystal physics), P. Kapitsa (microphysics), I. Kurchatov (nuclear physics) and others have enriched world science. Chemists N. Zelinsky, A. Bach, S. Lebedev made fundamental discoveries in the field of obtaining artificial substances and organic food products.

Rice. 19. V.S. Pustovoit

World recognition was achieved by Soviet biologists - N. Vavilov, V. Pustovoit, V. Williams and others. Mathematics, astronomy, mechanics, and physiology achieved significant success. Geology and geography acquired tremendous development during this period. This was due to the beginning of the industrial development of Siberia and Far East. New mineral deposits were discovered: oil in the Volga region, coal in the Moscow region and Kuzbass, iron -in the Urals and etc.

Rice. 20. P. Belov. "Hourglass"

In the 30s. completed the elimination of differences in artistic culture. From now on, art should follow one direction - socialist realism and show life as it should be in the minds of the party leaders. Art began to plant myths and create the illusion that a happy time had already come. Using it, the authorities skillfully manipulated public opinion and steered him in the right direction.

Rice. 21. Frame from the film "Chapaev"

Cinematography has made a huge contribution to the formation of a new consciousness. The documentary chronicle covered current events in the right light. In many ways, she owed her success to outstanding directors - D. Vertov, E. Tisse, E. Shub. In 1931, the first sound film, "The Ticket to Life", was staged in the USSR. In 1936, the 1st color film was Grunya Kornakova. Historical tapes - "Chapaev", "We are from Kronstadt", a trilogy about Maxim were especially popular.

Rice. 22. I. Ilyinsky and L. Orlova in the film "Volga-Volga"

The musical tapes “Volga-Volga”, “Merry Fellows”, “Pig and Shepherd”, etc. were especially popular with the audience. On the eve of the war, a whole series of patriotic films appeared - "Alexander Nevsky", "Peter I", "Minin and Pozharsky". Most famous directors were S. Eisenstein, N. Eck, G. Alexandrov, I. Pyryev, V. Pudovkin.

Rice. 23. I. Dunaevsky and V. Lebedev-Kumach

The development of music was associated with the names of S. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich, T. Khrennikov, I. Dunaevsky. Appeared musical groups- Big Symphony Orchestra, the Beethoven Quartet, etc. When evaluating the composers' work, the tastes of the leaders played a huge role, so D. Shostakovich was subjected to harsh criticism. Has reached its peak song creativity. The works of I. Dunaevsky, B. Mokrousov, M. Blanter, the Pokrass brothers were known throughout the country.

Rice. 24. B. Ioganson "Interrogation of the Communists"

In the visual arts, the main thing was not the skill of the artist, but ideological orientation plot, compliance with the principles socialist realism. His classic was B. Ioganson, whose painting "Interrogation of the Communists" was marked by all possible awards. A. Deineka, Yu. Pimenov, M. Nesterov worked in this style. M. Saryan, P. Konchalovsky, A. Lentulov were able to establish themselves in the landscape genre.

Rice. 25. M.I. Kalinin among awarded writers

Strict censorship left its mark on the quality of literature. Many one-day works came out of print. Nevertheless, many talented writers worked during this period. M. Gorky writes "The Life of Klim Samgin", "Egor Bulychev and Others". A. Tolstoy finishes "Walking through the torments" and begins work on the novel "Peter I". A huge contribution to the history of literature was made by M. Sholokhov, M. Bulgakov, V. Kaverin, A. Platonov and others.

Rice. 26. B. Schukin as Lenin in the film "The Man with a Gun"

In the end of the 20s. on stages Soviet theaters plays by Soviet playwrights begin to take hold. "A Man with a Gun" by N. Pogodin, "Optimistic Tragedy" by V. Vishnevsky, "Tanya" by A. Arbuzov - made up the "golden fund" of the repertoire of many theaters.

M. Gorky's plays were successfully performed all over the country. Communion Soviet people culture was due to the rapid growth in the number of theaters, museums, philharmonic societies, libraries. Talent shows were held all over the country.

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The development of Soviet culture in the 11th grade. Story

Plan for studying the topic 1. Statement of the problem: "Revolutionary transformations in the field of culture and ways and achievements." 2. Development of culture in the 1920s. 3. Development of culture in the 1930s. 4. Results of transformations and general trends in the development of spiritual life in the 1950s.

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