Pictures of artists for children. How to introduce children to painting? Pictures to show the child

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World of childhood fine arts has been displayed in different ways since the earliest times, starting with icon painting. Today we remember a few famous paintings Russian artists, which depict children ...

Tropinin Vasily Andreevich, "Portrait of Arseny Vasilyevich Tropinin", the artist's son, 1818

One of the best children's portraits in Russian and world art, inspired, painted with great love.

Arseny, like his father, was a serf. Received freedom at the age of twenty. He also became an artist.

Kiprensky Orest Adamovich, "Girl in a poppy wreath with a carnation in her hands (Mariuccia)", 1819

This little Italian girl's name is Maria Falcucci. Mariuccia - so Kiprensky affectionately called her. Her mother practically abandoned her six-year-old daughter to the mercy of fate, and Kiprensky took care of the baby. The artist lived then in Rome. Having somehow caught her mother in the company of a drunken soldier, he completely took the baby to himself, becoming her guardian. He paid the mother compensation, achieved the official abandonment of the child. Kiprensky and Maria did not manage to live together, circumstances turned out to be stronger, and Maria was brought up in a boarding school. And then ... she became the artist's wife.

Bryullov Karl Pavlovich, Horsewoman, 1832

In the picture there are two adopted daughters Countess Yulia Pavlovna Samoilova, the artist's lover. The little girl's name is Amacilia, she is a daughter Italian composer and singer Giovanni Pacini. Her mother died in childbirth. The picture of Amazilia is four years old. The girl grew up beautiful, was married twice. She passed away shortly before the First World War in a nursing home in Milan.

Serov Valentin Alexandrovich, "Girl with peaches", 1887

The portrait, which we have known since childhood, depicts the twelve-year-old Vera Mamontova, the daughter of the philanthropist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov. The picture was painted in Mamontov's estate, in Abramtsevo, where Serov was visiting.

Vera posed for the artist for two months. And Valentin Serov himself at that time was only 22 years old. When he finished, he presented the painting to Vera's mother, Elizaveta Mamontova.

Serov Valentin Alexandrovich, "Mika Morozov", 1901

This emotional boy is Mikhail Morozov, son famous Michael Abramovich Morozov (Serov also painted his portrait), an entrepreneur, merchant, philanthropist, collector of paintings and sculptures.

When Mika grew up, he became a literary critic, a specialist in the Shakespeare era. He greatly appreciated the translations of Shakespeare made by Boris Pasternak ("Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet"), and Boris Leonidovich dedicated these comic lines to him: ...

And arm in arm with Morozov -

Virgil in Hell

I see everything in pink light

And I look forward to Sunday.

And a few more baby pictures...

Makovsky Konstantin Yegorovich, "Game of grandmas", 1870

Makovsky Konstantin Yegorovich, "Children running from a thunderstorm", 1872

Perov Vasily Grigorievich, Sleeping Children, 1870

Kramskoy Ivan Nikolaevich, "Portrait of Sergei Kramskoy, the artist's son", 1883

For some reason talking about early development child, many have in mind only the mental, and not creative development children. But after all, the development of the creative aspect of the personality of your child will only serve as an additional impetus to the development of his intellectual abilities. For this you need to early years to instill in the child an interest in art, in particular, in painting, but it is not too late to start this acquaintance at an older age. Find out further which pictures we recommend to take for review for children of different ages.

What to show children from 3 to 6 years old

Even at 3 years old, most modern children already know what photographs are, so it should not be difficult for them to draw an analogy with paintings. Just explain to the child: when earlier people could not use cameras and phone cameras, they had to draw in order to capture someone's portrait, landscape, object or scene from life. It took much longer than clicking a camera button, but the result was unique.

At this age, paintings for children do not represent artistic value, they are not particularly interested in the author of the canvas, his biography or the background to the creation of this painting. Therefore, for the time being, you can not delve into these "wilds", but simply accustom the child to attentiveness, teach you to look at pictures and notice details. The later the creative development of children begins, the more difficult it will be for your child to analyze art as a teenager and then as an adult.

What kind of paintings for children will be the most interesting and advantageous for the first acquaintance with painting? Here you can remember what things the kids pay attention to first of all when entering a toy store - as a rule, everything is bright, large, colorful, and also realistic, like a barbie house with furniture and utensils, or a detailed army of soldiers. Children's paintings should be the same: colorful landscapes, still lifes with large objects, large beautiful portraits.

At this age, suitable painting for children is the canvases of Claude Monet, who worked in the style of impressionism. His paintings are filled with bright colors, soft light and interesting scenes, which the child himself will draw attention to.

For example, show him the painting by the artist "Terasse at Sainte-Adresse":

Be sure to discuss the picture with the baby. At first detailed review you will not hear from him, so ask leading questions, for example: “What is shown in the picture?”, “What are people doing?”, “What did you like most?”, “What colors do you see?” and so on.

Wonderful paintings that are worth showing to children were also painted by Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov. We recommend showing one of his most famous paintings, which may be of particular interest to children - "Bogatyrs":

It will be great if, when viewing the picture, you can tell the children some epics about these three heroes. Or perhaps the children have already seen the cartoon about these characters, and they themselves will be able to retell its plot to you. And of course, you can’t do without questions about the picture: “Where are the heroes?”, “Do they see the enemy or just look around the area?”, “Will anything happen next?”, And be sure to point out the details: the weapons of the characters, their views and so on.

Show the child and "Still Life with Fruit" by Paul Gauguin. Not all paintings by this artist are suitable for children up to school age, but this still life looks quite attractive, large and colorful. Ask the child: “Do you like to eat apples?”, “What color are they in the picture?”, “Which one would you eat?”.

At the end of viewing pictures for children, do not forget to share with the crumbs and your own opinion on the basis of painting.

  • If you want to introduce a child to painting at home by showing him paintings from the Internet or a printed encyclopedia, then you have the opportunity to independently control the content in the process. But if it is, for example, a visit to a museum or art gallery, then we advise you to think over the route in advance so as not to stumble upon classic canvases with the image historical scenes violence, or paintings with nudes, which it is too early for a preschooler to see.

Painting for children from 7 to 9 years old

The creative development of children should be continued even when they enter school. And although schoolchildren younger age still like bright children's paintings, where there is something to catch the eye, but now they are much less interested in static subjects like still lifes and landscapes. Children are still learning about the world, but not everything is new in it, so looking at nature and objects laid out on the table is not so interesting.

They begin to watch cartoons less often, and more often show curiosity about films - therefore, canvases with the image of various activities, historical subjects, or detailed portraits. Here you can also make pictures for children depicting mythology, culture different peoples, people from ancient times. By the way, the creative development of schoolchildren suggests that they should already know the concepts of “portrait”, “still life”, “landscape”, etc., and at least know the names of the artists of the paintings in question.

Is it worth avoiding at this age pictures with couples in love, scenes of war, etc. - it's up to you, just be ready to answer any questions from the child and explain the difference between "good" and "bad".

Interesting painting for children of primary school age is at Italian master Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, for example, The Marriage Agreement, Mercury and Aeneas, and especially Cleopatra's Feast:

The painting depicts Cleopatra's meal with those close to her - can a child say the same? Ask what he sees in the picture, what details he especially remembers. Can you tell him the story of this queen - will the child like her, what will she say about the canvas now?

A good way to get acquainted with painting for children from seven years old is famous painting Ivan Shishkin "In pine forest»:

Children, as the main lovers of sweets, may know him by the wrappers of the chocolate sweets "Mishka kosolapy", famous since the times of the USSR. It is good because it combines both landscape and elements of animalistic plot - children will obviously be interested in looking at cute fluffy cubs. Ask them: what do the cubs do? What impression does the forest make on them - a young edge or a dense thicket? Why does it seem so? Come up with your own questions.

What to watch for kids aged 10 and over

Starting from the age of ten, it is useful for children to get acquainted directly with the biographies of artists, the development of their creative activity. Schoolchildren are very reluctant to get acquainted with such information on their own, so they need a narrator: either you are well prepared, or find a suitable video.

In addition, we must not forget that now schoolchildren are entering puberty, so the circle of their interests is changing and expanding significantly. They are interested in emotions and experiences, love and friendship, high-profile events, charismatic people, secrets and riddles. Therefore, children's paintings for review should be selected with appropriate subjects.

The ground for reflection and an interesting conversation will be given by the painting by Vasily Pukirev “ Unequal marriage”, which depicts the process of the wedding of an elderly groom and a young bride:

Without disclosing the name of the picture, ask the child for thoughts about this work, will he notice the contrast depicted on the canvas? Tell him about what marriages were like in those days, point out how skillfully the artist conveyed the doom of the girl and the various emotions of the surrounding guests.

Show the children the paintings of Ilya Repin: “Cossacks”, “Barge haulers on the Volga”, “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”.

The second version of the painting “They Didn't Wait” will also be interesting for a teenager, which shows how a political exile returns home quite unexpectedly. Ask the child to describe how he sees the emotions of the characters in the picture who saw the returned man: joy, disbelief, shock, surprise.

With older children, you can also discuss ways to convey the visual and expressive means that painters use in their work, compare creativity different artists and search together Interesting Facts about the creation of a particular canvas.

For ideas on paintings to show to kids and teens, check out this video about the most famous paintings in the world:

Take it, tell your friends!

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Anna Umrikhina
Summary of the lesson "Artists of Russia"

"Introduction of children to the paintings of Russian artists, description of paintings.

Educational areas: « cognitive development» , « artistically-aesthetic development", "Speech development"

Target: To introduce children to the paintings of Russians artists.

Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with Russian paintings artists: Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Repin, Serov, Vatagin. To consolidate the ability to answer questions about the plot of the picture, to compose descriptive story. To form the ability to correctly perceive, feel the mood of the picture and convey it in a statement. Develop monologue speech. To instill love for Russian painting, to cultivate a sense of compassion, cognitive interests.

Materials and equipment: paintings artists: Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Serov, Repin, Vatagin; musical accompaniment, medals.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, let's stand in a circle of friends and say hello to each other.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!


caregiver: I'm glad to see you.

Guys, we live in a wonderful, beautiful country. What is it called? (Russia.)

And who makes our country beautiful, powerful, famous? (People.)

People work in all cities and villages of the country. From the labor of people different professions depends on whether our country will be strong, beautiful and rich.

We know many professions, let's remember them. (Slides are shown, and children name the professions of people.)

And today I will introduce you to another profession that gives us all pleasure, teaches us to see beauty, creates a mood, helps to learn about the history of the country and the world.

Guess what profession speech:

He has a pencil, multi-colored gouache,

Watercolor, palette, brush and thick sheet of paper,

And a tripod easel

Because he… (artist) .

- The artist is the creator he creates beautiful pictures. Artists paint landscapes, portraits, still lifes. They work in workshops or paint in nature. Artists make our life more beautiful.

What can represent artist in his paintings? (Nature, man, his facial features, mood, animals, heroes of fairy tales.)

caregiver: Get real not easy as an artist. To do this, you need to work long and hard, develop memory, imagination, observation, study the work of the great artists. And also at the artist must have talent.

caregiver: Guys, now listen to the riddles, guessing them, we will find out what tools help artist at work.

I love bathing in paint.

Completely without fear

I dip my head

And then I don't wipe

By paper sheet

or woven canvas

Left, right, up and down

I walk. Who am I? (Brush)

Here is a wooden helper for you.

It must be sharp all the time.

Outline, still life, portrait, landscape

Draw quickly... (Pencil)

To spread out the notes,

Musicians have music stands

And to dilute the colors,

Artists need...(Palettes).

Let's get acquainted: i am paint,

I'm sitting in a round jar.

I will color you a coloring book,

And also - pictures for a fairy tale

I'll draw a baby.

I'm brighter than a pencil

Very juicy. (gouache)

She will draw a pattern

Very quivering and gentle

Whether it's the sky or the forest,

Frost thin snow-white,

Green April -

Color everything. (watercolor)

You turned me over -

How did you visit the museum?

Space on one page

On the other page is a house,

On the last one is the tail of the firebird.

And all together I -. (album)

caregiver: For many centuries artists depicted in their paintings the world around them, all its diverse nature, animals, objects, man and his life. Hence the division of paintings into genres.

caregiver: Paintings depicting nature were called the landscape genre;

If you see in the picture, a river is drawn,

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds, or a snowy plain,

Or a field and a hut - necessarily a picture

It's called landscape.

The image of beautiful things and objects - the genre of still life;

If you see a cup of coffee on the table in the picture

Or the sea in a large decanter, or a rose in crystal

Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake,

Or all the items at once, know that this is a still life.

Drawing a person is a portrait genre; and the image of animals - the genre of the animalist.

If you see that someone is looking at us from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or like a climber,

A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka is your neighbor

The picture must be called a portrait.

If you see in the picture, an elephant is drawn,

Crocodile, giraffe, gorilla, cat or python

Or the animals of Argentina, or the arctic penguin

So the genre of such a picture is animalistic.

Image seascape- marine genre;

Paintings depicting scenes from epics and folklore called the epic genre.

Guys, where do they keep their work? artists? That's right, some works artists kept in museums and art galleries.

Guys, do you know the names of the great artists? (Vasily Vatagin, Ivan Aivazovsky; Ivan Shishkin, Viktor Vasnetsov, Serov, Repin)

caregiver: now I invite you to the museum of painting. In the museum, people are always calm and attentive, they know how to listen to their interlocutor.

When we enter the art museum,

Let's discover the secret of beauty.

Everything merged in him: both thought and feeling,

Talent, artist, miracle, you.

caregiver: Today we will get to know them better.

Physical education minute « Artist»

Artist painted a picture all night

(Children alternately move their hands up and down)

He worked conscientiously, he did not know peace.

("Wipe" forehead alternately with right and left hands)

And outside the window, tall firs,

(raise hands up)

fluffy spruce,

(Hands to the side)

And then we saw the sky

(raise hands up)

Where the star leads his cheerful dance,


Snowflakes flew right at us -

(Do "flashlights")

We rested and will draw now.

(Extend hands alternately forward)

Famous Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 15, 1848 in the village of Lopyal, Urzhum district. Vyatka province in the family of priest Mikhail Vasilyevich Vasnetsov.

From childhood to the future artist I was interested in Russian history, ancient epics and legends. Artist draws not simple pictures, he painted pictures according to famous fairy tales. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov paints a picture "Heroes". He wrote it for a very long time - as much as 20 years!

Painting work

Who is in the picture?

What are the names of the heroes? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich)

Which hero is the most powerful? (Ilya Muromets)

Which hero is the most dreamy? (Alesha Popovich)

Who is the oldest among them?

What armor are the heroes wearing? Armor is Russian military clothing. (helmets, chain mail)

What is Dobrynya Nikitich holding in her hands? (sword)

And what about Ilya Muromets? (a spear)

Alyosha Popovich? (onion)

What are the heroes guarding? (native Russian land)

caregiver: You said everything correctly. The heroes have one goal - not to miss the enemy, to stand firmly on guard of the Motherland. Above them is a low sky covered with gray clouds. Behind the hills is the expanse of Rus', which raised, nurtured and sent the heroes to its defense.

Famous Russian artists. and Shishkin

I. I. Shishkin was born in Yelabuga on the Kama River. Let's take a look at his portrait. A strong, broad-shouldered man with a beard and curly hair. The people called him the forest hero, the king of the forest. In his paintings, pine groves rustle, golden rye is agitated, mighty oaks rustle their leaves. Whoever looks at his paintings will fall in love.

B - l: And now let's see the picture of I. Shishkin, it is called "Morning in a pine forest". In this picture artist showed us early in the morning. Tell me which trees did you draw artist?

Children: children answer

B - l: What is the name of the forest where only pine trees grow?

Children: children answer

B - l: Guys, look how tall and powerful they are. We see how the forest is filled with clean, transparent, morning air. The storm broke old trees, uprooted them. Who do you see in the picture?

Children: children answer

B - l: A bear with cubs went for a walk, and the cubs really like to climb fallen trees.

Famous Russian artist Ilya Efimovich Repin.

The future was born artist in 1844 in Chuguevo (Kharkov province).

Passion for painting showed up early in Repin, and in 1855 he was sent to the school of typographers, but in 1857 the school was closed, and Repin went as a student to the icon-painting workshop.

B - l: And now I propose to see the picture "Apples and Leaves"

The picture is depicted on a dark background on which small and large leaves are scattered, the central element of the composition is apples. They look like real live fruits, it seems that we can smell the ripe apples and greens.

Famous Russian artist Valentin Alexandrovich Serov.

Valentin Alexandrovich Serov was born in 1865 in St. Petersburg, in the family of composers Alexander Nikolaevich Serov and Valentina Semyonovna Serova (née Bergman, from a baptized Jewish family). his great-grandfather (from father's side) was the naturalist Karl Ivanovich Gablitz.

He began his education in a classical gymnasium, but went through only three lower grades in it and left it with the intention of devoting himself entirely to art. After spending two years in classes drawing and painting under the guidance of I. E. Repin (in whose studio, in Paris, he painted during one winter, being still an 8-9-year-old boy, he entered the students of the Imperial Academy Arts

The main works of this talented artist - portraits.

Painting "Peach Girl".

The portrait of Verusha Mamontova is so much more of a composition than a specific portrait specific person, which is no coincidence its common name - "Peach Girl". The picture is literally woven from joy and sunlight, the light glides along the walls, falls on the tablecloth, plays on the sleeves and shoulders of the girl's pink dress. It seems as if the air of the room is transparent and ringing, filled with a delicate smell of peaches and luminous sparks of gold. Verusha's dark eyes languish with childish restlessness, the girl can hardly hold back her smile, she can't wait to bite the peach, already chosen by her amazingly written tanned hand.

Famous Russian artist Vasily Alekseevich Vatagin.

V. A. Vatagin was born on December 20, 1883 (January 1, 1884) years in Moscow, in the family of a gymnasium teacher. Vasily Vatagin was very fond of animals and all his life he studied their habits and plasticity, admiring their color, flexible movements, expressiveness of silhouettes. Vatagin is rightfully considered a co-founder of the Darwin Museum.

Painting "Childhood of a Hippo".

Who is in the picture

What can we tell about the little hippo

How do you feel when you look at this picture?

Vatagin's drawings surprisingly convey not only animals, but also the color, mood of a particular area. “It is worth seeing an animal in its native element,” Vatagin wrote, “an ostrich or an antelope running in the steppe, parrots or monkeys in a tropical forest, sea birds on coastal rocks, a camel in the desert, a wolf or an elk in our forests, fish in clear water among the algae - before us there is a magnificent synthesis, when the animal, plant, earth, water and sky merge together and a wonderful, single living nature appears.

Famous Russian artist Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky.

Ivan was born Konstantinovich 17(29) July 1817 in Feodosia. Even as a child, Ivan showed the ability to music and drawing. First lessons artistic skills were given to him by the famous Feodosian architect, J. Kh. Koch.

Having become a graduate of the school, Aivazovsky entered the Simferopol gymnasium. After its completion, under the patronage of the Feodosia mayor, A. I. Kaznacheev, the future artist enrolled in the capital's Imperial Academy arts.

Painting "The Ninth Wave"

In the picture artist pictured the early morning after stormy night. The first rays of the sun illuminate the raging ocean and a huge "ninth wave", ready to fall on a group of people seeking salvation on the wreckage of the masts. Four people in oriental clothes who survived the shipwreck are clinging to a fragment of the mast of the lost ship. The fifth tries to get out of the water onto the mast, grabbing his comrade falling from it. Every minute they are threatened with death among the ramparts that fall on them, but they do not lose hope of salvation. The will, courage, faith of a person will be stronger than the elements.

caregiver: Guys, we learned a lot about artists and now I invite you to become yourself artists. I will make riddles, and you will take turns drawing riddles.

Wandering lonely

Fire eye.

Everywhere that happens

Looks warm. (Sun)

She dies in autumn

And comes alive again in the spring.

Cows are in trouble without her,

She is their main food. (Grass)

Flowing, flowing, not flowing

Run, run, don't run. (River)

No legs, but walking

No eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

Silver threads

Sew the earth with the sky. (Rain)

caregiver: I wonder what you did

Children. Scenery.

caregiver: Our excursion to the museum is over. I suggest that each of you take one reproduction of the painting of the great Russians artists and together create an album of reproductions in the group

Agree that probably, if not all, then at least the majority of all parents on the planet want to grow creative, unique, highly cultured personalities out of their children. From an early age, we have been trying to teach and instill in our children a love for theaters, galleries, exhibitions and much more. But not every kid experiences the joy of visiting such establishments. Something can scare him, something can be incomprehensible to him, and therefore boring ... In any case, I think that probably the main task of us parents is not to obsessively drag the baby around all the well-known institutions, but to instill a love for the arts, explain why this is necessary. Therefore, before taking a child, take the relevant literature, tell about the artists, show pictures, talk, and then take a very prepared child to the museum. Thus, when he seems there, everything will seem familiar to him, he will recognize the paintings that he looked at with you, remember the artists that you told him about at home, and this world will no longer be alien to him, but will be a part of something familiar and home.

I believe that the art of the baby can be introduced from a very young age, when he is 3 months old. His brain is so inquisitive and inquisitive at this time that he will consider with great pleasure everything that you show him. So why not show him the paintings of some of the most famous artists.

Here I would like to write a few words about very good books that you can use to teach your children about art.


In addition, here you can download paintings by famous artists for free:

Click on the images below to download and print:

here are collected paintings by some of the most famous artists

How to play?

The smallest kids can simply print and show cards, while naming the names of paintings and artists. With older children, you can play with developmental games, fine motor skills, mindfulness, memory and much more. The easiest option is to print two types of identical pictures, one of which is cut into cards and offer the child to lay out the cut cards with the main field with cards. This game is suitable for kids from 1.3-1.5 years old. Memory game - print out two kinds of identical cards and turn them over until you find a pair of identical ones.

Can post 4 different pictures, then ask the baby to close his eyes and hide one of them. When he opens his eyes, offer to guess which of the paintings has disappeared.

Related books

In addition, I advise everyone to download or buy a book by the famous French art critic, teacher in the History of Art at the Louvre School Francoise Barbe-Galle “How to talk to children about art?”.

This is a book written about art especially for parents who themselves love everything beautiful and strive to instill it in their kids.

Very good book, which tells children about art, publishing house White City"The ABC of Russian Painting". It is an encyclopedia containing over 100 famous paintings by Russian artists. With the help of it, the baby will get to know various directions and genres of Russian painting.

Here is what this wonderful book looks like:

Example page from inside the book:

Very good series of books

These are the lightest and good works. fairy world childhood appears before us in the paintings of contemporary artists. Some of the painters captured their early memories on canvases, others paint sons and daughters, grandchildren or just kids from the street. Another thing is important - looking at these works, we definitely return to the most beautiful time of life.

Children in the paintings of Donald Zolan

Donald Zolan called the most positive contemporary artist. The main theme of his paintings is children. Zolan was born in 1937 into a family of artists. Naturally, the boy picked up a pencil early and, not yet a schoolboy, began to win in various competitions. Higher education he received at the American Academy fine arts, became an illustrator, opened his own gallery.

Comes to life in his work Magic world childhood. Here, on a hot day, a girl, having risen on the shoulder of a peer, reached out to the fountain and greedily drinks (“ Water source"). Here the baby caresses a fluffy lump (" Boy with a kitten"). Or a very young creature discovers the world, enthusiastically examining a crawling caterpillar (“ Caterpillar"). Every picture seems to radiate a kind light. The canvases capture the artist's memories of those years when he was a child.

Children painting by Jim Daly

American Jim Daly paints his pictures oil paints. He paints nostalgic genre scenes and dreams that his art will not only awaken feelings, but also be beautiful. Models for the artist most often became their own children. The canvases depict different moments from their lives.

Here is a boy bathing, concentratedly lathering himself - for him this is both a game and a responsible matter. Here is a girl lying in bed, surrounded by her favorite toys, and next to her, a cat settled on a blanket. We see that the girl is thinking, and we wonder - about what? Maybe making some plans for tomorrow? Her life is just beginning. Here are two girls near a wicker stroller - they are nursing a baby. The eternal children's game in "Mothers and Daughters".

Sunny world of Alexey Slyusar

Ukrainian artist Alexey Slyusar also started painting early childhood. As an adult, he moved to Prague, and since then the capital of the Czech Republic has become his muse. But significant place in the work of the painter, paintings are occupied, which depict children. And it's not just portraits.

The artist emphasizes the connection of the children with the outside world. He captured a girl drawing in the sand. On another canvas, a concentrated baby feeds pigeons from the palm of her hand. And here is another girl sitting on the shore - the seagulls are not at all afraid of her and fly up to her feet. No wonder they say about the works of this artist: "He captured the sunny world of childhood."

Robert Duncan - winter in America or in Russia?

American paintings Robert Duncan so easy to mistake for canvases domestic artist! What are his works, capturing the winter in the village! They are both fabulous and very simple. We see village houses wrapped in a blanket of snow. The boy and girl had already made a snowman, and now the boy decided to lie in the snowdrifts. The girl paused beside her, thinking. Either join a friend's fun, or tell him: "Come on, get up!".

The other canvas depicts the guys who went on a ski trip. And we don't know - whether one of the boys is just learning to ride and often falls, or whether he was dropped by a huge good-natured dog - faithful companion Guys. Children in the artist's paintings turn out to be surprisingly "alive", it seems that you have known them for a long time.

Nature and children - the theme of Alexander Averin

canvases Alexandra Averina as if they are taking us to the shore - and it does not matter what it is - a river or a sea. We seem to feel this warm summer wind, admiring the waves. Here is a girl sitting on the sand. And next to it is a sailing boat. Dressy on baby White dress but her feet are bare. She is ready to jump up and send her boat sailing again - just let the excitement subside a little (“ gentle sun»).

A young artist draws a group of children who have come to the seashore (“ On sketches"). A girl and a boy in sailor suits standing behind her watch how the picture is born. And the "sitters" are absorbed in their occupation - their boats glide through shallow water. But the girl and her mother went to the field (“ Walk"). How many flowers are there! The baby collects a bouquet for her mother. And, of course, their beloved dog got along with them. She became interested in something - maybe she saw a grasshopper in the grass? Averin has surprisingly good works, and the impression from them remains the brightest.

Children in the paintings of artists personify the future. The world belongs to them, and may it always remain for them as friendly and joyful as their smiles.
