How tall is Ekaterina Andreeva. Height, weight and parameters of the figure of TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva

Presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is a real star and recognized beauty queen of Channel One. Many sincerely believe that this big-eyed smart and beautiful girl is a little over 30. And indeed, in the photo, Katya cannot be more than 40. But in fact, this year, the beloved TV presenter of millions of Russians, who has fans around the world, will celebrate her 53rd birthday !

Let's get to know this unusually smart, bright and spectacular woman together, whose photo the ISS cosmonauts even took into space, find out her secrets of youth, beauty and life principles.

short biography

Ekaterina Sergeevna Andreeva, a favorite of the viewers of Channel One, was born on November 27, 1961 in Moscow, in the family of the Deputy Chairman of the USSR Gosnab and a housewife. Katya has a sister, Svetlana.

IN school years Katya was engaged in basketball, and also studied for a short time at the school of the Olympic reserve. After completing her studies at school, Andreeva entered the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, which she graduated in 1990, completed her studies at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute (evening department).

Catherine before the start television career managed to work in the Prosecutor General's Office (department of records management under the investigative department), and oversaw the most criminogenic regions - Krasnodar region and Stavropol.

In the same year, by the will of fate, Katya, at the prompt of her mother, was trained at the VIPC under the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and Igor Kirillov himself was her mentor at the “school of announcers”.

In 1991, a charming and extremely smart girl began working in the field of television broadcasting: she was an announcer for the Ostankino television company, Central Television, and hosted the program “ Good morning". Further, since 1995, Ekaterina Andreeva has been the host of the Novosti program and the editor of news programs on ORT.

Finally, from 1998 to the present day, Katya has been working as the host of the Vremya program on Channel One. By the way, already next year she was acknowledged beautiful TV presenter in Russia (results of an online survey).

Ekaterina is married to a Montenegrin businessman Serbian origin Dusko Petrovich, who fell in love with a charming beauty at first sight and after 3 years of courtship won her hand. It has adult daughter Natalia from her first marriage, who has already graduated from MGIMO.

Beauty secrets of Ekaterina Andreeva

The main secret external beauty Catherine is her inner, spiritual beauty. He believes that it is categorically impossible to envy, and if you are overcome by troubles, you need to meet them face to face and, without succumbing to despondency, look for a way out of the situation.

Other beauty secrets of the most recognizable lady of Channel One:

    Ekaterina has not eaten meat for 16-17 years, in rare cases she can eat a little lamb. However, she is not a vegetarian - she can afford eggs, fish, cottage cheese. For those who cannot refuse meat products in any way, the TV presenter recommends choosing the first one between turkey and chicken, since this bird does not accumulate toxins, while chickens are very often stuffed with antibiotics.

    More about food addictions: Katya does not eat sweet, fatty, very salty and starchy foods, she adheres to macrobiotic principles in food.

    He has breakfast with porridge from various cereals, except for semolina, on the water. He likes to add nuts or honey to it, but not hot, otherwise the honey loses all its healing properties.

    He loves fruits and vegetables, and certainly seasonal and grown in Russia, chooses environmentally friendly products for consumption, especially focuses on those products that can be eaten raw.

    As for salt, he prefers sea salt, and salts an already prepared dish.

    Regarding sleep: it is recommended to sleep on an orthopedic pillow, the room is well ventilated - it should be fresh, cool, but not cold. You need to sleep at least 10 hours. Katya usually goes to bed around 10 pm and gets up at 6 or 8 am. More important point- during sleep in the room should be dark, because. it is in the absence of light that the hormone melatonin is produced, and it is he who ensures the restoration of the body.

    In the morning on an empty stomach, Katya always drinks a glass of water, to which she can add Tibetan spices or lemon juice. She prefers natural loose Chinese tea, which her trainer brings from China. Doesn't drink coffee. Katya recommends drinking at least 1.5 liters of liquids a day, preferably an hour before or after a meal, and in no case tap water.

    Mandatory sports: tai chi (taijiquan), Pilates, yoga, functional training, fitness. He visits the pool and likes to walk at a fast pace. Once every 1-2 weeks, he also goes to the sauna. If we talk about the number of loads, then fitness - 3 times a week, yoga - 2-3 times and 2 times a week - Pilates and tai chi.

  • Ekaterina quit smoking a long time ago, felt a noticeable improvement in her well-being, and now she actively advises everyone to do the same.
  • No solarium and excessive tanning: as the TV presenter herself says, who knows how often lamps are changed in the solarium and whether they do it in a timely manner. In addition, Katya does not tan, because due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, she is rapidly aging - on the beach she always applies sunscreen with SPF 50 and above, wears closed swimsuits and tries to relax after swimming only under beach umbrellas.

    In the morning, the TV star eats after gymnastics, prefers whole grain cereals, loves black rice and buckwheat.

    After 7 pm he does not eat.

    In principle, he does not use refined sugar, replacing it with honey, dried fruits and fructose.

    Catherine also observes all Christian fasts, and fasts on Fridays and Wednesdays, because on Wednesday Jesus was betrayed by Judas, and on Friday he was crucified.

    In life, she uses minimal makeup - walk over her face with a puff, lightly tint the tips of her eyelashes and fade on her lips.

    Another secret of Katya Andreeva's youth is work. The presenter is sure that while a person works, he does not age. As an example: there are a lot of centenarians in Japan, and yet this nation works hard until old age.

    With age, external beauty increasingly depends on internal beauty, so take care and maintain a harmonious state of mind, live in harmony with the outside world and with yourself, do not envy and do not get angry.

    Katya can afford to drink some wine, preferring dry wine as the healthiest. The most favorite wines are Spanish, Portuguese and Georgian.

    For a quick recovery of strength and before a sleepless night, he uses the Leonardo da Vinci technique - it is necessary to sleep for 15 minutes every 2 hours during the day.

Here are collected both personal information gleaned from official interviews, and the principles that Katya Andreeva is guided by in life:

    Height - 176 cm,

    Makeup is always done by herself - she knows her face perfectly, besides, it saves a lot of time. She uses French cosmetics from a small little-known company whose products were once recommended by a beautician. All cosmetics are made on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants grown in an ecologically clean place.

    Andreeva does not have pierced ears. She is sure that since nature did not provide extra holes in the body, why make them yourself. No piercings or tattoos.

    Ekaterina writes all the texts and eyeliners necessary for her work herself, and two editors work with her as assistants.

    She believes in God and is baptized.

    He loves Soviet cinema, Italian and French cinema. He rarely watches TV, mostly intellectual games and good documentaries. He never watches criminal TV shows, considering them extremely harmful to the health of the nation.

    Once Andreeva was offered to become an actress and star in the film "The Master and Margarita" by Yuri Kara, but this did not happen.

    As for musical preferences, I like the classics, The Beatles, Sting, A-HA, Rolling Stones, U2.

    When asked by a journalist in one of the interviews who she is: a realist, an optimist or a pessimist, Katya answered without hesitation with a smile that she was an optimist.

    Two pets live in Andreeva's house: the dog Churchill, a Yorkshire terrier, and a cat of a British breed named Berendey.

    The meaning of life, according to the TV presenter, is in life itself and, of course, in love. The one who meets his half is much easier and more fun to live.

    Katya has a very rich library, she loves to read and does it very quickly, diagonally. Prefers Russian, English classics, French modern prose, for example, the works of F. Sagan. Favorite writers: Thackeray, Sallinger, Dickens, Bulgakov, Nabokov, Kafka, Nietzsche, Socrates and Aristotle.

    As a child, the girl was called the Giraffe because of her very high growth.

    He drives his own car, but if he gets stuck in a traffic jam, he changes to the subway.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the Smak program with Ivan Urgant

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Ekaterina Andreeva was born in Moscow on September 27th. Enrolling in the evening department of the VYUZI (All-Union Correspondence Law Institute), she soon transferred to the history department of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, who graduated in 1990. In the same year, she entered courses for radio and television workers. In the "school of announcers" Ekaterina studied with Igor Kirillov. In 1991, she began working on television. The first time I worked in the announcer's department.

The first program in which Catherine took part was Good Morning. Then she hosted a block of economic news on the Russian channel, worked as an editor in a program dedicated to cars " Big races".

In 1994, she joined the Directorate of Information Programs - first as an editor, and then as a presenter. Catherine's first broadcast was to take place in the summer of 1995, on the tragic day of the hostage-taking in Budennovsk. Then Katya refused to broadcast - and this postponed her broadcast for another two months. However, after this, her career as a TV presenter began to develop actively, and now all TV viewers of the country know Katya as one of the most professional and attractive hosts of the ORT channel's Vremya news program.

Interested in history. He likes to wander around museums, sometimes in the conservatory. In clothes, she is conservative, loves a strict style. The third most important part of his life, after work and family, calls the gym. Loves cars. Married (husband is a businessman), daughter Natasha is a student at MGIMO. Catherine believes that everything in her life is the fruit of her own efforts. By his own admission, he goes on the air with the feeling "Behind - Moscow!". Most of all, he loves the days when the news block begins with "human" stories - stories in which people demonstrate examples of courage, kindness, and mutual assistance. Katya considers her main achievement in 2002 to be the fact that she managed to save her dad's life, not burst into tears on the air during the Nord-Ost hostage-taking and improve relations with her own child.

I would like to receive a letter
Rustem, associate professor 2006-01-06 16:39:38

Every evening I wait for you at the TV. I dream of meeting you face to face.

Rustem 2006-01-06 17:13:48

I invite you on a trip to Nukus. If you like extreme tourism. I want to show you the Ustyurt chinik, which is better than the canons of America.

I am fascinated and admired by you.
Anatoly Francishko 2009-08-21 15:04:32

Gracious Empress, I testify to you my respect and confirm what I said in the title. No offense to your spouse, I will add that not only he is in love with you, but perhaps all the men of Russia, the CIS, the EU, the USA, etc. Today I came across information that on our TV they began shamelessly "pressing" you, forcing you to perform in a style and mode that is disgusting to you. wonderful feeling measure, taste and charm ... On this issue, I expressed an opinion, but I can not send it. I just don't know what to do. However, you should know that the hearts of all men, incl. and mine (broken) stay with you! Best regards, Anatoly

Vitaly 2006-03-07 08:48:03

Ekaterina, you are an excellent speaker. I wish you success in your work.

important conversation
Silkov Alexey Viktorovich 2006-04-23 15:37:01

Catherine! Please contact me, there is an important conversation.

ANNA 2006-05-25 00:57:09

Katya, you are wonderful, I live great happiness. anna / batumi /

Elena 2006-06-09 01:05:14

Silnay Jenshina
Aljana 2006-07-10 17:12:22

zdravstvuyte Katya...esli chestno to ya sluchayno natknulas na etot ne sluchayno nabrala vashe imya v poiske...ya ochen davno nabluday za vashey na moy vzglyad interasnoyi mnogoobraznoy kareroy..v vashem vzglyde ochen m nogo zagadochnosti i uverennosti v sebe...jelay vam ot vsey dushi ostovatsya vsegda takoy zagadkoy dlya vseh...budu schastliva poluchit otvet..hotya v glubine dushi znay chto u vas ochen malo svobodnogo vremeni...udachi vam...

ALI 95 2006-11-17 18:22:03

Kate! my favorite TV presenter. And yet, a little smile on the air!

Gloria_10 2006-12-29 21:46:17

Salom alaikum dear Ekaterian Andreeva! I am from the Republic of Uzbekistan but given time I live and work in Moscow, which makes me very happy and happy. Dear Ekaterina Andreevna, I really love the program "TIME" with your narration. You pronounce every word and sentence very beautifully and clearly, your look beckons and beckons to blue screen TV that I can't tear myself away from you. You are the most beautiful, charming and attractive TV presenter on Russian television. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and wish you success in your work, success in your personal life, happiness, a sea of ​​love and an ocean of health in the new year! Kudos to you for your outstanding work. Your admirer Gairat.

The coolest leader!
Karlygach 2007-01-24 06:04:05

Hello Katya! It is my pleasure to write this letter to you. My Mom and I believe that you are the coolest presenter. The most, the most ... Success to you in everything !!!

Prosjba telezritelya o e-mail
Yury 2007-01-26 01:47:34

Proshu soobshchit| - na kakoi e-mail mozhno vyslat| pis|mo dlya Ekateriny Andreevoi s kratkoi otsenkoi eyo raboty v kachestve televedushchei programmy VREMYA. Thank you za answer. Prostite za latinitsu - pishu s mobil|nogo

Ekaterina Andreeva
Denis 2007-04-24 00:52:47

The most beautiful and charming TV presenter in the whole world!!! Denis 19 years old, Korolev.

about Katya
Natalia 2007-12-16 05:57:28

Hello, I admire this woman as a person and would like to know more about her

Unique TV presenter
Nina 2008-02-10 22:14:08

Whenever I have time at 21.00, I turn on Channel One and if Vesti is hosted by Ekaterina Andreeva, I watch to the end only because of HER!!! She is a role model for me, just well done!!!

my sympathy

The release of news on Channel One is strongly associated with Ekaterina Andreeva. For the past 20 years, she has been the permanent host of the Vremya program. On the screen, the presenter is always focused and serious. Few people imagine her in a different way. But her close relatives and friends know her from a completely different side, as a laughing and active woman.

When you communicate with him, you understand that she achieved such success thanks to strict self-control and constant development. Behind long years work on television, the presenter managed to learn to separate the important from the minor and not respond to the malicious comments of envious people.

Despite the fact that Catherine is a well-known person, she does not seek to advertise her personal life. She tells only what she considers necessary, and the rest remains her own. But something is still known about the family life of the host, her preferences and hobbies.

It is known that the presenter is now married for the second time. And, if she speaks willingly about her second husband, then there is no information about the first marriage of Ekaterina Andreeva at all. It is not known how they met their first husband, how their relationship developed and when the wedding took place. In addition, Catherine never mentions his name.

From the first marriage Catherine has a daughter, Natalia, who is already 35 years old. The girl is very similar to her mother both in character and outwardly. When they appear together, you might think that these are two sisters, Catherine looks so good at her age.

Despite the mother's profession, Natalya did not follow in her footsteps. Becoming a leader did not appeal to her. The girl chose a very serious profession for herself and became a lawyer.

Catherine does not hide the fact that after an unsuccessful first marriage, she was able to find happiness with another man. Together with her second husband, they have been for about thirty years and all this time they practically did not quarrel.

The acquaintance of the spouses happened by pure chance. Businessman from Montenegro Dusan Perovic arrived in Moscow on business. In the evening at the hotel, switching TV channels, he settled on the program "Time". He was not so interested in the news, because he did not understand Russian at all, but was interested in an attractive presenter.

The man decided to try to meet her. He did it. Through journalists, he found the contacts of Ekaterina Andreeva. They met, but the relationship has not yet developed further. Dusan sought the location of the girl for three years. He taught Russian, gave gifts, and regularly came to visit.

Catherine's heart from such signs of attention could not remain cold. She realized that Dushan was exactly the man she needed. After the man proposed to her, she agreed without hesitation.

But then the couple had problems. In the late 80s, marriages with foreigners were not often concluded, the employees of the registry office did not want to accept the application for a very long time, demanding numerous certificates from the groom.

The man steadfastly endured it and collected everything Required documents who confirmed that he did not have a wife in his homeland. As it turned out, mistakes were made in the certificates and he had to go through this whole procedure again. But for the sake of his beloved, he endured everything.

The couple not only formalized the relationship, but also got married in the church. Now the couple lives in complete harmony and harmony. She does not have common children, but for her daughter Natalia Dushan became a real father.

Subtleties of family life

Thirty years of family life are not given to every couple. Journalists, in addition to questions about how to maintain a beautiful appearance but also how to be happily married for a long period of time.

Interesting Notes:

Catherine opened the curtain of secrecy. It turns out that she and her husband are complete opposites. Dushan loves order in everything, while Ekaterina brings chaos into his life. Very often, when a woman comes home, she scatters her things. The husband calmly collects her things and puts them in their place. This is just a small example of how spouses put up with shortcomings or simply do not notice them.

This is exactly what Catherine is talking about. In her opinion, her husband also has minor flaws, but she has learned to ignore them. They are good together. If you need to resolve any issue, then they sit down with their spouse and agree. They even practically do not quarrel, everything is decided amicably. For Ekaterina, the opinion of Dushan is very important and she listens to him.

Catherine also admitted that she is more romantic than her husband. According to the presenter, it is easier for him to directly ask what she wants as a gift. It is easier to just tell Dushan about this and he will do everything to fulfill the desire of his beloved wife.

Having learned the intricacies of the host's family life, many couples should think about whether it might be better to live happily than to complain to each other about untidy things. And the couple of Ekaterina and Dushan can only wish to carry their love through many years.

TV presenter Andreeva Ekaterina Sergeevna is a well-known journalist of Channel 1, without which it is impossible to imagine a news release. She has been running this outreach program for twenty years.

This beautiful and spectacular woman, who does not look her age in her passport, is not only a talented journalist and actress, but also a wonderful wife and mother. And this beauty is a rather lucky person, to whom fate often throws pleasant surprises.

Ekaterina often admits that she is madly in love with being the first to know the news and sharing it with other people.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Andreeva

Currently, the leaders in the query string for the Ekaterina Andreeva tag are questions that specify her height, weight, and age. How old is Ekaterina Andreeva - this is the next most popular request, since no one gives an age-old TV presenter more than thirty years.

Ekaterina Andreeva was born back in 1961, so she is already a full fifty-five years old. For many of her fans, this information may come as a shock, since the TV presenter looks unrealistically beautiful.

According to the sign of the Zodiac, Andreeva is a reasonable, practical, strong-willed and diplomatic Sagittarius, who breaks stereotypes and achieves everything on his own. By eastern horoscope the woman is a conservative, stubborn and persistent Ox.

Andreeva's height is one meter and eighty centimeters, and the weight is currently kept at 67 kilograms. This weight is a small victory for the TV presenter, who is constantly struggling with being overweight.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva - leading channel 1

Katyusha was born in November 1961 in the capital. She was skinny and sickly child. The baby lived not far from the Spasskaya Tower and told everyone that she lived in the Kremlin. IN kindergarten everyone considered her an incorrigible liar and a dreamer.

During her school years, she began to play sports, including basketball. For a long time she studied at a school where athletes were trained for the Olympic reserve.

The girl decided to connect her life with the protection of human rights, so after school she entered the VYUZI at the correspondence department. She underwent undergraduate practice in the department of the Prosecutor General's Office, which oversaw the criminogenic Stavropol Territory and the Krasnodar Territory. During practice, young Katya was almost killed when she returned home from an investigative experiment. Slept the girl only Lucky case and fast response.

After some time, the girl radically changed her life, she transferred to the Faculty of History. And then she decided to get a second higher education, enrolling in the capital's pedagogical institute. She became the author of a thesis that covered the Nuremberg trials.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva - leading channel 1 in the Maldives photo

This was not enough for her, Katya went to courses for television and radio presenters. The talented girl struck the well-known announcer Igor Kirillov, who undertook to teach her skills individually. The television meter was struck by a calm and even somewhat cold look with which the girl appeared on the screen. Kirillov believed that he could be useful for the leading news block, in which you need to report any news with a straight face.

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva as a presenter was closely connected with the Ostankino TV and Radio Company. In 1991, she was the first face of a TV program that woke up thousands of Russians. Since 1995, the channel changed its name to ORT and entrusted Andreeva with news and a program about cars. She could appear on the screens earlier, but categorically refused to appear on the screen with the news about the hostage-taking in Budyonnovsk.

Since 1998, Ekaterina has been the permanent host of news releases and starred in films. She flickers in such works as “In the Mirror of Venus”, “Fiend of Hell”, “First Ambulance”, “Personal Number”, and her image is often used in the parody show “Cartoon Personality”. By the way, Catherine is very superstitious, so she flatly refused to star in the cult TV series The Master and Margarita.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva - leading channel 1 photo

Ekaterina Andreeva was recognized several times as the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia and was awarded the Order of Friendship. In 2010, she got into the top of the most popular presenters, and in 2014 she fell out of favor with the Ukrainian government for truthful coverage of events in the Donbass.

A woman loves to go shopping, but not ordinary, but antique. She knows how to distinguish a fake from a really worthwhile thing and is not ashamed to bargain to the last.

Ekaterina will never trust stylists to prepare for the broadcast. She chooses her own clothes, applies makeup and does her hair before the broadcast. Andreeva believes that the leader is most suitable business style.

Recently, the news spread around the Internet that Ekaterina Andreeva, the TV presenter, left Channel One. However, to the delight of her fans, this news turned out to be just a ridiculous rumor. The woman just went on another vacation. Ekaterina jokes that she should not leave the channel, because evil tongues immediately kick her out or simply send her to a well-deserved rest.

Personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva

The personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva is not often advertised, because a woman does not like to open her soul to either fans or spiteful critics. She fundamentally does not mention the name of her fans in interviews. No one knows the name of her first husband, from whom famous TV presenter At the same time, a daughter was born. Also, no one knows the reasons for the separation of the couple and whether they were legally married or not.

No matter how carefully her personal life is hidden from fans, they admire Katerina's ability to combine family life and career.

Ekaterina Andreeva spends her holidays in the Maldives, as she is a traveler with great experience. She loves scuba diving and sharing vacation details with fans. The TV presenter invariably spends her vacation in the Maldives with her beloved husband.

Family of Ekaterina Andreeva

The family of Ekaterina Andreeva is her support, support and main wealth in life. For the sake of her loved ones, a woman is ready to sacrifice her work on television and her career.

Catherine's father - Sergei Alexandrovich - had weight in public and political life country, since he worked as deputy chairman of the State Supply Soviet Union. He was rarely at home and took the upbringing of his children quite seriously. Unfortunately, Sergei Andreev is no longer alive.

The mother of the TV presenter - Tatyana Ivanovna - did not work, she kept house and raised her daughters.

The younger sister Sveta was born in 1969, she graduated from Moscow State University. Currently, the woman works as an editor in the Vremya news program.

Children of Ekaterina Andreeva

The children of Ekaterina Andreeva are her main wealth. The woman believes that any, even the most dizzying career should not become an obstacle to communicating with family and children.

The well-known TV presenter still has few children, namely, her beloved daughter, who, by the way, is very similar to her star mother both in character and appearance. She is persistent, incredibly beautiful and self-confident.

Catherine is happy in her second marriage and really wants to give birth to her chosen heir. However, this is not yet possible for reasons that do not depend on the couple.

Daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva - Natalya Andreeva

The daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva, Natalya Andreeva, was born in 1982. The girl's father is unknown, it is also unclear whether Natalya communicates with him or not. She followed in the footsteps of her mother, graduating from the law faculty of the prestigious MGIMO.

The girl amazes everyone with her beauty and generosity. She became a volunteer while still in high school. educational institution. Natalia got carried away charity projects global scale, in which it is quite successful.

She loves her mother and respects her work, but she is in no hurry to go to television presenters.

Ekaterina Andreeva with her daughter photos on the Internet are more like girlfriends than mother and daughter. They are beautiful, graceful and self-sufficient, which cause many people to curl.

The husband of Ekaterina Andreeva - Dushan Perovich

The second husband of Ekaterina Andreeva, Dusan Perovich, is a native Serb and famous businessman. Dushan saw the girl on the news and found her through acquaintances of TV people. He persistently courted a beautiful TV presenter, although he did not speak Russian.

For three years, the man not only thoroughly learned the Russian language, but also won his heart with care and attention. Dushan did not focus on the fact that he was rich, because he knew that money did not matter to Andreeva.

At that time, the woman was connected with her first husband in a relationship, but did not want to start novels. She just didn't want to lie to any man. Dushan won the heart of his beloved by giving her a family heirloom - a medal that is passed down from generation to generation. When he was about to return to his homeland, Catherine simply could not let him go.

After the man replaced little Natasha's father, Ekaterina melted completely. In 1989, the couple legalized their relationship, and are still happy.

The photo of Ekaterina Andreeva before and after plastic surgery does not leave the front pages of newspapers and magazines. Materials often appear on the Internet about in which clinics a woman underwent rejuvenation surgery.

It is worth immediately dotting all the and, Catherine does not exclude the possibility that in a couple of decades she will want to change her body. Currently, she is happy with him and is not going to change anything.

At fifty-five, she looks simply gorgeous, not because of complex plastic surgery, but because she does not use cosmetics too much. Ekaterina sleeps exactly eight hours a day, does yoga, gymnastics, and martial arts. Every morning she starts with a set of gymnastic exercises.

The TV presenter almost never gets upset and often smiles, looking for the positive in everything. A woman is happily married, loves and is loved.

Few will believe, but Andreeva had problems with being overweight. By the way, in her youth, Ekaterina was a real plumper, however, thanks to a special diet and patience, she was able to lose weight and maintain weight so far. She does not limit herself in food, but simply eats in small portions. Andreeva is a fan of Japanese cuisine, especially loves seafood, sushi and all kinds of cereals.

The woman does not abuse alcohol, but she has bad habits: Passion for good Israeli tobacco and sweets.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Andreeva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Andreeva are filled with bright and positive photos. The TV presenter personally posts them on her page, giving a piece of her soul.

She has few subscribers, only about 12,000 people, but they faithfully follow the personal and creative life of the TV presenter. From Ekaterina Andreeva's Instagram it is possible to learn about what they are doing famous people from her environment.

Very beautiful pictures brings a woman from numerous trips, accompanying them with interesting comments. Even on her page, the TV presenter gives helpful tips for those who want to be successful in life.

On Instagram, you can watch videos that Ekaterina uploads regularly. They introduce subscribers not only to television projects, but also to the hobbies of the TV presenter.

Ekaterina Andreeva - a beautiful woman, mother, wife, who successfully combines career and family life. It gives us good news and helps soften the blows from bad news.

Name: Ekaterina Andreeva
Date of Birth: November 27, 1965
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Age: 53 years old
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Height: 176
tags: TV presenter, actress, journalist
Family status: Married

Ekaterina Andreeva is one of the most famous faces of Channel One, and has been the permanent host of the Vremya news program for more than twenty years. She took over from established legends Soviet television Anna Shatilova, Svetlana Morgunova and Tatyana Sudets. The appearance of Andreeva on the air was a kind of symbol of stability, and a short disappearance from the screen causes a wave of negative reaction. Even Russian President Vladimir Putin many times called Ekaterina his favorite media person.

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva originates in the family of a serious person - her father was deputy chairman of the USSR Gosnab all his life. Mother was a housewife and raised 2 daughters - the TV presenter has younger sister Sveta.

In the 1st grade of the school, Katya was the smallest among the other children and received the nickname Chicken. Having matured, she stretched out, began to play basketball, even got into the school of the Olympic reserve. In her youth, Catherine had problems with her figure: in her fifth year at the institute, the girl was engaged in writing thesis and hardly moved, but ate a lot.

With a height of 176 cm, Andreeva recovered to eighty kilograms. To reset excess weight, Katya took up sports again, went to the gym and went on a strict diet. Then she managed to lose about twenty kilograms. Currently, the TV star recalls this with humor and to this day considers physical activity important part his life, but inferior in importance to family and work.

The life of Ekaterina Andreeva should have been different, since the girl wanted to be a historian, lawyer or actress. But in the end I chose television. At first future star On Channel One, she entered a law school, but already in her second year she realized that she did not like such a profession, and transferred to the Faculty of History. Andreeva has always been interested in past eras, because she thought that this was her calling.

Ekaterina Andreeva got on TV by chance - she learned that courses for radio and television workers had begun in Moscow. The girl was not particularly confident in her abilities. The reason for doubt was the position of the institute teachers, who believed that Katya looked very cold on the screen. Later, it was the strict and inaccessible appearance that turned out to be calling card TV presenter. This image was perfect for a news program where it was necessary to report not only about holidays, but also about tragedies.

Catherine nevertheless began to study with Igor Kirillov, the master of Soviet television broadcasting. Andreeva was the last of the Russian television people who managed to get into the old, traditional announcer's school.

For the first time on the screens, the presenter Ekaterina Andreeva appeared in 1991. At first she worked at the Ostankino television company, after that she cheered up the audience in the Good Morning program. Since 1995, the TV presenter's face has been seen on the ORT channel.

Ekaterina hosted "News" and edited information programs, including the program for motorists "Big Races". Andreeva was supposed to appear on the screens in the summer, but she did not want to go on the first air with the tragic information about the hostages in Budennovsk. As a result, the debut in the news program was postponed, but when it took place, the new presenter immediately won the love of the public.

As Ekaterina later said, before the first broadcast, her heart was beating wildly and she was barely breathing, but she realized that nothing should unbalance and interfere with work. Regarding fatigue, the method of dealing with it is very simple - the TV presenter lies down on the nearest sofa and sleeps for 20 minutes.

Since 1998, Ekaterina Andreeva has been the permanent host of the Vremya news program on Channel One.

Photos of the star can be seen not only on the news screensaver, but also on movie posters. Behind Andreeva several works in the film industry. The first project with her participation appeared in 1990 and was called " Unknown pages from the life of a scout. A year later, the star was invited to star in the film "Fiend of Hell", and in 1999, Catherine was lucky enough to play one of the main roles in the film "In the Mirror of Venus."

In 2015, rumors spread that Ekaterina Andreeva was fired from Channel One. TV viewers reacted to this news in different ways. Many were worried and nostalgic, some were sure that it was time for the leading aged to give way to the young.

Loyal fans remembered that news of the TV presenter's departure appears constantly and usually coincides with the vacation period of their favorite. A little later, Catherine gave an interview in which there was no hint of a possible dismissal.

Andreeva reviewed the news programs that she hosted only at the beginning of her career. Now, if he turns on the TV, it is only for the sake of documentaries or National Geographic and Animal Planet. Series in the orbit of interest fall only those that are advised by friends, and then - if it is convenient in time.

The personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva is an example to follow and envy. The TV presenter manages to be a business person, a mother and a wonderful wife at the same time. The woman does not hide the fact that for the 2nd time she got married quite successfully and is happy in marriage.

Catherine never talks about her first wife Andrei Nazarov, with whom she studied at school. From this union she had a daughter, Natalia. In 1989, fate brought the prima of Channel One to her second husband Dusan Perovich, a Serb by nationality. Andreeva recalls that the first time a man saw her on TV and found her through acquaintances of journalists. During the acquaintance, Dushan barely knew ten words in Russian.

Perovich courted the woman he loved for three years before the couple got married. The decision about this fell, in fact, on the shoulders of Natasha: if she had not accepted her stepfather, Catherine would not have married. Dushan, fortunately, quickly improved relations with the girl.

The couple built their family life on compromises and agreements. Ekaterina and Dushan are opposites. He is peace and order, she is the embodiment of chaos. The spouse begins to express claims with the phrase “Forgive me, but ...”, and after that everything is perceived differently in the eyes of the spouse. But Katya brings romance to the relationship. Perovich, as he says, simply asks what his beloved needs, and undertakes to fulfill it.

The spouses do not have common children. The daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva was educated at MGIMO, where and by whom she works is unknown.

The presenter honestly spoke about her life in the program “Alone with Everyone”, where she appeared not in the usual strict suit, but in a bright scarlet jacket with sequins and told a large number interesting facts About Me. Ekaterina knows how to repair equipment, is engaged in martial arts and is fond of Soviet history. So viewers were surprised to learn that the cold and impregnable TV presenter is actually a cheerful and interesting woman.

Andreeva said that she has 2 bad habits - a love of sweets and smoking. If the presenter can do without chocolate, then from time to time she is already tired of “quitting smoking”. There is information that Ekaterina prefers ultra-light cigarettes and orders them from Israel.

Love, rumor has it, "mothballed" Ekaterina, or the TV star "sleeps in an oxygen pressure chamber." Otherwise, how do others think, Andreeva manages to look the same age as her daughter, whether she is without makeup or in full combat readiness.

In the Instagram account, the TV presenter often publishes joint pictures, in the comments to which fans call mother and daughter nothing more than sisters. A celebrity shows a figure in a bathing suit very rarely. But in other outfits, a woman makes it clear that time has no power over her.

Ekaterina has a huge arsenal to maintain her tone, which includes breathing exercises and taijiquan, yoga and boxing, classes with a trainer and Pilates. And most importantly, don't be discouraged.

Create your blog in social network Ekaterina was forced to fake pages, but at first the presenter did not want to waste time on a “fashionable” phenomenon. I looked in, and it turned out that on behalf of the “face” of Channel One, comments are being written that Andreeva is absolutely not typical of.

"People will think it's the real me."

Katya created a test page to observe, at the same time posted photos and videos from tourist trips. The latter even managed to earn extra money - to sell recordings to online publications. Having opened an account under her own name, she eliminated the doubles.

Andreeva and her husband are avid travelers, they did not reach only Australia, New Zealand and Latin America. And, of course, they do not intend to rest in regions covered by military conflicts.

TV presenter according to the horoscope Sagittarius, and this zodiac sign is inherent in emotional and sometimes physical risk. Catherine had to flee in Africa from an enraged elephant, then she almost died during a hard landing on hot-air balloon. In India, she was not afraid to touch a poisonous snake.

Ekaterina says that she has nerves of steel, you need to try to offend the TV presenter.

“Evil messages ricochet against my protection, go back, but the energy sent along with them remains - and I feel good.”

Andreeva is “on the drum” what spiteful critics write on the Internet, and there are many of them. Some do not like makeup and hair, which, it is worth noting, Katya does herself. Spectators, savvy in philology, condemn the star for incorrect accents and intonation. Television workers, according to a number of media reports, are haunted by the highest among colleagues wage Catherine. But the situation “What will people say” did not bother the presenter from the age of three. And to focus on the opinion of those whom you do not see and do not know is not at all worth it.

This year, Ekaterina Andreeva again had to "put on armor" after she was "written off" for the umpteenth time. And all because on the eve of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, Channel One tested a new news release format. The permanent presenter disappeared from the screens of the program broadcast on European part countries. After a ten-year break, Kirill Kleimenov returned to the studio.

As the head of the Information Program Directorate said, he took the risk of working out algorithms for the transition to new standards. Andreeva's team will start working when the mechanism is debugged.

Yielding to numerous followers on Instagram, who threw questions at her pet, Ekaterina noted that Moscow is not Russia yet, and Novosti with her participation will be seen “from the Volga to the Yenisei”. So nothing has changed for the inhabitants of the Far East and Siberia.

For Andreeva, rumors about another dismissal, by her own admission, are constantly - like an attempt to unbalance. But the loss of a job does not frighten the host. It will be necessary to leave television - another occupation will appear, life will not end there.

In early May, Catherine returned to her usual place for millions of viewers.


  • 1990 - "Unknown pages from the life of a scout"
  • 1991 - "Fiend"
  • 1999 - In the Mirror of Venus
  • 2004 - "Personal number"
  • 2006 - "The first ambulance"
  • 2011 - Suicides
  • 2014 - "About love 2"
  • 2014 - "Star"
