Comedy club sergey immortal. Sergei Bessmertny

Sergey Bessmertny is a famous and successful, a favorite of many girls and women, as well as those who love humor, a member of the Comedy Club. He goes on the same stage with the meters of his work. Among them are Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov and Martirosyan. The main feature of our today's hero are songs that everyone recognizes.

Life before glory. Brief biography of Sergei Bessmertny

Immortal is the pseudonym of a man under which he decided to perform in Comedy. His real name is Sergey Mokhnachev. His date of birth: November 13, 1986. Place of birth: city of Mozhga (Russia). As a schoolboy, the guy was an ordinary teenager who dreamed of becoming an athlete, and did not even think that he would someday be a famous humorist.

Sergei Bessmertny with early age He loved basketball and was also good at chess. In addition, the young man studied at the Lyceum, in which special attention was paid to the exact sciences. During the period of study there, Sergey won many medals, awards and certificates in various fields. The guy was erudite and had strong logical thinking.

The further fate of Sergei Bessmertny

Having received a school certificate, our hero went to try his luck at Izhevsk Technical University. There he planned to higher education and become an engineer. Cheerful and measured student life for Sergei Bessmertny in this educational institution ended four years later.

So there were circumstances that our hero received an offer to perform in the KVN team called "Find". After that, Sergey's dream of an engineering career remained in the past. He literally lit up new job and began to devote everything to her free time.

After some time, Sergei Bessmertny became one of the chief editors of the famous Comedy Club. The guy took great pleasure in organizing evenings and various events. In parallel with the main work, our hero was engaged in charity work. He regularly visited orphanages and animal shelters. Also, Sergei Bessmertny from the Comedy Club was the organizer of the majority charity concerts commands.

Already after the first appearances on the stage, our hero became the favorite of many viewers and those who came to watch the performances of comedians live. In almost every issue, Sergey delighted his fans with unusual humor. Despite the fact that few people supported him, Bessmertny became a real find for Comedy and was incredibly happy about it. The main goal at that time for Sergei Bessmertny from Comedy was to prove to many that you need to listen to your heart, and then everything will definitely work out.

In one of his interviews, our hero said that the shooting of one issue can last about two to three days, because of this he does not consider his work easy. On the contrary, it is exhausting and difficult.

Further career success

The Comedy team has become a second home for the Immortal. The guy decided to move on and not stop there. Having gained experience on stage in front of a large audience, our hero decided to try himself in a new role. He stood behind the DJ console in the capital's nightclubs, as well as establishments in the Moscow region. In parallel with this, Sergey receives many offers and holds corporate parties, weddings and other holidays, delighting fans with his humor and simply presence.

Bessmertny also writes many lyrics for his performances. In addition, some of his colleagues also speak with them. Spectators with great applause meet and see off the numbers, the author of which is he.

Sergey feels that something is missing for him, and in 2012 he decides to try his hand as a screenwriter. Such thoughts visited him for a long time, but only at that moment he decided to bring them to life. His first work in this area was a project called "Nanny". In one of the films that Sergei worked on, he decided to act in person. After that, film critics spoke differently about his work as an actor. Some reported success, others, on the contrary, said that it was a complete failure. Immortal himself does not plan to stop there and wants to make more than one film.

Sergey's personal life

Sergei is reluctant to talk about his personal life. One thing is known, she changed the moment he became a member of the KVN team. However, in some media there is information that our hero is still one of the most eligible bachelors in Russian show business.

Member Name: Sergey Mokhnachev

Age (birthday): 13.11.1981

City: Mozhga, Republic of Udmurtia

Education: IzhGTU

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Sergey Monachev was born in Udmurtia, studied well at school, was a diligent boy and was always under close attention your parents.

Realizing that he simply will not be allowed to achieve anything on his own, the young man enters Izhevsk after school. State University and moves to this city in order to be at a distance from his parents and not feel their constant guardianship.

In parallel with his studies, Sergey was actively involved in sports, he still plays basketball in his free time. He was also fond of photography and chess, but all this faded into the background when Sergey met KVN.

Entering the university team, Mokhnachev immediately began to write scripts and jokes. He devoted more than three years to the "Find" team.

After graduating from the university, Sergei went to work by profession, but in his thoughts he continued to dream of the stage.

Soon he was invited to the Comedy Club of Izhevsk, where Bessmertny not only performed, but also was the editor of the show, as well as the organizer of creative events and evenings.

Sergei, wanting to get into the capital's Comedy, recorded jokes written for himself on discs and sent them to Moscow. There he looked through them - it was he who, having viewed and listened to the recordings, invited Sergey to become a resident.

For several years he actively performed with numbers, analyzing life problems, show business and women. In 2008, Bessmertny tried his hand at DJing. and he was successful. He lit up the dance floors of the best clubs in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

A few years later, Sergei turned to cinema, he wrote the script for the films “Understudy”, “Nannies” and “That Carloson!”, In the latter he even played one of the roles.

In 2014, the film "Corporate" was released, and in 2017, " Mean Girls", where he is also the author of the script.

Despite the fact that film critics are not very flattering about his work, Bessmertny himself is sure that this is only the beginning of his creative way. The main thing is that the audience positively perceive the projects and expect new creations from him.

Personal life for Sergei has always remained in the background, he is too sensitive to creativity and devotes a lot of time to it. He is still listed in eligible bachelors which he apparently likes. Sergei also does not have children yet, but perhaps in the near future his worldview will change, and he will definitely become a family man.

Sergey Mokhnachev. He took on the pseudonym "Immortal".

Over eight years Sergei Bessmertny is a resident of the Comedy Club, where he works together with Pavel "Snezhok" Volya, Timur "Chestnut" Batrutdinov, Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov, Garik Martirosyan, Alexander "A" Revva.

Was born Sergei Bessmertny (Mokhnachev) in the Udmurt Republic, studied at the Physics and Mathematics School. Sergei was a diligent boy, went in for sports, photography, and even had a second rank in chess.

Creative activity of Sergei Bessmertnyi/Sergei Bessmertnyi

Having entered the Izhevsk State Technical University with a degree in engineer-physics, he moved to Izhevsk, where he enrolled as a student in the KVN team. Immediately, Sergei began to write scripts and come up with jokes and skits for performances, and organized events. Three years Sergey Mokhnachev played in the team "Find".

After graduation, Sergey worked for a large Izhevsk company, but he always wanted to perform on stage.

In "Comedy Club" Sergey Mokhnachev ended up in Izhevsk. After the success of the show in the capital, its branches were opened in many cities of Russia. In Izhevsk, the project was called « comedy club IzhStyle». Sergei Bessmertny not only participated in the show, but also engaged in editorial work and organization of creative evenings.

Sergei sent discs with his recordings to Moscow, and one day he was noticed by Garik Martirosyan himself, whom Bessmertny considers his teacher. Sergei Bessmertny accepted into the Comedy Club team almost immediately, and not one of the issues is complete without his participation.

They say that Moscow show business is rotten, - Sergey Bessmertny says in an interview. - People in whom there is no "rot" gathered in the "Comedy Club". Maybe the fact is that we are all former KVN workers, and this is a kind of brotherhood.

Sergei Bessmertny tours a lot, writes monologues. His most famous performances are: Interesting Facts about the new Moskvich car”, “Compliments that should not be said to women”, “How to take revenge on men”.

Before filming - at least a week of preparations, - says Sergei Bessmertny about his work. - At noon you come to the office, at 4 am you go home. Everyone writes texts himself, but is not greedy. If I came up with a funny song - I give it to the singers, they came up with a joke - to me. Then we think together, finish off the jokes, add something, rewrite it to make it even funnier and brighter. The shooting itself takes two or three days. Once every two weeks, five programs are filmed at once. Now the shooting goes on non-stop, like a concert. This is how the right atmosphere of the club appears, the guests come to really relax, and not to star in a program where they “should” laugh.

In 2008 Sergei Bessmertny I tried myself as a DJ. He lights up the dance floors in Moscow and St. Petersburg, holds corporate parties.

Sergey Bessmertny or Mokhnachev Sergey Valerievich his real name was born on November 13, 1981 in the city of Mozhga is Comedy resident club.

Somewhere in the distant past, he was known to everyone by the surname Mokhnachev. But, having contacted a company of comedic clubbers, I had to forget about my native surname and change my name to Immortal! Many believed that this was because he had something in common with that same Immortal.

Seryozha was born and grew up for some time in the city of Mozhga, which is located in Udmurtia. Having become older and realizing that under the supervision of his parents, he will not be able to do everything that he was drawn to since childhood, Sergey decides to move to Izhevsk. There he successfully graduated from the institute, plays basketball and has a 2nd category in chess! In the same glorious college years, Sergei plays in the KVN team called "Find".

Apparently, Sergey finds what he is looking for, and, according to him, takes the most serious step in his life, leaves KVN for the Comedy Club. (That was the name of the project then, which is now the Izh-Style Comedy Club).

He says about himself that his main drawback is laziness. Sergey's favorite cartoons are 38 parrots and the Investigation lead koloboks to their favorite pastime - to sleep and play on the computer!
By nature, Sergey is a romantic pragmatist who does not like Original gifts loving funny companies!

Sergei Bessmertny or Mokhnachev Sergei Valerievich, his real name was born on November 13, 1981 in the city of Mozhga, he is a resident of the Comedy Club.

Somewhere in the distant past, he was known to everyone by the surname Mokhnachev. But, having contacted a company of comedic clubbers, I had to forget about my native surname and change my name to Immortal! Many believed that this was because he had something in common with that same Immortal.

Seryozha was born and grew up for some time in the city of Mozhga, which is located in Udmurtia. Having become older and realizing that under the supervision of his parents, he will not be able to do everything that he was drawn to since childhood, Sergey decides to move to Izhevsk. There he successfully graduated from the institute, plays basketball and has a 2nd category in chess! In the same glorious college years, Sergei plays in the KVN team called "Find".

Apparently, Sergey finds what he is looking for, and, according to him, takes the most serious step in his life, leaves KVN for the Comedy Club.
