Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin is a famous Russian. In which operas did Chaliapin perform the main parts? "Pskovite" (Ivan the Terrible), "Life for the Tsar" (Ivan Susanin), "Mozart and Salieri" (Salieri)


1890. Stolnik - "Pebble" S. Monyushko.

1891. Ferrando - "Troubadour" by G. Verdi. Unknown - "Askold's Grave" by A. Verstovsky. Petro - "Natalka Poltavka" N. Lysenko.

1892. Valentine - "Faust" by Ch. Gounod. Oroveso - "Norma" by D. Bellini. Cardinal, Alberto - "The Cardinal's Daughter" ("Jew") F. Halevi. Matchmaker - "Mermaid" by A. Dargomyzhsky.

1893. Ramfis - "Aida" by G. Verdi. Mephistopheles - "Faust" by C. Gounod. Gudal - "Demon" by A. Rubinstein. Tonio - "Pagliacci" by R. Leoncavallo. Monterone - "Rigoletto" by G. Verdi. Gremin - "Eugene Onegin" by P. Tchaikovsky. Saint Bris - "Huguenots" by D. Verdi. Lothario - "Mignon" by A. Tom.

1894. Lord Cockburg - "Fra Diavolo" by D. Ober. Melnik - "Mermaid" by A. Dargomyzhsky. Tomsky - " Queen of Spades» P. Tchaikovsky. Don Basilio - "The Barber of Seville" by D. Rossini. Miracle - "The Tales of Hoffmann" by J. Offenbach. Tore - "Santa Lucia Embankment" by N. Taski. Bertram - "Robert the Devil" by D. Meyerbeer. Zuniga - "Carmen" by G. Bizet. Don Pedro - "African" by D. Meyerbeer. Old Jew - "Samson and Delilah" by K. Saint-Saens.

1895. Ivan Susanin - Life for the Tsar. Ruslan - "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. Glinka. Count Robinson - "Secret Marriage" by D. Cimarosa. Panas - "The Night Before Christmas" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

1896. Prince Vereisky - "Dubrovsky" by E. Napravnik. Judge - "Werther" J. Massenet. Vladimir Galitsky - "Prince Igor" by A. Borodin. Prince Vladimir, Wanderer - "Rogneda" by A. Serov. Nilakanta - "Lakme" by L. Delibes. Ivan the Terrible - "Pskovite" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

1897. Collen - "La Boheme" by D. Puccini. Prince Vyazminsky - "Oprichnik" by P. Tchaikovsky. Dosifey - "Khovanshchina" by M. Mussorgsky. Varangian guest - "Sadko" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

1898. Head - " May night» N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Holofernes - "Judith" by A. Serov. Salieri - "Mozart and Salieri" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Tsar Boris - "Boris Godunov" by M. Mussorgsky.

1899. Varlaam - "Boris Godunov" by M. Mussorgsky. Ilya - "Ilya Muromets" by V. Serova. Aleko - "Aleko" by S. Rachmaninov. Andrey Dubrovsky - "Dubrovsky" by E. Napravnik.

1900. Biron - "Ice House" by A. Koreshchenko.

1901. Galeof - "Angelo" C. Cui. Farlaf - "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. Glinka. Mephistopheles - "Mephistopheles" by A. Boito. Priest - "Feast during the plague" Ts. Cui.

1902. Eremka - "Enemy Force" by A. Serov.

1903. Dobrynya - "Dobrynya Nikitich" by A. Grechaninov.

1904. Demon - "Demon" by A. Rubinstein. Gaspard - "Corneville Bells" by R. Plunkett. Onegin - "Eugene Onegin" by P. Tchaikovsky.

1906. Prince Igor - "Prince Igor" by A. Borodin.

1907. Philip II - "Don Carlos" by D. Verdi.

1908. Leporello - "Don Giovanni" by W. Mozart.

1909. Khan Aswab - "Old Eagle" R. Ginsburg.

1910. Don Quixote - Don Quixote by J. Massenet.

1911. Ivan the Terrible - "Ivan the Terrible" by R. Ginsburg.

1914. Konchak - "Prince Igor" by A. Borodin.

The last speeches of F. I. Chaliapin on opera stage took place on March 30, 1937 in Monte Carlo and on April 5, 28 and May 6 in Warsaw: the artist performed in M. P. Mussorgsky's opera Boris Godunov.

The concert repertoire of F. I. Chaliapin was extremely rich, the singer performed with arias and ensembles from operas, performed many romances and songs (about 150 titles). The most frequently heard vocal works S. V. Rachmaninov, P. I. Tchaikovsky, M. I. Glinka, A. S. Dargomyzhsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. G. Rubinstein, A. S. Arensky, F. Schubert, R. Schumann, F. Mendelssohn, Russian and Ukrainian folk songs and others. The last concert of F. I. Chaliapin took place on June 23, 1937 in Eastbourne (England).

F. I. Chaliapin made the first recordings on the phonograph in 1898, but was extremely dissatisfied with the quality of sound reproduction. According to I. N. Boyarsky, a new attempt to write down concert numbers the singer undertook only in 1902 at the suggestion of the English company Gramophone, but this time the singer was not satisfied with the sound quality either. F. I. Chaliapin began to regularly record records in 1907, when the recording technique became more advanced. In the future, the singer collaborated with many gramophone firms and recorded almost the entire opera and concert repertoire.

The last recordings of F. I. Chaliapin were made in 1936 during a tour in Tokyo: "Flea" by M. P. Mussorgsky and Russian folk song"Hey, let's go."

Records released in the West were dubbed in the Soviet Union and widely replicated in the 1920s and 1930s and, after a twenty-year break, since the 1950s.

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Repertoire E. V. Obraztsova OPERA PARTS 1963. Marina "Boris Godunov" by M. P. Mussorgsky. Grand Theatre. December 17, 1964. Milovzor "The Queen of Spades" by P. I. Tchaikovsky. Big theater. March 12. Polina "The Queen of Spades" by P. I. Tchaikovsky. Big theater. March 12. Maid "War and Peace"

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Repertoire of Elena Obraztsova Opera parts Marina Mnishek - Boris Godunov by M. P. Mussorgsky, Moscow, Bolshoi Theater 1963. Polina, Milovzor, ​​The Governess - The Queen of Spades, P. I. Tchaikovsky, Moscow, Bolshoi Theater 1964. Maid, Princess Marya - "War and Peace"

From the author's book

Concert repertoire

Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin is a famous Russian opera singer, one of the brightest and most talented soloists of the Bolshoi Theater of Moscow in the first half of the 20th century.
Born in 1887 in Kazan, he received his primary education at a parish school, where he also participated in the church choir. In 1889 he was enrolled in the theater troupe of Vasily Serebryakov as an extra, but a year later he performed his debut solo part in Pyotr Tchaikovsky's opera Eugene Onegin.
After moving to Moscow, Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin was noticed by the well-known patron of the capital Savva Mamontov, who predicted worldwide fame for the novice singer and invited him to Opera theatre for leading roles. Several years of work in the private troupe of Mamontov opened the way for Fyodor Chaliapin to the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, where he served from 1899 to 1921.
The first success came to Fyodor Chaliapin during a foreign tour in 1901, after which he was recognized as one of the best Russian opera soloists.
In 1921, having recovered on a world tour with the Bolshoi Theater troupe, Chaliapin decided not to return to his homeland, and from 1923 began solo career, simultaneously acting in films with the Austrian director Georg Pabst.
In 1938, he died in Paris from leukemia, and 46 years later his ashes were transported to Moscow and reburied at Novodevichy cemetery.

Songs performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin

Title: "Flea"
File size: 2.62 MB, 128 kbps

Title: "Dubinushka"
File size: 3.06 MB, 128 kbps

Title: "Two Grenadiers"
File size: 2.79 MB, 128 kbps

Title: "Elegy"
File size: 3.83 MB, 128 kbps

Title: "Beyond the Island"
File size: 3.61 MB, 128 kbps

Title: Black eyes
File size: 3.17 MB, 128 kbps

Title: "Along the Piterskaya"
File size: 1.77 MB, 128 kbps

Title: "Down, along the mother, along the Volga"
File size: 3.07 Mb, 128 kb/s

Title: "Hey, let's go!"
File size: 2.93 MB, 128 kbps

Title: "Calm down, excitement, passions..."
File size: 4.06 MB, 128 kbps

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The art of Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin, a brilliant Russian singer, who, according to M. Gorky, became "a symbol of Russian power and talent", and today is perceived throughout the world as the highest example.
The successor of the realistic traditions of the Russian musical theater, Chaliapin enriched and developed them, creating unforgettable images in the operas of Russian classics - M, Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, A. Serov, M. Mussorgsky, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Borodin. The freshness of interpretation, depth and originality were also distinguished by the parts of the Western European repertoire sung by him, among which Mephistopheles in the opera of the same name by A. Boito and "Fauste" by C. Gounod, Don Basilio in "The Barber of Seville" by G. Rossini, King Philip in "Don Carlos" were especially distinguished "G. Verdi.

The singer's voice - a high (baritone) bass, basso cantante of a soft, velvety timbre was set by nature. He was famous not so much for his power and strength, the breadth of his range, but for his extraordinary flexibility, richness of intonations, shades, and ability to convey the most complex range of experiences. Masterfully mastering the art of bel canto, cantilena, the singer never made mastery an end in itself, his singing was always filled, as the conductor A. Pazovsky wrote, with "deep feeling and concrete figurative thought." He always "sang as he spoke", but he sang, intoned the word musically, conveyed the meaning and meaning of the word through full-sounding musical speech. "Like Caruso among tenors and Titta Ruffo among baritones, Chaliapin became the bass standard," said the Italian singer Lauri-Volpi.
F. I. Chaliapin was born on February 1/13, 1873 in Kazan in the family of a city government clerk. His early childhood was spent in the village of Ometyevo, and the singer's memory for life retained memories of village holidays, round dances. Chaliapin heard his first folk songs from his mother. As a boy, he sang in the church choir, unusually quickly mastered the basics musical notation. Participation in church services introduced the future singer to music, developed natural musicality. "Holy song. lives inseparably and inseparably from that simple lowland song which, like a bell, also shakes the twilight of life. There is a lot of bitter and bright things in a person's life, but a sincere resurrection is a song, a true ascension is a hymn," Chaliapin wrote in his book "Mask and Soul".

The "first theatrical burns", according to Chaliapin's memoirs, were associated with fairground festivities, performances by the farcical "grandfather" Yakov Mamonov. And later, having got into the Kazan City Theater, the young man eagerly absorbed the impressions of the game of talented dramatic actors - V. Andreev-Burlak, I. Kiselevsky, N. Palchikova, visited opera performances with famous singer Y. Zakrzhevsky. At the same time, Chaliapin began to act as an extra in dramatic and opera performances, and at the age of seventeen he received his first engagement in Ufa, becoming a chorister in the operetta troupe of S. Semenov-Samarsky.
Chaliapin's debut on stage took place in a small part of Stolnik in S. Moniuszko's opera "Pebbles" on December 18, 1890. In his first benefit performance, the aspiring artist successfully performed the role of the Unknown in A. Verstovsky's opera "Askold's Grave". While wandering around the south of Russia as part of various provincial troupes, often left without a livelihood, the young Chaliapin reached Tiflis, where he met his first teacher D. A. Usatov, once a tenor of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater, the first performer of the role of Lensky. “From this meeting with Usatov my conscious artistic life- wrote Chaliapin. - He awakened in me the first serious thoughts about the theater, taught me to feel the character of various musical works, clarified my taste and - which I throughout my career considered and still consider the most precious - clearly taught the musical perception and musical expression of the pieces performed"

A year after his debut in Tiflis, where for the first time such roles as Melnik in Dargomyzhsky's "Mermaid" and Mephistopheles in Gounod's "Faust" were performed, Chaliapin tries his hand in the capital on the stage of the famous Mariinsky Theater. However, he did not stay here long. In 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod the singer met S. I. Mamontov, a meeting with whom determined him further fate. Mamontov felt, guessed the future of Chaliapin, in the creative, invigorating atmosphere of the Moscow Russian Private Opera, the artist's talent developed and grew stronger by leaps and bounds.
The leading place in the repertoire of the Mammoth theater was occupied by Russian opera. Chaliapin's first triumph was associated with the role of the Terrible in Rimsky-Korsakov's The Maid of Pskov. Mamontov's thoughtful direction, impressions from the paintings of I. Repin, V. Schwartz, V. Vasnetsov, and the sculptures of M. Antokolsky contributed to the creation of a contradictory, complex image of the tyrant tsar. For the first time, contemporaries felt the new that was characteristic of all subsequent work of Chaliapin - a unique synthesis of dramatic skill with the rarest musicality. Seeing Grozny-Chaliapin on tour of Mamontov's opera in St. Petersburg, V. Stasov - the recognized patriarch of Russian art - exclaimed in the article "Immense Joy": Great happiness fell on us from the sky. New great talent was born."

In close collaboration with the artists who designed the performances at the Mamontov Private Opera - V. Polenov, V. Serov, K. Korovin, M. Vrubel, who taught the singer to be attentive to make-up, costume, plastic solution of each role, they created bright, striking novelty images of the Varangian guest in "Sadko", Salieri in "Mozart and Salieri" by Rimsky-Korsakov, the Assyrian commander Holofernes ("Judith" Serov), Dositheus ("Khovanshchina" Mussorgsky), the part of Boris Godunov in Mussorgsky's opera, which became the best creation of the artist, Chaliapin traveled with Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff, who was invited to conduct performances of the Private Opera. At the same time, the friendship between the artist and the composer began, many times performing together in concerts. Rachmaninoff dedicated several of his romances to Chaliapin and loved to accompany the singer. Passing opera parts, and then learning romances for a joint performance in concerts, a sensitive genius singer picked up the slightest instructions or advice from a more musically educated Rachmaninov and performed things as soon as he could do it, "she recalled cousin and Rachmaninov's biographer S. A. Satina.
In 1899, Chaliapin returned to the imperial stage, becoming a soloist at the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theatres. The beginning of the twentieth century is associated with the heyday of his work, fame and recognition at home and abroad. In 1901, for the first time, he goes on tour in „ opera capital"Europe Milan to sing Mephistopheles in Boito's opera on the stage of La Scala. The recognition of the Milanese, who warmly accepted the performance of the Russian singer, was expressed in his enthusiastic response by the famous Italian tenor Angelo Masini, who wrote to the Novoye Vremya newspaper: I am writing to you under the fresh impression of the performance with the participation of your Chaliapin. This is both a wonderful singer and an excellent actor, and in addition he has a direct Dante pronunciation. "Chaliapin's participation in the historical Russian concerts in Paris (1907), and then in the Russian Seasons organized by S. P. Diaghilev (1908-1914), becomes great event in musical life Europe.
Unusually demanding of himself, Chaliapin never stopped working on his roles, constantly improving those images that seemed to his contemporaries to be real masterpieces. In my soul I carry image of Mephistopheles, which I never managed to realize, "he wrote in his later life." Even when the music of the opera was imperfect, like, say, “Don Quixote” by J. Massenet, the artist was able to enrich the part with deep content, expressive plasticity, inspired play, so that the audience forgot about the weakness of musical dramaturgy.
The singer's concert repertoire was extensive and varied. His performances on the stage made up a special, brilliant page of chamber singing. A great dramatic gift, the power of stage imagination helped Chaliapin create a whole gallery of portraits, psychologically exact characters, whether it be the infernal Mephistopheles ("The Song of the Flea") or the unfortunate peasant doomed to death ("Trepak").

The singer invariably included in his programs and lyrical works: songs by F. Schubert, R. Schumann, I. Brahms, romances by Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov. B. V. Asafiev recalled: “Chaliapin sang truly chamber music, it happened, so concentrated, so "deep" that it seemed that he had nothing to do with the theater. Perfect calmness and restraint took possession of him. For example, I remember: "In a dream I wept bitterly" by Schumann - one sound, a voice in silence, the emotion is modest, hidden, but the performer seems to be absent, and there is no this large, cheerful, generous with humor, affection, clear person. A lonely voice sounds - and everything is in the voice: all the depth and fullness of the human heart.
Gorky considered Chaliapin a "symbolic face", "an image of democratic Russia." The famous "Dubinushka", sung by Fyodor Ivanovich in the Metropol restaurant in 1905 (this episode was included in Gorky's novel "The Life of Klim Samgin", seemed to the writer a harbinger of future revolutionary events. Knowledge of the depths and hardships folk life made Chaliapin's performance of Russian songs especially heartfelt. “Chaliapin among our singers is like a Russian song among all the music we listen to. an organic product of the Russian climate, Russian nature, the free expanses of the Russian steppes, the fresh air of Russian forests, the whole breadth and depth of the Russian character and Russian national genius. musical critic V. G. Karatygin.

After October, Chaliapin worked especially intensively as a singer, opera director, public figure. His audience in these years has become truly massive. It is no coincidence that it was Chaliapin, together with M. N. Yermolova, for the first time in the history of the country, who were awarded the title of People's Artists of the Republic.
In 1922, Chaliapin went on a long tour abroad. One of his last concerts was attended by the then-novice singer S. Ya. Lemeshev. He forever remembered how the artist said goodbye to the Moscow public. “One thing is clear,” Lemeshev later wrote, “after Chaliapin it was no longer possible to sing the way they sang before him. great singer opened up new possibilities for the expressively sung word and the powerful forces hidden in a romance, in a song, in an opera image, showed the whole world the greatness of Russian music”

The last sixteen years of Chaliapin's life were spent in a foreign land. Homecoming for him, as for many other figures Russian culture, in the complex political atmosphere of the time proved impossible. Chaliapin died in Paris on April 12, 1938. In 1984, the ashes of the great artist were transferred to Moscow to the Novodevichy cemetery.
Huge and inexhaustible interest in the work of Chaliapin in our country and abroad, his voice constantly sounds on the radio, from numerous records. This collection of the singer's repertoire - the third in a row, published by the publishing house "Music" - includes arias from operas, romances and songs that will complement the performance of lovers vocal music about his creativity.
E. Dmitrievskaya

  • M. Glinka. Farlaf's Rondo from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
  • A. Verstovsky. Song of the Unknown from the opera "Askold's Grave"
  • M. Mussorgsky. Varlaam's song from the opera "Boris Godunov"
  • A. Arensky. Cavatina of the Hermit from the opera "Dream on the Volga".
  • W. A. ​​Mozart. Recitative and aria of Figaro from the opera "The Marriage of Figaro". Translated by M. Slonov
  • C. Gounod. Flower Spell from the opera "Faust". Translation by P. Kalashnikov
  • J. Massenet. Serenade of Don Quixote from the opera "Don Quixote". Translated by F. Chaliapin
  • A. Boito. Ballad of Mephistopheles (with a whistle) from the opera "Mephistopheles". Translation by F. Chaliapin and M. Slonov
  • M. Glinka. Night view. Words by V. Zhukovsky
  • A. Dargomyzhsky. Miller. Words by A. Pushkin
  • A. Rubinstein. Curl up in a wave. Russian text by P. Tchaikovsky.
  • M. Mussorgsky. Trepak. Words by A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov
  • N. Rimsky-Korsakov. The stormy day is over. Words by A. Pushkin.
  • S. Rachmaninov. We met yesterday. Words by Y. Polonsky
  • G. Lishkn. She laughed. Words by A. Maykov (from Heine)
  • J.P. Martini. Aria ("Love's Delight")
  • F. Schubert. Double. Words by G. Heine, translation by M. Svobodin
  • R. Schuman. I'm not angry. Words by G. Heine, translation by F. Berg
  • In my dream I wept bitterly. Words by G. Heine, translation by M. Mikhailov.
  • J. Massenet. Elegy. Words by L. Galle
  • Night. Russian folk song. Arranged by M. Slonov
  • Dubinushka. Working song. Arranged by M. Slonov

Russian opera and chamber singer Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin was born on February 13 (February 1, old style), 1873 in Kazan. His father, Ivan Yakovlevich Chaliapin, was a peasant Vyatka province and served as a clerk in the Kazan district zemstvo council. In 1887, Fyodor Chaliapin was hired to the same position with a salary of 10 rubles a month. In his free time, Chaliapin sang in the bishop's choir, was fond of the theater (he participated as an extra in drama and opera performances).

Chaliapin's artistic career began in 1889, when he entered the drama troupe Serebryakova. On March 29, 1890, the first solo performance of Fyodor Chaliapin took place, who performed the part of Zaretsky in the opera "Eugene Onegin", staged by the Kazan Society of Performing Art Lovers.

In September 1890, Chaliapin moved to Ufa, where he began working in the choir of an operetta troupe under the direction of Semyon Semyonov-Samarsky. By coincidence, Chaliapin had the opportunity to play the role of soloist in Moniuszko's opera "Pebbles", replacing the sick artist on stage. After that, Chaliapin began to entrust small opera parts, for example, Fernando in Il trovatore. Then the singer moved to Tbilisi, where he took free singing lessons from the famous singer Dmitry Usatov, performed in amateur and student concerts. In 1894, Chaliapin went to St. Petersburg, where he sang in performances that took place in the Arcadia country garden, then at the Panaevsky Theater. On April 5, 1895, he made his debut as Mephistopheles in Charles Gounod's Faust at the Mariinsky Theatre.

In 1896, Chaliapin was invited by patron Savva Mamontov to the Moscow Private Opera, where he took a leading position and fully revealed his talent, creating over the years of work in this theater a whole gallery of vivid images that have become classics: Ivan the Terrible in Nikolai Rimsky's The Maid of Pskov Korsakov (1896); Dositheus in "Khovanshchina" by Modest Mussorgsky (1897); Boris Godunov in the opera of the same name by Modest Mussorgsky (1898).

Since September 24, 1899, Chaliapin has been the leading soloist of the Bolshoi and at the same time the Mariinsky Theaters. In 1901, Chaliapin's triumphal tour of Italy took place (at the La Scala theater in Milan). Chaliapin was a member of the "Russian Seasons" abroad, hosted by Sergei Diaghilev.

During the First World War, Chaliapin's tours ceased. The singer opened two infirmaries for wounded soldiers at his own expense, donated large sums for charity. In 1915, Chaliapin made his film debut, where he played the main role in the historical film drama "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible" (based on the work of Lev May "The Maid of Pskov").

After October revolution In 1917, Fyodor Chaliapin was engaged in the creative reconstruction of the former imperial theaters, was an elected member of the directorates of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters, and in 1918 directed the artistic part of the latter. In the same year, he was the first of the artists to be awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic.

In 1922, having gone abroad on tour, Chaliapin did not return to Soviet Union. In August 1927, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, he was stripped of his title. People's Artist and the right to return to the country.

At the end of the summer of 1932, Chaliapin played the main role in the film "Don Quixote" by the Austrian film director Georg Pabst. novel of the same name Miguel Cervantes.

Fyodor Chaliapin was also an outstanding chamber singer - he performed Russian folk songs, romances, vocal works; He also acted as a director - staged the operas "Khovanshchina" and "Don Quixote". Peru Chaliapin owns the autobiography "Pages from my life" (1917) and the book "Mask and Soul" (1932).

Chaliapin was also a remarkable draftsman and tried his hand at painting. His works "Self-portrait", dozens of portraits, drawings, caricatures have been preserved.

In 1935 - 1936, the singer went on his last tour to the Far East, giving 57 concerts in Manchuria, China and Japan. In the spring of 1937, he was diagnosed with leukemia, and on April 12, 1938, he died in Paris. He was buried in the Batignolles cemetery in Paris. In 1984, the ashes of the singer were transported to Moscow and buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

On April 11, 1975, the first in Russia dedicated to his work was opened in St. Petersburg.

In 1982, an opera festival was founded in the homeland of Chaliapin in Kazan, which received the name of the great singer. The initiator of the creation of the forum was the director of the Tatar Opera House Raufal Mukhametzyanov. In 1985, the Chaliapin Festival received the status of an all-Russian one, and in 1991 it was released.

On June 10, 1991, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR adopted Resolution No. 317: "Repeal the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of August 24, 1927 "On depriving F. I. Chaliapin of the title of" People's Artist "as unreasonable."

On August 29, 1999, in Kazan, near the bell tower of the Epiphany Cathedral, in which Fyodor Chaliapin was baptized on February 2, 1873, the city authorities erected a monument dedicated to the singer by sculptor Andrei Balashov.

Achievements and contributions to opera art Fyodor Chaliapin was also noted in the USA, where the artist received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 2003, on Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow, next to the Fyodor Chaliapin House Museum, a monument about 2.5 meters high was erected in honor of the great artist. The author of the sculpture was Vadim Tserkovnikov.

Fyodor Chaliapin was the owner a large number various awards and titles. So, in 1902, the Emir of Bukhara granted the singer the Order of the Golden Star of the third degree, in 1907, after a performance in Berlin royal theater Kaiser Wilhelm summoned to his box famous artist and presented him with the Golden Cross of the Prussian Eagle. In 1910, Chaliapin was awarded the title of Soloist of His Majesty, in 1934 in France he received the Order of the Legion of Honor.

Chaliapin was married twice, and from both marriages he had nine children (one died at an early age).

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Fedor Chaliapin is a Russian opera and chamber singer. IN different time he was a soloist at the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters, as well as at the Metropolitan Opera. Therefore, the work of the legendary bass is widely known outside of his homeland.

Childhood and youth

Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin was born in Kazan in 1873. His parents were visiting peasants. Father Ivan Yakovlevich moved from the Vyatka province, he was engaged in an unusual job for a peasant - he served as a clerk in the administration of the Zemstvo. And mother Evdokia Mikhailovna was a housewife.

As a child, a beautiful treble was noticed by little Fedya, thanks to which he was sent to the church choir as a chorister, where he received the basic knowledge of musical literacy. In addition to singing in the temple, the father sent the boy to study with a shoemaker.

Finished several classes primary education with honors, the young man goes to work as an assistant clerk. Fedor Chaliapin will later remember these years as the most boring in his life, because he was deprived of the main thing in his life - singing, since at that time his voice was going through a period of withdrawal. This is how the career of a young archivist would have gone on, if one day he did not get to the performance of the Kazan Opera House. The magic of art has captured the young man's heart forever, and he decides to change his activity.

At the age of 16, Fyodor Chaliapin, with an already formed bass, auditions for the opera house, but fails miserably. After that, he turns to the drama group of V. B. Serebryakov, in which he is taken as an extra.

Gradually young man began to entrust the vocal parts. A year later, Fyodor Chaliapin performed the part of Zaretsky from the opera Eugene Onegin. But in a dramatic entreprise, he does not stay long and after a couple of months he gets a job as a chorister in musical troupe S. Ya. Semyonov-Samarsky, with whom he leaves for Ufa.

As before, Chaliapin remains a talented self-taught, who, after several comically failed debuts, gains stage confidence. young singer invited to a traveling theater from Little Russia under the direction of G. I. Derkach, with whom he makes a number of first trips around the country. The journey ultimately leads Chaliapin to Tiflis (now Tbilisi).

In the capital of Georgia, a talented singer is noticed by vocal teacher Dmitry Usatov, a famous tenor of the Bolshoi Theater in the past. He takes on the full support of a poor young man and deals with him. In parallel with the lessons, Chaliapin works as a bass performer at the local opera house.


In 1894, Fyodor Chaliapin entered the service of the Imperial Theater of St. Petersburg, but the strictness prevailing here quickly began to weigh him down. By a lucky chance, at one of the performances, a philanthropist notices him and lures the singer to his theater. Possessing a special flair for talents, the philanthropist discovers incredible potential in a young temperamental artist. He gives Fedor Ivanovich complete freedom in his team.

Fedor Chaliapin - "Black Eyes"

While working in the Mamontov troupe, Chaliapin revealed his vocal and artistic abilities. He covered all the famous bass parts of Russian operas, such as The Maid of Pskov, Sadko, Mozart and Salieri, Rusalka, A Life for the Tsar, Boris Godunov and Khovanshchina. His performance of the role in "Faust" by Charles Gounod still remains a reference. Subsequently, he will recreate similar image in the aria "Mephistopheles" at the theater "La Scala", which will earn success with the world public.

From the beginning of the 20th century, Chaliapin reappeared on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, but already as a soloist. With the capital's theater, he tours around Europe, gets on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in New York, not to mention regular trips to Moscow, to the Bolshoi Theater. Surrounded by the famous bass, you can see the whole color of the creative elite of that time: I. Kuprin, italian singers T. Ruffo and. A photo has been preserved where he is captured next to his close friend.

In 1905, Fyodor Chaliapin especially distinguished himself with solo performances, in which he sang romances and the then-famous folk songs "Dubinushka", "Along the Piterskaya" and others. The singer donated all the funds from these concerts to the needs of the workers. Such concerts by the maestro turned into real political actions, which later earned Fedor Ivanovich honor from the Soviet authorities. In addition, friendship with the first proletarian writer Maxim Gorky protected the Chaliapin family from ruin during the “Soviet terror”.

Fedor Chaliapin - "Along the Piterskaya"

After the revolution new government appoints Fyodor Ivanovich as the head Mariinsky Theater and awards him the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. But in a new capacity, the singer did not work long, since with the very first foreign tour in 1922 he immigrated with his family abroad. More he did not appear on the stage of the Soviet stage. Years later, the Soviet government stripped Chaliapin of the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

The creative biography of Fyodor Chaliapin is not only his vocal career. In addition to singing, the talented artist was fond of painting and sculpture. He also acted in films. He got a role in the film of the same name by Alexander Ivanov-Gaya, and he also participated in the filming of the film Don Quixote by German director Georg Wilhelm Pabst, where Chaliapin played the main role of the famous windmill fighter.

Personal life

Chaliapin met his first wife in his youth, while working in private theater Mamontov. The girl's name was Iola Tornaghi, she was a ballerina of Italian origin. Despite the temperament and success with women, the young singer decided to tie the knot with just this sophisticated woman.

Over the years life together Iola bore Fedor Chaliapin six children. But even such a family did not keep Fedor Ivanovich from cardinal changes in life.

While serving in the Imperial Theater, he often had to live in St. Petersburg, where he started a second family. At first, Fyodor Ivanovich met his second wife Maria Petzold secretly, since she was also married. But later they began to live together, and Mary bore him three more children.

The double life of the artist continued until his departure to Europe. The prudent Chaliapin went on tour as part of his entire second family, and a couple of months later five children from his first marriage went to Paris.

From big family Fedor in the USSR, only his first wife Iola Ignatievna and eldest daughter Irina. These women became the keepers of memory opera singer at home. In 1960, the old and sick Iola Tornaghi moved to Rome, but before leaving, she turned to the Minister of Culture with a request to create a museum of Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin in their house on Novinsky Boulevard.


Chaliapin went on his last tour of the countries of the Far East in the mid-1930s. He gives over 50 solo concerts in the cities of China and Japan. After that, returning to Paris, the artist felt unwell.

In 1937, doctors diagnosed him oncological disease blood: Chaliapin has a year to live.

The great bass died in his Paris apartment in early April 1938. For a long time his ashes were buried on French soil, and only in 1984, at the request of Chaliapin's son, his remains were transferred to the grave at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

True, many historians consider the death of Fyodor Chaliapin rather strange. Yes, and the doctors unanimously insisted that leukemia with such a heroic physique and at that age is extremely rare. There is also evidence that after touring Far East the opera singer returned to Paris in a sick condition and with a strange "decoration" on his forehead - a greenish bump. Doctors say that such neoplasms occur when poisoned by a radioactive isotope or phenol. The question of what happened to Chaliapin on tour, and asked local historian from Kazan Rovel Kashapov.

The man believes that Chaliapin was "removed" by the Soviet authorities as objectionable. At one time, he refused to return to his homeland, plus, through an Orthodox priest, he provided material assistance to poor Russian emigrants. In Moscow, his act was called counter-revolutionary, aimed at supporting the White emigration. After such an accusation, there was no longer any talk of returning.

Soon the singer came into conflict with the authorities. His book "The Story of My Life" was printed by foreign publishers, and they received permission to print from the Soviet organization "International Book". Chaliapin was outraged by such an unceremonious disposal of copyright, and he filed a lawsuit, which ordered the USSR to pay him monetary compensation. Of course, in Moscow this was regarded as hostile actions of the singer against the Soviet state.

And in 1932 he wrote the book "Mask and Soul" and published it in Paris. In it, Fedor Ivanovich spoke out in a harsh manner in relation to the ideology of Bolshevism, to the Soviet government, and in particular to.

Actor and singer Fyodor Chaliapin

IN last years During his life, Chaliapin showed maximum caution and did not let suspicious persons into his apartment. But in 1935, the singer received an offer to organize a tour in Japan and China. And during a tour in China, unexpectedly for Fedor Ivanovich, he was offered to give a concert in Harbin, although the performance there was not originally planned. Local historian Rovel Kashapov is sure that it was there that Dr. Vitenzon, who accompanied Chaliapin on this tour, was handed an aerosol can with a poisonous substance.

Fyodor Ivanovich's accompanist, Georges de Godzinsky, in his memoirs, claims that before the performance Vitenzon examined the singer's throat and, despite the fact that he found it quite satisfactory, "sprayed with menthol." Godzinsky said that further tours took place against the backdrop of Chaliapin's deteriorating health.

February 2018 marked the 145th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian opera singer. In the house-museum of Chaliapin on Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow, where Fyodor Ivanovich lived with his family since 1910, admirers of creativity widely celebrated his anniversary.


  • Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin): Aria Susanina “They smell the truth”
  • Ruslan and Lyudmila: Farlaf's Rondo “Oh, joy! I knew"
  • Mermaid: Melnik's Aria "Oh, that's all you young girls"
  • Prince Igor: Igor's Aria "No Sleep, No Rest"
  • Prince Igor: Konchak's Aria "Is it healthy, Prince"
  • Sadko: Song of the Varangian guest "O formidable rocks are crushed with the roar of the wave"
  • Faust: Aria of Mephistopheles "Darkness descended"
