Artistic style of speech language means scope. Artistic speech style

Lesson plan:

Theoretical block

    Linguistic features of the artistic style of speech

    Features of the artistic style and its signs

    Spheres of use of the artistic style of speech

    Art style genres

    The role of the sentence in the text

    Text-forming functions of a sentence

Practice block

    Working with texts: determining the style of the text and highlighting the language features of each of them

    Highlighting the main features of artistic style in texts

    Distinguishing substyles and genres of artistic style

    Analysis of artistic style texts

    Compilation of texts using reference expressions

Tasks for SRO


1. Russian language: textbook. allowance for students. kaz. otd. un-tov (bachelor's degree) / Ed. K.K. Akhmedyarova, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova. - Almaty: Publishing house "Kazakh un-ti", 2008. - 226 p.

2. Stylistics and culture of speech: Proc. Benefit/E.P. Pleshchenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Chechet; Ed. P.P. Fur coats.Minsk: "TetraSystems", 2001.544 p.

Theoretical block

Artstyle- functional style of speech, which is used in fiction. The artistic style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, possibilities different styles, characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.

In a work of art, the word not only carries certain information, but also serves to aesthetically influence the reader with the help of artistic images. The brighter and more truthful the image, the stronger it affects the reader.

In their works, writers use, when necessary, not only words and forms literary language, but also obsolete dialect and vernacular words.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. These are tropes: comparisons, personifications, allegory, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, etc. And stylistic figures: epithet, hyperbole, litote, anaphora, epiphora, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, omission, etc.

The style of fiction has its own specifics. It serves the emotional and aesthetic area of ​​personality activity. The main properties of the artistic style are: a) aesthetic; b) influence on emotions: with the help of artistic images, the feelings and thoughts of readers are influenced; c) communicative: the ability to evoke a response in the mind of the reader, due to which thoughts are transmitted from one person to another.

Art style

Scope of application

The sphere of art, the sphere of fiction

Main functions

The function of emotional and aesthetic impact on the reader


prose (epic)


Poetic (lyric)

Novel, short story, story, fairy tale, essay, short story, essay, feuilleton

Tragedy, drama, farce, comedy, tragicomedy

Song, ballad, poem, elegy

poem, fable, sonnet, ode

Main style features

Imagery, emotionality, expressiveness, appraisal; manifestation creative individuality author

Are common language features

The use of stylistic means of other styles, the use of special figurative and expressive means - tropes and figures

The artistic style of speech is not distinguished by all scientists. Some researchers, highlighting the artistic style among the functional styles of speech, consider its main features:

    its use in works of art;

    the image with its help of a living picture, object, state, the transfer to the reader of the feelings and moods of the author;

    concreteness, figurativeness and emotionality of the statement;

    the presence of special linguistic means: words with a specific meaning, with the meaning of comparison, comparison, words in figurative use, emotional-evaluative, etc.

Other scientists consider it as the language of fiction, and the concepts of "artistic style", "style of fiction", "language of fiction" are considered synonymous.

The artistic style of speech, as the name implies, is characteristic of the language of fiction.

Literary critics and linguists call it one of the most important means of artistic communication. We can say that it is a linguistic form of expression of figurative content. Do not forget that when we consider the artistic style of speech, we reason at the intersection of literary criticism and linguistics. At the same time, it should be noted that the norms of the literary language are just a kind of starting point for qualitatively different linguistic norms.

Features of the artistic style of speech

This style of speech can include colloquial, colloquial, clerical, and many other styles. Each writer's language obeys only those laws that the author himself creates. Many linguists point out that recent decades the literary language gradually removes restrictions - it becomes open to dialects, jargon, colloquial vocabulary. The artistic style of speech presupposes, first of all, freedom in the choice of words, which, however, must be associated with the greatest responsibility, expressed in a sense of proportionality and conformity.

Artistic style of speech: main features

The first sign of the described style is the original presentation of the word: it is, as it were, pulled out of schematic connections and placed in "unaccustomed circumstances". Thus, there is such a presentation of the word, in which it becomes interesting in itself, and not in the context. Secondly, it is characterized high level linguistic organization, that is, additional ordering. The degree of organization of speech in prose consists in dividing the text into chapters and parts; V dramatic work- on acts, scenes, phenomena. The most difficult is the level of linguistic organization in poetic speech - this is metrics, stanza, and the use of rhymes. By the way, one of the most striking properties artistic speech V poetic work is high degree polysemy.

In fictional prose, as a rule, ordinary human speech comes to the fore, which is one of the means of characterizing characters (the so-called speech portrait hero).


Comparison is of great importance in the language of almost any work. This term can be defined as follows: "Comparison is the main way of forming new ideas." It serves mainly to indirectly characterize the phenomenon, and contributes to the creation of completely new images.

Language artwork

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that the artistic style of speech is characterized primarily by figurativeness. Each of its elements is aesthetically significant: not only words are important, but also sounds, rhythm, melodiousness of the language. You can pick up examples of the artistic style of speech by opening any literary work. Each writer strives, first of all, for freshness, unbrokenness of the image - this explains the widespread use of special means of expression.

The artistic style of speech as a functional style is used in fiction which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function. In order to understand the features of the artistic way of knowing reality, thinking, which determines the specifics of artistic speech, it is necessary to compare it with the scientific way of knowing, which determines character traits scientific speech.

Fiction, as well as other types of art, is characterized by a concrete-figurative representation of life, in contrast to the abstract, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and the re-creation of reality, the author seeks to convey, first of all, his personal experience, their understanding and comprehension of this or that phenomenon.

For the artistic style of speech, attention to the particular and the accidental is typical, followed by the typical and the general. Remember the well-known Dead Souls» N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personifies certain specific human qualities, expresses a certain type, and all together they were the "face" of Russia contemporary to the author.

The world of fiction is a "recreated" world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author's fiction, which means that in art style speeches the most important role plays a subjective moment. The whole surrounding reality is presented through the vision of the author. But in a literary text, we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnation, admiration, rejection, etc. This is connected with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphorical, meaningful versatility of the artistic style of speech. Let's analyze a short excerpt from the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Foreigner without food":

“Lera went to the exhibition only for the sake of her student, out of a sense of duty. Alina Kruger. Personal exhibition. Life is like loss. Free admission". A bearded man with a lady wandered in the empty hall. He looked at some of the work through a hole in his fist, he felt like a professional. Lera also looked through her fist, but did not notice the difference: the same naked men on chicken legs, and in the background the pagodas were on fire. The booklet about Alina said: "The artist projects a parable world onto the space of the infinite." I wonder where and how they teach to write art history texts? They are probably born with it. When visiting, Lera loved to leaf through art albums and, after looking at a reproduction, read what a specialist wrote about it. You see: the boy covered the insect with a net, on the sides the angels are blowing pioneer horns, in the sky there is a plane with the signs of the Zodiac on board. You read: “The artist views the canvas as a cult of the moment, where the stubbornness of details interacts with an attempt to comprehend everyday life.” You think: the author of the text is little in the air, keeps on coffee and cigarettes, intimate life complicated in some way."

Before us is not an objective representation of the exhibition, but a subjective description of the heroine of the story, behind which the author is clearly visible. The story is built on the combination of three artistic plans. The first plan is what Lera sees in the paintings, the second is an art history text that interprets the content of the paintings. These plans are stylistically expressed in different ways, bookishness and abstruseness of descriptions are deliberately emphasized. And the third plan is the author's irony, which manifests itself through the display of the discrepancy between the content of the paintings and the verbal expression of this content, in the assessment of the bearded man, the author of the book text, the ability to write such art history texts.

As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms, expressed by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Artistic speech along with non-artistic speech make up two levels national language. The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. Here is the beginning of V. Larin's novel "Neuron Shock":

“Marat's father, Stepan Porfirievich Fateev, an orphan from infancy, was from the Astrakhan bandit family. The revolutionary whirlwind blew him out of the locomotive vestibule, dragged him through the Michelson plant in Moscow, machine-gun courses in Petrograd and threw him into Novgorod-Seversky, a town of deceptive silence and goodness.

In these two sentences, the author showed not only a segment of individual human life, but also the atmosphere of the era of enormous changes associated with the 1917 revolution. The first sentence gives knowledge social environment, material conditions, human relations in the childhood years of the life of the father of the hero of the novel and his own roots. The simple, rude people who surrounded the boy (the bindyuzhnik is the vernacular name of the port loader), hard labour, which he saw from childhood, the restlessness of orphanhood - that's what stands behind this proposal. And the next sentence includes privacy into the cycle of history. Metaphorical phrases the revolutionary whirlwind blew ..., dragged ..., threw ... liken human life a kind of grain of sand that cannot withstand historical cataclysms, and at the same time convey the element of the general movement of those "who were nobody." Such figurativeness, such a layer of in-depth information is impossible in a scientific or official business text.

The lexical composition and functioning of words in the artistic style of speech have their own characteristics. Among the words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style, first of all, are the figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of uses. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity in describing certain aspects of life. For example, L.N. Tolstoy in "War and Peace" used special military vocabulary when describing battle scenes; we will find a significant number of words from the hunting lexicon in I.S. Turgenev, in the stories of M.M. Prishvin, V.A. Astafiev, and in The Queen of Spades by A.S. Pushkin many words from the lexicon card game etc. In the artistic style of speech, the speech polysemy of the word is very widely used, which opens up additional meanings and semantic shades in it, as well as synonymy at all language levels, which makes it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meanings. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the richness of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also various figurative means from colloquial speech and space. Let us give an example of the use of such a technique by B. Okudzhava in Shipov's Adventures:

“In Evdokimov’s tavern, they were already about to turn off the lamps when the scandal began. The scandal started like this. At first, everything in the hall looked fine, and even the tavern clerk, Potap, told the owner that, they say, now God has mercy - not a single broken bottle, when suddenly in the depths, in the semi-darkness, in the very core, there was a buzzing, like a swarm of bees.

- Fathers of the world, - the owner was lazily amazed, - here, Potapka, your evil eye, damn it! Well, you should have croaked, damn it!

The emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in the artistic text. Many words that in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory representations. Thus, the styles functionally complement each other. For example, the adjective lead in scientific speech realizes its direct meaning (lead ore, lead bullet), and artistic forms expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead night, lead waves). Therefore, in artistic speech, phrases play an important role, which create a certain figurative representation.

Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, i.e. a change in the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word or to give the whole phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the well-known line from A. Akhmatova's poem "Everything I see is Pavlovsk is hilly ...". Variants of the author's word order are diverse, subject to the general plan.

The syntactic structure of artistic speech reflects the flow of figurative-emotional impressions of the author, so here you can find the whole variety of syntactic structures. Each author submits language tools fulfillment of their ideological and aesthetic tasks. So, L. Petrushevskaya, to show disorder, "troubles" family life the heroine of the story "Poetry in Life", includes several simple and complex sentences:

“In the history of Mila, then everything rolled on the rise, Mila’s husband in a new two-room apartment now he no longer protected Mila from her mother, her mother lived separately, and there was no telephone either there or here - Mila's husband became himself and Iago and Othello and, with a mockery, from around the corner, watched how men pestered Mila on the street his type, builders, prospectors, poets, who do not know how heavy this burden is, how unbearable life is, if you fight alone, because beauty in life is not a helper, so one could approximately translate those obscene, desperate monologues that the former agronomist, but now Researcher, Mila's husband, shouted both on the night streets, and in his apartment, and getting drunk, so Mila was hiding somewhere with her young daughter, found shelter, and the unfortunate husband beat furniture and threw iron pans.

This proposal is perceived as an endless complaint of an uncountable number of unfortunate women, as a continuation of the theme of the sad female fate.

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms are also possible, due to artistic updating, i.e. the author highlighting some thought, idea, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms. Especially often this technique is used to create a comic effect or a bright, expressive artistic image. Consider an example from the work of B. Okudzhava "The Adventures of Shipov":

“Ay, dear,” Shipov shook his head, “why is that so? No need. I can see right through you, mon cher... Hey, Potapka, why did you forget a man on the street? Lead here, wake up. And what, mister student, how does this tavern seem to you? It's dirty indeed. Do you think I like him?... I've been to real restaurants, sir, I know... Pure Empire... But you can't talk to people there, but here I can find out something.

The speech of the protagonist characterizes him very clearly: not very educated, but ambitious, wanting to give the impression of a gentleman, master, Shipov uses elementary French words(mon cher) along with colloquial wake up, hello, here, which do not correspond not only to the literary, but also to the colloquial form. But all these deviations in the text serve the law of artistic necessity.

The art style is special style speech, which has become widespread both in world fiction in general and in copywriting in particular. It is characterized by high emotionality, direct speech, richness of colors, epithets and metaphors, and is also designed to influence the reader's imagination and acts as a trigger for his fantasy. So, today we are in detail and visually examples consider artistic style of texts and its application in copywriting.

Art style features

As mentioned above, the art style is most often used in fiction: novels, short stories, short stories, short stories and others. literary genres. This style is not characterized by value judgments, dryness and formality, which are also characteristic of styles. Instead, for him, the characters are narrative and transmission. the smallest details in order to form in the reader's imagination a filigree form of the transmitted thought.

In the context of copywriting, the art style has found a new embodiment in hypnotic texts, to which an entire section "" is devoted to this blog. It is the elements of artistic style that allow texts to influence the limbic system of the reader's brain and trigger the mechanisms necessary for the author, thanks to which a very curious effect is sometimes achieved. For example, the reader cannot tear himself away from the novel, or he develops sexual attraction, as well as other reactions, which we will talk about in subsequent articles.

Art style elements

In any literary text there are elements that are characteristic of the style of its presentation. For the artistic style are most characteristic:

  • Detailing
  • The transfer of feelings and emotions of the author
  • epithets
  • Metaphors
  • Comparisons
  • Allegory
  • Using elements of other styles
  • Inversion

Let's consider all these elements in more detail and with examples.

1. Detailing in a literary text

The first thing that can be distinguished in all literary texts is the presence of details, and, moreover, to almost everything.

Art style example #1

The lieutenant walked along the yellow building sand, heated by the scorching afternoon sun. He was wet from the tips of his fingers to the tips of his hair, his whole body was covered with scratches from sharp barbed wire and aching with maddening pain, but he was alive and headed for the command headquarters, which was visible on the horizon about five hundred meters away.

2. Transfer of feelings and emotions of the author

Art style example #2

Varenka, such a sweet, good-natured and sympathetic girl, whose eyes always shone with kindness and warmth, with a calm look of a real demon, walked to the Ugly Harry bar with a Thompson machine gun at the ready, ready to roll these vile, dirty, smelly and slippery types who dared stare at her charms and drool lustfully.

3. Epithets

Epithets are most characteristic of literary texts, since they are responsible for the richness of the vocabulary. Epithets can be expressed by a noun, adjective, adverb or verb and are most often bundles of words, one or more of which complement another.

Examples of epithets

Example of artistic style No. 3 (with epithets)

Yasha was just a small dirty trick, which, nevertheless, had a very great potential. Even in his pink childhood, he masterfully stole apples from Aunt Nyura, and in less than twenty years, he switched to banks in twenty-three countries of the world with the same dashing fuse, and managed to peel them so skillfully that neither the police nor Interpol couldn't catch him red-handed.

4. Metaphors

Metaphors are words or expressions in figurative meaning. Found widespread among the classics of Russian fiction.

Art Style Example #4 (Metaphors)

5. Comparisons

Artistic style would not be itself if there were no comparisons in it. This is one of those elements that bring a special flavor to the texts and form associative links in the reader's imagination.

Comparison examples

6. Allegory

An allegory is a representation of something abstract with the help of a concrete image. It is used in many styles, but for artistic it is especially characteristic.

7. Using elements of other styles

Most often, this aspect is manifested in direct speech, when the author conveys the words of a particular character. In such cases, depending on the type, the character can use any of the styles of speech, but the most popular in this case is colloquial.

Art style example #5

The monk drew his staff and stood in the way of the intruder:

Why did you come to our monastery? - he asked.
- What do you care, get out of the way! the stranger snapped.
“Uuuu…” the monk pointedly drawled. Looks like you weren't taught manners. Okay, I'm in the mood today, I'll teach you some lessons.
- You got me, monk, angard! hissed the uninvited guest.
“My blood is starting to play!” the churchman groaned with delight. “Please try not to disappoint me.

With these words, both of them jumped out of their seats and grappled in a merciless fight.

8. Inversion

Inversion is the use of a reverse word order to enhance certain fragments and give words a special stylistic coloring.

Inversion examples


In the artistic style of texts, both all of the listed elements, and only some of them, can occur. Each performs a specific function, but all serve the same purpose: to saturate the text and fill it with colors in order to maximally involve the reader in the transmitted atmosphere.

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The artistic style of speech is the language of literature and art. It is used to convey emotions and feelings, artistic images and phenomena.

Artistic style is a way of self-expression of writers, therefore, as a rule, it is used in writing. Orally (for example, in plays), texts written in advance are read out. Historically, the artistic style functions in three types of literature - lyrics (poems, poems), drama (plays) and epic (stories, novels, novels).

An article about all styles of speech -.

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The art style is:

2. Language means are a way of conveying the artistic image, emotional state and mood of the narrator.

3. The use of stylistic figures - metaphors, comparisons, metonyms, etc., emotionally expressive vocabulary, phraseological units.

4. Multi-style. The use of language means of other styles (colloquial, journalistic) is subject to the fulfillment of a creative plan. These combinations gradually form what is called the author's style.

5. The use of verbal ambiguity - words are chosen so that with their help not only “draw” images, but also put a hidden meaning into them.

6. Information transfer function is often hidden. The purpose of the artistic style is to convey the emotions of the author, to create a mood, an emotional mood in the reader.

Art Style: Case Study

Let's take a look at the features of the parsed style as an example.

An excerpt from the article:

The war disfigured Borovoe. Interspersed with the surviving huts, charred stoves stood like monuments to people's grief. Pillars stuck out from the gate. The shed gaped with a huge hole - half of it was broken off and carried away.

There were gardens, and now stumps - how rotten teeth. Only in some places two or three juvenile apple trees took shelter.

The village was depopulated.

When the one-armed Fyodor returned home, his mother was alive. She grew old, emaciated, gray hair increased. She sat down at the table, but there was nothing to treat. Fedor had his own, soldierly. At the table, the mother said: everyone was robbed, damned skinners! We hid pigs and hens, who are much better. Will you save? He makes noise, threatens, give him a chicken, be at least the last one. With a fright, they gave the last one. Here I have nothing left. Oh, it was bad! The damned fascist ruined the village! You can see for yourself what's left... more than half of the yards burned down. The people fled to where: some to the rear, some to the partisans. How many girls were kidnapped! So our Frosya was taken away ...

Fyodor looked around in a day or two. They began to return their own, Borovsky. They hung a piece of plywood on an empty hut, and on it in crooked letters soot in oil - there was no paint - “The board of the Krasnaya Zarya collective farm” - and it went, and it went! Down and Out trouble started.

The style of this text, as we have already said, is artistic.

His features in this passage:

  1. Borrowing and application of vocabulary and phraseology of other styles ( as monuments of national grief, fascist, partisans, collective farm management, the beginning of trouble).
  2. The use of pictorial and means of expression (hijacked, cursed skinners, really), the semantic ambiguity of words is actively used ( the war disfigured Borovoye, the barn gaped with a huge hole).
  3. they've all been robbed, you damned skinners! We hid pigs and hens, who are much better. Will you save? He makes noise, threatens, give him a chicken, be at least the last one. Oh, it was bad!).
  4. There were gardens, and now stumps are like rotten teeth; She sat down at the table, but there was nothing to treat; on oil - there was no paint).
  5. The syntactic structures of a literary text reflect, first of all, the flow of the author's impressions, figurative and emotional ( Interspersed with the surviving huts, charred stoves stood like monuments to people's grief. The shed gaped with a huge hole - half of it was broken off and carried away; There were gardens, and now stumps are like rotten teeth).
  6. The characteristic use of numerous and varied stylistic figures and tropes of the Russian language ( stumps are like rotten teeth; charred stoves stood like monuments to national grief; sheltered by two or three teenage apple trees).
  7. The use, first of all, of vocabulary that forms the basis and creates the figurativeness of the analyzed style: for example, figurative techniques and means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context, and words of a wide range of use ( grew old, emaciated, burned, letters, girls).

Thus, the artistic style does not so much tell as it shows - it helps to feel the situation, to visit those places that the narrator tells about. Of course, there is also a certain "imposition" of the author's experiences, but it also creates a mood, conveys sensations.

The art style is one of the most "borrowing" and flexible: writers, firstly, actively use language of other styles, and secondly, they successfully combine artistic imagery, for example, with explanations scientific facts, concepts or phenomena.

Sci-Fi Style: Case Study

Consider the example of the interaction of two styles - artistic and scientific.

An excerpt from the article:

The youth of our country loves forests and parks. And this love is fruitful, active. It is expressed not only in the laying of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak forests and forests. One day, at a meeting, even chips appeared on the table of the presidium. Some villain cut down an apple tree that grew alone on the river bank. Like a lighthouse, she stood on a steep yard. They got used to it, as to the appearance of their home, they loved it. And now she was gone. On this day, the conservation group was born. They called it the "Green Patrol". There was no mercy for the poachers, and they began to retreat.

N. Korotaev

Scientific style features:

  1. Terminology ( presidium, laying of forest belts, krutoyar, poachers).
  2. The presence in a series of nouns of words denoting the concepts of a feature or state ( bookmark, security).
  3. The quantitative predominance of nouns and adjectives in the text over verbs ( this love is fruitful, active; in the laying of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak forests and forests).
  4. The use of verbal phrases and words ( bookmark, security, mercy, meeting).
  5. Verbs in the present tense that have a “timeless”, indicative meaning in the text, with weakened lexical and grammatical meanings of time, person, number ( loves, expresses);
  6. A large volume of sentences, their impersonal nature in conjunction with passive constructions ( It is expressed not only in the laying of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak forests and forests.).

Art style features:

  1. Extensive use of vocabulary and phraseology of other styles ( presidium, laying of forest belts, krutoyar).
  2. The use of various figurative and expressive means ( this love is fruitful, in vigilant protection, reckless), the active use of the verbal polysemy of the word (the appearance of the house, "Green Patrol").
  3. Emotionality and expressiveness of the image ( They got used to it, as to the appearance of their home, they loved it. And now she was gone. On this day the band was born.
  4. The manifestation of the creative individuality of the author - the author's style ( It is expressed not only in the laying of new gardens, parks and forest belts, but also in the vigilant protection of oak forests and forests. Here: combining features of several styles).
  5. Paying special attention to particular and seemingly random circumstances and situations behind which one can see the typical and general ( Some villain cut down an apple tree ... And now it was gone. On this day, the conservation group was born).
  6. The syntactic structure and the corresponding structures in this passage reflect the flow of figurative and emotional author's perception ( Like a lighthouse, she stood on a steep yard. And now she's gone).
  7. The characteristic use of numerous and varied stylistic figures and tropes of the Russian literary language ( this fruitful, active love, like a beacon, it stood, there was no mercy, growing alone).
  8. The use, first of all, of vocabulary that forms the basis and creates the figurativeness of the parsed style: for example, figurative techniques and means of the Russian language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context, and words of the widest distribution ( youth, reckless, fruitful, active, guise).

According to the variety of language means, literary devices and methods of artistic style, perhaps the richest. And, unlike other styles, it has a minimum of restrictions - with proper drawing of images and emotional mood write artistic text maybe even scientific terms. But, of course, this should not be abused.
