Variety of ways and forms of social development. Progress

Class: 10

Thinkers from ancient times have thought about the question in which direction society develops. In this lesson, an attempt was made to analyze the basic concepts of “social progress”, “regression”, “multiple options community development”, “criteria of progress”, etc. through the broader concept of “movement”.

Which path is humanity following: the path of progress or regression? What the answer to this question will be depends on people's idea of ​​the future: whether it brings people better life or does not bode well.

In historical development, the unity of the historical process is traced. But at the same time concrete ways development of individual countries and peoples are diverse. The path of denying the unity of history can lead to complete isolation, separation from outside world. The diversity of development cannot be denied either. Every nation has its own history, its own language, its own culture.

The progress of mankind does not look like an ascending line, but like a broken curve: ups and downs followed recessions, flourishing into decline, reforms were followed by counter-reforms. Progressive shifts in one area or another can have both positive and negative consequences for society.

To evaluate these contradictory processes, criteria of social progress are needed. This is both an increase in human freedom in relation to nature, and the level of real opportunities for comprehensive development of man, and an increase in human happiness and goodness.

The lesson was held in the 10th grade.

The purpose of the lesson: in accordance with the standards of the second generation, the content of the lesson becomes personally significant only if it is perceived by the student through his subjective image. In this lesson, an attempt was made to analyze the basic concepts of “social progress”, “regression”, “multivariance of social development”, “criteria of progress”, etc. through the broader concept of “movement”.

Lesson objectives: to explain the concepts and terms: “social progress”, “regression”, “multivariance of social development”, “historical alternative”, “progress criterion” in terms of. your subjective experience; show the diversity and unevenness of the processes of social development; emphasize the inconsistency of social progress; to develop in students the ability to find the necessary information on the topic, analyze it, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problem tasks; contribute to the development of the civic position of students.

Type of lesson: lesson-problem.

Lesson plan.

  1. The concept of "movement".
  2. Organizing time(motivation, setting for the lesson).
  3. Variety of ways and forms of social development (identification of subjective experience).
  4. Thinkers of the past and present on understanding progress and regress (actualization of knowledge).
  5. Progress inconsistency.
  6. Criteria of social progress.

During the classes

1.What meaning do you put in the concept of "movement"?

Give examples:

  • movement celestial bodies,
  • movement of particles, movement of ions in an electric field,
  • River flow,
  • train movement,
  • evolution,
  • development of science and technology,
  • social movement,
  • change of socio-economic formations,
  • development of civilizations,
  • social progress.

We give general concept: movement is the change of something.

Look in the philosophical dictionary: movement is a philosophical category that reflects any changes in the world. Movement is the mode of existence of matter. There is no immobile matter, invariably remaining in absolute rest.

2.What are we going to talk about in class today?- About movement.

About what movement? – On the development of society, i.e. Let's analyze the course of historical development.

How is society developing?

This question has interested mankind since ancient times.

For analysis, the teacher offers the views of some ancient thinkers.

  • The ancient Greek poet Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) wrote that humanity moved from the best “golden” age first to the “silver” age, and then to the “iron” age, which brought wars, where evil reigns everywhere, violence, justice is violated.
  • The ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle viewed history as a cyclic cycle repeating the same stages.
  • The representative of the optimistic approach was Democritus, who divided history into qualitatively different periods: past, present and future. The transition from one period to another, in his opinion, is characterized by the growth of culture and the improvement of people's lives.

Analyzing the statements of ancient thinkers, students say that one can agree with the views of all philosophers presented. Indeed, there have been times in history when empires collapsed, civilizations perished. At the same time, arguments were made that the histories of local civilizations to some extent repeat each other. They also agree with t.zr. Democritus, that since ancient times there has been a development of culture, the conditions of human life are improving.

How can we understand the movement of the historical process?

For this, there is the concept of “social progress”.

What do you know about social progress?

Tenth graders, based on their subjective experience, note that social progress is a direction of development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from simple to complex. And, on the contrary, regression is characterized by a backward movement, a return to obsolete forms and structures, degradation.

The students then give examples from history. They pay attention to the fact that mankind initially lived in a primitive society, then states with their own laws, the Middle Ages, Modern Times, etc., gradually form. It turns out that humanity goes through the same stages of economic, social and cultural development. Despite the difference, peoples are united in their desire for happiness and a better life. Only the speed of development among peoples is different. There are countries that have pulled ahead, and there are backward countries that are catching up with more developed countries. History acts as a single process of continuous development. This similarity is seen unity of the historical process.

But at the same time, some students give examples that there is no unity in the historical process, and the history of different states breaks up into many of their own development paths, not similar to other countries. Russians, Chinese, British, French go their own way.... Each nation has its own history, culture, language, and natural conditions. In these examples, we see diversity of historical development.

Means, historical development combines unity and diversity at the same time. But diversity is carried out within the framework of a universal and unified historical process. Therefore, it is possible various options solving urgent problems, i.e. there is a historical alternative.

Comment on what are the ways of denying the unity of history and the diversity of development. What are the consequences for a country that has chosen one of these paths?

So, community development includes:

  • the unity of the historical process,
  • variety of ways and forms of human development,
  • features of historical development,
  • peculiarities cultural development,
  • uneven development.

Does this mean that each country has its own version of development and is it the only one possible?

– No, there are different options for solving problems (historical alternative). For example, in 1917-1918. Russia faced an alternative: either a democratic republic or a republic of Soviets led by the Bolsheviks.

Thus, historical process, in which general trends are manifested - the unity of diverse social development, creates the possibility of choice, on which the originality of the ways and forms of the further movement of a given country depends.

Who makes the choice?

– Depending on historical conditions, these can be statesmen, elites, and the masses.

After identifying the subjective experience, we proceed directly to the actualization of knowledge.

Is there progressive development?

Students are offered a presentation prepared in advance by a class student. You need to look at it carefully and make a table during the presentation. After answering the question: Which thinker do you agree with and why?

Thinkers past and present on understanding progress and regression.

When discussing the views of scientists, students are encouraged to represent the course of history graphically. There are different diagrams on the board.

For each of these graphs, examples from historical development are given.

Questions for diagrams.

  1. What conclusions did you draw from these graphs?
  2. Show on concrete examples pros and cons of the social process.

You have seen that social progress is an extremely complex and contradictory phenomenon. It is easy to see that almost any phenomenon in the life of society has a downside and can be ambiguously assessed from the standpoint of social progress.

Is it possible to talk about social progress in general with such ambiguity of changes?

6. To do this, you need to establish what is the general criterion of social progress. What changes in society should be considered progressive, and what - not.

The question of the criteria for progress has occupied the great minds of scientists and philosophers of different eras.

  • A. Condorcet and other enlighteners considered the development of the human mind as the criterion of progress.
  • Utopian socialists - the principle of the brotherhood of man.
  • F. Schelling talked about the gradual approach of humanity to the legal state system.
  • G. Hegel considered the consciousness of freedom to be the criterion of progress.
  • A. Voznesensky noted that "all progress is reactionary if a person collapses."

Now that we have outlined the different views on the criteria for historical progress, consider which point of view gives you a more reliable way to evaluate the changes taking place in society.

Ultimately, students come to the conclusion that progressive development can be considered such living conditions that create as many opportunities as possible for the development of the person himself: freedom, reason, morality, creativity.

Man, his life, freedom are recognized as the highest value. IN this case we are talking about the universal criterion of social progress: progressive is that which contributes to the elevation of humanity, humanism.

Annex 1, last slide.

  1. Try to evaluate the reforms of 60-70 years from the standpoint of the universal criterion of progress. 19th century in Russia. Can they be called progressive? And the politics of the 80s. 20th century? Argument your position.
  2. Think about whether the activities of Peter I, Napoleon Bonaparte, P.A. Stolypin are progressive. Justify your assessment.
  3. Which of the points of view on progress presented in the document refers to the position of the Florentine historian Guicciardini (1483–1540): “The deeds of the past illuminate the future, for the world has always been the same: returns, only under different names and in a different color; but not everyone recognizes it, but only the wise, who carefully observes and ponders it”?
  4. Some scholars who study modern social development, drew attention to the phenomena that they called the "barbarization" of society. They attributed to them the decline in the level of culture, in particular the language, the weakening of moral regulators, legal nihilism, the growth of crime, drug addiction and other similar processes. How would you rate these events? What is their impact on society? Do these trends determine the nature of the development of society in the foreseeable future? Justify your answer.
  5. The Soviet philosopher M. Mamardashvili (1930–1990) wrote: “The final meaning of the universe or the final meaning of history is part of human destiny. And the human destiny is the following: to be fulfilled as a Human. Become Human." How is this thought of the philosopher connected with the ideas of progress?

Homework: Social science. Textbook for 10th grade students, a basic level of, pp. 328–341, in the notebook work with the document pp. 340–341.


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  • Practical work on the topic "The problem of social progress"
    Key Concepts
    Progress is the direction of development, which is characterized by a transition from the lower to the higher, from the less perfect to the more perfect.
    Regression is a movement from higher to lower, a process of degradation, a return to obsolete forms and structures.
    Criteria - circumstances that determine the existence and development of a phenomenon.
    Humanism is humanity, the recognition of man as the highest value.
    Test control
    1. Progress means:
    a) the decline of culture;
    b) moving forward;
    c) cyclic development;
    d) a state of stability.
    2. "Golden Age" called ancient society:
    a) Plato
    b) Aristotle;
    c) Lucretius Car;
    d) Hesiod.
    3.French enlighteners referred to the criteria of progress:
    a) the development of reason and morality;
    b) the complication of legal institutions;
    c) the development of productive forces;
    d) the conquest of nature
    .4. Revolution is:
    a) fast qualitative changes in the life of society;
    b) slow, gradual development;
    c) a state of stagnation;
    d) return to the original state.
    5. Is the judgment correct?
    A. The progressive development of society is always an irreversible movement forward.
    B. Social progress is contradictory, does not exclude return movements and regression.
    a) only A is true;
    b) only B is true;
    c) A and B are correct;
    d) both are wrong.
    6.K. Popper believed that:
    A. The historical process is progressive.
    B. Progress is only possible for the individual.
    a) only A is true;
    b) only B is true;
    c) both are wrong;
    d) A and B are correct.
    7. The criterion for the development of society is not:
    a) the level of development of science:
    b) the degree of satisfaction by the individual of his needs;
    c) religious preferences of society;
    d) the state of the economy.
    8. The thinker who called the development of morality the main criterion for progress:
    a) F. Schelling;
    b) G. Hegel;
    c) A. Saint-Simon;
    d) III. Fourier.
    9. Reform is a transformation:
    a) changing political structure society;
    b) liquidating old social structures;
    c) changing one side public life;
    d) leading to the regression of society.
    10. A necessary condition for the self-realization of a person is:
    a) freedom;
    b) technology;
    c) morality;
    d) culture
    11. A complete change in all aspects of public life, including the foundations of the existing system, is:
    a) reform;
    b) innovation;
    c) revolution;
    d) progress.
    12. One of the first to substantiate the idea of ​​social progress:
    a) the ancient Greek poet Hesiod;
    b) French philosopher A. Turgot;
    c) German philosopher G Hegel;
    d) the founder of Marxism K. Marx.
    13. Complete the definition: "Social progress is ...":
    a) the level (stage) of development of society, its culture;
    b) the state of society as a whole at a certain stage of historical development;
    c) the direction of social development, in which there is a progressive movement of society from simple and lower forms of social life to more complex and higher ones;
    d) the development and transition of society from higher to lower.
    14. Saint-Simon believed that society was the highest achievement of social progress:
    a) universal harmony;
    b) feudal estate;
    c) industrial-industrial;
    d) socioethical.
    15. The idea that society is developing along the path of regression was defended by:
    a) the ancient Greek philosopher Plato;
    b) the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle;
    c) the ancient Greek poet Hesiod;
    d) the French educator J.A. Condorcet
    16. The highest criterion of social progress, according to K. Marx, is:
    a) the development of productive forces;
    b) the moral, spiritual and moral state of society;
    c) the degree of increase in human freedom;
    d) the development of the human mind.
    17. Which of the following can be attributed to the causes of social change:
    A) external factors, the influence of the natural environment;
    b) contradictions that arise between various social forces within society;
    c) the desire of people for a new, more perfect;
    d) all of the above.
    18. What is the highest criterion of social progress?
    a) the interests of the development of productive forces;
    b) the moral, spiritual state of society;
    c) a person, the quality of his life (progressive is what contributes to the elevation of humanism);
    d) all of the above
    19. Ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle viewed history as:
    a) a cyclic cycle;
    b) moving forward;
    c) spiraling
    d) development from complex to simple
    20. The criterion of social progress can be considered:
    a) the development of the mind;
    b) development of production, science
    c) c) the development of morality;
    d) all of the above.
    21. Are the following statements correct?
    A, The development of science and technology is a universal criterion of social progress.
    B. The development of humanism is the universal criterion of social progress.
    a) only A is true;
    b) only B is true;
    c) both are wrong;
    d) A and B are correct
    22. Are the following statements correct?
    A. Progress is characterized by a transition from higher to lower. B. Progress is characterized by processes of degradation, a return to lower forms and structures,
    a) only A is true; b) only B is true; c) A and B are correct; d) both statements are wrong.
    According to P.G. Chernyshevsky, progress human life explained by the "superiority of the mind". In the course of development, under the influence of favorable living conditions, the organization of the brain improves and the mental abilities of a person increase, which, in turn, are the cause of moral and material progress. Progress is based on mental development; its root side is straightforward and consists in success and the development of knowledge. By applying better knowledge to different sides practical life Progress is being made in these areas as well. Therefore, the main force of progress is science; the successes of progress are commensurate with the degree of perfection and the degree of dissemination of knowledge. In your opinion, is the Russian thinker right or wrong, if we evaluate his thoughts from the standpoint of today's social science?
    Compare the criteria for progress proposed by various thinkers. Do they contradict each other? Justify your opinion.
    Compare two statements by L.N. Tolstoy. Is there a contradiction between them? Explain your point of view.
    This world is not a joke, not a vale of testing only and a transition to a better, eternal world, but this is one of eternal worlds which is beautiful, joyful, and which we not only can, but must make more beautiful and joyful for those who live with us and for those who will live in it after us. into history. Remaining personal, this law is fruitful and accessible to everyone; transferred into history, it becomes idle, empty chatter, leading to the justification of every nonsense and fatalism.
    Try to assess the reforms of the 1960s and 1970s from the standpoint of a universal criterion of progress. 19th century in Russia. Can they be called progressive? What about the counter-reforms of the 1980s? Argument your position.
    Consider the questions posed in one of the philosophical books: Is the replacement of the arrow an advance? firearms, flintlock gun - automatic? Is it possible to consider the replacement of red-hot tongs with electric current during torture as progress? Think: is the activity of Peter I progressive? Napoleon Bonaparte? P.A. Stolypin? Justify your assessment.
    Which of the points of view on progress presented in the paragraph refers to the position of the Florentine historian F. Guicciardini (1483-1540): “The deeds of the past illuminate the future, for the world has always been the same: everything that is and will be was already at another time , and the former returns, only under different names and in a different color; but not everyone recognizes it, but only the wise, who carefully observes and ponders it.
    Philosopher of the 20th century M. Mamardashvili wrote: “The ultimate meaning of the universe or the ultimate meaning of history is part of human destiny. And the human destiny is the following: to be fulfilled as a Human. Become Human. How is this thought of the philosopher connected with the idea of ​​progress?
    Text analysis
    K. Popper " open society and his enemies"
    If we think that history is progressing, or that we are forced to progress, then we are making the same mistake as those who believe that history has a meaning that can be discovered in it, and not given to it. After all, to progress means to move towards a certain goal that exists for us as human beings. For "history" this is impossible. Only we human individuals can progress, and we can do so by defending and strengthening those democratic institutions on which freedom, and with it progress, depends. We will achieve great success in this if we are more aware of the fact that progress depends on us, on our vigilance, on our efforts, on the clarity of our conception of our goals and the realistic choice of such goals.
    Questions and assignments to the text
    Does K. Popper recognize progress or does he not?
    If it does not recognize, then what is the reason for non-recognition of the idea of ​​progress?
    If he does, how does he understand him?
    L.P. Karsavin "Philosophy of History"
    An analysis of any historical construction easily reveals the pattern of progress and regress underlying it. The evaluative nature of the scheme and the conditionality of the evaluation are also easily revealed. For the historian of the revolution, who has focused his attention on its political side, its apogee does not coincide with the moment that is the apogee for the historian of its social and cultural side. The historian, who highly appreciates the development of the individual and places the state and national existence below the individual, naturally recognizes the Renaissance as a progress in comparison with the Xll-Xill centuries. But the historian, who appreciates the nation-state existence of Italy, sees in the individualism of the Renaissance that divides it, not progress, but regression. In the same way, if I consider the individualism of the Renaissance to be an evil and sinful separation of man from the Divine, I recognize this epoch not as the beginning of a rebirth, but as the beginning of the degeneration of humanity.
    Questions and assignments to the text
    - Why does the author consider different assessments of meaning and meaning possible? historical events and phenomena?

    A. Discovering new laws of nature, intervening more and more actively in natural environment, a person clearly defines the consequences of his intervention,
    B. The consequences of the industrial and post-industrial revolutions for nature are only positive
    2. using such a criterion as the success of science and technology, you can show the progressive nature
    1) the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861,
    2) Distribution in society information technologies,
    3) elimination of class privileges,
    4) treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
    3. The inclusion of "braking mechanisms", the inability of society to perceive the new, advanced, is called
    1) progress, 2) regression, 3) stagnation, 4) stagnation.
    4. Progress means
    1) the decline of culture, 2) moving forward, 3) cyclical development, 4) a state of stability
    5. The "Golden Age" called the ancient society
    1) Plato, 2) Aristotle, 3) Lucretius car, 4) Hesiod
    6. The French Enlighteners referred to the criteria of progress
    1) the development of reason and morality, 2) the complication of legal institutions, 3) the development of productive forces, 4) the conquest of nature
    7. Is it true?
    A. The progressive development of society is always an irreversible movement forward.
    B. Social progress is contradictory, does not exclude return movements and regression.
    1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both judgments are correct, 4) both judgments are wrong
    8. K. Popper believed that
    A. The historical process is progressive.
    B. Progress is only possible for the individual.
    1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both judgments are correct, 4) both judgments are incorrect.
    9. The criterion for the development of society is not
    1) the level of development of science, 2) the degree of satisfaction of personal needs, 3) the religious preferences of society, 4) the state of the economy
    10. The idea that society develops along the path of regression was defended by
    1) Plato, 2) Aristotle, 3) Hesiod, 4) Condorcet
    11. The highest criterion of social progress, according to Marx, is
    1) the development of productive forces, 2) the moral, spiritual and moral state of society, 3) the degree of increase in human freedom, 4) the development of the human mind
    12. What can be attributed to the causes of social change?
    1) external factors, influence environment, 2) contradictions that arise within society, 3) the desire of people for a new, more perfect, 4) all of the above
    13. What is the highest criterion of social progress?
    1) the interests of the development of productive forces, 2) the moral, spiritual state of society, 3) a person, the quality of his life (progressive is what contributes to the rise of humanism), 4) all of the above
    14. Is it true?
    A. The development of science and technology is a universal criterion of social progress.
    B. The development of humanism is the universal criterion of social progress.
    1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both judgments are correct, 4) both judgments are wrong
    15. The criterion of social progress can be considered
    1) development of the mind, 2) development of production, science, technology, 3) development of morality, 4) all of the above
    16. Insert a dusted word
    A. Replacing obsolete forms of social organization with new ones
    B. Movement from less perfect to more perfect
    17. Are the judgments correct?
    A. It is impossible to bring up a sense of responsibility
    B. Responsibility is exclusively an internal quality and is not related to external forms human impact
    1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both judgments are correct, 4) both judgments are wrong
    18. Is it true?
    A. Human freedom is synonymous with permissiveness
    B. Human freedom is impossible under conditions public relations and interactions
    1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both judgments are correct, 4) both judgments are wrong
    19. Is it true?
    A. Human freedom is manifested in a conscious choice when making decisions
    B. The only restriction on a person's freedom is his moral principles
    1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both judgments are correct, 4) both judgments are wrong
    20. Is it true?
    A. Freedom is permissiveness, the ability to act according to only your desires
    B. The freedom of a person in society implies the ability to do conscious choice and take responsibility for it.
    1) only A is true, 2) only B is true, 3) both judgments are correct, 4) both judgments are wrong

    with a specific letter.
    (A) The first theoretically based concept of social progress
    put forward by the French philosopher-educator, economist Anne - Robert -
    Jean Turgot. (B) The basis of progress, in his opinion, as well as social
    life in general is human mind. (C) However, modern
    philosophy has developed other, more multifaceted, criteria for progress.
    (D) In ​​our opinion, the most universal criterion is the average
    lifespan. (E) Progress is the direction of development, for
    which is characterized by a transition from less perfect to more
    Determine which positions of the text have
    1) actual character
    2) the nature of theoretical statements
    3) the nature of value judgments

    Topic: Progress and its criteria.

    Thinkers from ancient times have thought about the question in which direction society develops. In this lesson, an attempt was made to analyze the basic concepts of “social progress”, “regression”, “multivariance of social development”, “criteria of progress”, etc. through the broader concept of “movement”.

    Society is dynamic, which way is mankind going: along the way of progress or regression? What the answer to this question will be depends on how people think about the future: whether it brings people a better life or does not bode well.

    In historical development, the unity of the historical process is traced. But at the same time, the specific ways of development of individual countries and peoples are diverse. The path of denying the unity of history can lead to complete isolation, separation from the outside world. The diversity of development cannot be denied either. Every nation has its own history, its own language, its own culture.

    The progress of mankind does not look like an ascending line, but like a broken curve: ups and downs followed recessions, flourishing into decline, reforms were followed by counter-reforms. Progressive shifts in one area or another can have both positive and negative consequences for society.

    To evaluate these contradictory processes, criteria of social progress are needed. This is an increase in human freedom in relation to nature, and the level of real opportunities for the comprehensive development of man, and an increase in human happiness and goodness.

    How is society developing?

    This question has interested mankind since ancient times.

    For analysis, the teacher offers the views of someancient thinkers.

    • The ancient Greek poet Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) wrote that humanity moved from the best “golden” age first to the “silver” age, and then to the “iron” age, which brought wars, where evil reigns everywhere, violence, justice is violated.
    • The ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle viewed history as a cyclic cycle repeating the same stages.
    • The representative of the optimistic approach was Democritus, who divided history into qualitatively different periods: past, present and future. The transition from one period to another, in his opinion, is characterized by the growth of culture and the improvement of people's lives.

    Analyzing the statements of ancient thinkers, students say that one can agree with the views of all philosophers presented. Indeed, there have been times in history when empires collapsed, civilizations perished. At the same time, arguments were made that the histories of local civilizations to some extent repeat each other. They also agree with the so-called. Democritus, that since ancient times there has been a development of culture, the conditions of human life are improving.

    How to understand the movement of the historical process?

    For this, there is the concept of “social progress”.

    What do you know about social progress?

    Students, based on their experience, note thatsocial progress is a direction of development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from simple to complex. And, on the contrary, regression is characterized by a backward movement, a return to obsolete forms and structures, degradation.

    The students then give examples from history. They pay attention to the fact that mankind initially lived in a primitive society, then states with their own laws, the Middle Ages, Modern Times, etc., gradually form. It turns out that humanity goes through the same stages of economic, social and cultural development. Despite the difference, peoples are united in their desire for happiness and a better life. Only the speed of development among peoples is different. There are countries that have pulled ahead, and there are backward countries that are catching up with more developed countries.History acts as a single process of continuous development.This similarity is seenunity of the historical process.

    But at the same time, some students give examples that there is no unity in the historical process, and the history of different states breaks up into many of their own development paths, not similar to other countries. Russians, Chinese, British, French go their own way.... Each nation has its own history, culture, language, and its own natural conditions. In these examples, we seediversity of historical development.

    This means that historical development combines unity and diversity at the same time. But diversity is carried out within the framework of a universal and unified historical process. Consequently, various options for solving urgent problems are possible, i.e. there is a historical alternative.

    Comment on what are the ways of denying the unity of history and the diversity of development. What are the consequences for a country that has chosen one of these paths?

    So, community development includes:

    • the unity of the historical process,
    • variety of ways and forms of human development,
    • features of historical development,
    • features of cultural development,
    • uneven development.

    Does this mean that each country has its own version of development and is it the only one possible?

    – No, there are different options for solving problems (historical alternative). For example, in 1917-1918. Russia faced an alternative: either a democratic republic or a republic of Soviets led by the Bolsheviks.

    Thus, the historical process, in which general trends are manifested - the unity of diverse social development, creates the possibility of choice, on which the originality of the ways and forms of the further movement of a given country depends.

    Who makes the choice on which country will develop?

    – Depending on historical conditions, these can be statesmen, elites, and the masses.

    After identifying the subjective experience, we proceed directly to the actualization of knowledge.

    Is there progressive development?

    Students are offered a presentation prepared in advance by a class student. You need to look at it carefully and make a table during the presentation. After answering the question:Which thinker do you agree with and why?

    Thinkers past and present on understanding progress and regression.

    When discussing the views of scientists, students are encouraged to represent the course of history graphically. There are different diagrams on the board.

    For each of these graphs, examples from historical development are given.

    Questions for diagrams.

    1. What conclusions did you draw from these graphs?
    2. Show specific examples of the pros and cons of the social process.

    You have seen that social progress is a complex and contradictory phenomenon. It is easy to see that almost any phenomenon in the life of society has a downside and can be ambiguously assessed from the standpoint of social progress.

    Is it possible to talk about social progress in general with such ambiguity of changes?

    6. To do this, you need to establish what is the general criterion of social progress. What changes in society should be considered progressive, and what - not.

    The question of the criteria for progress has occupied the great minds of scientists and philosophers of different eras.

    • A. Condorcet and other enlighteners considered the development of the human mind as the criterion of progress.
    • Utopian socialists - the principle of the brotherhood of man.
    • F. Schelling talked about the gradual approach of humanity to the legal state system.
    • G. Hegel considered the consciousness of freedom to be the criterion of progress.
    • A. Voznesensky noted that "all progress is reactionary if a person collapses."

    Now that we have outlined the different views on the criteria for historical progress, considerwhich point of view gives you a more reliable way to evaluate the changes taking place in society.

    Ultimately, students come to the conclusion that progressive development can be considered such living conditions that create as many opportunities as possible for the development of the person himself: freedom, reason, morality, creativity.

    Man, his life, freedom are recognized as the highest value. In this case, we are talking about a universal criterionsocial progress: progressive is that which contributes to the elevation of humanity, humanism.

    Appendix 3, last slide.


    1. Try to evaluate the reforms of 60-70 years from the standpoint of the universal criterion of progress. 19th century in Russia. Can they be called progressive? And the politics of the 80s. 20th century? Argument your position.
    2. Think about whether the activities of Peter I, Napoleon Bonaparte, P.A. Stolypin are progressive. Justify your assessment.
    3. Which of the points of view on progress presented in the document refers to the position of the Florentine historian Guicciardini (1483–1540): “The deeds of the past illuminate the future, for the world has always been the same: returns, only under different names and in a different color; but not everyone recognizes it, but only the wise, who carefully observes and ponders it”?
    4. Some scholars of contemporary social development have drawn attention to what they have called the "barbarization" of society. They attributed to them the decline in the level of culture, in particular the language, the weakening of moral regulators, legal nihilism, the growth of crime, drug addiction and other similar processes. How would you rate these events? What is their impact on society? Do these trends determine the nature of the development of society in the foreseeable future? Justify your answer.
    5. The Soviet philosopher M. Mamardashvili (1930–1990) wrote: “The final meaning of the universe or the final meaning of history is part of human destiny. And the human destiny is the following: to be fulfilled as a Human. Become Human." How is this thought of the philosopher connected with the ideas of progress?
    6. We carry out the task C5 . What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "criterion of progress"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence revealing the features of progress, and one sentence containing information about the criteria (s) for determining progress.

    To begin with, do not make the most common mistake associated with this assignment. We are required not two sentences, but a CONCEPT and 2 SENTENCES (three in total!). So, we remembered the concept of progress - the progressive development of society, its movement forward. Let's choose a synonym for the wordcriterion - measure, yardstick. Respectively:

    Further, let us recall that progress and regress for each society manifest themselves in different ways, contradictory. We answer the first question, save the beginning of its formulation (we write what they want to see from us!):

    1. A feature of progress is its inconsistency, all criteria for progress are subjective.

    And remember that although the degree of development of society can be measured in different ways (there are many approaches - the level of development of science, technology and technology, the degree of democracy, a generally accepted single criterion - the humanity of society. So:

    2. The universal criterion for determining progress is the degree of humaneness of society, the ability to provide maximum conditions for the development of each person.

    So here's what our answer looks like:

    C5. "The criterion of progress" is a measure by which the degree of development of a society is judged.

    A feature of progress is its inconsistency, all criteria of progress are subjective.

    The universal criterion for determining progress is the degree of humanity of society, the ability to provide the maximum conditions for the development of each person.
