Qualitative and quantitative changes on the political map. The political map of the world the main stages in the formation of the political map of the world


Stages of formation of the political map of the world

Forms state structure and boards. Independent States and Non-Self-Governing Territories.

Political map of the world: forecasts for the 21st century

On a political map, like on any other, states, their borders, administrative-territorial division, Largest cities. It is understood by all this that something much more is understood - the patterns of placement of forms of state structure of the countries of the world, the relationship between states, territorial conflicts associated with the drawing of state borders.

The political map of the world is in the process of constant changes occurring as a result of wars, treaties, the collapse and unification of states, the formation of new independent states, changes in the forms of government, the loss of statehood / political sovereignty /, changes in the area of ​​​​states / countries / - territories and water areas, their borders, changing capitals, changing the names of states / countries / and their capitals, changing forms of government, if they are shown on this map.

Only during the 1990s. on the political map of the world, a new state of Eritrea appeared (separated province of Ethiopia on the Red Sea), Cambodia changed the form of government, becoming a constitutional monarchy.

The formation of the modern political map of the world mainly took place in the New (the turn of the 17th - 16th centuries before the 1st World War) and Newest period s history. The European colonization of the New World, which began in the 15th century with the capture by Europeans of the terminal points of trans-Saharan trade - the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, the economic and political development of new territories led to significant changes on the political map - the emergence of new forms of government and government. Spain and Portugal became the largest metropolises, later Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Germany joined them. Territories in America, Africa, Asia (with rare exceptions) received colonial status.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the national liberation movement in Latin America led to the formation of new independent states.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the struggle between the leading metropolitan countries for the territorial redistribution of the world intensified, culminating in World War I.

In total, in 1900, the colonial possessions of all the imperialist powers covered an area of ​​73 million square meters. km (55% of the land area) with a population of 530 million people (35% of the world's population).

The main milestones in the formation of the modern political map in the modern period were the 2nd World War, 1950-60s (the collapse of the colonial system - the decolonization of Africa, Asia, Oceania, the Caribbean), the turn of the 1980s-90s. (major changes on the political map of Eastern Europe).

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-1.jpg" alt="> Latest changes in the political map of the world">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-2.jpg" alt="> CONTENTS: 1. Stages of forming a political map of the world 2. Division of countries :n"> СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: 1. Этапы формирования политической карты мира 2. Деление стран: n по уровню социально – экономического развития n по размерам территории n по численности населения n по !} geographic location n according to the forms of government n according to the peculiarities of the territorial and state structure 3. Political geography 4. Complete the tasks 5. Recommendations

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-3.jpg" alt="> Stages of formation of the political map of the world q Ancient"> Этапы формирования политической карты мира q Древний (до V в. н. э.) возникновение и крушение первых государств. q Средневековый (V – ХVIвв.) – возникновение крупных феодальных государств в Европе и Азии q Новый (ХVI- ХIХ вв.) – формирование колониальной империи. q Новейший (первая половина ХХ в.) – формирование социалистических стран, распад колониальной системы q Современный (вторая половина ХХв –!} modern period)

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-4.jpg" alt="> Map changes Qualitative Quantitative"> Изменения на карте Качественные Количественные смена формаций Территориальные зав приобретения, оевание суверенитета потери, вве дение нового добровольные государственного уступки устройства!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-5.jpg" alt="> Level of social and economic development."> Уровень социально – экономического развития. Выраженный через показатель ВВП и ИЧР Экономически развитые страны n Страны «большой- семерки» (ВВП – 20 – 30 тысяч долларов) n Менее крупные страны !} Western Europe(GDP, as in the G7 countries n Countries of resettlement capitalism (Dominions of Great Britain)

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-6.jpg" alt="> Transition countries Former socialist countries:"> Страны с переходной экономикой Бывшие социалистические страны: 1. Восточная Европа (Россия, Белоруссия, Украина, Болгария…) Их можно отнести к экономически развитым странам 2. Постсоциалистические и социалистические страны (Лаос, Вьетнам. .). Их можно отнести к развивающимся странам!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-7.jpg" alt="> Developing countries"> Развивающиеся страны 1. Ключевые страны – обладают большим природным, людским и экономическим потенциалом. ВВП 350 долларов. 2. Страны Латинской Америки, Азии, !} North Africa. GDP 1000 dollars. 3. NIS - new industrial countries - "Asian tigers" 4. Oil-exporting countries of the Persian Gulf. GDP 20 - 30 thousand dollars. 5. "Classic" developing countries lagging behind in their development, with a per capita GDP of less than 1 thousand dollars a year. Most countries in Africa, as well as Asia and Latin America. 6. The least developed countries of the "fourth world" 47 countries with a GDP of 100 - 300 dollars per year. Ethiopia, Haiti, Bangladesh...

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-8.jpg" alt=">There are more than 200 countries and territories on RMB, of which more than 190 are sovereign states, among"> На ПКМ более 200 стран и территорий, из которых более 190 суверенные государства, среди них можно выделить: - ПО РАЗМЕРАМ ТЕРРИТОРИИ 1. Страны – гиганты, площадь более 3 млн. км 2 (Россия, Канада, Китай, США, Бразилия, Австралия, Индия) 2. «Крупные страны» , их площадь более 500 тыс. км 2 (Франция, Испания. .), площадь более 1 млн. км 2 (Судан, Алжир, Ливия. .) 3. Микрогосударства – имеющие незначительную Сан- Марино, Лихтенштейн, площадь (Ватикан, Сингапур. .)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-9.jpg" alt=">BY POPULATION 1. Giant countries with over 100 million people (China,"> ПО ЧИСЛЕННОСТИ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ 1. Страны гиганты численность свыше 100 млн. человек (Китай, Индия, США, Бразилия, Индонезия, Россия…) 2. Средние страны (Алжир, Мексика…) 3. Небольшие страны, микрогосударства, с населением 10 – 30 тыс. человек и менее (Ватикан, Сан- Марино, Монако…)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-10.jpg" alt=">BY GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION 1. Coastal (Mexico, Argentina, Congo,"> ПО ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКОМУ ПОЛОЖЕНИЮ 1. С приморским положением (Мексика, Аргентина, Конго, !} Saudi Arabia, Poland, Russia. .) 2. Peninsular (Italy, India, Portugal, Korea, Denmark. .) 3. Island (Great Britain, Cuba, Iceland, Madagascar, . .) 4. Inland countries (42 states are deprived of access to the ocean: Mongolia, Austria, Czech Republic , Chad, Rwanda…)

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-11.jpg" alt="> By form of government 1. Republic - ¾ of all countries"> По формам правления 1. Республика – ¾ всех стран мира Президентская Парламентская Смешанные США, Аргентина, ФРГ, Италия, Франция, Бразилия, Россия, Израиль, Индия, Португалия, Венесуэла, Ирландия Финляндия Коста - Рика!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-12.jpg" alt="> 2. Monarchies Worldwide"> 2. Монархии В мире их 30: Океания 2 Азия 13 Африка 3 Европа 12 Конституционная Абсолютная Теократическая «царствует» , но не «царствует» и «теос» данная от правит бога Великобритания, Саудовская Ватикан, Бельгия, Аравия, Оман, Норвегия, Кувейт, ОАЭ Испания!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-13.jpg" alt="> 3. Member States"> 3. Государства в составе Содружества 15 стран, бывшие доминионы Великобритании, формально главой государства считается королева Великобритании, которую представляет генерал-губернатор!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-14.jpg" alt=">4. Submitted by one Libya Officially Socialist"> 4. Представлено одной Ливией Официально Социалистическая народная Ливийская Арабская Джамахерия (государство народных масс)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-15.jpg" alt=">"> По особенностям территориально– государственного устройства Унитарное Федеративное Конфедерация Единая Наряду с едиными Временный союз законодательная и законами есть исполнительная отдельные власть самоуправляющие единицы Великобритания, Россия, Индия, Швейцария – Италия, Нигерия союз суверенных Япония всего 22 государств, союз государства независимых кантонов!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/194035786_437364945.pdf-img/194035786_437364945.pdf-16.jpg" alt="> Political geography n Formation of a political map of the world and its individual regions n"> Политическая география n Формирование политической карты мира и отдельных ее регионов n Изменения в политических границах n Особенности !} political system n Political parties, groups and blocs n Territorial aspects of mass election campaigns GEOPOLITICS – expresses the state policy primarily in relation to the country's borders and its interaction with other, primarily neighboring countries

The political map of the world is very dynamic. It reflects and fixes the main political and geographical processes associated with quantitative and qualitative changes.

Quantitative changes are in such phenomena:

1) annexation of newly discovered lands. Now it is practically impossible due to their absence (there are no “white spots” left on the globe), but in the past, especially during the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, these phenomena were quite common;

2) territorial gains or losses due to wars. Often such territories are the subject of disputes between countries that have taken part in military conflicts;

3) unification or disintegration of states. For example, the collapse Soviet Union Yugoslavia, Ottoman Empire;

4) voluntary concessions or exchange between countries of land plots - the so-called cessions - the transfer of all sovereign rights to a certain territory by one state to another by agreement. This can be done, for example, to ensure that the borders of states coincide with ethnic territories;

5) accretion - building up the territory. For example, the reconquest of land from the sea by reclamation of the territory (Netherlands) and the creation of so-called "garbage islands" from recycled industrial and domestic waste (Japan). Such land areas are used by industrial and civil construction, the creation of recreation areas. The Netherlands, through the construction of a system of hydraulic structures and dams, separated almost 40% of its modern area from the sea. Drained areas - polders - saturated with sea silt, which contain many valuable nutrients. After reclamation, they are actively used in agriculture.

The quality changes are:

1) a historical change in the socio-economic formation. The most common example is the establishment of capitalist relations on the territory of some British colonies as a result of the resettlement of emigrants from Europe there and the artificial transfer of social and economic relations characteristic of the metropolis. Thanks to this, certain territories immediately moved from primitive society to capitalism;

2) obtaining political sovereignty by countries. Most often it was the acquisition of sovereignty without changing borders. This happened with dozens of former colonial countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America;

3) the introduction of new forms of government and government. For example, the transition of a country from a monarchy to a republic or vice versa;

4) formation and disintegration of interstate political unions and organizations. For example, the creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in 1949 and its collapse in 1991.

5) the appearance and disappearance of "hot spots" on the planet - centers of interstate and intrastate conflicts.

6) change of capitals. These are quite common phenomena that have various economic and political prerequisites. For example, during the twentieth century The capitals of many countries have been moved:

Russia - from St. Petersburg to Moscow;

Turkey - from Istanbul to Ankara;

Brazil - from Rio de Janeiro to the city of Brasilia;

Pakistan - from Karachi to Islamabad;

Nigeria - from Lagos to Abuja;

Tanzania - from Dar es Salaam to a lady;

Kazakhstan - from Almaty to Astana;

Germany - from Bonn to Berlin.

The main reasons for the transfer of capitals are: overcrowding of capital cities and related environmental and transport problems, especially employment of the population, the rise in price of land for development, the government's attempts to balance the development of internal, often backward in socio-economic terms, for which the emergence of a capital city will be a kind of impetus for further development;

7) changes in the names of states, capitals and settlements. Often this is a consequence of other qualitative changes on the political map of the world. Examples of renaming states are: Burma -> Myanmar, Ivory Coast -> Ivory Coast, Cape Verde Islands -> Cape Verde, Kampuchea -> Cambodia, Zaire -> Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Moldova -> Moldova and other.

At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, there are less and less quantitative changes on the political map of the world, and qualitative changes are becoming more important, which is primarily due to the strengthening of integration processes.


Lesson summary on the topic:

" A political map of the World.

Changes on the political map".


Consider the features of various historical eras and stages of the formation of the modern political map of the world, its quantitative and qualitative changes.

The concept of geopolitics.

Equipment: computer, multimedia set-top box, political map of the world, map of the hemispheres, atlases.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Learning new material.

The term "PCM" understood in two senses of the word.

PKM in the narrow sense is one of the varieties geographical maps, on which state borders, capitals, roads, large cities are plotted.

PKM in the broadest sense of the word is the entire world arena as a whole, which reflects the main political and geographical changes taking place in the world.

Changes are:

1)quantitative - accession of open lands, territorial changes or losses due to wars, unification or disintegration of states

2) quality - a change in socio-historical formations, the acquisition of sovereignty by the country, a change in the state system

The process of PCM formation is long in general terms. There are several stages in the formation of PCM:

Ancient (before the 5th century AD) - the emergence and collapse of the first states: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece.

Medieval (V-XVI centuries) - the emergence of large feudal states in Europe and Asia.

New (XVI-XIX centuries) - the formation of a colonial empire

Newest (first half of the 20th century) - the formation of socialist countries, the collapse of the colonial system.

Modern which includes three main steps:

A) the emergence of the world socialist system, the formation of independent states in Asia.

B) Formation of independent states of Africa.

C) The collapse of the socialist economic system and subsequent changes on the political map of Europe and Asia.

Changes on the PKM in recent and modern times:


  1. The collapse of the USSR into 15 countries (CIS - 11 countries)
  2. German unification
  3. Czechoslovakia divided
  4. Yugoslavia was divided: initially into 5: Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia (FYROM- The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was admitted to the UN), Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which later became known as the Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and in 2007 it was divided into Serbia and Montenegro, separated a little later autonomous region Kosovo from Serbia.
  5. There is an expansion of the EU - 27 countries.


1. 1990 - The Arab Republic of Yemen and the PDRY merged into the Republic of Yemen with Sana'a as its capital

2. 1993 - The form of government in Cambodia changed (there was a monarchy, then a republic, again a monarchy)

3. 1997 - Hong Kong became part of China

4. 2000 - Macao (Possession of Portugal) became part of China

5. 2008 - Nepal became a republic


1.1990 - the last in Africa, Namibia gained independence

2. Apartheid fell in South Africa

3.1993 Eritrea achieved independence from Ethiopia

4. 1995 - Ethiopia becomes a federation

Australia and Oceania

  1. 1994 - the Republic of Pallau became independent, liberated from the Federated States of Micronesia
  2. 2006 - moved capital Pallau to Melekeok

There is a very clear trend towards an increase in the number of sovereign or independent states. Over the past 15 years from 173 to 193.

In total, there are 225-230 states on the PKM (about 30 possession countries). There is no exact number of states in the world, because there are countries that are not recognized by the world community (the Russian Federation recognizes 195 states). 193 states are recognized in the main foreign sources.

By level international recognition differ:

  1. not recognized by any state:

Somalia Land (occupies the northern territory of Somalia, since 1991)

Cabinda (belongs to Angola, but is enclaved in Congo)

Selent (casus state in the English Channel)

  1. recognized only by states not members of the UN:

Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (since 1991 recognized as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic)

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (since 1991 recognized as the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Abkhazia, South Ossetia)

  1. recognized by some UN member states:

Abkhazia (since 1992 recognized by 4 countries: Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nauru)

South Ossetia (since 1991 recognized by the same countries)

Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus(since 1983 recognized only by Turkey)

Republic of Kosovo (recognized by 65 countries since 2008)

Palestine (since 1998 it has been recognized by 97 countries; it is now divided into 2 parts: the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip, where no one in the world recognizes its government, Hamaz)

  1. UN member states not recognized by some other states:

Armenia is not recognized by Pakistan

Israel is not recognized by 20+4 Arab Muslim states

North Korea is not recognized by the Republic of Korea, Japan, USA

South Korea is not recognized by North Korea.

III. Lesson summary

- Name the types of changes on the political map of the world.

- List the main stages of the formation of the PCM.

IV. Homework

Notes in a notebook.

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  • Introduction
  • Map Changes
  • Developing countries
  • Bibliography


On a political map, like on any other, states, their borders, administrative-territorial division, and largest cities are depicted. It is understood by all this that something much more is understood - the patterns of placement of forms of state structure of the countries of the world, the relationship between states, territorial conflicts associated with the drawing of state borders.

The political map of the world is in the process of constant changes occurring as a result of wars, treaties, the collapse and unification of states, the formation of new independent states, changes in the forms of government, the loss of statehood / political sovereignty /, changes in the area of ​​​​states / countries / - territories and water areas, their borders, changing capitals, changing the names of states / countries / and their capitals, changing forms of government, if they are shown on this map.

Stages of formation of the political map of the world

The political map of the world has gone through a long historical path of its development, which covers millennia, starting with the social division of labor, the emergence of private property and the division of society into social classes.

Changing over many centuries, the political map reflected the emergence and collapse of states, changes in their borders, the discovery and colonization of new lands, territorial division and redivision of the world.

Stages of formation of the political map of the world:

1. ancient period(until the 5th century AD). Covers the era of the slave system, characterized by the development and collapse of the first states on Earth: Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Ancient Greece, ancient rome and others. The main means of territorial change is war, the threat of the use of force.

2. Medieval period (V-VI centuries). Associated with the era of feudalism. Political functions the feudal state turned out to be richer and more complex than the organization of political power under the slave system. An internal market is taking shape, and the isolation of farms and regions is being overcome. The desire of feudal states for territorial conquest is clearly manifested. Large land masses were completely divided between different states. Kievan Rus, Byzantium, Muscovy (Russian) state, "Holy Roman Empire", Portugal, England, Spain and others.

3. The new period in the formation of the political map of the world (from the turn of the XV-XVI centuries until the end of the First World War) corresponds to a whole historical era the birth, rise, and establishment of capitalism. The era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, which lies at the junction of feudal and capitalist socio-economic formations, changed the map. The impetus for territorial changes was given by "mature" capitalism, when a large-scale factory industry, which was in dire need of raw materials, developed and new means of transport appeared. The political map of the world has become especially unstable in turn of XIX-XX centuries, when the struggle for the territorial division of the world sharply intensified between the leading countries. By the beginning of the 20th century, such a division was completely completed, and from that time only its forcible redistribution became possible.

4. The newest period in the formation of the political map of the world began after the end of the First World War and the victory October revolution in Russia. This period is divided into 3 stages, the boundary between the first two is the end of the Second World War (1945).

A) the first stage was marked not only by socio-economic changes. The Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed, the borders of many states changed, independent national states were formed: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and others. The colonial empires of Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Japan expanded.

b) the second stage begins counting from the end of the Second World War. A number of states in Europe and Asia have embarked on the path of socialism. Among the most important changes in the post-war period is also the disintegration of colonial empires and the emergence in their place of more than 100 independent states of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania.

V) the third stage in the formation of the political map of the world is that as a result of turning points in the socialist camp of the world, one of the most powerful states of the world and the first socialist state, the USSR, collapsed, subsequently many small states were formed from it. This stage in the formation of new sovereign states on the basis of the former socialist republics, as well as socialist states, was marked by conflict situations, often taking on an armed character, on national, ethnic, economic and political issues. As a result of the impact of changes taking place in the world, the number of socialist countries to today decreased significantly.

Map Changes

All the changes that have arisen on the political map over the long history of its formation are of a different nature. Among them, there are quantitative and qualitative changes.

Quantitative ones include: accession of newly discovered lands; territorial gains or losses during wars; unification or disintegration of states; concessions or exchanges between countries of land areas. Other changes are qualitative. They consist in the historical change of socio-economic formations; the country's acquisition of political sovereignty; the introduction of new forms of government; the formation of interstate political unions, the appearance and disappearance of "hot spots" on the planet. Quantitative changes are often accompanied by qualitative ones.

Recent events in the world show that quantitative shifts on the political map are increasingly giving way to qualitative ones, and this leads to the understanding that instead of war - the usual means of resolving interstate disputes - the path of dialogues, peaceful settlement of territorial disputes and international conflicts comes to the fore.

Level of socio-economic development

The basis typologies take important features that determine the place of the country on the political and economic map of the world.

The main feature in the typology of states is the level of socio-economic development of the state, expressed through the GDP indicator and a new synthetic indicator (HDI) - the human development index

GDP - an indicator characterizing the value of all final products produced in the territory of a given country in one year (in US dollars)

HDI - an indicator of the level of socio-economic development of the countries of the world.

Recently, the UN and other international organizations have begun to use a new synthetic indicator of the level of socio-economic development - the so-called IndexhumanDevelopment (HDI) - an integral indicator that combines three main components: longevity, education and standard of living. Longevity is measured by average life expectancy, education by a combination of adult literacy and average years of schooling, and standard of living by real GDP per capita adjusted for the local cost of living (using purchasing power parity (PPP) of the national currency). Canada, USA, Japan have the highest HDI indicators, and the lowest - African countries Somalia, Sierra Leone and Niger. Russia in this list closes the group of countries with a high level of HDI.

Countries with economies in transition

Countries with economies in transition (ETS) or countries with emerging markets (EMs) are states that are making the transition from a command economy to a market economy. Countries with economies in transition emerged in the late 80s and early 90s. as a result of the collapse of the socialist system.

Countries with economies in transition include:

1. Former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, successors of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro;

2. Former Soviet republics - now CIS countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine;

3. Former Baltic republics: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. At the same time, it should be taken into account that some of these countries joined the EU in 2004 and 2007 and de jure these countries began to be classified as developed countries, although de facto they are countries with emerging markets.

Of particular difficulty is the classification of the People's Republic of China, since the construction of capitalism, and hence market relations, in the PRC takes place under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CCP). China's economy is a symbiosis of a planned socialist economy and free enterprise. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) classifies China, like India, as an emerging Asian country.

The countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic States and some Balkan countries are characterized by an initially higher level of socio-economic development; radical and successful implementation of reforms ("velvet revolutions"); expressed desire to join the EU. Outsiders in this group are Albania, Bulgaria and Romania. The leaders are the Czech Republic and Slovenia.

The former Soviet republics, with the exception of the Baltic states, are united in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The collapse of the USSR led to a break in the economic ties that had been developing for decades between the enterprises of the former republics. One-time abolition of state pricing (in the context of a shortage of goods and services), spontaneous privatization of the largest export-oriented state enterprises, the introduction of a parallel currency (US dollar) and the liberalization of foreign trade activities led to a sharp drop in production. Russia's GDP has almost halved. Hyperinflation reached 2000% or more per year. There was a sharp depreciation of the national currency, a deficit of the state budget, a sharp stratification of the population with the absolute impoverishment of its bulk. The formation of an oligarchic variant of capitalism took place without the creation of a middle class. Loans from the IMF and other international organizations were directed to "patching holes" in the state budget and were plundered uncontrollably. Conducting financial stabilization through budgetary restrictions and the policy of restriction or contraction of the money supply (increase in interest rates) gradually reduced inflation, but had serious social losses (unemployment, increased mortality, homeless children, etc.). The experience of "shock therapy" has shown that the introduction of private property and market relations in itself is not a guarantee for the creation of an efficient economy.

Developing countries

Developing countries include about 150 countries and territories, which together occupy more than half of the earth's land area and concentrate about 3/5 of the world's population. On the political map of the world, these countries cover a vast belt stretching in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania to the north and especially to the south of the equator. Some of them (Iran, Thailand, Ethiopia, Egypt, Latin American countries and others) had independence long before the Second World War. But most won it in the post-war period.

The world of developing countries (when there was a division into the world socialist and capitalist systems, it was usually called the "third world") is internally very heterogeneous, and this makes it difficult to typology its constituent countries. Nevertheless, at least as a first approximation, developing countries can be divided into the following five subgroups.

the first they form the so-called key countries - India, Brazil, China and Mexico, which have a very large natural, human and economic potential and in many respects are leaders in the developing world.

These three countries produce almost as much industrial output as all other developing countries combined. But GDP per capita in them is much lower than in economically developed countries, and in India, for example, it is $350.

In secondgroup includes some developing countries that have also achieved relatively high level socio-economic development and having per capita GDP exceeding $1,000. Most of these countries are in Latin America (Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, etc.), but they are also found in Asia and North Africa.

TO thirdsubgroup can be attributed to the so-called new industrial countries. In the 80s and 90s. they achieved such a leap in their development that they received the nickname "Asian tigers" or "Asian dragons." The "first echelon" or "first wave" of such countries includes the already mentioned Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. And the "second tier" usually include Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia.

fourthsubgroup form oil-exporting countries, in which, thanks to the influx of "petrodollars", per capita GDP reaches 10, or even 20 thousand dollars. These are, first of all, the countries of the Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, United United Arab Emirates, Iran), also Libya, Brunei and some other countries.

Fifthsubgroup form approximately 40 countries (with a total population of more than 600 million people), which, according to the UN classification, belong to the least developed countries (sometimes they are called the "fourth world"). They are dominated by consumer Agriculture, there is almost no manufacturing industry, 2/3 of the adult population is illiterate, and the per capita GDP is only 100-300 dollars a year. Last place even among them is Mozambique, with a per capita GDP of $80 a year (or just over 20 cents a day!).

By area size

Giant countries:

1. Russia 17075400 sq. km

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia, which was part of it, remained the most big country in the world. In terms of area, it is second only to the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Oceans and the Southern Ocean allocated in 2000 by the International Hydrographic Organization. Russia occupies 17,075,400 sq. km, of which 16,995,800 sq. km are land. This is approximately 11.41% of the entire earth's land, or 12.5% ​​of the land inhabited by man.

2. Canada 9984670 sq km

Canada is in second place in the list of the largest countries in the world. It occupies approximately 40% of the territory of the North American continent - 9,984,670 sq. km. Of these, land accounts for 9,093,507 sq. km, which corresponds to 6.1% of the entire earth's land. In other words, Canada is about 1.7 times smaller than Russia. By the way, it is on the territory of this country that the northernmost locality in the world - the station of the Canadian Forces Alert, located just 834 kilometers from the North Pole.

3. China 9596960 sq km

The People's Republic of China covers an area of ​​9,596,960 square kilometers, including 9,326,410 square kilometers of land. This is equal to approximately 6.26% of the entire land mass of the planet.

4. United States of America 9,518,900 sq km

In domestic sources, the United States is called the fourth largest country on Earth, and indicates an area of ​​\u200b\u200b9,518,900 sq. Km or, according to other sources, 9,522,057 sq. Km. However, according to a number of English-language sources, including the CIA The World Factbook website, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis state is approximately 9,826,630 square kilometers, of which 9,161,923 square kilometers are on land (6.15% of the earth's land mass), which makes it to the third largest.

5. Brazil 8511965 sq km

It is the largest and most populous country South America. It occupies almost half of the continent. The area of ​​Brazil is approximately 8,511,965 sq. km.

6. Australia 7,686,850 sq km

In sixth place in the list of the largest countries in the world is Australia, the only country in the world that occupies an entire mainland. The area of ​​this state is 7,686,850 sq. km, including 7,617,930 sq. km of land, that is, approximately 5.1% of all land areas of the Earth.

7. India 3,287,590 sq km

India is on the seventh place in the list of the largest states. Its area is 3,287,590 square kilometers, of which 2,973,190 square kilometers are on land. In other words, it occupies almost 2% of the entire earth's land.

Major countries:

Consider the largest countries by area:

1 . Russia. The largest country in the world. The area of ​​Russia is approximately 17.1 million square kilometers, which is about 1/8 of the land area of ​​the entire globe. The area of ​​the territory occupied by Russia is comparable to the areas of the continents, for example, the area of ​​Antarctica and Australia is smaller than the area of ​​Russia, and the area of ​​South America is only slightly larger. The length of Russia from west to east is about 11 thousand kilometers, and from north to south about 3 thousand kilometers.

2 . Canada. The country, which occupies the second place in terms of area after Russia. The area of ​​Canada is almost 2 times smaller than that of Russia and is 9.976 million square kilometers. From west to east, Canada stretches for 7.7 thousand kilometers, and from north to south for 4.6 thousand kilometers.

3 . ChineseFolkRepublic(PRC). China is the country that ranks first in the world in terms of population and third in area. The territory occupied by China is about 9.599 million square kilometers. This is about 6.5% of the land. The territory of China stretches for about 5.2 thousand kilometers from west to east and 5.5 thousand kilometers from north to south.

4 . United States of America (USA). One of the largest countries in the world. The USA is the 4th largest in the world by area. Its territory covers about 9.52 million square kilometers. The length of the continental United States from west to east is about 4.5 thousand kilometers, and from south to north about 2.7 thousand kilometers.

5 . FederalRepublicBrazil. Brazil ranks fifth in the world in terms of area and population. The area of ​​Brazil is about 8.51 million square kilometers. The greatest extent of the territory of Brazil from north to south is 4.3 thousand km and from west to east 4.3 thousand km.


1. Andora. The largest of the microstates of Europe, located in southwestern Europe in the Eastern Pyrenees between France and Spain. The area of ​​the territory is 465 km2.

2. Vatican. An independent state and the center of the Roman Catholic Church, the residence of its head - the Pope. Located in the western part of Rome. It occupies an area of ​​0.44 km 2. In Rome and its environs, the Vatican owns three cathedrals: Santa Maria Maggiore, San Giovanni in Laterano and San Paolo, a number of palaces and villas with a total area of ​​0.7 km2.

3. Liechtenstein. State in central Europe, located between Switzerland and Austria. It occupies an area of ​​160 km2.

4. Monaco. State in Southern Europe, on the Mediterranean coast, surrounded on land by the territory of France. It occupies an area of ​​1.95 km2 (of which 0.4 km2 is last years taken from the sea).

5. San Marino. The state in the northeastern part of the Apennine Peninsula on Mount Titano, surrounded by the territory of Italy. It occupies an area of ​​61 km2.

By population

1. Countries - giants (population over 100 million people). These countries include: China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Russia, Japan, Mexico and the Philippines.

2. Middle countries. Tunisia, Poland, Latvia, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Australia, New Zealand, Algeria, Mexico.

3. Small countries and microstates. Vatican, Monaco, San Marino.

By geographic location

1. With seaside position: Mexico, Argentina, Congo, Saudi Arabia, Poland…

2. Peninsular: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Thailand…

3. Island: Iceland, Ireland, East Timor, Singapore, Pitcairn, Cuba, Dominican Republic…

4. Intracontinental: Bolivia, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bolivia, Paraguay, CAR, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mauritania, Sudan, Chad, Niger…

By form of government


Republic - a form of government in which the highest bodies of state power are elected by the people, or formed by special representative institutions for a certain period and are fully responsible to the voter.

Types of republics:

Republics differ mainly in which of the authorities - the parliament or the president - forms the government and directs its work, as well as to which of these governments is responsible.

A presidential republic is a state in which, along with parliamentarism, the powers of the head of state and head of government are simultaneously combined in the hands of the president. The government is formed and dissolved directly by the president himself, while the parliament cannot exert any significant influence on the government - here the principle of separation of powers is most fully revealed (USA, Ecuador).

A parliamentary republic is a state in which the supreme role in organizing public life belongs to the parliament. Parliament forms the government and has the right to dismiss it at any time. The president in such a state does not have any significant powers (Israel, Greece, Germany).

A mixed republic - in states with this form of government, strong presidential power is simultaneously combined with the presence of effective measures to control the parliament over the activities of the executive branch in the face of the government, which is formed by the president with the obligatory participation of the parliament. Thus, the government is responsible both to the president and to the parliament of the country (Russia, Ukraine, Portugal, France).


Monarchy is a form of government in which the highest state power belongs for life to the sole head of state - the monarch, who occupies the throne by inheritance and is not responsible to the population.

hallmarks of a monarchy

1. The sole head of state is the monarch;

2. Power is inherited;

3. The monarch is legally irresponsible (it is impossible to remove the monarch from power).

Types of monarchy

1. Constitutional monarchy - a monarchy in which the power of the monarch is limited on the basis of a special act (Constitution), where there is another supreme authority, formed by elections of representatives of the people (parliament). In turn, the constitutional monarchy is divided into:

1) A dualistic monarchy is a state in which the monarch has full executive power, and also has part of the legislative and judicial powers. A representative body in such a state exists and performs legislative functions, but the monarch can impose an absolute veto on the adopted acts and, at his discretion, dissolve the representative body (Jordan, Morocco).

2) Parliamentary monarchy - a state in which the monarch is only a tribute to tradition and does not have any significant powers. The state structure in such a monarchy is based on the principle of separation of powers (Great Britain, Japan, Denmark).

2. Absolute monarchy (unlimited) - a state in which the monarch is the only supreme body in the country, and all the fullness of state power is concentrated in his hands (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar). A special variety is the theocratic monarchy (Vatican).

3. Theocratic monarchy - a monarchy in which political power belongs to the head of the church or religious leader. In such countries there is no freedom of conscience, the dominant religion is obligatory and is part of society, the norms of religion become the main law. Allocate Christian (Vatican) and Islamic (Saudi Arabia, etc.) theocratic monarchy.

States within the Commonwealth

This is a transitional form between the republican and monarchical forms of government in some of the former colonies of Great Britain, which are part of the Commonwealth headed by it. These are those members of the Commonwealth in which the British monarch is considered the head of state. The British Queen in these countries is represented by governors-general. But the deputies of the monarch have no real power, the prime ministers are the actual leaders of the countries. There are 15 Commonwealth states in the world. In each of them, Elizabeth II is considered its own monarch and has a corresponding title. For example, in Barbados it sounds like "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Barbados." The symbolism of these states usually indicates their special political relations with the UK.

Commonwealth States: Canada, Bahamas, Belize, Jamaica, Grenada, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tuvalu, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Zealand , Australia.

According to the peculiarities of the territorial-state structure

The form of government is an element of the form of the state that characterizes the internal structure of the state, the way it is politically and territorially divided, which determines certain relationships between the bodies of the entire state and the bodies of its constituent parts.

This concept characterizes the state structure from the point of view of the distribution of power in the center and in the regions.

Forms of government

1. Unitary state - a simple single state, parts of which are administrative-territorial units and do not have signs of state sovereignty; it has a unified system of higher bodies and a unified system of legislation (for example, in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy). Unitary states are centralized - Sweden, Denmark, etc., and decentralized - Spain, France, etc.

1) Centralized unitary state - strict subordination of local governments, which are formed from the center, their independence is negligible (Mongolia, Thailand, Indonesia).

2) A decentralized unitary state - local governments are independently formed and managed by the population, they are not directly subordinate to central authorities, but accountable (Great Britain, Sweden, Japan).

2. Federation - a complex union state, parts of which are state formations and have, to one degree or another, state sovereignty and other signs of statehood. In the federation, along with the highest federal bodies and federal legislation, there are the highest bodies and legislation of the subjects of the federation (Germany, India, Mexico, Canada). Federations can be built on a territorial basis (USA) or on a national-territorial basis (Russia).

According to the method of formation of the subjects of the federation, there are:

1) Territorial federation (administrative) - a federal state in which all its constituent entities are formed according to geographical, historical, economic and other features (USA, Brazil, Mexico).

2) National-territorial federation (mixed) - a federal state, the formation of which is based on both territorial and national principles of formation of subjects (Russia).

Federations are built on the basis of the distribution of functions between its subjects and the center, fixed in the federal constitution, which can be changed only with the consent of the subjects of the federation.

3. Confederation - a temporary union of states formed to achieve political, military, economic and other goals. The confederation does not have sovereignty, since there is no central state apparatus common to the united subjects and a unified system of legislation. The confederation is a fragile state formation and exists for a relatively short time: it either breaks up (for example, Senegambia - the union of Senegal and the Gambia in 1982-1989), or is transformed into federal states (for example, Switzerland from the confederation (Swiss Union) (1815-1848 gg.) was transformed into a federation).

Signs of a confederation:

1. The component parts are sovereign states, possessing the entirety of state power;

2. Each union state has its own system of authorities and armed forces, at the level of the confederation, only the highest coordinating bodies are formed;

3. Each union state has its own constitution and system of legislation, its own constitution can be adopted at the confederation level, but, as a rule, no single legislation is created (any decision of a single confederal body requires approval by each member state);

4. There is no single citizenship of the confederation;

5. Each state has the right to withdraw from the confederation upon achieving its goals.

political map world change


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2. Capitalist and developing countries on the threshold of the 90s (territorial and structural shifts in the economy in the 70-80s) / Ed.V. V. Volsky, L.I. Bonifatieva, L.V. Smirnyagin. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1990.

3. Mironenko H.WITH. Introduction to the geography of the world economy. - M.: Publishing house of the Univ. Dashkova, 1995.

4. Models in geography / Ed.P. Haggett, J. Chorley. - M.: Progress, 1971.

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