The social factors of personality development include. Formation and development of personality: process, factors, conditions, stages


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Slastenin V A, Kashirin V P. "Psychology and Pedagogy" M 2001

Gamezo M V, Domashenkov I A "Atlas of Psychology" M 2001

Gippenreiter Yu B "Introduction to General Psychology" M 2002

Kodzhaspirova G M "Pedagogy in diagrams, tables and reference notes» M


Introduction to psychology

The subject and basic principles of psychology

There are 4 stages in the development of psychology as a science.

Stage 1 - until the 17th century, psychology was conceived as the science of the soul. The question of the nature of the soul was decided by philosophers depending on whether they belonged to a materialistic or idealistic school.

Aristotle in his treatise "On the Soul" denied the view of the soul as a substance, but at the same time he did not consider it possible to consider the soul in isolation from matter, as idealist philosophers did. To determine the nature of the soul, he used a complex philosophical category - "entelechy", which means the existence of something. According to Aristotle, the soul is the essence of the living body, the “realization” of its being, just as vision is the essence and “realization” of the eye as an organ of vision.

Plato, in turn, considers the soul to be an independent substance. It can exist alongside the body and independently of it. According to Plato, the soul is the beginning of the eternal, divine, while the body is the beginning of the material, human. Plato speaks of three parts of the soul - reason, courage and lust. Depending on which part of the soul dominates, the position a person occupies in society is, respectively, a thinker, a warrior and a simple person.

Stage 2 - XVII-2 half of the XIX century, psychology studied human consciousness. Consciousness in this period meant the ability to think, feel and desire (cogito ergo sum).

In 1879 Wilhelm Wundt discovered the first experimental laboratory on the study of consciousness. He, like Descartes, divided consciousness into small components. Wundt came to the conclusion that human consciousness is a closed environment, so one person can never understand another.

Stage 3 - in the 2nd half of the 19th-20th centuries, psychology was considered as a science of behavior. The founder of this direction - behaviorism was John Watson, who believed that the main task of behaviorism is to accumulate observations of behavior in such a way that it would be possible to predict what a person's reaction to an appropriate stimulus will be.

Stage 4 - XX century - domestic psychology - a science that studies the psyche. There was a union of psychology and social science. The works of Sechenov, Pavlov and his students, Charles Darwin, appeared.

The psyche is a special property of highly organized matter, which is a form of reflection of the subjects of objective reality.

Basic principles of psychology:

1) The principle of determinism or causation. The psyche is determined by the conditions of life and changes with a change in lifestyle.

2) The principle of unity of consciousness and activity. Human consciousness forms dynamic models of reality, allowing him to orient himself in the environment and carry out activities in accordance with this.

3) The principle of the development of the psyche. The psyche can be adequately interpreted if it is considered as a product of development and as a result of activity.

Research methods in psychology

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish 4 groups of methods for studying the psyche:

1) Organizational methods

a. Comparative method - comparison of groups of subjects in order to find similarities and differences.

b. Longitudinal method - repeated examination of the same persons over a long period of time.

c. Complex method– implementation of research programs in which representatives of different sciences take part.

2) Empirical methods.

a. observation.

b. Experiment.

c. Psychodiagnostic methods (tests, questionnaires, surveys, conversations, interviews).

d. Method of analysis of processes and products of activity.

3) Data processing methods.

a. The quantitative method is the collection of material.

b. Qualitative method - analysis and differentiation of the material.

4) Interpretive methods.

a. genetic method- interpretation of the processed research material in the characteristics of development with the allocation of phases, stages and critical moments of mental neoplasms.

b. Structural method - establishes "horizontal" structural relationships between all the studied personality characteristics ( psychological picture)

Structure of modern psychology

General psychology studying patterns, theoretical principles and basic scientific concepts of psychology. It includes

Psychology of Personality

Individual psychological characteristics of personality

cognitive processes

Spheres of personality, emotional-volitional and need-motivational

The concept of personality.
Factors of development, formation and socialization of personality

Personality, personality structure

A person, narrower - an individual, even narrower - a person.

Personality is a person taken in such a system of psychological characteristics that are socially conditioned, manifested in social connections and relationships that are stable in nature, determine the moral actions of a person that are of significant importance for himself and those around him.

K.K. Platonov. Personality is a specific person as a carrier of consciousness and self-consciousness.

Self-awareness is the awareness of one's self, which is formed under the influence of other people's assessments.

Self-esteem is a component of self-consciousness.

The level of claims - to determine self-esteem and self-awareness.

The theory of Eric Burne. Everywhere each person plays different roles (student, parent, adult, pedestrian…). And each person chooses a role for life. role theory.

Role - social norms? Personal We normatively approve the pattern of behavior we expect from everyone occupying a certain position. Expectation depends on society, public consciousness.

Personality is a social being included in social relations, participating in social development and performing a certain social role.

Personality is unique in individuality. Individuality is the narrowest concept of all discussed. It contains only those individual and personal properties of a person, such a combination of them that distinguishes this person from other people.

The structure of personality. K.K. Platonov. He singled out 4 substructures of personality:

1. The orientation of the personality is a system of motives that determines the selectivity of relationships and human activity (the orientation of the personality has certain forms and can manifest itself as attraction (unconscious desire), desire (conscious), ideal (form of orientation, specifically ... - a specific "hero"), worldview, conviction (the highest form of personality orientation)).

Communication with the need-motivational sphere. The source of activity of the individual is its needs. It is the need that prompts a person to act in a certain way and in a certain direction. A need is a state of a person, expressing his dependence on specific conditions of existence.

Masslow Pyramid. (down up). Physiological needs - for security - for communication - for self-affirmation - intellectual - aesthetic - the need for self-actualization, self-realization.

The concept of mativa is closely connected with need. This is a specific urge to action. (Let's get to know this topic in more detail)

3. Individual features of mental processes (cognitive, emotional, volitional)

4. Biological properties of a person.

Factors of formation and development of personality.

Environment - social environment, social position, socialization. Study (place of study). Accidentally seen and heard. Personal success. Interests, hobbies. living conditions. Upbringing. Health status. Activity. makings. mentality. Ecology. …

The main factors of personality development are:

1. Biogenetic development of personality. The development of personality is determined mainly by the hereditary factor, is of a spontaneous spontaneous nature. A person by nature has a predisposition to certain features of the flow of emotional reactions, features of the pace of activity, to a set of mativs. In person, the stages of human development are programmed and determined by nature. Jean Piaget "the personality of a person is considered as a product of the action of fatal biological factors."

2. Sociogenetic concept of personality development. Personal develops as a result of direct influences of society. At the same time, the person's own activity is ignored, he is assigned the passive role of adapting to the environment.

Thus, each person is unique. It is the result of a continuous interaction of many different factors, genetic heritage, cultural environment, life circumstances. He is constantly developing as a whole, therefore, none of the aspects of his life can be understood in isolation from others. The personality of a person consists of a complex of stable features, which include temperament, motivation, abilities, feelings, etc., which determine the thoughts and behaviors characteristic of this person.

B.G. Ananiev "Ontogeny and life path bang"

Personality socialization

The socialization of the individual is the process of mastering the social and socio-psychological norms, rules, values ​​and social experience in general. This is a continuous process ... through the development of material and spiritual culture, social and personal relations characteristic of the specific conditions of his life and work.

The process of socialization 2 sides:

Internalization is the appropriation of the experience of other people.

Exteriorization - the individuality of a person is manifested.

Thus, the process of socialization of the individual is the leading and determining one in the emergence, formation and development of the individual.

Socialization of a personal specialist:

1. General socialization, how a person became a citizen, the assimilation of the personality of a system of social norms, rights, values.

2. Professional-role socialization, as the mastery of professional role-playing functions.

3. Professionalization as a degree of mastery of a person professional activity, professional skill.

On formation human personality influence external And internal, biological And social factors. Factor(from lat. factor-doing, producing) - the driving force, the cause of any process, phenomenon (S. I. Ozhegov).

TO internal factors refers to the individual's own activity, generated by contradictions, interests and other motives, realized in self-education, as well as in activities and communication.

TO external factors include macroenvironment, meso- and microenvironment, natural and social, education in a broad and narrow social and pedagogical sense.

environment and upbringing social factors, while heredity biological factor.

For a long time there have been discussions among philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and educators about the correlation of biological and social factors, about the priority importance of one or another in the development of a person's personality.

Some argue that a person, his consciousness, abilities, interests and needs are determined by heredity (E. Thorndike, D. Dewey, A. Kobe, and others). Representatives of this trend elevate hereditary factors (biological) to the absolute and deny the role of the environment and upbringing (social factors) in the development of the individual. They mistakenly transfer the achievements of the biological science of the heredity of plants and animals to the human body. It's about recognizing innate abilities.

Other scientists believe that development entirely depends on the influence of the environment and upbringing (D. Locke, J.-J. Rousseau, K. A. Helvetius and others.) They deny the genetic predisposition of a person and argue that a child from birth is a “blank slate , on which you can write everything, "that is, development depends on upbringing and the environment.

Some scientists (D. Diderot) believe that development is determined by an equal combination of the influence of heredity, environment and upbringing.

K. D. Ushinsky argued that a person becomes a person not only under the influence of heredity, environment and upbringing, but also as a result of his own activity, which ensures the formation and improvement of personal qualities. A person is not only a product of heredity and the circumstances in which his life passes, but also an active participant in the change, improvement of circumstances. By changing circumstances, a person changes himself.

Let us consider in more detail the essential side of the influence of the leading factors on the development and formation of personality.

Some authors, as noted above, assign the decisive role to the biological factor - heredity. Heredity is the property of organisms to transmit certain qualities and characteristics from parents to children. Heredity is due genes(translated from the Greek "gene" means "giving birth"). Science has proven that the properties of an organism are encrypted in a kind of genetic code that stores and transmits all information about the properties of an organism. Genetics has deciphered the hereditary program of human development. It has been established that it is heredity that determines the general thing that makes a person a person, and the difference that makes people so different from each other. What does a person inherit? The following are inherited from parents to children:

-anatomical and physiological structure, reflecting the species characteristics of the individual as a representative human race(Homo sapiens): the makings of speech, walking upright, thinking, labor activity;

-physical features: external racial characteristics, physique, constitution, facial features, hair, eye, skin color; physiological features: metabolism, blood pressure and blood type, Rh factor, stages of maturation of the body;

-peculiarities nervous system: the structure of the cerebral cortex and its peripheral apparatus (visual, auditory, olfactory, etc.), features of nervous processes that determine the nature and certain type of higher nervous activity;

-anomalies in the development of the body: color blindness (color blindness), "cleft lip", "cleft palate";

-predisposition to certain diseases of a hereditary nature: hemophilia (blood disease), diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, endocrine disorders (dwarfism, etc.).

Need to distinguish congenital features human, associated with a change in the genotype, from acquired, which were the result of unfavorable living conditions. For example, complications after an illness, physical injury or oversight during the development of a child, a violation of the diet, work, hardening of the body, etc. A deviation or change in the psyche can occur as a result of subjective factors: fright, strong nervous shocks, drunkenness, and immoral acts parents, other negative phenomena. Acquired changes are not inherited. If the genotype is not changed, then some of the innate individual characteristics of a person associated with his uterine development are also not inherited. These include many anomalies caused by such causes as intoxication, radiation, alcohol, birth trauma, etc.

An important question is whether the inheritance intellectual, special and moral qualities? And what children inherit - ready abilities to a certain type of activity or only makings?

It is established that only makings are inherited. Makings- these are anatomical and physiological features of the organism, which are prerequisites for the development of abilities. Inclinations provide a predisposition to a particular activity.

There are two types of assignments:

- universal(structure of the brain, central nervous system,

- individual(typological properties of the nervous system, which determine the rate of formation of temporary connections, their strength, strength
concentrated attention, mental performance; individual features of the structure of analyzers, individual areas of the cerebral cortex, organs, etc.).

Abilities - individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity, Abilities are not limited to knowledge, skills and abilities. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of activity. High level of ability development - talent, genius.

Some scientists adhere to the concept of innate abilities (S. Bert, X. Eysenck and others). Most domestic specialists - physiologists, psychologists, teachers - consider abilities as lifetime formations that are formed in the process of activity and as a result of education. Not abilities are inherited, but only inclinations. The inclinations inherited by a person can be either realized or not. Being the individual-natural basis of abilities, inclinations are an important but insufficient condition for their development. In the absence of appropriate external conditions and adequate activity, abilities may not develop even if there are favorable inclinations. The absence of early achievements may indicate not a lack of abilities, but rather an organization of activities and education that is inadequate to the existing inclinations.

Particularly controversial is the question of inheritance of abilities for intellectual (cognitive, educational) activity.

Some scientists believe that all people receive from nature high potential opportunities for the development of their mental and cognitive powers and are capable of almost unlimited spiritual development. The existing differences in the types of higher nervous activity only change the course of thought processes, but do not predetermine the quality and level of intellectual activity itself. They do not agree with the opinion that the level of intelligence is transmitted from parents to children. However, these scientists recognize that heredity can adversely affect the development of intellectual abilities. Negative predispositions create brain cells in the children of alcoholics, broken genetic structures in drug addicts, and some hereditary mental illnesses.

Another group of scientists considers the existence of intellectual inequality of people a proven fact. The cause of inequality is recognized as biological heredity. Hence the conclusion: intellectual abilities remain unchanged and constant.

Understanding the process of inheritance of intellectual inclinations is very important, as it predetermines the practical ways of educating and educating people. Modern pedagogy focuses not on identifying differences and adapting education to them, but on creating conditions for the development of the inclinations that each person has.

An important question is about inheritance of special inclinations And moral qualities. special are called inclinations to a certain type of activity. Special inclinations include musical, artistic, mathematical, linguistic, sports, etc. It has been established that people with special inclinations achieve higher results, advance more rapidly in the relevant field of activity. Special inclinations can appear already at an early age, if the necessary conditions are created.

Special makings are inherited. In the history of mankind there were many hereditary talents. It is known, for example, that J.S. Bach had 18 famous musicians in five generations of his ancestors. A lot of talented people was in the family of Charles Darwin.

Of particular importance is the question of inheritance of moral qualities And psyche. For a long time, the assertion dominated that mental qualities are not inherited, but acquired in the process of interaction of the organism with external environment. The social essence of the personality, its moral qualities are formed only in vivo.

It was believed that a person is not born either evil, or kind, or stingy, or generous, or a villain or a criminal. Children do not inherit the moral qualities of their parents; information about social behavior is not embedded in the genetic programs of a person. What a person becomes depends on the environment and upbringing.

At the same time, such prominent scientists as M. Montessori, K. Lorentz, E. Fromm argue that the moral qualities of a person are biologically determined. From generation to generation, moral qualities, behavior, habits and even actions are transmitted - both positive and negative ("the apple does not fall far from the tree"). The basis for such conclusions are the data obtained in the study of the behavior of humans and animals. According to the teachings of IP Pavlov, both animals and humans have instincts and reflexes that are inherited. The behavior of not only animals, but also humans in a number of cases is instinctive, reflex, based not on higher consciousness, but on the simplest biological reflexes. Hence, moral qualities, behavior can be inherited.

This question is very complex and responsible. IN Lately Russian scientists (P. K. Anokhin, N. M. Amosov, etc.) take a position on the genetic conditioning of morality and social behavior of a person.

In addition to heredity, the determining factor in the development of personality is the environment. The environment is the reality in which human development takes place. influences the formation of personality geographic, national, school, family, social Wednesday. The concept of "social environment" includes such characteristics as the social system, the system of production relations, the material conditions of life, the nature of the flow of production and social processes, etc.

The question of whether the environment or heredity has a greater influence on human development remains debatable. The French philosopher K. A. Helvetius believed that all people from birth have the same potential for mental and moral development, and differences in mental characteristics are explained solely by the influence of the environment and educational influences. The environment is understood in this case metaphysically, it fatally predetermines the fate of a person. Man is considered as a passive object of environmental influence.

Thus, all scientists recognize the influence of the environment on the formation of man. Only their views on the assessment of the degree of influence of the environment on the formation of personality do not coincide. This is because there is no abstract environment. There is a specific social system, a specific near and far environment of a person, specific conditions of life. It is clear that a person achieves more high level development in an environment where favorable conditions are created.

Communication is an important factor in human development. Communication- this is one of the universal forms of personality activity (along with cognition, work, play), manifested in the establishment and development of contacts between people, in the formation of interpersonal relationships.

A person becomes a person only in communication, interaction with other people. outside human society spiritual, social, mental development cannot take place. The interaction of a person with society, as is known, is called socialization.

The socialization of the individual is an objective phenomenon observed in the life of every person when he embarks on an independent life in society. Like any social phenomenon, socialization is multifaceted and therefore is studied by many sciences: sociology, cultural studies, ethnography, history, psychology, pedagogy, etc.

In addition to those listed above, an important factor influencing the formation of personality is upbringing. Education in a broad social sense is often identified with socialization. Although the logic of their relationship could be characterized as relation of the whole to the particular. Is socialization a process? human social development as a result of natural and organized influences the totality of social factors. Education is considered by most researchers as one of the factors human development, which is a system of purposeful formative influences, interactions and relationships carried out in various spheres of social life. Education is a process of targeted and consciously controlled socialization (family, religious, school education), it acts as a kind of mechanism for managing socialization processes.

Education allows you to overcome or weaken the consequences of negative influences on socialization, give it a humanistic orientation, attract scientific potential for predicting and constructing pedagogical strategies and tactics. Social environment can influence unintentionally, spontaneously, while the educator purposefully directs development in a specially organized educational system.

Personal development is possible only in activities- In the process of life, a person constantly participates in a wide variety of activities - gaming, educational, cognitive, labor, social, political, artistic, creative, sports, etc.

Acting as a form of being and a way of human existence, activity:

Ensures the creation of material conditions for human life;

Contributes to the satisfaction of natural human needs;

contributes to the knowledge and transformation of the surrounding world;

is a development factor spiritual world a person, the form and condition for the realization of his cultural needs;

enables a person to realize his personal potential, achieve life goals;

creates conditions for self-realization of a person in the system of social relations.

It should be borne in mind that the development of a personality under the same external conditions largely depends on its own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that it displays in various activities.

Personal development is greatly influenced by collective activity. Scientists recognize that, on the one hand, under certain conditions, the team levels the personality, and on the other hand, the development and manifestation of individuality is possible only in the team. Collective activity contributes to the manifestation creativity personality, the role of the team is indispensable in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the personality, its citizenship in emotional development.

important role in the development of personality self-education. Self-education begins with the awareness and acceptance of an objective goal as a subjective, desirable motive for one's activity. The subjective setting of a specific goal of behavior or activity gives rise to a conscious effort of will, the definition of an activity plan. The realization of this goal ensures the development of the individual.

Thus, the process and results of human development are determined by various factors - both biological and social. Factors in the development and formation of personality do not act in isolation, but in combination. Under different circumstances, various factors may have a greater or lesser influence on the development of personality. According to most authors, in the system of factors, if not decisive, then the leading role belongs to education.

Questions for self-control

1. What is personal development?

2. What are the driving forces of personality development?

3. How do socialization, upbringing and personality development relate?

4. What factors determine the development of personality?

5. How does activity affect personality development?

Main literature

1. Slastenin V. A., Kashirin V. P. Psychology and Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. M., 2001.

2. Likhachev B. Pedagogy: Course of lectures. 3rd ed. M., 1999.

3. Kharlamov I. F. Pedagogy. Minsk, 2001.

additional literature

1. Voronov V.V. Pedagogy in a nutshell (compendium manual). 3rd ed. M., 1999.

2. Gessen S.I. Fundamentals of Pedagogy: An Introduction to Applied Philosophy. M., 1995.

3. Kon I. S. The child and society. M., 1988.

4. Kotova I. V., Shiyanov E. N. Socialization and education. Rostov-on-Don, 1997.

Dubinin N.P. What is a person. M., 1983.

Chapter 3. Education as a social phenomenon and pedagogical process

A man, if he wants to become a man, needs to be educated.

Ya. A. Comenius

The formation of personality is a process that does not end at a certain stage of human life, but always lasts. There are no two identical interpretations of the term "personality", because this is a rather multifaceted concept. There are two radically different professional views on the phenomenon of the human personality. According to one of them, the development of personality is influenced by the natural data of a person, which are innate. The second view evaluates the personality as a social phenomenon, that is, it recognizes exclusively the influence on the personality of the social environment in which it develops.

Personality formation factors

Of the many theories of personality presented by various psychologists, one can clearly distinguish main idea: personality is formed on the basis of the biological data of a person and the process of learning, obtaining life experience and self-awareness. The formation of a person's personality begins already in early childhood and continues throughout life. It is influenced by a number of factors, both internal and external. Let's consider them in more detail. Internal factors- this is, first of all, the temperament of a person, which he receives genetically. External factors include both upbringing and environment, and the social level of a person, and even the time, the age in which he lives. Let us consider in more detail the two sides of personality formation - biological and social.

Personality as a biological object. The very first thing that affects the formation of personality is the genetic material that a person receives from his parents. Genes contain information about the program that was laid down in the ancestors of two genera - maternal and parental. That is, a newborn person is a successor of two births at once. But here it should be clear: a person does not receive traits of character, giftedness from his ancestors. He receives a basis for development, which he must already use. So, for example, from birth a person can get the makings of a singer and a choleric temperament. But whether a person can be a good vocalist and control the irascibility of his temperament depends on him directly from his upbringing, worldview.

It should also be noted that personality is influenced by culture, the social experience of previous generations, which cannot be transmitted with genes. The significance of the biological factor in the formation of personality cannot be ignored. It is thanks to him that people who grow up in the same conditions become different and unique. The mother plays the most important role for the child, because he is closely connected with her, and this contact can be attributed to the biological factors influencing the formation and development of the personality. In the mother's womb, the child is completely dependent on the mother.

Her mood, emotions, feelings, not to mention her lifestyle, greatly affect the baby. It is a mistake to think that a woman and her fetus are connected only by the umbilical cord. They are interconnected, this connection affects the lives of both. The simplest example: a woman who was nervous a lot and experienced negative emotions during pregnancy will have a child who succumbs to fears and stresses, nervous conditions, anxieties and even pathologies in development, which cannot but affect the formation and development of the child's personality.

Each newborn person begins his own way of personality formation, in which he goes through three main stages: absorption of information about the world around him, repetition of someone's actions and behavior patterns, accumulation of personal experience. In the prenatal period of development, the child does not get the opportunity to imitate someone, cannot have personal experience, but he can absorb information, that is, receive it with genes and as part of the maternal organism. That is why heredity and the attitude of the expectant mother to the fetus, the way of life of a woman are of such great importance for the development of a personality.

The social side of personality formation. So, biological factors lay the foundation for personality development, but human socialization also plays an equally important role. Personality is formed sequentially and in stages, and these stages have a certain similarity for all of us. The upbringing that a person receives in childhood affects his perception of the world. It is impossible not to underestimate the impact on the personality of the society, of which it is a part. There is a term that indicates the accession of a person to the system of society - socialization.

Socialization is an entry into society, therefore it has a framework for duration. The socialization of the individual begins in the first years of life, when a person masters the norms and orders, begins to distinguish the roles of the people around him: parents, grandparents, educators, strangers. An important step in the beginning of socialization is the acceptance by the individual of his role in society. These are the first words: “I am a girl”, “I am a daughter”, “I am a first grader”, “I am a child”. In the future, a person must determine his attitude to the world, his calling, his way of life. For the personality of adolescents, an important step in socialization is the choice future profession, and for young and mature people - the creation of their own family.

Socialization stops when a person completes the formation of his attitude to the world and realizes his own role in it. In fact, the socialization of the individual continues throughout life, but its main stages must be completed on time. If parents, educators and teachers miss some points in the upbringing of a child or teenager, then the young person may have difficulties in socialization. So, for example, people with whom sex education was not conducted at preschool age, even at an elementary level, have difficulties in determining their sexual orientation, in determining their psychological gender.

Summing up, we can say that the starting base for the development and formation of personality is the family, in which the child comprehends the first rules of behavior, the norms of communication with society. Then the baton passes to kindergartens, schools, universities. Great importance have sections and circles, interest groups, classes with rehearsals. Growing up, accepting himself as an adult, a person learns new roles, including the role of spouse, parents, specialists. In this sense, the personality is influenced not only by upbringing and the environment of communication, but also by the media, the Internet, public opinion, culture, political situation in the country and many other social factors.

The process of personality formation

Socialization as a process of personality formation. The process of socialization has a huge impact on the development and formation of personality. Formation of personality as an object public relations is considered in sociology in the context of two interrelated processes - socialization and identification. Socialization is the process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, values ​​necessary for his successful functioning in a given society. Socialization covers all the processes of familiarization with culture, training and education, through which a person acquires a social nature and the ability to participate in social life.

Everything surrounding the individual takes part in the process of socialization: family, neighbors, peers in children's institutions, school, the media, etc. For successful socialization(formation of personality), according to D. Smelser, the action of three factors is necessary: ​​expectations, changes in behavior and the desire to meet these expectations. The process of personality formation, in his opinion, occurs in three different stages: 1) imitation and copying of adult behavior by children, 2) the game stage, when children are aware of behavior as the performance of a role, 3) the stage of group games, in which children learn to understand what a whole group of people are waiting for them.

Many sociologists argue that the process of socialization continues throughout a person's life, and argue that the socialization of adults differs from the socialization of children in several ways: the socialization of adults rather changes external behavior, while the socialization of children forms value orientations. Identification is a way of realizing belonging to a particular community. Through identification, children accept the behavior of parents, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. and their values, norms, patterns of behavior as their own. Identification means the internal development of values ​​by people and is a process of social learning.

The process of socialization reaches a certain degree of completion when the individual reaches social maturity, which is characterized by the acquisition of an integral social status by the individual. In the 20th century in the sociology of the West, an understanding of sociology was established as that part of the process of personality formation, during which the most common common personality traits are formed, manifested sociologically - organized activities, adjustable role structure society. Talcott Parsons considers the family to be the main organ of primary socialization, where the fundamental motivational attitudes of the individual are laid.

Socialization is a complex, multilateral process of social formation and development of the individual, occurring under the influence of the social environment and the purposeful educational activities of society. The process of socialization of the individual is the process of transforming an individual with his natural inclinations and potential opportunities for social development into a full member of society. In the process of socialization, a person is formed as a creator of material wealth, an active subject of social relations. The essence of socialization can be understood on the condition that a person is considered both as an object and a subject of social influence.

Education as a process of personality formation. The educational impact of the surrounding social environment has a huge impact on the formation of a person's personality. Education is a process of purposeful influence on a person by other people, the cultivation of a personality. The question arises. What plays a decisive role in the formation of the personality, its social activity and consciousness - outwardly higher supernatural, natural forces or the social environment? In concepts highest value attached moral education on the basis of bringing "eternal" ideas of human morality carried out in the form of spiritual communication.

The problem of education is one of the eternal social problems, the final solution of which is impossible in principle. Education remains not only one of the most massive forms of human activity, but also continues to bear the main burden of shaping human sociality, since the main task of education is to change a person in the direction determined by social needs. Education is the activity of transferring social and historical experience to new generations, a systematic and purposeful impact that ensures the formation of the personality, its preparation for public life and productive labor.

Considering education as a function of society, which consists in consciously influencing an individual in order to prepare him to fulfill one or another social role by transferring to him the social experience accumulated by mankind, developing certain features and qualities, it is possible to determine the specificity of the subject of the sociology of education. The sociology of education is the formation of a personality as a specific carrier of sociality with certain worldview, moral, aesthetic attitudes and life aspirations as a result of education as a purposeful activity of society.

On the one hand, the upbringing of a personality is aimed at familiarizing a person with the values ​​of culture, on the other hand, upbringing consists in individualization, in acquiring a personality of its own “I”. For all the importance of purposeful educational activity, the decisive factor for the formation of a personality with conscious traits and principles of behavior is, nevertheless, the influence of specific living conditions in itself.

Conditions for the formation of personality

The moral formation of personality is important integral part the process of socialization of the individual, his entry into the social environment, the assimilation of certain social roles and spiritual values ​​- ideology, morality, culture, social norms of behavior - and their implementation in various types of social activity. The socialization of an individual, his moral formation is due to the action of three groups of factors (objective and subjective): - universal experience in the field of work, communication and behavior; - material and spiritual features of a given social system and the social group to which the individual belongs (economic relations, political institutions, ideology, model, law); - the specific content of production, family, domestic and other social ties and relationships that make up the personal life experience of the individual.

From this it follows that the moral formation of the personality occurs under the influence of the conditions of social existence. But social existence is a complex concept. It is determined not only by what characterizes society as a whole: the dominant type of production relations, the organization of political power, the level of democracy, official ideology, morality, etc., but also by what characterizes large and small social groups. These are, on the one hand, large social communities of people, professional, national, age and other demographic macrogroups, and on the other hand, family, school, educational and production teams, household environment, friends, acquaintances and other microgroups.

The individual is formed under the influence of all these layers of society. But these layers themselves, their influence on people, both in content and in intensity, are unequal. General social conditions are the most mobile: they change to a greater extent as a result of social transformations, the new, progressive is more quickly established in them and the old, reactionary is being eliminated. Macrogroups are slower and more difficult to succumb to social change and therefore lag behind general social conditions in their social maturity. Small social groups are the most conservative: they have stronger and more stable old views, customs, and traditions that contradict collectivist ideology and morality.

Formation of personality in the family

The family, from the point of view of sociologists, is a small social group based on marriage and blood relationship, whose members are connected by common life, mutual help, moral responsibility. This ancient institution of human society has gone through a difficult path of development: from tribal forms of hostel to modern forms family relations. Marriage as a stable union between a man and a woman arose in a tribal society. The basis of marital relations gives rise to rights and obligations.

Foreign sociologists consider the family as a social institution only if it is characterized by three main types of family relations: marriage, parenthood and kinship, in the absence of one of the indicators, the concept of "family group" is used. The word "marriage" comes from the Russian word "to take". A family union can be registered or unregistered (actual). Marriage relationships registered government agencies(in registry offices, wedding palaces), are called civil; illuminated by religion - church. Marriage is a historical phenomenon, it has gone through certain stages of its development - from polygamy to monogamy.

Urbanization has changed the way and rhythm of life, which has led to a change in family relations. The urban family, not burdened with running a large household, oriented towards independence and independence, has moved into the next phase of its development. The patriarchal family was replaced by the married one. Such a family is usually called nuclear (from the Latin core); It includes spouses and their children). Weak social security, material difficulties experienced by the family at the present time have led to a reduction in the birth rate in Russia and the formation of a new type of family - childless.

According to the type of residence, the family is divided into patrilocal, matrilocal, neolocal and unilocal. Let's take a look at each of these forms. The matrilocal type is characterized by the family living in the wife's house, where the son-in-law was called "primak". For a long period in Rus', the patrilocal type was widespread, in which the wife, after marriage, settled in her husband's house and was called "daughter-in-law." The nuclear type of marital relations is reflected in the desire of the newlyweds to live independently, separately from their parents and other relatives.

This type of family is called neolocal. For a modern urban family, a typical type of family relationship can be considered a unilocal type, in which the spouses live where there is the possibility of living together, including renting housing. A sociological survey conducted among young people showed that young people entering into a marriage union do not condemn marriages of convenience. Only 33.3% of respondents condemn such marriages, 50.2% treat it with understanding, and 16.5% even "would like to have such an opportunity." Modern marriages are getting old. Average age people entering into marriage over the past 10 years has increased among women by 2 years, among men - by 5 years. The trend characteristic of Western countries, to create a family, having solved professional, material, housing and other problems, is also observed in Russia.

Marriages are now generally of different ages. Usually, one of the members of the marriage union, more often the eldest, takes responsibility for solving economic, household and other problems. And although family psychologists, for example, Bandler, consider the difference in the age of spouses to be 5-7 years optimal, modern marriages are characterized by a difference of 15-20 years (and the woman is not always younger than the man). The change in social relations also affected the problems of the modern family.

In the practice of family relations fictitious marriages take place. In this registered form, marriage is typical for the capital and large industrial and cultural centers Russia, their basis is the receipt of certain benefits. The family is a complex multifunctional system, it performs a number of interrelated functions. The function of the family is a way of manifesting the activity and vital activity of its members. The functions should include: economic, household, recreational, or psychological, reproductive, educational.

Sociologist A.G. Kharchev considers the reproductive function of the family to be the main social function, which is based on the instinctive desire of a person to continue his kind. But the role of the family is not reduced to the role of a "biological" factory. Performing this function, the family is responsible for the physical, mental and intellectual development of the child, it acts as a kind of birth control. Currently, demographers note a decrease in the birth rate in Russia. So, in 1995, newborns amounted to 9.3 per one thousand of the population, in 1996 - 9.0; in 1997-8 newborns.

A person acquires value for society only when he becomes a personality, and its formation requires a purposeful, systematic impact. It is the family, with its constant and natural nature of influence, that is called upon (to form the character traits, beliefs, views, worldview of the child. Therefore, singling out the educational function of the family as the main one makes social sense.

For each person, the family performs emotional and recreational functions that protect a person from stressful and extreme situations. The comfort and warmth of a home, the fulfillment of a person's need for trusting and emotional communication, sympathy, empathy, support - all this allows a person to be more resistant to the conditions of modern troubled life. The essence and content of the economic function is not only the maintenance of a common household, but also the economic support of children and other family members during their disability.

Factors influencing the formation of personality

The formation of the human personality is influenced external And internal, biological And social factors. Factor(from lat. factor-doing, producing) - the driving force, the cause of any process, phenomenon (S. I. Ozhegov).

TO internal factors refers to the individual's own activity, generated by contradictions, interests and other motives, realized in self-education, as well as in activities and communication.

TO external factors include macroenvironment, meso- and microenvironment, natural and social, education in a broad and narrow social and pedagogical sense.

environment and upbringing social factors, while heredity biological factor.

For a long time there have been discussions among philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and educators about the correlation of biological and social factors, about the priority importance of one or another in the development of a person's personality.

Some argue that a person, his consciousness, abilities, interests and needs are determined by heredity (E. Thorndike, D. Dewey, A. Kobe, and others). Representatives of this trend elevate hereditary factors (biological) to the absolute and deny the role of the environment and upbringing (social factors) in the development of the individual. They mistakenly transfer the achievements of the biological science of the heredity of plants and animals to the human body. It's about recognizing innate abilities.

Other scientists believe that development entirely depends on the influence of the environment and upbringing (D. Locke, J.-J. Rousseau, K. A. Helvetius and others.) They deny the genetic predisposition of a person and argue that a child from birth is a “blank slate , on which you can write everything, "that is, development depends on upbringing and the environment.

Some scientists (D. Diderot) believe that development is determined by an equal combination of the influence of heredity, environment and upbringing.

K. D. Ushinsky argued that a person becomes a person not only under the influence of heredity, environment and upbringing, but also as a result of his own activity, which ensures the formation and improvement of personal qualities. A person is not only a product of heredity and the circumstances in which his life passes, but also an active participant in the change, improvement of circumstances. By changing circumstances, a person changes himself.

Let us consider in more detail the essential side of the influence of the leading factors on the development and formation of personality.

Some authors, as noted above, assign the decisive role to the biological factor - heredity. Heredity is the property of organisms to transmit certain qualities and characteristics from parents to children. Heredity is due genes(translated from the Greek "gene" means "giving birth"). Science has proven that the properties of an organism are encrypted in a kind of genetic code that stores and transmits all information about the properties of an organism. Genetics has deciphered the hereditary program of human development. It has been established that it is heredity that determines the general thing that makes a person a person, and the difference that makes people so different from each other. What does a person inherit? The following are inherited from parents to children:

-anatomical and physiological structure, reflecting the specific characteristics of the individual as a representative of the human race (Homo sapiens): the makings of speech, upright walking, thinking, labor activity;

-physical features: external racial characteristics, physique, constitution, facial features, hair, eye, skin color; physiological features: metabolism, blood pressure and blood type, Rh factor, stages of maturation of the body;

-features of the nervous system: the structure of the cerebral cortex and its peripheral apparatus (visual, auditory, olfactory, etc.), features of nervous processes that determine the nature and certain type of higher nervous activity;

-anomalies in the development of the body: color blindness (color blindness), "cleft lip", "cleft palate";

-predisposition to certain diseases of a hereditary nature: hemophilia (blood disease), diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, endocrine disorders (dwarfism, etc.).

Need to distinguish congenital features human, associated with a change in the genotype, from acquired, which were the result of unfavorable living conditions. For example, complications after an illness, physical injury or oversight in the development of a child, eating disorders, labor, hardening of the body, etc. A deviation or change in the psyche can occur as a result of subjective factors: fear, strong nervous shocks, drunkenness and immoral acts of parents, other negative things. Acquired changes are not inherited. If the genotype is not changed, then some of the innate individual characteristics of a person associated with his uterine development are also not inherited. These include many anomalies caused by such causes as intoxication, radiation, alcohol, birth trauma, etc.

An important question is whether the inheritance intellectual, special and moral qualities? And what children inherit - ready abilities to a certain type of activity or only makings?

It is established that only makings are inherited. Makings- these are anatomical and physiological features of the organism, which are prerequisites for the development of abilities. Inclinations provide a predisposition to a particular activity.

There are two types of assignments:

- universal(structure of the brain, central nervous system,

- individual(typological properties of the nervous system, which determine the rate of formation of temporary connections, their strength, strength
concentrated attention, mental performance; individual features of the structure of analyzers, individual areas of the cerebral cortex, organs, etc.).

Abilities - individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity, Abilities are not limited to knowledge, skills and abilities. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of activity. High level of ability development - talent, genius.

Some scientists adhere to the concept of innate abilities (S. Bert, X. Eysenck and others). Most domestic specialists - physiologists, psychologists, teachers - consider abilities as lifetime formations that are formed in the process of activity and as a result of education. Not abilities are inherited, but only inclinations. The inclinations inherited by a person can be either realized or not. Being the individual-natural basis of abilities, inclinations are an important but insufficient condition for their development. In the absence of appropriate external conditions and adequate activity, abilities may not develop even if there are favorable inclinations. The absence of early achievements may indicate not a lack of abilities, but rather an organization of activities and education that is inadequate to the existing inclinations.

Particularly controversial is the question of inheritance of abilities for intellectual (cognitive, educational) activity.

Some scientists believe that all people receive from nature high potential opportunities for the development of their mental and cognitive powers and are capable of practically unlimited spiritual development. The existing differences in the types of higher nervous activity only change the course of thought processes, but do not predetermine the quality and level of intellectual activity itself. They do not agree with the opinion that the level of intelligence is transmitted from parents to children. However, these scientists recognize that heredity can adversely affect the development of intellectual abilities. Negative predispositions create brain cells in the children of alcoholics, broken genetic structures in drug addicts, and some hereditary mental illnesses.

Another group of scientists considers the existence of intellectual inequality of people a proven fact. The cause of inequality is recognized as biological heredity. Hence the conclusion: intellectual abilities remain unchanged and constant.

Understanding the process of inheritance of intellectual inclinations is very important, as it predetermines the practical ways of educating and educating people. Modern pedagogy focuses not on identifying differences and adapting education to them, but on creating conditions for the development of the inclinations that each person has.

An important question is about inheritance of special inclinations And moral qualities. special are called inclinations to a certain type of activity. Special inclinations include musical, artistic, mathematical, linguistic, sports, etc. It has been established that people with special inclinations achieve higher results, move faster in the corresponding field of activity. Special inclinations can appear already at an early age, if the necessary conditions are created.

Special makings are inherited. In the history of mankind there were many hereditary talents. It is known, for example, that J.S. Bach had 18 famous musicians in five generations of his ancestors. Many talented people were in the family of Charles Darwin.

Of particular importance is the question of inheritance of moral qualities And psyche. For a long time, the assertion dominated that mental qualities are not inherited, but are acquired in the process of interaction of the organism with the external environment. The social essence of the personality, its moral qualities are formed only in vivo.

It was believed that a person is not born either evil, or kind, or stingy, or generous, or a villain or a criminal. Children do not inherit the moral qualities of their parents; information about social behavior is not embedded in the genetic programs of a person. What a person becomes depends on the environment and upbringing.

At the same time, such prominent scientists as M. Montessori, K. Lorentz, E. Fromm argue that the moral qualities of a person are biologically determined. From generation to generation, moral qualities, behavior, habits and even actions are transmitted - both positive and negative ("the apple does not fall far from the tree"). The basis for such conclusions are the data obtained in the study of the behavior of humans and animals. According to the teachings of IP Pavlov, both animals and humans have instincts and reflexes that are inherited. The behavior of not only animals, but also humans in a number of cases is instinctive, reflex, based not on higher consciousness, but on the simplest biological reflexes. Hence, moral qualities, behavior can be inherited.

This question is very complex and responsible. Recently, domestic scientists (P.K. Anokhin, N.M. Amosov and others) have taken a position on the genetic conditioning of morality and social behavior of a person.

In addition to heredity, the determining factor in the development of personality is the environment. The environment is the reality in which human development takes place. influences the formation of personality geographic, national, school, family, social Wednesday. The concept of "social environment" includes such characteristics as the social system, the system of production relations, the material conditions of life, the nature of the flow of production and social processes, etc.

The question of whether the environment or heredity has a greater influence on human development remains debatable. The French philosopher K. A. Helvetius believed that all people from birth have the same potential for mental and moral development, and differences in mental characteristics are explained solely by the influence of the environment and educational influences. The environment is understood in this case metaphysically, it fatally predetermines the fate of a person. Man is considered as a passive object of environmental influence.

Thus, all scientists recognize the influence of the environment on the formation of man. Only their views on the assessment of the degree of influence of the environment on the formation of personality do not coincide. This is because there is no abstract environment. There is a specific social system, a specific near and far environment of a person, specific conditions of life. It is clear that a person reaches a higher level of development in the environment where favorable conditions are created.

Communication is an important factor in human development. Communication- this is one of the universal forms of personality activity (along with cognition, work, play), manifested in the establishment and development of contacts between people, in the formation of interpersonal relationships.

A person becomes a person only in communication, interaction with other people. Outside of human society, spiritual, social, mental development cannot take place. The interaction of a person with society, as is known, is called socialization.

The socialization of the individual is an objective phenomenon observed in the life of every person when he embarks on an independent life in society. Like any social phenomenon, socialization is multifaceted and therefore is studied by many sciences: sociology, cultural studies, ethnography, history, psychology, pedagogy, etc.

In addition to those listed above, an important factor influencing the formation of personality is upbringing. Education in a broad social sense is often identified with socialization. Although the logic of their relationship could be characterized as relation of the whole to the particular. Is socialization a process? human social development as a result of natural and organized influences the totality of social factors. Education is considered by most researchers as one of the factors human development, which is a system of purposeful formative influences, interactions and relationships carried out in various spheres of social life. Education is a process of targeted and consciously controlled socialization (family, religious, school education), it acts as a kind of mechanism for managing socialization processes.

Education allows you to overcome or weaken the consequences of negative influences on socialization, give it a humanistic orientation, attract scientific potential for predicting and constructing pedagogical strategies and tactics. The social environment can influence unintentionally, spontaneously, while the educator purposefully directs development in a specially organized environment. educational system.

Personal development is possible only in activities- In the process of life, a person constantly participates in a wide variety of activities - gaming, educational, cognitive, labor, social, political, artistic, creative, sports, etc.

Acting as a form of being and a way of human existence, activity:

Ensures the creation of material conditions for human life;

Contributes to the satisfaction of natural human needs;

contributes to the knowledge and transformation of the surrounding world;

is a factor in the development of the spiritual world of man, a form and condition for the realization of his cultural needs;

enables a person to realize his personal potential, achieve life goals;

creates conditions for self-realization of a person in the system of social relations.

It should be borne in mind that the development of a personality under the same external conditions largely depends on its own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that it displays in various activities.

Personal development is greatly influenced by collective activity. Scientists recognize that, on the one hand, under certain conditions, the team levels the personality, and on the other hand, the development and manifestation of individuality is possible only in the team. Collective activity contributes to the manifestation of the creative potential of the individual, the role of the team in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the individual, his civic position, and emotional development is indispensable.

important role in the development of personality self-education. Self-education begins with the awareness and acceptance of an objective goal as a subjective, desirable motive for one's activity. The subjective setting of a specific goal of behavior or activity gives rise to a conscious effort of will, the definition of an activity plan. The realization of this goal ensures the development of the individual.

Thus, the process and results of human development are determined by various factors - both biological and social. Factors in the development and formation of personality do not act in isolation, but in combination. Under different circumstances, various factors may have a greater or lesser influence on the development of personality. According to most authors, in the system of factors, if not decisive, then the leading role belongs to education.

Questions for self-control

1. What is personal development?

2. What are the driving forces of personality development?

3. How do socialization, upbringing and personality development relate?

4. What factors determine the development of personality?

5. How does activity affect personality development?

Main literature

1. Slastenin V. A., Kashirin V. P. Psychology and Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. M., 2001.

2. Likhachev B. Pedagogy: Course of lectures. 3rd ed. M., 1999.

3. Kharlamov I. F. Pedagogy. Minsk, 2001.

additional literature

1. Voronov V.V. Pedagogy in a nutshell (compendium manual). 3rd ed. M., 1999.

2. Gessen S.I. Fundamentals of Pedagogy: An Introduction to Applied Philosophy. M., 1995.

3. Kon I. S. The child and society. M., 1988.

4. Kotova I. V., Shiyanov E. N. Socialization and education. Rostov-on-Don, 1997.

Dubinin N.P. What is a person. M., 1983.

Chapter 3. Education as a social phenomenon and pedagogical process

A man, if he wants to become a man, needs to be educated.

Ya. A. Comenius

The concept of personality in sociology. Man - individual - personality.

The concept of personality is one of the most important in sociology, because within the micro-level of human cognition, man is the main subject. From here whole line concepts used in sociology for analysis, These concepts are man, individual, personality. The concept of man expresses the unity of the biological and social, as if confirming that, on the one hand, man is a part of wildlife and some natural moments are characteristic of him, as well as other representatives of the animal world. Philosophers have been arguing for centuries about what is more animal or social in a person? The problem of the relationship between the biological and the social in man is not simple, but it is obvious that both biological and social concepts influence.

The concept of a person is used to characterize the universal qualities and abilities inherent in all people. This concept emphasizes the presence in the world of such a special historically developing community as the human race (homo sapiens).

An individual is a single representative of the human race, a specific bearer of all social and psychological traits of humanity: mind, will, needs, interests, etc. Individual - the most used term, which is understood as a certain average unit that does not have individual qualities and is usually used in the context - "one of ..." I.e. social group consists of individuals, each of which has the qualities of a group, but not the properties of its own. At the same time, neither age, nor gender, nor temperament and other qualities are fixed. However, there are huge differences between an old man and a child, man primitive society and modern man. To reflect the specific historical features of human development at various levels of his individual and historical development, along with the concept of an individual, the concept of personality is also used. The individual in this case is considered as the starting point for the formation of personality, personality is the result of the development of the individual. Personality - a combination of social qualities in a particular person. Personality has individuality. Individuality - a term that implies qualities inherent exclusively in this individual.

The essence and structure of personality.

Personality is a concept developed to reflect the social nature of a person, considering him as a subject of sociocultural life, defining him as a carrier of an individual principle, self-revealing in contexts. social relations, communication and objective activity. By “personality” is meant: 1) a human individual as a subject of relations and conscious activity (“person” - in the broad sense of the word) or 2) a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society or community. Although these two concepts - the face as the integrity of a person (Latin persona) and the personality as his social and psychological appearance (Latin parsonalitas) - are terminologically quite distinguishable, they are sometimes used as synonyms

Personality-bearer of socially significant qualities. theories of the formation of personality development:

1) Structural functionalism The main unit of analysis is the role-set of those expectations regarding human behavior, everyone has his environment.

2) symbolic interactionism, according to Cooley (“I” CONCEPT), the process of becoming is long and proven and is not possible without the participation of people, according to Mead, the concept of “Generalized Other”, the concept involves an attempt to take on the behavior of a person who is in a different situation and performs another role, and plays roles 3) PSYCHOONALISIS (Sigmunt Freud) personality structure of 3 components: id (it), Ego (I), Super-I (Super-EGO)

The main factors of personality formation.

Although the formation of personality is a process of mastering a special sphere of social experience, it is a completely special process. It differs from the assimilation of knowledge, skills, methods of action. After all, here we are talking about such development, as a result of which new motives and needs are formed, their transformation, subordination, etc. And all this cannot be achieved through simple assimilation. An assimilated motive is, at best, a motive known, but not really acting, that is, an untrue motive. To know what one should do, what one should strive for, does not mean wanting to do it, really striving for it. New needs and motives, as well as their subordination, arise not in the process of assimilation, but in the process of experiencing, or living. This process always occurs only in the real life of a person. It is always emotionally rich, often subjectively creative. With the idea that a person is not born as a person, but becomes, most psychologists now agree.

If in relation to development cognitive processes it could be said that childhood is decisive in their formation, this is all the more true in connection with the development of personality. Almost all the basic properties and personal qualities of a person are formed in childhood, with the exception of those that are acquired with the accumulation of life experience and cannot appear before the time when a person reaches a certain age.

Personal development in childhood occurs under the influence of various social institutions: family, school, out-of-school institutions, as well as under the influence of the media (press, radio, television) and live, direct communication of the child with other people. In different age periods of personal development, the number of social institutions involved in the formation of a child as a person, their educational value different. In the process of development of the child's personality from birth to three years, the family dominates, and his main personality neoplasms are associated primarily with it. In preschool childhood, the influence of the family is added to the influence of communication with peers, other adults, access to accessible media. With admission to school, a new powerful channel of educational influence on the personality of the child opens through peers, teachers, school academic subjects and deeds. The sphere of contacts with the mass media is expanding due to reading, the flow of educational information is sharply increasing, reaching the child and exerting a certain influence on him.

The nature surrounding it (environment) has a certain influence on the development of the personality. Here we can cite the undeniable fact that a temperate climate for the development of personality is more favorable than the harsh climate of the north and the hot climate of the tropics.

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute, along with the climate, the importance of other meteorological, as well as geographical conditions. The great deserts, unsuitable for human life, and all those areas where a person has to expend a lot of strength and energy to fight the surrounding nature, do not favor the development of the individual.

Similarly, unfavorable soil and meteorological conditions, characterized by endemic (endemic - local, characteristic of the area) development of certain common diseases, cannot but have a detrimental effect on the development of the individual, worsening the physical health of the body.

The first and main condition proper development personality is the nature of the organism, the legacy of its fathers, or those anthropological features that form the basis for the development of personality.

Hardly anyone can doubt the significance of race in this respect. best example may be the fact that of the three human races the black, in spite of its large numbers, is far from reaching that degree cultural development like the other two races.

For all their large numbers, representatives of this race have never played (with a few exceptions) an important role in history. This important fact cannot but be compared with the anthropological fact that the capacity of the skull and the weight of the brain of this race is less than that of the other two races, especially the white. It seems to me that this should not be subject to any doubt.

Another example of the influence of anthropological features on the development of personality are the peoples ancient Hellas who achieved an amazing culture and no less amazing personality development and then perished due to special historical conditions.

Another factor influencing the development of personality deserves no less attention. This is a biological factor associated with the conditions of conception and development of the human body.

Education deserves no less attention in terms of personality development. Education is the process of socialization of an individual, the formation and development of him as a person throughout his life in the course of his own activity and under the influence of the natural, social and cultural environment. (Brief psychological dictionary / A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky) and training.

The formation of personality involves the development of the process of goal formation and, accordingly, the development of the actions of the subject. Actions, becoming more and more enriched, seem to outgrow the range of activities that they implement, and come into conflict with the motives that gave rise to them. As a result, there is a shift of motives to goals, a change in their hierarchy and the birth of new motives - new types of activity; former goals are psychologically discredited, and the actions that respond to them either cease to exist altogether or turn into impersonal operations.

Independence is one of the most important prerequisites for the correct formation of personality.

Social conditions form the personality as a system of relations. They determine both the content of the personality and its structure and form. Personal development is, first of all, its social development. Social development leads mental development. But this latter exerts the strongest influence on the social development of the psyche, prepares and anticipates the future. community development personality, determines its usefulness.
