Beautiful movements for a wedding dance. How to put on a wedding dance yourself - tips

The first dance of the bride and groom has become an obligatory episode of the wedding ceremony. What to do if you just don’t want to “stand, sway”, but the choreographer is sorely lacking time or opportunity to stage a dance? Of course, come up with and rehearse the dance yourself!

To get started, look on the Internet (for example, on the YouTube server or on social networks) posted videos of finished dances. Choose a style that both of you like. Remember that the movements should be simple and "comfortable". If some element causes discomfort, then no matter how beautiful it is performed by other couples, it will not look good on you. Do not try to fill the dance with complex movements. A simple, but well-rehearsed and gently bringing together dance is much better than complex positions and steps, during which the bride and groom are tense and think only about one thing: how to dance everything correctly. Believe me, your faces will immediately betray the lack of lightness, tension and stiffness.

Be sure to think about how your dance relates to the bride's dress and the groom's suit. All additional details dresses complicate the staging of the dance: crinoline, train, long puffy veil, "tenacious" decor, uncomfortable shoes, etc. It is advisable for the groom to dance without a jacket or in a completely unbuttoned jacket. If possible, try to dance your dance at least a couple of times in a dress that looks like a wedding skirt in terms of pomp. The same applies to shoes.

How will the guests be located during the dance of the young? If around a couple or on the sides at the tables - put on a “round” dance, i.e. with the alternation of elements facing alternately to one guest, then to another, and moving mainly in a circle and semicircle. If all the guests see the couple from one side (as if looking at the stage), then the dance will be “straight”, i.e. open poses are performed facing all spectators, and movements can be both rectilinear and circular.

The size and shape of the hall also matter! “Treading” in one place does not look very nice if the couple has a whole room at their disposal. Try to occupy 75-80% of the space provided to you! Discuss these issues with the administration of the cafe or the registry office (depending on where you dance), come before the wedding and try to rehearse the dance directly "on the spot". It will take you only 5-10 minutes, but at the wedding you will already be sure that the column will not prevent guests from watching you or that at the moment of high support the bride will not touch the chandelier with her hair!

Important: you should like the movements, they should be comfortable to perform!

When choosing music for the first dance, be guided by your taste and, most importantly, by your ear! Do you hear strong beats in the music, the beginning of the measure and theme, puffs or jerks? After all, dance and music should be indivisible, be a logical continuation of each other. Movements should naturally "lay down" to the music: rise and climax in music - bright support in dance, delay or low frequency - smooth and slow movements, repetition in music - repetition in dance, fast loss - active movements of the arms and body (them " dancing" is easier than with your feet in a magnificent dress!). Play with your emotions!

The dance should not be long and tiring, both for the bride and groom and for the guests. The optimal duration is 2.5-3 minutes.

See yourself from the side by recording a dance rehearsal on video. So you, firstly, will see the shortcomings and errors, if any, and secondly, you can quickly refresh the sequence of movements in your memory if there is no time for a full rehearsal. In addition, you will once again be convinced that this dance is really “yours”!

And now consider the most typical mistakes of the first dance:

1. Your favorite music is playing, do you know the words by heart and sing them with enthusiasm!? And in vain, it is very striking. As well as pronunciation of all movements between partners. Of course, sometimes hints are needed, but keep them to a minimum as much as possible. For those who are not confident in their memory, you can offer a gesture or look-hint (for example, squeeze your hand, raise your eyes up, etc.).

2. Your first dance as a wife and husband, and you are looking at the floor, ceiling, walls? Look at each other or into the hall (only not in the eyes of the guests, but over the head), this is very gentle and romantic - a win-win!

3. While you are dancing in a pair, everything is fine, but it is worth performing the elements separately from each other, and you don’t know where to put your hands ... A girl can “play” with a dress or veil, a young man can lay one or both hands behind his back ( classic version), place one hand in front, the other in the back, slightly bending them at the elbow joint. Those who are confident in their movements may be advised to include arm movements in the dance - for example, perform a circle, raise-lower, or cross in front of the chest and straighten down.

4. Did you forget to do or did something different from what you rehearsed, and it immediately showed on your face (smile, confusion, frustration, excitement)? Remember! Only you know your dance and none of the guests in 99% of cases would simply have noticed and paid attention to the “blot”, if not for your facial expressions. And therefore - no matter what happens - radiate a smile and confidence in your actions. Don't get hung up!

Enchanting wedding to you and happy life!

Ostroumova Maria

With any plot of a wedding event, soulful and sublime white a wedding dance two loving hearts is considered one of the romantic displays at any marriage. A slow wedding dance or waltz of already registered young spouses is a symbol of the beginning of a happy, joyful and harmonious life together. The tradition of dance has existed for many centuries.

When in the process of preparing for the celebration it comes to the dance of the young, as a rule, it turns out that the couple either does not know how to dance, or does not do it well enough. It is very difficult to think over and rehearse a beautiful production of dance movements. Each couple would like their dance duet to look dignified, professional and memorable for a lifetime. In our article, we offer several useful tips about how to do right choice dance performance.

Varieties of dances for the wedding

In fact, the wedding dance can be quite different depending on the age and preferences of the young couple. Most often, spouses dance the waltz, as it is considered one of the most romantic, touching, sublime dances. Waltz movements emphasize the femininity and grace of the bride in a beautiful white dress. The groom gallantly supports the bride, thereby demonstrating his willingness to accompany his wife on the path of life.

For a couple that has at least a small idea of ​​​​classical pas, it is recommended to think about the Viennese waltz. If it is planned that the newlyweds will “open” the ceremony, then a figured solemn waltz is ideal. It has a simpler design, but it looks no less beautiful and charming.

In order to emotionally express unearthly love for each other, it is recommended to choose a passionate tango or perform incendiary Latin American pas. If the solemn event is held in retro style, then it is appropriate to opt for an intelligent foxtrot. For lovers of moving dances, boogie-woogie is suitable. A dance performance in several styles will look unexpected and unusual. The main thing is to devote time in advance to learning the movements, to bring the dance to perfection.

Important nuances in preparing a wedding dance

Before you start staging a wedding dance, it is recommended to take into account a few nuances. This will allow you to understand what is important to focus on in movements.

The dance of the couple is a reflection of mutual tender feelings. Therefore, the movements should be soft, harmonious, "open", sensual. The dress for the bride, of course, must match the chosen style of dance. Dress in classical style unlikely to be combined with dynamic movements and rock and roll music. Before leaving for the guests, the young couple should change into appropriate costumes.

It's nice when musical accompaniment associated with spouses with certain events, memories. When the chosen music is to the liking of both partners, it is also easier for the choreographer to choose the best movements to express the strength of feelings. Thanks to modern possibilities, any composition can be altered as the case requires. Slow music you can make it a mobile song, shorten an unnecessarily long fragment, leaving the most suitable part.

Examples of already held wedding dances in different styles can be viewed online. Viewing will allow you to evaluate the complexity or simplicity of the dance, see how beautifully it turns out, how the partners look at the same time. After that, you can make your own choice. Surely the experience of other newlyweds will allow you to draw a certain idea or an interesting thought.

Setting up a wedding dance from a professional point of view

In order for the production of the wedding dance to look professional and harmonious, it is recommended to contact the services of a practicing choreographer. The help of a real master will be indispensable for a couple. They will not have to invent movements, costume styles on their own - the choreographer will think about all this. Spouses will either accept or correct the ideas of the teacher. They will also have time to devote themselves to participating in other preparatory stages wedding celebration.

It is recommended to start rehearsals as early as possible. Despite the fact that the dance number usually does not last more than 2-3 minutes, in order to look decent during this short time, you will have to try. The optimal number of lessons is 10-12 lessons. Although much depends on the preparation of the spouses and the experience of the master. If the couple has little dancing skills, then there is no need to choose the most difficult steps. Simple moves, full of feelings, will look no less touching.

When choosing a dance, the size of the stage where the performance is planned plays an important role. The choreographer should be sure to tell where the event will take place. The spectacle of the dance largely depends on the space of the stage.

There is another important advice: for the rehearsal it is recommended to wear a petticoat from the suit and shoes in which you plan to perform. This will allow the bride to get used to the outfit as the rehearsals progress, learn to feel confident in it, get used to wearing heels on stage.

Beautifully choreographed and practiced wedding dance loving spouses- this is a real decoration and a touching moment at the wedding. It is important to take this part of the celebration responsibly, and then the performance will be remembered for a long time not only by the spouses themselves, but by all invited guests.

One of the most touching moments at the wedding is the first joint dance of the newlyweds, fixing them in the role of legal spouses. Wedding dance production is a popular service, and many turn to professional studios, but even those couples who are far from choreographic art, can learn simple moves without the help of teachers, striking the guests at the celebration.

This is a rather difficult task, so you will need to be patient with yourself and your partner, and success can only be achieved with inexhaustible diligence and a positive attitude.

Honeymooners' tradition

Any wedding consists of modern canons and which have come down to our times in their original or modified form. The first dance of the young is also a long tradition, which has been encountered in various interpretations since the ancient world.

Among the Slavs, for example, newlyweds danced inside a common round dance, and the first prototypes of the modern wedding waltz were born during the reign of Peter I.

It was the beautifully staged wedding dance of the newlyweds that opened the gala evening during the grandiose balls. Initially, it was a classic waltz, but gradually new variations began to emerge, and now the bride and groom can choose any direction they like for themselves.

To some extent, during this stage of the wedding banquet, the newlyweds express gratitude to the guests for their presence at the celebration and warm wishes. However, the main role of the first wedding dance number is an expression of the love of the spouses for each other without the help of words, only with movements and emotions. This is a touching and romantic moment that tells the story of a couple from the moment they met until the wedding.

How to prepare your own presentation

Previously, at weddings, the dance was classical - the newlyweds danced the waltz, not trying to surprise their guests with complex movements. Now many people want to make their celebration original, so more and more extraordinary solutions are found. You can make a choice in favor of one or another style of dance, based on the following points.

A beautifully staged wedding dance is made up of many nuances. Particular attention should be paid to the physical features of the bride and groom. In particular, you need to pay attention to the difference in growth. Ideally, professional partners are selected in such a way that the man is no more than 15 cm taller than the woman, and at the same time both are in good physical shape.

The bride and groom rarely meet these standards, so you have to come up with tricks. Depending on all these factors, the setting is chosen. The first wedding dance should look beautiful.


Waltz is still the classic first dance for newlyweds.. Setting up the first wedding dance when choosing a waltz is possible with a little preparation. It can be performed by any couple who have not even thought about choreography before. There are several varieties of waltz, but for a wedding banquet, one of three is usually chosen - figured, Viennese and Boston.

How to put on a simple wedding dance? For this, the first version of the waltz is suitable. Newlyweds will need to learn simple, but beautiful movements, resulting in an attractive dance without noticeable errors. Also, a figured waltz is suitable if you plan to stage a wedding dance yourself.

wedding planner

The first dance of the newlyweds is symbolic meaning. They not only confess their love to each other in front of close friends and relatives who are witnesses of their wedding vows, but also determine the course of their later life. It is believed that, as far as the newlyweds dance harmoniously, such an atmosphere will reign in their family.

Elena Sokolova


If a man is much taller than a woman, then dance elements will look harmonious when the partner goes down in motion, and the partner remains standing straight. If the bride is taller than the groom, or they are about the same height, then you can use supports, in which the girl deviates, and the young man stands straight. If rotation of the partner is envisaged, then it is advisable for the partner to take her in his arms sideways. Supports and complex techniques are abandoned if the bride has a denser physique than the groom.

Maria Stoyanova

The Viennese waltz is chosen by those who have done at least a little choreography, even in childhood, because endurance, flexibility and plasticity are needed. Boston is a slow version of the waltz, which is suitable for restrained and romantic natures.

For expressive personalities who are ordinary life never sit still, passionate Latin American dances will do. In this case, you can choose from the following options.

Another popular wedding dance is tango, which has different variations - a strict ballroom direction, a passionate Argentinean performance, or Finnish, unusual in its movements. From future newlyweds, staging a tango wedding dance will require more preparation than a waltz, but with the proper attitude and diligence, the dance will turn out to be spectacular and sensual.

For a couple who wants to emphasize tender and warm feelings in their relationship, a foxtrot may be suitable. This is a romantic and elegant dance, characterized by lightness and grace, softness, grace and freedom of movement, smoothness and maneuverability. Only after repeated training, the bride and groom will be able to make the foxtrot the way it was originally intended.

For a retro, disco or hipster celebration, you can learn one of the dances that were popular in the last century. It can be energetic boogie-woogie, daring rock and roll, crazy Charleston, etc. Future newlyweds can even learn dances from their favorite films of the last century, including black and white ones.

popular in Lately The solution is a mix dance, which combines several different dances performed to the appropriate music. For example, at first the newlyweds dance a classic waltz, then the composition changes, and they already pick up each other in an energetic cha-cha-cha, and then they perform a sensual tango.

Basic movements

Is it possible to stage a wedding dance at home? Without a professional choreographer, it is difficult for the bride and groom to learn the wedding dance, therefore, to make it easier, you can start with separate basic movements, which then add up to a single picture. For example, the main movement in a waltz is a counterclockwise rotation in a square. On each side of the square, there is one large step of both partners and two small ones, while all movements are performed in equal measure.

Another simple movement is as follows: the man, continuing to hold his partner with one hand, removes the second behind his back, and the girl at this moment takes the hem of the magnificent dress in her freed hand. On the peculiarities of dancing in a dress with a train. Then the partners take a step towards each other from the right foot and raise their hands up, and then diverge to their original position, starting with the left foot.

The main movement in is a kind of walk. The man holds his partner by the hand with one hand, and the other hugs her waist. Then he takes two steps forward with his left foot, and the girl, respectively, takes two steps back with her right. In this case, the second step does not close, but one leg remains behind the level of the body, followed by two swings back and forth.

Then the man takes one step back, the second to the side and closes last step, and the woman follows him in the same movements. This is the basic figure, which is then repeated an unlimited number of times.

Useful videos: examples

How to stage a wedding dance yourself? For those who have never done choreography, it is difficult and almost impossible to independently come up with movements for a wedding dance. You can look for a tutorial for setting up a wedding dance. But to avoid difficulties, you can use ready-made solutions from those newlyweds who have already passed this difficult stage.

One of the very good examples can be viewed in next video: staging a wedding tango dance. The bride and groom organized their own wedding in the style of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, so the girl is wearing a tight black dress with a long slit. The couple dance to Jazmine Sullivan's hit tune "Bust Your Windows".

If the future newlyweds have enough free time before the wedding, then they can learn the classical waltz with lifts that will make it more elegant and interesting. In the video, the couple dances just such a dance to the song "Blind" by the Hurts group, and the entourage is artificial smoke and imitation of snowfall.

Not only classical movements, but also examples from famous films will help to make a dance mix of several compositions. The next video shows the most beautiful wedding dance, the best production of such a mix: the newlyweds first dance a classic waltz to the music of Eugene Doga from the film “My Sweet and Gentle Beast”, then they make a bunch with a lasso movement and perform various dances to popular music, for example, from the film “ Pulp Fiction"to the song of Chuck Berry" You never can tell", from the movie "The Mask" to the song "Hey Pachuco" of the Royal Crown Revue, etc.

When preparing a wedding dance, the bride and groom must give each other good motivation, otherwise even a slight disagreement can lead to a quarrel and a refusal to further rehearsals. In addition, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  1. Room. The first dance of the newlyweds should be staged after the place of celebration has been determined. When choosing certain movements, you need to take into account the size of the banquet hall, the arrangement of tables and chairs, the floor covering and the height of the ceilings. When staging a wedding dance at home, these points should also be taken into account.
  2. Cloth and shoes. The groom is easier in this, since the suits and shoes are not much different from each other in terms of sensations, while the bride is less fortunate. If she has not yet managed to purchase a dress and shoes, but rehearsals have already begun, it is recommended to choose an outfit that will be comfortable to dance in. It’s better to buy a dress and shoes first, and only then choose a dance.
  3. duration of the dance. Even if the bride and groom have perfect perfected movements, you should not drag out the first dance for longer than 2-3 minutes. After that, the guests will already begin to be distracted and will eagerly wait for the newlyweds to finish.
  4. All movements must be coordinated with changes in the composition. A change in motive or the end of a phrase of the performer indicates that it is desirable to change the figure of the dance.
  5. Sing along. Some couples prefer to imitate singing while dancing, but from the outside it looks ridiculous. The meaning of the dance is precisely in the expression of emotions without words, with only movements.

It is best to start rehearsals 2 months before the wedding, while you can train 1-2 times a week. When the full picture begins to emerge, it is recommended to record rehearsals on video, so that you can then analyze the mistakes and determine what looks good and what needs to be worked on.

Shoes and clothes should be selected as close as possible to the wedding. For the first time, you can lay out whatman paper with colored traces on the floor in order to understand what the steps should be. Gradually, whatman paper is removed, and the couple can only hone their movements.

All the guests at the wedding are waiting for the first dance of the newlyweds, although it does not last long. Usually this stage is scheduled for the final part of the evening, so Once again demonstrates the love and tenderness reigning between the newlyweds. Without the help of professional choreographers, it is difficult for beginners to stage a dance, but acting together, the bride and groom are capable of much.

The first dance of the newlyweds is an insanely romantic spectacle that will not leave indifferent any guest of the wedding celebration. To make it as effective and memorable as possible will allow a detailed study of the number. If some couples resort to the services of professional choreographers, others rely solely on their own strength.

The choice of one or another dance direction directly depends on the preferences of the partners, their temperament and the level of choreographic training. Consider the most popular styles used in staging a wedding number:


This beautiful, romantic and simple dance is perfect for a wedding celebration. The lion's share of couples opts for the classic Viennese waltz, which can be mastered in just a couple of lessons. If there is still a lot of time before the cherished date, the partners have every chance to bring their number to perfection.

It is impossible not to mention the figured waltz, which differs from its classical counterpart in a more extensive set of movements. Thanks to its amazing lightness and grace, this dance becomes a welcome "guest" at any wedding. It is worth performing it in outfits appropriate for the occasion: a classic suit and a lush ball gown with a crinoline.

Another popular type of waltz is the boston, which is characterized by smooth and leisurely movements. He has a special style of performance. In the dance, the couple does not spin, but slowly floats around the hall, measuring the space with long sliding steps. This option is best suited for mature, reserved and balanced partners with a refined taste.

We invite you to watch a wedding waltz video tutorial with exercises and basic movements.


This dance becomes the choice of bright, passionate and temperamental couples. Due to the abundance of clear rhythmic movements, it will not be easy to set and learn it. Therefore, it is worth starting rehearsals in advance. It is important that both partners have a good sense of rhythm and artistry. The dance should be a clear demonstration of the emotions that they experience for each other. For the room, you need to choose comfortable suits in contrasting colors. The bride can put on a short or black dress that flatters her figure. It is not necessary for the groom to change clothes, it is enough to take off the jacket that restricts movement, and, if desired, complement the image with a hat.


Rumba, cha-cha-cha, salsa, bachata, reggaeton - these sensual incendiary dances are guaranteed to excite the audience. For their masterful performance, you will need a good ear and an excellent sense of rhythm. However, this option should not be abandoned if one of the partners has a certain choreographic experience, and the second is only taking the first steps in this direction. IN Latin American dances temperament comes to the fore, relegating skill to the background and opening up wide scope for improvisation. It is recommended to perform the number in comfortable clothes and shoes: a puffy floor-length dress and stilettos can play bad joke at the most inopportune moment.


Crazy rock and roll, slow foxtrot or energetic boogie-woogie will be an excellent solution for a themed wedding. huge role in this case costumes and physical parameters of the newlyweds play. Since dances in retro style are replete with all sorts of supports, the groom must have a fairly strong build, and the bride must have miniature dimensions. Also, for the performance of the performance, a large free space will be required so that the partners can move freely around the hall.


Perhaps the most difficult and extraordinary option when choosing a wedding dance. He usually prefers bright creative personalities who love to be the center of attention and shock the public with bold experiments. In this case, the newlyweds will not only have to master various styles of dance, but also make a suitable musical cut, work out images in detail, etc. It is necessary to start rehearsals as early as possible so that the partners can accurately learn all the movements and combinations.


Obviously, the selection of a suitable composition directly depends on the chosen dance style. If it's a waltz or a slow foxtrot, you should give preference to smooth romantic melodies (Ed Sheeran: Perfect, How Would You Feel, Thinking Out Loud). Whereas rock-n-roll or boogie-woogie will sparkle with all colors only to incendiary retro music (Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock, Christina Aguilera - Candyman). When creating a cut for a mixed number, it is better to rely on recognizable melodies that evoke strong associations with a certain dance direction.

Before imposing movements on music, one should break the melody into so-called phrases and measures, highlight the main accents and puffs. Only in this case the number will turn out to be harmonious and holistic. Here are some useful tips:

  • Listen carefully to the melody and lyrics. The beginning of a new musical phrase serves as a signal for a change in dance movements. If a composition with words is chosen for the number, everything is quite simple. It is enough to break the text into quatrains and impose certain movements on each. With a composition without words, things are somewhat more complicated. But if the partners have a good ear for music, moving to the beat of the melody will not be difficult.
  • Try to play interesting musical accents and losses. Loud clicks and bangs may be accompanied by an unexpected change of direction, a wave of the hand, or a sudden stop in place. On losses, smooth repetitive movements fit perfectly.
  • Move rhythmically. To do this, you need to carefully count the measures enclosed within each musical phrase. Only by decomposing all movements into strokes, it will be possible to achieve clarity of execution.


To learn a simple number with smooth repetitive movements, 3-4 lessons will be enough. And this is provided that the couple has good choreographic training. In other cases, the process of staging the first wedding dance will require a lot of time and effort from partners. Rehearsals should begin immediately after the application is submitted - that is, a few months before the celebration. Classes should be regular and take place with strict frequency (ideally 2-3 times a week). Long breaks between rehearsals should not be allowed, otherwise the partners will simply forget the movements they have already learned.

Of course, the easiest way to start staging a number is at home. However ideal option will be the hourly rental of the dance hall. Indeed, in a typical city apartment there is simply nowhere to turn around. Carpets and furniture will be a serious hindrance during rehearsals. In addition, the home environment has a relaxing effect on partners. At the first failure, you will be tempted to drop everything and settle into a comfortable chair in front of your favorite series or go to the refrigerator to feast on something delicious. In the hall, such a problem simply does not arise. Partners will try to spend the time allotted to them with maximum benefit.

Many couples wonder about the selection of dance moves. In search of an answer to it, the Internet will be the best ally. Here you can find both professional master classes in staging a number, and spectacular dances performed by newlyweds. It is enough to take a few simple movements as a basis, adapt them to the chosen music and build your own, absolutely unique number. In the absence of proper choreographic preparation, it will be easier to copy a ready-made dance from the network. Ideally, each session should be recorded on camera so that the partners have the opportunity to work on the mistakes.

Rehearsals must take place in the same clothes and shoes in which the young people will perform the first dance. This will avoid excesses at the most crucial moment. So, if the bride plans to waltz in a magnificent ball gown, a corset and a crinoline (skirt with rings) should be taken to the rehearsal. The groom should put on, if not in a wedding, then in a suit similar in cut. If the bride's outfit is complemented by a train, the girl will have to hold it in her hand throughout the dance, which should be taken into account both when staging the number and during rehearsals.

Important Points

  • When staging the number, it is necessary to take into account the features of the room in which the celebration will take place (ceiling height, table arrangement, the presence of columns, flooring material, etc.). If possible, a dress rehearsal is recommended to be held directly in the banquet hall or restaurant.
  • It is important to discuss the shooting angle with the photographer and cameraman in advance. Otherwise, young people risk being captured from the back or exclusively in profile.
  • Do not delay the wedding number for a long time. 2-3 minutes for a couple of beginners will be more than enough. Too long a dance will not only tire the newlyweds, but also bore the guests.
  • During the performance, partners should relax as much as possible and discard unnecessary worries. After all, excessive excitement can negatively affect the quality of the dance. If one of the young people forgets the movements, it would be appropriate to resort to improvisation. It is unacceptable to stop in the middle of the dance, so as not to disrupt the performance and not let the partner down. Since guests are seeing the room for the first time, they may not notice a slight hitch.

Thus, the process of staging a wedding dance requires taking into account many nuances. Practicing movements, finding a suitable musical composition, choosing costumes and comfortable shoes - all this takes a lot of time and effort. On the other side, Team work preparing the performance brings partners together, teaches them mutual understanding and adds cohesion to the couple. Only having learned to perfectly feel each other, the young people will be able to perform an impeccable wedding dance.

Every couple wants to make their holiday unforgettable not only for themselves, but also for dear guests. What surprise to present to relatives and friends at a wedding celebration? A beautifully staged dance of the young will do just fine.

Even though you both think you're great dancers, you still have to prepare for the wedding performance. Why?

  • A special atmosphere reigns at the wedding, so the style of the production should correspond to it. It is likely that you are not familiar with all dance directions, so the recommendations of an experienced teacher will be very helpful.
  • The choreographer will offer movements, focusing directly on you: your preferences and skills.
  • Preliminary training in pairs will help you feel the rhythm of the music and the movements of your partner.
  • Having clearly rehearsed the movements, you can focus on the emotional side: give guests true emotions, evoke touching feelings.
  • Speaking at the festival itself, you will feel confident and will be able to shine in front of all those gathered.
  • A beautifully performed dance can be captured on video and remember wonderful moments.

When to start choreographing the first dance?

When choosing a time for preparation, you should proceed from your skills and abilities. If they are average enough, then you need to lay more time for training. When practicing under the guidance of a choreographer, it may be necessary to 3 to 8 rehearsals.

Ideal if you have about a month before the wedding. If you later remembered about your performance at a future celebration, you can use the time that is left. Even in a couple of days it is possible to learn simple movements.

Who to contact?

It is best to entrust the setting to a professional. It could be private choreographer, school or dance studio. Specialists will take into account your wishes, offer options and work out with you all the necessary movements and their sequence.

The main advantage of staging under the guidance of a teacher will be classes in a spacious room, which the school or studio will certainly provide. It costs enough to hone your skills great hall, because at the very celebration for the wedding dance, the entire dance floor will be provided to the young.

Reference! There are wedding dance studios focused specifically on working with newlyweds.

What style to choose?

Traditionally, the first dance of the newlyweds is slow, therefore, choosing the style of performance, they usually focus on this characteristic. However, styles that are completely different in rhythm and temperament, including modern ones, are suitable for a wedding dance.

  1. Most Popular waltz. Beautiful, airy and easy enough to learn, it attracts many couples.
  2. Cheerful foxtrot with a lot of steps and whirling, it looks no less impressive.
  3. Bold newlyweds can show true feelings and hot passion in tango.
  4. Do you like live rhythms of the 30-50s of the last century? Pay attention to style swing, which includes the popular boogie woogie, jive, lindy hop. This is sure to wow your guests!
  5. Rumba- slow and very sensual, rumba is a great way to express your emotions. Ideal for wedding staging.
  6. Incendiary Latin American rhythms salsa revive traditional ideas about the first wedding dance.
  7. Bachata- originally from the Dominican Republic, intimate, passionate and, at the same time, very romantic. The frankness of the movements is the exact opposite of the classic waltz of the newlyweds. Suitable for loving natures who are not shy about expressing their feelings.

Bachata at the wedding:

Movie Ideas

Ideas for a wedding dance with beautiful lifts and movements can be borrowed from famous films. Exciting performance from "Dirty Dancing" many remember. To repeat this at a wedding celebration would be very original. Examples of beautiful and passionate tangos are presented in films: "Smell of a Woman", "Let's Dance", "Keep the Beat" and others.

Your own unique dance will help create a choreographer. If you want your performance to not look like other couples' performances, then by contacting a professional, you can choose the dance style exactly for your couple, their character and temperament.

An excerpt from the film"Dirty Dancing" (Dirty Dancing) 1987:

What to take to class?

In addition to a training partner, you will need some things:

  1. Comfortable indoor shoes for the very first lessons.
  2. Comfort clothes that does not restrict movement.
  3. Dress in which the bride will dance at the wedding (if it is not Wedding Dress).
  4. If a magnificent wedding dress is supposed, then it is better for the bride to try dance moves, dressed in crinoline.
  5. Shoes in which the bride will dance at the celebration, they will come in handy at the final rehearsals, when the production will already be well learned.
  6. Water(optional).

How many lessons will be required?

The number of required classes is determined strictly individually. Someone will be enough 1-2 times others will need more than 5 sessions. Usually 3-5 rehearsals with a professional choreographer, it is enough for a wedding production of medium complexity.

Combining styles

A little variety, such as a change in rhythm throughout the song, will enliven the production of a wedding dance. So, starting the dance with slow movements, you can complete it more rhythmically.

The American format of the wedding dance is very effective in this regard (sometimes it is called the “wedding dance of the 21st century”), when romantic gentle melody abruptly interrupted, replaced by a completely unexpected track, under which young people frolic from the heart. You can also try the opposite option, demonstrating incendiary movements at the very beginning, and moving on to exciting and touching ones by the end.

How to install on your own?

Wedding it is quite possible to prepare a speech on your own without resorting to the help of a choreographer. However, this requires careful thought and planning. What to do if you decide to stage the dance yourself?

  1. Start by choosing a style, which will be easier for both partners to learn.
  2. Take advantage of the internet. Collect all information about your favorite style of dance.
  3. Do not take on too long and complex setting.
  4. Pick up musical composition that both of you will love. Make sure she conveys your feelings. Then learning the movements will be easier.
  5. Having decided on the setting, break it up into small parts and start exercising.
  6. Consistently combine individual movements into a larger fragment.
  7. Be considerate and patient with each other. Do not perceive the joint production as a heavy duty, enjoy the moments spent together.

Where to look for movement?

Having decided on the style of dance, you need to turn to good examples. It's easy to find on the internet educational video tutorials, master classes and step by step instructions in different dance styles.

In this article, we have collected several video tutorials for you. We hope they will be useful self-training dance.

Difficulties in the learning process

Self-staging of the dance of the young has its drawbacks. What do you need to be prepared for?

  • It is quite difficult to start a completely new business. If neither the groom nor the bride had experience related to choreography, then it will be difficult to start.
  • Required more time to learn movements.
  • The style of dance and the composition for it is selected for a long time. Under the guidance of a mentor, it would have happened faster.
  • Difficulty finding a suitable place to practice because you need a spacious room.
  • Unfortunately, quarrels and misunderstandings are not excluded during rehearsals.

Question price. About the cost of classes

What the cost of studying? Prices for wedding production for young people will depend on the skills of the newlyweds, the complexity of the chosen dance and teachers.

So, by contacting a school or studio, you can try to master the movements in one lesson. (2 hours), while paying 3000-4000 rubles. Longer training (5 lessons) will cost 7000-10000 rubles. Careful preparation (10 lessons)15000-20000 rubles.

The staging by private dance teachers will be inexpensive. Hourly rates vary. from 700 to 1500 rubles.

Attention! For some private choreographers, the rent of the rehearsal room is already included in the cost of training.

What if we don't make it?

There are often situations when the newlyweds simply do not have enough time to engage in staging. Then a variant of the usual slow dance to your favorite song will do.

Advice! try choose a beautiful sensual composition, under which you will simply enjoy each other.

And in this video, the couple is just slowly dancing to a beautiful song (it is worth noting that the dance is not varied in movements, but thanks to the interaction of the young with each other, their smiles, hugs, the dance looks surprisingly lively and beautiful):

Video: lessons for preparing a dance for a wedding

You can learn basic movements at home. Below are 5 detailed lessons:

What should happen:

If you want to learn dance Dominican bachata, you will need this master class from the Imagine Dance school:

The first dance of the newlyweds should bring only pleasant emotions. You should not strive to present some kind of enchanting spectacle to the guests. The main thing is that in your movements feelings, love and attitude towards each other are felt.

If time permits, it is better to use the services of a choreographer who will prepare quickly, beautifully and without unnecessary nerves.
