Morandi Italy. Legend of the Italian music wave

In the 60s, when four Liverpool musicians took over the world and infected with Beatlemania, Italy idolized the young, talented and very romantic Gianni Morandi. And in 2017, the duo of the same name released the most popular song Angels, which became once gold and seven times platinum. However, both of them musical project do not intersect in any way - the name of the modern group was created from two names of the soloists.

Childhood and youth

On the 11th day of winter in the penultimate year of the Second World War, in the early morning, the housewife Clara Eleonora and the shoemaker Renato, who is also an ardent communist, had their first child in the village with the exquisite name Mongidoro. In order for her daughter to give birth safely, her father Tony had to literally watch for the midwife - her husband was still at the front at that time. They named the child Gian Luigi, and later he had to slightly change the name for the stage image.

As a child, livelihoods were often not enough, so the boy went to work immediately after school - he polished shoes or sold sweets. At the same time, he also did not forget to help Renato in distributing campaign leaflets and newspapers.

On primary school Gianni's education ceased, and the strict head of the family took up instilling knowledge in his son - complex compositions were read in the evenings to hone the language and clear diction, and being late for classes was punished by further deprivation of walks and rest.

According to his own recollections, he first tried to sing in front of guests at family holidays, then they began to invite the performer for a fee to small impromptu concerts in public, often held in the only Aurora cinema. News about the young singer gradually spread throughout the district.


In 1963, new sections appeared in the musical biography - festivals, albums and television shows, and after 2 years they were supplemented by cinema. By the way, later, in addition to participating in the filming, he also tried himself as a film director. The discography of the radiant Italian artist started with the Gianni Morandi collection, the title single of which instantly turned into a real hit. However, the following compositions were also blessed with success, conquering the demanding jury and the sophisticated listener.

When creative activity was in full swing, changes took place in Gianni's life - for 1 year and 3 months he disappeared from blue screens to pay back to the motherland. In addition, he was prohibited from going on leave for half of his term of service due to fears of accusations of patronage. After demobilization, a slightly forgotten interest in his person had to be restored, taking winning places in two prestigious vocal competitions.

The experience of working at Eurovision - 70 turned into a hit in the top ten. But this white stripe came to an end. The performance in San Remo turned out to be unsuccessful, followed by a noticeable crisis in creativity and personal life - his father died, his relationship with his first wife ended, inspiration disappeared.

Gianni Morandi's song "Canzoni Stonate"

In order not to get bogged down in the surging problems, Morandi concentrated on the professional development of the double bass at the university in Rome, and also got into the football team of musicians, where he revealed his athletic abilities.

Fortune appreciated the industriousness and perseverance of the resilient Italian - in the subsequent times of his stay in the "city of flowers and the sea", he took a leading position at festivals, and also consolidated his returned success with the main male role in a full-length film.

Gianni Morandi's song "Il Giocattolo" ("Toy")

Morandi's relations with the USSR were warm, if not loving - just recall the episode from "The Most Charming and Attractive". In the 80s, it seems that everyone and everywhere listened to music from sunny Italy, they knew “Toy” and “Smoke” by heart, so concerts in 5 Soviet cities were a great success.

Also, his songs were given powerful informational support on television - one sounded on the traditional festive "Spark", and Canzoni Stonate and Aeroplano, filmed at the circus on Vernadsky, entered the "New Year's Attraction". After that, he visited the largest country in the world by area in 1988 and in 2012.

Gianni Morandi and Adriano Celentano

From the beginning to the middle of the 2000s, he successfully served as the host of TV programs, in 2011 he was the head of FC Bologna for less than a month. A joint duet with in the amphitheater of Verona helped the event to receive the honorary title of "Best Concert of the Year - 2012".

Personal life

The singer did not hesitate to acquaint fans with the ladies of the heart. The first lover is busy in the picture for the composition "Kneeling Before You", the second - in the 2017 Volare video.

On July 13, 1966, a secret marriage took place with actress Laura Efrikyan, daughter famous conductor Armenia, which gave her husband three children - Serena, Marianne (1969) and Marco (1974). The firstborn, unfortunately, lived only a few hours after birth, the second daughter received theater education, also appeared in the film with her father, but then devoted herself entirely to the family. The boy, like his parent, became interested in the art of music.

However, after 13 years, the couple decided to leave. According to Laura, a family created in youth has a short lifespan. However, now the woman does not hold evil against the former chosen one and is sincerely glad of his success. They have five grandchildren.

The performer met his current wife Anna Dan at the stadium when he participated in a football match, and was immediately fascinated by the "wonderful eyes" of the stranger. A lightning romance broke out, ending with the birth of Pietro's son. The lovers succeeded in legitimizing a strong relationship exactly 10 years after they met.

“I have been in love with my wife Anna for over 20 years. She always has good mood She helps me a lot. Since I met her, it has become easier for me to work, and you can say that she brings me good luck. The secret of family happiness is true love, ”says the musician.

Gianni Morandi now

In 2018, the singer is busy in the second season of the drama series "Pietro's Island", where he reincarnated as a pediatrician, for which he received flattering reviews from colleagues:

“He is an outstanding person, just a real fighting machine, considering how actively filming is going on. He is a complete professional."

Whether the picture will be released in Russian rentals has not yet been reported.

In addition to his renewed acting career, in the summer Morandi went on tour and personally presented his new disc D`amore D`autore to his compatriots.

Get acquainted with cheerful and bright photographs, as well as learn last news you can on the official website, as well as in social networks -

Gianni Morandi - famous italian singer With richest biography. Gianni was born in the Italian city of Mongidoro on December 11, 1944.

The career of the future great singer began on the dance floors, where he gave small concerts. There, Gianni met his producer and author of many compositions, Franco Migliacci. In 1963, Morandi got on a TV show that gave him a ticket to the world. Participating in various music festivals, he expanded his song repertoire and became popular.

In 1963, his first collection was released, and the popular love for Gianni Morandi came after the song Andavo a cento all "ora. It was in the 60s of the last century that the artist's career peaked. At that very time, his photos were the most recognizable in Italy. Then many songs were written that made up the discography Morandi... Then his popularity subsided a little.

Gianni Morandi opened a new breath after the wedding with the beautiful actress Laura Efrikian. It really did not last long - immediately after birth, the first daughter of Gianni died.

After military service, Gianni Morandi took up the implementation of an ambitious project. He began to shoot a film about Aladdin. However, the film did not become as popular as Gianni saw it.

An unsuccessful directorial experience forced Gianni to return to singing. He again began to participate in festivals, winning some. He was invited to different countries, his fame in Italy grew, but did not reach the values ​​​​of the 60s.

In 1984, a three-part feature film called "Voglia di volare" (Thirst for Flight) was released, where the main role was played by Gianni Morandi.

Early 2000s best compositions Gianni Morandi were combined into a single

Gian Luigi Morandi is known on stage as Gianni Morandi, a popular Italian musician and singer from 1960-70. His fame extended far beyond the borders of Italy, for example, in the USSR, singer Gianni Morandis collected entire stadiums. Today he still gives concerts, but spends more time with family and friends, the same famous musicians like himself.

On December 11, 1944, in the small Italian village of Monghidoro, whose population barely reaches 4 thousand people, located in the Emilia Romagna region, the future legendary musician Gianni Morandi was born.

The boy's parents worked hard and hard, thus instilling a special attitude to work in their son. Mother was engaged in housekeeping. The head of the family, Renato Morandi, is a shoemaker and an active member of the Communist Party. He participated in meetings as a secretary, implemented political printed editions and distributed propaganda leaflets. The son often helped his father in this activity. Every day, Gianni read aloud to his father several pages from Karl Marx's Capital and the newspaper Unity.

The boy's family did not have sufficient financial resources, and the child, trying to earn extra money, free time cleaning shoes on the street and selling sweets near the village cinema.

Labor since childhood

Good vocal abilities and stage emancipation were inherent in Gianni Morandi from childhood. His biography as a singer began with performances in front of friends and parents at the holidays. The whole Morandi family sang and one day the boy was invited to perform at the festival, paying 1000 lire (about 100 Russian rubles). “That was a miracle! Now Gianni always sang. Sometimes he performed on the stage of the cinema with mini-concerts to warm up the audience.

In the early 60s, having tested his abilities and talents during performances at small concerts, he suddenly becomes popular. Since 1962, his name appears in the lists of participants in many competitions and festivals, most of which Morandi manages to win. Already in the 1st year on the big stage he is awarded prize-winning place in the TV show "Canzonissima" (Canzonissima). This is a significant victory. early creativity singer.

In 1963, the young man recorded his 1st album. His song "I was driving a hundred an hour" became a hit for several months and glorified his performer. The composition was written by Tony Dory and Kamucha (pseudonym of Franco Migliacci).

Financial situation is improving

The financial situation of Gianni Morandi improved after the performance of the song "Let the mother send for milk" (Fatti mandare dalla mamma). She seemed to mean the formation of Gianni as a singer and represented the entire youth generation that grew up on the songs of her idol. Morandi signed a contract with a major recording company "RCA Italiana", it was she who became the sponsor of the presentation of the song.

In the mid 60s. such songs were recorded as “Kneeling Before You” (1st place in the Greatest Hits festival), “Not worthy of you” (participation in the musical “Rose Festival”), “If you are not with me”, “It is getting dark ”, “Harmonica”. All of them instantly became hits and sold hundreds of thousands of discs.

Separate compositions gave the name to musical films, the plots of which were based on the content of the written texts. The films did not carry a great semantic load, as they were edited in a short time to "spice up" the songs.

In 1966, Gianni Morandi won the 2nd victory in the Greatest Hits festival with the composition "August Nights". At the same time, the singer's creative worldviews are undergoing changes. The young songwriter M. Lusini invites Morandi to listen to the political song "Once upon a time there was a guy ..", the text for which was written by Migliacci, condemning military operations in Vietnam.

Gianni Morandi had never performed songs of political content before, but he fell in love with this one and was set on fire with the desire to sing it himself. Migliacci was against it, believing that Gianni did not need such a theme. But Morandi, in spite of this, performed the composition together with Luzini at the "Festival of Roses". They were warmly received and listened to with pleasure.

forced break

As soon as 1967 began, Gianni was called up for a year and 3 months. A break for a long time could turn into a risk of being forgotten by the public. And all this is on the crest of the glory of the young singer. For the first six months he was not allowed to go on leave, the commanders were afraid of being accused of having pets. Morandi served in the CAR unit in the D. Genio regiment.

The absence of the musician on the stage was made up for by the sound of his voice in TV programs in the form of spectacular musical phrases announcing such TV shows as "Young", "Separated", "Seven Dictionary Entries".

After leaving the service, Gianni Morandi was working on a project for a musical comedy film about Aladdin. The film was a hopeless failure at the box office.

Rise and fall period

Another "Canzonissima" could give a forgotten performer a chance to shine again in the rays of glory. Morandi becomes a participant in the competition with the composition "It's raining" and becomes a leader, unparalleled. The following year, the furor is repeated, Gianni performs the song "Nobody Cares" and the jury awards him 1st place.

In 1970, Morandi participates in Eurovision, sings the song "Girl's Eyes" for the musical honor of Italy, the jury awards him eighth place. He understands that better times passed, although in his homeland popularity still shone brightly over him. In 1972, for the first time, he participates in San Remo, after which a decline in creativity begins.

At this time, the musician writes songs that do not fall into the ideological climate of the time. The black line is coming. Economic and political problems are growing in society, terrorism is flourishing. The death of his father at the age of 49, a divorce from Laura, the lack of new ideas and songs, problems in the profession - all these difficulties Morandi had to overcome alone, looking for new ways of growth and development.

The musician did not lose heart. In 1975, a special project of the football musicians team was developed and launched in Italy, where Gianni became the central striker. He participated in matches 337 times, scoring the ball into the opponent's goal 54 times. In 1977 he entered the musical higher educational institution Rome and ends it as a certified double bassist.

Luck returns

Fate favors stubborn and hardworking talents, fortune soon returned its favor. While studying at the conservatory, the musician stopped singing, not hoping to continue this line of creativity. But Mogol's call brought Morandi back to the stage. He offered him a song, with which the stage career of the performer resumed.

The songs recorded in the late 70s: “I'm going to work”, “You are a strong dad”, “Witch of Befana, tweedledee” were supplemented by the composition that returned success - “Discordant songs”.

In his performance, the songs sound: “Thank you, because”, a cover version of “We Have Today” together with Ami Stewart, “One in a Thousand”, “1950”. In 1983, the songs "Sailor" and "Beloved Enemy" were recorded. Last composition brought luck to the singer popular vote in San Remo and served as his business card for many years to come.

In 1984, a full-length film from 3 episodes - "Thirst to Fly" was released, where Gianni plays the main role.

In 1987, when the musician was 42 years old, he won a competition in San Remo with the composition "More Can Be". He performed as a trio with W. Tozzi and E. Ruggeri.

In 1988, Gianni Morandi completes his albums of songs with another historical "Dalla / Morandi", recorded together with Lucio Dalla. The main singles of the album were the compositions: “Ask who the Beatles are” (authors Currari and Noriss) and “What will remain of me” (Fr. Battiyato's song).

New heights

  • Since 1993, Morandi has been touring his homeland and Europe, the States, Canada for more than a year, giving over 260 concerts. At each performance, a real bus stood on stage, the tour was called the bus tour.
  • In 1995, the musician returned to take 2nd place with the song "In Love", performed in a duet with Barbara Cola.
  • October 1996 was the month of the birth of the Morandi album. Immediately after the album, the picture “Voice of the Heart” appears on the screens, where the duet of two stars, Gianni and Mara Vernet, works. On the entertainment channel 5 "Rai Chinque", the audience reached 10 million people. The album's singles were: "My Young Beloved", "Queen of the Tango", "Until the End of Time". With the "Queen of Tango" in the same year, the singer participates in the Festivalbar. The album is kept in the list of the most purchased.
  • 1996 - a concert triumph in his homeland, where the musician's performances are always sold out. The concert of Gianni Morandi in Rome is broadcast live on the 5th program. 1/3 of the channel's viewers come to the Roman Theater of Victories, and 8 million viewers watch it on TV.
  • After 2 years, a double disc is presented called "30 Roses of Morandi", which includes three new items and 27 well-known songs in a new performance. A single from E. Ramazzotti "Song for free" preceded the release of the disc.

TV work

  • In 1999, Gianni was invited to the post of host of the TV program "There Was a Boy", which reached a high rating with an audience of nine million.
  • No one expected to see him in 2000 in Sanremo, but he came there with Eros Ramazzotti's song "In Love" and took 3rd place.
  • Morandi spent 2002 on television as the host of the One of Us program, in which the Italian lottery was also played. More than 5 million people became spectators. At the same time, he is recording the album "Love Changes Life", sales of which soar to 200 thousand copies. This year, a community of Morandimania fans is being created, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of his work on stage.

  • In 2004, a new song “To those who truly love” was recorded, and the performer presented his program on Channel 5 “Evening with Gianni Morandi”. A. Celentano and comedian Fiorello come to visit for the recording. The show is watched by more than 6 million people. The presenter embarks on a long tour with performances in home country, everywhere collecting full halls.
  • Since 09/28/06, Gianni has been hosting the music program "We Don't Panic" on Channel One. Critics have well received the idea of ​​the initiator, appreciating the chic quality of the show from the mixture of time and the fantastic duets of Morandi with Anna Manani, Lucio Battisti and Giorgio Gaber, despite the small audience of the show.
  • In November 2006, the author's biography of the star personality "The Diary of an Italian Youth" was published, which traces the history of Italy for 60 years.
  • In 2007, the album "Thanks to everyone" was recorded from his 50 best hit songs and one of the newest "Let's shake hands."

Today, the actor continues to tour, participate in tours and record new songs.

Best Compositions

The composition "Let the mother send for milk" for several years in a row was one of the most famous Italian songs. It was constantly included on radio stations.

In 1964, in the summer, the performance of the song "On Your Knees" made it possible for Gianni Morandi to retain the best place in the Greatest Hits competition on wheels. The record sales of this song crossed the line of a million copies, bringing the song to the best-selling of the year.

In 1968, while serving in the army, the album "Gianni5" was recorded. Gianni Morandi's song "Toy" opened the list of songs and remained the most popular of all the songs on the album to date.

Adriano Celentano and Gianni Morandi in 2012 at a concert in (Arena di Verona) performed an amazingly lyrical and touching composition "I think of you and the world changes." The concert was recognized the best concert years, and many people are still looking for the song on the Internet in order to once again enjoy the amazing duet.

Early 80s experienced a boom in Italian music. Performers and composers from this country were extremely popular, loved and warmly received by the public. Conure in San Remo in 1983 was shown on television in the Soviet Union, after which Morandi visits the Soviets with concerts. Having traveled around several cities (Leningrad, Tashkent, Riga, Rostov-on-Don), he becomes the protagonist of a film about his tour. In July 1983 the film is broadcast on television.

The song "How can I still love you" sounded on blue light 01/01/84 In 1983, the recording studio "Melody" published his album "Beloved Enemy".

In 1988, Morandi and Dalla performed at the Italy 2000 exposition.

In 2012, Gianni participates in Russian competition"Retro FM Legends".

Gianni Morandi's song "I drove a hundred an hour" became popular a year after recording, before that it was included only in the list of songs for losing machines. A year later, the musician was invited to television, where the High Pressure program was filmed, and thanks to the show, this composition, like Let's Cart Twist, became the top of the charts. Later, the song "Karting" became musical accompaniment movie Teenagers in the Sun.

The song "There was one guy ..", with which Morandi and Luzini performed at the "Festival of Roses", was not allowed on television due to severe censorship. The text of the composition, according to the censors, "kindled strife about the foreign policy of a "friendly" state."

Once the program "One of us", which was then hosted by Morandi, was accused by the company "Auditel" of fabricating ratings. Then the host, in protest, went on the air in shorts, thus demonstrating his openness to the public.

In 1985, the Soviet film "The Most Charming and Attractive" gathers its main characters at a concert at Morandi's.

In 2011, the musician was the honorary president of the Bologna football club for 28 days.

Morandi's daughter Marianna became a partner in the film "The Power of Love".

Gianni Morandi is not only a singer, actor and football player, he is also a marathon runner. The athlete has more than 20 races.

During his creative career, the musician released 34 albums, sang over 400 songs and sold over 50 million records.

In 2011-12 he hosted the Sanremo Festival.


On the set of the first film based on the song “On my knees before you”, the music of Gianni Morandi and the singer himself enchant the then-famous actress Laura Efrikian. Young woman older musician for 4 years and her father was a famous Armenian conductor. In a big secret from everyone, on July 13, 1966, young people are united by the bonds of legal marriage. Laura immediately became pregnant, and Morandi received a deferral from service.

The beginning of 1967 was overshadowed by the death of Serena's newborn daughter. She lived only a few hours. At the same time, Morandi participated in the TV show "Real Scale", his opponent was Claudio Villa, and he reached the final. Gianni came second.

In 1969, a daughter, Marianna, was born, and in 1974, a son, Marko.

Crisis in the work of the 70s. brings destruction to the musician's personal life, he does not write good songs, cannot find himself, there are constant conflicts in the family, his wife leaves him.

08/19/1994 at his next football match in he met his second future wife- Anna Dan. She arrived there with their mutual friends, captivating with her wonderful eyes and extraordinary personality of a busy musician. They met, fell in love and never parted again. Anna gave birth to Morandi's son in 1997, whom they named Pietro. In 2004, having officially received a divorce, Gianni registers his marriage with Anna.


Quote message On December 11, Gianni Morandi turned 69 years old. Biography and review of songs.

Gianni Morandi
Gianni Morandi was born December 11, 1944 in small town Mongidoro in the Tosco-Emilian Alps in a family of modest means. After for long years performing practice, which consisted of performances on dance floors in remote towns, holidays at enterprises, small competitions for aspiring singers, and country festivities, he eventually found himself noticed by the record company RCA.

Gianni Morandi made his debut in 1962 with the song "Andavo a cento all "ora" (I drove a hundred an hour), written by Tony Dori (Tony Dori) and Franco Migliacci (Migliacci), who then signed the pseudonym Camucia. Although the song did not hit the charts (where it ended up a year later thanks to Gianni's first appearance on television, in the program "Alta pressione"), it ended up in the repertoire of automatons, as well as the "Go-kart twist" that followed it. , which was even included in the soundtrack of the film "Diciottenni al sole".

Commercial success came to Gianni with the song "Fatti mandare dalla mamma a prendere il latte" (Let your mother send you for milk), which marks the birth of Morandi as a phenomenon, not only as a singer, but also a phenomenon designed to personify a whole generation of young people who grew up on his songs, as well as on the songs of Rita Pavone (Rita Pavone). In addition to the TV show "Alta pressione" Morandi took part in other programs, the most popular of which was "Il signore di mezza età" by Marcello Marchesi (Marcello Marchesi).

With a song "In ginocchio da te" (On my knees before you) Gianni Morandi won the Cantagiro traveling summer song festival in 1964. The record with it sold over a million copies and became the best-selling record of the year, despite the fact that much was said about the budding Sanremo debutants of that year - Gigliola Cinquetti and Bobby Solo. Other songs soon followed, "Non son degno di te", which in the same year hit the newborn "Festival delle Rose", and besides it, "Se non avessi piu te" (If I no longer had you)," Si fa sera” (Evening) and “La fisarmonica” (Accordion), all of which became hits and sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

Some of these songs become the titles of minor films, whose plots are built around the content of the songs that gave birth to them, and are, perhaps, a seasoning for themselves. musical compositions. We are talking about the so-called "musicarelli", films shot and edited in the shortest possible time, for the needs of the day, based on the most popular records at that time.

On the set of the first of these films, (In ginocchio da te), Morandi meets the already successful actress Laura Efrikian, who is four years older than him, and is the daughter of a famous conductor. July 13, 1966 they are married in big secret. Efrikian's pregnancy gives Morandi the opportunity to defer military service.

1966 also becomes the year of his first success on the TV show "Canzonissima" (which that year was called "La prova del nove") and the second victory in "Cantagiro" with the song Notte di ferragosto. This is also the year of the revolution of Gianni's musical views. Young singer-songwriter Mauro Lusini lets him listen to a "protest song" he composed against the Vietnam War, with lyrics written by lyricist Franco Migliacci. called "C" era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones"(Once upon a time there was a guy who, like me, loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones).

Gianni falls in love with the song and pretends to perform and record it, despite the fact that Migliacci does not agree with this too much, and adheres to the idea that Morandi does not need to perform works of a socially oriented theme. Morandi still presents the song in tandem with Lusini at the Festival delle Rosa. The audience welcomes the song warmly, but it should be noted that the composition does not get on television due to the strict censorship of that time, which forbade any disputes around foreign policy"friendly" state.

In early 1967, Morandi's first daughter, Serena, died a few hours after she was born, just as her father competed in the finale of the TV show Scala Reale (another name for the popular show Canzonissima) and was defeated by Claudio Villa (Claudio Villa).

After only a few weeks, Morandi is called up for military service. This is a critical period in his career: interrupting any artistic activity for a period of 15 months turns into a risk of being forgotten by everyone. And this is after he has earned the right to be called one of the most beloved artists in Italy. All this is aggravated by the fact that the military command, fearing reproaches of favoritism, denies him leave during the first six months of military service, which is carried out by Gianni in the CAR unit in Arma di Taggia (Liguria), and subsequently, in Pavia (Lombardy) in the Del Genio Regiment.

Despite this, Morandi still remained on television (and, therefore, in the ratings), although in the form of a voice present in the jingles of such programs as "Giovani" (song Un mondo d "amore), "Partitissima" (Mezzanotte fra poco) and "Settevoci" (Una domenica cosi). After leaving the military service, Gianni devoted himself to the implementation of an ambitious project, led by a Duccio Tessari: we are talking about the film, which is a musical comedy based on the fairy tale of Aladdin called "Per amore, per magia". The film is going to be a total flop in theaters.

The means to increase Gianni Morandi's rating is the next "Canzonissima", in which he returns again as an absolute winner with the song "Scende la pioggia"(It's raining) and reaps the same laurels next year with "Ma chi se ne importa" (Who cares). In 1970, he represented Italy at the Eurofestival in Amsterdam with the song "Occhi di ragazza" (Girl's Eyes), where he took eighth place.

In the seventies, a recession is planned. Although Gianni writes "social" songs, like "C" era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones”, about the drama of the Vietnam War, or “Al bar si muore”, Morandi is defeated in the atmosphere of the ideological climate of the period, for which his image is too traditional and sentimental.

On October 10, 1975, the first project of the National Singers' Team was born in Italy. Gianni also joined the football team as a central striker. This project was finally approved in 1981 and the team, along with Mogol, also included Paolo Mengoli (Paolo Mengoli) and Claudio Baglioni (Claudio Baglioni). The team has always been involved in projects aimed at unity and solidarity, and Gianni took part in a total of 337 games and scored 54 goals (data 05/12/08, based on the game at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome).

In 1977 he entered the Rome Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome, where he then graduated with a double bass diploma.

During this period he recorded the songs "Vado a lavorare", "Sei forte papa" and "La Befana trullalla". He returned to success again in the early eighties with the song "Canzoni stonate" (Discordant songs), and since then his popularity has remained at a high level. He performs "Grazie perché", a cover of "We've got tonight" with singer Ami Stewart, as well as "Uno su mille" and "1950" composed by Amedeo Minghi.

In 1984, the three-part feature film "Voglia di volare" (Thirst for Flight) was released on television, in which Morandi plays the main role.

In 1987, as part of a trio with Umberto Tozzi and Enrico Ruggieri, Morandi won the Sanremo Festival with the song "Si può dare di più"(You can give more).

In 1988, together with his friend Lucho Dalla, he recorded the historical album "Dalla / Morandi", in which Chiedi chi erano i Beatles(Ask who the Beatles were) with lyrics by Curreri and Norisso, as well as "Che cosa resterà di me" (What will be left of me), a new song by Franco Battiato.

In 1989, "Varieta" (Variety) was released, and in 1992 - "Banane e lampone" (Bananas and Raspberries).

In 1993, in the wake of the popularity of this last song, Morandi went on tour with concerts "MORANDI MORANDI", dubbed bus concerts because of the bus in life size who was always on stage. The success of the public was extraordinary, and the concerts lasted more than a year, including over 270 events held in Italian theaters, as well as cities in Europe, the USA and Canada (Palace Theater in New York and Maple Leaf Garden in Toronto).

In 1995, Gianni returns to Sanremo again, performing the song "In amore" duet with Barbara Cola (Barbara Cola) and wins second place.

In October 1996, the album "Morandi" was released, followed immediately by the feature TV movie "La voce del cuore", where Morandi plays with Mara Vernier (Mara Venier). The film was watched by 10 million viewers on Channel Five RAI. by the most interesting songs become on disk "Giovane amante mia"(My young lover), "Fino alla fine del mondo" (Until the end of time) and "La Regina dell "ultimo tango" (Queen of the last tango). last song Morandi attending the 1996 Festivalbar. The album is in the top ten of the best-selling discs.

1996 is a triumphant year for Morandi in terms of concerts in stadiums and sports palaces throughout Italy, which attract thousands of his fans. RAI, at the end of the tour, broadcast live Morandi's concert at the Teatro delle Vittorie in Rome, which is attended by 30% of its total audience and is watched by 8 million viewers.

In 1998, the double CD "30 volte Morandi" (Thirty times Morandi) was released, a collection that included three new songs and 27 hits of the artist in completely new versions and arrangements. The lead single for the album is "Canzone libera", written by Eros Ramazzotti. In the same year, his son Marco, who, like his father, became a singer, takes part in the Sanremo Festival with his group Percentonetto.

In 1999, Morandi is the host of the program "C" era un ragazzo ", which achieves great success in terms of ratings, with an average of 9 million viewers watching each program.

In 2000, Morandi once again visited San Remo, where he presented the song "Innamorato", written by Eros Ramazzotti (Eros Ramazzotti), and won third place.

In 2002, Gianni Morandi becomes the host of the TV show "Uno di noi" (One of us), a show combined with the Italy Lottery, with over 5 million viewers. Particularly notable was his "underpants" performance, a sort of challenge against rumors of ratings fabrication by Auditel. In the same period, his album L "amore ci cambia la vita (Love changes our lives) is released (200,000 copies sold), the first disc published after leaving RCA, with which he entered the world of the music industry almost forty years ago.

In celebration of his 40th birthday creative career in 2002 the first official fan club Morandi Mania Fan Club.

In 2004, the singer returns to the public with "A chi si ama veramente" (Those who really love each other), with the presentation of the program on Channel 5 "Stasera Gianni Morandi" (Tonight Gianni Morandi), where Adriano Celentano appears as guests and famous comedian Fiorello. The audience of the program is 6 million viewers. A long tour begins with concerts in the cities of Italy, where sold-out people are everywhere.

On September 28, 2006, he returned to the first channel Rai Uno with a six-program traveling music program called "Non facciamoci prendere dal panico" (Let's not panic). Transfers deserved positive reviews critics, although the number of viewers in general is not too large, given that the holding channels are now in a period of crisis, Morandi, each Thursday, offered the audience a high quality show, an exquisite mixture of past, present and future. Very funny shows "Panic Camera" where Morandi pretends to be a "villain" and amazing duets with Anna Magnani (Anna Magnani), Lucio Battisti (Lucio Battisti), Giorgio Gaber (Giorgio Gaber) and Fred Buscaglione (Fred Buscaglione).

On October 6, 2006, Gianni Morandi's new disc "Il tempo migliore", the thirty-fourth of his career, appeared in stores. Fiorello parodies him in the Viva program on Radio2. In the program, he successfully portrays him as a villain and jokingly calls him an "eternal villain"

On November 8, 2006, his autobiographical story of the eternal youth was published, in which the history of the country over the past sixty years is recreated under the title "Diario di un ragazzo italiano" (Diary of an Italian youth).

On October 9, 2007, the compilation "Grazie a tutti" (Thanks to everyone) was released, which included 50 of the most significant songs of his entire creative way, as well as one new "Stringimi le mani" (Shake hands with me), which was composed for him by Pacifico (Pacifico) and a very unusual duet with Claudio Baglioni in new version"Un mondo d"amore" In this project, Morandi collaborates with Rudy Zerbi, a renowned art manager who has been working with Morandi for several years on his discographic projects.

On September 13, 2008, at the press preview, Gianni presents the new song "Un altro mondo", written by Francesco Tricarico, as part of the final event of "Miss Italia 2008". The song was included in another of his compilations "Ancora...grazie a tutti" (Once again...thanks to everyone), released on three discs, and containing three songs that Morandi had never performed before ("Un altro mondo", "Nel blu dipinto di blu", "Che sara") and a solo version of "Non ti dmenticherò", which he previously performed with singer Alexia (Alexia).

According to LMI

Italy Professions Awards


Gianni Morandi was born in 1944. The first album was recorded in 1963 . The song brought him fame. Andavo a cento all'ora(“I was driving a hundred kilometers an hour”). Its popularity peaked in the 1960s. Then his popularity subsided somewhat, but he remained one of the most famous figures in Italian show business.

In the USSR and Russia

In the early to mid-1980s, Italian pop music was extremely fashionable and popular in the Soviet Union. Fame has not bypassed Morandi. After a performance in San Remo (shown by USSR TV), in March 1983, Morandi came on tour to the USSR. His concerts took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex (Moscow), in Leningrad, Riga, Tashkent, Rostov-on-Don.

Soviet TV made a film about his tour, which was released in July 1983, a number with a song Come posso ancora amarti, was shown in the New Year's Blue Light on January 1, 1984, two songs Aeroplano and Canzoni stonate were filmed at the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and entered the New Year's Attraction also on January 1, 1984. Firma "Melody" released a giant disc "La mia nemica amatissima" (1983).

Personal life

In 1966-1979. was married to an Italian actress and TV presenter Laura Efrikyan (born June 14, 1940). This marriage produced three children:

  • Serena Morandi (eldest daughter, lived only a few hours).
  • Marianna Morandi (born February 14, 1969).
    • Grandchildren from Marianne: Pavel (b. 1995) and John (b. 2001).
  • Marco Morandi (born February 12, 1974).
    • Grandchildren from Marco: twins Leonard and James (b. 2007) and Thomas (b. 2009).

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  • (Italian)

An excerpt characterizing Morandi, Gianni

- Princess, mother, someone is driving along the prefecture! she said, holding the frame and not closing it. - With lanterns, it must be, dokhtur ...
- Oh my god! God bless! - said Princess Mary, - we must go to meet him: he does not know Russian.
Princess Marya threw on her shawl and ran to meet the travelers. When she passed the front hall, she saw through the window that some kind of carriage and lamps were standing at the entrance. She went out onto the stairs. A tallow candle stood on the railing post and flowed from the wind. The waiter Philip, with a frightened face and with another candle in his hand, was standing below, on the first landing of the stairs. Even lower, around the bend, on the stairs, steps could be heard moving in warm boots. And some kind of familiar voice, as it seemed to Princess Mary, was saying something.
- God bless! said the voice. - And the father?
“Go to sleep,” answered the voice of the butler Demyan, who was already downstairs.
Then a voice said something else, Demyan answered something, and steps in warm boots began to approach faster along an invisible turn of the stairs. "This is Andrey! thought Princess Mary. No, it can’t be, it would be too unusual, ”she thought, and at the same moment as she thought this, on the platform on which the waiter was standing with a candle, the face and figure of Prince Andrei in a fur coat with a collar sprinkled with snow. Yes, it was him, but pale and thin, and with a changed, strangely softened, but anxious expression on his face. He entered the stairs and hugged his sister.
- You didn't get my letter? he asked, and without waiting for an answer, which he would not have received, because the princess could not speak, he returned, and with the obstetrician, who came in after him (he had gathered with him at the last station), with quick steps again entered the ladder and hugged his sister again. - What a fate! - he said, - Masha is dear - and, throwing off his fur coat and boots, he went to the half of the princess.

The little princess was lying on pillows, in a white cap. (Suffering had just let go of her.) Black hair curled in strands around her inflamed, sweaty cheeks; her ruddy, lovely mouth, with a sponge covered with black hairs, was open, and she smiled joyfully. Prince Andrei entered the room and stopped in front of her, at the foot of the sofa on which she was lying. Brilliant eyes, looking childish, frightened and agitated, rested on him without changing their expression. “I love you all, I didn’t harm anyone, why am I suffering? help me,” her expression said. She saw her husband, but did not understand the meaning of his appearance now before her. Prince Andrei walked around the sofa and kissed her on the forehead.
“My dear,” he said, a word he had never spoken to her. - God is merciful. She looked inquiringly, childishly reproachfully at him.
- I expected help from you, and nothing, nothing, and you too! her eyes said. She was not surprised that he came; she did not understand that he had come. His arrival had nothing to do with her suffering and its relief. The torment began again, and Marya Bogdanovna advised Prince Andrei to leave the room.
The obstetrician entered the room. Prince Andrei went out and, meeting Princess Marya, again approached her. They started talking in a whisper, but every minute the conversation fell silent. They waited and listened.
- Allez, mon ami, [Go, my friend,] - said Princess Mary. Prince Andrei again went to his wife, and sat down in the next room waiting. Some woman came out of her room with a frightened face and was embarrassed when she saw Prince Andrei. He covered his face with his hands and sat there for several minutes. Pathetic, helpless animal moans were heard from behind the door. Prince Andrei got up, went to the door and wanted to open it. Someone held the door.
- You can't, you can't! said a frightened voice from there. He began to walk around the room. The screams ceased, a few more seconds passed. Suddenly a terrible scream - not her scream, she could not scream like that - was heard in the next room. Prince Andrei ran to the door; the cry ceased, the cry of a child was heard.
“Why did they bring a child there? Prince Andrei thought at first. Child? What? ... Why is there a child? Or was it a baby? When he suddenly understood all the joyous meaning of this cry, tears choked him, and, leaning on the windowsill with both hands, he sobbed, sobbing, as children cry. The door opened. The doctor, with his shirt sleeves rolled up, without his coat, pale and with a trembling jaw, left the room. Prince Andrei turned to him, but the doctor looked at him in bewilderment and, without saying a word, passed by. The woman ran out and, seeing Prince Andrei, hesitated on the threshold. He entered his wife's room. She lay dead in the same position in which he had seen her five minutes earlier, and the same expression, despite the fixed eyes and the pallor of her cheeks, was on that lovely, childish face with a sponge covered with black hairs.
