Turnip in baby food: turnip puree, steamed turnip, turnip salad, turnip porridge. turnip salad

Folk tales are something unique and original. If you want to touch the culture of a particular people, then be sure to read the works of folk art. Every person in our country listened to Russian fairy tales in their childhood, and using their examples absorbed Russian culture and concepts of good and evil, about how to act in life. Fairy tales are actually a storehouse of wisdom, even if, at first glance, they are simple and unpretentious, like "Turnip".

Fairy tale "Turnip"

The tale "Turnip" in Russia can be recited by heart by anyone. And it is not surprising, because among Russian fairy tales it stands out for its simplicity and brevity - it takes only a few lines.

Russian fairy tale "Turnip" - a fairy tale for children from the very early age. Its simple meaning will be clear even to kids. This is one of the reasons why children remember it well. However, if we consider in more detail, it becomes clear that the wisdom in it is contained not only for children.

What is the tale "Turnip" about

In the fairy tale "Turnip" we are talking about an old man who decided to plant a turnip. When she matured, it turned out that she had grown very large. In fact, this is joy, but the old man himself could not pull it out alone. He had to call the whole family for help, first the grandmother, then the granddaughter, the dog Zhuchka, the cat, and only when the mouse came running, the family still managed to pull it out.

Note that there are many variants folk art. For example, in one version, the mouse was not called to pull the turnip. The family got tired trying to get the vegetable out and went to bed. The next morning it turned out that a mouse came running at night and ate the whole turnip.

The tale has a cyclical nature, because each time it spells out the order of the participants in the harvest from the very beginning to the end.

When was the tale "Turnip" first published?

The tale "Turnip" for centuries was told only orally. When the fairy tale "Turnip" was first published, it immediately entered the collection of Russian folk tales. The first publication was published in 1863, and not only all famous characters, but also the legs, which also came to the rescue. What the narrators had in mind under their feet is not completely clear.

The independent book "Turnip" was first published in 1910, and since then it has often been published as a small book for children. After the publication of the fairy tale "Turnip", it became clear that it takes up very little space on paper, so usually a lot of pictures are attached to this fairy tale.

The tale "Turnip" is originally Russian, but there were several editions abroad, including in France and Israel.

Different versions of the tale

Today you can find many various options fairy tales "Turnip": some funny, some sad, and sometimes serious. Previously, there were only 5 of its variants, among which one was the original, created by the people themselves. When the tale "Turnip" was first published, it was recorded in the Arkhangelsk province. Variants written by A.N. Tolstoy, and V.I. Dalem. Even though the tale was written down different people, its meaning has not changed, only the style of presentation has changed.

also in different time created their own versions on the theme "Turnip" by A.P. Chekhov, S. Marshak, K. Bulychev and other famous Russian writers.

It should be noted that the fairy tale inspired not only the creation different options presentation, but also the whole ballet, the creator of which was D. Kharms.

The meaning of the fairy tale

The folk tale "Turnip" carries much more deep meaning than just harvesting. Its main meaning is to show the strength of the family. A person alone cannot do everything, he needs helpers, and in this case the family will always come to the rescue. Moreover, they will also reap the fruits of their labor together. If we do everything together, then there will be sense, and even the smallest contribution to a common cause can sometimes decide its outcome. For some reason, this simple, at first glance, truth is often forgotten in life.

But even that is not the whole point. It becomes clearer if we consider historical conditions the time of writing the story. So, this was done even before the advent of Soviet power, during the reign of the emperor. In those years, a strong peasant community existed in the villages, which performed work together. In this regard, one can imagine the grandfather as one of the members of the community, who decided to do the whole thing alone. It is commendable, of course, but only without the rest of the members, who are represented by the grandmother, granddaughter and animals, nothing came of it, and could not come out. In a community, even the smallest and most frail member is useful if he makes an effort and tries to do at least something.


Ironically, even the most simple fairy tale can inspire artists, such as "Repka". When the tale "Turnip" was first published, it did not yet contain pictures, which is not surprising, because then it was a collection of stories for adults. However, later the fairy tale "Turnip" gained a new breath. Pictures for the fairy tale were first created by Elizaveta Merkulovna Bem, they were published in 1881. More precisely, these were not pictures, but silhouettes. In the first editions, "Turnip" consisted of 8 sheets of silhouettes, and only one page with the text of the fairy tale "Turnip". Pictures were later reduced and began to produce the whole fairy tale on one sheet. From the silhouettes of E.M. Bem refused only in 1946. Thus, for more than half a century, the fairy tale was produced only with the same pictures.

Today, drawings for a fairy tale are created in almost every book, so that children and parents have a choice. When cartoons began to be made in the country, tapes based on a folk tale were also made.

Everyone read the fairy tale about the turnip, but did everyone try the primordially Russian product, which once (before the widespread use of potatoes) served as the basis of the diet of our ancestors? especially for city dwellers. Meanwhile, turnip is a very useful root crop.

Turnip roots contain a lot of vitamin C, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, PP, manganese, iron, sodium, iodine, etc. There is also a very rare element glucoraphanin in turnip, which has a strong anti-cancer effect. There are a lot of sulfur salts in turnips, which disinfect the blood and have an anti-infective effect, help with bronchitis and even skin diseases of various origins. Turnip green leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, K, calcium and folic acid, and also contain a large amount of lutein. In a word, a fabulous turnip is a storehouse of useful substances and a real dietary product because it has very few calories. By the way, do you know which turnip is the most delicious? Small and round!

You can introduce turnips into your baby's diet from six to seven months. Like zucchini, pumpkin or broccoli, turnips are easy to digest and do not cause allergies. Carbohydrates contained in turnips are a good prevention of constipation and intestinal discomfort. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the child's immunity, helps to absorb iron from food, which is necessary for the development of the child's brain. Zinc also helps the development of the brain and the immune system. Like any complementary food, turnips need to be introduced, observing the reaction.

Turnip dishes for children: recipes

Turnip puree for babies (first food)

My turnip, clean, cut into small pieces and boil until soft in a small amount of water or steam. We grind. Salt or oil do not need to be added, but a little breast milk or mixtures will make turnip puree more attractive to the baby. Fast, simple and delicious. Later, the turnip can be added to mashed zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, etc.

steamed turnip

For those who can already boast of having teeth, you can cook the legendary steamed turnip. To do this, the turnip needs to be washed, peeled, cut, put in a refractory form (ideally, a clay pot), covered with a lid and sent to “steam” in the oven at a temperature of 160-180 degrees for 40-60 minutes. Of course, once steamed turnips were cooked in a Russian stove in the heat that persisted after baking bread. But the oven will not let you down, try it. You have to understand the real taste of turnips!

If you don’t like the classic steamed turnip, you can pour the chopped turnip with milk, add butter and a little salt (some add chopped carrots, zucchini, potatoes, you get a stew). And also in the oven for 45 minutes. Very tasty.

Children of one and a half to two years old can be given raw turnip. Or add to soup, stew, porridge.

turnip salad

Turnip salad is very easy to prepare. My turnips, clean, three on a fine grater. If desired, add grated carrots, an apple or a boiled egg. You can fill with vegetable oil or sour cream. Salt to taste.

Turnip dessert with apples

A turnip dish can also be sweet. We take equally peeled turnips and apples, cut into cubes and simmer with butter until soft. Sugar and raisins (or other dried fruits) to taste. Serve very tasty with sour cream or cream.

Semolina porridge with turnips for babies

We take one medium potato, a small carrot, half a turnip. We wash and clean the vegetables, cut them, send everything to the pan and cook until soft in a small amount of water. We wipe the vegetables and add to the freshly cooked semolina, mix. And do not forget about the butter, which, as you know, will not spoil the porridge.

Millet porridge with turnips

Millet porridge with turnips is prepared in almost the same way as with pumpkin, best of all - in pots in the oven. The turnip should be cut into cubes, mixed with millet groats, put in pots, add a little butter. Salt and sugar to taste. Then pour boiling water or hot milk, cover with a lid and simmer in the oven until the liquid is completely absorbed. After turning off the oven, it is advisable to let the porridge stand until the oven cools down. Millet porridge with turnip is crumbly and fragrant.

The story about Repka. Review

“They write and write… but they don’t know what they write. There are many amateurs in the world, but few literate ones, ”the omniscient literary critic grumbled to himself, reading another opus.
And people are all the same - read, write, reason, discuss different topics. Some in literature, some in politics, about biology, about life, about love. .. and fairy tales. They are such people - inquisitive, but interested, and everyone calls them to the vast expanses of the unknown.

An amazing fairy tale ABOUT THE TURP! One unpretentious reader, out of the simplicity of his soul, suggested that in ancient times they told fairy tales for small, unintelligent children to lull them with long retellings: grandfather for a turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother, bug for granddaughter, cat for bug, mouse for cat, one leg for the mouse, the other leg for the first, the third leg for the second, the fourth leg for the fifth. And so they pulled out the turnip, all together, familially and with legs. It seems like a fairy tale about a white bull, as if the lambs are counted at night. How many lambs can be counted for a child in the night? And five legs, is that enough? This is strange.
No, dear reader, this is not a lullaby. Namely, five legs, and so it was originally conceived. Then, apparently, another thought came up that they were controlled only by their own forces.
Good fairy tale. And about the continuity of generations, but it is not clear where the mother and father are. But you see, everything is fine in the family, if the granddaughter was born. And about friendship, and about mutual assistance, according to rank, importance and growth. And that together you will overcome any work and difficult task, but you will be good and in good health. Here is such a many-sided, multidimensional and instructive tale. From a small chain - such power! Simple addition - and such power! It seems like an equation with all the known ones.

And how much do we even know about Repka? And what is so special about it that we tell it to our children again and again, from generation to generation? And is it worth making so much effort to unravel, there can only be a seemingly hidden secret meaning?

Here is what the experts write: “It is believed that this tale belongs to the Chained tales, in which dialogues or actions are repeated and developed as the plot develops ... Many of these tales are relic (very ancient) .. the purpose of such tales is the development of speech in children, beginners to speak, so they are often the first tales. Most folklore scholars are inclined to believe that the creators of chain-like fairy tales were people with a young (childish) consciousness, that is, primitive societies. It is believed that such chain-like structures corresponded to the archaic type of thinking.

That is, it turns out that there is no riddle in the fairy tale. And everything would be simple if not for the legs. Moreover, this tale has strangely few options. For all generations - and only four options! And although Aarn-Thompson in the Index of Folktale Plots (No. 2044) cites its Lithuanian, Swedish, Spanish and Russian texts, but most likely these are later borrowings, which, unfortunately, I have not been able to find anywhere. In later times, the tale was published in English, French editions, in China, Korea and even Japan, but all these are late retellings based on the Russian folk tale.

So why is the primordially Russian so attractive ancient tale, with its special vision and subtle sense of the world, inexplicable ambiguity and ease of perception?
But first, let's remember Repka herself, and how much she meant in the life of the people.
“Turnip (Brassica rapa) is a one-biennial herbaceous plant of the Cabbage family. Her homeland is considered Western Asia. One of the oldest cultivated plants. It was introduced into culture about 40 centuries ago. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks widely cultivated turnips, but considered them the food of slaves and the poorest peasants. IN Ancient Rome baked turnips were already consumed by representatives of all classes. Over time, the turnip spread to Western Europe. In Rus', turnips have been the most important food product since ancient times, there are references to it in ancient chronicles. Until the 18th century, turnips were the main vegetable in the Russian diet. Turnip has wound healing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Turnip juice is drunk for coughs, sore throats. It improves sleep and calms the heartbeat. "Hutsulska turnip" - a holiday in Western Ukraine.
Biggest Turnip (Guinness Book) - A 33.1 kg turnip was reported in 1768 and a 23.1 kg turnip was reported from Alaska in 1981.

Repischa, a huge turnip; fortress cf. old turnip field? Onion apples or onion. Onions, bulbs, opposite sex. green. Turnip, turnip, generally referring to turnips. Turnip, caress. the nickname of the round girl. Repitsa the tail of a vertebrate animal, except for wool and hair; the entire connection of the caudal ossicles, the continuation of the vertebrae. The horse has a half-tail, and half a tail of a muffler. | In a bird: a vesicle on the tail, on the kuprik.
REPA1, -s, f. Face. Turnip turnip. I put the turnip out of the window. Peel turnips (wash your face). Roll into (or clean) a turnip; hit in the face, in the face. Soar turnips; do a steam bath for the face.

And now let's try to look deep into the centuries. Into the world closed from us for many centuries Ancient Rus'. Tales, proverbs, sayings, riddles. It turns out that the riddles are so amazing that it was even considered sinful to guess them. "Riddles, along with most other oral works, were persecuted by the clergy. According to the district charter of Alexei Mikhailovich, guessing riddles are also condemned, as well as singing demonic songs." Wow! Maybe that's why they were sinful, and everyone thinks, but not everyone thinks of it? So maybe fairy tales began to say because riddles were banned?
Old Russian riddles .. That's really a problem - for all problems - a task .. There were wise people ..
So I think that even now not everyone will solve these riddles on the move.

Neither the sky nor the earth, The view is bright, Ten-shaped birds sit on it. Two contemplate, Two await, One commands. (Paper and scribe.)
The city stands to the east With wide doors, There are many troops around it, Each warrior has a spear. There is a kind of Adaml, He took away from them all the property. Glory to the highest, earthly also! (Hive, bees, sting, wax, honey.)
In the white city, In the dark basement, They stand in one barrel: Tsarevo wine, Tsaritsyn honey, Razno, not mixed (Protein with yolk.)
I will guess a riddle, I will throw it over the garden, I will let it go in a year, I will grow a yearling. (Bread.)
Sweep, sweep Mala makhnushka, I'll let a white pebble in. (Varga).
Five lambs eat up the stack, Five lambs run away. (Linen is spun).
The pike will move, The forest will wither, In that place the city will become. (Scythe, grass, haystack.)
A woman hangs on the ridges, All in patches. Obliquely, not straight, Where are you going? Guard you, green, curly, guard you. (Basket.)
Vito sieve about four corners, about one hundred legs, about seven humps. (Peasant hut)
The mother is fat, the daughter is red, the son of the brave has gone under heaven. (furnace, fire, smoke)
Baba Yaga with a pitchfork leg, feeds the whole world, she is hungry (plough).
Two ships go from God's judgment, and the third to God's judgment (sheaves on a cart)
Twelve eagles, fifty-two jackdaws laid one egg. (Year)
Two are standing, two are lying, the fifth is walking, the sixth is driving. (Door with lintels.)
I walked by, I saw a marvel: a cauldron of ninety buckets was hanging. (Moon).

Proverbs about Repa:
Round girl, like a turnip;
Good (girl), like a washed turnip!
Past the turnip, like past a girl, you won’t get past it - you’ll pinch it.
The turnip is sold, and the cart is covered.
Klim smears the cart, goes to the Crimea for turnips.
Do not doze off the woman on the reporeza.
The peasant can already see by the turnip that the cutters have come up.
Cabbage and turnips are not crepe.
In post radish tail
Turnips and turnips do not boast.
Peas and turnips are an enviable business: whoever goes will snatch.
Turnip belly is not strong.
The pig went to gardeners: for carrots, for turnips, for white cabbage.
Turnip - meat, cut and eat.
I would eat turnips, but my teeth are rare.
Turnips and peas are not near the roads.
When there is a turnip, then the measure.
Turnips are not sown on the back.
Easier than a steamed turnip.
The turnip boasted that it was good with honey.
Who himself, like a steamed turnip, gives in to others blindly.
Hungry Fedot and turnip hunting.
Fish is water, turnips are earth, and berries are grass.
There is a turnip - a small honor.
It seems to us a turnip for an apple.
Turnips and peas are sown for thieves.
Not everyone collects turnips.
Young people and turnips.
There is dirt in the room - even this turnip.
Cheaper than a steamed turnip, they give it away for free.
Mash turnips to give cabbages.
Eat at least turnips instead of rye, but don't keep someone else's.
Saying: "Grandfather and grandmother cleaned the clearing, sowed turnips ..."
Even if you sing a turnip mother. (an obscene song. They will sing such a mother turnip that they will bow at my feet.)
Behold, buy the oramy lands, and the reapers, and the groves, and the grounds. (probably from old Russian)

Riddles about Turnip and Turnip:
Shiba (I will throw) a big one, it will grow into an oak tree, an oleshnik.
In the land of crumbs, from the land of cakes.
Under an oak tree, under a pencil, not a ball, not a pebble.
Itself a ball, and the tail under itself.
Green on top, thick in the middle, thin at the end.
Round, but not a girl: with a tail, but not a mouse.

There was an important turnip, each old woman marveled; one day you can’t go around; at that turnip, my family and I ate half of it for a whole week, and the other half for another week; they piled up the crust and put the mare on and broke off the cart. That's what wisdom was recently wiped off! (Afanasiev, "Jests")

Here is a Repka.
Five came; that but; ha. Five legs for four, four but; gi for three, three but; gi for two, two but; gi for but; gu, but; ha for a bitch, a bitch for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, pull-pull: they pulled a turnip! (Afanasiev, Russian folk tales; "Turnip".)

And it looks like it's the oldest version. fairy tales hints, puzzles. And here's why: In a footnote, Afanasiev cited a variant of the beginning of a fairy tale recorded in the Vologda province: “There was an old man with an old woman, they sowed turnips. "Old woman! calls the old man. - I walked, looked: a frequent turnip. Let's go tear." They came to the turnip, judged, judged: how can we tear the turnip? The leg runs along the path. "Leg, help tear the turnip." Tore-torn could not pull out ... "

And until we understand what kind of leg, legs, we are unlikely to unravel the meaning of the fairy tale.

Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits...

And most importantly, do you know how they pull a turnip? What if it's too big? Have you yourself tried to pull out or drag something heavy in the same way as suggested in the fairy tale? Poor grandfather .. What was it like for him to drag a turnip with such help ...
Neither barge haulers, as in Repin’s painting, dragged so heavy, exorbitantly heavy barges along the Volga ... Neither horses harnessed by a train carried such heavy loads .. Yes, and tug of war, the game is not at all according to those rules. And the force here is summed up according to other laws.

And we will not go into the details of the way of life and customs of that time, relationships and hierarchy, which are very well visible in the fairy tale - all this is true. Let's try to look into the deep meaning of the tale, remembering the wealth, wisdom and poetry of the Russian people.

The first thing that comes in associations is astronomical overtones. Calendar.
Old Fedot is sitting at the gate, keeping score:
He counts a dozen and starts again. (calendar).
Twelve eagles, fifty-two jackdaws laid one egg. (Year).
A turnip cake hangs over the grandmother's window. (Moon)
We have a basket full of turnips above the window. (Star).
Hungry Fedot and a turnip in the hunt ...

IN classic version- Turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, Murka, mouse - seven days of the week.
In the ancient version of the tale: Repka is a grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bitch and five legs. Year=9 months. Ancient Slavic calendar. But we know little about him. That's why it seems strange.
There may also be a sun and 9 planets.

There is also a construction explanation: “The fifth leg - among the ancient Slavs - is the designation of the rafter angle, which is about 60-70 degrees. such an angle allows you to activate the energy of the earth under the building and activate the ascending torsion vortex - so that the energy of the earth goes into the building and renews the energy inside the building. The legs are the rafters that hold up the roof. Fairy tale Turnip - instructions on how to put the roof of the house in height and steepness: the first leg is the roof for the barn, the second is for the poultry house, the third is for pets, the fourth is for the tower ("house" in Old Russian is a coffin), the fifth - for the choir.

But these explanations are probably known to everyone. And everything has been discussed for a long time.
And here's another.
Turnip - which is simpler than a steamed turnip. You can't put it on the master's table. But he feeds all year round, although his stomach is not round. Turnip - wealth, turnip - poverty. You will pull out wealth, you will become well-fed. Pull the adversity away, happiness will come. All one is good!
Turnip - like the sun, like bright gold. But Turnip - and as the head of everything, there are many benefits. And it's hard to lift - like dragging a stone.
But before we drag weights, let's figure out the meaning of words. So, just in case, suddenly what hint will be found.

The head is a circle, governor, Sometimes a thing that is likened in appearance to a head, as for example. sugar head; onion head. Golo; vshchi; on the railway sowing poll, file from the soul, from the head.

Grandfather, grandfather, father's father.
Grandfather, the same as the brownie.
Dedo; to- many. -dki; "burdock, burdock".
Grandfather, not an old stump ..

Headstock - a detail of some machines.
- a cake, a simplified version of a woman.
- a dish of Belarusian cuisine made from potatoes.
- a device for beating off braids.
Grandmother (or puto) - the lower part of the limb (leg) of the horse.
Pasterns are the hoof bones of animals used in the folk game of the same name.
is an old folk game.
- colloquial name for money. (Hungarian. Babka). Coin in Hungary = our penny.
Grandmother - local Several sheaves of smth., placed in a certain way.
Mouse grandma. Arch. Raincoat mushroom.

Granddaughter - Mnuchka, granddaughter, Ukrainian. onu; k, other Russian. grandson, Bulgarian grandson, grandson about the relationship of glory. words from other ind. anvan;c "next", convincingly explains D.Sc. enenchel; how to reduce from d.-v.-n. ano "ancestor", ana "grandmother.
Onuchi - Onucha is a long, wide (about 30 cm) strip of white, black or Brown(canvas, woolen).
I remember, I remember, I think; I remember, I remember, other Russian min; ti, mint - other Ind. ma;nyat;, manut;; "thinks, remembers", ma;nas cf. R. "mind, spirit, mind"
manna- "temptation, bait", cf. deceive; n, mani; t.
Mnas - "mine, ancient coin", bibl., other Russian, old-slav. mnas. From the Greek ;;;, ;;;; "mine"

Bitch - I "dry, cook", only other Russian. learn to "cook, digest", cslav. s; chiti, pr; s; chiti "dry". It is considered related to other-isl. sangr "burnt", cf.-v.-n., new-v.-n. sengen "burn.
Bitch, bitch - Ukrainian. bitch, other Russian, senior Slav. s;k, Bulgarian. sk, Serbohorv. su;k, Praslav. *so;kъ approaches Lit. at-;anke;; "hook, ledge on a tree, stick", other ind. c;a;ku;s; m. "sharp peg, wooden nail, stake",
By the way, Zhukovina. 1 Zhikovina. 2 The convex side of the slab. 3 Wane, blunt edging of a beam or hewn log. 4 Sapwood left on the ribs. 5 The hollow between the crowns of logs.
(Bitch and Bug, but all in construction).
And in addition, to make it clear why knots and beetles: Vaga.1. "weight, heaviness", 2. "scales", 3. "crossbar on a drawbar", 4. "lever". Also dial. vag "a device for lifting a wagon when lubricating the wheels", Slovenian. va;ga, Pol. waga "weight", Czech. va;ha, Golub (321) sees native Slavs here. the root, which he refers to veza ;, to carry ;,
Like a plow from an elk, so is a vaga from an important one ...? va; female-vazha; tka "female reindeer after the fourth year", arkhang. (Sub.); loans. from the Saami. kild. v;d;

Now let me explain what this is all about:
Have you seen how large, very large stones are pulled out of the ground, without winches and modern technical devices? How are uncultivated forest areas uprooted? Have you tried building a log cabin alone? Can you handle this difficult task yourself? And lift logs, and move stones? Easily! If you know how. My dad built. And he had the skills that the old people taught him in those distant, distant times near Pskov.

For a reminder, a fairy tale. Grandfather-grandfather grow a meadow, run away from the road, an unbearable stone, so that the legs walk along a straight path.

Stretched? Does not work? But in order to pull a large boulder out of the ground, you will need a stump, and grandmas, so that the stump does not go, and onuchi for tying and legs for lifting and for leverage. Who pulled out, he remembered the Turnip.
Yes, and I’m not a master in the construction business of lifting weights, but whoever is interested can be curious about how they lifted weights in antiquity, there are pictures there, and everything is intelligibly explained: http://laiforum.ru/viewtopic.php?f=44&t= 2084
“Even Archimedes, according to sources that have come down to us, could single-handedly move a cargo ship with three masts, which was hardly pulled ashore by several dozen slaves. This was the progenitor of the polyspath device still used today. With this device, you can not only lift logs to a height, but also lower heavy objects with the same success. The device is used in many areas, not only in construction, but also for launching and raising deck boats.

That's all for now small review. Maybe not very difficult. But the story is also a tricky one. And if I find something interesting, I'll write it better.

And finally, for a change, short story Chekhov about Repka, his translation from a child:
“Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. Lived and gave birth to Serge. Serge has long ears and a turnip instead of a head. Serge grew up big-very big ... Grandfather pulled his ears; pulls, pulls, pull into people can not. Grandpa called grandma.
Grandma pulls grandfather, grandfather pulls a turnip, they pull and pull and they can’t pull it out. The grandmother called the aunt-princess.
An aunt pulls a grandmother, a grandmother pulls a grandfather, a grandfather pulls a turnip, they pull, they pull, they can’t pull into people. The princess called the godfather-general.
Kum for an aunt, an aunt for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, they pull, they pull, they cannot pull it out. Grandpa couldn't take it. He married his daughter to a rich merchant. He called the merchant with hundred rubles.
A merchant for a godfather, a godfather for an aunt, an aunt for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, pull-pull and pulled the head-turnip into people.
And Serge became a state councilor."

A fairy tale is a lie and in it a hint to good fellows a lesson.

I continue the topic Slavic fairy tales. This time I will talk about the original meaning of the tale about Repka. Unlike the fairy tale about Kolobok (which I talked about last time), the changes in "Turnip" have not undergone such global changes and the meaning that the ancestors wanted to convey to us can be understood without the original version.

This fairy tale indicates the relationship of generations, you guessed it, and also indicates the interaction of temporary structures, forms of life and forms of existence.

IN modern version this fairy tale, which you know, lacks two more characters that originally existed - the Father and the Mother.
Christians removed the Father and Mother, for two reasons (initially there were 9 characters, and now there are 7):

1 - Christians have a septenary system of perception, so the fairy tale was reduced to 7 elements, just as the week was reduced from 9 to 7 days (the Slavs had a circular or nine-fold system).

2 - for Christians, protection and support is the Church, and love and care is Christ, and for the Slavs, protection and support is the Father, love and care is the Mother.

Each of the nine characters had their own hidden image:

Turnip - symbolizes the wealth and Wisdom of the Family, its roots. It seems to unite the earthly, underground and aboveground.
- Grandfather - symbolizes Ancient Wisdom.
- Grandmother - traditions of the house, housekeeping.
- Father - protection and support.
- Mother - Love and care.
- Granddaughter - symbolizes offspring.
- A bug - wealth in the Family (a dog was brought in to protect wealth).
- Cat - symbolizes a benevolent situation in the Family (cats are harmonizers of human energy).
- Mouse - symbolizes the well-being of the family (it was believed that the mouse lives where there is a surplus of food).

Among the Slavs, the original meaning of this tale was as follows: to have a connection with the Family and Family Memory, live in harmony with relatives and have Happiness in the family.

Next time I will talk about the image of Baba Yaga, and if it works out, I will talk about Koshchei the immortal and his role in Slavic culture.

The main characters of the fairy tale "Turnip" are a friendly family. The head of the family, grandfather, once planted a turnip in the garden. And this root crop grew so huge that his grandfather could not pull it out of the ground when it was time to harvest. He called for help first grandmother. But both of them could not extract the turnip. Then I had to call my granddaughter, then the dog Zhuchka, then the cat. And even this big company failed to pull the turnip out of the ground.

And only when the cat called the mouse, things moved forward. By joint efforts, the turnip was pulled out of the ridge.

Takovo summary fairy tales.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "Turnip" is that difficult things must be done together. When solving difficult problems, even the smallest help can be decisive. It would seem that a little mouse has a lot of strength? Quite a bit, but this smallness was enough to budge a heavy turnip. The tale teaches friendship and mutual assistance, as in family life as well as in public affairs.

In the fairy tale, I liked the grandfather, who managed to grow such a large root crop that he had to be pulled out by the whole family. I also liked the good relationships between the characters of the fairy tale. Indeed, in this tale, the cat is not at all afraid of the dog, and the mouse willingly responded to the cat's request to help in pulling the turnip. The characters of the fairy tale can be called an example of a friendly family.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "Turnip"?

Without difficulty, you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond.
There is safety in numbers.
Where friendship is strong, things go well.
