Ways to charge the amulet at home. Elements in your immediate environment

Fire Signs of the Zodiac are unique adventurers and people who never sit still. Their life position expresses the desire for everything unusual, therefore, stones with talismans are full of creative energy.

Universal stones and talismans

The element of fire loves Red color, which means that universal amulets are any red stones, for example, zircon, ruby or red pomegranate. Also fire loves diamonds Not cheap, but one of the best. Universal stones allow fire Signs to feed on the energy of the cosmos, transforming it into good luck. Diamond also helps to relax and streamline your life in order to get rid of unnecessary risks.

Stones and talismans for Sagittarius

Sagittarians become more successful and successful if they carry an image with them or have at home horses or horseshoes. These symbols of success allow Sagittarians to improve their already developed communication skills and find mutual language with the right people.

The best stone for Sagittarius will be turquoise, which will tell you how to avoid unnecessary risks. The fact is that Sagittarians do not always commit deliberate acts, although they are quick-witted. Turquoise will fix that.

Stones and talismans for Lions

Precious ruby or fiery amber will help Leos show status and succeed in labor activity. These stones have the strongest energy, which feeds its owner with self-confidence and self-confidence.

The best talisman for Leo are star, eagle and of course myself a lion. The star symbolizes the exaltation of the representatives of this Sign above all, and the lion and eagle are the conductors of power that endow Lions with leadership abilities.

Stones and talismans for Aries

The main talisman of a successful Aries is hammer. It helps to survive difficult moments of life without losing faith in one's strength. A symbol The Golden Fleece will help not to waste your strength and finances.

Aries stones - diamonds And amethysts. Diamonds make Aries more energetically stable and permanent, helping to attract positive emotions and become wiser. Amethysts tell their owner how to avoid unjustified risks and adventures.

Fire signs are very impulsive personalities. Talismans and stones can help each Fire Sign make their life a little more rational without losing their luck and luck. We wish you success, and do not forget to press the buttons and

25.02.2016 01:10

Do you know your talisman by Zodiac sign? There are many things that can attract...

Each Sign of the Zodiac is unique in nature, and each Sign has its own place, better...

The active amulet Air Element is aimed at creative development the one who wears it. He gives inspiration to people from the world of art, those who are engaged in artistic crafts, people creative professions a powerful amulet of Air gives strength and will to achieve mastery, activates their energy and focuses on the search for new ideas. This amulet gives success to its owner and is an ally in the process of career development.

If you do not yet know what your true path is, if you are lost on the tangled paths of life, he will lead you to flat road, will help you find in yourself. The best amulet of Air gives spiritual strength and energy for the realization of plans and ideas. Everything that you only dreamed of will become a reality for you. In addition, it is a very good amulet against vampirism and the evil eye. To people involved in magic, he can become good helper, strengthening the element of Air in certain rituals.

How to make an amulet of strength yourself

Any stones, of course, that suit your zodiac sign and do not conflict with you, can be used as amulets or talismans that attract success and good luck into your life. And you can make an amulet of strength from the selected stone at home. First, the stone must be cleansed of the layers of energies, and then charged with the help of a special rite. This rite is simple, you can carry it out yourself. The ritual requires symbols of all four elements.

  1. Air element - fan, incense sticks, a drop of aromatic oil
  2. Fire element - candle
  3. Earth element - a handful of earth
  4. Element of Water - water in a transparent glass without edges
Place a stone in the center of the table, which will later become a protective amulet of strength. Turn your face to the north, take a fan or incense stick in your hands and, saying: " With pure breath I give you oblivion. Forget about the former existence, be here and now”, send a stream of air to the stone.

Now take a stone, close your eyes and think about it, feel that you and the stone are one. Invoking the element of Fire, pass the stone crosswise over the burning candle four times, say the spell: “I cleanse you from the south with the power of Fire.”

It is time to turn to the elements of the Earth. Pour a handful of earth in the center of the table and put a stone on it, say a spell: “By the power of the generous and fertile Mother Earth, I give you freedom and strength.”

Working with the element of Water, sprinkle the stone clean water and complete the spell: “By the power of Water I purify you! Remember good, be with me at all times.

The rite is completed. Thank the elements. Remove the stone, no one should see it. You can use your individual amulet of strength after a day, when the energies of the elements complete its transformation.

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert of the Ancients Slavic symbols. It has great experience selection of individual amulets. He charges amulets on his own and consults readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

Not able to work without the appropriate charge. But how to charge the amulet at home? It is not necessary to seek help from magicians and sorcerers to perform a ceremony aimed at gaining strength with a talisman. Do it yourself - prove to higher powers that a person is capable of much, deserves to wear magical attributes. So there are chances to earn the favor of heaven and spirits. You should also figure out if someone else's amulet needs to be cleaned before use.

The ritual of consecration or charging with the necessary energy is carried out in five ways. Which one to choose depends on the purpose of the amulet, the attitude to certain forces of nature of the person conducting the ritual consecration.

How to charge amulets and why to do it

Let's get down to specifics. Why carry out ritual actions and how to charge the talisman yourself?

  1. First, choose the right one and suitable sign, drawing.
  2. Secondly, a charm bought or made by the owner himself has no power. He must first be accustomed to himself. Then charge with the necessary energy.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to make it work for the owner of the talisman.

Having fulfilled the three points of the condition, we can say that the forces of the elements, white or black magic will protect their admirer. In addition, it is worth regularly cleaning the protection attribute from negativity.

good luck

Choosing the right approach is important. With the help of the amulet, troubles will bypass the owner, and relations with ordinary people and superiors are improved three times, or even five times. Before you charge a talisman for good luck, you should choose the right one.

It can become a shell, a stone interesting view or an old coin found by chance. For luck and protection, it is recommended to dry a four-leaf clover. Finding it is difficult, but possible. After drying the plant, carry it in your wallet or pocket.

Provided that you are not very lucky with the finds, make your own. During the manufacturing process, use herbs, nauzes, horseshoes, or an interesting combination of plants (oak, aspen, agave, rose). Choose the simplest combinations, the ways to charge the amulet in this case will not become more complicated.

Before activating, do not forget to cleanse from negativity and other people's energy. For example, the sea or land gives strength to everything that is in them. It's not always luck or love. It is possible that tears or sadness.

Purchased amulets are also cleansed of the energy of the creator and seller. The amulet was taken by at least five people before the sale. And this suggests that some of the thoughts, the negative remained on the product.

For love

A talisman for love should not have a square or triangular shape. It is not necessary to cut out a heart or swans. Let it be a shapeless little thing, but with rounded or oval edges. Activating an amulet of this format is much easier. It will be aimed specifically at attracting love and mutual understanding.

We also take into account the fact that the material is selected only natural and not deathly or injury. These are fur keychains or paws, ponytails. If a tree is used, then let the bar dry and only then apply runes, signs or drawings that help attract love.

A charged amulet for love should always be near the owner. If the choice fell on a bag, self-made with the hair of a lover, do not forget that you will need a love spell reading of the text.

Another obligatory rule is the wearing of a talisman away from the pectoral cross.

For money

So that the masses of money floated into the hands? First, select products suitable for the process. Best Option will become:

  • found coins;
  • coins of the same denomination collected within three months;
  • jewelry made of precious metal;
  • bills.

Starting a business is not difficult. Everything you need is at hand: clay or chalk, wood or cardboard. The creator of the amulet is obliged to connect two equal parts, round in shape. To connect, use a red or gold thread. Add runes or Slavic signs.

Banknotes activated for wealth cannot be exchanged. Every six months, the cleansing and activation procedure should be repeated. The money talisman activates not only signs and symbols, but also the light of the new month. Perform the ritual at the moment when both luminaries are visible in the sky: the sun and the moon. Sufficiency is guaranteed.

How to charge a hand-bought amulet, amulet, talisman
Before you charge the amulet, you should understand one important thing: you cannot do without a certain sequence and ritual. In the process of magical actions, the energy of the amulet and the owner is exchanged. The ritual is designed to combine energy flows.

There are three options for purchasing a talisman:

  • buying from the hands of a talisman made by another person;
  • do it yourself;
  • factory made.

All three involve cleansing, taming, and activating. Treat these things responsibly. By incorrectly casting or casting a spell, you can ruin the amulet and scare away luck, love, money, and so on. Higher forces do not forgive mistakes, and even more so a careless attitude to the process, disbelief in their power. It is imperative to clean someone else's amulet before use.

The time of the ritual is also chosen with great care. Charging methods are chosen in accordance with the elements according to the signs of the zodiac. For practicing people or performing not the first successful rite in life, it is possible to use charging using joint strength elements.

Charging with four elements

It will not be difficult to carry out ritual activities for cleansing and charging on your own, but on condition that the person follows the rules. The instructions are not difficult. Follow the correct conduct and preparation of the necessary ingredients. Each element requires respect and proper behavior.


Charging the amulet with the power of fire should take place at sunset. Sunlight is like fire. The talisman in such cases can only be made of stone or durable metal. Such material perfectly absorbs fiery power. After purification and hardening by fire, nothing will threaten the owner of the amulet. But luck, protection from fire and luck in all endeavors are guaranteed. Changes will begin immediately on the day of the event.


Cleaning one amulet or several with water is suitable for water and air signs. This option is forbidden for fiery ones, since the compatibility of the elements is completely absent. People who belong to the earth element can use it, but only during the spring or summer season.

For the ritual, use only living water (spring or melt). Spend away from prying eyes all alone. Technique requires precision and care. Wiping ritual water is also prohibited. Complete self-drying is required.


Activating a talisman with earth is very easy to use. After cleansing activities and accustoming to your energy, we insist on the amulet for at least 24 hours in the ground. The soil must be alive and breathe well. Suitable soil in the garden or your own yard. As soon as you dig a hole, step over it three times. Start with the right foot. After digging out, the talisman is worn closer to the body during the day.

By air

To cleanse or charge the amulet with the help of air spirits, choose a sunny day with a clear cloudless sky. The ritual is performed early in the morning, while the air is clean and fresh, without admixture of chemical odors. They go out to an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bnature where there are no houses (forest, park or planting is suitable). Hold the amulet on the outstretched palm for 2-3 minutes. Now bring it to your lips and slowly blow three times on the top.

About conspiracies

Amulets during one or all of the rituals of purification, activation and charging should not only absorb the energy of the elements and their owner.

In this case, it is necessary to use magical texts. Each element has its own conspiracy:

  1. Cleansing. “Spirits of the elements, come. Help. Remove the negative and dirt from the amulet (amulet, talisman). Let someone else's be removed, but mine will stick, not lag behind. Helps me with everything."
  2. For a talisman, it is important to feel positive emotions. Thoughts and desires that concern only certain moments should be directed. So, for example, to attract good luck, say: “I attract good luck, I drive away misfortunes and human anger. Envy departed, and goodness and happiness approached. They sat down on the amulet, remained, took root.
  3. During the consecration by fire: “Fire spirit, help! Strength, patience and luck tempered. Attach to the amulet with wax.

Water and air do not require reading special texts and pronouncing a specific word pattern. They are strong, at the same time kind and positive in every way.

How to charge a Slavic amulet

IN last decade people began to return to their roots. One of these returns is called the acquisition of symbols and amulets. Slavic amulets were created by the ancestors strictly according to the elements. But they were always loaded in the same way: through a ritual fire. Let's look at an example. How to charge Slavic amulet molvinets, protecting from damage to the evil eye, as well as evil people? We follow the instructions:

  • we make an amulet;
  • we carry out cleansing;
  • we charge with our energy;
  • we prepare a ritual fire with an offering to the gods (in the form of a well or a truncated pyramid);
  • we make sure that permission for consecration has been received (the offering must fall into the middle of the fire).

The Slavic amulet is laid either next to the ashes, or is covered for a day with ashes from a fire.

Chinese astrology provides us with a great glimpse into the types of energies that we project outward or draw inward, whether through our relationships with others or through our self-expression in the home. Most people are aware of their belonging to the twelve signs of the Chinese animal horoscope: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar.

Rice. 1. Cycles of creation and destruction.

Meanwhile, few in the West are familiar with the Five Elements system, which gives us a holistic view of our energetic awareness. The Five Elements are actively used in Feng Shui not only to create a birth horoscope, but also to create a horoscope for the house and even for the area where this house stands. This ancient pattern of growth and change is also reflected in the Bagua pattern.

You already know that the Five Elements symbolize five different energy forces, or types of qi, that manifest in the world through our bodies, natural phenomena, colors, smells, and even through love. Chinese astrology is based on the "creation and destruction" system. On fig. 1 shows how this system works.

Part of this system is our Bagua map. "Feng Shui Compass" (Fig. 2) shows how all these elements, cardinal points and zodiac signs interconnected, forming an endless cycle.

Tips for Balancing the Elements

1. Five Elements together form an energy cycle, which must be in harmonic balance with respect to environment depending on which element you belong to. For example, if you are a Fire element, you may need to express your "fiery" side of your personality in your immediate environment; however, you also need to attract other elements that complement the element of Fire, such as Wood and Earth. If your partner lives under the same roof with you and belongs to the element of Water, then he (she) will need the presence of his native element in one form or another. Again, to enhance harmony, the partner will have to introduce elements of the elements of Metal and Wood into the interior of the house.

2. First important advice is as follows: no matter what element you belong to, you must use and support it by expressing the corresponding features of your personality. To ensure harmony in love relationships, use the talismans of your native element, but do not overdo it. If you want to balance this energy so that it works for your benefit, you may need to strengthen the surrounding space with means related to additional elements.

Here is what the list of additional elements looks like:

The element of Fire requires the talismans of the Tree and the Earth.
The element of Earth requires the talismans of Metal and Fire.
The element of Metal requires the talismans of Water and Earth.
The element of Water requires the talismans of Wood and Metal.
The element of Wood requires the talismans of Fire and Water.

Rice. 2. A simplified version of the "Feng Shui compass".

Elements in your immediate environment

Finding associations with the element of Wood around us is quite simple. But do not think that because of the strength and immobility of the tree, its energy is static. The tree has the most powerful energy, which is hardly surprising if you remember how much time and energy a tree needs to grow. The tree grows due to the fact that it is nourished by the element of Water (in the cycle of transformations, Water creates the Tree). Wood energy has magical properties; that is why for many centuries in a variety of cultures, trees were considered symbols of growth and fertility. The symbol of creation is the movement directed upwards, which elevates us above the earth, above the reality known to us. Even though our roots are in the earth, we can ascend to the very heavens.

Trees play a fundamental role in the Tree energy cycle, as even a tree cut down or torn up by a storm can still be beneficial. We are surrounded by objects made of wood or related to the plant world - from furniture and books to flowers, house and garden plants, trees, etc. Wood is associated with in green- the color characteristic of all plant life in nature. If you feel the need to harmonize this element in your home and heart, then the simplest measures - for example, the use of fabrics dyed with vegetable, rather than chemical dyes - will be the first step in this direction.

In traditional Feng Shui, Wood is also associated with the green dragon, spring, and the East.

Fire symbolizes action. It rises, trembles, glows, giving us light and awareness. The complexity of the element of Fire lies in the fact that its excess can scorch us or even burn us. The Wood allows us to start a fire and keep it burning (in the cycle of transformations, the Wood creates Fire). Although the element of Fire is stimulating, it can cause the flames to spread too quickly, and then an uncontrollable forest fire begins, destroying everything in its path.

However, Fire is not only destruction, but also heat, sunlight, the heat of passion. This element has long been associated with the sun and summer. The colors of Fire are red and orange, as well as any sparkling or shiny hues. Red is a rare color in nature, so you can hardly bring it into your home without resorting to paints, dyed fabrics or art.

An excess of red can lead to an excessive concentration of power. If in the bedroom it can serve as an excellent source of passion and eroticism, then in other areas of the house it must be used with extreme caution in combination with other colors. For example, you can bring red cabbage into the kitchen, put candlesticks with red candles in the living room. In traditional Feng Shui, the symbol of Fire is the Phoenix bird and the south side of the world. The energy of the element of Fire is very Yang (masculine) and is directed exclusively to the future (i.e., not to the past and not to the present), so it should be used with extreme caution.

So, the indomitable Fire burned the Tree to the ground, and only embers remained. In other words, the result is the Earth. The energy of the Earth is very simple and unsophisticated. It is associated with any object of earthly origin (with the exception of precious metals), so any stones, sea pebbles, rock fragments and crystals are suitable for harmonizing the elements of the Earth. The earth nourishes everything in the world; it is connected both with the seasons, and with the definitions of time and matter invented by man, and with our sense of the meaning of life. The Earth is always here and now, the Earth is invisibly present in all the boundaries that we create for ourselves and for others. The earth is always seeking to find practical use abstract, to realize ideas and feelings on the material plane. It is certainly bound by nature and the reality of the physical world. Other associations of the Earth are tranquility and peace, because the Earth tries to avoid conflict, no matter how strongly the Fire provokes it!

The elements of the Earth correspond to the northeast and southwest directions. The energy of the Earth is very ancient, it not only brings the past closer to us, but also focuses our attention on the present. The color of the earth is yellow. In a home interior, yellow colors can bring calm and inspiration. Shades of brown will also work, although brown is much more difficult to incorporate into the interior. In particular, you might think of brown stones or ocher-covered walls. In the range of the Earth, you can include soft shades of baked clay, brown colors of rocks, the color of sand, etc. In addition, the element of Earth symbolizes the very beginning of autumn, the time of harvest and the gradual change from the blinding summer sun to softer rays, indicating the approach of the autumn equinox .

The Chinese have great respect for the energy of this element when the Metal is used with the best of intentions (making money and accumulating wealth). The main goal of the Metal element is welfare and prosperity; however, Metal is also associated with communication and corresponds to the western and northwestern directions.

Of great importance for the energy of Metal is gold. That is why in the house of a Chinese one can often find gold leaf coating, ordinary gilding or gold items. However, be that as it may, as they say, they don’t go to a strange monastery with their charter. In other words, what seems natural and right in Chinese and other Eastern cultures(taking into account climatic and other differences) will be perceived quite differently in a city apartment or a suburban house somewhere in the West. Do not overload your home and body with an abundance of gold trinkets that do not fit into your lifestyle in any way - such “improvements” simply will not work. The art of Feng Shui is to use the symbolism of the right energies in ways that are most appropriate for specific social conditions, lifestyles, interior decoration home and the tastes of its owner. You are unlikely to solve your problems by turning your home into a kind of Chinese palace - rather, it will cause bewildered gossip from friends and relatives, so as a result you still have to deal with an excess of the Thunderstorm element!

The energy of this element is traditionally associated with any object made of metal, be it gold, silver, stainless steel or wrought iron. Metal corresponds to white, and from the seasons - the very end of autumn, when the weather becomes colder and drier. Earth becomes more and more solid with time, turning into Metal; while what the Earth discovered in real world, thanks to Metal, it acquires specificity and verbal form. That is why the element of Metal not only carries the power of knowledge, but also symbolizes it. White color signifies purity, the absence of any color. Any object belonging to the element of Metal, be it in the form of gold or silver jewelry, a steel sheet, a car, an airplane, a stove, a grate or furniture, is a magnificent talisman. The energy of Metal is associated with transformation, justice and advancement both financially and spiritually.

Water can move or stay still and, accordingly, stimulate or, conversely, lead to stagnation. Water is constantly in motion and symbolizes energy, which has the qualities of reflection and instinctiveness. Water is directly related to the source of all things, whether it is our feelings, emotions or life itself in general. Water is closely associated with infinity and with symbols that reflect our feelings. In addition, water corresponds to everything magical and practical, but more importantly, it corresponds to the "shadow" part of ourselves, that part that lies deeper than the unconscious and remains hidden from us.

It is not difficult to bring the element of Water into the house: it can be an aquarium with fish, a small stone bowl with sea ​​water or a luxurious water mattress. If your life lacks the element of Water, you can make up for it on a daily basis by bathing, showering or drinking mineral water. Traditionally, the colors of water correspond to blue and black. Where possible, Feng Shui methods suggest the use of fountains, rivers, waterfalls, aquariums, and various other objects that stimulate the movement of water, such as picturesque or photographic images of high cliffs. In addition, Water symbolizes winter, and the northern direction and cold rainy weather correspond to it. In Western society Blue colour painting the walls in a room facing north is practically not used, because this design makes the room darker and more depressing; and yet the blue color, which is usually considered cold and inhospitable, in some cases wonderfully adds depth and mystery to the northern room. In Feng Shui, the colors blue and black must be used with care. This is especially true for black, which absorbs all the colors of the spectrum and your psychic energy along with them.

List of talismans of various elements

Furniture, chairs, sideboards, books, houseplants, sculptures, greenery, vegetable dyes, oriental, green dragons, herbs, soot, rosemary, thyme, mint, forest greens, gentle twilight shades, spring lawns, high corn, olive green , snags, wooden figurines, bonfires, oil paints, creepers, grass, dry seed pods, origami, ladders, ladders, steps.

Sun, summer, red, orange, brightness, lighting, red cabbage, red incandescent lamps, Phoenix bird, south, mirrors, candles, incense, open fire, crystals, reflectors, prisms, drama, mythology, fantasy, bells, spices, cacti , rubber plants, enamel paints, cochineal, raspberry color, intense bright colors, fireworks images, stars, warships, autumn foliage, red glass.

Stones, sea pebbles, rocks, crystalline minerals, yellow, brown colors, ocher, northeast, southwest, terracotta, soft sand color, antiques, shells, fossils, loofah, sponges, glass cups, shades of yellow-green, honeycombs, embossed coatings, soaps, fragrances, essences, carpets, vintage fabrics, colorful shawls, Japanese art miniatures with landscapes, bonsai trees, fragrant amber, coffee and tea.

Aquariums, stone bowls with water, sea water, water mattress, bathing, drinking, blue and black colors, fountains, objects that stimulate the flow of water, winter, north, watercolor, music, rivers, stones and sea rocks, gouache, purple, sea green, Prussian blue, seascapes, pirates, shipwrecks, ships, boats, rocks and waves, lakes, icebergs, amber, colored ink.

Gold leaf, silver, stainless steel, wrought iron, white color, cars, cookers, stoves, ovens, fireplace grates, metal furniture, west, northwest, photographs, graphics, sketches, engravings, kitchen utensils, scrap metal, gilded frames for paintings, jewelry, “gold-like” products, piercing white color, metal base for the bed, bronze-based ointments, tantra, silver threads, fabrics with gold ornaments, white lilies, stars.

Elemental phases

Before proceeding to the section on the element under which you were born, review the list below for self-control, as it may be that in this moment you are experiencing a different phase of elemental energy than the one under which you were born.

The lists will help you determine which type of personal elemental correspondence is right for you. Our life is divided into different periods, and therefore it is quite natural that in one period or another we will feel and change not those elements under the sign of which we were born, but those that most seriously affect us in given time. For example, you should not worry if you find that you do not feel at all like a person of the elements of Metal, although you were born under the sign of Metal. It is quite possible that in currently you are more in line with the energy of the element, say, Water. I would advise reading both sections and linking them together, because, regardless of the current stage or cycle of your life, the main, “native” element continues to play an important role in your destiny. For example, you may be experiencing a phase in which you express far more Fire elemental elements than you might expect since you were born under a Water sign. Here it is appropriate to recall that in each of us all the existing elements are united, so that in one or another period of life we ​​will have to go along the path of each of them. In short, you must take the road that suits you best at the moment.

If you were born on the very last day of the cycle of one element or on the first day of the beginning of a new one, you should carefully consider both adjacent elements (since exact data on the change of lunar cycles is not given). It is possible that you will feel that one of the elements is much closer to you than the other.

The element under which you were born

All energy changes over time. Despite the fact that your current dominant element may not coincide with the one under which you were born, the element of birth still allows you to quite accurately determine the cycle of energies that will manifest itself in your love and life in general. If you were born under the sign of the element of Fire, then this does not mean that you will always behave like a person of Fire. At the same time, do not forget that the original energy does not go anywhere, it is simply hidden deeper, so it makes sense for you to adapt to it, make it part of your harmony in life and love.

General provisions

The Elemental Guide will help you form some idea of ​​how you express your elemental energy. Using this information along with the talismans to create harmony in the house, you will get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe way you communicate with people and the preferred options for people to communicate with you. Don't forget that what you put into your immediate environment is a reflection of what you put into your relationships with people. The spirals of energy inside your heart are no different from the spirals of energy in your home.

Yin and Yang

At the end of the elemental section, there is a guide to the types of sexual expression depending on whether you were born in a Yin or Yang energy year.

If you were born in a year of Yin energy, then you are more inclined to express Yin energy. This energy is passive, receptive and fluid.

If you were born in a year of Yang energy, then you are more inclined to express Yang energy - active, dynamic and powerful.

List of birth elements

Before you dive into the details of your ways of expressing love, be sure to read the following list of birth elements because:

1. You may come to the conclusion that the element under which you were born does not currently correspond to you. On the other hand, if you cross out at least fifteen of the twenty-seven determinant expressions, then you have discovered your element of birth.

2. If you feel that in the current situation a different element suits you better, also read the definition for it. In addition, in this period of life, you can be in the stage of another element and at the same time have a more direct connection with the other elements than in the phase of correspondence with the native element of birth. In this case, also check: if you underlined at least half of the given determinants, then you should treat this element as your own.















































storage device


nature lover


















very sexy






























afraid of intimacy




















with imagination








Compatible and incompatible elements

The element with which Fire is most difficult to get along with is Water. Fire and Water are irreconcilable opposites both in Feng Shui and in real nature. People belonging to the elements of Water are able to neutralize, and sometimes even completely extinguish the passion of Fire, its desire for love and life. Nevertheless, Fire often reaches out to people of Water simply because they attract him with their unusualness!

A mixture of all existing elements lives in each of us, and if Fire learned to live in harmony with the ebb and flow of Water, its currents of feelings and sensitivity, its desire to find something beyond fantasy and reality - in this case, Fire could learn about itself that something new. The same can be said about the union of Wood and Metal or Earth and Water. The table below will tell you which elements can coexist with each other and create a naturally harmonious union, and which are unlikely to achieve the desired balance with each other.

Table of correspondence. Harmony and disharmony of the elements

To this we add that the elements of the same type (for example, Tree and Tree) have internal empathy.

Let's look at the example above. Suppose that you belong to the elements of Fire, and your partner (partner) - to the elements of Water. In this situation, having achieved the balance of the rest of the elements in your immediate environment, you may well come to the conclusion that Fire and Water can form a magnificent union of opposites. In the end, no person can belong entirely to the elements of Fire, Water or any other, so remember: no matter how much you feel that you belong to one or another element, there will always be a "closet" in the depths of your personality, containing the rest of the elements.

And now let's move on to the next chapter, where you will learn about which element your personality type corresponds to. Perhaps this will help you understand the right type of personal relationship, and at the same time help attract harmonious energy into your life.

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Charm stones are minerals that protect their owner from various troubles. Possess protective properties from bad luck, damage, evil eye and negative impact.

Charm stones can be precious, semi-precious and non-precious. The most effective stones are amulets, bought on their own or donated by a loved one. If the stone was received as a gift, then you should pay attention to the donor: it must be a kind person with sincere intentions. As for the purchased mineral, it must be without damage, rocks and in excellent condition.

In a situation where you accidentally find a stone, you need to be very careful. Such a mineral can become both the strongest amulet and an object that promises failure and trouble. If the stone is unpleasant to you or causes negative emotions, its use is not recommended.

Having decided to choose and buy a stone-amulet, it will not be enough to select a mineral according to appearance. For the gem to become strong amulet, you need to choose suitable stone. Exist various classifications minerals, among which the classification according to the signs of the zodiac is considered the most common. According to her, each individual constellation has its own stone, and often not one. Some constellations are suitable for more than twenty minerals, each of which will be an excellent amulet.

In addition, you can give preference to gems for the four elements. There, the same stones fit the three signs of the zodiac. For example, Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus can use the same minerals, as well as the stones of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are also identical. The fiery constellations (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) have similar stones, and Libra, Gemini, Aquarius have the same.

Impact of stones

Charm stones have been influencing for more than one century human life, protecting its owner and even warning of danger. It is believed that the most effective will be those stones that correspond to the signs of the Zodiac or the elements.

Properly selected minerals can give a person special strength. They can develop strengths character, bring success and good luck, confidence and wealth, happiness and love. The protective stone is designed to protect its owner from various negative influences - the evil eye, damage, envy, and disease. It helps to develop a person's ability to catch the first signs of impending troubles.

The constant wearing of the mineral has a healing effect on the owner of the gem. The stone helps to strengthen the immune system, restore strength, fight against various diseases. By choosing a mineral according to the signs of the Zodiac or according to another system, you can protect yourself from failures and from negative energy.

How to choose a stone talisman

There are a huge number of minerals on the shelves of stores.

Such a large selection, at times, leads to a dead end and it seems very difficult to choose your own amulet stone. Naturally, you can allocate a certain amount of time to get acquainted with each mineral and choose the one that will feel closer to you than others.

However, this activity is quite complicated and can take a lot of time. To narrow the search, classifications of minerals are most often used, thanks to which it will be possible to choose a stone from several proposed options.

  • stones by elements
    Each of the four elements includes three signs of the Zodiac, which are suitable for the same stones.
  • stones according to the signs of the zodiac
    Each individual sign corresponds to certain minerals, the wearing of which will help protect against negative impacts and various troubles.
  • stones by date or month of birth
    People born on the same day, but in different months, will fit the same gems. Charm stones are selected depending on the month in which the person was born.
  • stones by name
    Depending on the name of the person, you can pick up a stone talisman.

Wardstones can be used permanently. And you can wear a product with a mineral and temporarily when you need help.

All twelve signs of the Zodiac in astrology are divided into four elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth. The elements reflect the stable qualities and temperament of the representatives of the signs of the Zodiac.

People born in the constellation Aries, Leo and Sagittarius belong to the element of Fire;
signs of the elements of the Earth - Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo;
those born in the constellation of Libra, Gemini, Aquarius - the element of Air;
those born in the constellation of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer - the element Water.

The features of people born under the sign of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are energy, strength and life flow. For Aries, as for the other two signs, fire is the main ruler of the spirit, instinct and thought.

The characteristic of the earth element (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo) is the concreteness, stability and stability that create the foundation. Capricorn and other signs of the elements (Taurus and Virgo) are distinguished by confidence, reliability, rigor and patience.

Features of people born under the sign of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer - susceptibility and variability. Water for Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer - inner world, emotions, memory and preservation.

Characteristics of the air element (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) - flexibility, adaptability and activity. Libra and other signs of the Zodiac of this element are distinguished by liveliness, mobility, susceptibility and independence.

Fire Element Stones

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius charm stones are transparent, colorless, sparkling or saturated gems of red, yellow, orange, purple and blue hues. Zircon, topaz, diamond, amethyst, ruby, crystal, sapphire are the stones of Aries and other signs of the element of Fire.

Minerals related to this element increase the strength of its owner, his qualities, willpower and help to achieve success. As a rule, the stones of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo protect from troubles, enemies and excessive emotionality. It is recommended to wear amulets stones in a gold frame.

Earth Element Stones

Stones protect those whose Zodiac sign Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo are opaque minerals. They are the same color with small patches of some other color or shade. Stones of black, yellow, gray, brown, green and other dark shades are perfect for Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Jet, jasper, malachite, lapis lazuli are minerals suitable for Capricorn and other signs of the earth element.

Stones for this element, as a rule, are a talisman of health and financial well-being and can contribute to the disclosure of talents in their owner. Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo should wear amulets framed in silver.

Air Stones

Stones protect the elements of Air, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius - translucent, light or white, calm shades of blue, yellow and green. Jade, agate, carnelian, chrysoprase are suitable gems for Libra and other signs of Air.

Unlike the minerals of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, the stones of the element of Air contribute to establishing contacts in all areas. They also help with communication. Signs of the Zodiac of this element should wear a stone in a gold frame.

Water Element Stones

The minerals of Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are gems of soft shades of blue, green, grayish colors that change color from lighting. Opal, alexandrite, selenite and aquamarine are great for Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. In addition, corals, pearls, mother-of-pearl and other minerals, which owe their origin to the water element, are suitable for these signs.

For Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, these minerals will help with everything related to the senses and will help develop intuition. Stones of Capricorn and other signs of the Earth are usually framed in silver. And the stones of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer can be framed in any metal.

Each person has his own stone, which can be used as a talisman. It is very important to choose the right mineral and then all the magical power of the gem will be activated.

You can choose stones mascots according to the signs of the Zodiac. In this case, some stones may be the same for the constellations of the same element, for example, pearls for Scorpio and Pisces. And they can be different, for example, Capricorn can use jasper, and Taurus can use turquoise.

  • Aries - serpentine, lapis lazuli, jasper, quartz, malachite, tiger's eye, crystal, agate;
  • Taurus - amethyst, carnelian, hematite, agate, quartz, aventurine, jasper, amazonite;
  • Twins - mother-of-pearl, amber, turquoise, topaz and rhodonite;
  • Cancer - moonstone, hematite, amethyst, ruby, aquamarine, mother of pearl;
  • lions - jade, crystal, carnelian, topaz, sapphire, ruby;
  • Virgo - crystal, aventurine, cat's eye, agate, citrine and chrysoprase;
  • Scales - malachite, onyx, amethyst, obsidian, serpentine, jasper;
  • Scorpion - moonstone, citrine, carnelian, mother-of-pearl, agate and aventurine;
  • Sagittarius - lapis lazuli, amethyst, coral, lapis lazuli, turquoise, ruby, hematite;
  • Capricorn - crystal, obsidian, garnet, jasper, jade, quartz, malachite;
  • Aquarius - serpentine, amethyst, crystal, onyx, aventurine, agate;
  • Fish - agate, rhodonite, carnelian, amber, lapis lazuli, coral, garnet.

As you can see, for each individual sign, you can choose your own mineral. For Pisces it is garnet or rhodonite, for Capricorn it is crystal and jade. And if you were not born under the sign of Pisces or Capricorn, then the above list will help you decide on a magical amulet.

Let's say Capricorn can wear agate, amethyst and aventurine. For Pisces, pearls, amber, jade are suitable, and Virgos should give preference to mother-of-pearl, malachite and tiger's eye. In addition, there are amulets that are suitable for the elements of the zodiac signs. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus can wear the same minerals, as well as the stones of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are also identical. Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) have similar stones and Libra, Gemini, Aquarius have the same charms.

Charm stones by name for women
