July 6 patron saint. Your guardian angel and intercessor icon by date of birth

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Month of birth:

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The Russian Orthodox Church venerates a large number of saints. It is strong with them - those who suffered for the true faith, or performed another feat for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. On the particles of the relics of the holy martyrs, the most important church service is performed - the Divine Liturgy.

Every Orthodox Christian should know and honor his saint, but first you need to find out who your patron saint is. There is a special rite of giving a name, when the priest, after reading a prayer, gives a name to a newborn baby, but these days this ceremony is rarely performed, since not everyone knows about it. Parents name the child themselves, and, bringing it to the church for baptism, it sometimes turns out that there is no saint with that name in the calendar. Then another name is chosen for the child, called a baptismal one. Usually given a consonant name native name, for example, the patron saint of Christina would be Saint Christina, and Jeanne would be Saint Joan.

But most often it happens that the birth and baptismal names coincide. Then it remains to find out which of the saints is your patron? If there are several namesake, that is, saints named after you, according to the church calendar, the saint is selected whose memorial day is the closest after your birthday. To facilitate this search, we have developed this section.

How to use the section

It should be noted that in Lately The list of newly glorified saints – New Martyrs of the 20th century is constantly growing. If you are looking for a patron saint for your baby, then the new martyrs must be taken into account when searching. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill gave his blessing to name the children in honor of the New Martyrs so that their veneration would grow and spread. But if you are looking for a patron saint for an adult, be careful, because at the time when he was baptized, many saints had not yet been glorified.

Every year more and more people turn to faith. Churches are full of parishioners, church holidays are part of family life, and the iconostases have become required attribute home interior. But due to inexperience and the lost connection of generations, many do not know how to turn to God, which Orthodox saint to pray, which icons to choose by date of birth.

Faces of all saints on one icon

When a person wants to cope with spiritual anxiety or ask God for help, but does not know who to pray to, the Icon of all the saints, which has incredible power, will help.

It depicts Jesus Christ with the main saints. If you look at the icons of all saints, in the photo and their meaning, it becomes clear that to each imprinted on it, a hero or a martyr can be addressed with a prayer, depending on a life problem:

Name of the patron saint

Most people joining the faith, are in the dark about how to recognize their guardian angel, to whom one could offer prayers daily and turn their thoughts in difficult and confusing life situations.

A guardian angel by date of birth in Orthodoxy is called a patron saint by name and birthday. This concept came from antiquity, when it was believed that an angel is the protector of earthly namesakes. Although this perception is not entirely correct: at baptism, God gives each baby a Guardian Angel, but no one knows his name. But the name of the heavenly intercessor can and should be known.

Formerly named great importance. People were sure that the name of the newborn determines his fate. IN pre-revolutionary Russia the child was named after the saints. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the twentieth century, beautiful and meaningful names superseded by awkward acronyms. The boys and girls of Dazdraperma, Vilorika, etc., appeared. Of the normal ones, no more than two hundred names remained in use, they were given chaotically and thoughtlessly. Only since the end of the last century the situation began to change for the better.

If a person was named according to church tradition as a baby, then his name coincides with the name of the saint whose memorial day is celebrated from birth on the eighth day. If not, then to determine your saint, you should refer to the calendar of patron saints by date of birth.

In the church calendar, you need to find the day of commemoration of a saint with the same name as a person. It is he who is the heavenly protector, patron and main spiritual assistant of a person throughout his life. But every believer needs to remember that one should not only turn to one’s saint with pleas for help when the soul is painful or life presents trials, but also honor him, trying to imitate his feat. For this you need:

  1. To know about his deeds during his lifetime, which made him famous and earned forgiveness from the Lord.
  2. IN Everyday life always think about how the patron would act in a given situation, try to follow his example.
  3. Know by heart the troparion to your saint and pray often, turning to him.

Saints by the nature of life and deeds are: apostles, martyrs, prophets, saints, confessors, holy fools, righteous, etc. And a person, imitating your patron, should strive to continue his good deeds. For example, the saints denounced vices, led them out of error and brought salvation to people, showing the way to faith and Orthodoxy.

The martyrs fearlessly went against people's opinion to please God, they always acted in a Christian way, they were ready to suffer for their faith. The holy fools did not pursue earthly material goods, they were humble and not greedy. Reverend monks kept the purity of thoughts, were estranged from worldly pleasures, valued spiritual wealth.

Saints and icons by day and month of birth

In addition to the troparion, an icon is dedicated to each saint, which helps to establish a spiritual connection between the worshiper and the patron.

For example, if according to the church calendar the patron is Saint Cyril, then one of his images can be preferred: Cyril is a Slovenian teacher, Cyril is equal to the apostles. Or choose St. Cyril Angel - Guardian as a patroness icon.

If the intercessor by date of birth is St. Paul, then you can turn to the icon of the Apostle Paul or St. Paul the Guardian Angel.

Knowing the name of your saint, you can ask the temple servant which icon you can pray to.

There is also a hint by date of birth - who is the patron saint and what image to turn to in moments of mental anguish, ignorance or grief:

  • People whose birthday falls on dates from December 22 to January 20 are patronized by St. Seraphim of Sarov. You can also pray to the icon " Sovereign" with the image Mother of God.
  • Saints Athanasius and Cyril are the intercessors of those who were born from 21.01 to 20.02. It is better for them to turn to the icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya" and "Burning bush".
  • If the date of birth is from February 21 to March 20, then the patrons are Alexei and Milenty of Antioch. Icon for prayers - Iberian Mother of God.
  • It is good to address the image of the Kazan Mother of God to those born from February 21 to April 20, their patrons are Saints Sophrony and Innocent of Irkutsk, also George the Confessor.
  • If the birthday falls on a date from April 21 to May 20, then the saints are the Apostle John the Theologian, Stepan and Tamara. And the images are the Iberian Mother of God and the "Guide of sinners."
  • Those born from 21.05 to 21.06 are helped by the heavenly intercessors Alexei of Moscow and St. Constantine, and the icons are “Burning Bush”, “Vladimirskaya” and the image of the Mother of God “Search for the Lost”.
  • Saint Cyril patronizes people who were born from 22.06 to 22.07. Their icons are the Kazan Mother of God and "Joy of All Who Sorrow".
  • For those who were born from July 23 to August 23, Nikolai Ugodnik and Elijah the Prophet are the defenders. Icon for addressing God - "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos".
  • If a person was born from August 24 to September 23, then his saints are Alexander Nevsky, John the Theologian and the Apostle Paul. Intercessor icons - "Burning Bush" and "Passionate".
  • Those born from September 24 to October 23 are under the auspices of Sergius of Radonezh. The icons “The Burning Bush”, “The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord” and the Mother of God of Pochaev suit them.
  • The intercessors of those born from 24.10 to 22.11 are the icons of the Mother of God "quick to hearken" and "Jerusalem". Patron Saint Paul.
  • Those who were born from 11/23 to 12/21 are under the auspices of St. Barbara and St. Nicholas. With prayers, they can turn to the icons of the Mother of God "Tikhvinskaya" and "Sign".

It often happens that a person considers the saint of the same name to be his patron, even if his own birthday and the date of commemoration of the intercessor are in different time intervals. In this case, the day of memory of the patron saint is the name day or the day of the person's guardian angel. For example, if parents named a child born in March Vladislav, then his name day is celebrated on September 24, the day of commemoration of St. Vladislav. Or if a boy born in May was named Artemy, his name day is November 2, the day of memory of Artemy of Antioch.

An icon without faith is powerless

A person can meticulously calculate the name of the patron saint by date of birth, name his children in accordance with church calendar, memorize prayers, buy icons and hang on yourself pectoral crosses and amulets, considering them amulets. And with your thoughts and deeds in everyday life, violate all the commandments. In this case, his actions cause nothing but bitter irony.

Prayer with a pure heart

People must understand that any material object by itself does not kill and does not save. If a person who does not believe in God hopefully hangs a cross as an amulet or puts an icon in a corner and looks at it as a beautiful and fashionable picture, then this will be his prayer to the devil. But when an Orthodox believer hangs a cross with hope, this action will be his prayer to God, who has real salvation. If with inspiration and with a pure heart say a prayer in front of any image, asking for protection, advice and consolation, then this prayer will reach God.

Patron saints by name and date of birth. How to recognize the patron saint? In the life of the Orthodox people, patron saints appeared in the 4th century. Many parents, hoping for the grace and protection of the saint, often called their children the same name. Absolutely every person has a guardian angel, because everyone orthodox christian bears some specific name and has a birthday. The patron saint appears in a person with the first heartbeat at birth and protects us until the moment of death. The main calling of a guardian angel is to protect a person from troubles, illnesses, and unclean forces. In this article, we will answer the question of how to recognize your patron saint by date of birth and by name. Which patron saint protects you? As you know, there are ignorant people who constantly shout that they have developed intuition or some kind of supernatural instinct when they hear their inner voice. These people simply do not know that they are only using the tips of their patron. When a person is on the verge of a choice, with different critical situations our guardian angel sends us all sorts of clues, to which we subconsciously listen. And in many situations, it is enough to ask him for help and wait for his sign, because they often do not like to interfere in the everyday affairs of a person. There are also people who believe in divine powers and refer to such power as magic wand, that is, when asked, they immediately expect the immediate fulfillment of their desire. Remember that this happens extremely rarely, help may come with a delay. In fact, it is very difficult to explain what our patrons are guided by when determining the timing of intervention. But we can only hope and wait for divine help. Also, do not forget to thank your heavenly helpers. They do not need any performance with sacrifice, but just a few mental words of gratitude are enough. Also, do not take internal conversations with your angel as an attack of the clinic. Mental communication never hurts. Orthodox believers should not forget that their guardian angel is primarily a patron saint by name and date of birth. Our heavenly helpers are alien to manifestations of filth, violence, cruelty in us, they will never be happy with the negative energy that hovers over us. Never communicate with your angel as with an all-powerful servant. It should be respected and protected. Required reading: Mortal sins in Orthodoxy. List Patron saint by date of birth Now let's take a closer look at which patron saint by date of birth all believers have Orthodox people : Rev. Seraphim of Sarov and Blessed Sylvester protect those who were born in the days from December 22 to January 20. For such Orthodox people, the icon of the Mother of God "Sovereign" is also wonderful; Happy birthday people in the period from January 21 to February 20 recognize their patron saint by date of birth in the form of Saints Cyril and Athanasius. For protection, you can use the icons of the Mother of God "Burning Bush"; Those born between February 21 and March 20 are protected by Saint Alexis and Saint Milentius of Antioch. The Iberian Mother of God will protect; Angels for people with a date of birth of March 21 - April 20 are George the Confessor, Innocent of Irkutsk and Saint Sophrony. For the amulet, the icon of Our Lady of Kazan is suitable; The icon "Guest of Sinners", the Apostle John the Theologian, Saints Tamara and Stepan guard those born from April 21 to May 20; People born between May 21 and June 21 can recognize the patron saint by date of birth. They are assisted throughout their lives by St. Constantine and Alexei of Moscow. The best way to protect such people is the icons “Searching for the Lost”, “Burning Bush”, the icon of the Mother of God “Vladimirskaya”; Saint Cyril helps people born from June 22 to July 22. The icons of the intercessor “joy of all who grieve” and the Kazan Mother of God will also be effective; There is also an Orthodox patron saint for people born on July 23 - August 23. They are protected by the prophet Elijah and St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Such people will suit the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God"; Those born from August 24 to September 23 will be helped by John, Paul and Saint Alexandra. You can also ask for protection and mercy in the icons "Burning Bush" and "Passionate"; The Monk Sergei of Radonezh and the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God will protect from troubles a person born from September 24 - October 23; Saint Paul became the guardian angel for people with a date of birth October 24 - November 22. You can also ask for help from the "Quick Hearer" and the "Jerusalem" icon; Those born between November 23 and December 21 are under the protection of Saint Barbara and Blessed Nicholas the Pleasant. Icons for protection - "The Sign" and "Tikhvin". Required reading: The rule from the defilement of Basil the Great The patron saint named Angel Day in the Orthodox Church is very much appreciated, because this is the day of the heavenly intercessor, a saint before the person whose name is given to a Christian. How to correctly identify your Orthodox patron saint? As a rule, the day of the heavenly patron is the next day of the celebration of the saint, whose name the person bears. This is done because the day of some saints is celebrated several times a year. Let's give an example, for Anna, who was born on November 20 - the day of the Guardian Angel will be celebrated on December 3, the next day when St. Anna of Persia is remembered. To determine the name of your heavenly patron, use the Orthodox calendar. It contains all the birthdays of the saints. And if your name is not in the calendar Orthodox calendar, then at baptism for a person a name is always chosen that is very close in sound to yours. Let's give examples: Jeanne - John; Dina - Evdokia; Angelica - Angelina; Lily - Leah; Milana - Milica; Also in the church there are traditional other soundings of names. Example: Victoria - Nika, Svetlana - Fotinia, etc. The simplest prayer with which you can turn to your Defender: “Pray to God for me, the holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul” May the Lord keep you!

At all times in the life of every believer, the icon occupied a special place. With the help of an icon, a person communicates with God, feeling his unity with him. IN different situations people turn to the sacred image with the hope of the help of the Almighty. Sometimes, even, it would seem, in the most hopeless circumstances, a person believes in the power of heaven, and as you know, faith and hope are the most important thing. Icons are truly capable of healing us from serious illnesses and even saving us from death, which can be called a real miracle. In addition, just by communicating with the Lord through this holy image, people gain peace of mind, strength, harmony and confidence. All people who believe in God have icons in their homes. Each of us is given an icon by date of birth, the so-called protector icon.

"Sovereign" icon of the Mother of God

Winter birthdays, who were born from December 22 to January 20, are guarded by the "Reigning" icon of the Mother of God. This is one of the revered images of the Mother of God, the main shrine of Russian monarchists. Orthodox Christians stood in huge queues in churches just to touch this miraculous image. They pray to the Queen of Heaven for the health of their relatives, ask her for forgiveness and heartfelt joy, for the opportunity to survive serious illnesses. The icon helps to escape from loneliness and find a life partner, solve money problems, guide on the right path. They ask the Mother of God for the preservation of Russia, for peace in it, for protecting the country from various disasters and wars.

Icons of the Mother of God "Burning Bush" and "Vladimirskaya"

The following winter birthdays (January 21 - February 20) are protected by the icons of the Mother of God "Burning Bush" and "Vladimirskaya". First they pray for salvation from fires, from various evil disasters. Firefighters, pilots, doctors and the military often ask for help in front of this sacred image, seeking protection from it. It is believed that if the "Burning Bush" is hung in the house, then it will certainly save it from fire.
Before the icon "Vladimir" they pray for the cure of various diseases, especially heart disease. They also pray to her to save Russia from disasters, to protect it from enemies. The shrine is able to reconcile people who are at war with each other, instill kindness and faith in their irreconcilable hearts.

Icon of the Iberian Mother of God

For the Orthodox, who were born from February 21 to March 20, the icon of the Iberian Mother of God is considered the protector. It also has the name "Goalkeeper", which means that it is better to hang it in your house at the very entrance. This icon mainly helps those who repent of their sins. The “goalkeeper” is often asked to help get rid of troubles, find the right path in life, gain strength and peace, and pray for a brighter future. This icon is of great importance for people with problems, both soul and body.

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is considered the intercessor of those who were born from March 21 to April 20. They ask her to cure bodily ailments, the main of which is loss of vision. The protector helps in difficult life circumstances, gives strength, comfort and peace. She comes to the rescue when needed right choice, as well as save from adversity, sorrows and mistakes. Many say that the Kazan Mother of God came to them in a dream and said how to avoid trouble or correct what they had done, showed the way to good goals. Spouses often ask for help from the Mother of God in establishing their family relations, in finding harmony and happiness, they pray to her to help them avoid strife and misfortune. The Kazan Mother of God is very supportive towards children.

Icons of the Iberian Mother of God and "Guide of the Sinners"

The next spring birthdays (April 21 - May 20) should seek protection from the icons of the Iberian Mother of God and the "Guide of the Sinners". The latter is often referred to for the remission of sins, as well as in moments of despair, loss of strength and grief. They ask her for spiritual insight, for strengthening faith and getting rid of severe ailments. The icon protects believers from various sorrows and brings them true spiritual relief. Before the icon, they also pray for their loved ones.

Icons of the Mother of God "Search for the Lost", "Burning Bush" and "Vladimirskaya"

Icons of the Mother of God "Search for the Lost", "Burning Bush" and "Vladimirskaya" protect those born from May 21 to June 21. People who have lost all hope and faith in anything good, who are confused in themselves, who have lost themselves in this life, turn to the shrine "Seeking the Lost". They also ask her for the healing of certain diseases, for the well-being and health of children, for healing from vices. Married couples pray for strong happy marriage, and single girls about a successful marriage.

Icons "Joy of All Who Sorrow" and Kazan Mother of God

The Joy of All Who Sorrow icon, as well as the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, help those who celebrate their birthday from June 22 to July 22. The first is especially close to the soul of a believer, she is always in a hurry to help, to console, support and help endure the difficult trials of fate. The icon gives hope to people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances and who are in a state of despair and sorrow. Prayer before a sacred image helps to heal bodily ailments, cope with difficult problems and brings help in various matters.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Elijah the Prophet, the icon "Protection Holy Mother of God»

Those born from July 23 to August 23 are protected by St. Nicholas the Pleasant and Elijah the Prophet, as well as the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos". Saint Nicholas is an assistant in the most various fields, he will support in any need and will always protect the believer. His sacred image is a talisman against troubles and hardships. It is believed that it helps even when a person no longer has any hope of salvation.
Elijah the prophet saves people from anger, brings peace to the family and heals from diseases. It also helps any business to end successfully.
Prayer before the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" helps to protect from all troubles and give a sense of inner security. They also pray before her for an improvement in their financial condition. They ask to protect the soul, indicate the right path, protect from various kinds of temptations.

Icons "Burning Bush" and "Passionate"

Those born in the period from August 24 to September 23 ask for help from the icons "Burning Bush" and "Passionate". They turn to the latter for gaining strength of mind, faith and hope, they are asked to heal spiritual wounds, drive away heavy, depressing thoughts (especially thoughts of suicide), and relieve them of their worries. They also pray before the icon for the protection of their home from natural disasters and fires.

Icons of the Pochaev Mother of God, "Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord" and "Burning Bush"

Those born from September 24 to October 23 pray to the icons of the Pochaev Mother of God, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord and the Burning Bush. The "Pochaev" icon of the Mother of God is prayed not only by the Orthodox, but also by Christians of other faiths. This is one of the most revered shrines of Christians. She is asked to guide sinners on the true path, to free them from bad thoughts. The icon is prayed for the health of loved ones, for healing from various ailments, for peace and harmony in the family. It is very important not to forget to say thanks to the Mother of God for her help.
It is known that the icon "Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord" has miraculous powers. She helps deal with incurable diseases, get rid of infertility and chronic headaches, as well as pain in the bones and joints.

Icons of the Mother of God "Jerusalem" and "Quick to Hear"

The icons of the Mother of God "Jerusalem" and "Quick to Hear" protect people born from October 24 to November 22. The "Jerusalem" icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will help to heal from illnesses, relieve sadness, sorrow and depression. They also pray before the "Skoroshlushnitsa" for healing and help with various serious illnesses. She is asked for spiritual insight, for help in moments of confusion and ignorance of what to choose and how best to act.

Icons of the Mother of God "The Sign" and "Tikhvinskaya"

Believers born in the numbers from November 23 to December 21 seek protection from the icons of the Mother of God “The Sign” and “Tikhvinskaya”. The latter helps babies, it also has the name "children's". The icon helps children cope with illnesses, patronizes in all their affairs, protects them from hardships and troubles. She is also often approached by women who cannot conceive a child. The icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" protects from disasters, attacks by criminals, saves from fires.

Thus, each of us has icons by date of birth. Prayers before sacred images are really capable of working miracles, but it must be remembered that our faith must be conscious and sincere. God bless you!

All parents who are going to baptize a child are interested in determining the patron saint. Now appeared new tradition among Orthodox believers nominal icons by date of birth. A Christian can have many patron saints, and the church approves of the sincere desire of the parishioners.

When my daughter and I approached the church shop, our eyes ran wide from the number of images. It is extremely difficult to navigate directly when buying a holy image, so you need to ask in advance about your patron saint. In the article I will tell you about the images of the Virgin and saints that can be made nominal.

In Rus', they learned about heavenly patrons in the 4th century. Babies were specifically named as a saint, so that he would protect and guide the crumbs along the path of truth. However, the saints are mistakenly confused with the guardian angel. An angel is acquired after baptism, and a patron saint can be chosen.

Angels are incorporeal beings who help the believer, while saints are just people in the flesh. They are also sometimes called angels, but they were still people. IN Orthodox Church there are holy calendars, they contain all the saints and martyrs for the Christian faith.

The Church venerates the saints on a specific day of the year, but sometimes the dates for venerating the saints coincide. And then the parents have a choice of which saint to take as patrons for their child. After that, you must definitely buy an icon of your saint and constantly pray to him. First, parents pray for their child, and then the child himself, as he grows up, can pray to his saint.

The tradition of naming a child after a saint has ancient roots and a special meaning. It is believed that the name of the saint has positive influence per person, as it belonged to a righteous Christian. The name, as it were, leads a person through life, determining the choice of the right path. Just as the saint was God-fearing during his lifetime, so the namesake patronized by him will also be an exemplary Christian.

If there is no icon of your patron in the church kiosk, it can be ordered from the icon-painting workshop.

How to determine the name day, if at baptism the name of another saint is given (not the one who was honored on this date)? Then you need to look at the calendar of the day of honoring your namesake, following the day of baptism. For example, if a girl was baptized with Anna on November 21, then her name day should be celebrated on December 3 - the day of veneration of St. Anna. And 21.11 celebrate the day of the angel.

Icons by date of birth and name of a person will be constant companions, a talisman against diseases and difficult circumstances.

Such icons are powerful force, able to protect against terrible life events and sudden death. With a nominal icon, a believer must spend his life until the last minute. Nominal icons differ from others in that the saints are depicted on them waist-deep.. The images are decorated in a wooden frame, they are accompanied by a prayer appeal to their patron.

A short prayer to your saint:

Measuring icons

For baptized babies, measured icons are sometimes ordered. The patron is drawn in full height, and the size of the icon corresponds to the growth of the baby. These are also nominal icons by date of birth and name. The image is placed above the cradle of the baby so that he is under the constant protection of the heavenly patron.

When the child grows up, parents should tell about his patron. After all, it is necessary that a child from childhood establish a spiritual connection with his saint and establish a trusting relationship. Reading stories about the life of a saint is intended to guide the steps of the child in the path of righteousness and holiness.

Date of birth and icons

The tradition of choosing an icon by date of birth appeared recently. It seems closer and dearer to a Christian precisely that icon, the day of veneration of which coincides with his physical birthday. Which patroness icon by date of birth is considered the strongest? The Church Fathers advise choosing the image that you like best.

The image of the Mother of God is especially revered among the people, because the believer intuitively feels support from her and trusts more.

winter months

  • 23.11 - 21.12: Tikhvinskaya. The Omen. (St. Pleasant, St.).
  • 22.12 - 20.01: Sovereign. (Blessed Sylvester and Venerable Sarovskiy).
  • January 21 - February 20: Burning Bush. Vladimirskaya. (St. and Athanasius).

Icon of the Sign helped the people of Novgorod to save the city from the invasion of the enemy. This happened in 1170. The arrow hit the eye of the Virgin, from which blood flowed. Seeing this miracle, the Novgorodians, with faith in their hearts, were able to drive the enemies away from the walls of the city. The second time the icon saved the city from the Swedes was in 1611. She surrounded the city walls with an invisible shield, which the enemy troops could not overcome.

The image of Tikhvin was written during the life of the Virgin by the Evangelist Luke. This image can be chosen to protect children and heal diseases. They say that the icon was transported by plane over Moscow, when the Nazis stood at the walls of the city. Thanks to the protection of Tikhvinskaya, the enemy was defeated, and Moscow was saved from the invaders.

Icon of the Mother of God Sovereign traces its history since the abdication of Nicholas II from the reign. On it the Mother of God is depicted with attributes royal power seated on the throne. This image was found in basement churches in the city of Kolomna exactly on the date of renunciation. The believers found protection in the person of the Mother of God, who reported that she would not leave the Russian people and protect them.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God very revered in Rus'. According to legend, the prototype was painted on a plate from the table at which the Mother of God herself, her faithful husband and the Divine Infant ate. Painted the image of the evangelist. When the Most Pure Virgin saw her image, she blessed everyone who looked at it.

Image of the Burning Bush Since ancient times, it has been revered as a talisman against fires and lightning strikes. Also, the icon can protect from any natural disasters and diseases. The symbolism of the image is rooted in the Old Testament times, when Moses saw a bush burning with heavenly fire. This bush is symbolically depicted in the form of paired four-pointed stars, in the center of which is written St. with the Divine Infant.

spring months

  • February 21 - March 21: Iverskaya. (St. Milenty of Antioch and St.).
  • 21.03 - 20.04: Kazan. (Innocent of Irkutsk, Confessor, St. Sophrony).
  • 21.04 - 20.05: Iverskaya. Helper of sinners. (St. and, Theologian).

Icon of the Iberian Mother of God was drawn by the evangelist during the life of the Mother of God. This icon is distinguished by a wound on the face of the Most Pure. Tradition says: this wound appeared when a pagan warrior pierced the image with a spear. Then the Holy Face was thrown into the river, and the current brought it to the Iberian monastery. This monastery is located on the holy Mount Athos in Greece. The icon became the patroness of the monastery and repeatedly protected the monastery from harm.

Icon of Our Lady of Kazan survived after a great conflagration in Kazan. The Virgin Mary appeared to the little Matrona and indicated that her image should be found under the rubble. The discovered icon was transferred to the Assumption Cathedral of the city. Unfortunately, the prototype of the icon has not survived to our time. But numerous lists have the same miraculous powers as the original. The image of Kazanskaya helps to overcome not only external, but also internal enemies. The image is healing.

Face of the guarantor of sinners has its own history. Once, many believers from the Oryol province began to have the same dreams that in a dilapidated chapel there is the face of the Virgin, forgotten by everyone. The image was found and updated. The icon brings deliverance from serious illnesses; on its account, many recovered Orthodox.

summer months

  • 21.05 - 21.06: Recovery of the dead. Burning bush. Vladimirskaya. (St. and Moscow).
  • June 22 - July 22: Joy to all who mourn. Kazan. (St. Cyril).
  • July 23 - August 23: Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. (Prophet, Nicholas the Wonderworker).

Icon of the Recall of the Lost takes care of parishioners who find themselves in a desperate situation. Numerous testimonies describe the avoidance of premature death. Icon wins dark forces that do not give peace to the soul.

An image of joy to all who mourn helps everyone who has fallen into difficult living conditions. This applies to illnesses, sorrows, poverty, addictions. The Mother of God sees every heart and will not leave anyone to perish.

Icon of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God especially revered by the Orthodox. The history of the icon dates back to the beginning of our era, when, through the prayer of Christians, the Veil of the Mother of God herself was thrown over the city of Tsargrad. This cover protected the city from enemy invasion.


  • 24.10 - 22.11: Quick hearing. Jerusalem. (St. Paul).
  • Image of Our Lady of Passion teaches humility and obedience to the will of the Creator. On the list, we see that the Mother of God humbly bears her child to suffering. Among the symbols of the icon, one can single out the instruments of torture that Christ has to endure.

    Icon of Our Lady of Pochaev considered miraculous. The prototype is in the Pochaev Lavra, pilgrims come to him for deliverance from terrible life situations and diseases. According to the stories of believers, the icon resurrected dead people.

    Image of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross captured the fact of finding the tree on which he accepted the crucifixion. The image helps to receive healing, to gain inner harmony, strengthen the faith.

    The image of the Jerusalem icon was written by the Evangelist Luke on the resurrection of Christ from the dead. This image is revered as miraculous, since many Christians received healing through it. The icon also saves from black magic and the deeds of sorcerers.

    Prototype of the Icon of the Quick Hearer located on Athos. According to legend, a monk with a torch was making his way in the dark to have a meal and suddenly heard the order "not to smoke near the icon of the Virgin." Not paying attention to what he heard, the monk instantly lost his sight. Only the fervent prayer of the Mother of God healed his eyes. The image is called the Quick Hearing One, since the Mother of God promises all the sufferers an ambulance.


    Now you know how to choose personalized icons. I would especially like to note that we should not forget about the dates of honoring our patron saints. Write it down in a notebook, circle it on a calendar. These days should not be confused with the day of the angel - this is the date of your baptism. Name day coincides with the time of honoring the saint whose name you were named at baptism. If the day of baptism coincides with the time of honoring the saint whose name you were named, then the name day and name day are celebrated on the same day.

    Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

    For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you're ready, draw a card:
