Where is ms small now. Biography

Mr. Malay, a rap star of the 90s, admits in his own interview that since childhood he dreamed of two things - to become famous and get to know. And both desires were fulfilled even before coming of age. True, the success that suddenly fell on the teenager caused the young man a lot of problems. However, the artist, who takes any failures in life lightly, managed to stop in time and not die young.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Tsyganov (real name of the rap artist) was born on March 4, 1979 in Leningrad. The boy became youngest child in the family of a military submariner and a housewife. Andrei has an older brother, who was an example for a little tomboy.

The boys were raised by their mother. The father, who held an important position, spent a lot of time in the exercises. Andrei, who was proud of his father's position, even dreamed of following in the footsteps of his parent, but quickly changed his mind when he became interested in music.

The child's first hobby was. At the age of 9, the boy memorized the lyrics and sang along softly, not understanding the meaning of the songs. At the age of 12, break dancing appeared in Andrey's life, and rock gave way to hip-hop and funk.

The teenager, who went to dance classes with his brother, quickly achieved notable success. An accidental acquaintance with the Thermonuclear Jam group brought the biography of the future rapper to a new round.

The teenager himself approached the musicians and offered to create a creative tandem. The first joint concert took place in 1992 in the Palace of Culture. Lensoviet. Andrei danced while the musicians performed their compositions, and even read several texts on his own. Assessing the reaction of the public, rising stars go to the Generation-94 festival, where they take second place.


From that moment on, Mr. Small - as the fans called the teenager performing serious tracks - spent all free time in the rap scene. The young man received a certificate only by promising the director that he would not continue his studies and leave the school after the 9th grade. However, Mr. Small did not want to sit at his desk.

Mister Small's song "I will die young"

By this time, the rapper had already shot a video for the song "I Will Die Young", which was shown in morning air TV channel ORT. The young man goes on his first tour, and in 1994 he moves from hometown to Moscow. Left without parental supervision, Mr. Small goes into the lead. Every night the young man spent in nightclubs, spending all the money he earned on booze and drugs.

In the same 1994, the first album of the rap artist “I Will Die Young” was released. Texts and music for Mr. Small were written by friends Denis Chernyshov (Tengiz) and Merab Sadykov (Khot). The most famous tracks from the debut disc were "Sniff under the skin" and "Million megadoses". The wave of parties continued, pulling the young man deeper and deeper into the bottom.

The new album "Catch the Courage" was released only in 1997. In addition to the usual songs of Mr. Small, the collection included a composition that the rapper performed in a duet with Natalia Vetlitskaya. By the time the cassette appeared on the shelves, the young man realized that he needed a break.

Taking a short sabbatical, Mr. Small threw all his strength into getting rid of addictions. Friends helped the young man to return to the stage. Chernyshov and Sadykov launched new project"Drinking Boys" and invited Mr. Small to join the recording of the album.

Mr. Maloy and Natalya Vetlitskaya perform the song "Catch the Courage"

By 2000, the name of the once popular rap artist was no longer heard on radio and television. In order to survive, Mr. Small works part-time as an art director in various nightclubs.

In 2002, the rapper released his third album, Kuril. BUHAL ... ”, but the compositions included in it did not arouse such interest among loyal fans as previous works. However, the song "Money owes" received positive reviews from critics, but did not hit the music ratings.

The album "A and B were on the needle", released by "Drunkenness Boys", caused more excitement than the musician's solo creation. In 2004, the light saw latest collection the original Slag-Donalds trio. After the death of Merab Sadykov in 2009, the group ceased to exist.

In 2008, Mr. Small made an attempt to return to the stage as an independent artist. The rapper announced the release of a new album, On the High Shores of Glamour, but the disc never went on sale. The same fate befell the collection "Malympiad", about the work on which the artist informed his fans in 2014.

In parallel with the failures in the world of show business, pleasant changes also entered the life of Mr. Small. The man founded his own yoga studio and began to devote more time to travel. Exploring the world, the artist does not forget about creativity. For example, the rapper easily organized his own concert in Vietnam, gathering a full hall of loyal fans.

Personal life

In his own interviews, Mr. Small admits that, having become popular, he often changed girls. Moreover, the beloved teenager was older than the rebel. But after changing his life orientation, the artist does not like to talk about his personal life.

The song of Mr. Small "Perdisent 2018"

On the eve of the presidential elections, the artist released new song"Perdisent 2018" and shot a video, which is actively promoted with the help of social networks. From time to time, Mr. Small visits television programs that tell about the fate of popular singers 90s. A similar issue in March 2018 was released on the Russia 1 TV channel.

Free time Mr. Small still devotes to yoga and board skating. In winter, the artist gets on a snowboard, and in summer he conquers the waves with a surfboard or cuts through the streets on a skateboard with friends.


  • 1994 - "I will die young"
  • 1997 - "Catch the courage"
  • 2002 - "Kuril. boo…”
  • 2002 - "A and B were on the needle"
  • 2004 - "Slag-Donalds"

Mister Minor

“My dad is a military submariner. He taxied home once every six months, quickly brought me up and went back to sailing. Once he took me on a submarine, it was cool. It's a secret facility, but they let me in. And when dad was already teaching at the school, he took me to look at the teachings. On Vasilievsky Island military unit, in which there is a church converted into a simulator for divers. They were taught how to put on special suits, get out of a submarine, launch a buoy if there is an emergency on a boat. An interesting spectacle. I thought it was also to become a military man. But then I decided to confine myself to wearing a hat with earflaps with a cockade in honor of the pope. I bought it from the old-school majors - dudes-fartsovschik. In places of deprivation of liberty, authoritative people wore such clothes - it was both a style and a distinctive sign. Rare thing.

I am very grateful to my parents. They gave me everything they could to the best of their ability. And they responded well to everything. They saw that I was fulfilling myself, they understood that at some moments I was already cooler than the others. It seems to me that when you have been working in one position all your life and nothing happens to you, and suddenly your son is shown on ORT, then you already have no doubts - it seems to be something good.

I, like a real rapper, grew up in a residential area, on the “Illumination Avenue” (Enlightenment Avenue). I am now 35, and it was still in the Soviet Union, but even then the outskirts still developed differently than the central regions. So I grew up in the Soviet light ghetto. Such districts lived by their own rules: Kirovsky Zavod, Kupchino, Enlightenment Avenue - they were all different. At some point, I realized that I was missing something at home, so I decided to grab it on the street. So I'm a total backyard dude.

At the age of 9-10 I listened to the Kino group - not that it was mine, but I learned all the songs just in case. And then I became interested in boogie, hip-hop, funk, I began to learn how to dance break-dance and soon began to dance in one St. Petersburg group, which had very dumb, as it is now clear, texts.

I had a cassette with "Bachelor Party" on one side and "Fusion Jam" on the other. I knew all the lyrics by heart. It has always been like this for me - everything that I liked, I taught and sang along, sitting at the tape recorder or at the TV - as if helping to recite, such backing vocals on the couch. And so I was 11-12 years old, my friend and I were sunbathing on the beach, and he suddenly says: “You see, there are dudes - this is“ Thermonuclear Jam ”. And I was so happy, I rushed to them ... I said: “Wow, guys, yes, I know all your texts by heart, I'm ready to dance with you, I'm your fan!” They thought and thought and decided to do with me a kind of Russian Kris Kross - they were two little blacks who wore jeans back to front. The first song was “Leningrad”, the track of the group “The Name is Protected”, then it was covered by Bad Balance. Then there was another “Give me money - we will breathe”, some more and “I will die young”. And it turned out very cool: a small child reads texts in adult words that not all adults will understand. The reaction was just crazy. Then this chip was used by Bad Balance when Decl appeared.

This is what Mister Small concerts looked like in the early 90s

By the end of 9th grade, I had a lot of bad grades. And the director called me to her. He says: in short, the topic is this, where twos shine for you, I will draw threes, but you must promise me that you will receive your certificate and you will not go to the tenth grade. I figured: I have tours, concerts - okay, write out a certificate. But in the summer I changed my mind. I don’t know where these thoughts came from in my head, but I went to school, wrote an application that I ask to be accepted into the tenth. They call me, I go to the director, and she is already shaking. And I was a very cool actor: when they pinned me, I could do everything convincingly. And I tell her: “I understood everything, I need to study, this is important!” And so I honestly go to school for the first week, and then I leave tightly on tour and almost never appear at school. It is not clear how I should put quarter grades. I called Igor Seliverstov, who helped us develop, and a man in a jacket and tie came to the school, who brought a solid paper. “Dear, I ask you to assist the student Andrei Tsyganov, because he is part of a very promising musical project…” In short, the official letter is like this. The director was very upset and said: they say, you can work with tutors, fit all the tails. But for me this path seemed very difficult. And I was expelled.

In 1994 it was accepted strategic decision- move to Moscow. It was a real rise and rise, everything was cool. Life was - one incessant party. Every day we went to clubs, parties and parties. In home squats, in art studios, in the offices of merchants, in offices taken from merchants by bandits, in saunas, in country houses, constant concerts, prefabricated hodgepodges - it was one big party, just sometimes we slept and ate. Always and everywhere it was like this: "Look in the lists of Mister Small." - “Yes, yes, come in, please!” And if they didn’t let me go somewhere, then it was just a bad party, and we found a good one.

"Star disease hits the brain" - that's all there was. It started with the fact that you return from school with a briefcase, and your tracks sound from the windows - and that's cool. And it continued with the fact that wherever you come - respect to you everywhere, prostavi to you everywhere, in general everyone is happy to see you, you never have to pay anywhere. I was such a son of a regiment, small, whom everyone takes care of in a fatherly way. And he hung out with various people: dancers, bandos, stars, oligarchs. And I communicated with everyone in a simple way, as if I had known them for a hundred years. Like: “Hey, Malay, this is Vladimir Vladimirovich, he is the director of the bank!” - “Oh, hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!” And yes, we made good money. I just didn't understand what money was. The money was there to keep the party going. Therefore, in the late 90s, I was in the red. Didn't buy or save anything.

I have been like this all my life: there are dreams that seem unrealizable to me, and suddenly, once - and without much effort on my part, they suddenly come true. Here I was sitting, watching TV, and there was "The Bachelor Party", "Kar-Man", Mazay, "Virtues Police" - and I thought: "How cool, I would also like to be shown on TV with them too." Once - and I'm already with them. I thought: “Damn, Natalya Vetlitskaya is the best woman in the world, just an ideal, I would like to meet her!” Op - and Vetlitskaya and I stand in an embrace on stage. Well, it's nice when other people's dreams come true. I was in Vietnam a couple of years ago, gave a concert there. A dude came up with his girlfriend, said: “Small, since the 90s I can’t get to your concert!” This is a man's dream come true.

Title single from Maly's new album "Malympiad"

I have tried everything that could be tried. And I realized that I was an addict. But I also realized that in order for me not to die young, I need to stop using any substances. And took, shall we say, a sabbatical. At first he rested, came to his senses. And then Merab and Tengiz (friends and creative partners of Maly. - Note. ed.) came up with "Drinking Boys", started writing an album, and I soon joined them. It was an Internet project that did not have a single concert. Tracks - only about the surrounding reality of the late 90s, all true stories. “Sinka-murka”, “A and B were on the needle” - everything was like that. Then we recorded the Slag-Donalds album. They shot a video, made several hit tracks. These were already slightly different topics. " Sunny world- yes, yes, yes! Hat explosion - no, no, no! In addition, I began to work, art-directed in clubs and restaurants, organized some festivals, corporate parties ... Then our brother Merab left, died young. And four years ago, Tengiz left for Miami. He was cool here, but there in general. I miss for him.

Once we organized a rather cool project - a school of rhyme and rhythm for children from orphanages. Children learned to create rhythms, distinguish rhythms and play rhythms. Then we told them how to make music, hip-hop. They showed the drum machine and they made the beats themselves. And then, under these beats, they recited lines from AK-47, Noggano and others - we tried to choose lines without a mat. We wanted to turn it into the Hip-Hop-Baby project, so that it would be a big children's hip-hop festival, with graffiti, with breakdancing, so that they would learn how to record records, so that we would shoot videos with them. But it was not so easy to agree with adults from orphanages.

I don't smoke, don't drink, don't piss for over ten years. Vegetarianism is present. I ride boards in winter and summer. All without fanaticism and not because it is some kind of trend, just in all actions there are some beneficial features: physical, spiritual, emotional. I began to travel more, became interested in yoga. But I don't have one like in kung fu movies, where a dude appears and says: "Teacher, take me," and the dude sits at the entrance for ten days, and then he takes him. My teacher is the noosphere that sends me signals through people. Are you looking for a guru? You don't need a guru. You are a guru.

"Malympiad" is about alternative sports disciplines that we have been doing all our lives: dancing, DJing, graffiti, MS - plus bubscleing, curling in an apartment, arenbiathlon - cool sports. We've got a very fat album. In any case, a person will find two or three tracks that he will like. It's one hundred percent. I'm talking, of course, about people who are our potential target audience. Or those who grew up on our tracks. Many of them ride boards, many joke with words, many hang out in bars, many fan-dudes and all sorts of creative - artists, poets. In general, people who, like me, love to move.

It seems to me that in terms of positive things, nothing has changed in me. I feel the same as I was at 16-18. Maybe at 70 I'll just call myself not Mr. Small, but Mr. Malo.

DJ Tengiz

“Besides Maly, I had a lot of all sorts of work. From 1999 to 2004 I worked with Sasha Tolmatsky as a sound engineer and sound producer; when I wrote Legalize, Decl, "Bad B. Alliance". Then I had my own studio and shop. And in 2010, I went to a very serious WMC music conference in Miami, talked to people there and realized that my level is better than many in America. There, for example, there were several technical lectures on sound engineering, and the lecturer talked about the only way to make the voice brighter - and everyone listened to him very seriously, recorded something there, and I sat and thought: “What is he talking about? I know for sure 2-3 more alternative ways". And I decided to make a radically new movement in my life, got a work visa, moved to Miami and opened my studio here. I record black guys: J. Nics, Killah Priest, Dynas, guys from the Wu-Tang Clan - these are my clients. Some I work live, some I work online.

Actually, I'm Denis, but when we were recording Drunkenness Boys, and even before, I read a lot with a Georgian accent, so the name Tengiz was assigned to me in Russia. But few Americans can say Tengiz, such a feature of the language - it is difficult for them to pronounce I after G. And they themselves began to call me Tengiz. And for blacks in slang, this has its own meaning: “ten” - “ten” and “jiz” - “thousand”. That is ten thousand, it turns out.

I have a parallel story, my own. I collect Soviet groove, soul, funk, jazz. In Russia, I didn’t manage to record anything good with anyone, but here I mixed beats made from Soviet samples with American a cappella ones - and there were already three albums that resonated so badly. I was interviewed by large local newspapers, some people constantly write to the site, to Twitter. Now I have two similar projects ready - the continuation of this series.

In the mid-2000s, Malaya and his friends recorded under the name "Drunkenness Boys", it looked and sounded like this

We have been in touch with Maly since 1992 - as he appeared, so we are in a constant process of communication with him. He is generally one of the few people with whom I communicate in Russia. In 2004, they made a joint album of Maly and Drunkenness Boys. Then - the album "On the high banks of glamor", 20 discs were recorded, but it was not possible to release it. Firstly, some kind of crisis has begun, and secondly, glamor has become an irrelevant story. In short, "Malympiad" is the first full-fledged work in ten years. And it's not just freestyle - what I see, I sing about. No, this is a more conceptual approach.

In general, I try to look at the texts not flatly, but in such a way that they have a different side. I like it when it seems that this is a simple story, but in fact it turns out that it has a wrong side. We have never had such a flat and straightforward frontal texts. And I'm always trying to be outrageous - my idea is to keep the spirit of Boyce Drunken. Already without drugs, but with a concept. For example, the song “Today I met Eminem at the grocery store” is completely built on the interpretation of the term “swag”. A rough translation is "show-off". In America, this word is already moving away; not the phenomenon itself - because blacks love to show off, this is their business card, - but the word itself is so worn out in America that it is already considered bad manners to use it here. So, in Swag, each line will be a decoding, as when we explained in the ABC track: “A is a pharmacy, B is boots, C is a vaccine, D is smut”.

Sampler of the album "Malympiad"

There are also songs about hip-hop. About the fact that, as it were, hip-hop is dying, that it has an old-school brain, a bunch of other diseases, and something needs to be done to save it. There's a character for that, Toppy, who reads: "I'm Topty, not Topchumba, hip-hop nauchumba." There is a song about a Turkish footballer whose name is Abdul Durak, and he was born in the province of Nigde. This, by the way, real character, and it was necessary for a person to have everything in life coincide! In five or six songs, I recorded a black local singer, Sandy. She is quite popular in Miami Beach, she performs in clubs. Sandy doesn't know Russian at all, so she had to English letters write what she needs to sing in Russian. For her to sing: "Adidas, three stripes," I had to write her "tree poor lost key." And explain that tree should be sung with a Spanish accent.

In general, it turned out to be a positive life-affirming album. “Drinking Boys” ten years ago was such a local story: clear, gloomy, all sorts of drugs, there were friends with their own troubles, just like in our tracks - then it was relevant. And now I don’t see it, I don’t cook in it. I have a completely different topic now.

Mr. Small as a child

Mr. Maloy, and in childhood just Andrey Tsyganov, was born in Leningrad. The upbringing of Maly and his brother rested entirely on the shoulders of his mother, because his father, who served on a submarine, spent most of his time in the raid, and when he returned to shore, he did little with the children.

What Andrei remembers most from his childhood years was the atmosphere that reigned in the house, relations with neighbors, when you could visit without an invitation, and people spent evenings gathered at a black and white TV. To be on a television screen someday is the boy's main dream, which seemed so far away then. Another dream - a meeting with Natalya Vetlitskaya, seemed no less unrealizable.

At the age of 12, Mr. Small first became interested in dancing. The initiative to enroll in the studio came from his brother, while Andrei went for the company. Very soon he realized what directions he was interested in, and following the acquired in dance school friend went to learn breakdance.

Undoubted natural abilities allowed Maly to easily learn new movements. Gradually, he became a regular at dance evenings held at the Palace of Youth and the House of Culture of the Leningrad City Council, and since Andrei did not have money to pay for the entrance, he agreed with the organizers that he would go on stage to ignite the audience.

Here Maly made his first professional acquaintances. DJ Andrey Repnikov, who worked in the House of Culture of the Leningrad City Council, introduced the very young Maly to his company, introduced him to people who were passionate about modern music and dance.

The first successes of Mr. Small in music

Acquaintance with representatives of the musical movement was not in vain for Maly. Andrey Repnikov introduced Tsyganov to the participants of the Thermonuclear Jam project. Then they seemed to be stars and celestials.

Live Mister Maloy

However, this chance was not to be missed. Mr. Malay offered to organize a joint program where he would do what he does best - dance. A positive response was not long in coming. And it was a breakthrough. The country has never seen anything like this, and the first place at the Generation-94 competition, held in Moscow, was secured for the guys for the young and ambitious project Mr. Malaya.

The only condition for receiving the main prize was signing a contract with the organizer, which turned out to be categorically impossible for young people, then they had to make room from the top of Olympus, but the second prize-winning place provided the group with a solid cash jackpot and public recognition. And now a fifteen-year-old teenager is standing on the stage under the spotlights of the cameras, and Natalya Vetlitskaya herself is presenting the award to him. It seems that all dreams have already come true.

However, 1995 was no less successful. The young artist received the approval of key figures in the music industry and was named " Best Artist of the year". In the same year, the first studio album performer "I will kill the young", subsequently reprinted several times. At the peak of fame

Mr. Small - I will die young ©1992

The glory that suddenly fell on a teenager was pleasant, but what to do with it? Until the 9th grade, Malay somehow finished his studies, because the main time was taken up by touring activities, he had to leave out of 10. Despite this, his life was one continuous holiday. Clubs, entertainment, booze, drugs.

Malaya did not even think about putting aside some savings or buying real estate. However, the riotous lifestyle was addictive, and the drugs were no longer released. Most recently, at the peak of popularity, by the end of the 90s, Mr. Small was left without friends, means of subsistence, and the path to the stage was closed to him. According to the artist, he had suicidal thoughts more than once.

The return of rapper Mister Small to the stage

For a while, Mr. Small fell out of the public eye. What kind of rumors did not go about his fate, but after a short time, the rap artist again appeared before the public.

The cult rap artist of the 90s, Mister Maloy, who at one time seemed to have sunk into the water, now again travels around Russia with concerts, but collects small - club - venues. In the capital of Bashkiria, Andrey - this is the real name of the artist - performed at the Pravda club. He recorded the legendary track "I'll kill the little ones" in 1992 at the age of 13 and since then considers himself the inventor of the original styles of "funkopunk" and "steborep". Now music critics Andrey is called the prototype of Decl.

As a teenager, I never reached out to my peers. My environment was an order of magnitude older than me. This is how “Small” appeared, and later it seemed like for show-off, for solidity they attributed “Mister”. So it started spinning, - tells about the origin of his stage name Andrey.

"Russian show business is rotten"

The album "I will kill the little ones" was released in 1995 and sold several million copies. In the future, Mr. Maloy recorded several more hits - “Slag-Donalds”, “Dempan Shavochki”, “Hands Off Michael Jackson!”.

In total, from 1994 to 2005, Mr. Maloy, with the participation of "Drunkenness Boys" (authors of the lyrics of Maly Tengiz and Khot), released seven albums. Starred in four documentaries, gave more than five hundred concerts and took part in a huge number of music festivals and shares. But suddenly he disappeared from the field of view of fans.

Whatever they wrote about me, especially when I fell out of the public eye. And that I smoked, drank, stabbed. And it was as if I was kidnapped, demanding a ransom ... It's disgusting to remember, - the performer, who will turn thirty next year, grimaces.

Meanwhile, he casually, but not without pride, notices that at a certain stage of his life he was able to give up drugs and return to normal life.

So now I "stick out" exclusively from creativity, - he smiles slyly.

How did you manage to get rid of drug addiction? After all, you were a drug addict with decent experience ...- we are trying to talk to the Small.

The rehabilitation center helped me, but the return to normal life was very difficult. My so-called "meditations" were not aimed at anything good. During the time that I took drugs, I only got older and came back destroyed. In general, this topic hurts me a little, because there is public opinion about drug addiction and everyone is arguing about how to treat drug addicts. But, as a rule, all these speakers have never seen people in such a state and do not know how they feel. For example, detoxification did not help me, and in general it helps few people. Do you know what it looks like? A person comes to the clinic who is already very ill. Five days he is injected with medicines, and all this time he sleeps. Then he goes free, being sure that he has begun new life and immediately goes for drugs.

Do you regret your actions today?

Today, I really like myself. Yet I have achieved a lot, been through a lot. But for some reason, sometimes I have regrets about the time spent and about some actions from past life. But by and large, my life was very bright and eventful, I got to know a huge number of interesting people.

- How did Maly's mother react when she heard his first album?

My mother likes absolutely everything that I do, even though the texts are completely incomprehensible to her. Of course, the words “I will die young” did not fit in her head at all, but, nevertheless, when she saw my photos on the front pages of newspapers, she was very happy. This happened in 1994 at the Generation-94 festival. By the will of fate, I then took second place, but despite this, it was I who appeared on the front pages of the newspapers, and in an embrace with Natalia Vetlitskaya. I dreamed of standing next to this singer since childhood. For doing this cherished dream I am still very grateful to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

- Why did you conduct all kinds of linguistic experiments in your songs?

Well, we just love coming up with new words. In St. Petersburg there is such a place called "Aspect of Lighting". Few people know that the slang that was fashionable in those years was born there. Musician friends and I made up words that were used by party people and ravers. For example, "patimania" or "Lucy" which meant the drug LSD. There is a lot of very different slang in our texts - drug addict, party and even thieves. The songs of Mister Small were a symbiosis of all slang, the language in which pensioners do not communicate.

- Who was your idol?

Still a very long time alone clever man said: "Do not recreate an idol for yourself." So I have no idols, but I can express respect to Viktor Tsoi. As a child, I constantly listened to the tracks of this legendary dude. But something turned upside down in me after I heard the team “Thermonuclear Jam”, with which we subsequently created the group “Mr. Small”. I learned all the lyrics of "Jem" by heart and read their songs to any rhythm.

- How do you assess the current situation on the rap scene in Russia?

We have a lot of original and talented artists. Unfortunately, all this originality does not reach listeners and viewers. Only Seryoga, Timati, Casta, Pavel Volya and Vladimir Zhirinovsky are on stage today. Whole Russian show business rotten, because so many talents can't get on TV and they don't have rotations on radio stations. We do not have musical development like in the West. The situation on the Russian rap platform is extremely bad. Of course, things can still change, but so far this has not happened. But any person has the opportunity to become famous with the help of the Internet, as the trash tent "Kach" did. I know the leader of this project Sergey "Masterboy" well and respect him very much. He scoffs at everything that comes to hand. By the way, as soon as Viktor Drobysh sued him, Andrei Razin immediately called Sergei and promised to find the best lawyers. By the way, "Kach" does not get personal at all, with his scandalous song he simply perfectly described the situation in our show business.

"Young people only fuck and shop"

You were supposed to participate in the project "You are a superstar", but did not pass the casting ...

At this casting, I sang two songs - “I Will Die Young” and “Slag Donalds”, and all the jury members sang along with me, as they knew these lines by heart. I, of course, was very pleased. After all, it's one thing when ordinary viewers sing along, and it's quite another thing when you are supported by people who have achieved a lot in show business. However, I did not get into the show and do not regret it at all. It's no secret that there is a certain approved scenario and the results were already known in advance. After watching a couple of programs, I was very glad that I did not get into this show. The idea itself is much more interesting than its implementation. But, of course, I was still pleased to come to Moscow for the casting. I saw my old friends from Rostov, finally hugged Seryoga Krylov and saw many more people.

Go shopping and fuck.

Ilya Stogov wrote a book called "Sinners", where he detailed the biographies of Mr. Small and his lifestyle ...

Well, I don't agree with everything with the way he reproduced our conversations. I like some things Stogov, his style and commercial approach to publishing books. We sat with him for several days, talked, he wrote down everything that I said. But what happened in the end, I did not really like it, I do not agree with everything. Nevertheless, in the story about me there were more thoughts of Ilya than my own. In general, journalists often misunderstand me. For example, the program "Maximum" on NTV turned everything upside down. Their film crew filmed me for three days, the theme of the plot was: "How do people live after fame." Of course, with all the openness of my soul I tell how great everything is with me, what progress Mister Malay is making. But it turned out that they had to show how bad everything was with me and develop the theme “Oh, poor former stars". It turned out that this can be done very easily with the help of installation. Bang, and in the sentence "I don't use drugs" the particle is not simply removed. Or, for example, in a club on the dance floor, we chatted with a correspondent, and I told him completely off camera, they say, it’s cool to feel like a retro performer at 28. And then I see the following in the plot: “Mr. Small confessed to us in secret that it is very difficult to be a retro artist at 28 years old.” When I watched the program to the end, I had a real shock. But what to do, such things remain on the conscience of everyone.

In July 2006, the book of the famous St. Petersburg writer Ilya Stogov "Sinners" was published. One of his first works, "Machos Don't Cry" is practically a piece of software for those born in the 70s. Reviewers most often compared Stogov with Kerouac, Burroughs, and Dovlatov. Now the writer is preparing a book about domestic hip-hop, which we will definitely tell you about soon.

“Sinners” is the confession of 15 cult figures of the St. Petersburg underground, including Mister Malay. The cult figure of the 90s, for many, became the first association with the word "rap". Having become incredibly popular throughout the country at the age of 13, he went through a lot, which he talks about in the pages of this book...

Mr. Small (b.1979) - rap star

Once in the "Tunnel" I met a girl. We left the club, jumped into the nearest front door, I put her on the windowsill, picked out a penis from her underpants, spread her legs ... The girl closed her eyes: “Wow!” ... In the process, she became emotional, screamed loudly, threw her head back, - and knocked the frame out of the window with the back of her head. The roar was terrible. I even sat down in fear. Adjusting our clothes as we went, we ran out of the front door. However, no one reacted to the roar. We smoked and the girl asked me to finish what I started. But this time we went to another front door.

"Tunnel" opened in May 1993. I started going there all the time. I visited the first techno clubs "Tunnel" and "Planetarium", went to squats on the Fontanka and Obvodny Canal. Adult guys hung out there: fashionistas, party-goers, bandits, DJs, artists, some stunning aunts ... And I was barely 14 years old.
I don't know why they all messed with me. It has been like this all my life, since childhood: adults immediately accepted me into their company, kept me on an equal footing, laughed at my jokes, were not jealous of their women and treated me to the most expensive drugs in the world ...

I was born on Prosveshcheniya Avenue. At the time of Alexander Blok and Igor Severyanin, it was a prestigious holiday village. By the end of the 20th century, Prosvet turned into the St. Petersburg Bronx.

The country's top rap groups live within a two-stop radius of my house. And DJ Tengiz also opened the very first rap studio in the country at Prosvet. The studio is located in the house where Anatoly Sobchak, the first mayor of St. Petersburg, lived twenty years ago.

Here his daughter was born, Ksenia Sobchak and the neighbors still remember how in the evenings the mayor went out into the yard to knock out a rug hanging on a rickety football goal with a plastic stick.

As soon as he became mayor, Sobchak moved to the center. I still live in the house where I was born. My whole biography passed in front of the neighbors. When I meet them, I always greet them.
My current girlfriend is surprised:
- Do you really know all these people?

I don’t know how it is in her area, but in Prosveta it’s normal. At a meeting, people greeted each other, went to visit each other and in the evenings they all watched black-and-white TV sets together.

My mother raised me and my brother alone. Dad was a submariner. He went on a combat raid for six months, then returned and rested with all his might until he again went sailing. And my mother ran around, took care of the children, stood in lines, received some kind of food stamps ...
My brother is five years older than me. He grew up calmer. Once on the radio he heard an announcement about recruitment to the school modern dance. He caught fire and said that he would certainly sign up, and I went with him for company. One of the subjects at school was called "dance-rap". Then it was wildly fashionable. I just turned 12 years old.

The dance instructor turned out to be a funny man. He had dyed red hair and a bowl cut hairstyle. In principle, he taught completely different dances, not the ones that interested us. But it was at his school that I met a guy who first took me to a party of breakdancers. Then I studied dancing there.

I went to dances at the Kurier disco club, the Lensovet House of Culture and the Youth Palace. I grabbed easily. Could immediately repeat any movement.

Soon in this party I became almost the main star. Dancing in the hall seemed cramped to me and I constantly got out on stage.

In the Palace of Culture named after the Lensovet, dances were held every weekend. I didn't miss a single evening. I had nothing to pay for entry. I agreed with the owners of the disco that I would dance on stage, and for this they would let me through for free. There were no professional dancers in those years in any club. Soon I met a DJ who worked at these dances. It turned out that we were neighbors: the guy lived two houses from me. His name was Andrei Repnikov. I began to go only to those dances where Andrey DJed, I spent hours at his house, he introduced me to the whole hip-hop party and now I talked only with those people with whom Andrey talked.

This is still not clear to me. I was almost a child, and these guys - they were quite adults. Andrew was already in his twenties. His friends did the most contemporary music in the country, and I just knew how to dance beautifully. What kind of interest did they have to communicate with a little kid?

You know, sometimes on the street, or in a cafe, you can meet families, looking at which you immediately understand: they are doing well. The child loves his parents, and the parents love each other and always smile when they look at the child. It wasn't like that in my family. That is, in childhood, this feeling was ... but I probably missed it. Dad is swimming, mom had to survive. Sometimes it began to seem to me that right now, at that moment, no one loves me at all ... no one, no one thinks about me ... and the world collapsed, and it was probably easier to die. I ran out of the house to the street and looked for people next to whom it was possible not to think about it.

Papa Andrew - quite famous classical composer. But he lived separately, in another city, and Andrei's apartment was always free. I went to him in the morning, woke him up, and we spent together all day long. I was always there.

Once we went to DJ Michael Pugo. The day before, Michael bought a pack of fashionable long cigarettes called "Three Bogatyrs" at the Beryozka currency store. He boasted for a long time about how long and cool these cigarettes were, turned the pack in his hands, and then said that it was probably time to score.

I had seen my brother's friends smoking many times before. But they never fed me. Here, no one paid attention to my age. Marijuana itself was not important for me - what was important was what started later. We smoked, drank beer or tea - and talked endlessly. They spoke to each other. We were together.

I was finally happy.

By the way, I also had sex at the very first in the class. When I got on stage in the Lensoviet Palace of Culture and started dancing, all the girls in the hall looked at it with amazed eyes. Somehow, squeezing closer, one of them said that today her parents were not at home, and if I wanted, we could play the Dendy game console.

I told the guys in the class that I had girls - wow! That I have them - just like that! But in fact, that time was my first. The girl was four years older than me: she had already turned seventeen. I stayed with her all night, and in the morning I went to share the news with my classmates. I knew for sure: none of them had anything like this yet. Among my peers, I was the coolest.

Then there were a lot of girls. The first more or less constant girlfriend I had was a school friend from a parallel class. Her name was Tanya. She was very beautiful. The first time we slept with her just to argue: can we or not? It seems that Tanya began to be considered MY girlfriend, but I was not going to take all this seriously.

somehow big company we went to sunbathe, and then with the closest Tanya's friend ended up at my house. I immediately climbed into the girl's shorts. My grandmother was sleeping in the next room, and the girlfriend was clearly a virgin, but neither one nor the other bothered me. I pulled off her panties, forced her to lie down, pressed her whole body against the sofa ...

She pushed me away with weak hands and whispered:
- And Tanya? How is Tanya? What will we say to Tanya?
I pushed her clenched legs apart with my knees and explained:
Tanya is my girlfriend. And with you, we just have fun.
The girl sobbed loudly. It just made me laugh. What exactly other people would think and feel then did not interest me at all.

What kind of education is there? I now went to school only to drink beer with my classmates. At one time I even left home and moved in with Andrey. At that time, Andrei had already drawn some kind of bride, and the apartment was very small, but they were not at all shy about me and could easily chat with me about sex or treat me with something.

In addition to me, British DJ Luke Mills lived at Andrei's house. Sometimes DJ Groove stopped, who then wrote the very first sets and had not yet turned into the “Great-D-J-Groove”. Some new people appeared all the time.
Sosnovsky Park is located not far from our quarter. Andrey and I went there to sunbathe. Once on the beach he met his acquaintances - DJs Tengiz and Hot. At that time, these two were doing the Thermonuclear Jam project.

That year, the very first Russian rap cassette went on sale. On the one hand, the group "Bachelor Party" was recorded there, in which Dolphin read, and on the other - just "Thermonuclear Jam".

Tengiz and Khot were heavenly beings for me. I knew all their lyrics by heart.

It was hot. We swam and rolled on the sand, but I just couldn't rest. I wanted to do something right now. Several times I already tried to read some texts, but basically then I was still a dancer.

I began to ask the guys:
Take me to dance with you! You will read, and I will dance on stage!
I got up and showed a couple of moves. That summer, the American hip-hop project CrisCross was fashionable. These are two such little peppy blacks who wore jeans turned upside down and sang the song Jump! Jump!
Tengiz and Hot looked at me attentively. I was small and vigorous.

Maybe try to make a Russian CrisCross? - They thought, - What is your name?
- Barmaley.
- Barmaley? Somehow not very ... Do you have any other nickname?
- Still sometimes they call me "Small".
- Already better! Now you will be "Mr. Small"!

You know, as a child, I had two big dreams. I wanted to be shown on TV and I also really liked the singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

This woman has always had a fantastic effect on me. Goosebumps ran from some of her photographs.

In 1994, we took the Mr. Malaya project to Moscow. We participated in the Generation-94 festival. The event was organized on a Moscow scale: a fashionable party, a lot of people, dozens of groups. Revealed the best: who will become the leader of this very generation-94? We were the best.
In the early 1990s, there was no one else on this field except us. There was no other such project. Without investing a cent in promotion, we just honestly did our job and the whole country found out about us. Today this is no longer possible.

The organizers of the festival said that we will get the first place and the main prize - we just need to sign a contract with them. But at that time we already had a contract. For some time we were persuaded, and then they waved their hand. Instead of the first we were given the second place. It didn't matter, because the prize from the press and money from the sponsors still went to us.
The prize was presented to me by Natalya Vetlitskaya. I stood on the stage of the heaviest and most official hall in the country and it was broadcast to an audience of two hundred million. I held Vetlitskaya by the waist, and she laughed and leaned over to kiss me. This picture was then printed on the first pages of all newspapers: the most beautiful woman country and next to me.

Both dreams came true before I graduated from high school. I had to sit down and think about what to dream about next. But I just didn't have time to think.

Very soon, most of the time I began to spend on tour. The principal of the school didn't get it. She was sure that this was a lie and that I simply skipped school. I was summoned to her office for a conversation, but the day before I called the producer and as a result, instead of me, a man in a jacket and with a case appeared in the director’s office, who brought her paper from Moscow with a bunch of official seals: “Dear Mrs. Director! Please release the boy in connection with the upcoming tours in the following cities of the country ... ". Next - a list of cities on half a page.
I would love to send all these aunts with idiotic glasses. To the question "Where homework?”, I would answer them: “Go to hell, you slurred mare! Can you imagine the level of people who came to my concert yesterday?!” But none of this happened. I just batted my eyelashes and promised that this would not happen again.

Constant conversations: with teachers, with the class teacher, with the head teacher, with the square director of the school ... In terms of height in the class, I was second from the bottom. A plaintive look, a skinny childish face ... You make innocent eyes, promise everything they want - and until tomorrow you can live in peace.

I was afraid of teachers. It was something irrational. I knew that they would not be able to organize really serious troubles for me ... they certainly would not be able to ... but I was still afraid. Fear arose immediately, as soon as they came closer and began to look at me.

I think these are traces of the USSR. I went to school exactly in the year when Perestroika began. And when the USSR collapsed, I was not yet 12 years old. But I still make the reservation “Soviet”, meaning “ours”, “Russian”.

Anyone who has even caught the edge of the USSR will never be able to completely get rid of this. It just doesn't heal.
Like cancer. Like an addiction to heroin.

In the spring of that year, I walked home from school with a briefcase, and my songs sounded from half the windows. After Generation 94, everything began to change very quickly. Officially, I continued to be a student high school. But until the final ninth grade, he finished his studies with difficulty. It was clear that they would simply not let me go to the tenth. The principal of the school said bluntly that she could no longer see me. Just for the sake of me disappearing, at the final exams, the teachers pulled me a C grade. school curriculum I didn't know at all.

I studied at this school for eight years. I didn't see anything good from her. But the school - it was at least some kind of stability. I was afraid to completely break with my childhood. School - work - pension ... My parents lived their lives just like that and I was afraid to go off the beaten path.
After summer holidays I came to the director and began to ask that they leave me to study further. I said that I grew up, I understood everything and now I will become different. The director was shocked. She did not believe a single word of mine, but according to the law she could not refuse. And I moved from the ninth grade to the tenth.

Of course, nothing came of this venture. The whole first quarter for me was on tour. From September to November, I appeared at school twice at most. I didn't get a single rating. I had to leave school.

On graduation party We all drank vodka as a class. How much did we children need? Barely drunk, one of the girls started yelling that we are all pimply virgins, and she, by the way, lost her virginity the very first in the class! The taste of the male penis is known to her firsthand! .. This interested me.
I dragged the girl into the bathroom, turned her back to me, tilted her, unbuttoned my own jeans ... It seems that she was still a virgin. There was a lot of blood. Blood dripped from her legs to the floor. The girl whispered that enough was enough… she was uncomfortable… she wriggled and tried to pick out my penis with her fingers…. I just didn't pay attention. All the guys who were in the apartment crowded into the next room, climbed onto the toilet with their feet and took turns peeking through the ventilation holes at what was happening.

All of a sudden there was a lot of money. We distributed the fees as follows: the producer immediately took half of the amount, and I, Tengiz and Hot divided the other half into three. That is, fifteen percent reached me, but it was quite decent money.

I was just a child. Everything he earned was spent on parties and drugs. To get rich, to acquire real estate, or a bank account - at that time I did not succeed in any of this. Yes, I did not strive for this. Life has been an endless pleasure.

To celebrate my coming of age, I rented a large Moscow club. There were a hundred people invited, plus a bunch of simply beautiful girls. Played by a good DJ. I bought fruit, alcohol and some drugs. The rest of the guests brought a huge amount with them. I paid some money to the cops and they watched all evening so that no one bothered us.
The time was such that people climbed to the very top instantly. Yesterday you were nobody, and today you are sitting in the most expensive club of Eastern Europe and police officers make sure that no beast interferes with your sniffing cocaine. True, just as quickly you could collapse back. Going to jail was as real as becoming a millionaire.

Once in the Planetarium club, the cops grabbed me right at the entrance. Usually they didn’t search there, and I relaxed: instead of putting it in a sock, I left the bag in my jeans pocket. The cop reached into my pocket, pulled out the puck and lit up with happiness:
- ABOUT! Hashish!

I was tempted to spit in his face:
- Born sucker, sucker and die! What hashish? Do you not understand at all? It's "Chinese dust"!

At that time, everything worked out: friends destroyed it. Until the morning I sat at the police picket, and then the senior officer named the price and they took everyone further to the police station, and they let me go.

Cocaine then cost $200 per gram. And heroin that has just appeared in Moscow from somewhere in Africa costs $300. Nobody really knew what this heroin was. Today, any schoolchild knows that there are drugs, and there is heroin, and heroin is certain death. Then, the only thing I saw: heroin is one and a half times more expensive than coke. So, it is better, cooler and, probably, less harmful.

The people I hung out with at the time were very serious. It is believed that bandos should only listen to chanson, but this is not true. In America, self-respecting criminals listen to rap, and the Leningrad bandits of the first generation were not stupid bullish at all. These people came out of the black market, used to communicate with foreigners and spoke the same slang that I sang. You just can’t imagine what my song “I Will Die Young!” was for them.

It was these people who gave me heroin for the first time. We did not inject it into a vein, but sniffed it beautifully from the tip of a knife. At that time, I threw up the whole apartment to the owners, but I really liked the drug itself. What I've tried before has been pretty harmless. Breaking does not happen, it is impossible to die from an overdose. There are unpleasant psychological effects, but you can get through it ... It seemed to me that scary talk about heroin was also an exaggeration.

The producer called me: the next performance is there and there. I reprimanded “I will die young!”, I received money and there was nothing else to do. The days seemed endlessly long. The second time I was also treated, and the third time I went to the dealer already with the money. The dealer was Azerbaijani. I knew his roof. For a while he sold me with big discount. The farther, the more often I dropped in on him - and then suddenly found that I was hooked.

It scared me, but not too much. I decided that I would just change the scene. I will leave for Moscow: another city, everything anew, there are no familiar dealers. I will work hard and forget about the heroine. The first two days broke me. But on the third day, I felt reborn. I thought that now I can only get by with alcohol and marijuana.

All the talk about addiction is not about me.

As befits strong guys, I managed to keep the situation under control. Therefore, I decided that it would be nice to find a place in Moscow where I could drop by for heroin if I suddenly needed it urgently ... and in general - let it be. Of course, I immediately found a huge number of sellers. Then everything happened quickly. With heroin, everything happens very quickly.

I firmly decided that I would use extremely rarely and quite a bit. And if so, it would be nice to get the most out of this business. Everyone said that sniffing was a senseless waste. Heroin must be injected directly into a vein - then you will feel a real high. And I switched to intravenous injections. And after some time - already a finished heroin junkie - I returned back to St. Petersburg.

Still, it hasn't been a problem yet. I had friends, work, and the most best women in the world. Everything I wanted became mine. The life I led was perfect for me.

Together with Tengiz and Khot, we sat down in the studio to write new album. Things hardly moved: my huckster lived exactly opposite the studio. In the mornings, I first went to him and only then went to write. The guys tried to explain that it was impossible. It was impossible for me to explain anything.

I have a daily life cycle. In the morning you need to make yourself some heroin. Just to live. During the day I smoked a certain amount of marijuana, and in the evening I came to the club. There I drank alcohol and ate pills or amphetamines. If he found someone with cocaine, he could sniff cocaine. Then more alcohol and marijuana. I danced, smoked, drank again and ate pills. In the morning, in order to fall asleep, I had to shoot heroin. This went on for five years in a row. I tried not to think about what would happen next.

Heroin is a huge burden on the body. Any addict knows that if you do not want to die quickly, from time to time you need to take a break from heroin. You use for several months in a row, then you break, do not use for some time, give your body a rest, and only after that you can start all over again.

I was not like that. I was very afraid of physical pain. Breaking I could withstand a maximum of a day, and on the morning of the second day I was already knocking on the door of the huckster. Instead of stopping and resting, I used heroin daily for five years. From such a load, the body can no longer be repaired. I haven’t had a single tooth left in my mouth for a long time, and there is not a single organ in my body that would not bother me today.

The guys from the group tried to talk to me:
- It's good to come to the studio flogged! Sign up and then go wherever you want!
- Yes! I said. - Certainly! WITH tomorrow so we will do it!
In the morning I came to the crossroads, looked at the studio, then at the house where the huckster lives, then again at the studio - and anyway, first I went to the huckster. The guys are tired of it. They even tried to put me right in the studio so that I could break through there. You will plunge headlong into work and forget about everything, they said. But such methods will not solve the problem. Once heroin enters your life, it leaves you with nothing else. Even when the body can no longer take it, the only thing you think about is that you NEED heroin.

I spent only a day in the studio. Then the stash ran out. Early in the morning, while everyone was sleeping, I quietly left, left the door to the studio open, and left anyway. The boys couldn't take it anymore.
“You know, Small,” they said. - You first solve the problem, and then we will write.

Usually at the age of twenty, everything is just beginning for people. I have lived a long life at this age. Now it was coming to an end.

The end of the 1990s fell out of my life. I was chemically addicted to all mind-altering substances. I even sold washing machine your mom. I called a Gazelle with loaders, and then my mother washed it with her hands. Everything that was in my parents' apartment I took out and sold. For a junkie, this is normal. Sooner or later, you will still find yourself alone in an empty apartment, and then you will sell the apartment too. Parents looked at what was happening with wild eyes. Everything that they have accumulated throughout their lives, I spent a few months.

By the end of the decade, I had no job, no gigs, no money, and no one left to lend me. For heroin alone, I needed $600 a month. I used to dance and participate in TV music programs.

Now I stole, traded drugs and, leaving through the entrance yards, threw people.

When you're on hard drugs, it's always very close to jail. Once I stole money from a very serious person right out of my wallet. We rode in cars, smoked, then the man came out and left the wallet. There was a wad of money like this thick. And I took some of that money. Although even at that moment I realized: in no case should I do this.

The man was very serious. They found me quickly, almost immediately. The man looked me in the face for a long time, and then said:
- I'm giving you time to give back what you took. Let's see what we can do with you.

And the worst thing was the loneliness. Whoever is around, you are still alone. You surround yourself with loneliness with all your might. Nobody can be trusted. No girls, no friends. Not to myself. Yourself, especially.

You know, the real suicides are not those who try to hang themselves or jump from the roof, but those who see death as the only way out. There is absolutely nothing you can do to save them. By the time I was twenty, I had just reached that stage.

I rush - and that's it. Then, if you want to solve your own problems. But already without me.
Drugs, debt, lack of money, bandits, physical pain and complete absence meaning in everything that happens ... I should have stopped ... I should have admitted that I was going the wrong way ... I should have turned around and tried to start all over again ... but it seemed much easier to die.
