Oriental horoscope compatibility with other signs. Snake - Dragon

Vol and Vol. They do not have any problems in everyday life, everything goes like clockwork. Life is built, as it were, according to a schedule, everything is on time: both lunch and rest. But sometimes they get bored together, because Oxen need a shake from time to time, otherwise they will fall asleep on the way. Maybe that's why...

Dragon and Dragon. Such a brilliant sign as the Dragon is used to bright light. And it is not surprising if you are interested in the brilliance of a fellow sign. They are fascinated by each other, but it will be very difficult for them to share power. As a rule, this becomes a stumbling block in their path. Born fast...

Serpent and Serpent. This is a very tolerable union. Friendship and common affairs are possible between them. They will deliver various pleasures to each other, and for a change they can prepare all sorts of traps and dirty tricks. They must be confident in their partner and will be happy to watch how ...

Boar and boar. This is a very favorable union. They know how to be condescending to the weaknesses of a partner, and they have the basis for building this union. It is very good if they have interests in work, this will further strengthen the union, otherwise there is a danger of parting ...

Horse and Horse. This union is favorable for those who are accustomed to a bright and passionate atmosphere. A pair of freedom-loving animals likes to create a lot of noise around them. Their connection occurs instantly, without any difficulties, and is surrounded by a pleasant atmosphere. These relationships can last for years...

Monkey and Monkey. The joint life of these two tailed girlfriends will not lead to good. Their relationship is absolutely devoid of development and, therefore, cannot be interesting and easy. They are too smart, far-sighted to compete with each other. Of course they can use...

Sheep and Sheep. These are not too demanding persons who will not terrorize a partner so that he gets them a star from the sky. Therefore, they will not disappoint each other. All your own free time will spend on the improvement of the family hearth, fill the house with a mass ...

Rat and Rat. This is a very complex combination. Their relationship begins very romantically, they are very similar, as if they see in their partner mirror reflection. They are very passionate, sometimes to the point of madness, and therefore the duration of their union remains a big question. But not bad at all...

Rooster and Rooster. These partners live peacefully, although violent emotions also lurk here. They are always interested together, and it never comes to discord or misunderstanding. When they love their partner, they show a lot of emotions, and if they are indifferent to him, they openly talk about it ...

Hare - Chinese Compatibility Horoscope
Hare and Hare. Such partners can understand each other, as both strive for harmony. They will not argue with each other, cutting off any friction. They get along great. Probably, this union rather lacks dynamism. They will live quietly side by side, and perhaps for a very long time ...

For many modern people every one is important decision. Therefore, they approach each situation with particular scrupulousness, studying all the weighty factors and trying to understand the nature of each. Situations with choosing a partner for life together are no exception. On the contrary, when embarking on the search for their soulmate, many people study different horoscopes and ways of making predictions by the date of birth of a person. And one of the most common ways to find out the combination of two people in a pair is the compatibility of the zodiac signs, determined by the years of their birth (Horse, Monkey, Snake, Rat, etc.). This will be discussed in our article today.

Compatibility can be determined using different horoscopes (eastern, floral, by date of birth, years, etc.), each of which allows you to learn more about the nature of the partner and understand how successful the union will be. Compatibility horoscope of people representing different signs depending on the year of birth, contributes to building a successful relationship between two people.

The Eastern system, in contrast to the astrological horoscope, involves the division of all born people into 12 categories. Each such category corresponds to the animal symbol of the Eastern calendar (Monkey, Rat, Snake, Dragon, Horse, etc.). Thus, if the distribution system according to the signs of the zodiac correlates a group of people for a certain period of each year, the Eastern dictates other conditions.

Appeared for one year (from January 1 to December 31) people will be under the auspices of one of 12 characters Chinese horoscope. The photo below clearly shows which year of birth a person will be under the auspices of a particular animal. So, for example, the Rat is the patron of those born in 1984, 1996, 2008, years. The snake, in turn, patronizes everyone whose birth dates back to 1989, 2001, 2013, etc. for years. Also, the Horse is a symbol of every 12th year (1990, 2002, 2014). Together with them, the Monkey, who took "under his wing" people with a date of birth in 1992, 2004, 2016 and so on.

The cycle of action of the eastern system is 12 years. So you can determine the pattern of behavior and characteristics of the characters of people whose date of birth will correspond to a certain symbol. Having studied such information, a person will be able to determine their own compatibility with a particular partner. To do this, it is enough to have knowledge regarding his date of birth.

All such information that compatibility tables offer for zodiac signs, years of birth, names, etc., will turn out to be useful topics who does not disregard the laws of the universe. With such additional data, the interested person will be able to form a more accurate picture of his partner in marriage, friendship or other situations.

How compatible are people - representatives of different characters

There is an opinion that the symbols of the zodiac and the mythological animals of the Chinese calendar symbolize certain energy flows that cut through the universe at a certain period of the year. The elements of the Eastern classification by year of birth (Monkey, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Horse, etc.) are considered a cyclic manifestation of cosmic influences. They are specific to each year.

Such flows affect not only compatibility (in marriage, friendship, work, etc.). Under the influence of cosmic elements, each representative of a particular year will show the same type of features.

They can form an opinion about:

  • the nature of the person;
  • his attitude towards others;
  • compatibility with people under certain conditions.

To find out your compatibility and with whom you will be able to build strong relationships in the future, it is enough to know the exact dates of birth of both partners. Further, having calculated which patron for whom Eastern calendar corresponds to (Monkey, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Horse, etc.), you can refer to the love compatibility table. It is shown below.

There is a loyal criterion for assessing potential relationships between representatives of different signs of the Eastern calendar. The information given in the table is based on the opinion that there are no categorically compatible people. There are three specific types that can characterize pairs of representatives of different or the same character:

  • average compatibility;
  • good;
  • low.

Types of each character

In some way, it simplifies the study of compatibility by knowing the types of each of the signs of the zodiac and the eastern system. You can also read the description of each zodiac sign according to the eastern calendar below in order to understand the nature of the partner and his behavior.

    • Rats. The rat is the first animal of the Chinese zodiac. Any signs of the zodiac born under the auspices of the Rat are very talented, optimistic and very passionate. Many of the representatives of the zodiac under the auspices of this animal are leaders. Including in marriage. Entering into an alliance with such a person, the partner must be prepared to face the excessive emotionality and squandering of the Rats. The most best compatibility in Rat-Dragon/Monkey and Rat-Rat pairs.
    • Bulls. Bulls are very hardy and hardworking, thorough and very naive, they quickly forget insults. However, betrayal and betrayal will not be tolerated. This must be taken into account when deciding to establish a strong relationship with the Bull for all signs of the zodiac.
    • Tigers. The tiger is distinguished by its nobility, independence, courage. But for those who want to link their fate with a representative of this oriental symbol, you need to know about its shortcomings. Among these are impulsiveness, irascibility, capriciousness and partly quarrelsomeness.
    • Rabbits. Very cautious, reasonable, well-mannered and kind symbol of the eastern horoscope - Rabbit. People under his influence in marriage are very tender and loving partners. They give themselves to their lover without expecting anything in return.

  • Dragons. Dragon - personalities are very sentimental and insightful. At the same time, they can be characterized as self-confident and purposeful people. Such marriage partners are practical and trusting.
  • snakes. The snake can be generally characterized as a diplomatic personality, with a highly developed intuition and inconstancy. Most of those who, according to the eastern horoscope of the Serpent, are considered spenders. At the same time, they are quite romantic. In marriage, the Snake will demand reciprocity from a partner.
  • Horses. Those who, by date of birth, have a patron - the Horse, are persons prone to adventures. Although they are talented and hardworking, they often show dishonesty and can deceive. A horse is a type of a fickle person. In love, the Horse is far from monogamous.
  • Goats. These signs are generous and indecisive. Sheep are by nature shy, irresponsible. The same qualities are manifested in its representatives by year of birth. Sheep does not seek wealth, but will become an excellent muse for a partner.
  • Monkey. Monkey - very smart, developed intellectual personality. In friendship they manifest themselves with better side, however, in terms of work, they can be cunning rivals. For marriage, the Monkey is not a bad option if the partner is not afraid of sloppiness.
  • Roosters. Straightforward and practical, hardworking and generous, Roosters are also considered not a bad candidate for a strong union. However, in marriage they will be demanding and somewhat self-centered.
  • Dogs. The dog is modest and devoted to his partner. Representatives of this oriental symbol are honest and strive for justice. Families do not allow scandals, do not forgive betrayal.
  • Boars. These people are generous. Although quick-tempered, they quickly "depart". A big plus of such people in marriage is romance and the ability to forgive mistakes. Partners will be very comfortable with these representatives of the Eastern system.

Chinese astrology is fundamentally different from the Western system, since the usual signs of the zodiac in it are replaced by twelve animals.

In accordance with it, it is believed that the characteristics of a person’s temperament and character are determined by the year of which animal he was born. The compatibility of various signs with each other according to the Chinese system is discussed in detail in the proposed article.

Compatibility of signs in Chinese astrology

In Chinese astrology, a person's belonging to a certain sign is determined primarily by the year of his birth.

The following will be the years corresponding to specific animals, as well as their compatibility with representatives of other signs:

  1. The sign of the Rat corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/19/1996-02/06/1997, 02/02/1984-02/19/1985, 01/16/1972-02/02/1973, 01/28/1960-02/14/1961, 02/10/1948-02/14/1949 They get along very well with representatives of their own sign, while compatibility will be impressive, regardless of whether it is supposed to build close relationships or is it just business cooperation. Alliances with the Dragon, the Snake and the Monkey are also considered promising. Rat men quickly find mutual language with Tiger women, such partners will complement each other perfectly. However, you should refrain from close contact with the Rabbit or Horse: these signs are the exact opposite of the Rat, so the chances of mutual understanding in any matters or matters are minimal.
  2. The Ox sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/07/1997-01/27/1998, 02/20/1985-02/08/1986, 02/03/1973-01/22/1974, 02/15/1961-02/04/1962, 01/29/1949-02/16/1950. Bulls converge very poorly with representatives of their sign, and very rarely successful alliances with the Dragon, Tiger, Horse or Dog are obtained. Good compatibility is observed with Rooster or Snake, The Monkey will be a great friend for the Ox, the Rabbit will be an excellent business partner. A successful alliance with the Rat can also develop if the Ox changes its temperament at least a little and provides the partner with a certain freedom.
  3. The Tiger sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/28/1998-02/15/1999, 01/09/1986-01/28/1987, 01/23/1974-02/10/1975, 02/05/1962-01/24/1963, 02/17/1950-02/05/1951. Many people mistakenly believe that Tigers get along well with representatives of their sign: they really have a lot of similarities, but that's exactly what becomes main problem that breeds rivalry. Also, you should not count on a strong and reliable alliance in any area with the Snake, Ox, Pig or Monkey. Dog, Sheep and Dragon will be good partners for the Tiger, they can build excellent relationships both in friendship or love, and in business. Build family relationships possible with a horse, but it is better not to engage in joint business with representatives of these signs.
  4. The sign of the Rabbit corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/16/1999-02/03/2000, 01/29/1987-02/16/1988, 02/11/1975-01/30/1976, 01/25/1963-02/12/1964, 02/06/1951-01/26/1952, 02/19/1929-1939 Rabbits can build strong family or reliable business with other representatives of their sign, but they should beware of Rats, Roosters or Dragons. With all other signs, the Rabbit is quite compatible under certain conditions.
  5. The Dragon sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 04.02.2000-22.01.2001, 17.02.1988-05.02.1989, 31.01.1976-17.02.1977, 13.02.1964-01.02.1965, 27.01.1952-13.02.1953, 08.02.1940 Dragons make excellent business partners with representatives of their own sign, and in some situations they can build a strong family if they have different temperaments. The rat is another appropriate sign, with whom business cooperation or personal life is successfully built, a Horse, Monkey or Snake is also suitable for this. Dragons are advised to avoid building alliances with the Rooster, Sheep, Dog or Pig.
  6. The sign of the Snake corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/24/2001-02/11/2002, 02/06/1989-01/26/1990, 02/18/1977-02/06/1978, 02/02/1965-01/20/1966, 02/14/1953-02/02/1954, 01/27/1921-1941 They reach an absolute understanding with other Serpents, so such unions are considered successful both in marriage and in business. The Ox, the Dragon and the Rat are only suitable for business relationships, it will not be possible to build a strong family with them; it is also worth avoiding any close contact with the Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Pig or Horse. Among the signs suitable for the Snake, the Rabbit and the Sheep can be distinguished.
  7. The sign of the Horse corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/12/2002-01/31/2003, 01/27/1990-02/14/1991, 02/07/1978-01/27/1979, 01/21/1966-02/02/1967, 02/03/1954-01/23/1955, 01/15/1942 Good compatibility with other Horses, they can cooperate in absolutely all areas: do business together, have a long romance or build a family. It is also good to build any relationship with the Tiger, Sheep, Dog, Pig and Rooster; a long and strong friendship with the Rat is possible. At the same time, you should beware of Rabbits and Snakes, since their unions rarely end successfully.
  8. The sign of the Sheep or Goat corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01.02.2003-21.01.2004, 15.02.1991-03.02.1992, 28.01.1979-15.02.1980, 09.02.1967-28.01.1968, 24.01.1955-11.02.1956, 05.01.1943-23.01.1944. Sheep are able to build harmonious and good relationships with other Sheep., it does not matter whether they plan to start a family or develop a joint business. With Rats, there is incompatibility in love or family affairs, but they can become great friends or business partners; only the Bull and the Dragon should be completely avoided. Stability and understanding can be found in alliances with the Rabbit, Snake, Horse or Pig.
  9. The sign of the Monkey corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/22/2004-02/08/2005, 02/04/1992-01/22/1993, 02/16/1980-02/04/1981, 01/30/1968-02/16/1969, 02/12/1956-01/30/1957, 01/25/1924 An alliance with other Monkeys can be promising, this applies to both building a family and working together, but for this they will need to be persistent in order to get rid of possible disagreements. It is recommended to avoid any relationship with the Pig or Dragon, with representatives of other signs, compatibility is also not easy: the success of the union will depend on the desire of both partners to get rid of disagreements and gain mutual understanding.
  10. The sign of the Rooster corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/23/1993-02/09/1994, 02/05/1981-01/24/1982, 02/17/1969-02/05/1970, 01/31/1957-02/17/1958, 02/13/1945-02/01/1946. They do not converge well with other Roosters, but at the same time they can build fruitful business relationship or a strong family if they cope with the differences that arise and learn to understand each other. There is good compatibility with the Ox, Horse and Pig; with the Dog and the Rat, you can build a family, but not a business; contact with the Dragon is best avoided.
  11. The sign of the Dog corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/10/1994-01/30/1995, 01/25/1982-01/12/1983, 01/06/1970-01/26/1971, 01/18/1958-01/07/1959, 01/02/1946-01/21/1947. Usually they reach a good understanding with other Dogs, this is enough for successful building any relationship. The Rat, Tiger and Horse will also make excellent partners in any business, but it is recommended to avoid too close contact with the Ox, Dragon and Snake.
  12. The sign of the Pig corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/18/2007-02/06/2008, 01/31/1995-02/18/1996, 02/13/1983-02/01/1984, 01/27/1971-01/15/1972, 02/02/1959-01/27/1960, 01/22/1927-1927 The most suitable partner in work or personal life will be another Pig: a complete mutual understanding and trust is established between them, which is the guarantor of a strong and reliable union for a long time. A good relationship it is also possible to build with Ox, Sheep, Rat, Horse and Rabbit, but it is better to avoid close contact with Monkey, Snake and Dragon.

Compatibility table of signs in Chinese astrology


Below is a table in which all twelve animals from Chinese astrology are present. It allows you to visually assess their compatibility with each other:

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
Rat 1 3 1 2 4 1 5 6 4 7 1 1
Bull 3 1 1 1 7 4 6 5 1 4 2 1
Tiger 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 5 1 4 3
Rabbit 2 1 1 1 6 1 7 4 1 5 3 4
The Dragon 4 7 1 6 2 1 1 1 4 3 5 1
Snake 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 4
Horse 5 6 4 7 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1
Sheep 6 5 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 4
Monkey 4 1 5 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 6
Rooster 7 4 1 5 3 4 1 1 1 2 6 1
Dog 1 2 4 3 5 1 4 2 1 6 1 1
Pig 1 1 3 4 1 5 1 4 6 1 1 2

How to use the table

In accordance with the proposed table, compatibility is evaluated on a seven-point scale. To work with it, you need to know the decoding of each numerical value, their interpretations are given below:

  • 1 - is the designation of neutral compatibility representatives of two signs, but in most cases their relationship develops positively.
  • 2 - is already a more problematic union, it will be accompanied by frequent conflicts, quarrels and disputes. Friendship or business relationships can still develop, but marriage and family building are recommended to be abandoned.
  • 3 is the union of two opposite energies, they complement each other well, so relationships actually always develop successfully and complete harmony reigns in them.
  • 4 - an indicator of the absolute value of harmony, conflicts, quarrels, disagreements, betrayals and criticism in such a relationship are excluded.
  • 5 means opposition, it will be extremely difficult for such people to spend time together for a long time. It is better to avoid such alliances, because they do not bring positive emotions in any field of work.
  • 6 - is a designation of conflict, people will not be able to build any relationship with each other; with forced contacts, both people will be unhappy.
  • 7 - shows an alliance that may well exist for a long time, but there will be black stripes from time to time, so you can’t do without difficulties here.

The Eastern horoscope is one of the most popular in the world. First of all, he was given universal recognition by a fairly complete and detailed description all types human personalities. Thanks to this, representatives of various signs can better understand the secrets of their souls, understand and accept what previously seemed incomprehensible to themselves.

Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope

At the same time, the eastern horoscope not only provides an opportunity to know oneself more deeply, but also provides a detailed description of the relationships that are possible between representatives of various signs. Through this you can learn, based on the experience of many centuries and generations, what will be the connection between certain people.

In fact, this is extremely important information. After all, it doesn't happen ideal people However, there are people who are perfect for each other. The eastern horoscope not only describes how relations develop between representatives of different signs, it also contains various kinds of useful advice based on which people can build harmonious relationships.

A feature of the Chinese horoscope is, first of all, the absence of categoricalness. Indeed, anything can happen, and often feelings flare up much earlier than it becomes possible to compare the similarity of horoscopes. For this reason, the eastern horoscope contains whole line advice on how best to improve relations between people, no matter how serious the differences in their characters.

The Eastern system of worldview perceives the world as something integral, mostly dependent on interaction with other people and nature. That is why, according to the sages of the East, who we become is largely determined by who is next to us.

Harmonious relationships determine not only mood. Almost everything in our life depends on them:

  • family well-being;
  • career growth;
  • relationships with loved ones, etc.

It is for this reason that one cannot ignore any opportunity to find out the deep essence of a person, to understand what features the stars have endowed him with, what can be expected from him in the future.

The value of compatibility of signs in the homeland of the eastern horoscope

It should be said that the Chinese themselves are very serious about their own heritage. IN traditional China before committing a marriage, horoscopes of the young were compiled and compared. The mismatch of horoscopes could be the reason for the ban on the wedding ceremony. The girl's parents paid no less attention to the horoscope of the applicant for the hand of their daughter than to his real merits, social status and wealth. The same can be said about the groom's parents. It happened that only the compatibility of horoscopes was the reason for the conclusion of wedding unions.

Immediately after birth is made individual horoscope child, which must take into account the date on the calendar and the year of birth.

The eastern horoscope, due to its accuracy and versatility, spread very quickly throughout the world. Now, with the availability of the Compatibility Horoscope, you can find out which partners are right for you. Also, importantly, the horoscope gives practical advice how to build relationships with different people, because we have to communicate with representatives of various signs.

The eastern horoscope will tell you if you and your partner are suitable for each other. With the help of the table, you can figure out whether it is worth starting a relationship with a person, as well as understand how to overcome problems in an existing love union.

In the vertical column, find your Sign according to the eastern horoscope, in the horizontal - the Sign of your partner. Thanks to the table, you will find out whether the stars favor your union, or whether your paths will diverge to provide everyone with the opportunity to meet true love.

0: perfect astrological union

Most likely, your meeting was memorable. You understand each other perfectly and feel the kinship of souls, which is possible only for people who have a higher karmic connection. Your couple is a role model, you deftly avoid conflict and contentious situations, preferring love and trust to resentment and anger. The stars are on your side, and your union promises to be strong.

1: there may be problems in a couple

You and your partner are bright and extraordinary personalities who are in search of thrills. Perhaps in your couple, conflicts and passions will be frequent guests. Because of the constant craving for new emotions, your union cannot be long-lasting if you do not find a way to have new experiences together and for the benefit of your relationship. Joint travel, sports and creativity will help in this.

2: opposites attract

Your couple is a unique union of people whose needs are on different planes. However, you are attracted to each other like a magnet. You are able to make compromises and concessions, so your partnership is quite strong and unusual. If you can sometimes give up your whims and stubbornness, a long and happy family life awaits you.

3: harmony in relationships

Your union is harmonious and rests on mutual trust and respect. You don't have to prove your worth to each other. People in such a union are inspired by each other and are capable of true tenderness and love, which, complementing each, makes you one. Your couple is admirable, so do not doubt that you have found your soul mate.

4: disputes and conflicts of interest

Your union has that disharmony in which each partner tries to outshine the other with his knowledge. You are like two opposing teams rushing to win first place. However, in such a race, you may miss the main thing: the development of your own sincere relationships and love. Your relationship can last quite a long time and with the benefit of both, but after achieving certain goals, the stars can separate you in different directions.

5: conflicts and misunderstandings of the parties

Your signs of the eastern horoscope vary greatly. And if in strong alliances one partner can complement the other, then you, unfortunately, do not have this. You will most likely feel discomfort next to such a person, even in a friendly conversation, not to mention personal relationships.

6: inequality

Your relationship is full of surprises, ups and downs. There is no harmony in your union, but if you set out to save a couple, try to work on your mistakes together and learn to admit your mistakes. The stars favor people who fight for their love, so you have a chance.

love compatibility- a tricky definition. For greater accuracy, you can use numerological counting. However, remember that people tend to change and change the thread of their fate, depending on the events taking place. We wish you true love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2017 01:12

IN eastern horoscope astrologers distinguish several Signs that receive a lucky fate from birth. It is these Signs that make it easier ...
