Social dances are a beautiful relaxation. social dance

And what is it?

Social dances - is it something about social security and pensioners?

Of course not.

Now it is customary to call "social" a large group of dances of different origins that dance for communication, relaxation and maintaining social ties.

A feature of paired social dances is that they can be performed by non-professional dancers with any partner. In this case, the problem of improvisation and leading-following is of particular importance.

The term "social dance" (social dance, in the Russian version - "social", sometimes "social") has been used in the works of English-speaking researchers since the 60s of the XX century.

What are dances other than social dances?

  • Ritual - most often it is about religion;
  • sports - this is about various competitions, including championships in ballroom dancing and acrobatic rock and roll;
  • scenic - ballet and numbers on the stage;
  • others.

Social dances - what exactly is it and how to understand them?

There are many social dances, so the classifications are different. Most often they are divided

by number of performers.

And then they can be

solo– as, for example, club dances-solo,

paired– like the vast majority of social dances,

collective- rueda de casino, square and others.

by origin dances are different.

European- country dance, waltz, polka, Irish set dances, Spanish flamenco.

North American- west coast swing, lindy hop, street dance, house dance, break dance, hustle, twerk.

Latin American- salsa, bachata, merengue, Cuban types of rumba, Brazilian samba, Argentine tango.

African roots have zouk and kizomba, popular in Portuguese-speaking countries.

Genres are not all listed here.

Milonga. Festival "Tango of the White Nights" in St. Petersburg. Photo from

Is not ballroom dancing? What's the difference?

In Russia, ballroom dancing is considered a sport. Their peculiarity is clearly developed rules for the implementation of individual elements, the presence of categories that are awarded to athletes depending on the results of the competition and age, as well as a dense grid of tournaments in which you need to constantly participate. The life of a person who is seriously involved in ballroom dancing is similar to the schedule of a tennis player: missing one or more tournaments can lead to the fact that the dancer will fly out of the elite forever.

Teacher-party 2012. Theme party “Counting chickens in autumn”.

At the same time, ballroom dancing studied in the format of a hobby club, that is, not for competitions, but “for oneself”, can be classified as social. But at the same time, one must understand that in the studios where they teach "ballroom Latin", they will study exactly those genres that are provided for by the ballroom program. But salsa, and even more so various American street genres, have never been and are not included in the ballroom program. And, for example, sports tango - on the competitive floor - and social - at milongas parties - looks very different.

The task of the dancer-athlete is to move according to the rules, to demonstrate the speed and amplitude of movements. The task of a social dancer is to enjoy the dance, moving beautifully, safely and competently - so as not to injure yourself and not inflict it on your partner.

IN last years in Russia, various competitive forms appear - championships, marathons - in social genres. But when it comes to truly social dancing, such events are one-time and are used for popularization. Such competitions are not at all similar to the tight grid of ballroom tournaments, when competitions are held almost weekly.

In addition, in American street genres (hip-hop, house, breakdance) there is a special competitive form - dance battles - a competition of groups in improvisation with a victory awarded by the decision of the hall. Sometimes they try to hold battles in other dance genres.

dance buttle

You mentioned tango there. How do you tell if it's social or sport?

Place of execution. Competitions or preparation for them means sport. Rest means soul.

In most countries where the tradition of performing social dances is original, this is something like contemporary folklore. They are danced, if not by all, then by many, more often from childhood. Social dances are danced in cafes, on the streets, at concerts, at special parties.

By the way, who doesn’t remember, there were dance floors in the USSR, and back in the 50s, our grandmothers danced quite massively - in the villages of the square dance, and in the cities - the waltz, and even the tango with the foxtrot.

There are no championships. And what instead of them?

In addition to the usual classes at the dance school, as well as parties, festivals or congresses are organized for social dancing.

A typical dance congress schedule is several days (a weekend or more) of workshops during the day and parties at night. Sometimes parties begin with concerts with live performances of music of the respective genres.

Unlike the usual concerts of classical or pop music, during which the audience passively sit in the hall, on dance festivals under live music are dancing.

Information about some Russian dance congresses can be found in articles from the Encyclopedia of Salsa.

When did it all start?

Encyclopedia Britannica uses the term social dance to refer to European court dances (court dances) as well as later Spanish salon dances (los bailes de salon). Thus, the ability to dance, which society etiquette prescribed for the nobility, high-society balls, etc., can also be attributed to social dances.

Is it true that you don't need to learn social dancing?

Alas, it is necessary. Since we are not Spaniards, not Latin Americans and have not danced since childhood, we still have to study.

It remains to rejoice that now is not the old days and we need dances not for balls, where the whole society can discuss “how he gave his hand”, “how she put her foot”, and who does not keep the score.

And then, you know, in Pushkin's time in Moscow there were famous classes of dance master Karl Ivanovich Yogel. And you could study there for ten years.

Okay, agreed. Where can you find a partner?

Is it necessary to search? There are no permanent couples in couple social dancing, and the training is set to teach you how to dance with any partner.

Yes, in some schools, especially in small towns where boys are still reluctant to go to dances, the rule “we enroll in classes as a couple” is preserved, but it is not universal.

If you have not been warned about the need for a couple, just come to school. Even if there are a little more girls, couples in the classroom still periodically change. And sometimes (shhh!) there are even more boys in the classes than girls.

The phrase " social dancing"came into Russian from English ("social dance"), it means all types of dances that are not a sports discipline and are available to everyone, but still have certain rules and accepted movements, unlike, for example, club dances .

Social dances, as a rule, are pair dances and are based on the concept of “leading”, where the partner is the leader in the pair, and the partner is the follower and complements the dance with her movements. The main feature of all social dances is their accessibility. Most types of social dances began to develop actively in the 1980s and 1990s. With the advent of club music and the active development of discos, social dance trends began to develop. Many species of which originate from Latin American destinations.

Now social dances are more popular than ever, many dancers of other directions are happy to study hustle, salsa, bachata, zouk and bring their choreographic skills to them, which gives some refinement and grace to the original street directions.

Modern directions of social dances

The most popular areas of modern social dances include:

  • Swing or WCS originated in the 1920s in America. Fast and dynamic, it quickly gained its popularity and subsequently appeared such directions as: lindy hop, bilboa, boogie-woogie and rock and roll. Swing dances are fast and active and are great for young people who want to keep fit through dancing.
  • Argentine tango appeared in Argentina and Uruguay at the end of the 19th century. It owes its spread to the brothels that were so popular in this region. Passionate and emotional dance characterizes quite slow pace with characteristic accelerations and decelerations. The main role is played in this dance a partner who makes complex steps, turns and various leg swings.
  • Zouk appeared in the Caribbean in the 1980s. The word "zouk" from the language of French settlers is translated as "party" - originally zouk was danced at parties and discos. Unlike most Latin American dances it is not characterized by overt eroticism and is preferably danced to slow and flowing music. A very plastic and graceful dance, where the interaction between partners plays a key role.
  • Hustle dance has gained particular popularity in Russia. His distinctive feature is complete freedom of action. Hustle is danced to any music, mostly modern, which you can easily hear on the radio. It originated in America in the 80s, since then it has been actively developing and has become not only a social, but also a competitive direction. Now the Hustle and Discofox championships are gaining up to several thousand participants.
  • Latin American dances: salsa, bachata, merengue, reggaeton. Each of these dances has its own characteristics, however, they can be distinguished into one category of social Latin American dances. They got their origins thanks to the national rhythms of Cuba and the Caribbean countries. Their hallmark is a fairly close contact between partners, passion and rhythm. They are common in special Latin American discos and are very popular among young people.

Social dances: how to choose?

  1. The level of physical fitness and the desire to dance more sportily or plastically
  2. Music that you like to dance to
  3. The prevalence of this social direction in your city or region
  4. Proximity of contact with a dance partner

Pair dances are now called social dances, in which the main thing is communication between partners. Such a dance is not for the audience, it is for oneself, born spontaneously and sometimes even unexpectedly, as a way to relax and allow you to express yourself to any music with any partner you like anywhere in the world. They are available to everyone.

What is social dancing and "what do they eat with"

In Social dance there is no strict, once and for all memorized sequence of movements. Improvisation is expected and encouraged from dancers. After all, dance is an expression of feelings and you don’t need to drive them into any particular scheme. In addition to the flight of the soul and improvisation, the main step is important, which is different for each dance and should be known to the dancers, the movements are easy enough to learn for everyone.

Social dancing is usually easy enough to start dancing - you just need to learn the basic step and basic movements, although if you wish, you can continue to improve all your life: they never get bored, because they never repeat themselves. Even the same set of movements, but performed with a different partner and to different music, will give rise to new dance not like all the others.

Since there is no clear scheme, and two are dancing, such an important thing as leading comes to the fore. The partner who thinks over the dance is responsible for himself and for his partner, for the beauty of her movements - he leads her. Naturally, you need to learn this - you need to be able to show your partner what you expect from her. For partners, it would seem that the task is much simpler - to listen to a partner, but this is sometimes not easy - to get used to doing not only what you want, but to follow other people's desires. As a rule, in order to go to training, you do not need your partner or partner, because during classes the couples change all the time - you need to learn how to dance with any partner.

Everyone can find a dance to their liking

To date, a lot of directions have formed in social dances. All of them are similar to each other, but at the same time, in addition to style, they differ in dynamics, complexity and closeness of partners during the dance. This allows everyone to find the very style that will allow them to relax, have fun and have fun.


If you cheerful person loves summer and Latin American rhythms? Then an incendiary salsa is for you. Oddly enough, it is also suitable for shy people and those who are not ready for close hugs with strangers - physical contact in salsa is almost always limited to either hands or touching the waist or shoulder.


Romantic ladies, as well as people who prefer regularity and slowness, will surely like bachata. While dancing bachata, you can chat with your partner and enjoy the sweet-voiced singing of Spanish-speaking performers. Bachata is a must-choice for those who yearn to fall in love. Nothing in the world is conducive to romantic relationship better than bachata, because they dance it opposite each other, dreamily looking into their eyes and holding hands. Don't want to fall in love? Flirt! Bachata is just made for this.


Are you active, assertive and charismatic? Love to be the center of attention of an admiring crowd? Do you think that dancing is not only entertainment, but also a sport? Then you should pay attention to the hustle (remember famous movie"Dirty Dancing" with Patrick Swayze?). It is danced to any music, but modern popular melodies with a clear beat for every count are best suited. It is a dynamic dance with a fairly strict linear structure. Dancing hustle, you will feel a powerful adrenaline rush, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on both your mood and figure.

brazilian zouk

Do you want your dance to feel like flying? Try Brazilian Zouk! The Brazilian zouk is smooth undulating movements and beautiful rotations, not only with the body, but also ... with the head! The partner performs head rotations, and this looks especially impressive if she is the owner of long hair. When choosing a Brazilian zouk, you need to remember that this is enough close dance in which you have to completely trust your partner.


If intimacy doesn't scare you, sensual kizomba is also for you. It is like a tango - you are dancing with your arms around each other. Hugs are the main thing here. This dance is absolutely not designed for the audience, kizomba is created only for two. As you dance, you close your eyes and listen to your own feelings.

Argentine tango

Argentine tango is loved by dancers and audiences alike for its beauty, passion, drama and excitement. Social Argentine tango is based on the improvisation of movements and respect for your partner and other dancers on the dance floor.

Any of the above dances is not just a dance, it is an energy flow, getting into which a person rests from life's problems ...

Practice in Kaliningrad

All these dances are for everyone and you can practice them anywhere in the world. In our city, special dance discos are regularly held, where you can learn something new, find a suitable partner for training or, simply, new good people, participate in competitions that are held regularly and get a charge positive emotions. They come to a Latin party to a club, invite a complete stranger to dance and ... magic happens - it turns out that a couple of strangers can dance harmoniously, harmoniously, obeying only the music and the quirks of the host's imagination!

In addition, social dancing is a great hobby for those who love to travel. Dance schools all over Russia and abroad organize dance workshops and congresses where you can learn from famous teachers, meet like-minded people from other cities and dance-dance-dance until you drop!

Modern social dancing is not just a beautiful act, but also a hobby, useful physical activity and great wayпознакомиться.

Learn to dance, create your dance, learn and communicate with each other. A sea of ​​positive emotions and a charge of vivacity is provided to you!

In Kaliningrad, the most popular destinations in social dancing are Salsa and Bachata. They are taught in most studios and mostly danced at parties. Accordingly, you can easily choose a school that is convenient for you for the price and location, and then go to a cafe for a party and easily find dance partners for yourself.Kizomba is also willingly danced here, and many of those who have learned the basics of Salsa and Bachata take Kizomba into their arsenal. We have enough offers to teach and schools, the choice is yours.A very interesting and separate from everyone is the Brazilian Zouk. It is taught only in one school, where many people go to study. At parties, Zookers look bright and dizzying.The rest of the directions arrange practices in their studios, enjoy dancing in the evenings and even by candlelight.

Just like almost everything dance schools they offer free trial classes, so in addition to watching videos, you can go and try each style, and then choose the one that suits you.
