Duck hunting presentation. Lesson in literature on the theme "themes and problems of modern drama

Lesson 89.
Themes and problems of modern dramaturgy. A.V. Vampilov. A word about a writer. "Duck Hunt"...

Goals: give an overview of the life and work of Vampilov; reveal the originality of the play "Duck Hunt"; develop the ability to analyze a dramatic work.

During the classes

I. Introductory talk.

Whenso they say: "dream in hand", " prophetic dream»?

Are dreams really "prophetic"?

“Dear Tasha! - Vampilov's father addresses his wife in anticipation of his birth ... - I'm sure everything will be fine. And, probably, there will be a robber-son, and I'm afraid that he would not be a writer, because in my dreams I see writers.

The first time we got together, on the night of departure, in a dream with Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy himself, I was looking for fractions, and they found ... "

August 19, 1937: “Well done, Tasya, after all she gave birth to a son. No matter how I justify the second ... I, you know, have prophetic dreams.

Dreams, indeed, turned out to be prophetic. The son, the fourth child in the family, grew up in the writer-playwright Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov.

II. The life story of Alexander Vampilov (1937–1972).

The year of Vampilov's birth was the year of the 100th anniversary of the death of Pushkin, after whom he was named Alexander. This year, despite the modest life of a large family, father, Valentin Nikitich, subscribed to complete collection works of your favorite poet: for children. And the inhabitants of Kutulik, one of the most remote Siberian villages, remembered for a long time the evening in the club, where the headmaster, literature teacher V. N. Vampilov, selflessly read them the poems of the great poet.

But in the father's prophetic dreams there was not only light. By folk omens, round - fractions - to tears: they shed in 1939, when, repressed, Valentin Nikitich died 40 years old.

Anastasia Prokopyevna has four children in her arms, the eldest of whom was seven years old.

How did the son remain in the memory of the mother?(“... What was he like, how did he grow up? - now close and completely unfamiliar people from many cities of the country often ask me ...)

Did dramatic talent manifest itself in childhood, did he stand out among his peers in adolescence?

Dramatic, probably not: human - yes, although it is difficult for me to talk about any special features of his character and impressionable nature.

He did not stand out among my other children ... He was calm and inquisitive, a favorite of his brothers and sisters - the youngest, after all! He loved books, especially fairy tales that his grandmother read and told him ...

At school, he did not stand out among his comrades, of whom he always had a lot. Got A's in Literature and didn't get along with German. He was immediately fond of music, and sports, and a drama club. Wrote poetry:

The flowers of my spring have withered long ago.

I no longer feel sorry for them.

They burned me with their fire,

And I decided: they no longer burn.

And I forgot them. My efforts

Returned peace and grace to the soul -

It's nice to experience love suffering.

And yet suffering is more pleasant to forget.

He went on hiking trips for several days or simply went by boat or bicycle to a neighboring village with a drama circle or a football team. I was sometimes very worried about these absences. Love for travel native land he kept until the end of his short life."

His love for native land: “After school, I remember, I left without regret, rushed to the city .... But, moving away, did I not return here more often in my thoughts? - we read in Vampilov's essay "Walks along Kutulik", written by a 30-year-old man who already had Irkutsk University, trips around Russia, Higher Literary Courses in Moscow.

And in the essay “The House with Windows in the Field” you can read: “... From here the distant Berestennikovskaya mountain was visible, along it, like a trickle of yellow smoke, the road rose to the horizon. Her appearance excited me, as in childhood, when this road seemed endless to me and promised many miracles.

The herbs smell stronger here than anywhere else, and nowhere have I seen a more tempting road than this one, which winds along a distant mountain among birches and arable land.

I came across poetic and prosaic statements that one can love the earth all at once from the Karelian Isthmus to the Kuril ridge, all rivers, forests, tundras, cities and villages, as if it is possible to love equally. There seems to be something wrong here…”

Of course, twenty-year-old Alexander Vampilov did not know that the opening words of his first story, “Coincidence of Circumstances,” published in 1958, would become prophetic for him.: “A chance, a trifle, a combination of circumstances sometimes become the most dramatic moments in a person’s life.” In his life, the coincidence of circumstances was tragic: on August 17, 1972, at Baikal, a boat at full speed ran into a log and began to sink. The water, cooled down to five degrees by a recent storm, a heavy jacket ... He almost swam ... But his heart could not stand it a few meters from the shore ...

What do these memories give us, essay pages for understanding the origins of creativity, spiritual world Alexandra Vampilova?

III. Analysis of Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt".

1. For your short life Vampilov became the author of plays that attracted the attention of not only readers, but also theater directors: "Provincial jokes", "Farewell in June", "Elder son", "Duck hunting", "Last summer in Chulimsk". But his fate dramatic works was not easy: “A lot of time and effort was spent in those years on what we call “breaking through” his plays on the stages of Moscow theaters,” recalled E. Yakushkina.

What is the peculiarity of Vampilov's works? Read the textbook entry (pp. 346–348) and answer this question.

2. A. V. Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt" was written in 1968 and published in 1970. The motive is tragic and at the same time reduced to a farce. The author proposed to accompany many scenes of the performance with a funeral march, which would soon be transformed into frivolous music.

Let's delve into what was said about the "Duck Hunt" by the chief director of the Moscow Art Theater O. Efremov: "The critics did not find a single word to explain the nature of the appearance of such a character as Zilov .... The strange and “immoral” hero of the “Duck Hunt”, offered to society for reflection, was not even taken into account ...

Zilov is Vampilov's pain, pain born of the threat of moral devastation, the loss of ideals, without which a person's life is completely meaningless.

“... He was young, but he knew people and life surprisingly well, which he observed incessantly, with concentration and seriously. He accurately expressed the accuracy of his observations in the characters of his heroes. He wrote only the truth, the real truth of life and human characters.

But this attentiveness, seriousness and strictness of Vampilov the playwright, his active desire to reveal the truth of life in all its complexity and diversity was perceived by some as "pessimism", "emphasizing dark sides life” and even “cruelty,” continues the thought of E. Yakushkina.

And this is about plays, where in each, according to V. Rasputin, eternal truths are revealed to the reader and viewer: “It seems that main question, which Vampilov constantly asks: will you, a man, remain a man? Will you be able to overcome all the false and unkind things that have been prepared for you in many life's trials, where even opposites are difficult to distinguish - love and betrayal, passion and indifference, sincerity and falsehood, goodness and enslavement ... Here one cannot help but recall Zilov, who, not having the strength to resist, he allowed the first names to pass into the second ... "

So who do you think he is? main character plays?

His assessments have always been contradictory, even polar. Some critics note in him talent, originality, human charm. Yes, he is bored with life, but he is able to be reborn. Something in it leaves hope for renewal. Others believe that before us is a fallen man, his degradation is completed. All the best in it is lost irretrievably. He does not know filial feelings, fatherly pride, respect for a woman, friendly affection.

Zilov does not trust people, does not even believe his father, who calls him to say goodbye before his death: “From dad. Let's see what the old fool writes. (Reads.) Well, well ... Oh, my God. Again he dies (Distracting from the letter.) Pay attention, once or twice a year, as a rule, the old man lies down to die. Here, listen. (Reads the letter.) “... this time the end - my heart senses. Come, son, to see, and mother must be consoled, especially since she has not seen you for four years. Do you understand what it does? He will send such letters to all ends and lie, the dog, waiting. Lie down, lie down, then, you see, he is alive, healthy and takes vodka.

With cynical explanations of the feelings and actions of people, Zilov frees himself from the need to take life seriously. But when the father really dies, the shocked Zilov flies headlong to his funeral, fearing not to be in time. And yet he lingers with Irina, a girl whom he met by chance and not by chance, as he thinks, he fell in love with. Zilov lives without a sense of duty to others and to himself.

Vampilov's entire play is built as a situation of waiting for a duck hunt and Zilov's memories, gradually explaining why his life is empty, whether he is still able to live.

The contradiction in the character of the hero is already set by the author's characteristic: “He is quite tall, of strong build; there is a lot of freedom in his gait, gestures, manner of speaking, which comes from confidence in his physical usefulness. At the same time, in his gait, and in gestures, and in conversation, he shows some kind of carelessness and boredom, the origin of which cannot be determined at a glance. The playwright suggests to the theater and the reader a problem that they must solve throughout the play.

3. Who surrounds the main character?

Sash,quite confident in himself, in his commanding chair, he always doubts and looks around at everyone outside of work. A "bachelor" (due to his wife's departure to a resort), he seeks "acquaintances" and carefully disguises this, as well as his love of drinking (which, according to Zilov's guess, he satisfies alone at night). But perhaps Kuszak's biggest concern is his car. No matter what they talk about, no matter how exciting the situation, Sash from time to time goes to the window to see if his car is still.

PhilistinismValeriaemphasized by the author directly. walking along new apartment Zilova, Valeria constantly exclaims: “Beauty!” “The sound of flushing water is heard from the toilet, Valeria’s voice: “Beauty!” Then Valeria appears: “Well, congratulations. Now you will have normal life. (To Sayapin.) Tolechka, if in six months we don’t move into such an apartment, I will run away from you, I swear to you!

For the sake of the desire to get an apartment, Valeria quitsSayapinaccusation that he will give in to the boss's wife"with pleasure" , How"family friend" . The spectator is convinced of Sayapin's perfect cynicism when he sees how Zilov's "friend", believing in his imminent death, examines the apartment of a friend.

4. Zilov is about 30 years old, but from a life where everything is so easy for him, all that remains is heaviness, millennial fatigue. From this life and thoughtless attitude towards it, Zilov becomes a “dead man,” as Sayapin puts it. At the beginning of the play, friends send Zilova mourning wreath on his grave, and the play ends with a real suicide attempt.

Why did Zilov stay alive? And is he really still alive?

Zilov is alive, because in him, for all his sins, there is no indifference. And the course of the play emphasizes the deepening of the conflict between the hero and his environment. With all the indifference, fatigue, vulgarity of words and behavior, Zilov differs from others in his ability to want something disinterestedly, for nothing, for nothing. And the feeling that another life is possible, pure and high.

5. What is the meaning of the title of the work? What is the meaning of the play's ending?

When friends who came to a housewarming party ask Zilov what he loves most and what to give him, he asks: “Give me an island. If you don't mind." Then it turns out that the hunting equipment that they give him is the most desired:"Duck hunting is a thing" . For Zilov duck hunting- the same island where he is glad to get away from the life that has become disgusting to him.

After the scandal, having received a response joke from "friends" who announced his death, Zilov wants to shoot himself. What exists in the minds of friends as a game can be realized in practice. And only resistance to the petty "ravens", which, in his opinion, flocked to share the apartment, makes him pull himself together.

Zilov drives away all the "rescuers". Either tears, or the clearing sky (“By this time the rain had passed outside the window, a strip of sky was turning blue, and the roof of the neighboring house was lit by a dim afternoon sun”) helped. Zilov comes back to life and speaks to Dima on the phone: “Yes, I want to go hunting ... are you leaving? .. Great ... I’m ready ... Yes, I’m leaving now.”

Will Zilov now live differently or will everything return to its previous track? The finale of the play is mysterious and makes us, with its uncertainty, look for an answer in the logic of life, return to the beginning and think it over again.

It seems that general direction Vampilov's plays are optimistic. And no matter how timidly the late afternoon sun, illuminating the end of the play, it broke through the gray sky and rainy day.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

What did Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt" make you think about? What is the sound of Vampilov's phrase, remembered by his friends: "You need to write about what makes you sleepless at night ..."?

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Alexander Vampilov (1937 - 1972) playwright who played a significant role in modern theater

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A. Vampilov entered literature young and remained young in it. “I laugh at old age because I will never be old,” Vampilov wrote in his notebook. And so it happened: Vampilov died a few days before his 35th birthday. On August 17, 1972, at Baikal, the boat at full speed ran into a log and began to sink. The water, cooled down to five degrees by a recent storm, a heavy jacket ... He almost swam ... But his heart could not stand it a few meters from the shore ...

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His writing fate may have been predetermined: “Dear Tasya! - Vampilov's father addresses his wife in anticipation of his birth, - ... I'm sure everything will be fine. And probably there will be a robber-son, and I'm afraid that he would not be a writer, because in a dream I see writers. In a dream with Leo Tolstoy himself, I was looking for fractions, and they found ... "
August 19, 1937: “Well done, Tasya, after all she gave birth to a son. My hunch came true… son. No matter how he justifies the second ... I, you know, have prophetic dreams.

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Biography of Vampilov.
Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov was born in the village of Kutulik, Irkutsk Region, on August 19, 1937. His father is Valentin Nikitich Vampilov, a talented teacher, bright, outstanding personality, shortly after the birth of his son on January 17, 1938, he was arrested, and on March 9 of the same year he was shot by the verdict of the “troika” of the Irkutsk regional department of the NKVD.

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The year of Vampilov's birth was the year of the 100th anniversary of the death of Pushkin, after whom he was named Alexander.

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Anastasia Prokopyevna has four children in her arms, the eldest of whom was seven years old. “After the death of my husband,” she says, “I stayed to work as a mathematics teacher in the same school in the village of Kutulik, where we started teaching together. For a long twenty-two years I lived with the children in the village, in a barrack-type log house. The house stood in the school yard - Sasha grew up there. Kutulik rightfully considered his homeland ... "
From her, from her mother, a man of amazing kindness and purity, Sanya, as his relatives called him, adopted his best qualities. To this woman, who experienced so much, V. Rasputin dedicated the story "French Lessons", published on the anniversary of the death of a friend.

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in the homeland of the playwright.

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At school, he did not stand out among his comrades, of whom he always had a lot. He received an A in literature and did not get along with the German language. He was immediately fond of music, and sports, and a drama club. He went on hiking trips for several days or simply went by boat or bicycle to a neighboring village with a drama circle or a football team, he loved to travel. Gathered stray dogs around the area and fed them. He played the guitar well and sang a little, was fond of classical music.

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In the autumn of 1965, Alexander Vampilov was recommended to the Writers' Union. During literary work A. Vampilov wrote about 70 stories, sketches, essays, articles and feuilletons. In 1965, A. Vampilov wrote the comedy "The Elder Son" (the first name was "Suburb"). In 1968, the playwright finished the play Duck Hunt. In early 1971, A. Vampilov completed work on the drama Last Summer in Chulimsk (the first title was Valentina).

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The first success of the playwright.

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With great difficulty, the plays of the young author made their way to the audience, brought him wide fame. But during his lifetime, Vampilov never saw any of his plays on the capital's stage. Vampilov writes mainly about the intelligentsia and draws attention to its problems. Has the intelligentsia retained its lofty destiny? Should she cultural traditions? What are its goals and ideals in modern world? Does she still suffer from “eternal” questions? What is freedom for her?

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On August 17, 1972, two days before his 35th birthday, Vampilov and his friends went on vacation to Lake Baikal. When the life of Alexander Vampilov was tragically cut short, on his desk lay an unfinished work - the vaudeville "Incomparable Nakonechnikov" ... In 1987, the name of Alexander Vampilov was given to the Irkutsk Theater young viewer. There is a memorial plaque on the theater building.

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30.03.2013 22365 0

Lesson 80
Dramaturgy 50–90-
years .
Moral problems of Vampilov's plays

Goals: give an overview of the life and work of Vampilov; reveal the originality of the play "Duck Hunt"; develop the ability to analyze a dramatic work.

During the classes

I. Introductory talk.

- When do they say: “dream in the hand”, “prophetic dream”?

- Are there really dreams "prophetic"?

“Dear Tasha! - Vampilov's father addresses his wife in anticipation of his birth ... - I'm sure everything will be fine. And, probably, there will be a robber-son, and I'm afraid that he would not be a writer, because in my dreams I see writers.

The first time we got together, on the night of departure, in a dream with Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy himself, I was looking for fractions, and they found ... "

August 19, 1937: “Well done, Tasya, after all she gave birth to a son. No matter how I justify the second ... I, you know, have prophetic dreams.

Dreams, indeed, turned out to be prophetic. The son, the fourth child in the family, grew up in the writer-playwright Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov.

II. The life story of Alexander Vampilov (1937–1972).

The year of Vampilov's birth was the year of the 100th anniversary of the death of Pushkin, after whom he was named Alexander. That year, despite the modest life of a large family, his father, Valentin Nikitich, subscribed to the complete works of his beloved poet: for children. And the inhabitants of Kutulik, one of the most remote Siberian villages, remembered for a long time the evening in the club, where the headmaster, literature teacher V. N. Vampilov, selflessly read them the poems of the great poet.

But in the father's prophetic dreams there was not only light. According to popular beliefs, round - fractions - to tears: they shed in 1939, when, repressed, Valentin Nikitich died 40 years old.

... Anastasia Prokopyevna has four children in her arms, the eldest of whom was seven years old.

- How did the son remain in the memory of the mother? (“... What was he like, how did he grow up? - now close and completely unfamiliar people from many cities of the country often ask me ...)

– Did a dramatic talent manifest itself in childhood, did he stand out among his peers in adolescence?

Dramatic, probably not: human - yes, although it is difficult for me to talk about any special features of his character and impressionable nature.

He did not stand out among my other children ... He was calm and inquisitive, a favorite of his brothers and sisters - the youngest, after all! He loved books, especially fairy tales that his grandmother read and told him ...

At school, he did not stand out among his comrades, of whom he always had a lot. He got an A in literature and did not get along with the German language. He was immediately fond of music, and sports, and a drama club. Wrote poetry:

The flowers of my spring have withered long ago.

I no longer feel sorry for them.

They burned me with their fire,

And I decided: they no longer burn.

And I forgot them. My efforts

Returned peace and grace to the soul -

It's nice to experience love suffering.

And yet suffering is more pleasant to forget.

He went on hiking trips for several days or simply went by boat or bicycle to a neighboring village with a drama circle or a football team. I was sometimes very worried about these absences. He retained his love for traveling in his native land until the end of his short life.

His love for his native land also turned out to be true: “After school, I remember that I left without regret, rushed to the city .... But, moving away, did I not return here more often in my thoughts? - we read in Vampilov's essay "Walks along Kutulik", written by a 30-year-old man who already had Irkutsk University, trips around Russia, Higher Literary Courses in Moscow.

And in the essay “The House with Windows in the Field” you can read: “... From here the distant Berestennikovskaya mountain was visible, along it, like a trickle of yellow smoke, the road rose to the horizon. Her appearance excited me, as in childhood, when this road seemed endless to me and promised many miracles.

... The herbs smell stronger here than anywhere else, and nowhere have I seen a more tempting road than this one, which winds along a distant mountain among birches and arable land.

... I came across poetic and prosaic statements that one can love the earth all at once from the Karelian Isthmus to the Kuril ridge, all rivers, forests, tundras, cities and villages, as if it is possible to love equally. There seems to be something wrong here…”

Of course, twenty-year-old Alexander Vampilov did not know that the opening words of his first story, “Coincidence of Circumstances,” published in 1958, would become prophetic for him. : "A chance, a trifle, a combination of circumstances sometimes become the most dramatic moments in a person's life." In his life, the coincidence of circumstances was tragic: on August 17, 1972, at Baikal, the boat at full speed ran into a fire log and began to sink. The water, cooled down to five degrees by a recent storm, a heavy jacket ... He almost swam ... But his heart could not stand it a few meters from the shore ...

- What do these memories, essay pages give us to understand the origins of creativity, the spiritual world of Alexander Vampilov?

III. Analysis of Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt".

1. In his short life, Vampilov became the author of plays that attracted the attention of not only readers, but also theater directors: “Provincial Jokes”, “Farewell in June”, “Elder Son”, “Duck Hunt”, “Last Summer in Chulimsk” . But the fate of his dramatic works was not easy: “A lot of time and effort was spent in those years on what we call“ breaking through ”his plays on the stages of Moscow theaters,” E. Yakushkina recalled.

- What is the peculiarity of Vampilov's works? Read the textbook entry (pp. 346–348) and answer this question.

2. A. V. Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt" was written in 1968 and published in 1970. The motive is tragic and at the same time reduced to a farce. The author proposed to accompany many scenes of the performance with a funeral march, which would soon be transformed into frivolous music.

Let's delve into what was said about the "Duck Hunt" by the chief director of the Moscow Art Theater O. Efremov: "The critics did not find a single word to explain the nature of the appearance of such a character as Zilov .... The strange and “immoral” hero of the “Duck Hunt”, offered to society for reflection, was not even taken into account ...

... Zilov is Vampilov's pain, pain born of the threat of moral devastation, the loss of ideals, without which a person's life is completely meaningless.

“... He was young, but he knew people and life surprisingly well, which he observed incessantly, with concentration and seriously. He accurately expressed the accuracy of his observations in the characters of his heroes. He wrote only the truth, the real truth of life and human characters.

... But this attentiveness, seriousness and strictness of Vampilov the playwright, his active desire to reveal the truth of life in all its complexity and diversity was perceived by some as “pessimism”, “emphasizing the dark sides of life” and even “cruelty”, continues the thought of E. Yakushkina .

And this is about plays, where in each, according to V. Rasputin, eternal truths are revealed to the reader and viewer: “It seems that the main question that Vampilov constantly asks is: will you, a man, remain a man? Will you be able to overcome all the false and unkind things that have been prepared for you in many life's trials, where even opposites are difficult to distinguish - love and betrayal, passion and indifference, sincerity and falsehood, goodness and enslavement ... Here one cannot help but recall Zilov, who, not having the strength to resist, he allowed the first names to pass into the second ... "

So who do you think is the main character of the play?

His assessments have always been contradictory, even polar. Some critics note in him talent, originality, human charm. Yes, he is bored with life, but he is able to be reborn. Something in it leaves hope for renewal. Others believe that before us is a fallen man, his degradation is completed. All the best in it is lost irretrievably. He does not know filial feelings, fatherly pride, respect for a woman, friendly affection.

Zilov does not trust people, does not even believe his father, who calls him to say goodbye before his death: “From dad. Let's see what the old fool writes. (Reads.) Well, well ... Oh, my God. Again he dies (Distracting from the letter.) Pay attention, once or twice a year, as a rule, the old man lies down to die. Here, listen. (Reads the letter.) “... this time the end - my heart senses. Come, son, to see, and mother must be consoled, especially since she has not seen you for four years. Do you understand what it does? He will send such letters to all ends and lie, the dog, waiting. Lie down, lie down, then, you see, he is alive, healthy and takes vodka.

With cynical explanations of the feelings and actions of people, Zilov frees himself from the need to take life seriously. But when the father really dies, the shocked Zilov flies headlong to his funeral, fearing not to be in time. And yet he lingers with Irina, a girl whom he met by chance and not by chance, as he thinks, he fell in love with. Zilov lives without a sense of duty to others and to himself.

Vampilov's entire play is built as a situation of waiting for a duck hunt and Zilov's memories, gradually explaining why his life is empty, whether he is still able to live.

The contradiction in the character of the hero is already set by the author's characteristic: “He is quite tall, of strong build; there is a lot of freedom in his gait, gestures, manner of speaking, which comes from confidence in his physical usefulness. At the same time, in his gait, and in gestures, and in conversation, he shows some kind of carelessness and boredom, the origin of which cannot be determined at a glance. The playwright suggests to the theater and the reader a problem that they must solve throughout the play.

3. Who surrounds the main character?

Sash, quite confident in himself, in his commanding chair, always doubts and looks around at everyone outside of work. A "bachelor" (due to his wife's departure to a resort), he seeks "acquaintances" and carefully disguises this, as well as his love of drinking (which, according to Zilov's guess, he satisfies alone at night). But perhaps Kuszak's biggest concern is his car. No matter what they talk about, no matter how exciting the situation, Sash from time to time goes to the window to see if his car is still.

The philistinism of Valeria is emphasized by the author straightforwardly. Walking around Zilov's new apartment, Valeria constantly exclaims: "Beauty!" “The sound of flushing water is heard from the toilet, Valeria’s voice: “Beauty!” Then Valeria appears: “Well, congratulations. Now you will have a normal life. (To Sayapin.) Tolechka, if in six months we don’t move into such an apartment, I will run away from you, I swear to you!

For the sake of the desire to get an apartment, Valeria throws an accusation to Sayapin that he will yield his wife to the boss "with pleasure", How "family friend". The viewer is convinced of Sayapin's perfect cynicism when he sees how Zilov's "friend", believing in his near death, inspects the friend's apartment.

4. Zilov is about 30 years old, but from a life where everything is so easy for him, all that remains is heaviness, millennial fatigue. From this life and thoughtless attitude towards it, Zilov becomes a “dead man,” as Sayapin puts it. At the beginning of the play, Zilov's friends send a mourning wreath to his grave, and the play ends with a real suicide attempt.

- Why did Zilov stay alive? And is he really still alive?

Zilov is alive, because in him, for all his sins, there is no indifference. And the course of the play emphasizes the deepening of the conflict between the hero and his environment. With all the indifference, fatigue, vulgarity of words and behavior, Zilov differs from others in his ability to want something disinterestedly, for nothing, for nothing. And the feeling that another life is possible, pure and high.

5. What is the meaning of the title of the work? What is the meaning of the play's ending?

When friends who came to a housewarming party ask Zilov what he loves most and what to give him, he asks: “Give me an island. If you don't mind." Then it turns out that the hunting equipment that they give him is the most desired: "Duck hunting is a thing". For Zilov, duck hunting is the same island where he is glad to get away from his life, which is disgusting to him.

After the scandal, having received a response joke from "friends" who announced his death, Zilov wants to shoot himself. What exists in the minds of friends as a game can be realized in practice. And only resistance to the petty "ravens", which, in his opinion, flocked to share the apartment, makes him pull himself together.

Zilov drives away all the "rescuers". Either tears, or the clearing sky (“By this time the rain had passed outside the window, a strip of sky was turning blue, and the roof of the neighboring house was lit by a dim afternoon sun”) helped. Zilov comes back to life and speaks to Dima on the phone: “Yes, I want to go hunting ... are you leaving? .. Great ... I’m ready ... Yes, I’m leaving now.”

Will Zilov now live differently or will everything return to its previous track? The finale of the play is mysterious and makes us, with its uncertainty, look for an answer in the logic of life, return to the beginning and think it over again.

It seems that the general direction of Vampilov's play is optimistic. And no matter how timidly the late afternoon sun, illuminating the end of the play, it broke through the gray sky and rainy day.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

- What did Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt" make you personally think about? What is the sound of Vampilov's phrase, remembered by his friends: "You need to write about what makes you sleepless at night ..."?

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Years of life

VAMPILOV, ALEXANDER VALENTINOVICH (1937-1972), Russian playwright, prose writer, publicist. 09/22/2016 2

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Alexander Vampilov was born on August 19, 1937 in the regional center of Kutulik, Irkutsk Region, into an ordinary family. His father, Valentin Nikitovich, worked as the director of the Kutulik school (his ancestors were Buryat lamas), his mother, Anastasia Prokopievna, worked there as a head teacher and mathematics teacher (her ancestors were Orthodox priests). Before the birth of Alexander, the family already had three children - Volodya, Misha and Galya. A few months after the birth of Alexander, his father was arrested on a denunciation and shot in 1938 near Irkutsk. House-Museum of A.V. Vampilov in the village of Kutulik.

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Studying at the University

After graduating from school, Vampilov entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, from which he graduated in 1960. During his studies, he published essays and feuilletons in university and regional newspapers under the pseudonym A. Sanin. His first book was published under the same pseudonym. humorous stories"Coincidence" (1961). In the early 1960s, he wrote his first dramatic works - one-act joke plays "Angel" (other name "Twenty Minutes with an Angel", 1962), "Crow Grove" (1963), "House with Windows in the Field" (1964) etc. Irkutsk University

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Early works

Vampilov's early works were based on strange, sometimes funny incidents and anecdotes. The heroes of stories and skits, getting into these strange situations, came to a reassessment of their views. So, in the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, the action of which takes place in a provincial hotel, a kind of test of the characters for their ability to selflessness takes place, as a result of which it turns out that only death is selfless in this world.

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"Provincial Jokes"

In 1970, Vampilov wrote the play The Story of the Pageant, a parable of fear based on the story of Kaloshin, a hotel administrator, meeting his own death. The story with the square footage together with the play "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" made up a tragicomic performance in 2 parts "Provincial Anecdotes". Scene from the play early works Vampilov. Theater "Sovremennik"

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"Farewell in June"

In 1965 he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky in Moscow. During his studies, he wrote the comedy "Fair" (other name "Farewell in June", 1964), which was highly appreciated by playwrights A. Arbuzov and V. Rozov. Her hero, a cynical student Kolesov, came to the conclusion that money is not omnipotent, and tore up the diploma he had received dishonestly. In the play, the image of an angel appeared again through Vampilov's dramaturgy, the meeting with which transformed the hero. The presence of a higher power in the world was a constant theme of Vampilov's work.

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Vampilov - the heir to the classics

Returning to Irkutsk, Vampilov continued to work as a playwright. His plays were published in the magazines "Theater", "Modern Dramaturgy", "Theatrical Life", were included in the repertoire the best theaters countries. Critics spoke of the "Vampilov's theatre" and saw in the characters of his plays, outstanding people capable of high spiritual uplift and at the same time weak in nature, heirs classic heroes Russian literature - Onegin, Pechorin, Protasov, Laevsky. Modern “little people” (Ugarov, Khomutov, Sarafanov, etc.) and female types were represented in them.

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"Oldest Son"

In 1967, Vampilov wrote the plays The Elder Son and Duck Hunt, which fully embodied the tragic component of his dramaturgy. In the comedy The Elder Son, within the framework of a masterfully written intrigue (deception by two friends, Busygin and Silva, of the Sarafanov family), it was about eternal values being - the continuity of generations, the rupture of spiritual ties, love and forgiveness by close people to each other. In this play, the "theme-metaphor" of Vampilov's plays begins to sound: the theme of the house as a symbol of the universe. The playwright himself, who lost his father in early childhood, perceived the relationship between father and son especially painfully and sharply.

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"Duck Hunt"

The hero of the play "Duck Hunt" Zilov became a victim of a gloomy friendly prank: friends sent him a cemetery wreath and telegrams of condolences. This forced Zilov to remember his life in order to prove to himself that he had not died. own life appeared before the hero as a senseless pursuit of easily accessible pleasures, which was in fact an escape from oneself. Zilov understood that the only need in his life was duck hunting. Having lost interest in her, he lost interest in life and was about to commit suicide. Vampilov left his hero alive, but the existence to which Zilov was doomed caused both condemnation and sympathy from readers and viewers. "Duck Hunt" became a play-symbol of the dramaturgy of the late 1960s. Zilov - K. Khabensky. Moscow Art Theater.

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"Last summer in Chulimsk"

In the drama In the drama Last Summer in Chulimsk (1972) Vampilov created his best female image- a young worker of the provincial tea Valentina. This woman strove to preserve her “living soul” with the same tenacity with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which was trampled down every now and then by indifferent people. (1972) Vampilov created his best female image - a young provincial tea worker Valentina. This woman strove to preserve the “living soul” in herself with the same tenacity with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which indifferent people trampled down every now and then. Slide 14

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1978 and 1979 could be called the years of "Duck Hunt". In April 1978, the play premiered in Tashkent, directed by M. Weil. On January 10, 1979, the premiere of the play took place at the Moscow Art Theater, directed by O. Efremov. December 22 - at the M. N. Ermolova Theater, director V. Andreev. "Duck Hunt" staged at the Moscow regional theater comedies, directed by Yu. Mochalov, in theaters in Minsk, Yerevan, Alma-Ata, Lvov, Semipalatinsk, Gorky, Kursk. Also delivered in Czechoslovakia.

At Lenfilm, director V. Melnikov shoots the film "Vacation in September" based on "Duck Hunt"

The way of the family was intelligent, cordially strict, like a teacher, a little removed from the life of the village itself. With all the cordiality and openness of the house, it was not customary to go out to people with their troubles and misfortunes. The homely atmosphere bore the imprint of inner restraint, if not isolation.

For more than 20 years, disputes over the play "Duck Hunt" have not ceased. What is the main point of contention? Zilov Giftedness, originality, human charm, he is bored with life, but he is able to be reborn Fallen man, degradation completed, all the best in him lost forever?
