Vampilov duck hunting presentation for the lesson. Non-standard lesson of literature based on the play by A. Vampilov "Duck Hunt"

For more than 20 years, disputes about the "Duck Hunt" have not ceased. What do you think is the main subject of the dispute? That's right, Zilov. His assessments are contradictory, even polar. Some critics note in him talent, originality, human charm. Yes, he is bored with life, but he is able to be reborn. Something in it leaves hope for renewal. Are there supporters of this position in the class?

Others believe that before us is a fallen man, his degradation is completed. All the best in it is lost irretrievably. He does not know filial feelings, fatherly pride, respect for a woman, friendly affection. Who among you shares this view?

But was there something in him that was remarkable for the author, what was the reason for creating the play? How could such a life, fate, attract the playwright?

We will return to these questions by the end of the lesson, and therefore we will not require detailed answers. The whole is a difficult but fascinating search for the meaning of the unusual, deep work of A. Vampilov. The questions are designed to help us bring the reader closer to the writer: he, a young reader, a young man, should feel the playwright's anxiety about something very important in our life, his pain not only for Zilov, but for each of us. We kind of help the student to imagine himself in the place of the playwright, look into life through his eyes, see what he saw, and, being concerned (or horrified?), tell others about it.

So, we find ourselves in a provincial town, among the intelligentsia, young

People about 30 years old, in the circle of friends and acquaintances of Viktor Zilov. What are they? How much

Intelligent, according to our ideas?

He owns the idea of ​​drawing Zilov, the idea with a wreath and a telegram.

He comes to stop Zilov from committing suicide and involuntarily thinks about repairing the apartment in case he gets it after the death of his "friend".

Everything shifts to Zilov when it turns out who is to blame for the unscrupulous information.

Valeria, his wife

Energetic, assertive. The husband is delighted with her penetrating abilities. For the sake of profit, she is ready to hit on her husband's boss, to flatter rudely.

Here she is walking new apartment Zilova, her voice is heard from different parts: “Cold, hot? Beauty! Gas? Beauty!.. So, so, so And here? Eighteen squares? Beauty! Balcony?.. South?.. North?.. Beauty. She is almost like Ellochka the cannibal: a minimum of vocabulary.

Cowardly, but not averse to having fun in the absence of his wife.

He doesn't understand life or people. Naive.

Participates in the drawing of Zilov. He takes the gun from Zilov, asks, not understanding: “What are you missing? Young, healthy, you have a job, an apartment, your wife loves you. Live and rejoice. What else do you need?

Why are they all aliki for Vera? Because gray, on one face. It is aliki - and that says it all. And Vera, of course, is good, but so are Aliki

What feelings does this habitat cause: sadness, irritation, rejection - what? - the teacher leads the conversation. - She suits Zilova? What, then, is the dramatic conflict, if not in the clash, the confrontation of the characters? What drives the play?

The search for an answer leads to the conclusion that the conflict of the play lies in the hero himself, in front of whom the main question, the question of fate: how and why to live? That is why Vampilov's play poses not domestic, but existential problems.

We found Zilov the day after he was celebrating with friends

The opening of the hunting season, made a scandal, and now Continue that now. What

Is this “now” the most important thing for us, without which there would be no play?

This moment of the lesson is interesting because, it would seem, the formal search for the plot of the play, thanks to a personal appeal to students, turns into an understanding of what is happening with the hero and opens in each reader his vision of the moment that became Starting point in Zilovsky self-awareness.

Zilov began to unwind his life, recalled the events of the last two months. Memories fill almost the entire play.

He got in revenge for yesterday's scandal mourning wreath From friends. The joke is terrible, anyone will be stunned.

Being buried alive, even as a joke, is not funny at all. You will involuntarily think why they need it and why you deserve it.

Indeed, all these moments are important in life. But what is the cause and what is the effect? Let's check the course of events! Zilov learns about his death from Dima, meets a boy with a wreath, begins to remember the past. Such is the logic of the play, although the logic real life different: what the memories reflected preceded these events. Why did the playwright need this technique? What is the use of retrospection?

Both, as we find out, serve one thing: having seen the terrible symbol of death at the beginning of the play, we are anxiously waiting for its appearance to be explained. We will find this explanation in Zilov's memoirs, perceived as a hero's confession.

Before turning to the memories so significant for understanding the hero, let's mentally turn to ourselves. What do our memories usually reflect? Isn't it always very personal? They arise in connection with the fact that we are close, not indifferent. The memory is tenacious and holds, which was for us something very significant, intimate. What emerges in Zilov's memoirs? Can you name bright first memory? No, it is completely devoid of this property. We learned that Zilov is looking forward to the hunt (“I can’t imagine how to live”), gets an apartment, that Vera is mortally tired of him, that he is jealous of Dima’s sharp eye and firm hand (“I would like that!”), Invites friends to a housewarming party . It seems to be life, but somehow empty and even bitter. Why this impression?

IN new house Zilova happiness came? Where is it lost? When?

"Galina. We'll live together here, right?

Zilov. Certainly.

Galina. Like at the very beginning. In the evenings we will read, we will talk. Will we? Zilov. Necessarily".

So it was? Were there love and hope? Fragility and grace are noted by the author in Galina. “This quality,” we read in the remark, “which undoubtedly flourished in her youth, is now greatly drowned out by work, life with a frivolous husband, the burden of unfulfilled hopes.”

Are they still warm in Galina? Yes, but the on-duty Zilovsky “Of course”, “Definitely”, the phrases “I don’t mind”, “It’s not a problem” in response to the wife’s longing for a child almost muffle the spark of these hopes.

Maybe joyfully, festively at a housewarming party? No, and the talk is about nothing, and there is nothing to wish the new settlers, and no one remembers good traditions.

Vera calls everyone aliks. Funny or sad? And Vera Zilov “sells” both Kushak and Kuzanov at the same time

Is there a scene in this memory that is filled with a lively, sincere feeling of the hero? Yes, when we are talking about "what he loves"!

"Valeria. What do you love the most...

Zilov. What I love Let me think

Valeria. Well wife, it goes without saying

Galina. No, I don't love you for a long time

Valeria (Zilov). Well, have you figured it out?

Zilov. I can't imagine.

Valeria. Here's the dumbass. Well, what do you love - really!

Galina. He loves friends the most.

Faith. women

Kuzanov. All nonsense. More than anything, Vitya loves work.

Friendly laugh-*

Sayapin unfolded the package. It contained the hunting equipment of Zilov ( accepting a gift). This is - yes, this - respected Yes. You're right. Duck hunting is a thing."

What does this short scene add to our impressions of Zilov? Did his joy soften our first impressions?

Have you noticed how the same melody, in the author's remarks,

From mourning is transformed into cheerful and cheerful? What song ends this

Memory? How do you think it relates to the author's intention?

What is Zilov's second memory about? It is associated with a signature under a fake document (“Nonsense. Slips Push - and the end is over”), a letter from his father and an acquaintance with Irina.

Does this just cold, dead soul transform when she meets Irina? -

Sincerity. And in Galina, as you remember, fragility. Don't these look similar to you?

Heroines? Then why does Zilov say to Sayapin about Irina: “Such girls come across

Sometimes she's a saint. Maybe I will love her all my life - who knows?

The wife replies: “Well, what happened?.. See you? Now!.. Impossible Urgent

Job. Report What? A child?.. Well, I'm glad. Yes, I'm glad.

See you?.. After all, you won’t have him this very minute.

Upset"? Game, deceit, betrayal - what do you see behind these words and

Lesson 89.
Themes and problems of modern dramaturgy. A.V. Vampilov. A word about a writer. "Duck Hunt"...

Goals: give an overview of the life and work of Vampilov; reveal the originality of the play "Duck Hunt"; develop the ability to analyze a dramatic work.

During the classes

I. Introductory talk.

Whenso they say: "dream in hand", " prophetic dream»?

Are dreams really "prophetic"?

“Dear Tasha! - Vampilov's father addresses his wife in anticipation of his birth ... - I'm sure everything will be fine. And, probably, there will be a robber-son, and I'm afraid that he would not be a writer, because in my dreams I see writers.

The first time we got together, on the night of departure, in a dream with Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy himself, I was looking for fractions, and they found ... "

August 19, 1937: “Well done, Tasya, after all she gave birth to a son. No matter how I justify the second ... I, you know, have prophetic dreams.

Dreams, indeed, turned out to be prophetic. The son, the fourth child in the family, grew up in the writer-playwright Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov.

II. The life story of Alexander Vampilov (1937–1972).

The year of Vampilov's birth was the year of the 100th anniversary of the death of Pushkin, after whom he was named Alexander. This year, despite the modest life of a large family, father, Valentin Nikitich, subscribed to complete collection works of your favorite poet: for children. And the inhabitants of Kutulik, one of the most remote Siberian villages, remembered for a long time the evening in the club, where the headmaster, literature teacher V. N. Vampilov, selflessly read them the poems of the great poet.

But in the father's prophetic dreams there was not only light. By folk omens, round - fractions - to tears: they shed in 1939, when, repressed, Valentin Nikitich died 40 years old.

Anastasia Prokopyevna has four children in her arms, the eldest of whom was seven years old.

How did the son remain in the memory of the mother?(“... What was he like, how did he grow up? - now close and completely unfamiliar people from many cities of the country often ask me ...)

Did dramatic talent manifest itself in childhood, did he stand out among his peers in adolescence?

Dramatic, probably not: human - yes, although it is difficult for me to talk about any special features of his character and impressionable nature.

He did not stand out among my other children ... He was calm and inquisitive, a favorite of his brothers and sisters - the youngest, after all! He loved books, especially fairy tales that his grandmother read and told him ...

At school, he did not stand out among his comrades, of whom he always had a lot. Got A's in Literature and didn't get along with German. He was immediately fond of music, and sports, and a drama club. Wrote poetry:

The flowers of my spring have withered long ago.

I no longer feel sorry for them.

They burned me with their fire,

And I decided: they no longer burn.

And I forgot them. My efforts

Returned peace and grace to the soul -

It's nice to experience love suffering.

And yet suffering is more pleasant to forget.

He went on hiking trips for several days or simply went by boat or bicycle to a neighboring village with a drama circle or a football team. I was sometimes very worried about these absences. Love for travel native land he kept until the end of his short life."

His love for native land: “After school, I remember, I left without regret, rushed to the city .... But, moving away, did I not return here more often in my thoughts? - we read in Vampilov's essay "Walks along Kutulik", written by a 30-year-old man who already had Irkutsk University, trips around Russia, Higher Literary Courses in Moscow.

And in the essay “The House with Windows in the Field” you can read: “... From here the distant Berestennikovskaya mountain was visible, along it, like a trickle of yellow smoke, the road rose to the horizon. Her appearance excited me, as in childhood, when this road seemed endless to me and promised many miracles.

The herbs smell stronger here than anywhere else, and nowhere have I seen a more tempting road than this one, which winds along a distant mountain among birches and arable land.

I came across poetic and prosaic statements that one can love the earth all at once from the Karelian Isthmus to the Kuril ridge, all rivers, forests, tundras, cities and villages, as if it is possible to love equally. There seems to be something wrong here…”

Of course, twenty-year-old Alexander Vampilov did not know that the opening words of his first story, “Coincidence of Circumstances,” published in 1958, would become prophetic for him.: “A chance, a trifle, a combination of circumstances sometimes become the most dramatic moments in a person’s life.” In his life, the coincidence of circumstances was tragic: on August 17, 1972, at Baikal, a boat at full speed ran into a log and began to sink. The water, cooled down to five degrees by a recent storm, a heavy jacket ... He almost swam ... But his heart could not stand it a few meters from the shore ...

What do these memories give us, essay pages for understanding the origins of creativity, spiritual world Alexandra Vampilova?

III. Analysis of Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt".

1. For your short life Vampilov became the author of plays that attracted the attention of not only readers, but also theater directors: "Provincial jokes", "Farewell in June", "Elder son", "Duck hunting", "Last summer in Chulimsk". But his fate dramatic works was not easy: “A lot of time and effort was spent in those years on what we call “breaking through” his plays on the stages of Moscow theaters,” recalled E. Yakushkina.

What is the peculiarity of Vampilov's works? Read the textbook entry (pp. 346–348) and answer this question.

2. A. V. Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt" was written in 1968 and published in 1970. The motive is tragic and at the same time reduced to a farce. The author proposed to accompany many scenes of the performance with a funeral march, which would soon be transformed into frivolous music.

Let's delve into what was said about the "Duck Hunt" by the chief director of the Moscow Art Theater O. Efremov: "The critics did not find a single word to explain the nature of the appearance of such a character as Zilov .... The strange and “immoral” hero of the “Duck Hunt”, offered to society for reflection, was not even taken into account ...

Zilov is Vampilov's pain, pain born of the threat of moral devastation, the loss of ideals, without which a person's life is completely meaningless.

“... He was young, but he knew people and life surprisingly well, which he observed incessantly, with concentration and seriously. He accurately expressed the accuracy of his observations in the characters of his heroes. He wrote only the truth, the real truth of life and human characters.

But this attentiveness, seriousness and strictness of Vampilov the playwright, his active desire to reveal the truth of life in all its complexity and diversity was perceived by some as "pessimism", "emphasizing dark sides life” and even “cruelty,” continues the thought of E. Yakushkina.

And this is about plays, where in each, according to V. Rasputin, eternal truths are revealed to the reader and viewer: “It seems that the main question that Vampilov constantly asks is: will you, a man, remain a man? Will you be able to overcome all the false and unkind things that have been prepared for you in many life's trials, where even opposites are difficult to distinguish - love and betrayal, passion and indifference, sincerity and falsehood, goodness and enslavement ... Here one cannot help but recall Zilov, who, not having the strength to resist, he allowed the first names to pass into the second ... "

So who do you think he is? main character plays?

His assessments have always been contradictory, even polar. Some critics note in him talent, originality, human charm. Yes, he is bored with life, but he is able to be reborn. Something in it leaves hope for renewal. Others believe that before us is a fallen man, his degradation is completed. All the best in it is lost irretrievably. He does not know filial feelings, fatherly pride, respect for a woman, friendly affection.

Zilov does not trust people, does not even believe his father, who calls him to say goodbye before his death: “From dad. Let's see what the old fool writes. (Reads.) Well, well ... Oh, my God. Again he dies (Distracting from the letter.) Pay attention, once or twice a year, as a rule, the old man lies down to die. Here, listen. (Reads the letter.) “... this time the end - my heart senses. Come, son, to see, and mother must be consoled, especially since she has not seen you for four years. Do you understand what it does? He will send such letters to all ends and lie, the dog, waiting. Lie down, lie down, then, you see, he is alive, healthy and takes vodka.

With cynical explanations of the feelings and actions of people, Zilov frees himself from the need to take life seriously. But when the father really dies, the shocked Zilov flies headlong to his funeral, fearing not to be in time. And yet he lingers with Irina, a girl whom he met by chance and not by chance, as he thinks, he fell in love with. Zilov lives without a sense of duty to others and to himself.

Vampilov's entire play is built as a situation of waiting for a duck hunt and Zilov's memories, gradually explaining why his life is empty, whether he is still able to live.

The contradiction in the character of the hero is already set by the author's characteristic: “He is quite tall, of strong build; there is a lot of freedom in his gait, gestures, manner of speaking, which comes from confidence in his physical usefulness. At the same time, in his gait, and in gestures, and in conversation, he shows some kind of carelessness and boredom, the origin of which cannot be determined at a glance. The playwright suggests to the theater and the reader a problem that they must solve throughout the play.

3. Who surrounds the main character?

Sash,quite confident in himself, in his commanding chair, he always doubts and looks around at everyone outside of work. A "bachelor" (due to his wife's departure to a resort), he seeks "acquaintances" and carefully disguises this, as well as his love of drinking (which, according to Zilov's guess, he satisfies alone at night). But perhaps Kuszak's biggest concern is his car. No matter what they talk about, no matter how exciting the situation, Sash from time to time goes to the window to see if his car is still.

PhilistinismValeriaemphasized by the author directly. Walking around Zilov's new apartment, Valeria constantly exclaims: "Beauty!" “The sound of flushing water is heard from the toilet, Valeria’s voice: “Beauty!” Then Valeria appears: “Well, congratulations. Now you will have normal life. (To Sayapin.) Tolechka, if in six months we don’t move into such an apartment, I will run away from you, I swear to you!

For the sake of the desire to get an apartment, Valeria quitsSayapinaccusation that he will give in to the boss's wife"with pleasure" , How"family friend" . The spectator is convinced of Sayapin's perfect cynicism when he sees how Zilov's "friend", believing in his imminent death, examines the apartment of a friend.

4. Zilov is about 30 years old, but from a life where everything is so easy for him, all that remains is heaviness, millennial fatigue. From this life and thoughtless attitude towards it, Zilov becomes a “dead man,” as Sayapin puts it. At the beginning of the play, Zilov's friends send a mourning wreath to his grave, and the play ends with a real suicide attempt.

Why did Zilov stay alive? And is he really still alive?

Zilov is alive, because in him, for all his sins, there is no indifference. And the course of the play emphasizes the deepening of the conflict between the hero and his environment. With all the indifference, fatigue, vulgarity of words and behavior, Zilov differs from others in his ability to want something disinterestedly, for nothing, for nothing. And the feeling that another life is possible, pure and high.

5. What is the meaning of the title of the work? What is the meaning of the play's ending?

When friends who came to a housewarming party ask Zilov what he loves most and what to give him, he asks: “Give me an island. If you don't mind." Then it turns out that the hunting equipment that they give him is the most desired:"Duck hunting is a thing" . For Zilov, duck hunting is the same island where he is glad to get away from his life, which is disgusting to him.

After the scandal, having received a response joke from "friends" who announced his death, Zilov wants to shoot himself. What exists in the minds of friends as a game can be realized in practice. And only resistance to the petty "ravens", which, in his opinion, flocked to share the apartment, makes him pull himself together.

Zilov drives away all the "rescuers". Either tears, or the clearing sky (“By this time the rain had passed outside the window, a strip of sky was turning blue, and the roof of the neighboring house was lit by a dim afternoon sun”) helped. Zilov comes back to life and speaks to Dima on the phone: “Yes, I want to go hunting ... are you leaving? .. Great ... I’m ready ... Yes, I’m leaving now.”

Will Zilov now live differently or will everything return to its previous track? The finale of the play is mysterious and makes us, with its uncertainty, look for an answer in the logic of life, return to the beginning and think it over again.

It seems that general direction Vampilov's plays are optimistic. And no matter how timidly the late afternoon sun, illuminating the end of the play, it broke through the gray sky and rainy day.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

What did Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt" make you think about? What is the sound of Vampilov's phrase, remembered by his friends: "You need to write about what makes you sleepless at night ..."?

Subject:“So what kind of person is this Zilov?”

Lesson type: literary court (lesson dialogue)


  • Educational: to characterize the image of Zilov, to understand the idea of ​​the dog.
  • Developing: to promote the development of logical thinking, oral speech of students.
  • Educational: promote education moral qualities personality; formation citizenship students.


I. introduction teachers

I am my own enemy and friend,
I'm my own vice
And a vicious circle...
I get into circulation
Save me, save me
My nature!

- What kind of person is this Zilov?

“Our people,” wrote F.M. Dostoevsky, “with merciless force exposes its shortcomings and is ready to talk about its ulcers before the whole world, mercilessly scourging itself ... in the name of indignant love for truth, truth ...” Only through this classical tradition, we can correctly understand the image of Zilov - the largest discovery of A. Vampilov, to realize its deep moral meaning.

From the testimony of Mr. Zilov:

“I don’t care about anything, everything in the world. What happens to me, I don't know. Don't I have a heart?

Who is Zilov? What is his fault, and what is his trouble? Let's look at him through the eyes of those who shared the days of his life with him, through the eyes of the author, who spoke beautifully about him, and also through his own eyes - the eyes of the reader.
The word is given to the prosecutor.

II. literary court

Prosecutor: Today, everyone who is somehow involved in the life of Mr. Zilov has gathered in the literary court.
Defendant Viktor Zilov is thirty years old, he is an engineer by education, but he does not work in production, he serves at the Central Bureau of Technical Information (Central Bureau of Technical Information) in one of the deepest regional centers.
During the investigation, it was established that Viktor Zilov, being a naturally intelligent, observant person, brought only misfortune to people.
His wife Galina left him because she found out about love affairs.
Zilov aimlessly intervened in the life of the applicant Irina. He met with her, called her a bride, and then insulted the girl for no reason.
In the service, he easily agreed to stuff a pamphlet signed by him with disinformation. He deserved the indifference of friends, colleagues, because he commented on their life with irony.
All this is enough to bring Zilov to condemnation.

Judge: Well, gentlemen, let's get started. I ask you to invite witness Galina, Viktor Zilov's wife.

Prosecutor: Galina, tell us about your husband.

Galina: Victor and I did not live long. They broke up because he was a hypocrite. He claimed that in family life the main thing is trust. And he was never sincere. He cheated on me, dated women. I did not spend the night at home, and the next day I easily found an excuse for myself. He wrote that he was urgently sent on a business trip to Svirsk, to a porcelain factory. For what? To study, generalize, inform the scientific world.
I always wanted to have real family. We got an apartment. Conditions were created to give birth to a child. When I found out that I was pregnant, I immediately called Victor. The reaction was like this: “Congratulations… Well, glad… Well, what do you want to sing? dance? See you? See you today… After all, you won’t have it this very minute?” Victor didn't want a child. I had an abortion. Our life did not develop, it became unbearable. He always returned home drunk. I put an end to our relationship. She left him. Victor has no heart! And it is not surprising that his friends buried him alive.

Prosecutor: Your Honor! Let me clarify the situation.
An evil prank: friends send a mourning wreath to Zilov's house. He himself provoked friends to black humor.

Advocate: Your Honor! I protest against the prosecutor's withdrawal. It is important to understand Zilov's backstory. In the eyes of a thirty-year-old man - negligence and boredom, confidence in his physical usefulness and early mental fatigue. In his past - bright convictions, beliefs, bold actions. And now he doesn't care. The life that they live in his circle is hard and boring. He has lost the meaning of life. And who, no matter how close person, wife Galina had to understand him, help him. I ask you to invite a witness, a friend of Galina.

Girlfriend:“Galina shared secrets with me. She admitted that, having lived with Victor for six years, she did not understand him.
Galina is a language teacher, which means a person with a certain upbringing and spiritual world. She made timid attempts to restore a spiritual connection with her husband, but not on the basis of spiritual needs, but on the basis of the literature she had read. Her words: “We will live here (in a new apartment) together, right? Like at the very beginning. In the evenings we will read, talk…” But for him, talking about the literature he has read is childish babble compared to what he knows about life not from books, but from reality itself. She said that he himself asked for help. “I am alone, alone, I have nothing in my life but you! Help me! Without you, I’m covered ... ”In the midst of his mental anguish, their awareness, Galina left her husband.

Advocate: Your Honor! Zilov pleaded for help and did not receive it.

Prosecutor: Please invite witness Irina.

Irina: I came to the city from Mikhalevka to enter the foreign language. I met Zilov by accident. Came to the editorial office to place an ad in the newspaper. But I got the wrong door. I ended up at CBTI, where Zilov played a prank on me. Now I understand how naive I was. We have met. Once he invited me to the Forget-Me-Not cafe. When I arrived, I was surprised that Victor was not alone, but with friends. First he announced to everyone that I was his bride. Then he began to offer me to everyone. His words: “Grab her if you need her. I don't care... She's just as bad, just the same. No, that would be rubbish. She still has everything ahead ... ”I did not expect insults from Zilov.

Prosecutor: Zilov is a drunkard who breaks the lives of women who love him.

Advocate: Your Honor! Zilov drove Irina away because love alone was not enough for him to be saved, and it was useless to expect spiritual help from this half-child girl, since the fully mature woman Galina did not give it to him.

Prosecutor: Zilov - bad son: did not love, did not respect his father, did not even go to his funeral. I ask you to listen to the witness Sayapin.

Sayaping: In September 1968, Victor received a letter from Father Alexander Zilov. I still can't forget his comments: “From dad. Let's see what the old fool writes... Again he dies... He sends letters to all ends and lies, like a dog, waiting. Relatives come running, oh, oh, and he is pleased. Lie down, lie down, then you look - he is alive, healthy, and takes vodka .. ”I advised Zilov to go and visit his father. To which he replied: “I can’t. On vacation, in September - the time is inviolable: hunting. Father died. And again - fees, conversations. IN last way could see off his father, he was going to, but did not go. God is his judge!

Advocate: Your Honor! What do we know about Zilov's father? "Personal pensioner" - chief, manager of middle and highest rank. So maybe that's the whole point? Zilov loved his father as a person (“Dad, dad,” he whispered in deep anguish upon learning of his death), but did not love, even hated him as a person, or rather, that “totality public relations", which manifested itself in it.
I ask you to invite the witness Valeria Sayapina.

Valeria: Zilov is an outstanding person. He differed from our company in strangeness. For housewarming, we gave him hunting equipment. He was genuinely happy. He really loved only hunting, although he had never killed a single duck. In hunting, he loved not the result - prey, but what it gives to his soul - aesthetic experiences. “Only there you feel like a person.” IN Lately he was obsessed with hunting. He didn't talk about anything else. He invited us to the Forget-me-not cafe, ordered us to drink only for duck hunting, and then made a scandal. I learned about the evil prank on Zilov from Kuzakov.

Prosecutor: Invite the witness Kuzakov.

Kuzakov: That evening, Sayapin and I went to a cafe before closing. We saw Zilov. He was dead drunk. I couldn't stand on my feet. We grabbed him by the arms. Sayapin exclaimed: “Corpse! Dead man!” He laughed and said, “I have a brilliant idea! Tomorrow we will arrange for him!” The next day, a wreath was delivered to Zilov's home with an inscription on a black ribbon: "To the unforgettable, untimely burned down at work Zilov Viktor Alexandrovich from inconsolable friends."

Prosecutor: Your Honor! Allow me? I have a question for the defendant Zilov. Why did you quarrel with your friends?

Zilov: Quarreled? It seems to be yes ... Or maybe not ... But can you make it out? Do I have friends? Let's say that the waiter Dima and I are friends ... And, let's say, I take it and sell it for a penny. Then I take it and meet with other friends and say: “I got a penny, come with me for a drink.” And they go with me, drink, although they know very well where this penny comes from. Like this! I don't have friends. So what are the fights?

Advocate: So who is Zilov? Let us turn to the writer Alexander Vampilov with a question.

A.Vampilov: If we talk about the “mystery” of Zilov, then it is that he embodies not one character, but 3–5–7 character types. Zilov is a mirror reflecting the fate of more than one generation. Zilov is me, this is the critic Boris Sushkov, writing about Zilov, this is the actor Oleg Efremov, playing the fate of Zilov as his own, this is a reader or viewer who easily recognizes himself in Zilov.

Judge: So, today in the literary court we heard the prosecution, defense, witnesses, Zilov. It's time to give you guys your assessment of the protagonist of Alexander Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt".

Students' statements.

III. Final word teachers

- Who is he, Zilov? A person who cannot, does not want to be satisfied with life, hence his rebellion. He seems to be burying himself. In front of the viewer, Zilov tried to commit suicide. He was going to shoot himself not because someone offended him: most of all he offended himself. From the last scene we learned that Zilov was going hunting. He is aware that help will not come from outside. It remains to change from within, pave the way for change ...
Alexander Vampilov was interested in why people who entered life young, healthy, morally strong, far from reaching the pinnacle of their destiny, break down and die.
How to defeat this process? Alexander Vampilov's answer turns us to ourselves...

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Presentation on the topic: A.V. Vampilov. Life and art

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Family House-Museum of A.V. Vampilov in the village of Kutulik. Alexander Vampilov was born on August 19, 1937 in the regional center of Kutulik, Irkutsk Region, in an ordinary family. His father, Valentin Nikitovich, worked as the director of the Kutulik school (his ancestors were Buryat lamas), his mother, Anastasia Prokopievna, worked there as a head teacher and mathematics teacher (her ancestors were Orthodox priests). Before the birth of Alexander, the family already had three children - Volodya, Misha and Galya. A few months after the birth of Alexander, his father was arrested on a denunciation and shot in 1938 near Irkutsk.

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Studying at the university Irkutsk UniversityAfter graduating from school, Vampilov entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, from which he graduated in 1960. During his studies, he published essays and feuilletons in university and regional newspapers under the pseudonym A. Sanin. His first book was published under the same pseudonym. humorous stories"Coincidence" (1961). In the early 1960s, he wrote his first dramatic works - one-act joke plays "Angel" (other name "Twenty Minutes with an Angel", 1962), "Crow Grove" (1963), "House with Windows in the Field" (1964) and etc.

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Early works Vampilov's early works were based on strange, sometimes funny incidents and anecdotes. The heroes of stories and skits, getting into these strange situations, came to a reassessment of their views. So, in the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, the action of which takes place in a provincial hotel, a kind of test of the characters for their ability to selflessness takes place, as a result of which it turns out that only death is selfless in this world.

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"Provincial Anecdotes" A scene from a performance by early works Vampilov. Theater "Sovremennik" In 1970 Vampilov wrote the play "The Story of the meter page" - a parable of fear based on the story of the meeting of the hotel administrator Kaloshin with his own death. The story with the square footage together with the play "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" made up a tragicomic performance in 2 parts "Provincial Anecdotes".

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"Farewell in June" In 1965 he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky in Moscow. During his studies, he wrote the comedy "Fair" (other name "Farewell in June", 1964), which was highly appreciated by playwrights A. Arbuzov and V. Rozov. Her hero, a cynical student Kolesov, came to the conclusion that money is not omnipotent, and tore up the diploma he had received dishonestly. In the play, the image of an angel appeared again through Vampilov's dramaturgy, the meeting with which transformed the hero. The presence of a higher power in the world was a constant theme of Vampilov's work.

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Vampilov - heir to the classics After returning to Irkutsk, Vampilov continued to work as a playwright. His plays have been published in the magazines Theatre, Modern dramaturgy”, “Theatrical life”, were included in the repertoire the best theaters countries. Critics spoke of the "Vampilov's theatre" and saw in the characters of his plays, outstanding people capable of high spiritual uplift and at the same time weak in nature, heirs classic heroes Russian literature - Onegin, Pechorin, Protasov, Laevsky. Modern “little people” (Ugarov, Khomutov, Sarafanov, etc.) and female types were represented in them.

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"Elder Son" In 1967 Vampilov wrote the plays "Elder Son" and "Duck Hunt", which fully embodied the tragic component of his dramaturgy. In the comedy The Elder Son, within the framework of a masterfully written intrigue (deception by two friends, Busygin and Silva, of the Sarafanov family), it was about eternal values being - the continuity of generations, the rupture of spiritual ties, love and forgiveness by close people to each other. In this play, the "theme-metaphor" of Vampilov's plays begins to sound: the theme of the house as a symbol of the universe. The playwright himself, who lost his father in early childhood, perceived the relationship between father and son especially painfully and sharply.

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"Duck Hunt" Zilov - K. Khabensky. Moscow Art Theater. The hero of the play "Duck Hunt" Zilov became a victim of a gloomy friendly prank: friends sent him a cemetery wreath and telegrams of condolences. This forced Zilov to remember his life in order to prove to himself that he had not died. own life appeared before the hero as a senseless pursuit of easily accessible pleasures, which was in fact an escape from oneself. Zilov understood that the only need in his life was duck hunting. Having lost interest in her, he lost interest in life and was about to commit suicide. Vampilov left his hero alive, but the existence to which Zilov was doomed caused both condemnation and sympathy from readers and viewers. "Duck Hunt" became a play-symbol of the dramaturgy of the late 1960s.

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"Last Summer in Chulimsk" In the drama In the drama Last Summer in Chulimsk (1972) Vampilov created his best female image- a young worker of the provincial tea Valentina. This woman strove to preserve the “living soul” in herself with the same persistence with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which was trampled down every now and then. indifferent people. (1972) Vampilov created his best female image - a young provincial tea worker Valentina. This woman strove to preserve the “living soul” in herself with the same persistence with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which was trampled down by indifferent people every now and then.

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Posthumous glory No sooner had the earth cooled down on Vampilov's grave than his posthumous fame began to gain momentum. His books began to be published (only one was published during his lifetime), theaters staged his plays (the Elder Son alone was shown in 44 theaters in the country at once), directors began filming films based on his works at studios. His museum was opened in Kutulik, in Irkutsk the Youth Theater was named after A. Vampilov. A memorial stone appeared at the place of death ...

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Literature D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F&lr=213&ex=v11 %B2%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1 %80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F

Abstract of a literature lesson based on the play by Alexander Vampilov "Duck Hunt" for grade 11

“You need to write about what makes you unable to sleep at night…”

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 35"

Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region.

Job title : teacher of Russian language and literature

Awards : Honorary Worker of General Education of Russia

Subject. A play by A.V. Vampilov "Duck hunting". Issues, main conflict, system of images.


- to show the significance of Vampilov's dramaturgy for Russian literature;

Organize analytical work to comprehend the meaning of his unusual, deep work, try to feel the playwright's anxiety about something very important in our life, his pain for each of us.

Lesson type: combined.


1. Portrait of A.V. Vampilov;


Degrade - gradually deteriorating, falling into decay.

Retrospection - reference to the past.

Intelligence - genuine education, culture.

Inquisitor - 1. Judge of the Inquisition - the investigating body of the Catholic Church. 2. A person who, with cold cruelty, extorts something from someone, a tormentor.

Christ : Man does not live by bread alone.

Grand Inquisitor : You were right about that. For the secret of human existence is not only to live, but in what to live for. Without a firm idea of ​​what he should live for, a person will not agree to live and will sooner destroy himself than remain on earth, even if there were bread around him.

F. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov"

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

2.Individual task. Pages of the biography of Alexander Vampilov.

Summary of the teacher:

In childhood, youth, the origins of A. Vampilov's creativity, his spiritual world. The plays of the playwright found their way to the reader with great difficulty. According to critics, the best play is Duck Hunt. Today we undertake to work not only on its best play, but also the most difficult, even for critics. Very often Vampilov was accused of pessimism, slander, cruelty. I think that today you may also have disagreements in assessing the actions of the heroes, and if these disagreements are not expressed aloud, they will still be in your soul.


Based on the questions that we wrote down, as well as on what we heard in the lesson, draw up a complex plan on the topic and prepare a detailed answer according to this plan.

Let's turn to the epigraph. We will try to answer the question why exactly these words from Dostoevsky's work were taken as an epigraph at the end of the lesson.

Working with text (questions for an analytical conversation are given in advance)

    There is a lot of discussion about the "Duck Hunt". What do you think is the subject of the dispute? Which of the heroes, in your opinion, degraded completely? (V. Zilov)

    Think, leaves in it something of hope for renewal? What is your opinion?

    Critics are also divided. Some believe that he is businesslike, outstanding, he retained a human appearance. He is bored with life, but he is capable of renewal. Others believe that before us is a fallen man, his degradation is completed. But what attracts the playwright to such a life, such a fate?

    So, we find ourselves in a provincial town, among the intelligentsia, young people about 30 years old, in the circle of friends and acquaintances of Viktor Zilov. Who are they? How intelligent do you think they are?

A) Sayapin - he owns the idea of ​​a prank with a wreath and a telegram, although he later asks for forgiveness. But the very idea of ​​just such a prank is terrible. He stops Zilov from committing suicide and involuntarily thinks about repairing the apartment if he gets it after the death of his "friend". Everyone shifts to Zilov when it turns out who is to blame for the dishonesty of the information. Naturally, he is not a friend of Zilov and, of course, not an intellectual.

B) Valeria, Sayapin's wife. What are her character traits? Is she intelligent?

Energetic, assertive, punchy, modern.

Why did she decide to "hit" her husband's boss? (for the sake of profit, she needs to get an apartment). Flattering.

Find the episode when she inspects Zilov's apartment at a housewarming party. Comment on this episode . Read only her remarks and draw a conclusion. (Minimum vocabulary, practicality that makes you uncomfortable)

C) Sash (stupid, cowardly, not averse to having fun in the absence of his wife)

D) Kuzanov is naive, does not understand life. Participant of the drawing of Zilov.

Remember what he says to Victor? Why does Vera call everyone “Aliki”? (Because they are all gray, with the same face. Namely “Aliki” - and that says it all.

    Is it funny or sad looking at this habitat? Does she suit Zilova? What is the conflict in the work? Why did he decide to shoot himself?

At first, this life suited him, but gradually the question ripens in him: how and why to live? And if we raise this question, then the play is not everyday, but existential. Vampilov raises the problems of life.

    We find Zilov the next day after he celebrates the beginning of the hunting season with friends, in the morning there is a scandal. And now what is he doing?

He spins back his life, remembering the events of the last 2 months. These memories fill almost the entire play. Zilov learns about his death from Dima, meets a boy with a wreath, begins to remember the past.

    Why did the playwright need this technique called retrospection?

Firstly, human memory retains only the most important things in life, and secondly, in memories a person not only sees events, but also analyzes them, draws conclusions. Of course, subconsciously.

8. We turn to the episode when Zilov and Galina are waiting for guests at a housewarming party. Episode reading. Has happiness come to the Zilovs' house? But was it?

If she remembers past life, means, was, it, it, happiness, there was this love.

9. Where did they lose her, do you think? (referring to remarks)

Her husband's frivolity, unfulfilled hopes, dreams, back-breaking work, when you feel everyday fatigue that does not pass. Hope for family happiness still trembles in Galina, but Zilov's on-duty “of course”, “mandatory”, “this is not a problem” almost muffle the flame of these hopes.

10 Housewarming scene. Let's try to comment on it. How much wished the owners? Is there a festive atmosphere here?

Nothing joyful, let alone festive. Talk about nothing, there is nothing to wish the new settlers, no one remembers good traditions.

In the memoirs there is one bitter scene about what Zilov loves. Let's read it and comment.

11. What is Zilov's second memory connected with? (signature under fake documents, father's letter, acquaintance with Irina).

13. Why is this just cold soul transformed when meeting Irina?

Integrity, gullibility, sincerity. He understands that such girls appear infrequently, she is a saint for him. But, you see, from the remarks we see that Irina looks like his wife in her youth, whom he essentially betrayed.

14. Analyze the last remark of Zilov in 1 action, when the wife

informs him that they will have a child.

15. We turn to the picture of the 2nd act. What can you say about Zilov from this episode? (He is writhing from his indecision, deceit. He essentially turns on gambling with someone you once loved.

16. Does Galina understand his falseness? (Of course, she understands that she is hurt and bitter. And yet he infects Galina with his memories)

Does Zilov understand the terrible meaning of what happened? To answer this question, let's turn to the remarks that define each memory.

17. We turn to the episode when Zilov says goodbye to Galina. Is Zilov sincere? Do you believe him? Why did Galina leave?

Teacher's word:

Hunting connects a person with nature, nature cleanses from fuss, from superficial, bad, i.e. every person in nature is morally cleansed. But hunting is both persecution and death. But Zilov's wife says that he has never even killed a small bird and, most likely, will not kill.

Then why is he waiting for hunting season? Your opinion.

The main thing for him, probably, is the desire to be alone with nature, to be himself, neither lie nor dodge. The paradox, probably, lies in the fact that Zilov is unlikely to be able to kill when hunting, but in life he hits without a miss: his wife, his unborn child, Irina, when he offered her as a commodity to friends, according to Faith, according to the father whom he betrayed.

The old truth: the evil you do will come back to you. Zilov received a telegram of condolences from friends. This is retribution for the evil done by Zilov.

18. What was the end result of the hero? Read the last note. How to interpret it? Does the author leave hope for the revival of Zilov?


Let's turn to the first remark. Read how many times the author repeats the word “typical” What sign did the author give us, the readers, by repeating the same detail? What did you want to say?

Of course, about the typicality of this situation, about the typicality of the family, about what will happen here.

It has become typical that an intellectual turns out to be completely unintelligent when all moral guidelines are lost, when it is boring and there is nothing to live for. And if we see a slice of our life, aren't we scared?

Aren't we afraid that in each of us, to be honest with ourselves, there is at least a little bit of Zilov. But didn’t the author tell us that we all, without exception, participate in the creation of the moral climate of life, and therefore, from everyone’s demand?

Vampilov expressed himself with certainty: the environment is ourselves. We are put together. And if so, isn't it the environment each of us individually? Yes, it turns out that the environment is what each of us works, eats, drinks, what each of us likes and dislikes, what he believes in and what he doesn’t believe in, which means that everyone can ask himself with all severity: what is in my life, in my thoughts, in my actions there is something that reflects badly on other people

19. We turn to the epigraph. Why did we choose these particular words as an epigraph?

We are returning to “our circle”: without faith and love, without a spiritual principle that determines thoughts and actions, without understanding why we live and how we live, a person shrinks, “thinns” himself, loses the living thing in himself, although he remains alive sentences himself to death.

Let us repeat the phrase of Vampilov, so remembered by his friends: “You need to write about what makes you unable to sleep at night”
