Digital Painting: Three ways to create illustrations on the computer. Creating an illustration from a photo

If you dream of being able to draw but don't have a lot of experience, chances are you associate it with a pencil. But if you really want to put your thoughts out there, one pencil is not enough. A drawing tablet, with good software, is the best - it has all the colors you need and it allows you to remove any errors without leaving a trace.

There is one big problem with this. The pen for the tablet, despite the fact that it resembles a pencil, can be used as a whole set of different brushes, pastels, charcoal, markers, and even an eraser. You can use it to "cover" the screen acrylic paints, oil paints and ink, and mix it all up into something completely new. This is one great versatile tool - and therefore, can't be used as a pencil!

If you have some experience with a pencil, even with early age and you want to make good use of your graphics tablet, you can struggle with finding good learning for you. This is because in traditional art, "drawing" and "painting" are two completely different things, with different tools of use. In digital art, you only have one tool, the brush, so digital drawing and digital painting are combined into one. So if you're reasonably comfortable with a pencil but struggle with digital art, it might not be because you "can't draw". The problem is, you're mixing a lot of techniques, some drawing, some painting, so when you try to search for "digital drawing" you end up with fully painted portraits.

In this article, I will explain the difference to you, so you can know exactly what you want without wasting time on learning that you are not ready for. This way you will progress faster and with less unnecessary frustration.

traditional drawing

You can draw with many tools. You can even use your finger as long as you have a surface to mark on. The most basic definition of drawing is simply making a line with a pointed tool. “Sharpness” is scale dependent, so the larger your drawing, the more blunt the tip is allowed. You can even paint with a brush!

Regardless of which tool you use, the method is very similar. All you can do is lead lines, straight and wavy, in various relationships to each other. An additional tool-dependent feature is line darkness. Markers and narrow lines give you perfectly black lines every time; soft pencils (Class B and below) allow you to choose from a whole gray gradient; hard pencils (HB and above) limit you to light grays. The lines themselves do not exist in reality. No object is made of them, but our brains, which are very efficient at pattern recognition, don't need much to see reality in a cloud of lines. And because lines are so easy to make, drawing has become the most popular and accessible form of art. And because lines are so easy to make, drawing has become the most popular and accessible art form.

In order for a drawing to mimic reality, it must resemble the patterns that the brain expects. Therefore, a successful artist must know what these models are and how to create them.

This is why realistic drawing transcends the normal meaning of definition: it's no longer about leading lines, but about building meaningful patterns out of them. This skill is identical for a traditional artist and a digital artist. You don't need a graphics tablet to learn how to draw animals or how to work in perspective. And as a digital artist, you can successfully use tutorials for pencil users, too.

The difference lies in the tool itself. They all make lines, but they may use different methods to do so. For example, some pens may need to control the ink flow, and soft pencils give you different shades of gray depending on the pressure. If you are able to use soft pencil, switching to ink can be very inconvenient, and vice versa. There is another kind of pattern that you can create with drawing tools. Our brains are very sensitive to light and shadow. In the drawing, we can model shadows with the darkness of the line and lightness with the absence of it. Because in reality light and shadow are made from spots, not lines, work methods (eg shading) must be used to model them.

This effect requires a different skill: an understanding of light and shadow and practice in volume, mimicking only with lines. To summarize, we have received five different skills that graphic drawing is based on:

  • creating intentional lines with a pointed tool
  • achieving different shades
  • hatching with lines
  • construction of meaningful line-based patterns based on reality analysis
  • understanding light and shadow

You can also be a great artist by only mastering the first three skills when you're just copying links, but to become a developer you have to focus on the last two with even more effort.

If you choose to use colored pencils, you will also need to understand color, which is another big task and not as easy as it may seem.

traditional painting

Painting is not different from drawing just because you use different tools. The purpose and effect are also completely different. The paintings are created with patches of color whose form cannot and should not be fully controlled. You can use different pigments for this purpose. They have different densities and blending properties, so each requires a different treatment.

Patches of color can model to great extent the way our brain sees the world. Paintings can be photorealistic, but they can also achieve realism with a variety of other styles. Because you can paint large areas at a time, there's no need for artificial tricks like shading, and some pigments also blend very well without much effort.

This does not mean that painting is easier. Using large plots requires a completely different type of analytical thinking. It's still about creating meaningful patterns, but this time it's all about light, shadow and color. Therefore, painting is based on three skills, each one quite difficult to master:

  • creating intentional areas of color (pigment flow control, color mixing)
  • understanding light and shadow
  • color understanding

While in drawing you can create fantastic animals after learning about animal anatomy, in painting this will not be enough. Understanding light and shadow is crucial here if you don't want to be an abstract artist. Because some people think that spots can actually be easier, but for most of us who are used to the shape of the lines, it takes a long time to get used to.

From traditional to digital art

When you switch to Adobe Photoshop, there is only one big difference between drawing and painting that counts. Drawing is lines that you control, and painting is spots that cannot be completely controlled. In the end, even the size of the brush does not matter, but its hardness. If you can foresee the shape of the drawing before, it is probably drawing. If you are planning something unexpected, it should be painting.

This distribution is as perfect as it can be because it takes different methods of creation into account. When you draw, no matter how chaotic, you expect some lines to appear and you will be able to outline them strongly in in general terms at the end. Even when you use big, colorful strokes, you still know exactly where you want to place them. When you paint, you mix a lot of spots together. You use the chaos your unpredictable brush creates to create something new. Painting is a process of constant fixation and adjustment - there are no perfect edges and the final effect cannot be 100% planned. That's why we can't draw in vector (vector software can't handle chaos).

Both of these approaches require different methods. If you're familiar with drawing, your first step into painting might be to try to draw lines with an unpredictable, textured brush. You literally choose a brush that is difficult to manage and try to manage. It has little to do with painting!

However, having the habits of drawing you are not doomed to strict lines and flat colors forever. You just need to understand how to mix both methods in a convenient way.

Extended drawing

You can enhance your drawing in Photoshop with other tools that have nothing to do with painting - or by painting as well. They don't exist in "traditional" reality, but they can be easily used if you're familiar with drawing.


There are several tools in Photoshop that can be used for this purpose:

  • Free Transform (Control-T) in Warp Mode
  • Plastic (Control-Shift-X) Warp
  • Editing - Puppet Warp

All of these tools allow you to do something powerful enough to be called cheating. Once you draw something, you can change it, either completely or just part of it. You can create a completely new sketch after it's been drawn! You can even draw a bunch of chaotic lines and transform them into flesh. You only need your analytical thinking that the drawing was based on it.

Color Fill

If you wanted to fill in an area by drawing traditionally, then you would have to spend a lot of time carefully crossing the lines to get that effect. You know exactly what you want to do - it just takes a lot of time. In Photoshop you can draw the areas you want to color with the Lasso Tool (L). Did you notice I said “draw?” The Lasso Tool works the same way - you draw the area you want to select. Later, you can fill the area with color using the Paint Bucket Tool (G), all without a single brush stroke.

Hatching (shading)

By shading flat colors in a convenient way, you can simply draw shadows on separate layers, just like before - draw with the Lasso Tool and fill them. Then by changing the Blending Mode and/or Opacity, you can make the shading match the flat colors below.


To conveniently blend the border between colors and shading, you can use one of the many methods. They may be considered "fake" by art style fans, but that's not a bad thing.

It's just a different style, more intuitive for people who have experience in drawing.

While this is your desire, you can safely use:

  • Blur tool
  • Mix Brush Tool
  • Use the Lasso Tool to select an area, then Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur

Mixing drawing and painting

Drawing and painting can be successfully mixed together to create great work art. There is no need to limit yourself to just one of them!

clipping mask

Painting does not know the right edges. Picturesque touches go where they want, and trying to control them you kill their spirit. In Photoshop, you can find a compromise - you can paint an area that the strokes won't cross, no matter what.

Just draw a shape with the Lasso Tool (L) and fill it with any color. To cut another layer, hold Alt and click the border between the two. Now you can draw anything without slowing down the outlines!

picturesque blending

After drawing and coloring something, you can turn it into a painterly style simply by using the right kind of blending. This time, instead of using the "blend tool", use a textured brush with variable Flow (the harder you press, the harder the stroke). Use the Eyedropper Tool (I) to select a color from one area, and then place a thin layer of that color on the edge. Pick a color closer to the edge and repeat.

The better it looks without outlines, the further away from drawing and closer it is to painting.


When the painting is almost done, you can give the final shine by painting in the details. You can take a fine, hard brush and add some elements that wouldn't be possible in traditional painting. You can harden the outline, add fine hairs here and there, and make the surface shiny by adding a white dot to it. In fact, digital painting is all about mixing both methods. When you hear the term, it's rarely about work mimicking the traditional method.

So we can say that digital drawing is about being limited to line oriented processes, while digital painting uses every possible technique.

Mixing process

The Photoshop artist can use the painting and drawing method freely in any suitable phase of the creation process. For example, if you want to create a living being, the phases might look like this:

  • Drawing indeterminate sketches to get an idea (painting)
  • Adjusting lines to the form (figure)
  • Line cleaning (figure)
  • Create a mask (drawing)
  • Light blocking (drawing or painting)
  • Blending (painting)
  • Adding details (drawing)

Am I drawing or painting?

Let's sum it all up:

  1. The drawing is based on lines. You plan the skeleton as a structure according to your analysis of reality, and then slowly create more and more lines to create a pattern that your brain will recognize.
  2. Painting is based on spots (short, voluminous “lines”). You start with a rough estimate of the final shape and then sculpt it, adjusting the shape with each step and making the brush smaller as you go.

The most important skills for realistic drawing:

  • understanding the structures that build reality (for example, the skeleton and muscles of a dog)
  • transformation of structures to the form of lines

In painting these skills are:

  • understanding of light, shadow and color.
  • understanding the 3D shape of objects
  • mixing different sized and colored areas to recreate true-to-life patterns

If you can handle all of this, you need to mix both methods to increase your workflow, for example:

  • starting with a sketch and a "red" line (drawing) and then coloring and shading (painting)
  • starting with a rough shape (painting), using it as a base for line art (drawing), and then coloring and shading (painting)


The most important lesson you should learn from this article is that the process of digital creation is not uniform. Because in Photoshop you use so many various tools with different features, they should also be used in different ways. By treating them all as a way of drawing (or painting), you unnecessarily limit yourself and your success.

Be flexible. Use drawing techniques when they are beneficial to you and switch to painting when it can give you more. Digital creation is not the only technique, and you can make the best of it if you figure out which one to use in any phase.

And, again, pay attention to your weak spots and learn through them. If your shading looks bad, don't blame the colors you're using, but instead go back to basic lighting principles. If you can draw nicely, but the proportions are always off, pay attention to drawing for a while. The key is that you can see where your mistakes are coming from and what technique will exactly damage them.

Computer (CG) an artist who creates his works exclusively on a computer is a comprehensively developed person, because to create digital images you need to have a lot of technical knowledge. This distinguishes him from ordinary painters who do not need unnecessary tools other than canvas, brushes and paints.

1. It is believed that for any artist it is necessary to have talent. However, all famous graphic artists and painters claim that success consists of only one percent of talent, the remaining 99% are diligence and work. So, taking one percent as the original value, one can understand that it takes a lot of effort for an artist to be able to create, overcoming all the difficulties that arise, laziness and many other distractions.

Only constant training makes it possible to realize your talent.

2. A computer artist, like any other painter, must have the basics academic drawing and painting. He must have a firm, full hand, a well-developed sense of composition and eye, as well as correct color perception. Only through diligent training does it become possible to achieve professional mastery in drawing.

3. For the competent execution of digital images, in addition to the classical basics of drawing and painting, additional knowledge is also required, such as foreign language and mastery of special graphic programs. Without these skills, drawing will not bring pleasure, but will only become "heavy load".

4. Naturally, to create computer graphics, especially for three-dimensional and animated images, you need a fairly powerful computer.

5. A perfectly calibrated monitor with excellent color reproduction and high resolution is a prerequisite.

6. To realize your creativity A CG artist will need additional devices such as a computer mouse, graphics tablets, a scanner, and a digital camera.

When working in vector programs, it is enough optical mouse.

For more accurate and complex drawings need tablet, or it is also called . Graphic tablets have the same formats as paper - from A6 to A3. For professional computer graphics, the largest format is used.

To work with a digitizer, a special pen is required, shaped like a regular pen. This cursor is also called a stylus. A graphics tablet allows you to create a drawing as close as possible to the drawn image on plain paper; a masterfully executed work can be impossible to distinguish from a hand-made creation.

The principle of operation using a digitizer is the same as on a plain sheet of paper, however, "" in this case serves as a graphic device, and the created picture appears in the file and is displayed on the monitor.

The digitizer itself is often more valuable to the artist than the computer itself.

Auxiliary input devices are scanner And camera. It is often easier and more appropriate to draw a sketch on paper, then transfer it to an electronic format. To create the necessary pictures from nature (references), an indispensable assistant comes to the rescue - a camera.

There are already more advanced and expensive devices, such as, on which the image is created on the screen, and the pen has ink. For professional digital painting, such a device is much more convenient than a regular tablet.

7. Also, a computer artist in his work sometimes needs Printer. For printing large formats, you will need plotter. These devices have a fairly high cost and large dimensions. Few artists can afford them to work at home.

8. An important condition is excellent knowledge of graphic programs, without which you cannot do without digital painting. There are many graphic editors, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages.

Any program has its purpose.

Adobe Photoshop is the most common editor, allows you to create both raster and vector images. This program allows you to work in the technique of photo art, create animated images.

Photoshop provides a wide range of different effects. Besides all this, this graphics editor has many convenient ways to save and edit files. The possibilities of the program are so great that there are very few people who have studied all of them.

Corel Painter also refers to no less popular programs among CG artists. This graphics editor has more than four hundred varieties of brushes. Corel is designed primarily for creating vector images, so a huge variety of effects and functions are not required in it.

Adobe Illustrator- similar in purpose and function to Corel Draw vector program.

3D Max, Maya, ZBrush- editors for 3D modeling, which require a powerful, at least 4-core, computer to work with. There are many more graphic editors, each of which has its own purpose.

Licensed programs cost a lot, but for computer artists for professional work it is still recommended to purchase this version in order to avoid trouble with the verification authorities. Firms that produce these graphic programs are increasingly paying attention to copyright compliance.

There are alternative free programs, the most common of which is GIMP. A CG artist most often prefers one of his favorite editors, but the use of other programs is often necessary.

9. For an artist who specializes in digital painting, having the necessary skills, equipment, tools and knowledge of graphic editors will allow him to fruitfully create. But he, like any creative person, needs the approval of contemplators. Moreover, the more recognition, the better for the development of his creative potential.

10. The result of considerable work and diligence is the demand in the service market.

Compliance with all these conditions is necessary for a computer artist to be completely successful! Any CG artist will agree with this. However, one should not forget the existence most important condition: to fully reveal your creative potential, you need to devote yourself to this activity as much as possible!

Now let's think about art style. It just so happened that the moment has come to decide what exactly and how exactly I want to portray. I think I'm beginning to understand what I want. Here are the works of my favorite digital artists. I hope they inspire you and help you catch your wave. What follows are my judgments, based on purely my preferences - we are talking about how I would like to draw, and not whether someone draws badly. In addition, the works presented here belong to an artist of such a serious level that I, in principle, have no right to judge them.

So, let's start with my eternal favorite in terms of technique, mood and plots - tebe_interestingno .

My favorite method of pronounced strokes:

Clouds are drawn norms:

Light abrasions - good:

From what I found on the net:

(Unfortunately I couldn't find the author)

Here I would have worked the face properly:

Something crazy:

This pins me, but it would be too lazy to work it out myself, I would generalize:

Too little detail:


I really like this kind of detailing with careless strokes. But not all work is done like this! From which we conclude that I want more centralized compositions. And in principle, landscapes are not for me - except perhaps with some kind of main object, so that in the end the environment is only outlined, focusing on the main object.

Gorgeous, but the look is too wandering. I would concentrate more on this mechanical thing and the girl, even cut off part of the environment. I really like how neatly drawn the girl.

And here, in my opinion, there are two main objects - so I would also draw the animal more carefully. Well, the environment is still more careful) And yes, I understand that the concept art, all the things that the task could have been different - but this does not prevent me from thinking, as if it were just an independent illustration.

Okay, but I don't like such an explicit use of textures in the works. Not mine, apparently.

Little detailing = (The muzzle in general could be cool to do, wool, highlights, all things ...

Super, but again - the girl would be more detailed ... Especially her elongated leg.

And here it is very interesting to see a mixture of styles. I like neat strokes on the towers, textures and cartoon characters - no. But it's interesting, yes.

And on the page of this artist, I found a cool gif:

(very unusual artist Gloom82)

Very curious work with portraits, in addition pronounced strokes - like it.

My favorite Windrunner is a character from DotA:

Traxex, from the same game:

Strokes, shape - like:

The characters work just fine. So, I think I found someone to focus on. I think he's awesome.

He has cool clouds (the cat shits on the tablet, and I circle, yeah):

And yet I never managed to understand the logic of his strokes. Here, try, for example, to draw a similar scarf:

In general, the work is very emotional. There is something to see.

Also in terms of emotionality and swiftness, I like leventep. He has chaotic (as it seems) lines, strokes often go out of shape. He is more into mett painting than painting - but he paints well and blends everything perfectly. I advise you to study.

Again, in DotA (only in the first one), I spotted the work of kunkka, who drew illustrations for each map update. He draws well, but in terms of composition for a long time came out porridge:

Now he has upgraded, and he has something to look at:

And here it feels like the detail is expressed through a linear drawing. Also interesting to see (Kerem Beyit):

Without textures:

And amazing in contrast to the rest of the work, these are stylized things:

(in general, please love and favor, artist DavidRapozaArt)

There are also works based on 3D models, with the addition of textures and all sorts of effects. These works are very clean, but this is not for me.

I analyzed various styles for myself and decided on what I want. Maybe it helped you too.
Here I brought the work of those artists who stare at the last year and a half. This is my collection =)
I look forward to your links, your views on styles and your preferences. I'm really interested.

general information

Examples of works by digital artists

  • The Inquisitor by Ruslan Svobodin
  • Angels by Ilya Komarov
  • Bank bridge in St. Petersburg, author B. Slobodan.
  • Flying Castle for a Little Princess by Eduard Mango Kichigin
  • Deisis-Anticipation, by Konstantin Khudyakov (ART&SPACE Gallery, Munich)
  • God from the Machine by Evgeny Volos

The progress of digital painting

At the end of XX - early XXI For centuries, CG-art (Computer Graphics Art) has been rapidly developing and has a strong position in the design of books / posters, prevails in the industry computer games and modern cinema, popular in amateur art. The reasons for the rapid displacement of the old funds from these areas:


In order to create digital works of any level, it is necessary to purchase / have a personal computer of sufficient power, a graphics tablet and several programs for computer painting. All this will cost ~$1500 (most of this amount is the cost of licensed programs) in the initial version (professionals buy more expensive computers, monitors and tablets, but they only increase the convenience of work).

Great work speed

Particularly critical in the field of paid artistic activity: the design of books, films, games. Specialized programs for CG artists (such as Painter) contain a large number of tools that speed up work. Choice desired color- a matter of seconds (unlike traditional painting, where you have to mix paints to get the right color - it takes experience and time), choosing the right brush / tool is also an almost instantaneous operation. The ability to undo your actions, as well as the ability to save at any moment of your work and return to it later, and even a large list of features and benefits - all this makes the work of a professional artist several times faster with the same quality. In addition, a computer work is immediately ready for use in digital technologies of cinema, games, layout - a canvas painted in oil must first be transferred to a digital form.

Unique Toolkit

For example, working with layers or applying textures from photographs to the parts of the picture you need; generation of noise of a given type; various brush effects; HDR pictures; various filters and corrections - all this and much more is simply not available in traditional painting.


Traditional art almost reached its limit in terms of perfection of technique and means back in the 18th century. Since then, nothing new has been added - as before, you have pigment, oil (or a ready-made mixture of them), canvas and brushes. And nothing new will appear. It is fair to say that modern computer painting is still far from the best paintings of the geniuses of the past in terms of quality and scale of work - but it has room to develop. The resolution of monitors is growing, the quality of color reproduction is increasing, the power of computers is growing, programs for digital painting are changing and improving, there is a fundamental possibility of creating new methods and devices for working with color / color output (projectors or holography).

Ease of learning by some groups of people and ease of operation

If you know how to work on a computer and are an inquisitive and energetic person, it will not be difficult for you to understand the interface of computer painting programs - it is the same as in most Windows programs + quite logical digital artist tools. Both paid and free video tutorials on working in a particular program are available on the Internet. With regard to cg-art programs, such video tutorials contain a record of all stages of the work of a digital artist on a painting.

Disadvantages of digital painting

Difficulty of development

At the moment, there are very few schools or more serious educational institutions that teach in this specialty - mostly the most energetic and inquisitive people, and especially children who can learn on their own and find information on their own, become digital artists; designers and printers (who have experience working with graphics on a PC); Most of the well-known digital artists graduated from educational institutions in traditional painting and only then independently switched to cg-art. Also, a modern digital artist is unthinkable without the Internet (communication with colleagues, employers, searching for new programs or ways of drawing, etc.) - and again, not everyone has it. There are practically no books on creating drawings on a computer, but the situation is gradually improving.

As of 2007, the situation is in a fairly good position - at this moment there are quite a few different educational resources to prepare future teachers of fine arts to work with digital devices. Techniques for working on a computer with graphics tablet And various programs that allow you to engage in media drawing. In the near future, such courses will be launched in the main pedagogical universities of the country, which, in turn, will subsequently have a positive effect on schools and other universities when they receive new teachers who have good experience with media drawing and digital painting.

The current limit of computer technology

Modern monitors still do not work at resolutions close to the resolution of our eyes. That is, the monitor is not capable of displaying such a number of details and details that a live observation of the same size section of a classical painting canvas can provide. You can print your picture on a printer - but this gives rise to the third problem of cg-art:

The problem with the output of a computer image to a physical medium

Monitors work in RGB color space - 16.7 million colors. Printing on paper cannot physically cover this entire range of colors - the CMYK color space covers fewer colors and shades. At this point in time, large-format inkjet photo printers, such as Canon or HP, exist and are increasingly being used. Such printers operate in RGB color space with a resolution of 1200-2400 dpi and can print on various, sometimes exotic, print media. However, the cost of such work is very high. Monitors that can show all the colors of the picture (and have brightness, contrast, color settings) have too low a resolution that does not allow showing all the details of the picture (they do not show it in full size without interpolation - a regular monitor cannot display more than 1-2 megapixels at the same time , special and rather expensive LCD monitors can show about 8 megapixels).

Copyright issue

Whoever has the original (source) drawing file is the owner of the drawing. But, like any digital information, a file can be copied and replicated in unlimited quantities without any tangible costs. The simplest example protecting your drawing - posting a reduced copy on the Internet (usually professional artists they draw in high resolution - 6000 × 10000 pixels and even more - it is convenient to draw details, and a small version is posted on the Internet - 1600 × 1200 or less; or even a fragment). In this case, whoever has a large version of the drawing is its author and owner. Copyright in a digital drawing is easy to change and only well-known artists can really help from its presence.


External links to Russian language forums

where artists of all directions communicate

  • - forum of 2D artists. Ash founder.
  • is a creative site where everyone can post their works (any - from photographs to poems) and learn the harsh public opinion on their account. Or get a well-deserved recognition in life - that's how lucky.
  • is a forum with a dedicated School section and a CG news magazine.
  • Guro art forum is a specialized forum based famous artist Roman Guro Gunyavym in December 2002
  • is a forum specializing in "fights" and competitions of artists (including team ones) among themselves.
  • - forum on
  • - a forum of artists in the style of "manga"
  • Real time - a subsection of the Real Time school. One of the few institutions that teach computer art in all areas (2D, 3D). At the beginning of the development of the forum, the direction of the drawing was led by the most famous Russian CG artist - Anry. At the current time, the forum is inactive, but the archives are very useful for both beginners and professionals.
  • - Community of creative people
  • - online magazine for computer graphics and animations
  • artburn - Collection of cg artists.
  • "A Certain Aesthetics" - a community of young artists. The founder is the famous artist Ketka.
  • is a somewhat younger resource that has many convenient features (magazines, galleries) for artists. Founded January 17, 2004 by artist/designer AJ. This domain is not currently active. 2010.01.10
  • - the original site for creating collective digital canvases.
  • PointArt - Portal for artists.
  • DigitalBrush - Gallery of author's works of leading artists working in digital.
  • - artforum dedicated to computer graphics, drawing and photography. Issued electronic journal Art Tower Magazine. Contains a regularly updated catalog of lessons for beginners.
  • - All about graphics, artforum.
  • - Design and graphics.

External links to foreign forums and communities of artists

  • in Japanese

Programs for digital painting

Free Software

  • GIMP is a raster graphics editor, also suitable for drawing.
  • MyPaint is a drawing program, an endless canvas, a lot of brushes and a minimum of functionality.
  • Krita is a drawing program, part of the Calligra Suite.
  • Alchemy-
  • Inkscape is a vector graphics editor designed for drawing.

Proprietary programs

  • Painter - A program from Corel for digital artists.
  • Deadline from 1 day!
  • The price is lower than for an oil portrait, and the quality is no worse
  • Deadline from 1 day!
  • Have you got a new idea? It can easily be added to a digital portrait! Make changes to the details as many times as you like? Easily! When writing a portrait by hand, this is impossible.
  • You do not need to sit in front of the artist for hours, you do not need to think about how to make a surprise, just one photo and you will have an original present from our masters
  • The electronic version of the portrait, which will remain with you, can be printed many times without losing quality and without paying for the artist's work again.
  • No image cracks or paint peeling, only best materials for printing, while the effect of strokes is preserved!
  • This Newest technologies because we live in modern world, is not it? Our artists have higher education in the field of art, hands from the right place, creative thinking and a lot of useful ideas! Do you want a piece of our positive? Order a digital portrait right now
