What is the best name for a girl of the year. Girls born in February: names, name days, character

It is important for any parent to name their child in such a way that he can be proud of the given name all his life. In addition, it has long been noticed that the name affects not only the character of a person, but also his fate.

If you are in the stage of planning or waiting for a little princess and have already come to the point where you need to choose the perfect name, this article will come in handy. In it you can find fashionable and beautiful names for girls in 2017, and detailed description some of them.

Name in the fate of a person

When a child is born, parents face many difficulties: colic, sleepless nights, getting used to a new family member. But the most difficult moment after the birth of a child is the choice of a name. It is good if the spouses name their baby even before he is born. Although in our time it is difficult to find a couple who would immediately decide on a name.

Why do young people approach this issue so scrupulously? The thing is that our names mystically affect the entire later life form personality and character. It is desirable that the chosen option is liked by all family members.

Petushki children

First of all, let's figure out what character traits will endow all the babies who are lucky enough to be born during this period. The Fire Rooster (patron of 2017) has energy, hard work, endurance and a bright temperament, which means that a child born under the star of the Rooster will copy all its qualities.

You will admire your child, and be proud of his success at school and at the institute. Such children prefer movement to a sedentary lifestyle. Each time they will try to take on some organizational work, thereby, significantly, will facilitate the work of teachers and elders.

Little cockerels are a little selfish and love to rule, but in adult life it will even benefit them. In children born in the year of the Rooster, you can notice a creative streak from an early age. Don't miss your chance to grow your child into a celebrity. Friendliness and active life position will allow bettas to make new friends and chat on different topics without experiencing any discomfort.

How is the name chosen?


Often, parents, in order to honor the memory of a deceased relative, name the child in his honor, referring to the fact that in this way the baby will feel an inexplicable but strong connection with his family. By the way, it is not necessary to give the name of the deceased.

Often a child is named after a father who is still alive, and he, in turn, names his child (of course, if he is of the same sex) after himself, and so on. For some families, this way of choosing names is already becoming a tradition, and few decide to break this “chain”.

But you should not get carried away too much and make a canon out of such a tradition, imposing someone else's fate on the child, in the hope that he will repeat it. This method is not suitable for those parents whose relatives did not live in harmony, because the baby, like a sponge, will absorb the wrong behavior pattern.

Because of this, the child may develop such inappropriate character traits as insecurity, irresponsibility and quarrelsomeness.

Most traditional names of all times are considered:

  • Catherine(pure and unblemished)- the girl is smart and developed beyond her years, has excellent intuition and ingenuity. Although in some of her actions, sometimes, she shows excessive impulsiveness, in general, she can be called a balanced person. Katya is hard given the superiority of other people, because she is constantly looking for some kind of flaw in herself. A girl with that name is easy to find mutual language with peers.
  • Anastasia (resurrected, reborn)- often trusts people, does not know how to be offended for a long time and is extremely kind. Nastya love to fantasize, are fond of reading and often spend their days in a dream world. This makes it very difficult for them to do household chores, so parents should instill housekeeping almost from birth. Anastasia is a sympathetic and good-natured person, an excellent hostess and inventor. Most often, girls with this name have a solid and unbending character.
  • barbarian- outwardly closed and balanced girl, but inside she flares up a real passion. Despite her timidity, Varya is extremely stress-resistant. Surprisingly, in such girls one can find dreaminess and inflexibility at the same time. In love, Varya rarely takes the first step, waiting for her partner to go to a meeting. Sociability and friendliness distinguishing feature Barbarians. He likes to gossip and wash someone's bones.

  • Alexandra (protector, wise)- is literally woven from contradictions. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what worries her, how she lives. She attracts people with her restlessness, strength of character, perseverance, but she can push away her quarrelsome character. Can commit rash acts, falling because of this, not hopeless situations. These girls are charming and attractive, they can use their beauty for selfish purposes. A strong-willed and strong character makes Alexandra invincible - if she wants something, she will definitely achieve it.
  • Sofia(wise, reasonable) She is a sociable, kind and active girl. Likes to be in the spotlight, has a wealth inner worlds. Relatives adore Sophia and try to do everything to make her happy. She knows how to listen and give useful advice, so Sonya has many true friends. Self-confident person, always knows what he wants and achieves his goals. Capable of self-sacrifice and heroic deeds.
  • Maria(desired, serene, bitter)- good-natured, sweet and affectionate. He likes to mess around with little kids, so he doesn’t mind becoming an older sister. The girl is vulnerable, does not like criticism in her address, although she has a firmness in character and is able to stand up for herself. Hardworking, although at times she can make rash acts. Masha's mood often changes, freedom comes first. Girls with this name will try to succeed in any chosen field.
  • Anna (strength, courage, grace)- loves the truth, does not compromise. Passionate, bright, wise and balanced personality. Since childhood, Anna has been distinguished by diligence and patience. She loves comfort, tries to keep the house clean and tidy, complementing it with cute little things made by her own hands. Sometimes not averse to washing someone's bones, because of this she is known as a gossip. But this does not prevent Anya from remaining neat, responsive and attentive. Sometimes shows capriciousness and exactingness.

By the seasons

In the practice of choosing names, parents often pay attention to the time of the year, which had the wonderful miracle of the birth of a baby. It turns out that there are names for each of the periods. Eg:

  • for winter girls, you need to choose a soft and melodic name in order to “cajole” their harsh character a little. Ideal Options will become Svetlana, Lyudmila, Natalia;
  • spring crumbs are often selfish, indecisive and not in good health, so for them you need to choose strong-willed names, characteristic and strong - Victoria, Ruslana, Irina;
  • girls born in summer period great optimists and laughter, they have an easy character and colossal willpower. For such babies, you can choose any name, for example, Tatiana, Lilia, Olga, Oksana;
  • autumn children are wise and enterprising, reasonable and pedantic, balanced and calm names should be chosen for them - Sofia, Valentina, Elizabeth, Taisia.

According to the calendar

Recently, parents are increasingly turning to church calendars to pick up suitable name for your kids. If you want your baby to be accompanied through life by a strong guardian angel, then take a look at the name calendar - here you will find something suitable. Remember, choosing a name according to the calendar, you must:

  1. Choose a name that matches your birthday. It could be Angelina, Angela, Feodosia, Louise, Margarita, Marina etc.
  2. In the event that you did not like the proposed name, look a few days ahead - the modern church approves of this.
  3. Remember that a name is given to a person once and does not change throughout life.
  4. Your child's Angel Day will be the one that comes right after the birthday. You can find out the exact date of this mini-holiday in the church calendar.

The most popular for girls in 2017 are Alexandra, Alevtina, Anisia, Vera, Glafira, Dorofei, Evdokia, Zinovia, Irina, John, Kira, Claudia, Lukiya, Lyubov and others.

List of names by month

  • January - Melania, Ulyana, Polina, Vasilisa;
  • February - Rimma, Xenia, Agafya, Zoya;
  • March - Antonina, Marina, Margarita, Nika;
  • April - Svetlana, Tamara, Julia, Christina;
  • May - Alexandra, Sophia, Irina, Pelageya;
  • June - Valeria, Akulina, Anna, Martha;
  • July - Yulianna, Alevtina, Valentina, Olga;
  • August - Anita, Nonna, Maria, Olympics;
  • September - Natalia, Lyudmila, Domna, Anfisa;
  • October - Ustinya, Irina, Zlata, Fekla;
  • november - Anastasia, Elena, Cleopatra, Claudia;
  • December - Anna, Angelina, Zoya, Marina.

Since ancient times, it has been known that the name affects the fate of its bearer. It determines the character, and already when naming, it endows a person with qualities that may appear in the future. This article will help determine the name of the parents who are expecting a girl in 2017.

Names for girls by months for 2017

In order not to get lost in the variety and huge number of names, it will be more convenient to divide them by months. Moreover, parents often turn to when naming Orthodox calendar, in which the birthdays of the canonized righteous are entered just in this way. To name a baby in honor of a saint means from the moment of birth and for life to give her daughter a personal guardian angel.


So, according to the names for girls according to the calendar, a newborn in January 2017 can be called:

  • Ulyana, Anastasia, Eva, Eugenia, Emilia, Tatyana, Nina, Julia, Alice, Barbara, Efrosinya or Natalia.

Studies in the field of astrology claim that babies who celebrate their birthday in the first month of the year will have a strong, strong-willed character in the future. To mitigate excessive authority and firmness, it is better to choose a name for a girl born in January 2017 with a soft consonant. Leadership, determination, self-confidence in the January ladies are inherent in nature. And the task of parents is not to ruin these valuable and necessary sprouts for life.


Choosing a name for a girl born in February 2017 is very simple. You just need to turn to the Orthodox calendar. This month is the birthday of the following saints:

  • Louise, Vasilisa, Karina, Anastasia, Agatha, Olga, Xenia, Maria, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Irina, Vera and Bella.

The character of princesses born in the month of snowstorms and blizzards is quite selfish. Girls have extraordinary courage and determination, like those born in January. But there is a small nuance here - the February ones are afraid of difficulties. Another quality that this month gives girls is straightforwardness.


The month is rich in gentle spring names:

  • Marianna, Camilla, Elizabeth, Kira, Victoria, Daria, Elena, Nadezhda, Kapitolina, Matryona, Alena, Olesya, Vasilisa, Berta, Cornelia and Christina.

March girls have the same "spring" character - vulnerable and receptive. They painfully react to critical remarks, they hardly endure failures. They are sensitive and indecisive, but still quite ambitious and stubborn.


Girls born in April can be called the following names:

  • Maria, Daria, Svetlana, Polina, Taisiya, Lydia, Alla, Miroslava, Susanna, Tamara and Larisa.

April makes those who are born in it materialists. Self-confidence is an essential quality of April girls. And as a result - in the future they will be successful in all spheres of life. But they also have laziness, with which they will constantly have to fight in order to achieve the desired success.


Names for this month:

  • Violetta, Valeria, Glafira, Karolina, Arina, Faina, Irina and Julia.

Girls whose birthday fell in May have an uncompromising and changeable character. They are sharp-tongued, demanding, power-hungry. They do not have rigid principles and priorities.


In the first month of summer, girls can be called like this:

  • Efrosinya, Alena, Diana, Vera, Julia, Valeria, Alice, Martha, Angelica and Pelageya.

June girls are talented. And soft, non-conflict and practical. They very often reach the heights in their careers, because they approach any business responsibly, developing their skills to the highest level.


Girls born in the middle of summer are suitable for such names:

  • Rimma, Zinaida, Inna, Yana, Agrippina, Angelina, Evdokia, Valentina and Veronica.

By nature they are independent, selfish, proud, but generous. Leadership is in their blood. Good friends, unless, of course, you do not notice that they look down even on their friends.


This month, name days are celebrated by:

  • Anfisa, Margarita, Iraida, Maria, Sofia, Julia and Anna.

These girls are energetic and very emotional. August gave them good qualities: wisdom, self-confidence. They are the kind who smile even when things go wrong. The only downside is that it's too gullible.


The beginning of autumn is favorable to such names:

  • Elizabeth, Karina, Lyudmila, Xenia, Vera, Irina.

September breeds practical, selfish, secretive people trusting only the closest people.


It is better to give October babies such names:

  • Arina, Tatyana, Polina, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Elizabeth.

By nature, these are changeable, quick-tempered, emotional creative natures.


Best Names for November:

  • Anastasia, Theodosia, Yaroslav, Agafya, Kapitolina, Elena, Nina, Claudia.

Those born in November have serious perseverance and determination. These are the qualities that, together with self-confidence, are needed to achieve success in life. But it is precisely this very confidence that they lack. And another obstacle to achieving what you want is internal fears. But parents can easily cope with this if they wish.


Names for December girls:

  • Yana, Julia, Sofia, Lilia, Angelina, Zoya, Olesya and Victoria.

Reasonable and calm girls are born in December. And they are also responsible. And they are practical. Open only with loved ones.

Rare names for girls in 2017

There are some names that have not been used for a long time. But they can make a far from modest contribution to the formation of positive human qualities. Among the long-forgotten, but very good female names, were the following:

  • "royal" Augusta;
  • "immaculate" Agnes;
  • "blooming" Virineya;
  • "sweet" Glyceria;
  • “given by God” by Dositheus;
  • "happy" Eupraxia;
  • "cheerful" Ilaria;
  • "good" Kaleria;
  • "fair" Ustinya;
  • "God's creation" Feklista;
  • Juno is the goddess of love and marriage.

And, perhaps, the most commonly used in Lately girls names.

The best popular names for girls in 2017

The most common modern female names:

  • Milana - sweetheart;
  • Arina - peaceful;
  • Anastasia - resurrecting;
  • Kira - mistress;
  • Sofia is wise.

Giving a name to a child is a sacred act. After all, it defines future life baby. Although it is more important which necessary qualities brought up by his parents. And yet: the main criteria for choosing should be not only the month of birth, the meaning of the name, its rarity or popularity, but also consonance with the patronymic and surname. And, of course, common sense.

Useful articles:

Waiting for the baby is a difficult choice before loving mothers and dads, picking up the original and fashion name to his daughter. After all, the name is given for life, largely determining the character and even the fate of the daughter.

Popular names of girls in 2017 in Russia no longer belong to the category borrowed from foreign celebrities. Now well-known, modern, but partially forgotten for recent decades names: Zoya, Natalia, Ulyana, Julia, Polina.

Choosing a name according to the Orthodox calendar is a great option, especially for parents who gravitate towards ancient Russian roots. Looking at the Saints on the day when the baby was born, they determine which saint's patronage corresponds to this date. It does not matter if not a single saint was found, look for 8 or 40 days from birth, as our ancestors did. Thus, you can choose a native Russian, protected by the patronage of a saint and at the same time a rare, interesting, memorable name, endowed with a deep sacred meaning.

Trying to stand out and be original, do not forget one important point: relatively for a long time you will call your daughter a diminutive form of the full version. Therefore, consider this, and mentally imagine how affectionate the name will sound.

Think about how this name fits into the conditions modern communication whether it will be comical and cause a wave of unrestrained fun and ridicule among classmates. Believe me, this can be the reason for the real psychological trauma The child has.

It is necessary that there be harmony and consonance between the length of the name and patronymic. If one of them is too long, then the second should be a little shorter and vice versa. But not only sound compatibility is important, but also semantic compatibility.

Everyone knows that there are tough names that form assertiveness, strength and stubbornness in the owner, and there are those that contribute to the manifestation of softness, complaisance, and poise in the character. Therefore, before choosing a name for the baby, take an interest in what meaning the name of her father is endowed with, and only then look for one that will make up an ideal semantic pair.

When choosing names for girls, in addition to the beauty and euphony of the name, we remember the strength and characteristics of the influence of the horoscope on the mindset and character of the little ones.

Fire Rooster - influences those born this year quite strongly, putting firmness, the will to win, love for truth, justice, balance, and an understanding of good and evil from a very young age into their hearts.

Babies born this year will have perseverance, endurance, diligence, optimism, high intelligence and a very bright personality. And also they will be very stubborn, uncompromising and prone to excessive eccentricity. Try to find a name for them that will balance this complex combination.

Parents need to remember that girls born under the power of the Rooster need a little more softness, tenderness, female charm. All this can be given by choosing a name that will complement the positive aspects of the girl's personality, bringing them to perfection.

Based on personal preferences and sympathies, from the whole variety of names, you can choose a truly unique option that perfectly reflects the dignity of the character of its mistress and will provide excellent support in its improvement.


Girls born in winter are strong, hardy and strong in character, self-confident. They are stubborn, firm and stubborn in their intentions. Their severity and severity often prevent them from showing femininity and gentleness, which creates problems on the personal front and in communication with others. Also, they are not afraid to tell the truth in person - on the one hand, this is very positive quality On the other hand, many will dislike her for this. Therefore, in order to smooth out excessive severity and composure, it is necessary to give gentle, melodic names that will endow her with femininity, softness, indulgence, giving lightness, charm, tenderness and romance - Anastasia, Maria, Nina, Vera, Julia.


Tatyana, Angelina, Olga, Zoya, Ekaterina, Anfisa, Kira, Barbara, Anna, Alexandra, Evdokia, Julia, Lilia, Vera, Praskovya, Margarita, Anisia, Marina, Tamara.


Victoria, Tatyana, Evgenia, Polina, Julia, Maria, Sofia, Nina, Anastasia, Claudia, Melania.


Vera, Anna, Inna, Zoya, Christina, Valentina, Pelageya, Xenia, Rimma, Agnia, Maria, Olga, Svetlana, Irina, Sofia, Efrosinya, Vasilisa, Ekaterina, Anastasia, Evdokia.


In the spring, cute light, but windy and fickle girls are born. They are indecisive, cautious, prone to introspection, sometimes they will weigh the pros and cons a hundred times before acquiring something. These are usually calm and balanced people, they look at everything positively. They are distinguished by curiosity, craving for everything new, unknown. Studying is given to them quite easily. They also have a good disposition, which is often used by bad people. It is better for such girls to add a little severity with the help of a name so that they gain strength of character, self-confidence, ambition - Alexandra, Irina, Ekaterina, Antonina, Glafira.


Daria, Irina, Valentina, Natalya, Ekaterina, Antonina, Galina, Marina, Nika, Alina, Kira, Ulyana, Iraida, Elena, Anna, Nadezhda, Christina, Marianna, Nina, Evgenia, Marina, Barbara, Alexandra, Elizabeth.


Anastasia, Lydia, Sofia, Larisa, Irina, Svetlana, Taisiya, Daria, Julia, Vasilisa, Galina, Maria.


Pelageya, Irina, Nina, Alexandra, Zoya, Tamara, Maria, Larisa, Anna, Glafira, Claudia, Julia, Evdokia, Christina.


In the summer, the most active and positive girls are born, these are natures who are carried away, flying in the clouds, but living strictly with emotions. They react to everything especially sharply and emotionally, and it is very difficult for them to restrain their feelings, which leads to many problems. Due to their restlessness and mobility, their interests and hobbies are quite changeable, which prevents them from completing what they started. At the same time, study and work are easy for them, they often leave good athletes. With the help of the name we will try to balance them soul feelings, cool their ardent disposition and endow them with perseverance and determination, calling them names that guarantee stability, moderate ardor and excitability - Anna, Tatiana, Elena, Elizabeth, Antonina, Evdokia.


Valeria, Antonina, Feodosia, Elena, Larisa, Maria, Julianna, Alexandra, Uliana, Julia, Vera, Nina.


Alevtina, Olga, Anna, Maria, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Julia, Agrippina, Yana, Elena, Marina, Rimma, Angelina, Tatiana, Barbara, Evdokia, Valentina, Margarita, Anastasia.


Sofia, Eva, Evdokia, Anfisa, Christina, Anastasia, Antonina, Elena, Maria, Anna, Elizabeth, Daria.


Girls born in autumn are kind, dreamy and creative, pedantic, calm and wise personalities, they are talented in many areas, but they are extremely unsure of their own abilities and they usually look at the world more pessimistically. They are stubborn and purposeful, when something does not work out, it is temporary and they will definitely learn what they wanted. Any names are suitable for them, both hard and soft, which will not affect their character.


Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Natalia, Raisa, Elizabeth, Maria, Sofia, Anna, Tatiana, Vera, Evdokia, Xenia, Vasilisa, Anfisa, Love, Irina.


Zlata, Nadezhda, Ariadne, Efrosinya, Irina, Sofia, Tatyana, Zinaida, Ustina, Anna, Polina, Maria, Taisiya, Pelageya.


Claudia, Maria, Anastasia, Anna, Glyceria, Elizabeth, Elena, Nina, Alexandra, Cleopatra, Pelageya, Praskovya, Olga, Evdokia, Seraphim.

Recall that not so long ago, a bill was submitted to the State Duma proposing to prohibit registry offices from registering too exotic names of newborns. So, names consisting of numerals, digital designations, symbols, names of ranks, positions, abbreviations and profanity may fall under the ban.

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Most mothers, having learned the approximate date of birth of the child, immediately begin to choose a beautiful name for the baby according to the church calendar or the sign of the Zodiac. Many believe that the character of the baby and fate depend on the name. Our material will help parents find out how to name a girl and a boy in 2017, how to choose a patronymic name for them. Correctly chosen names will allow "programming" the kids for success and good luck.

How to name a girl in 2017 - beautiful names for girls by patronymic

In order for the combination of a name with a patronymic to be melodic, one must take into account the special rules for combining words with repetitive or similar sounds. The rules below will help you understand how to name a girl by her patronymic in 2017, and what combinations should be avoided.

Selection of a beautiful name by patronymic for a girl born in 2017

The name and patronymic should not only be beautifully combined and be a melodic duet, but also easy to pronounce. Therefore, when choosing a name by patronymic, it is imperative to check the resulting combination by ear: does it sound original, is it convenient to pronounce it. Also, when choosing a name by fatherland, the following rules should be used:

  1. Avoid duplication of consecutive letters (for example, Anna Andreevna). Thus, the letters "overlap" and the combination sounds ugly.
  2. Eliminate the repetition of the letter "r" in both the name and patronymic (for example, Ekaterina Dmitrievna). In such cases, the combination sounds rude.
  3. Choose short names for long patronymics (such combinations are very good: Alla Mikhailovna, Irina Antoninovna).

Using simple rules, it will not be difficult to choose a beautiful feminine name for the baby, which will sound perfect with a patronymic. By last name, the first name can be selected using similar rules.

How beautiful to name a girl in 2017 according to the church calendar and the Zodiac - the best options

When choosing a name for your daughter, you can use a convenient church calendar or choose names according to the signs of the zodiac. But in addition, you need to look at the meanings of names: this will help you choose both a beautiful and fateful name for your child. Therefore, the best solution would be to select names by calendar and then "test" them by value.

The best church calendar names for girls born in 2017

In the church calendar, you can pick up very beautiful and unusual names for girls. The most original of them include: Kira, Arina, Alice, Milan, Sofia, Elizabeth. Such names will be very popular in 2017 and at the same time they all sound melodious, gentle, feminine.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the zodiac sign in 2017?

Signs of the Zodiac strongly influence the character of the child, his behavior. Therefore, you need to choose a name for a girl after carefully studying the features of her zodiac sign. For example, the girl Anastasia (meaning "resurrection", "resurrection") will grow up indestructible and courageous. Such a name is perfect for gentle and modest signs (virgo, fish, cancer), which will not interfere with additional willpower, perseverance. Also, when choosing a name, you should pay attention to the time of year in which the girl will be born. Such periods no less strongly affect the character of the child.

  1. Winter.

Children born in cold weather grow up more strict and restrained. tender name will help the baby in the future "dilute" her strength with kindness, affection.

  1. Spring.

Spring babies quite often have difficulty making choices and making decisions. Such girls will not interfere with "strong" names.

  1. Summer.

Babies born in the summer are quite active, courageous and always strive forward. They fit better simple names, which will slightly temper their ardor.

  1. Autumn.

At autumn girls calmness and indecision prevail in the character. They are encouraged to give strong names.

Strong names usually sound firm and even a little rude (Rimma, Inna, Inga, Ada). Delicate and bright names are drawn out and melodic (Yaroslava, Svetlana, Alina). True, such pronunciation rules can be considered just a guideline: only its meaning will allow you to accurately determine the characteristics of a name.

How to name a girl in 2017 - beautiful names for newborn girls

When choosing a beautiful name for your daughter, you can use not only the church calendar or descriptions of the meanings. Many mothers, when choosing a name for a child, consider popular or simply beautiful names(for example, the names of celebrities, heroines of your favorite TV shows). But before calling a girl born in 2017 unusual or rare name, it is worth knowing everything about its origin, influence on fate.

Options for very beautiful names for a girl born in 2017

Beautiful and "simple" names are gradually going out of fashion. So, a meeting with little Maria, Olga or Tatyana can be considered a real miracle. But an excellent option for babies born in 2017 can be considered such names: Marianna, Nika, Susanna, Uliana, Valeria. Pick up beautiful options The following video will also help:

How to name a boy in 2017 - beautiful names for boys

It's just as hard for boys to pick up names as it is for girls. After all, parents want their son to grow up strong, wise and able to make quick and correct decisions. Therefore, moms and dads want to know what name is better to name the baby in 2017. Below are the most beautiful names that will help the child reach unprecedented heights, become a real leader.

What a beautiful name can be called a boy born in 2017?

The most popular and beautiful male names for 2017 include: Victor, Leonid, Alexei, Lavrenty, Herman. Male representatives with such names in the future await brilliant career, stable growth. But more unusual, but no less popular names in 2017 include: Julian, Savely, Benjamin, Timothy, Elisha. To know useful information about others male names you can in the following video:

How to name a boy born in 2017 according to the church calendar - good options

Using the church calendar makes it much faster to pick up good name for a child. You just need to look through the options for each month and choose a beautiful name for the boy born in 2017 according to the indicated names of the saints.

Good name options for boys born in 2017 according to the church calendar

Many mothers, focusing on the date of birth of the baby, look through the most attractive names that will help the child be both kind and obedient, and be able to make serious decisions on their own. But we must remember that the chosen name can promise not only happiness, but also difficult fate, too soft character. Therefore, the following names can be considered the best for future men: Maxim, Eugene, Mark, Nikolai, Nikifor, Arseny.

Among the useful videos you can learn a lot of interesting things about beautiful names for boys and girls born in 2017. For example, parents can choose how to name a girl in 2017 using the church calendar, or by patronymic. When choosing a name for a newborn, it will be very useful to view information on the meanings of popular names, the features of their choice for children born in different times of the year. Using useful information special rules you can easily find out how to name a boy in 2017, what name to give to your daughter in order to give them a good fortune.

Even though I am a medical professional, I am a woman first and foremost. Therefore, when someone asks what to name a child, I advise you to think carefully. After all, this not only determines character traits, but also affects the fate of the baby as a whole. After all, as they say, what do you call a boat ... I wondered what modern and beautiful names for girls 2017 would bring. This post will focus on just that.

What will be the baby born in the year of the Rooster

Let's see how to name a girl in 2017. First of all, we note that the children who will be born in next year, will receive from their patron - fiery rooster- not only a bright temperament, but also a lot of energy, endurance and diligence. The child will have leadership qualities and perseverance, will be successful in school, active and sociable.⁣

You need to name such a crumb accordingly. To cool the hot temper of girls born next year, cold names are suitable: Snezhana, Agatha or Gerda. You can also soften the character if you call the baby gently and feminine. But with a bright name, on the contrary, you can emphasize the fiery nature of the little Cockerel. In addition, names that are both male and female are well suited for them: Valeria, Evgenia, Alexandra, Vladlena or Vasilisa.

Girls names by months for 2017

Over the past few years, parents have often turned to the traditions of their ancestors. Previously, the choice was less long and less painful. They called the child by "saints" or by months:

Popular girls names in 2017

Let's continue the review and get acquainted with the most popular names girls in 2017. But do not forget that any of them should sound harmoniously in combination with a patronymic. This will save your little one from ridicule in the future, and a successful combination of two names will have a positive effect on her life. So, the most common names for girls in 2017 will be:

1. Anastasia;

3. Valeria;

7. Milena;

8. Miroslava;

9. Polina;

10. Ulyana.

But remember that you need to focus not on popularity, but on individuality. When our baby was born, Sofia and Eve were in fashion. My husband and I really wanted our daughter to be called Sonya, but when she was born, it became clear that Marta was in front of us. We can say that she herself told us what to call her. By the way, we do not regret it, because in the group in the garden two Sonya are working with us and Sophie is growing on the floor below. So think before choosing only from trendy names for girls in 2017. It seems to me that they are very sonorous and beautiful, but any fashion is temporary, and most importantly, massively.
