Midgard info in contact. Vedic news agency midgard-info

What do the time numbers mean, for example, 10:080.1200 ?
The first digit is the Slavic-Aryan hour,
The second part,
the third is a share.
There are 16 hours in a day,
there are 144 parts in an hour,
in part - 1296 shares.

According to http://www.mid-gard.info/


Hall- this is the area starry sky(constellation). In the Ancient Slavic-Aryan system of chronology, which is called the Da'Aryan Krugolet Chislobog, the Svarog Circle (the vault of heaven, the ecliptic) is divided into 16 sections - Halls (in contrast to the Chinese system, where it is divided into 12 constellations). Therefore, the Halls only partially coincide with the modern Zodiac. This is due to the 16-decimal system of calculation among the Slavs and Aryans. Each Hall has a symbolic runic designation (on the Shield of the Numbers God it is the 3rd circle outside).

Chronology "From the Creation of the World in the Star Temple". This calendar is one of the ancient Slavic-Aryan calendars, which were based on some significant events. It originates from the Victory in the battle that took place 7513 years ago (as of 2004-2005) - the Great Race defeated the people of the Great Dragon (yellow-skinned, or Arim - as they were then called). As a result, after the end of the war, a peace treaty was concluded between Hanuman (the emperor of Russeniya) and Ahriman (the emperor of Arimia) (or, as they said then, “The World was Created”). The defeated Arim were forced to build a wall (with loopholes in their direction) to mark the border of Rasseniya. The wall was called Kiy-Tai, which in ancient Slovenian means Kiy - stick, fence, Tai - top, completion, that is, the final, limiting fence. The year in which this happened is called the "Star Temple" after the da`Aryan Circle of Numbers. Hence the name of the Calendar. This Calendar was canceled by Emperor Peter the 1st. Thus, by introducing the calendar from the Nativity of Christ, Peter the 1st removed more than 5 thousand years from our Heritage.

Birth hour. The Slavic hour does not coincide with the modern one, since the day is divided into 16 hours. Next comes the division into parts (144), fractions (1296), moments (72), moments (760), sigs (160), gigs (14400), etc. In the system of Krugolet Numberbog, the hour of birth is displayed on the Shield of Numberbog (on the 2nd circle outside after the Patron God of the Hall). The name of each hour of birth is inscribed in runes (from 2 to 4 runes) and has a figurative translation. Nearby is a hexagram (four lines), displaying the energy component.

Days of the week. The week consists of 9 days: Monday, Tuesday, triteynik, Thursday, Friday, sixth, week, eight, week. (Some references to this have been preserved in fairy tales, for example, about the Little Humpbacked Horse).

Element. Each of the 144 years of the Krugolet has its own name. 16 different years are repeated in 9 different elements, total - 144 combinations. The element in the form of a rune, its figurative meaning and color is displayed in the 4th circle (ring) of the Numbers God Shield (if you count outside).

Svarog Circle. This is a section of the starry sky, along which the Yarilo-Sun (the modern Zodiac, or ecliptic) moves during Summer. Svarog Circle is divided into 16 Halls. In an instant, along the course of the River of Time, in which the Svarog Circle is displayed, 53.896.011.200 individuals are born, each with its own unique destiny and its own unique character. And these individual Souls strive for manifestation on the Earths in the World of Reveal, where, in turn, the Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons will add additional properties of character to them. Each incarnated Soul is a special matrix in which there is information from the Goddess Jiva, and it is supplemented by the Patron God of the Family. In ancient times, up to 21-24 billion Souls lived on Midgard-Earth (our Earth), up to 50 billion Souls lived on the Earth of Oreya (Mars), and 30 billion on the Earth of Dei (now the asteroid belt). But two Souls born in one second from two women in the same room, will have different fates, because there is a difference in moments, moments, sigs. In addition, they have different Star-Lords, different Kin, dads and moms. The souls of their Ancestors belonged to different Star systems, and each Star system at the highest Divine level has its own Roots.

Special influence on the mental activity of a person Yarilo-Sun. And especially the flow of its harmonious particles, which in modern world called neutrinos. Man is the only living structure that has the ability to completely delay this harmonious flow in his body. A neutrino as a particle can fly through the Moon, any Earth, and when it hits a person, it stops, and the body accumulates it. This radiation is necessary for mental activity and control nervous system. In addition to humans, some representatives of the animal world living in different elements are also able to partially retain neutrinos. (The animal does this only partially). In the water element, these are dolphins, in the air - eagles, falcons, golden eagles, owls, owls, crows. In the earth element - coma (bears), the cat family (lions, pardy, leopard, tiger, lynx) and the wolf. Therefore, in the Ancient Slavic-Aryan legends, the above representatives of the animal world are endowed with wisdom and are considered helpers of the Gods. They were depicted on ornaments on clothes, objects, weapons. It is believed that the animals of the water element are the Wisdom of Navna (from the World of Glory). Animal world the earth element is Wisdom Explicit (from the World of Reveal). Birds are Right Wisdom (from the World of Rule).

Explanations to some of the Slavic-Aryan Calendars

Calendar " From the Creation of the World in the Star Temple”- from the conclusion of the Peace Treaty after the victory in the war with the Great Dragon (China), held in the “Star Temple” (name of the year).

Calendar " From the Great Cold". It is said in the Santees of the Vedas of Perun: “... difficult times will be brought by the flow of the River of Time to the Holy Land of the Great Race ... And only the Guardian Priests will remain on this earth Ancient Knowledge and Hidden Wisdom... For people use the Power of the elements of Midgard-Earth and destroy the small Moon and their beautiful World... And then the Svarog Circle will turn (the earth's axis will shift) and human Souls will be horrified...». This event was predicted by Perun during his 3rd visit to Midgard-Earth.

This Calendar originates from the Great Cooling, which was associated with a catastrophe - the fall of fragments of the destroyed moon Fatta on Midgard. Before falling, Fatta revolved around Midgard (in the equatorial plane) with a circulation period of 13 days. The priests of Antlany (Atlantis), experimenting with Crystals of Power (with which you can modify the torsion fields and the core of the Moons and Earths), inadvertently destroyed Fatta, the fragments of which fell in the region of the western mainland (America), and the largest of them destroyed the island of Antlan . On the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America there is an inscription "Small Moon crashed." As it is written in the Ancient Scriptures, the resulting wave (tsunami) circled the Earth three times, reaching the deepest parts of the continents. The population of the Earth was mostly destroyed. Ash and dust from the resulting volcanic activity and earthquakes closed the Earth's atmosphere for many years, causing climate change and cooling. From the impact of fragments, a shift of the earth's axis occurred (the earth's axis acquired a top-shaped movement along an ellipse, which modern scientists call the "period of precession"). The remnants of the surviving people of the Ants (their leaders shaved their heads and wore a “settler” on their heads) later began to live in the Black Sea region (current Ukrainians). In connection with this event, the expression "Fatal outcome" appeared, and the number 13 (Fatta's circulation period) has since been considered unlucky.

Calendar " From the 3rd Arrival of Whiteman Perun". A little over 40 thousand years ago, one of the Highest Slavic-Aryan Gods Perun descended on a large celestial chariot - Vightman to Midgard. Vightman landed in the region of Asgard (City of the Gods) in Belovodye Siberian. For 9 days, the Priests and Warriors of the Holy Race communicated with Perun. He told them the Wisdom from the World of Rule, which was written by the Magi in the santi (gold plates) of Perun. The gods live in the multidimensional Worlds of Rule. The World of Truth, for example, has 65,536 to the power of 2048 dimensions of space. But being multidimensional, they have the ability to materialize in the World of Reveal in a 4-dimensional space, i.e. in the Human World, in their usual human form. That was the third visit to Midgard-Earth by God Perun.

Calendar " From the Founding of Asgard of Iria". In the Old Slovenian language, As is God incarnated in human body. Our Ancestors called themselves Ases, their country was called Asiya (this is also mentioned by the Old Norse epic - “The Saga of the Ynglings”). Asgard means "City of the Gods". Iry - because it stands on the river Iry the Quietest (abbreviated Irtish, or Irtysh). There were 4 Asgards in total. Asgard of Daaria, located at the North Pole, died (sank) along with the death of the Northern continent - Daaria. Later, Asgard Sagdia (area of ​​present-day Ashgabat) and Asgard Svintyodsky (Uppsala, Norway) were built. The ruins of the Ancient Asgard of Iria, destroyed by hordes of Dzungars in 1530 AD, were discovered by the cartographer of Peter the 1st Remizov, after which the Omsk fortress (now the city of Omsk) was built on this site.

Calendar " From the Great Migration from Daaria". Daaria is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where for a long time our Ancestors lived after the settlement of the Earth Midgard. This continent sank as a result of the flood created by the waters and fragments of the destroyed small moon Lely. The Santii of the Vedas of Perun also speak of this: “... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays, perished with the Moon in half an hour ... But Mid-gard paid for freedom with the Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood ... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell on Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into parts and the army of Svarozhich descended to Midgard ... ". The image of the outlines of the continent Daariyah is preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza. In 1595, this map was published by Rudolph, the son of Gerardus Mercator. The death of the mainland and the catastrophe were predicted by a vokhv named Spas, so the Slavic-Aryan peoples began to move along the isthmus formed by the Riphean Mountains (Urals) to the region of Buyan Island (West Siberian Upland). After a 16-year transition from Daaria to Rasseniya and the flood that followed, the EASTER holiday was founded (the abbreviation of the letters is the Way of Asa Hodyash This). The emerging tradition of painting and beating eggs against each other was symbolized - a broken egg is a symbol of the dead Moon Leli, and a whole egg is Tarkha (Dazhdbog), who destroyed the Moon along with the Kashchei who were on it, who planned to destroy Midgard.

Calendar " From Period Three Lun". This is the Period when three Moons rotated around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and Month. Lelya is a small Moon with a circulation period of 7 days, Fatta is an average Moon with a circulation period of 13 days and Month - big moon with a period of 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and Month were originally the Moons of the Earth Midgard, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth by Dei after her death.

Calendar " From Assa Dei". Assa is the battle of the Gods. The period indicated in the chronology separates us from the war that took place in Svarga not only in the World of Reveal, but also in the multidimensional Worlds. Not only people, but also Gods participated in that battle. In the World of people, the grays (Kashchei) fought against the Slavs and Aryans, and on their side - black people (people with dark skin). During the battle, the Earth of Dei (or the 5th planet of the solar system of Dei) and its satellite, the Moon Lititia (Lucifer), were destroyed and split into pieces. Now it is an asteroid belt, rotating in the 5th orbit after the Earth Orey (Mars). The second Moon of Dei - Fatta (Phaeton) survived. As a result of a powerful explosion, part of the atmosphere was demolished from the then inhabited Earth of Oreya (Mars), after which the Slavic-Aryan clans left it, some of them moved to Midgard (the so-called Children of Oreya). After the end of Assa Dei, many people with skin of the color of darkness, left without their Earth, while on starships in space, asked for mercy and permission to land on Midgard. Our Ancestors allowed and allocated to them lands similar in climate to their homeland, and in order to adapt to the radiations of Midgard-Earth, they dragged their Moon Fatta from the 5th orbit and launched it around Midgard with a period of 13 days.

Calendar " From the Time of Tara". It originates from the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth.

Calendar " From the Time of the Three Suns". This is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendars of Midgard-Earth. He mentions events more than 600,000 years ago, when, due to rotation around the center of the Universe, a neighboring galaxy approached ours. As a result, two solar systems neighboring galaxy approached ours so much that its two giant Suns of silver and Green colour were observed in the sky of Midgard-Earth and were equal in size to the visible disk of our Yarila-Sun.

Our chronology is not connected with either the Moons, or the Earths, or the Stars, or the Sun, but is connected with the Canons of the One Creator (whose name is RaOmKha). For the Moons, the Earths, the Stars and the Sun speed up and slow down their course, and the Laws of the Creator of the One are UNVIOLABLE, and their observance is observed by Chi-slobog, who is the keeper of the Rivers of Time.

Midgard is one of the nine main worlds in Norse mythology. The first and perhaps the most main feature of this world lies in the fact that it is inhabited exclusively by mortal creatures, people. Midgard in this sense is significantly different from any other mythological reality in the view of the Scandinavians. Jotuns, for example, consider Jotunheim to be their homeland, but they also feel good in other worlds. In the same way, Ases and Vanirs easily visit the world of Midgard, but it is extremely difficult (almost impossible) for people to get to any other world (during life, of course).

In etymological terms, the name of the world Midgard is quite obvious, from Old Norse the word "mid" is translated as ... no, this is not an abbreviation and has nothing to do with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Mid" (mið) means "middle", and "guard" (garðr) is translated as "enclosed space" (later this word was translated as "fortress"). Thus, Midgard in literal translation sounds like a “enclosed space located in the middle”, but simply - the Middle Earth. Yes, that's right, J. Tolkien's Middle-earth is the world of Midgard, the writer only translated its name from Old Norse into English.

Midgard is the world of mortals, but it is the key world of the great Tree of Worlds. It is a kind of "layer", above is the brilliant Asgard, below - the gloomy Helheim. Between Midgard and Asgard lies Alfheim (the world of light elves), and between Midgard and Helheim lies Svartalfheim (the world of dark elves, dwarfs, dwarves or tsvergs). Thus, Midgard is a unique world, from which one can freely enter any other reality, including Niflheim and other worlds friendly or hostile to Asgard.

About the origin of Midgard and its protection

The cosmogony of the ancient Scandinavians is largely original. The most famous version of the myth about the origin of the universe tells how Odin, Vili and Vyo killed the giant Ymir in order to create the world, Midgard, from its parts. By this time, such worlds as Vanaheim (the world of the Vanir) and Muspelheim (the world of flame) already existed, but Ymir, who had risen from the great abyss of Guningagap, became the first living being. The land of Midgard was created from the body of Ymir, from his blood the gods created the seas and oceans, from the teeth of the giant they made rocks, and from the bones - mountains. The forests of Midgard emerged from Ymir's hair, the clouds from his brain, and the firmament from his skull. Important point: eyelashes of Ymir Odin used to erect around Midgard indestructible wall(hence the "enclosed space", "fortress").

Many believe that Midgard is a world so important that only it is connected to Asgard with the help of Bifrost (“Bivrest”, by the way, is translated from Old Norse as “trembling road”, not at all “rainbow”, as some people think). However, this is a delusion: Midgard, of course, is important for the aces, but according to Bifrost, the gods can get into any of the worlds of the Great Tree, this is said in the songs of the Elder Edda.

The world of Midgard is protected not only by the “eyelashes of Ymir” (this image, by the way, has not yet received a proper interpretation). Around the land of mortals, the waters of the world ocean splashed, in which Jörmungandr, the great serpent, the son of Loki, lives. The serpent is dangerous both for the people of Midgard and for any other creature that decides to approach this world. Also, a magic wall was erected around Midgard-earth, which was created by the master giant (the myth about the origin of Sleipnir). However, this wall, which, according to legend, no giant can overcome, remained unfinished.

Thus, Midgard and its population are protected, but not fully, which is why Thor and other aces sometimes have to descend into the mortal world in order to save people from numerous dangers, not only frost giants and jotuns. Thor often fights with Jörmungandr, as well as with the messengers of the infernal mistress Hel.

Midgard: the land of people

Midgard is a land intended for mortals, but it is this world, according to the "Divination of the Völva" (the most famous Eddic song) that will become the battlefield when Ragnarok comes, it is Midgard that will plunge into the ice cold during the great winter of Fimbulwinter. In addition, the famous German legend about the Wild Hunt again concerns only the world of Midgard. Roughly speaking, the Scandinavian gods created real masterpiece, but they did not particularly take care that people live here in peace. On the other hand, it is in the highest degree an esoteric question, is it possible to appreciate peace without knowing war?

When the “sons of Muspelheim”, together with the subjects of cruel Hel, fight the Aesir in the last battle, Midgard will be completely destroyed. But from the oceans (in which, fortunately, there will no longer be Jörmungandr, Thor will slay the cute animal) new earth, Midgard again. In the "Divination of the Volva" there are no epithets like "new Midgard" or "another Midgard", we are talking about the symbolic "rebirth of the earth." In addition, by some miracle, two people will survive - Liv (from Old Norse - "life") and Livtrasir ("breathing with life"). The Edda says that these two will hide in the grove of Hoddmimir, but since Midgard will die before rebirth, it means that the grove is located in another world, although it is absolutely unclear where exactly.

The most complete list of descriptions, one way or another related to the world of Midgard, can be found in the "Circle of the Earth" by Snorri Sturluson. Of course, this collection also includes the Younger Edda, which is sometimes called Sturluson's. Many Eddic songs tell about Midgard-earth, not only the “Divination of the Völva”, although the main texts of such content are arranged in the part “Vision of Gyulvi”.

In conclusion, we can add that Midgard is clearly visible from the throne of Odin, Hlidskjalf, and this very throne, by the way, allows anyone (even an ace, even a mortal) to survey all corners of Midgard. The idea of ​​"all-seeing" aces was extremely important in the society of the Vikings, who were much more "cultured" and wiser than is commonly believed. The image of Odin, who knows everything that happens on earth, was obviously intended to become a guarantor of the rule of law. After all, if the Viking wanted to commit an unworthy act, he knew that Odin would see this and then the path to Valhalla would be closed to the warrior.

Midgard, as the world of mortals, as the middle earth and the field of the eternal battle between "light and darkness", migrated to other cultures. Similar descriptions earthly world we can meet with many peoples of antiquity, but among them the world of Midgard will always stand apart. This is due to the pathos of its origin, the harsh coloring, due to the specifics of the worldview of the ancient Scandinavians.

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Introductory information, Slavs - the sky of the Slavs, the gods of the Slavs, the swastika of the Slavs, the history of the Slavs, the Vedas of the Slavs, the runes of the Slavs, the songs of the Slavs

"NEWS, Latest NEWS, Russian NEWS, SECRETS, TRUTH" - More than 50 thousand times daily, these key phrases are entered into the Russian-language Search engines Google, Yandex, Rambler, Aport as Simple as we are with you - Internet users, BUT really get Real and Verified answers to the above requests and requests of the form: Russian, HERITAGE, Slavs, VEDAS, Vera succeeds in one in a hundred!

In the vastness of the visible and invisible Internet, the majority ends up on the websites of the official media, the Forums of various groups, into the hands of false prophets, who are called upon to lead away from the true VEDIC NEWS, TRUTH.

In our time, such NEWS and EVENTS fell into the category of SECRETS, and in order to get to the bottom of the TRUTH, you have to bypass dozens and dozens of resources.

In order to avoid such actions, the Vedic Information Agency - VIA Midgard-INFO (via-midgard.info) was created.

On Midgard-INFO you will get acquainted with the HERITAGE of the Slavs, the VEDAS, the Faith of the Slavs, the latest Russian NEWS. You will know the TRUTH and SECRETS that you will not hear about from mass media programs and read in the newspapers. You will learn to read the context and between the lines by looking through the official NEWS in RUSSIA and WORLD.

Midgard-INFO is a tool with which you will learn the TRUE NEWS of the Slavs of Russia and the World, get acquainted with the leading leaders of the SLAVES, their holidays and events, various points of view.

If you are interested in your own origin, then such a question as the history of the Slavs should be of interest to you in the first place. After all, these are precisely those notorious roots that every person must have in order for him to feel like a full-fledged personality, these are precisely the legends that our subconscious mind still remembers, these are precisely the feats from which blood still boils in the veins. And if you still live under the sky of the Slavs, if you classify yourself as a Slav, then you simply have to know at least a little about your people. Now, there are rarely worthy of respect stories about the swastika of the Slavs, the songs of the Slavs, the gods of the Slavs, the runes of the Slavs, the Vedas of the Slavs ... Now, not all Eastern Slavs strive to come to their origins, not everyone believes that the knowledge that the ancient Slavs bequeathed to us has great value and power.

The word "Slavs" has several interpretations of its origin: the first version of its origin is the origin from "word", which means those who speak the same language with us, understand our words; another option is a toponym consonant with the term, presumably it could be the name of a river (for example, the Dnieper is called Slavutich, similar names of the rivers - Sluya, Slava, Slavnitsa flow in Slavic lands); the third version is the Indo-European word "kleu", which means fame and echoes our word "glory"; and, finally, the last option is the root “s-lau-os” denoting “people”, which, undoubtedly, can be ranked among the most interesting versions. If you turn to literary sources antiquity, in particular, to mention Byzantine and Roman legends, then there the Slavs are referred to as "sklavins"; Arab historians speak of "sakaliba", also referring to the Slavs.

At present, it is possible to divide into southern, western and eastern Slavs. Southern Slavs are Bulgarians, Macedonians, Slovenes, Bosnians, Serbs, Croats and Montenegrins. Western Slavs are represented by Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Kashubians, Lusatians. And, finally, the Eastern Slavs closest to us - in addition to Russians, they are also Ukrainians and Belarusians. All these peoples are close to each other, they are brought together by origin, which sometimes holds together no worse than family ties. No wonder most of the nations Slavic group has a language understandable to all the rest of its nations. If two Slavs from different countries meet, then they will surely understand almost everything said to each other, and incomprehensible individual words will become clear in the context of the conversation.

Knowing your history is very important, and besides that, it is also very interesting. Moreover, the history of the Slavs is very fascinating. If we recall the annals of the ancient Slavs, then the times after Flood caught the Slavs near the Adriatic Sea, in the region of Illyria. From there, as follows from the descriptions, they settled along the Danube, Dnieper, Desna, Sulla, Seim, Dvina, and also between the Dvina and Pripyat. If you believe the Talmuds on historical linguistics, in the old days the sky of the Slavs was above the Central and Eastern Europe. And the first written references to a people called "Slavs" are found in Jordanes, a Gothic historian who wrote about them at the beginning of the sixth century AD. Our contemporary Carlton Kuhn considers the Slavs to belong to the Nordic racial type. Be that as it may, when studying the history of the Slavs, be sure to pay attention close attention on the gods of the Slavs, the swastika of the Slavs, the Vedas of the Slavs, the runes of the Slavs, the songs of the Slavs - original, unique, valuable and incredibly interesting. Plunging into the culture of the ancient Slavs, you will get great pleasure from knowing your roots and that discovery in yourself that will definitely happen, because the subconscious will feel the closeness of this knowledge. You will definitely be touched by the swastika of the Slavs, the Vedas of the Slavs, the runes of the Slavs, as if you will hear the sounds of the song of the Slavs, the very sky of the Slavs will shine over you, which in ancient times hung over those people who lived centuries ago. And the gods of the Slavs will surely smile at you, guarding this beautiful people until now, despite its seeming fragmentation.

After you feel your essence, listen to yourself, to your feelings, perhaps even hear the call of your ancestors, you will not be able to stop - you will be attracted by the wonderful history of the Slavs, which you will feel with all your heart. Perhaps this path of knowledge will be the first milestone on the road to new discoveries, to discoveries and unexpected occurrences. hidden meaning where no one has been able to find it so far. After all, it is difficult to imagine anything more important than the truth in one's own soul.

And we will be happy to help you touch the hidden corners of your consciousness by searching for yourself, by finding the meaning of life, which will surely open to you from a new side.

The owners and creators of this agency do not bear any responsibility for the use and publication of information posted on this resource.
All information is given for informational purposes only, the authors of articles and photos are not responsible for possible consequences use of their materials for purposes prohibited by criminal codes different countries. We do not publish materials aimed at inciting hostility between the peoples and religious denominations of Midgard.
