Oral folk art of the Russian people. Folk songs - texts, words - a collection of Russian folk proverbs

We consider some songs well known to every Russian (and not only Russian) to be folk songs. They are often declared as "Russian folk song ...". Remember the incomparable Ekaterina Savinova- Frosya Burlakova in legendary movie“Come tomorrow” said: “folk music, I don’t know whose words, probably also folk.”
But someone wrote them! Today I want to remind you of two such truly folk poets: Alexei Koltsov and Ivan Surikov.

Everyone, perhaps, from childhood is familiar with the lines

Here is my village;
Here is my home;
Here I am on a sled
Uphill steep...

This is Surikov's "Childhood". And I am no exception. One of my first books, I even remember the pictures from it.

But this post is about songs. One of the most famous, which even now is often sung both in concerts and at feasts (despite a century and a half history!) Is “Rowan” (“Why are you standing swaying, thin rowan?”). This is how it sounds in the performance of the Russian folk song choir

But the poems of I.Z. Surikov
"What are you making noise, swinging,
thin rowan,
Leaning low
Head to the tyn?"
- "I'm talking with the wind
About your misfortune
That I grow up alone
In this garden.
Sad, orphan
I stand, I swing
What is a blade of grass to the ground,
I'm leaning towards you.
There, behind the tyn, in the field,
Over the deep river
In space, in the will,
Oak grows tall.
How I wish
Move to the oak;
Then I wouldn't
Bend and swing.
Close to branches
I clung to him
And with his sheets
Whispered day and night.
No, you can't rowan
Move to the oak!
To know, to me, an orphan,
The age of one to swing."
As you can see, in the song the words are slightly altered. Well, the author of the music is completely unknown. So the song can be safely attributed to folk art. So to say co-authorship of the Poet and the People.

And here is another poem by Ivan Zakharovich
Horses rush-carry,
The steppe runs far away;
snow blizzard
It's buzzing on the steppe.

Snow and snow all around;
Sadness takes the heart;
About Mozdok
The steppe coachman sings...

Like the expanse of the steppe
As in the steppe deaf
The coachman was dying;

As in your last
dying hour
He is a friend
He gave orders...

Learned? Certainly, famous song"Steppe, yes steppe all around." It's also quite different from the original. There are many variations of this song's lyrics. And Surikov's poems sound like this.
"I see the death of me
Here, in the steppe, it will strike, -
Don't remember friend
My evil insults.

My evil insults
Yes, and stupid
unreasonable words,
Former rudeness.

Bury me
Here, in the deaf steppe;
black horses
Take me home.

Take me home
Give them to the father;
Take a bow
Old mother.

young wife
You tell me my friend
So that she
Didn't expect to go home...

By the way, she
Don't forget to say:
hard widow
I have to throw it!

Pass the word
her farewell
And give me the ring

Let her about me
Not sad;
With those who are in your heart
Get married!"

The coachman shut up
The tear rolls...
And in the steppe deaf
The blizzard is crying.

"Like the expanse of the steppe
As in the steppe deaf
The driver was dying."

By the way, these verses were inspired by Surikov by the old coachman song “MOZDOK STEPPE…”

Are you my steppe, Mozdok steppe,
Steppe Mozdok!
Is it wide, far, the steppe, you stretched out,
Stretched out
From Saratov you, steppe, to the village of Tsaritsyno,
To Tsaritsyn;
A large path ran through the steppe,
The path is wide...
Young cabmen drove along it,
Like their horses are brown, All are brown,
Their collars are silver,
Like bridles, they are all type-setting,
All type-setting;
Like carts, they all have spikes,
All studded...
They had a misfortune
Yes, a lot.
A good fellow fell ill and fell ill with them,
Young cabbie...
He asked something, he asked his comrades,
“Oh, you, my brothers, you are my friends, comrades,
Do not leave, brothers, my black horses,
Raven horses.
And you, brothers, take low bow to the priest,
low bow,
Dear mother petition,
Yes, petition
My blessing to small children,
My young wife is full of will,
All free."

The song "Steppe and steppe all around" is also most often called Russian folk. But she has authors and words and music. Ivan Surikov and S. Sadovsky.
Performed by Lidia Ruslanova

We find the origins of another folk song in the work of Surikov (or were the poems inspired by a folk song? Now it’s unknown)

I grew up as an orphan
Like a blade of grass in a field;
My youth has gone
Others are in trouble.

I've been thirteen
Walked through people
Where rocked the children
Where did you milk the cows?

Bright joy I
Weasel did not see:
Beauty faded.

wore her out
Woe and bondage;
Know that's mine
The share has been born.

I was born
beautiful girl,
Yes, only God did not give
Share me happy.

Bird in a dark garden
sings songs,
And the she-wolf in the forest
Plays fun.

The bird has a nest
The she-wolf has children -
I have nothing
Nobody in the world.

Oh, I'm poor, poor
I'm badly dressed
Nobody marry me
And did not take for it!

Oh my share
Orphan share!
What wormwood you grass
Bitter donkey!

The most famous lines "I'm good, I'm good ...", which Tatyana Peltzer sang so colorfully here, as we see, are not present at all in the original.

Another national poet is Alexei Koltsov.

Russian song

I loved him
Hotter than day and fire
How others love
They never can!

With only one
I lived in the world;
To him my soul,
She gave her life!

What a night, what a moon
When I'm waiting for a friend!
And pale and cold
I freeze, I tremble!

Here he comes, singing:
Where are you, my dear?
Here he takes his hand
Here he kisses me!

Dear friend, turn off
Kisses yours!
And without them with you
Fire burns in blood

And without them with you
Blushing face,
And the chest worries
And it boils hot!

And eyes are shining
Luminous star!
I lived for him
I loved with my soul!

In a sense, Koltsov was more fortunate, the texts of his poems in songs remained almost unchanged.

Do not make noise, rye, with a ripe ear!
Gurilev's music, students of the vocal department sing "Gnessin Russian Academy of Music,

The exception is perhaps the most famous song to his poems - "Khutorok". And even then, it has not been redone, but simply greatly reduced, tk. the original poem is quite long.
Singing Sergey Lemeshev.

Many songs and romances based on Koltsov's poems are here


What Russian does not like to sing? Do you have a voice and hearing or a bear has come into your ear, but such a moment comes - and the heart itself will ask for a song: native, artless, hysterical. It is believed that folklore songs came to us from time immemorial, passing from generation to generation a mysterious people's soul. But it turns out that many of the favorite "primordially Russian" songs are not folk at all!

Climbing "Kalinka-Malinka"

This song occupies a special place in Russian folklore. “Kalinka-malinka” and “There was a birch in the field” became almost a symbol of Russian folk songs. Countless restaurants of Russian cuisine, souvenir shops both in Russia and abroad are called "Kalinka-Malinka", orchestras folk instruments they perform a dashing dance chorus, it would seem that you will not find a more popular one. "Kalinka" is danced everywhere - from children's matinees and

F. Malyavin. Folk song, 1925

And this song appeared in 1860, in Saratov, its author is a former officer, musical critic and composer Ivan Petrovich Larionov. He wrote it for an amateur performance - and the Saratov people liked the song, at least that's how they wrote about it in local newspapers.

Kalinka, Kalinka, my Kalinka!

There is a raspberry in the garden, my raspberry!

D. S. Agrenev-Slavyansky, the leader of a choir known throughout Russia and himself a passionate folklorist, begged Larionov, his friend, to “give” a song to his team - and in the performance of the Slavyansky choir (a kind of predecessor of the Turetsky choir), “Kalinka-Malinka” became quite popular, stepping outside of Saratov. Well, the song was made a real world hit by Professor A. V. Aleksandrov, having processed it for his Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble. The song literally thundered - and now this melody is recognized from the very first notes all over the world.

The most famous number of figure skaters I. Rodnina and A. Zaitsev "Kalinka" finally approved "Kalinka-Malinka" as a musical business card Russian folklore. Unfortunately, Ivan Petrovich Larionov never found out what amazing fame fell to his creation: he died in 1889, and they completely forgot about him - even his grave was not preserved in Saratov. But "Kalinka-Malinka" does not fade.

"Black Raven" and green willow

If everyone knows “Kalinka-Malinka”, but only a few sing - long, sing-song verses and a rollicking chorus are combined very intricately - then the song about a black raven that hovering over a dying fighter is known to everyone. She is an indispensable attribute of a spiritual feast, she is constantly sung in karaoke, many performers include her in their repertoire.

It would seem - the most that neither is the people. Nevertheless, the song has an author. His name was Nikolai Verevkin, he served as a non-commissioned officer in the Nevsky Regiment under Nicholas I, fought with the Turks and Persians - and during his service he composed several songs that the whole army sang with pleasure.

You don't wave black Raven,

Over my head!

You can't wait for prey

I am still alive!

The brave non-commissioned officer knew his business perfectly: his songs were simple, uplifting, rude and utterly patriotic, so other regiments willingly adopted them. The soldiers sang about their glorious victories, about the soldier's life, about regimental exercises, reviews, the most, one might say, routine thing in the Nikolaev army, and also about the wisdom of the officer fathers and the happiness of fighting for the Russian Tsar. Veryovkin, as they would say now, was engaged in "creating an attractive image army life in the eyes of the people"

Right, our lives

There is no more fun!

Vodka and cabbage soup with porridge

We have for lunch.

The texts of Verevkin's soldiers' songs were published in cheap songbooks and dispersed throughout Russia. His song with words about the black crow called "Under the Green Willow" was published in 1837.

IN Soviet time non-commissioned officer Nikolai Verevkin was forgotten - and now we do not know anything about him, except for his name and the regiment in which he served. And, apparently, we will never know. The brave regimental poet has sunk into the past, and the eerie song about the raven has remained with us.

"Oh, frost, frost" with a happy ending

What Russian folk song is most loudly and most readily sung in tipsy companies - from Moscow to the outskirts? In Dostoevsky's time, "Khutorok" was the unconditional hit of the tavern, a little later, "Noisy reeds" were considered the most "drunk" song, and since the middle of the 20th century, nothing compares to "Oh, frost, frost."

Oh frost, frost

Don't freeze me

Don't freeze me

My horse.

There is everything in this song: length, and melancholy, and lyrics - and, what is important, - a good, optimistic end. The coachman, most likely, gets home, to his young beautiful wife. But what is strange is that this text was not found in any pre-revolutionary songbook - and folklorists collecting songs from villages did not record a single version until a certain time.

But already in the 70s, “Oh, frost” was sung everywhere. The favorite folk song first appeared in 1956 on a record of the Voronezh Russian Choir, performed by its soloists, spouses Maria Morozova and Alexander Uvarov. And two years earlier, Maria Morozova wrote this song, and the choir director included it in the repertoire, like other works of her soloist.

The song was performed as a folk song, without revealing the incognito of the author. When the record was recorded, the authorship was also not noted - in order to avoid unnecessary bureaucratic fuss. Then neither Maria nor Alexander somehow thought about copyright and copyright. The choir toured a lot - and everywhere this song was received with a bang, they demanded to perform an encore, the whole hall sang along with the choir.

The song became especially popular after 1968, when it was sung from the movie screen by actor Valery Zolotukhin in the film "Master of the Taiga". By the way, he himself was sure that the song was folk. Then the last verse appeared - with a return home and hugs, but who invented it is completely unknown.

In the original version, everything ended with the wife “waiting, sad.” The author herself reacted rather coolly to the unexpected happy ending. In 2008, Maria Morozova, who at that time was 84 years old, tried to prove her authorship through the courts, but the case stalled: by that time, almost everyone who could testify in her favor had already died.

T. Yushmanova. Gatherings, 2000.

This is not the only song about the coachman that the Russian people know. There is a tragic ballad "When I served as a coachman at the post office", where the coachman finds his beloved, frozen to death on a winter road, and, of course, "Steppe and steppe all around"- there, too, the case takes place in the winter, but the coachman himself dies and asks to pass last words hello to your family. Both of these songs also had their own authors and also went to the people. The ballad was written by the Belarusian poet Vladislav Syrokomlya (Ludwig Kondratovich), and translated by Leonid Trefolev. Initially, it was called "The Postman" - and F. Chaliapin performed it superbly. And the famous “Steppe and steppe all around” is a fragment of the poem “In the steppe” processed by the people by Ivan Zakharovich Surikov, a self-taught peasant poet.

English spleen and Russian melancholy

But a truly stunning story happened to Cossack song "The day of my beauty will wake up". This poignant, amazingly beautiful song was recorded in many in different villages and villages from the Kuban to the Urals, wherever the Cossacks lived. It is performed with pleasure by various Cossack choirs and ensembles. The words, however, are not always clear, as well as the logic of the development of the plot, but the song captivates with its whimsical rhythmic pattern, the overflow of voices, and some unearthly wild melancholy.

The day of my beauty will wake up,

It is decorated with all God's light.

I see the sea, sea, ay and heaven

Father's house, we will drink the house in a herd,

Will grow green grass. 2p

Ah, green grass will grow.

Dog, faithful, faithful, and he is my animal,

Barks at my gate. 3p

The heart will ache, it will sadden the heart.

I should not be in that, in that native country. 2p

I should not be in that native country,

in which I was born

And to be me in that, that foreign country,

In which the boy was destined. 3p

Above the roof, an owl, an owl, and he shouted,

He rang out through the woods. 2p

Wake up children, children and wife,

The little ones will ask about me ... 3p

What was the surprise of philologists when it turned out that this song was a folk arrangement of a fragment from the first chapter of Byron's poem "Childe Harold"! This fragment entitled “Good night” was translated into Russian by the poet I. Kozlov; the hero says goodbye to his homeland, sailing away into unknown distances. His companions are sad - someone yearns for his wife and children, someone has left his old parents ... Only Childe Harold has no one to yearn for, no one will remember him. Everything is quite Byronian, the canons of romanticism are fully respected. In Kozlov's translation, an excerpt from the poem reads as follows:

Forgive, forgive, my native land!

You have already disappeared in the waves;

Killer whale winds, night wind

Plays in sails.

Already drowning fiery rays

In the bottomless blue...

My native land, sorry, sorry!

Good night to you!

The day will wake up; its beauty

God's light comforts;

I see the sea, the sky,

And there is no more home!

I left my father's house;

It will be overgrown with grass;

my faithful dog

Howling will be at the gate.

How did it happen that these poems got into the people? Either one of the yard servants heard the gentlemen read sonorous verses, and remembered how he could. Either one of the literate people accidentally read it - and could not help but respond to the piercing lines with his soul: he shared it with his fellow villagers.

Well, what they couldn’t understand, they thought of it: the hero was going to a foreign land obviously not of his own free will, this was exile for some kind of offense, and even his father’s house had already been drunk on this occasion. And the owl, whose “tongue” is heard through the forests, is needed for a gloomy color, Byron did not have any owl. But the people took the severe anguish and doom of Childe Harold to heart. Not only the nobles dressed up in "Harold's Cloaks"- Peasants and Cossacks also strongly sympathized with the rebellious lord. True, in your own way.

By the way, this is not the only contribution of I. Kozlov to the treasury folk songs. Famous "Evening call, evening Bell", which inspires many thoughts, is also his translation. This time Kozlov translated the Irish poet Thomas Moore, but the song quickly became folklore. Although it has not undergone such a popular rethinking as Good Night.

Derzhavin "Bee" in the Cossack way

One of the most cheerful and remote Cossack songs, "Golden Bee", we are indebted to Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin. True, the glorious poet who blessed the young Pushkin hardly cherished people's love - it certainly would not have occurred to him to indicate his authorship: his “Bee” has changed too much compared to the original version.

Derzhavin wrote the elegant "Bee" in 1796, already being an important statesman, president of the College of Commerce, that is, the Minister of Trade.

Golden bee!

What are you buzzing about?

Flying all around

Are you flying away?

Or do you love

my Lisa?

Are honeycombs fragrant

In yellow hair

Roses or fires

In scarlet lips

Is sugar white

That's something without which it is absolutely impossible to imagine a Russian person - it's without a song. And it’s not at all because all-food is fun to live - this explains well folk wisdom“not for joy even a bird in a cage sings”, “not everyone is cheerful who sings and cries for a song”.
It's just that the song has become an integral part of life since ancient times - both everyday and spiritual.
A man is born - lullabies are sung to him.
Youth has come - it is accompanied by round dance, love, game songs.
And as for the wedding ceremony, almost every gesture of the bride is accompanied by songs.
And how many family songs have been heard in Russian open spaces from century to century!
And separately - soldier, Cossack, coachman, street, barge, robber, prison-slave.
In other words, the whole life of both the person and the people as a whole is reflected in the songs. It is not for nothing that the people themselves say that “a fairy tale is a fold, and a song is a true story, a fairy tale is a lie, and a song is true”, confirming by this, first of all, the realism of song art. Indeed, now, from the lyrics, you can reliably find out how and from what the cradle for the child was made (“wooden estimates, a pewter ring”, etc.), how the roles in the family were distributed, who performed what work, how the acquaintance most often occurred future husband and wife, why such an attitude was towards the father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law ..
And what kind of treasure historical information- songs about Pugachev and Razin, about military campaigns, about Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great.

Probably, there is no such event in the life of our people that would not be reflected in the songs, whether it be a long-standing yoke (“And it happened in the horde ..”), or the conquest of Siberia (“Ermak son Timofeevich staggered and dangled”), or The Northern War (“Writes, writes Charles Swedish”), or the Patriotic War with the French (“About Platov the Cossack”), not to mention such recent ones as the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War .. Rereading these songs, you understand why N. Gogol called them folk history full of truth.
The modern researcher S. Lazutin writes in an encyclopedic article about the song as one of the forms of verbal and musical art that “the most important historical events over the millennium have been reflected in the epics and historical songs of the Russian people. One of the central ideas of these song genres is the idea of ​​patriotism, the defense of the fatherland.

But patriotic - in the deepest sense of the word - almost all folk songs: calendar, lyrical, dance, game, because the tradition continues to live in them, the spirit itself is preserved in them folk life. And if now maternity and christening songs, carols and carols, kupala and mowing, stoneflies and stubble songs are rarely heard, this does not mean at all that they are forgotten as unnecessary. Maybe forgotten for a while, but for other reasons. And it is worth any of them to sound - and the soul will immediately reach out towards the melody, open up, because it recognizes, feels something dear. Moreover, Russian songs, like no other, are multifaceted and multi-genre. For example, one of the best modern connoisseurs of Russian ritual songs, Yu. Kruglov, writes: “What was sung and called carols is actually a complex of genres. You can talk about ritual carols, carols-spells, carols-magnifications and carols-roots. Among the Shrovetide songs, it is definitely possible to single out ritual, incantatory, laudatory and reproaches songs.
Many books and articles have been written about the essence of folk songs, about their patterns and features, about their influence and distribution. But this collection is intended primarily for the general reader, who is primarily interested in the lyrics themselves, because so many beautiful songs have been lost and forgotten over time. Memory is not the strongest thing on earth. Therefore, songbooks were and remain quite popular publications, starting with those that appeared in the eighteenth century, such as Musical Amusements, Collection of Russian Simple Songs with Notes, Collection of Various Songs, Pocket Songbook, or Collection of the Best Secular and Folk Songs ”, “Soldier’s Songbook” and others, and ending with those published now.

Singing folk songs, we, as a rule, do not think about the fact that entire generations of Russian folklorists collected, recorded, published them precisely in order to preserve them for us and for our grandchildren. Which bright personalities in this glorious galaxy - N. Lvov, P. Rybnikov and P. Kireevsky, A. Sobolevsky and P. Yakushkin, P. Shein, N. Lopatin, V. Prokudin, F. Istomin, S. Lyapunov and many others. Thanks to their truly titanic selfless work, tens of thousands of texts have found a second life.
The folk song inspired A. Pushkin and M. Lermontov, N. Nekrasov and A. Koltsov, I. Surikov, N. Yazykov and other poets, whose poems then also became folk songs, whether it was “Don’t make noise, rye” or “Steppe and the steppe all around.

But doesn't it still inspire millions of Russians to this day? Not only because “it helps to build and live”, although V. Dahl notes in his dictionary that “it is merrily sung - merrily spun”, but also because it retains the idea of ​​​​beauty, kindness, love, honor, o friendship and also - it saves the soul, not letting it forget about flight, about soaring, about wings. And, of course, about the beautiful Russian language, which the song tries to preserve in all its purity and versatility.
The book that you are holding in your hands contains songs that represent life in its various forms. As a rule, the texts are taken from pre-revolutionary publications. The compiler, without setting the task of publishing ethnographic materials, nevertheless tried to treat the text as carefully as possible. Punctuation, as necessary, brought to modern requirements. As for spelling, it is not always possible to fully follow the principles adopted now, especially when it comes to rhythm (for example, “movo horse” is hardly worth correcting, because “my horse” is already a different rhythm), yes and not always necessary, since excessive "modernization" of the old folk song deprives the publication of meaning. It's like a bouquet of lilacs, devoid of smell.

I hope the reader shares my conviction that the song exists to be sung, not recited from the sight. Therefore, the text should be practically the same for all potential singers, especially if a choral performance is expected.
Arrange folk songs according to any one principle - genre, chronological, thematic, functional, etc. - It's hard enough. Therefore, for convenience, the collection is compiled in such a way that the songs in it "grow up" along with the person - from the cradle to independent life. The book ends with author's works, a significant part of which over time began to be perceived as folk songs. For reasons of volume of the book outside this collection there were calendar and historical songs, lamentations and ditties, but - everything has its time and its books.

From the early childhood Hearing a Russian song - now a drawling drinking song, now a daring dance song, now a melodious lyrical one - we ourselves do not notice how it affects our national character.
No wonder it was invented - "whose mind you live, that you will sing a song." But how often does it sound now, a Russian folk song, from TV screens, in radio programs, at stadium concerts of modern pop stars? Much less often than it could. Far less than we all need. And if this collection helps someone remember and - God forbid - sing a few folk songs, it means that it was not in vain that it was published. As they say, although you can’t feed a horse with a song, it’s true that you can’t throw words out of it.

Ivan Pankeev

gray cats
Already you, drench-dream
Dream yes nap
Sleep walks in the hallway
Buy-pobay yes rye loaf
Bye bye, go to sleep
Sleep, my good
Bye-bye, do not break the cradle
And bye-bye-bye
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word
Cat-cat, gray tail
And bye-bye-bye, a man lived on the edge
Ay lyushenki-lyuli

I walked along the perch
Early in the morning, at dawn
Oh you, little one
Behind the forest
Like a river
Like ours at the nobles' gates
Like under a white birch
Like people live in people
The girl in the white face
I will field, I will field a beam
Girls in the garden, red in the garden
I walked on the grass
I am the evening, young
Red girls came out
As in the distance, distance.
Like along the river, along the Kazanka.
Katenka asked for leave from her dear father.
Mother Dunya decided to call home.
On the street, mother, girls round dance
Just like in the meadow-meadow
This bush is not cute
I walk young along the Danube
The burner, the burner is new.
From the east side.
The falcon flew high, yes high
On the mountain, viburnum
How the waves beat on the sea
At the bottom of flax, flax
Like ours at the gate
The girls were walking in the mountains
On the mountain, the loaches curl,
Down, down
From the evening two traces
girl's night, girl's night
Young, young, young.
More boats on the sea
The goat jumped into the garden
I am evening, young, I was at a feast
The girls sowed flax
I have already sowed, sowed flax
On a mountain, on a mountain, on a high
Still dare to sing a song
Will I rise
I will sow a swan on the shore.
I went from chamber to chamber
Mother-in-law fertilized to son-in-law

Ah, if only the flowers were not frost
Oh, mother, sickening
Spilled mother hollow water
The reeds rustled, the trees bent
My twist, my twist
Will I sow baby
You, my thought, my thought
Because of the forest, dark forest
You do not blow, the winds are violent
Someone is missing, someone is sorry
If only I knew, knew
Mother Volga is flowing
Rejoice, my darling
You are a wormwood, a wormwood
If I were a free bird
Flowers bloomed, flowers bloomed and faded
I can't sleep, red girl
It's boring, mother, to live alone in the spring
Oh beautiful girl
Oh, you nights, my nights
Along the pavement street
I evening, good fellow, took a walk.
Ustinyushka walked up the hill
Pear, my pear
Tanya walked across the field
Like the father's tower
My meadow, meadow
You are my dubrovka, dubrovushka
It's good for him to live in the world
Oh, who would I, oh, my dear
Oh you, winter-winter
The nightingale was talking to the cuckoo
Don't sit, girl, late at night
A dear friend told me, ordered
You can, you can walk around the grove
Oh, why are you, why, mountain ash.
Among the field, field-field
Oh you winds, violent winds
It was in the spring, red in the spring
How a fellow walks down the street
A good fellow walks along the street
My head hurts
Canary, canary, canary
Not dust, not a chicken rose in the field
At sunrise red sun
Oh, darling, you are a beautiful girl
My heart spoke
The falcon will tremble, sitting on the oak
In an open field near the valley
Not a falcon flies through the sky
Fog, fog at the valley
What are you talking about, bitter cuckoo
It was at dawn, at dawn
The red maiden walked along the bank
I'll go, young, I'm along the valley
My nightingale, nightingale
Kalinushka with raspberry, azure color
The girls sewed a carpet
Near the river, near the bridge
Are you my side, side
Oh you, my stone, pebble
hazy red sun
Oh, what are you, my dear, you are not sitting cheerful
You are my blue, my little white dove
Ahti, grief, melancholy
The head will hurt, the heart will ache
Girlfriends, doves
In the mountains, and I went through the mountains
Young girl seventeen years old
Whether in the garden, in the garden:
my dear, good
It's full, the sun, it's getting light because of the forest
Oh, the fog spread along the street
As on a hill, on a mountain, on an embellishment on such
Not rust in our swamp eats all the grass
I'm already in the evening, good fellow
A strong berry was born in the forest
I told my dear friend
Do the winds vein from the field
Down the Volga River from the Lower City
A bright falcon flew to its native side
Have fun girlfriends
Don't sing, don't sing, nightingale
Don't fly, don't fly, my blue dove
What bloomed, flowers bloomed in the field
Willow, willow, my green
I didn’t break the Kalinushka
Like a rattlesnake's key
There is a nice little meadow
Like two doves on a oak tree
manul guy girl
Walked-walked well done
It was in the forests, in forests-pine forests
My nightingale, loud little bird
What was in the light room
Spin, my spin, spin, don't be lazy
Sovereign my dear father
Far away in the open field
Farewell, father-Irtysh, with steep mountains
The falcon soared high
Ah, not alone, not alone
From under the mountains, young, I'm going
Down the street youngster
The poor bird flew out to the valley
Down the river, down the fast
I'm in a quiet in a humble in a conversation
My nightingale, nightingale, young
I'll go out the gate
In the well it was in the cold
Not dear to my beloved
Like a young man walked the path
Already you, my gardens, gardens
Oh, captivity, captivity - the boyar court.
Oh you night, dark night
As in the city in St. Petersburg.
Evening night to the girl
Is it not the dawn, the evening dawn, the dawn faltered
You scatter-ko, inflate-ko, curly rowanberry
In the village, the village of Pokrovsky
Do not fly, falcon, along the new hallway,
Time passes, time flies

Like a swallow and a killer whale
In the middle was the kingdom of Moscow
Where was the falcon, where was the falcon?
As if on a bridge, bridge
As if on a mountain, mountain
Early in the morning at dawn
Yesterday was a girl's party
Deer in the field - golden horns
The moon shines over the mountain
Gold to gold pours
On the edge of the blue sea
On the mountain, on the mountain, on the high. :
Around Kazan, around the city
You are the Yacht stone
That a falcon flew
The falcon flew over the cherry
The storm beat before the cloud
From the field, field-polichka
How we did this year
rolled out skaten pearls
On the sea, on the sea of ​​a spleen.
Oh you apple trees, you apple trees
My heart, you are my heart
Spring water spilled
Polechko, polechko utorenny track
Ai fees, fees Lukeryushkina
Not violent winds inspired
That not the keys blurted out
I beg, beautiful girl
Through the meadows in spring
I went young
Thank you, steamy soap baenka
My frisky legs do not carry
Thank you dear mother
Now I will lift my clear eyes
Don't be afraid, the house is a warm nest
Stupid young wild head
Get loose, people, good people
Lord Jesus Christ Son of God
Sleep well, it's time to get up
Glory to God, glory to the Lord
What is a sister to a dear brother
Get up, my doves
In the Kremlin Kitay-gorod
It was in the garden, in the garden
The weather rose
Oh smoky, oh sultry

I look like a mountain, I’ll look through the window
My winds, winds, you are violent winds
Pava flew across the street
A young widow walked and walked
For a long time I, for a long time, was with my father
Came, baby, all the meadows and swamps
They give me to hell
Oh, not raw forest lights up
The sun goes low
Is it my stripe and stripe
It's not sleep that drives my head.
Outside it's raining, it's snowing
Eagle on the sea
Mother gave away in marriage
And gossips drink, doves drink
Splinter, birch splint
Destiny is you, my destiny
Get green, get green, my little green garden
Kalina with raspberries water understood
Pine, young pine
Near the garden, young, I go.
Past the garden, past the green
Like a blue-gray young drake
You disperse, make way, good people
I walk near the river, young
I sleep, baby, doze.
Kalina, viburnum, my viburnum
Oh, yes, the nightingale's wings have flailed
Like a river.
I'll go, I'll go for a walk in the green garden
Oh, my hop, hop, cheerful head
Oh, and the widow cried.
With oak flax, flax
Mother gave me
I was born to my mother
One was in the field track
Oh you youth, my youth
High, high Maple Leaf
Pine, pine
I was with my mother favorite daughter,
In an open field, a field.
At Father's Gate
Through the woods, the woods are dark
Grape, sweet berry

.Black Raven
My father had, my mother had three beloved sons
Along the St. Petersburg, Moscow along the path
Our valiant little heads are victorious
You bake, bake, red sun
Not a cuckoo in a damp forest cuckooed
It's sickening to live a widow with orphans
Like a swallow, a killer whale
You are my curls, curls
It is not clear the falcon flew
Toril Vanyushka the path
How father gave me in marriage
My dawn, dawn
How not the dust in the field became dusty
There was one, one from the father, from the mother
Snows are not white in an open field
Drank something my violent little head
Curled, twisted my kudertsy.
How Vanya's head hurts
You are already a v^ter, rogue, wind-breeze
Mother gave birth to me
The kid was walking along the road
My path, the path is glorious St. Petersburg
By dawn - dawn heart heard
You are my nights, dark nights
There was a tree in an open field
Bitter something in the grass field, bitter wormwood
A beaten new track
That the victorious little heads of soldiers.
Are you my side, side.
How not from the mountains, not from the valleys, strong weather
Are you my valley, valley, wide expanse
You are winter, winter
Is my road, dear
From the evening, from midnight
Midday weather
Far away are you, expanse, in an open field
Ah, poor little heads of soldiers
What curled my rus curls
Oh you are my fogs, fogs
Not a grass, not a feather grass staggers in the field
Not from clouds, not from thunder, not from the sun
They will sing, the father raised us.
Not a white birch leans to the ground
Like a key had a fluid one
As no one knows about it, does not know
Ah, the fog fell on the blue sea
Beyond the Urals beyond the river
Oh, mother Moscow river
You lancers
Behind the mountains there were high
Not black blueberry turned black
At dawn it was in the morning
Quietly blue sea became
Our glorious was indignant Quiet Don
As on the glorious it was on Round Lake
Cossacks came from the Black Sea

Yes you guys take it together
Not evening dawn, brothers, subsided
Ah, on the platform, the bridge
Isn't it time for us, brothers-children
In the morning it was early, early
Before our gates.
Free bird birdie quail point

Don't make noise, mother green dubrovushka.
You are vagabonds, you are vagabonds.
You are a mountain ash, you are curly,
You are an orphan child
Volga, you are mother Volga
Orphan, you, orphan, bitter orphan
Not a feather grass in the field, the grass staggers
The edge of the track, the edge is wide
Not an epic in an open field staggered
What else are you guys thinking?
The young clear falcon grew cold
The thief Kopeikin is going
It wasn't far, it was far
What is from Nizhny Nova-Gorod
You rise, red sun
Are you my orphan, orphan
On the steppe, the steppe on the Saratov
Did I live with a friend, I'm with a friend in conscience
Already you, will, my will
Not for-for me, well done, the prison is built
You, my forests, forests, dark forests
The falcon used to have time.
Good fellows all live in the wild
You sing, sing, young lark.
As it happened to me, I’m clear to the falcon, but it’s time.
No nightingales in the green forest whistle loudly
All people live like flowers bloom.
You are a villain and a glutton, a fierce snake
Oh, what are you, my blue dove

Ammosov A. Khas-Bulat daring
Veltman A. What is foggy, clear dawn
Vyazemsky P. Troika
Glinka F. Troika
Comb E. Black eyes
Greinz R. Cold waves are splashing
Davydov D. Glorious sea - sacred Baikal
Zhukovsky V. Ring of the Maiden Soul
Kozlov I. Evening bells
Kozlov I. The day will wake up - its beauty
Koltsov A. Oh, why did they give me away by force.
Koltsov A. Over the river on the mountain
Koltsov A. Over the Don the garden blooms
Koltsov A. Don't make noise, rye
Kugushev V. Don't wake me, young
Lermontov M. In the deep gorge of Darial
Lermontov M. I go out alone on the road
Lermontov M. Open the dungeon for me
Lermontov M. Sleep, my beautiful baby.
Makarov N. The bell rings monotonously
Merzlyakov A. Among the flat valley
Nekrasov N. I did not walk with a flail in a dense forest.
Nekrasov N. It was good for the kid
Nekrasov N. Troika
Nikitin I. No stake, no yard
Olkhin A. Dubinushka
Pleshcheev A. I grew up with my mother in the hall
Polonsky Ya. In a familiar street
Polonsky Y. My fire in the fog shines
Pushkin A. I look like a madman at a black shawl
Pushkin A. Once at midnight sometimes
Razorenov A. Do not scold me, dear
Repninsky Ya. Upstairs you, comrades, all in their places.
Ryleev K. The storm roared, the rain roared
Sokolov N. Shumel, Moscow fire burned
Stromilov S. It is not the wind that bends the branch
Surikov I. Like the sea at the hour of the surf
Surikov I. You sleep, sleep, my dear
Surikov I. Steppe and steppe all around
Surikov I. Quietly skinny horse
Trefolev L. When I served as a coachman at the post office
Tsyganov N. Do not sew for me, mother
Tsyganov N. What are you, nightingale
Languages ​​N. From a country, a distant country:
Yazykov N. Our sea is unsociable
Alphabetical index

Oral folk art represents an extensive layer of Russian culture, formed over many centuries. The works of Russian folklore reflect many of the feelings of the people and their experiences, history, serious thoughts about the meaning of life, humor, fun and much more. Most of the works of oral folk art exist in poetic form, which made it possible to memorize them well and pass them on from generation to generation orally.

Small genres of folklore include works of small volume: ditties, nursery rhymes, jokes, proverbs, riddles, lullabies, fables, tongue twisters. Sometimes they are referred to as children's folk art, because the acquaintance of a person in ancient times with these works occurred at an age when he did not even speak. These works are interesting for their brightness, accessibility, understandable form for everyone.

Small genres of Russian folklore:

Russian folk proverbs

Russian proverbs and sayings - are a short, rhythmically organized, figurative folk statement, often instructive, instructive content, these are a kind of folk aphorisms. They often consist of two parts, supported by rhyme, have rhythm, characteristic alliteration and assonances.

Russian folk rhymes

Folk rhymes - rhymed short stories, songs and rhymes, combined with simple movements designed to entertain the child, train his memory, develop fine motor skills hands and coordination of movements, the harmonious development of the child as a whole, through an unobtrusive game form.

Russian folk jokes

Jokes or amusements are small, funny, often rhyming works that tell in a bright, entertaining way about interesting events that happened to its heroes. They are distinguished by dynamic content, energetic actions of the characters, designed to interest the child, develop his imagination, bring positive emotions.

Russian folk tales

Russian folk tales - small in volume fairy tales, sometimes filed in a rhymed form, the plot of which is built on meaningless, illogical events. Their task is to amuse the listener, instill in the child a sense of humor, logic, imagination and develop the whole process of thinking as a whole.

Russian folk tongue twisters

Russian tongue twister is a short humorous phrase built on a combination of hard-to-pronounce sounds, invented by our ancestors for entertainment and now used to correct problems with speech and diction.

Is the children's business a fairy tale? Initially, no. The first books of fairy tales were collections of folklore stories, and with all desire they could not be called children's. Only later, fairy tales, adapted by writers, turned into reading for children. In Russia, the first fairy tale written specifically for children appeared only in 1829. It was the well-known "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" by Anthony Pogorelsky.

It is unlikely that today someone will seriously begin to assert that fairy tales are an atavism that no one needs, but at dawn Soviet era they were considered harmful. Then many got it, and especially Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky for "Crocodile", "Cockroach" and "Fly-Tsokotuha". Books with folk tales were removed from libraries, and fairy tale "mysticism" was considered rubbish that interfered with the education of the working class. But the fairy tale survived just like the New Year.

Today, the fairy tale lives in a variety of genre and book formats. The choice is huge: folk and author's, modern and ancient, translated and Russian, adapted and unadapted, "without cuts". Connoisseurs of authenticity can get reprinted editions of old books, and fans of everything modern can buy fairy tales dressed in the most conceptual literary and design form.

Fairy tales for the little ones

When to start acquaintance with fairy tales? Yes, actually, when you still can't read! Many fairy tales are intended to be told to kids who have not yet fully mastered the skills of oral speech.

"Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip" have a simple plot and gradually introduce the child to the outside world. The main characters - animals and objects - acquire human thoughts and voices and act just like people: sometimes wisely and nobly, sometimes stupidly and cruelly. Usually such fairy tales are read not two or three, but many times, and the lessons that the characters receive are remembered by the child for life.

Author's fairy tales that three-year-olds listen to with pleasure include adapted fairy tales by Charles Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, and funny stories of Chukovsky, Marshak, Suteev, Sladkov. There are also many children's books that have long been considered classics abroad, but have recently gained popularity in Russia: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "Dreamy Chameleon" by Eric Karl, "The Huge Crocodile" and "Amazing Mr. Fox" by Roald Dahl, "Kriktor" and "Emil. The Good Octopus" by Tomi Ungerer, "Mowley" by Judith Kerr and "Charlotte the Sheep" by Anu Stoener... They are made just for the little ones, they have talking animals, and unusual incidents, and, of course, instructive - but unobtrusive element.

The main thing in all fairy tales for little ones is that they teach to separate black from white, tell how important kindness and mutual assistance are, and also confirm that any evil always gets what it deserves. But no less important is the design. It is good if the first book that the child begins to read on his own will have large print and vivid illustrations. The work of the artist is no less significant: the livelier, more emotional the drawing, the more book the little reader will love it.

Top 10 fairy tales for kids

  • Two magpies chatted. Russian folk tales, songs, nursery rhymes.
  • Pan Kotofey. Ukrainian and Belarusian folk tales
  • Chukovsky K.I. "Wonder Tree"
  • Andersen H.-K. " ugly duck"
  • Perro C. "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • Marshak S.Ya. "Cat house"
  • Carl E. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
  • Rosen M. "Let's Go Bear Catching"
  • Donaldson D. "The Gruffalo"
  • Shtoner A. "Little Santa Claus"

Fairy tales for self-readers

When a child gets older, it is more interesting for him to listen and read about heroes similar to himself: about children, their adventures, travels, transformations and magical encounters.

First of all, these are the author's fairy tales: " The Snow Queen Andersen, Pinocchio, The Kid and Carlson, Niels Journey with wild geese". In these fairy tales, not only are the heroes-children in whom it is easy to recognize oneself, they have a place for a difficult choice, an independent attempt to figure out the correctness of actions. The Magician tells about the importance of friendship and mutual assistance emerald city", and in unusual world fantasy will help to immerse "Alice in Wonderland".

At this age, children are fascinated by the opportunity to immerse themselves in a full-fledged fairy world, whether it's the world of Nosov, Raspe, Milne, Rodari, talking toys or E. Raud's little naxitralls - characters that are extremely interesting to follow. The plot is based on dynamic adventures and a real "comedy of situations". Laughter at the funny mistakes of the characters and empathy for them in difficult moments determine the emotional background of the child's growing up.

In addition, this is the best period to get acquainted with the classics. Tales of A.S. Pushkin, " The Scarlet Flower" S. Aksakov, "The Nutcracker" by E. Hoffmann ... Books to which, most likely, children will return. Tales of the classics of the 19th century, such as V. Gauf and O. Wilde, are interesting to read not only for children. even the mysticism of these works attracts adult readers - let alone "Alice" and "The Little Prince", in which people of all ages willingly look for the most unexpected and deepest meanings.

Top 10 fairy tales for children 6-8 years old

  • Gauf W. "Little Muk"
  • Raskatov M. "The Missing Letter"
  • Druzhkov Yu. "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin: A True Tale"
  • Tolstoy A. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"
  • Nosov N. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  • Carroll L. "Alice in Wonderland"
  • Lindgren A. "Baby and Carlson"
  • Nesbit E. "Five Children and It"
  • Harris J.Ch. "Tales of Uncle Remus"
  • Bond M. "Paddington Bear"

Fairy tales for "adult" children

The most difficult age for choosing a book is coming, because right now the child is turning into a teenager. "Carlson" and "Pinocchio" are left behind, it's time to offer "Gulliver's Travels" or "The Jungle Book", where exciting adventures will coexist with the opportunity to absorb a huge amount of new information.

10-12 years old - best time to read "Moomin-trolls" and feel the "Flying Tales" of Krapivin. "The Night Before Christmas" by Gogol, "Little Tsakhes" by Hoffmann - this is both interesting for a child and quite serious, adult reading. This does not mean at all that the young reader has "grown" out of folk tale. It’s just that now this is a completely different reading, which not only teaches you to distinguish between good and evil, but also introduces you to the culture and traditions of the peoples of the world.

Fairy tales that have developed in China, Japan, India attract with unusual color, but perhaps the child will notice something in common between the plots from Russian fairy tales known to him and oriental "exotics". For example, motive magic power possessed by the simplest-looking objects. Walking boots, a cap of invisibility - there is something similar in Japanese fairy tale"What the Birds Said". The old man finds a cap in the forest, putting on it, he begins to understand the voices of birds. They tell him about a variety of human misfortunes, and, traveling from village to village, the old man saves the peasants from troubles and misfortunes. Fate rewards the old man for his responsiveness and love for his neighbor. The villagers surround him with universal honor - and what could be more valuable than respect for old age and wisdom in Eastern culture?

Top 10 fairy tales for children 8-12 years old

  • Fairy tales Japan. strawberries under the snow
  • Hodza, Zhukrovsky. "Gullible tiger. Burmese, Indonesian, Vietnamese tales"
  • Fairy Tales of Sweden
  • Jansson T. "All about the Moomins"
  • Kipling R.D. "Mowgli"
  • Schmidt A. "Murli"
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery " A little prince"
  • Jones D.W. "Walking castle"
  • Maar P. "Seven Saturdays in a week"
  • Jaster N. "Cute and the Magic Booth"
  • Ende M. "The Neverending Story"

modern fairy tale

A fairy tale is a time-tested way to instill in a child the knowledge of how things work. Fairy tales do not age, they are read and will continue to be read whenever they are created. However, this does not mean that the fairy tale of the 21st century does not exist.

The fairy tale tradition continues today. The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, How the Elephant Fell from the Sky by Kate DiCamillo, Paddington Bear by Michael Bond, Pettson and Findus by Sven Nordqvist are just a few of the fine contemporary foreign fairy tales. Russia also has its own storytellers: Elena Rakitina and Marina Aromshtam, Evgenia Pasternak and Andrey Zhvalevsky, Dina Sabitova and Sergey Sedov. And more and more new excellent original fairy tales are coming out!
