Grigory Osipov is a baritone singer. About the little weaknesses of famous baritones

“Three honored, one popular and one promising,” - this is how, jokingly, the entertainer of the program Marianna Galanina introduced the correspondent of A-chips to the eminent cast: Andrei Baturkin and Anatoly Loshak (both from the Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko), Grigory Osipov (State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia and the Moscow State academic philharmonic society), Igor Tarasov (Moscow Musical Theatre Helikon Opera and La Fenice, Italy), Evgeny Lieberman (Dell Aquila, Fermo, Italy). All these extremely talented artists are laureates of international and all-Russian competitions.

The concert program "Parade of the Best Baritones of Russia" was traditionally presented by the "Talents of the World" Foundation, which is managed by the author of the project, President and artistic director fund, no less famous Opera singer, tenor David Gvinianidze.

Unfortunately, he could not come to Belgorod, as stated earlier. On December 3, he celebrated his thirty-third birthday, and an enchanting concert took place in Moscow, dedicated not only to his birthday, but also to the day the foundation was created (December 17, 2002). D. Gvinianidze is currently preparing for solo concert in one of the suburban cities.

The program "Parade of the best baritones of Russia" was previously called "My love is a melody" and is dedicated to the memory of the legend of the 20th century Muslim Magomayev. It is significant in that it was first performed on November 26, 2008, a month after the death of the great singer, with the permission of his widow Tamara Sinyavskaya.

It's nice that our compatriot, professor of the Moscow State Conservatory, shone in front of the Belgorod residents, National artist RF, winner of the Grand Prix and the first prize International Competition vocalists (Italy), as well as silver medal Irina Arkhipova Foundation - Anatoly Loshak.

He was greeted with thunderous applause, flowers, and followed with admiring glances. He turned out to be the only artist from the group who, at the dawn of his musical career sang with Muslim Magomayev on the same stage in Germany and earned approval from the lips of the master.

The program included classical opera parts - Robert's aria ("Iolanthe"), Vindex's epithalamus ("Nero"), Aleko's cavatina ("Aleko"), Valentine's cavatina ("Faust"). Trio A. Baturkin - E. Lieberman - G. Osipov demonstrated vocal art and high acting skills, especially in the performance of Figaro's cavatina.

The owner of the lyric-dramatic baritone Grigory Osipov charmed the listeners with the richness of his voice palette. Aleko's thoughts, passionate love lyrical hero in Muslim Magomayev's song "Passion" - the artist succeeded in different facets of images.

The genre of operetta music was represented by the works of Imre Kalman and Johann Strauss. The mood, the lightness of the genre, the comic of situations in the performance of their parts were conveyed to the viewer by the virtuoso masters of the operetta Evgeny Lieberman and Andrey Baturkin.

In the second part of the concert, more than 15 songs from the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev were performed: “My Joy Lives”, “Troubadour Serenade”, “Tenderness”, “Make a Wish”, “ Best City land" and others. Piano accompaniment was provided by the laureate of international competitions Mikhail Yeghiazaryan.

But, probably, the concert would not have become so sincere and lyrical if it were not for the magical voice of the only woman involved in this concert program- host Marianna Galanina.

Possessing extraordinary charm, she was able to convey to the viewer the magnitude of Muslim Magomayev's talent, to tell about this interesting and difficult person.

And the audience enjoyed the meeting with the high musical art. From the long unceasing applause one could understand that the audience yearned for emotional singing and vivid musical impressions.

Grigory Osipov was born on May 12, 1960 in Baku, Azerbaijan. In 1989 he graduated from the L. Sobinov Saratov Conservatory in the class of Professor A. I. Bystrov, after which he worked in the Saratov and Baku opera house. Since 1992, Grigory Leonidovich has become a soloist in the Moscow State Philharmonic. In 1996, he completed an internship in Vienna with Professor Ingeborg Wamser. He made his debut at the Bolshoi Theater in 2009 as Ebn-Khakia in Iolanta by P. Tchaikovsky. In the same year he performed the part of Afron - "The Golden Cockerel" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

He is a laureate of prestigious international singing competitions in the city of Verviers, the city of Bilbao, named after Chariklen Darkle in the city of Braila. First Prize Winner International Festival lyrical voices in Athens and the April Spring Festival in Pyongyang.

In 2009, Grigory Osipov was awarded a badge of honor - the silver order "Service to Art" by the International Academy of Culture and Art. Has toured to Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Greece, Denmark, Slovakia, South Korea, China, as well as in various cities of Russia and Belarus. In 2010, he took part in the 1st Korean Opera Festival, performing the role of Georges Germont - "La Traviata" by G. Verdi, on stage National Opera Korea in Seoul.

Honored Artist Russian Federation- Grigory Osipov, became a soloist in 2010 academic ensemble songs and dances Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov. His baritone struck everyone with the beauty of the timbre, the richness of the voice palette. The flexible and flying voice of the singer sounded captivating and sincere, strict and significant - in full accordance with music played and text, revealing different facets of the image. Together with the team, Grigory Osipov traveled literally the whole world - toured Russia, as well as Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain. The ensemble also took part in tours in hot spots.

Grigory Osipov's repertoire included such opera parts as: Aleko - "Aleko" by S. Rachmaninov, Figaro - "The Barber of Seville" by G. Rossini, Silvio - "Pagliacci" by R. Leonkovallo, Valentin - "Faust" by S. Gounod, Onegin - " Eugene Onegin" by P. Tchaikovsky, Robert, Ebn-Hakia - "Iolanta" by P. Tchaikovsky, Malatesta - "Don Pasquale" by G. Donizetti, His Serene Highness - "Cherevichki" by P. Tchaikovsky, Count Almaviva - "The Wedding of Figaro" by V.A. Mozart, Count di Luna - "Troubadour" by G. Verdi, Alfio - "Country Honor" by P. Mascagni, Morales and Escamillo - "Carmen" by J. Bizet, Duke - " Miserly knight» S. Rachmaninov, Chairman - “A Feast in the Time of Plague” by C. Cui, Sharpless - “Madama Butterfly” by G. Puccini, Yeletsky - “ Queen of Spades» P. Tchaikovsky.

Osipov Grigory Leonidovich tragically died on December 25, 2016 in a plane crash of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the city of Sochi, bound for Syria. A total of 92 people died, including 64 artists of the Alexandrov Ensemble, almost the entire choir and part of the orchestra musicians - accordion and balalaika players.

A wonderful concert took place in our city. A trio of baritones came to us: Grigory Osipov, Philip Bandzhak and Sergey Plyusnin.
For our small town, this was an extraordinary event.
I was at this concert. All three performers are amazing. Each in their own way, and together they complement each other perfectly.

Here is what the Tatar-inform newspaper wrote about this:

"The program dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Muslim Magomayev was presented by the World Talents Foundation under the leadership of David Gvinianidze.

(Bugulma, November 9, Tatar-inform, Marina Kolesnikova). Passed on stage with a full house drama theater International gala concert "Three baritones". The program dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Muslim Magomayev was presented by the World Talents Foundation under the leadership of David Gvinianidze. As the posters promised, the concert featured songs from the repertoire legendary singer performed best voices modernity.

This concert was a real gift for the fans. classical singing. Arias from operas and operettas, romances and serenades, Broadway melodies, as well as songs to the music of Arno Babajanyan, in general, the best of the great singer's repertoire sounded that evening on the stage of the Bugulma Drama Theater.

Soloist Bolshoi Theater, Honored Artist of Russia Grigory Osipov has been collaborating with the Talents of the World Foundation from the first days of its foundation. And it's been about 10 years now. Although the singer was not personally acquainted with Muslim Magomayev, he is proud that they are countrymen, both from Baku. And with a special feeling he performs the song "Azerbaijan" at concerts, the music for which Magomayev wrote himself.

All participants of the concert are real stars. They performed on the most famous stages of the world, won many vocal competitions. Sergei Plyusnin last year won the competition of the TV channel "Culture" "Big Opera". Most recently, he became the best in the international competition named after Muslim Magomayev.

Soloist of the Prague Opera Philip Bandzhak was personally acquainted with Muslim Magomayev. The singer's wife People's Artist USSR Tamara Sinyavskaya Philip passed state exams in Russian Academy theatrical art. Singing young singer Sinyavskaya liked it so much that she invited him to visit. So, Philip first met with Muslim Magomayev.

The youngest participant of the gala concert is concertmaster Stanislav Serebryannikov. He is still a student, graduating from the Schnittke Institute of Music in piano and studying vocals in the 2nd year of the Moscow State Conservatory. To get into the Three Baritones project, the pianist went through a tough selection process.

The gala concert of two parts was held in one breath. The soloists did not want to let go for a long time.

Marianna Galanina, Deputy Director of the World Talents Foundation, expressed her hope that the first experience of the Foundation's artists performing in Bugulma would develop into friendship between the city and World Talents. So Bugulma residents will be able to enjoy the performances of world opera stars more than once."

You can read more about each participant of the concert here:

Of course, I tried to capture something on camera. Alas! - I do not have a normal video camera, only a camera camera. Well, how did it happen.

Honored Artist of Russia Grigory Osipov is often compared by critics and admirers of his talent with the legendary Muslim Magomayev. By the timbre of the voice, the manner of performance and even appearance. The young baritone himself takes such comparisons calmly and is not afraid to be in the shadow of a great singer. He talked about this and more in candid interview"Week".

Passion for Magomayev

From the exciting lyrical-dramatic baritone, sounding in handset, thoughts are confused and all prepared questions are forgotten. But to its owner - the Russian singer Grigory Osipov - we have accumulated a lot of them ...

– Grigory, on October 27, for the first time on the stage of the Organ Hall of Naberezhnye Chelny, you will present the program “My Love is a Melody”, dedicated to the memory of Muslim Magomayev. In your opinion, why even after the death of this artist, his personality and work arouse such strong interest among the public?

- Muslim Magometovich was not just a versatile and versatile singer, but also a competent baritone. And the way he sang songs, the other will never be able to. His voice was unique oriental flavor. The highlight was also that Muslim Magomayev had a unique timbre. After all, even now many performers are trying to imitate him, but these are just attempts. And copies, as you know, are always worse than the original.

Our dossier

Grigory Osipov - Russian singer(baritone). Honored Artist of Russia, laureate and winner of prestigious creative competitions: the International Festival of Choirs and Vocalists in Athens (Greece), the International Competition named after Mario del Monaco in the city of Marsala (Italy), the competition in Verviers (Belgium), the vocal competition in Bilbao (Spain) and named after Hariclea Darkle (Romania). Soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic.
The most famous roles are the Count (Mozart's Marriage of Figaro), Figaro (Rossini's Barber of Seville), Silvio (Leoncavallo's Pagliacci), Valentina (Gounod's Faust), Aleko (Rakhmaninov's Aleko), Onegin (Eugene Onegin" Tchaikovsky). In addition, the singer's repertoire includes romances, Russian folk and Neapolitan songs.

With the parade of the best baritones of Russia within the framework of the project “My love is a melody”, we pay tribute to the memory of the great singer. With this program, we traveled to many cities in Russia and other countries: we were in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Israel ... In the near future - Germany and Spain. Russians also live there, who are madly yearning for the songs of Muslim Magomayev. They are waiting for us with great impatience.

- Believe me, they yearned in Tatarstan too! How will you satisfy the longing of our viewer?

- Famous and time-tested songs: "Ferris Wheel", "Thank You", "Wedding" and "Beauty Queen". In addition, the program will include opera arias, classical romances and Neapolitan compositions.

On the stage - "holy simplicity"

- You said that Muslim Magomayev was unique and inimitable. So, the task of singing like a legendary baritone is not in front of you in this project ...

- No, we just want to convey to the listener the best that was in his work, to recall that wonderful time when Muslim Magomayev shone, and the song had a completely different character and had deep meaning. For now on Russian stage everything is ridiculously simple. And behind this "holy simplicity", alas, is worth nothing.

We are trying to do what Muslim Magomayev did in his time - to combine classical music with pop, so that the listener would be interested. After all, now is a time when you can not lock yourself only in the classics.

- And are there, in addition to imaginary stars, such performers who personally evoke sympathy for you?

- Valery Meladze: I see a deep meaning in his songs. I also like a wonderful singer - Valeria. In general, there are many singers on the Russian stage, and everyone in show business maneuvers in their own way.

What concert would you like to go to yourself?

– I don’t get hung up only on classical concerts, sometimes I visit variety ones.
Frankly, I recently attended a concert by Stas Mikhailov in the Kremlin Palace. And I liked it. This artist has very soulful songs and an interesting musical rhythm.
Do not create for yourself ... Muslim

- Grigory, how do you feel about the fact that you are often compared to a great baritone?

You know, I'm always glad to hear that. I really try to reach out high level his skill. But I am aware that I will never succeed. And trying to achieve the ideal is necessary. Any singer. Like Muslim Magometovich, I am from Baku. And his work is very close to me, I perfectly understand this artist. I always sing along with him on stage and pass each song through myself. I confess to you that for me he really was an idol and a great love.

- What is a pledge for you good performance?

- Mode and full sleep - at least six hours. I must say right away: I do not believe in any signs. If the singer gets enough sleep, then he must perform well. There are performers who like to sleep for a long time, but this is rather harmful for the voice. It is also necessary to take care of the ligaments - our most fragile tool. The weather has changed, the rain has begun - all this can affect the quality of the timbre. Also, don't go for ice cream.

- Do you follow all these rules strictly?

– Not really (Laughs). I love good ice cream - that's my little weakness. Vanilla ice cream. But I try not to abuse this delicacy. But I do not smoke - it erases the timbre. If the singer has such bad habit, he cannot count on creative longevity. So in the case of Muslim Magomayev, smoking had a negative effect on his singing, especially in last years life. You know, tobacco and talent can easily be ruined!..

P.S.. October 27 at 19.00 in the Organ Hall of Naberezhnye Chelny will host an international gala concert "My love is a melody", dedicated to the memory of the legendary Muslim Magomayev. Trio worldwide famous baritones– Philip Bandzhak, Grigory Osipov and Andrey Breus – will perform best compositions from the repertoire of the great singer.
