Valeria's first husband: “I should have beaten her too! Alexander Shulgin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Alexander Shulgin producer personal life today.


Alexander wrote his first poem in primary school. And, of course, it was dedicated to my mother.

In the sixth grade, Sasha became interested in music. He began to take music from high school students and rewrite it on reels. It turned out that on one side there were records of "ABBA", on the other - songs of "Led Zeppelin". At the age of 12, Shulgin played in the school ensemble. Life was filled with playing the guitar, songs and constant rehearsals.

Initially school team played those songs that were part of the generally accepted school repertoire of that time. For example, the compositions of the Gems group, then foreign songs were used, as well as the music of Time Machine and Sunday.

On graduation party the team has already played their own songs. Naturally, at that time the guys did not have equipment. The parents bought guitars for the members of the ensemble, but the guys made the amplifier themselves from improvised means.

One summer, older guys dragged a megaphone out of the city park. Bass guitar began to pass through it. The ensemble was rehearsing in the building of a state institution and its director saw a megaphone from the musicians. When he found out about his origin, he immediately turned to the police. As a result, all the boys were given two years probation. Alexandra, however, was not brought to trial because of her age - he was less than 14 years old.

From music, this incident did not force him to give up. The guys began to design columns, and then completely changed the technique. At this time, Shulgin plunged headlong into composing music. At the same time, he managed to study well at school. By the way, in the seventh grade future composer even represented Irkutsk at the Mathematical Olympiad and returned with a victory.

After school, Sasha entered the institute, but did not give up music. Sometimes he, along with musicians, performed on city dance floors.

Carier start

One day the Carnival group arrived in Irkutsk. The musicians met Alexander Shulgin and were invited to Moscow. The young man went to the capital and met the Cruise group there. At that time, a decree appeared banning rock bands. Alexander began to go through the authorities and ensured that the state commission accepted the Cruise program. The musicians called themselves a chamber-instrumental ensemble that played the classics in modern processing. At that time, own songs were under the strictest ban. After a series of concerts, the guys ended up in Germany. There they lived for four years. Well, after the "Cruise" ceased to exist. Relationships in the team deteriorated due to ambition.

Shulgin stayed in Germany and began to learn the whole system of show business. He worked with world celebrities in the studio, implemented several local projects and returned to Moscow. And in Russian capital Shulgin began to engage in entrepreneurship: he opened firms and joint ventures.

However, Alexander Shulgin did not forget about creativity. He continued to write. Music and words were born and deposited in memory.

Acquaintance with Valeria

Just at that time, foreign specialists arrived in Moscow to implement the project. It was possible to invite them to only one place - a bar on Taganka. It was he who was visited by all foreigners and diplomats. Shulgin visited there often and knew perfectly well who worked there. By the way, Igor Matvienko and Sergey Mazaev sang there.

Alexander and his partners came to the club and saw a young singer whom Shulgin did not know. Colleagues noticed that the girl had a very beautiful voice. After the concert, the musician plucked up courage and approached the artist. He left his phone and explained that he would like to cooperate. This girl turned out to be future wife Alexandra singer Valeria.

The next day, the artist called, and after a couple of weeks she was recording in the studio. However, at first it didn’t work out well, because there were eternal creative disputes. With sin in half, the work was completed, by the way, in the end, cooperation went like clockwork.

Alexander Shulgin on video

And at this stage, Valeria and Sasha realized that they were interested in each other not only as work partners. As a result, Shulgin confessed his love. At that time, the singer was married, but two months later she divorced and began to live with her yesterday's colleague. A few months later, Valeria became pregnant. Daughter Anya was born.

From the outside, the marriage seemed perfect. But later Valeria told what she had experienced over the years. The incomprehensible aggression of the spouse began to manifest itself as soon as the wife and daughter were discharged from the hospital. Once at dinner, Valeria says, it seemed to Alexander that she said something wrong. Shulgin immediately plunged a knife into her knee so that blood spurted in all directions.

But after such an incident, Valeria did not leave her husband. She was held by feelings, then new album. During the preparation of the disc, it just turned out that the artist was pregnant for the second time - with her son Artem.

“I still can’t forget,” says Valeria, “how little Artyom got sick in the car. Shulgin hit him in the face so that the one-year-old baby's ear turned black. Moreover, the father locked his son in an aviary with a dog - as a punishment. Then he called the child nothing more than a "piece of shit."

Alexander Shulgin. While everyone is at home 2001

In November 1998, the Shulgins had a third child, Arseniy. By the way, while still pregnant, Valeria filed for divorce. Then Alexander did not live with his family and did not know anything about the third child. As soon as he found out about interesting position wife, then began to beg to return. Then they entered into a marriage contract - Shulgin promised to improve. But this did not happen and Valeria, together with the children, went to her parents. By the way, Shulgin himself denies all the accusations of his ex-wife.

And at this time, a lot of invitations rained down on Shulgin. He, in particular, was invited to the project "Become a Star". Later, he was accused of abandoning the collective of manufacturers "Other Rules". Shulgin withstood about 50 trials and a number of scandalous publications, including the revelations of the singer Valeria.

Now Alexander Shulgin manages his Familia group of companies. She works in the field of new media, entertainment industry, publishing business.

And in 2008, Shulgin presented the Triptych. These are three albums. instrumental music own composition. "Triptych" is a combination of traditional urban jazz and modern chill-out style.

A simple Siberian guy was able to independently break into Russian show business and made a real pop star out of an unknown provincial singer. Why is the name of Alexander Shulgin now not well known, and who put an end to his production career? Why did his children and former colleagues turn away from him?

Biography of Alexander Shulgin

He was born on August 25, 1964 in Irkutsk. Since childhood, he began to write poetry, and in adolescence, music became one of his hobbies. It all started with collecting audio recordings, but after a while he already played the guitar in the school ensemble. Prom was his debut as a songwriter. Only with musical instruments was a big problem. If the guitars for the team were able to be purchased at the expense of the school budget, then the guys built the amplifier themselves from a megaphone stolen in the park. The loss was quickly discovered and the young performers were held accountable. Alexander was saved by the fact that at that time he was only 14 years old. The rest of the guys received 2 years probation.

After graduating from school, he entered ISLU, but then he was transferred to a technical university, and then to the University of Economics and Law. Music classes interfered with normal studies, so at the age of 19 he decided to focus on his favorite pastime. At that time, the Karnaval group was on tour in Irkutsk. The musicians became interested in the young promising poet and composer. There was an offer to go with them to Moscow. Alexander did not miss such a chance.

Carier start

The capital accepted the Siberian nugget warmly: in the first year he met the Cruise group. The team was at the peak of its popularity and toured all over the world. But it was at this time that a ban on the performance of rock music came out. It could put an end to the whole creative activity musicians. They remained practically without songs. Shulgin took on the mission to settle this problem and went to all instances. The strength of his persuasion was more than enough and the "Cruise" received permission to use his entire repertoire.

For a long four years, the entire team went to Germany. There, Alexander was able to study the whole cuisine of foreign show business and work with eminent performers. He wrote songs for films and world-famous artists. When the group broke up, he was in no hurry to return to his homeland. However, after Soviet Union ordered to live long, the musician decided to try his hand at the capital. In Russia, the wind of freedom was already blowing with might and main, and it was possible to write songs without fear and offer them to vociferous compatriots. Having great experience and realizing that big money he will not earn money with his poems, Shulgin decides to go the other way.


One evening, Alexander and his potential partners looked into a bar on Taganka. It was the only place in the capital where it was not a shame to bring foreign colleagues. Shulgin often visited this institution, where Igor Matvienko and Sergey Mazaev performed their songs. But on this particular day, there was a petite blonde with an incredibly strong voice on stage. The guests really liked her performance, and they highly appreciated her vocal skills. Alexander approached the aspiring singer and left his business card, not forgetting to mention that he worked with eminent foreign musicians.

Alla Perfilova was impressed by a young man in a good suit, but she did not believe his words. A short, thin and shy guy did not look like a show business guru. But she took the business card and called back the very next day. They met to discuss the details of the upcoming work. Alexander already knew that Alla was married and her husband was also a musician. But this did not matter: he counted only on fruitful cooperation.

Only business

Two weeks after they met, they were already recording an album. These were Russian romances in modern processing. The listeners accepted their joint creation well, but this album did not bring much popularity to the singer. Then Shulgin decides to record several songs on English language and try to push them overseas. "Taiga Symphony" was one of the highest quality products that were released in the early 90s, but people were hungry for other music.


By the time of recording the second album, Alexander confessed his love to Alla. The girl reciprocated his feelings. She liked his determination and a strong character that her husband did not have. Not only love, but also new creative ideas entered the life of Alexander Shulgin. In order not to burn out for the third time, he makes a brilliant publicity stunt. A huge banner with the image of the singer appears in the best place in Moscow. Her name is now not Alla, but Valeria. Such stage name looked the best to her. "The singer everyone was waiting for" was written on the banner, and people looked at the pretty big-eyed girl with interest. Of course, no one was expecting her, but the face and name are forever engraved in the memory of Muscovites.


At this time, Valeria was already a happy mother. They had a daughter with Shulgin, who was named Anna. The album was ready and advertising would provide him good sales. Naming his new creation in honor of his daughter, Shulgin shoots one of the most memorable and stylish clips of that time, “Airplane”. It will later become known why the singer has such sad eyes and strange black clothes in the form of a hoodie. Valeria was already pregnant for the second time, but this did not stop her husband from hitting her in the face. The bruises were covered by experienced make-up artists. Anna was a resounding success. The album sold out so quickly that Shulgin did not postpone recording a new one. He was not at all happy about the birth of his son. All attention was paid only to his daughter.


In 1997, another album was released. New songs received no less attention, and Shulgin created his own recording studio. Its services have been used by many Russian and foreign performers. The production center only strengthened his position in show business. In 1998, Valeria gave birth to another son and recorded a new album. A year later, the long-awaited breakthrough happens. "First Internet Album" becomes the most successful project of the spouses. It is safe to say that as a producer, Alexander Shulgin took place precisely at that moment. Almost all the songs from the album are in the rotation of radio stations, and in discos people dance to Valeria's hits. The top lines of the charts, a resounding success and folk love. In 2001, the album "Eyes of the color of the sky" thoroughly secures the singer's title of one of the most popular performers beginning millennium. Only glory and success are ahead, but suddenly the girl disappears. For a long time nothing is known about her until one day an information bomb explodes.

Beat or not beat?

After the break with Alexander Shulgin, the personal life of the star spouses became the most discussed in the country. The singer did not hide the reasons for the breakup and told reporters and journalists about all dark sides life with a famous producer. He not only beat her, but also abused his own children. He set the dogs on three-year-old Arseny and raised his hand to Artemy. Valeria herself for many years forgave regular beatings and hoped that one day her husband would change. But even the wedding did not bring relief.

The photo of Alexander Shulgin did not leave the pages of the yellow press, but he himself refused to comment. So the whole country was convinced that the singer had been beaten all these years and forced to sing songs that she did not like. Soon she married another producer, who became a real father to her children. All three of them abandoned their native and still do not communicate. But Valeria's first husband does not believe in her confession. He claims that a woman with such an iron character as Valeria's would never allow her to be bullied, and even more so over children.

Another blonde

Before the scandal subsided, the personal life of producer Alexander Shulgin again became public. This time, the young and talented singer Yulia Mikhalchik became a victim of a quick temper. The fact is that Shulgin became the producer of the third "Star Factory" and on final concert made a strange and ambiguous statement. He offered the finalist a hand in life. Julia herself and everyone who was in the "Olympic" did not understand what meaning he put into these words. But soon they began to appear everywhere together, recorded their debut album and even went on vacation to hot countries.

There, an incident occurred that put an end to the nascent relationship. Alexander roughly pushed the girl into the water. She decided not to repeat Valeria's mistakes and tore everything that was between them. The press procrastinated this case for a long time, proving Shulgin's cruelty and confirming his words ex-wife. Only years later, Mikhalchik said that she embellished the events too much, and the journalists added black colors. Shulgin did not beat her and treated her well, and that incident could simply be forgotten, because misunderstandings happen between two people in love. Julia still communicates well with former producer and he never refuses to help her. The hand that he extended to her 15 years ago is still ready to solve her problems.

Since then, Shulgin's personal life has been shrouded in a veil of secrecy. Nobody knows about it marital status and he refuses to be interviewed. He still writes songs and produces rising stars, but he could not repeat the success. It is worth noting that the most famous songs it was he who wrote for Mikhalchik. Yes, and Valeria, apart from the song “Watch”, for 15 years had no big hits. Not the most best husband, not the most a kind person, but one of the most brilliant producers in Russia wrote truly popular hits. Maybe his hand will light another new star?

Singer Valeria celebrated her 50th birthday this year. Many and many people are talking about her now, because the woman had to go through hard way from oblivion to glory, from bitterness and humiliation to happiness in personal life. Valeria is now a happy mother and wife, a successful artist and one of the main faces of the national stage. But many still do not forget sad story her second marriage - from producer Alexander Shulgin, she literally ran headlong, because she simply could not survive with children in the hell that her husband had turned her existence into.

The fate of Alexander Shulgin, who literally became famous in the name of Valeria, is being discussed even now. Where did the producer and composer go? Which stars are still collaborating with him? We will talk about all this in our material.

As it became known the day before, the children of the singer Valeria, and she has three of them from Shulgin, do not communicate with their father - they remember their childhood very vividly, and therefore do not seek to restore relations with their parent. Valeria and Shulgin broke up in 2001 when the children were small, but the guys still partially remember that Shulgin was a monster in relation to their mother.

The sons of Valeria and her daughter consider the current husband of the singer, Joseph Prigozhin, to be the father. He was able to become an authority and support for the guys, he won from the heart, first of all, through the heart of the mother.

As for Shulgin, according to official information, he never married a second time after his divorce from Valeria. For some time he was credited with romance by singer Yulia Mikhalchik, a graduate of Star Factory 3 - the man in the final of the project did young talent offers of a hand, but as it turned out, not a heart.

Mikhalchik later said that only creativity connected her with Shulgin and nothing more - he never called her to marry. Although the girl did not strive too much, she perceived the man more as a senior mentor and patron, but not as a beloved man.

According to Mikhalchik, the novel was fictional by journalists, and she and Shulgin simply did not dispel the rumors in time.

Valeria and Shulgin broke up loud scandal- the singer throughout the country announced that for many years she suffered bullying and humiliation from her husband. He did not try to defend himself - he simply stopped communicating with his family, including his three children. Perhaps exactly scandalous reputation didn’t let Shulgin arrange her personal life? He never tried to tell the press about personal things.

As for the occupation, now a well-known producer is engaged in both creativity and business. So, as for creativity, in 2016 Shulgin became a co-producer of the film "Chess" and wrote the music for the film - leading role Ornella Mutti played in the tape.

A little earlier, the man became interested in religion and even wrote music for Orthodox TV channel"Saved".

After 2016, Shulgin is known only as a successful businessman - he invests in new technologies. In 2017, Shulgin spoke at Innoprom's Finance for Industry 4.0 platform, where he presented his vision of the country's future. According to Shulgin, robotization is the most likely way for the development of society, and therefore young people should choose professions that correspond to new trends.

Currently, Alexander Shulgin leads the Familia group of companies, which specializes in investments in blockchain technology, new media, publishing and entertainment sectors. He is considered one of the global experts on topics such as the transformation of the global economy, the creative economy, the technology block, media, entertainment and sports, and also participates in exhibitions and conferences around the world.

On the eve it became known that Alexander Shulgin became the founder and director of the global bComm Association, which unites sellers, developers of miners and bitcoin exchanges. The goal of creating the bComm Association is to create an integral ecosystem around the Bitcoin Cash community. The organization was also co-founded by nChain CEO Jimmy Nguyen and Rawpool founder David Lee, and partners with Sr. Researcher nChain Craig Wright and CEO Roger Ver.

Personal life of Alexander Shulgin twice became the subject of discussion - for the first time after a scandalous divorce from Valeria, and the second - after breaking up with a young singer, "manufacturer" Yulia Mikhalchik.

Alexander saw his first wife, singer Valeria, in one of the capital's clubs, where she performed in the evenings. Shulgin was immediately struck by her beautiful voice and huge eyes. After the performance, he approached Valeria, introduced himself and gave his phone number, offering cooperation. Then Alexander had already had enough famous producer with extensive experience working with many celebrities, he has had several successful projects, and in the capital he was engaged in entrepreneurship, opening firms and joint ventures.

In the photo - Alexander Shulgin and Valeria

Valeria did not keep herself waiting long and called the very next day - it would be stupid if no one famous singer did not seize the opportunity. She began recording in Shulgin's studio, and after some time Alexander confessed his love to Valeria. At that time, the singer was married, but, having heard Shulgin's proposal, she immediately divorced her husband and began to live with her producer. Soon, a joyful event occurred in the personal life of Alexander Shulgin - Valeria gave birth to his daughter Anna. But from that moment, outwardly seemingly perfect family life Shulgin began to crumble. As Valeria later admitted, immediately after the birth of his daughter, he often began to fall into an aggressive state, it even came to assault, but Valeria continued to live with him, moreover, she gave birth to the composer two more children Artem and Arseny.

In the photo - Shulgin with children

At the time of the birth of their third child, Shulgin and Valeria no longer lived together, but, having learned that his wife was pregnant again, he persuaded her to return to him. Unfortunately, everything happened again, and Valeria finally broke up with her husband.

In the photo - Alexander Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik

At that time, Shulgin's career was going uphill, but the revelations of his ex-wife greatly spoiled his image. However, this did not frighten the young singer Yulia Mikhalchik, a participant in the Star Factory project, to accept Shulgin's courtship. Appearance new love in the personal life of Alexander Shulgin was supposed to distract him from the unpleasant thoughts associated with scandalous divorce with Valeria, he publicly proposed to Yulia a marriage proposal, but, apparently, it was only a farce on his part, since the wedding never followed. And Julia was in love, and, despite the fact that all the newspapers then wrote about Shulgin, she did not know how he broke up with his first wife, at least that's what she said. But very soon she was convinced from her own experience how cruel Alexander could be, and hastened to part with him, and Shulgin again found himself free from family ties.

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Biography, life story of Alexander Shulgin

Shulgin Alexander Valerievich - Soviet and Russian composer, music producer.


On August 25, 1964, in a very beautiful city, the city of Irkutsk, a boy was born. Until the age of three, he grew up like all ordinary children. And when the boy was three years old, his grandfather gave him a small compact player on which you could listen to minions. The boy sat near the player all day long, just listening to the records. So the boy became interested in music.

In the sixth grade, he began to overwrite the most different music on reels: Boney M could be recorded on one side of the reel, and the band could be recorded on the other.

In the sixth grade, the boy was already playing in the school ensemble. Now his whole life was connected with playing the guitar, rehearsing, popular songs. At first, the school ensemble played songs of such groups as "Gems", then attempts began to play Western compositions, and then the groups "", "" appeared and the ensemble began to play their repertoire. Two years later, in the eighth grade at the graduation party, the ensemble was already trying to play their own songs ... The performance at the graduation party was very important, and the boy was very worried. When the ensemble began to play, then all the musicians played one song, and he completely different. The boy understood that he was playing the wrong song, but he could not do anything with himself. His hands continued to play, and the musicians and the audience stood, staring at him.

Of course, in those days there was no equipment at all. Parents bought guitars for the members of the ensemble, and amplifiers young musicians tried to make from improvised means. Once, in the summer, in a city park, the older guys removed the megaphone from the pole where it hung, and began to play a bass guitar through it. At that time, the ensemble was rehearsing in a state institution, at the so-called rehearsal base. A few days later, the director of the institution saw a megaphone and politely asked where he came from among the young musicians. The members of the ensemble immediately honestly admitted that they removed the megaphone from the pole in the recreation park. The director turned out to be a very cautious and too correct person, so he immediately called the police. As a result, the senior members of the ensemble received two years probation. The boy was not brought to court - he was the smallest and by that time he was not yet 14 years old.


Then the young musicians designed the speakers themselves, and after a while they decided to change the equipment altogether. For this, the old equipment had to be sold. One of the boy's friends had an older brother working in a thrift store. The boy agreed, and the ensemble's equipment was valued for sale at 800 rubles (it was a huge amount of money!). Here the first lesson in the boy's life happened. There were four people in the group, but for some reason the older members of the ensemble decided that it was more convenient to divide the money into three. Therefore, they told the boy that they had expelled him from the ensemble the day before they handed over the equipment to the thrift store, so he was not entitled to any money. The boy experienced the first shock in his life and learned what betrayal is. True, he did not worry about this for long. Time flew by fast. For the boy, the beginning of an independent life was coming ...

“I became independent very early. I was always quite an active boy. When I was 13, I had stable “failures” in behavior, although at the same time I studied very well, especially in mathematics. from the city of Irkutsk. At school, it took a very long time to decide whether I was worthy to go to represent whole city. Still, they decided that I was worthy, and I even took some place at the Olympiad. And then I changed a lot. I just fell in love at the end of eighth grade. Therefore, when I moved to the 9th grade, no one recognized me at school - the changes were so strong. And, probably, that's why I was immediately chosen as the Komsomol organizer of the school. And then everything started to change very quickly.”.

Youth. The first serious steps in music

The boy grew up, became a young man, successfully graduated from school and entered the institute, but did not quit music lessons, continuing to perform with other musicians on the dance floors of his native city. And then the Carnival group came to the city. After talking with the musicians from the Carnival, he was invited to Moscow with him. He flew to Moscow, where he met the Cruise group, but did not stay in Moscow for long and flew back to hometown, although the musicians of "Cruise" invited him to the team.

And then again there was a turn in his fate. He was 19 years old, and his friends were all much older. And so it happened that one of his friends, who was then 30 years old, did young man something very bad. This was the second betrayal of a friend in the life of a young man. The second hard lesson of life. Then the young man had to make a serious decision very quickly: within an hour he packed his things and flew back to Moscow. His work with the Cruise group began.

"As luck would have it, as soon as I started working in a group, a decree was issued banning all rock groups in the country. Then I decided to take over the solution of the problem and began to go to all sorts of institutions: the Ministry of Culture, all sorts of committees, and so on. As a result my walks, our program was accepted by the state commission in March 1985. Naturally, there was some trick. Soviet composers perform, or the classics. Own creativity was strictly prohibited. We passed the program, received the status of an ensemble and went on tour. True, on tour we, of course, have already played our own music. In each city there were several days, they gave 6 concerts a day, including the morning at 11 o'clock and the evening at 20 o'clock. From each concert they received 7 rubles 50 kopecks. The strings flew instantly, and one set of strings cost 30-40 rubles. Therefore, we worked practically for free. The tour was successful, and we returned to Moscow. And then suddenly an offer was received to go with the whole group to Norway. We were given only a day to collect all the documents".

The Cruise group was assigned to the Tambov Philharmonic, so they had to go there for documents. Already in the evening of the same day, the young man and his friends were rushing in a car along a snowy, slippery road to Tambov. We arrived there, collected the documents, and in 5 hours, at the risk of our lives, "flew" to Moscow. In the afternoon, the young man was already standing in the office of the official who organized the trip with necessary set documents. This influential person, I must say, was very surprised at the efficiency of the young group and realized that it was possible to deal with such guys. "Kruiz" went to Norway, and in the face of all government agencies, it proved to be very good: everyone came back, behaved correctly, and most importantly, they turned out to be morally stable.

"Inspired by Norway, we began to think about traveling to other countries. And, most interestingly, we really began to travel. Usually we traveled through communities of groups of peoples, through the Ministry of Culture, state concerts, and also went to the festivals of the Unita newspaper. And then we went to the festival of the German Socialist Party and there we met with a person who was related to the world concern.The Warner Brothers concern, now it is AOL / Warner, became interested in our ensemble "Kruiz". They made us profitable offers, but we could not do anything on our own. Then we had the idea to invite them to the Union. They agreed and really came. In parallel with us, representatives of the Warner Brothers company were negotiating with another popular team, where my director was best friend. After the first negotiations with my friend, respectable fifty-year-old men met with me, a young boy, and said: “We stopped at the Cruise, we will work with you. And do you know why? We talked with your friend for three hours. And all this time he instead of praising your team, he spoke negatively about your group and about you. And if a lot of bad things are said about a person, it means that the person really represents real competition to the speaker. It means that the person is really worthy. Therefore, without saying a word, we chose you and your group "Kruiz". This was the third betrayal by a friend in my life. And the third serious life lesson.

Further, representatives of the company had conversations with the Ministry of Culture, a department of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and we concluded an agreement. Our agreement was concluded through the foreign economic association "International Book", which was a monopoly at that time.

To Germany and back. Real show business

The young man for a very long time clearly remembered how much time he, a young boy, had to spend in offices, especially in the coolest department - the department of ideology of the Central Committee of the CPSU. But again, all the members of the team showed themselves to be morally stable and aroused confidence, because the group was released to Germany. "Cruise" was the first Soviet group, which went abroad, then there were already the group "", and. They really became the first band to sing in Germany.

"We lived in Germany for 4 years, then the Cruise fell apart, the musicians' ambitions began to collide and relations deteriorated. Warner looked at what was happening in the team and waved their hands. Each of the musicians hoped that the company would sign a contract with him, but this did not happen. I stayed in Germany to work in the studio, went through the so-called universities, began to learn the system of show business. Then I worked in studios with the most famous people in the whole world. At first I sat and studied, and this was very important. During this time I met popular famous people in show business, the entertainment industry and learned a lot of new things for myself. Implemented a number of local projects and returned to Moscow. Private entrepreneurship began here: firms, joint ventures were opened, we did a lot for the West. Organized tours and filming tours, filmed clips for foreign, local famous performers, recorded 15 great works with the Moscow State Academic symphony orchestra managed by Pavel Kogan for the global market classical music. Here they organized Interchance festivals for Emi France, filmed big TV films for Canal + and made recordings for release abroad, for the BBC channel.

In parallel, in 1993, I was engaged in big business. It was a joint venture that was engaged in the distribution of Western technology. It was one of the largest firms that owned many retail stores and real estate in Moscow. And the first time - the beginning of the 90s - it was interesting for me. The money was enormous, but on paper. So many millions were transferred to Germany, so many received. And then it started. Leap mark, dollar, another life lesson. And everything is changing rapidly: it is already necessary to repay debts, and inflation devours everything every day. All in all, eternal work in stressful situations.

At the same time, an association of phonogram producers was formed, which included several founders, then the Soyuz company came out of there. Everything that was later used by the Soyuz firm was developed in that association. I was then CEO Bekar Records and our company with Soyuz divided the music market very tightly and released a lot of albums of real stars: these were and, and, and, and Irina Saltykova. Then I took up production projects: the "Dream" group and the "" group. Then he worked with the group. And then I left the company because I was not interested. At the same time, I also political activity was doing. And then we had the company "Familia Entertainment" and the company "Familia Publishing", where Valeria Yuryevna was the general director. After she had maternity leave She left for her homeland. And I had to return to this business again, even though I did not want to return ... "

In the early 2000s, Alexander Valerievich acted as an author and music director two popular shows- "Become a Star" on RTR and "Star Factory" on "First".

In 2006, Shulgin became a columnist for the Vzglyad newspaper, and in 2010 he began writing for the Newsmusic music portal.

It becomes clear that Shulgin's personal and business qualities made it possible to successfully implement numerous creative projects both own and joint. These qualities undoubtedly include analytical thinking, the ability for strategic partnership and planning, the ability to make quick and correct decisions in ambiguous situations, and a comprehensive vision of trends in the development of show business. This should also include commendable experience in drafting contracts and maintaining business negotiations(including with foreign partners), knowledge in the field intellectual property First of all, copyright. The accumulated knowledge, of course, requires implementation. On his website, Alexander Shulgin is ready to advise young artists and producers. This is the new psychology of show business. For Alexander Shulgin, this is life.

Versatile education

Perhaps, Alexander Valerievich can safely claim the title of the most inquisitive producer of domestic show business. So, he studied art in several universities of various directions - at the Irkutsk State Linguistic University, the National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, the Baikal state university economics and law, as well as at the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University.

Personal life

Alexander Shulgin met his first wife in a night restaurant in the capital. The composer noticed on stage
