The child and social norms. Podolskaya O.A., Klokova A.V.

Social norms - these are the basic rules that determine the behavior of a person in society. According to social psychologists, the explanation of many gender differences should be sought not in hormones and chromosomes, but in social norms that attribute to us different types of behavior, attitudes [from English attitude- attitude (to something)] and interests in accordance with the biological sex. Sets of norms containing generalized information about the qualities inherent in each of the sexes are called sexual or gender roles. Some of these social norms are introduced into the consciousness through television and popular literature, a number of others we receive directly, for example, experiencing disapproval from society when we deviate from the expected gender-role behavior.

The notion that a significant part of our behavior is directly dependent on social norms and social context has long been accepted by science. I even think that this is the greatest achievement of social psychology.

Eagle (1987) suggested that gender stereotypes are, in essence, social norms. This means that we all have ideas that men and women have certain sets of specific qualities and behaviors, that the vast majority of people adhere to the same point of view, and that we are usually aware of what kind of behavior is considered correct for representatives of that or other gender. Social psychologists believe that the two main reasons why we try to conform to gender expectations are normative And information pressure.[These terms were introduced by Deutsch and Gerard in 1955]

The Role of Regulatory Pressure

The term "normative pressure" (normal pressure) describes the mechanism of how a person is forced to adapt to social or group expectations (social norms) so that society does not reject him. Regulatory pressure is very important in our commitment to gender roles.

A number of studies have shown that gender-inappropriate behavior is particularly damaging to popularity among boys (Berndt & Heller, 1986; Huston, 1983; Martin, 1990) and that parents react negatively to their children's gender-based play (Fagot, 1978; Langlois & Downs, 1980).

Unfortunately, the role of normative pressure in the desire to conform to gender roles has so far been little studied in adults. One study (O'Leary & Donoghue, 1978) found that college students find it acceptable when a person behaves like a person of the opposite sex, but the results of two other studies showed that gender-inappropriate behavior led to a decrease in popularity (Berndt & Heller , 1986; Tilby & Kalin, 1980).

When I think about the role of normative pressure in people's desire to conform to gender roles, I invariably think of an acquaintance named Cliff. When I was in college, I worked as a waitress, and Cliff and I ended up on the same shift. At that time, he plunged headlong into the study of gender roles and decided, as an experiment, to break one or two gender norms. He began using pink nail polish and lipstick, and later sometimes served customers wearing a skirt. We tracked how it reflected appearance on tips. As soon as Cliff violated gender norms regarding clothing, he immediately received a smaller tip as punishment. At times, the administration even interfered, which demanded that he wear trousers and use less makeup.

Do you believe that you face social punishments for deviating from your gender role? Have you ever had difficulty trying to violate your gender role? Many women are afraid that they might be considered too aggressive (and called a "bitch"), and men are afraid that if they are too attentive to their partner, then their friends will begin to consider them "slobbers". Remember how many disparaging words exist that are used in relation to one of the genders and reflect the difference in norms for men and women.

The punishment for refusing to follow gender roles can be severe. Ayatollah Khomeini, the ruler of Iran from 1979 until the mid-1980s, repealed all laws giving women any rights and sentenced to death a total of 20,000 women who did not follow strict rules governing their dress and behavior (French, 1992). Under ultra-Orthodox Judaism (which most Jews do not practice), women who refuse sex to their husbands or neglect to do housework can be divorced without their consent and deprived of all rights to children. Hasidic men attacked a group of pilgrims, led by a female rabbi carrying the Torah, who wanted to worship in front of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem - Hasidim believe that women are not allowed to wear shawls intended for religious ceremonies, and even touch the Torah. More than 20 million women worldwide have had their genitals mutilated as a result of clitoridectomy [a surgical operation to remove the clitoris and labia minora] and other operations designed to permanently destroy the possibility of orgasm or preserve virginity [to ensure that there is no premarital sexual ties, the labia minora are sewn together in childhood, and cut out immediately before the wedding ceremony].

Despite the terrible pain and long-term physiological problems that accompany such manipulations, this practice continues to exist, because a man will not marry a girl who is not mutilated, and a girl must marry in order to survive (French, 1992). If a woman wants to receive support in her society, then she must go through this disfiguring rite. In religious communities throughout the United States, such as the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Latter Day Saints, women are coerced into traditional gender roles under threat of excommunication. And in some Protestant communities, women who doubt the need for blind submission to men are visited by a categorically minded pastor who dissuades them by showing passages in the Bible confirming the subordination of women.

Homosexuality as a violation of gender norms

The importance of gender norms in modern American society and the consequences of not complying with them are well illustrated by the inherent reaction of many people to manifestations of homosexuality. For example, the organizers of the traditional parade in honor of St. Patrick in Boston in 1994 chose to cancel the parade altogether rather than comply with a court order that allowed gays to take part in it. From a very early age, society teaches that we must marry a member of the opposite sex, have children with him and learn a special kind of role relationship regarding the other gender. People who do not have children do not marry, as well as those who are romantically and/or sexually involved with a person of their own gender, are often viewed as gender role violators and subject to severe social coercion.

For many, homosexuality appears to be the greatest possible violation of gender norms. Kite and Deaux (1987) and Taylor (1983) found that heterosexual stereotypes of homosexuals reflect "sexual inversion theory" which assumes that homosexuals are similar to heterosexuals of the opposite sex.

Sexual inversion theory(Inversion theory of sexuality). The assumption that a homosexual is similar to a heterosexual of the opposite sex. The propensity to behave in the opposite gender role is considered within the framework of this theory as a sign of homosexuality.

However, research shows that such views are far from reality (Peplau & Gordon, 1983; Taylor, 1983; Viss & Burn, 1992). For example, one of the generally accepted stereotypes regarding homosexual relationships is that one partner plays the traditional male role, and the other - the female one. But research indicates that in most gay and lesbian couples, both partners earn money and share household chores equally (Blumstein & Schwartz, 1983; Kurdek, 1993; Peplau & Gordon, 1983). People with traditional sex-role attitudes tend to have a worse attitude towards homosexuals (Black & Stevenson, 1984; Dew, 1985; Herek, 1984; Holtzen & Agresti, 1990; Krulevitz & Nash, 1980). Presumably, those who highly value traditional gender roles view homosexuals poorly because they see them as people who shirk their biological sex role (Taylor, 1983).

There is a heavy price to pay for breaking social norms. For homosexuals, this can take the form of physical abuse, discrimination in employment, severing personal relationships, derogatory nicknames and ridicule. For almost the entire history of the United States, homosexual behavior has been legally punishable, and there is still no equality between homosexuals and heterosexuals within the law. Thus, in Bauer v. Hardwick (1986), the Supreme Court held that the fundamental right to immunity privacy does not cover the private area of ​​consensual homosexual behavior. Leonard (1991) describes many litigation where homosexuality was seen as a crime.

The American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the list of mental disorders only in 1974. Psychologists now believe that if homosexuals have mental health problems, it is often necessary to attribute this to a secretive existence that they are forced to lead due to the disapproving attitude of society (Cain, 1991). (This does not mean that homosexuals are worse off in mental health than the rest of the population - the results of the studies do not support such a conclusion; we are talking just the claim that some of the problems homosexuals face are rooted in social disapproval.)

Researchers note that when a person who recognizes himself as gay understands what kind of conflict he is in with the ideals of society, this leads to serious frustration (Hellwege et al., 1988; Thompson, 1992). Knowing that homosexuality is unacceptable puts such a person in front of a very difficult choice: to admit to people his otherness or hide it. Recognition can lead to stress, tension in relationships with loved ones, separation from them, loss of work (Cain, 1991), separation from children.

Concealing your own homosexuality is associated with no less effort and stress. The environment of secrecy creates the feeling that you are dishonest, and the fact that an important part of your own identity is hidden makes it impossible to develop trusting personal relationships with people (Cain, 1991).

The potential danger of public harassment is the most important condition for whether a gay "goes out" to other people or lives a secret life. Several studies have found that preoccupation with possible rejection by society is a major driver of hiding (Franke & Leary, 1991). Being homosexual in a radically heterosexual society is so difficult that, in response to the claim that homosexuality is their own choice, some gay men object that they would never become homosexual if they really had the opportunity to choose: it is too difficult in a society that does not support them (Fairchild & Hayward, 1989).

Gender role deviations are often seen by people as evidence of homosexuality. Yet boys in the United States, as early as the fourth grade, use words like "faggot" and "faggot" to insult low-status peers (Thorne & Luria, 1986). A number of studies (Deaux & Lewis, 1984; Storms et al., 1981) found that people tend to be more likely to perceive those who have traits of the opposite gender as homosexual. The desire to avoid this shameful label partly explains the passive obedience to gender roles.

Researchers have shown that the strong association between defiance of gender norms and homosexuality has become a serious obstacle to any change in society's attitude towards gender roles (Phelan, 1993; Silber, 1990). Heterosexual men can be especially negative about gays because they have more deeply absorbed traditional roles and the deviation from the male role for them is more associated with homosexuality than the deviation from the female role (Morin & Garfinkle, 1978; Whitely, 1990).

Of course, gays should "come out of hiding" simply to reduce the number of homosexual stereotypes in society (Viss & Burn, 1992). But there is no doubt that such people should carefully choose whether to confess their homosexuality at all, and if so, to whom. Our society is still rife with significant anti-gay prejudice, and gay people very often experience the negative social consequences of deviating from their gender roles.

The role of information pressure

Information pressure (informational pressure) is caused by the fact that, expanding our knowledge about ourselves and about the world, trying to understand what position should be taken in certain social issues, we rely to a large extent not on our own experience, but on information provided by others (Smith, 1982). In other words, sometimes we submit not just because we fear the judgment of society, but because, without the guidance of others, we really don't know what to think, feel, and do. In doing so, we turn to others for guidance and follow their example. We live in a civilization that was created by people and is incomprehensible without them. Based on this, we can say that relying on others to increase our knowledge of social issues and the world in which we exist, in general, promotes adaptation. Cialdini (Cialdini, 1993) noted the following feature: in order to determine what is right, we try to find out what others think is right, and we consider our behavior to be right only as long as we observe it in others (he called it social check).

social check(Social proof). A person evaluates his behavior as correct while observing the same behavior in members of the reference group.

The same mechanisms operate in relation to gender roles: when we look around and see how men and women do different things, and hear how people around us and the media emphasize how big the gap between men and women is, we come to the conclusion that this is indeed the case, and we live up to these expectations. The idea that genders should and do have a lot of differences is so ubiquitous in our culture that it's not surprising if we think it's true. Later in this chapter, we will discuss the many channels through which this information is received.

Information pressure coupled with normative coercion partly explains the power of gender norms to influence our behavior.

Aronson (1992) suggested that compliance with normative pressure is caused by our desire to please others, and submission to informational pressure is caused by our desire to be right.

Conformity - economy of thought

The human psyche tends to save time and effort. So the tendency to obey social norms actually saves thinking: all that is required of us in a certain social situation is to thoughtlessly demonstrate socially expected behavior. Robert Cialdini in his book Influence (Robert Cialdini, 1993) makes a fascinating argument about the role of social norms in simplifying our lives and reducing the amount of necessary mental operations. This trend, he noted, usually works in our favor. Perhaps at an early age we discover how much easier it is to live by social norms and learn to do it with little or no thought. This is often the case with gender norms. Most people accept them unconsciously without even questioning them.

Submission to gender norms: compliance, approval or identification?

Although in the vast majority of cases our reaction will be almost automatic conformity to social norms, there are undoubtedly situations when we do not want this. Social psychologists recognize that if people obey, it does not necessarily mean that they agree with the social contract. Sometimes we change our behavior to fit social norms, even if they are not really acceptable. This type of submission is called compliance(the desire to avoid social punishment and win social approval), and its basis is normative pressure.

Compliance(Compliance). Type of obedience to social norms, when a person does not accept them, but brings his behavior in line with them in order to avoid punishment and gain social approval.

Approval, internalization(Acceptance). Type of obedience to social norms, when a person fully agrees with them.

Identification(Identification). A type of obedience to social norms in which a person repeats the actions of a role model.

When Diana visits her grandmother, she encounters some inconvenience. For example, in this house it is customary that women serve dishes to men during dinner, take them away dirty dishes are doing the cleaning. Diana does not consider it right, but she does it in her grandmother's house, because if she refuses, she will offend her relatives. At the table, Diana serves her husband, who accordingly plays along with her. Usually Diana's husband does not wait for women to serve him, but at his grandmother's house he obeys the norm, remaining seated instead of helping. This example illustrates an important sign of compliance: if there is no threat of punishment for non-compliance, then the behavior becomes different.

It often happens that internally we fully agree with the norms that we obey. This type of submission is called approval or internalization. When I was just a child, my mother almost completely served my father and carried out all his orders, saying that it should be so, because "men are more important than women." At the same time, she not only externally obeyed this norm, but also internally accepted it. Often it is the influence of information that we owe the fact that we accept social norms and behaviors that are not amenable to transformation due to the fact that a person unconditionally believes in them. However, when the situation of the social context changes (for example, if a woman starts earning money), then the person can also change. My mother has also changed and since then she no longer believes that “men are more important than women” and that women should do all the housework.

The third type of submission, called identification, occurs when we mimic the actions of role models simply because we want to be like them. An example is a boy who admires his traditionally masculine father and gradually absorbs most of his views. One of my students described how, as a child, she identified with the heroine of the television series Little House on the Prairie, whose name was Mary:

"Before I started watching Little House on the Prairie, I was without a doubt a tomboy. Things changed as soon as I started watching Little House. I began to change everything, just to be like Mary. I never saw Mary in shorts or pants, she always wore a clean dress, then I also started wearing dresses and tried to be neat so as not to get dirty.

Mary studied diligently at school, the teacher loved her, and, looking at her, I also began to study diligently. I became more interested in housework. I saw Mary helping her mother, and under the influence of Mary, I also began to cook and set the table, even when I was not asked to do so. I helped my mom sort the laundry and got into the habit of making the bed because I noticed that Mary's bed was always neatly made."

As Aronson (1992) has pointed out, beliefs about identification can change if a new identification replaces a previous one (for example, you may begin to identify with your peer group more than you do with your father). By the way, the girl who in her childhood was so identified with the character of "Little House on the Prairie" some time later began to identify with her mother, a business woman.

Scientists do not yet know which of the processes more often causes people to obey gender roles: compliance, approval, or identification. Unfortunately, this topic is still little developed, but, according to several studies, both men and women express their adherence to gender stereotypes in public more than among close people (Eagly & Crawley, 1986; Eagly et al., 1981; Eisenberg & Lennon , 1983). It indicates compliance rather than approval or identification. Male-role research, which found that traditional masculinity received little approval and support (Burn & Laver, 1994; Thompson & Pleck, 1986), also points to the critical role of compliance in gender-role submission.

Normative and information pressure are by no means mutually exclusive. As Pleck et al. (1993b) argue, it is those who approve and accept traditional gender roles (more often as a result of media pressure) who are more likely to be socially stigmatized for violating them (normative pressure). Conversely, information about how to submit to a gender role well from all sides can lead to this submission even in the absence of approval. First of all, a person wants society to accept him.

People adhere to traditional gender roles to varying degrees. Kagan (Kagan, 1964) and Kohlberg (Kohlberg, 1966) noted that some people in the highest degree correspond to the physiological norms for the corresponding sex - sex-typed(for example, extremely feminine women and extremely masculine men). They have a particularly strong motivation to keep all their behavior within the framework of gender-role standards. They suppress in themselves any behavior that can be regarded by others as unusual for gender. Frable (1989) found that such people were more willing to accept the gender rules that dictate proper behavior for men and women in a given culture. Different subgroups in the structure of society, as well as individuals, may differ in their degree of adherence to traditional gender roles. In some religious communities, conformity to traditional gender roles is generously encouraged, while in others more freedom is allowed. Jones and McNamara (1991) found that sincere believers (as opposed to those for whom religion was primarily a source of comfort) had more traditional values ​​about women. Personal differences and different abilities no less influence adherence to traditional gender roles. Thus, a mathematically gifted woman can continue her education in the exact sciences, although this is not welcomed by society, and a small, thin-boned man is unlikely to take up such a typically male sport as football.

Finally, some people have been in situations where their gender role deviance caused a lot of stress, either because the punishment that followed was really harsh, or because it seemed so because it happened during a period of personal discomfort. People with such critical experiences of gender socialization may want to conform to traditional gender roles because negative experiences have become especially vivid in their memory. (So ​​far, this is nothing more than a hypothesis; I have not seen a single study that would test it.) For example, one of my students told me that her father was given the name Michel at birth, and her uncle was named Nicole. When they grew up, it resulted in a funny situation. According to her, these are the two biggest machos she has ever seen in her life (by the way, they changed their names to "Michael" and "Nick"). It is possible that this adherence to the traditional male role was partly a reaction to the ridicule they were subjected to in childhood. Some of my students described how, by making themselves short haircut, they after a while did their best to fit the female role. Here is the story of one of them:

“I was eight years old. There was a carnival at school, I really wanted to go and was worried at the same time, and my mother said that she would let me go only if I did my hair. My father spared no expense and took me to his own hairdresser to get a fashionable haircut. But when I came to the carnival and met my mother there, she burst into tears and screamed terribly at my father for “letting the hairdresser cut the child.” And for another four weeks I was mistaken for a boy on the street at least once a day. I decided that I would never look like a boy again, grew long hair and began to wear only dresses. I was shocked when everyone in the senior class agreed that I "most likely will have ten children."

Each year of childhood, adolescence and adolescence is not only a new step in mental development, the formation of personality, the formation of mental functions and the "maturing" of intellectual capabilities, but it is also a stage of social formation, expansion and qualitative change socio-psychological capabilities of a person. Socio-psychological development is the process of assimilation by a person of the social experience available to him at the moment; creative processing of the latter into personal experience, into internal social values and installations. The definition is cumbersome, but it reflects the essence of this process.

Being in a certain environment - a family, educational institution, companies of peers - the child, as it were, "swallows" those norms and values ​​that dominate in this environment, and then gradually processes them, changing and adapting to their individual characteristics and life goals. But everything is very difficult. The processes of "absorption" and processing of social experience are separated in time. There are entire stages of life when a child is guided mainly by learned but not processed experience, that is, he lives with someone else's mind. In other periods of life, there is a rapid process of processing, comprehension of experience: at this time, the main thing is to live not like everyone else, to be different from others. A complex spiral of socio-psychological development should lead to the social maturity of the individual - a state of harmony between the typical and the individual in a person. But this does not happen quickly and not always.

In childhood and adolescence, the history of a person's relationship with norms is dramatic, full of dangers, which not everyone can overcome without help and support. At each stage, some fundamentally important tasks for adults working with children can be identified. The effectiveness of their solution often determines whether the development of the child will be natural and productive. The stages of socio-psychological development are not rigidly tied to age. Although there is an undoubted connection between social maturity and the level of development of the intellect. In general, a high level of social responsibility and independence is possible, according to Kohlberg, one of the recognized authorities in the field developmental psychology and education, only upon reaching the highest stage of development of thinking (according to J. Piaget). Adolescence, elevating the child to the highest stage of intellectual development available to him, is the richest and most dramatic from the point of view of socio-psychological development. But even long before him, the child enters into active interaction with the world of values ​​and norms.


The normativity and spontaneity of behavior and assessments in the preschool period are extremely bizarrely intertwined. On the one hand, a preschooler is not sure of the sufficiency of his own experience and is very susceptible to learning norms and rules, therefore, in all situations controlled by the "adult world", the child strives to be rigidly and uncritically normative.

On the other hand, the voluntary control over one's own actions in a small child is still very unstable, therefore, in the absence of constant external normative pressure, he is not able to independently maintain within the framework of "correct" behavior. Another age trait of a preschooler. Yes, the child is very sensitive to norms, he copies external patterns of behavior with pleasure, but in his desire to imitate he is uncritical and "omnivorous". With equal rapture, he reproduces both "good" and "bad" social patterns.

How to unravel this knot? Parents and educators have a great temptation to lead the social development of the child along the line of "cut down" imitation (reinforcing only socially positive examples). But it's a dead end road. Another, but more realistic, perspective looks less attractive from a pedagogical point of view, as it is fraught with many conflicts and sharp corners, but it is she who takes the child to a new personal level. This is the line of formation of social independence of behavior. The meaning of independence is the ability to notice situations when the actions of peers or adults diverge from your experience, and resist their authority, doing as you see fit. The first manifestations of independence are in the realization of the mistakes of other people. What the first sprouts of such social independence will turn into depends largely on the reaction of the adult. It's bad when Small child indicates inconsistency or a clear fallacy of your actions. But what to do?

Junior schoolboy

7-10 years is a blessed stage for educators in the socio-psychological development of a child, which has received the stable name "correct age". Teaching others is a heavy cross, but in general, teachers elementary school it's a sin to complain. That's just the responsibility on them is colossal, and the consequences of an incorrect socio-psychological "policy" in relation to children can be observed for many, many years. " For a long time, - states H. Leites, - school life and consists in obeying the teacher, doing what she says.

The most important socio-psychological task of the "correct age" is the assimilation of typical experience. Often not critical. The main thing is to accumulate, learn how to fulfill, there is still a lot of time ahead in order to comprehend everything. You don't need to interfere with your child. No need to try to make him personally independent at 9 years old. He may not be able to handle it. It is only important not to exploit the normativity of the child, to respect his dignity and great personal potential. But the time will come and...

The "correct" age with various individual variations lasts up to 10-11 years.

junior teenager

By the age of 12, social activity begins to gain strength, the need to realize one's moral worldview. I would compare this stage of age development with historical period crusades. Younger teenagers are distinguished by a special interest in generalized moral standards, abstract social ideas. The principle clearly prevails over the specific case. Assessing a particular situation, the child tries to apply to it this or that moral law, which he has learned from books, heroic films, and family conversations. But not from my life. Personal experience still has little value in the eyes of its bearer.

Combine all of the above with the child's need to be active in defending his views on life, his ability to perform strong actions, which he did not differ 2-3 years ago, and you will get an explosive, dramatic inner world, you will see the germ of future spiritual upheavals. You will also find sources of life scenarios such as Pavlik Morozov, fascist youth organizations, extremist religious organizations. You need to be very careful in words and actions when dealing with a younger teenager. Lies, duplicity of adults cause him strong negative feelings. It is difficult to regain the trust of a person for whom the whole world is black and white, if you have already set at least one foot on his black side.

older teenager

13-15 years - the age of the all-conquering desire for individualization and the denial of typical social experience. But the teenager is not yet ready for complete personal autonomy, he is choked by a strong emotional protest, against the background of powerful emotional experiences, there is still no place for analysis, comprehension, and the search for one's own value orientations.

The half-hearted autonomization of the adolescent is expressed in the same bizarre way as the half-hearted normalization in the preschool period. The adolescent is freed from the generalized social norms of the adult world that do not work in life and are uncritically learned through an uncritical, complete immersion in the norms of the reference group of peers. Now the main source from which he draws material for understanding the world of social relations is spontaneous personal experience, often obtained in risky, extreme forms.

The teenager is not free from typical experience, the child develops in antiphase to it. And he is not looking for freedom, he is not ready for it. He needs a road of life along which he could walk freely waving his long, disproportionate and awkward arms, which would have clearly defined, understandable and unambiguous curbs. There is no return to non-critical normativity. Or rather, there is, but at the cost of abandoning individuality.

There is the path of the "eternal teenager" who is in an allegedly free flight, and there is the path of the formation of socio-psychological independence, conscious, personally formed and accepted normativity.

According to Kohlberg, the path to socio-psychological maturity begins after the age of 15. But the beginning and end of this path is difficult to tie to the age stages. Maturity is a level of development when a person is guided in actions and assessments by his own values ​​and norms, but possessing a universal breadth and universality. A mature personality has a sufficiently high intellect, diverse social experience, self-esteem, carried through all the storms and upheavals of childhood and adolescence.

Age-related psychology.

The calendar age cannot be the basis of meaningful age periodization, since it smears individual differences and social conditions of upbringing.

Young children.

From 6 to 9 years old - they are characterized by mobility, curiosity, activity and restlessness. They are characterized by concrete thinking, imitation and high emotionality. They cannot concentrate for a long time, the main activity is gaming.

Toddlers have little experience in collective relationships, so there may be conflicts between children associated with this. At the same time, children of this age develop the ability to compare and compare what is observed, which affects the attitude towards the actions of comrades. It is this new formation - a critical attitude towards the actions of other children - that is the main cause of conflicts among children of this age. The counselor needs to understand this feature, not to allow himself to be drawn into conflicts. The most effective measure in such cases may be the "timeout" method. Instead of getting involved in an argument about who is right and who is wrong, just admit that there are differences of opinion, but it is up to the guys to resolve these differences. Only great emotional excitement prevents this from being done rationally. Ask the children to be alone in different rooms, but especially note that this is not a punishment, this is just a time-out, that is, a break, and as soon as they feel better, they can leave the rooms themselves, and if they want, will discuss this issue on their own, and maybe they will never return to it. The time-out method is best explained at a time when there is no conflict yet, then the children will react to it more calmly when you resort to it.

Never tell your child, "Go to your room and think about what you did." In this state, the child cannot evaluate his actions, it is foolish to hope that guilt, shame and remorse will make him behave better. On the contrary, the phrase: “While in the ward, do something to feel better. Read a book, play with toys, sleep” is much more helpful.

Very susceptible to various influences external environment, quickly get tired, this is due to the fact that the heart, lungs and vascular system are somewhat behind in development, the strength of the supporting apparatus is also not high yet, and, therefore, the possibility of damage is increased. Due to the fact that the leading activity is a game - it is the game that can come to the aid of the counselor. All activities must be carried out in the form of games.

Therefore, in classes with young children, outdoor games without special loads should be used as much as possible, as this corresponds to their age characteristics.

Children of this age often break away from their usual home conditions for the first time, part with loved ones, find themselves in the company of unfamiliar children and adults. They especially need a friendly atmosphere, it is difficult for them to cope with many responsibilities: to have time to clean the ward, to gather at a certain hour in a certain place, to eat their portion.

Guys - bosses from other detachments should come to the rescue. First of all, it must be remembered that before giving any instruction, it is necessary to carry out explanatory work. If the premises are being cleaned, then the counselor must personally show how the bed is made, how to arrange things in the bedside table where the closet is located.

Ten years.

10 years old is a “golden age”, when a child is balanced, easily perceives life, is trusting, even with his parents, cares little about appearance. Freely makes contact, very susceptible to educational influences. He is very open to everything good and bright, he is romantic and enthusiastic, self-confident and loves surrounding nature ready for mutual understanding and mutual assistance. By the age of ten, some experience of relationships in a peer group is accumulated,

a ten-year-old child seeks to maintain comradely relations, helps others in carrying out assignments, appreciates loyalty in friendship.

It happens that during the organizational period, children will be asked to move from one ward to another, this is very good. Having found out the reason for the appeal, you can see that groupings are being formed in the detachment according to various interests: the chamber of football players, the chamber of girls who are keen on serials, the chamber of "home" children, etc. Satisfy the child's requests, it will benefit, first of all, you will not have to sort out conflicts.

However, if a child asks to be transferred to another ward because of ridicule and terror from children, everyone should be talked to and appropriate action taken.

Never ask questions to which you already know the answer. Indeed, in this case, you are asking a question in order to convict the child of something. "Have you cleaned your room?" - you see that he did not get out, why do you ask? At the age of 14-15, you can get a specific answer to such a question: “What don’t you see?” or “Yes, I got out,” and now argue and prove that this is not so. Instead of asking such questions, use an expression, I noticed. “I noticed that you didn’t brush your teeth. Let's do it now." “I noticed that you didn’t clean your room, maybe call the cleaning service and spend your money on a cleaning lady?” If the child says, "I did it," you can answer, I made a mistake, or "Great, I would like to see it."

Alternatives. Where possible, give children the opportunity to choose between at least two acceptable options. Young children need to increase the number of alternatives, as children get older, their choice should increase. For example, you can ask teenagers: “Do you want me to set a curfew for you myself, or, as they say, we will discuss this issue?”

Transitional age.

The transition from childhood to adulthood lasts from 11 to 21 years, of which the first five years from 11 to 16 are especially important.

The behavior of a teenager is determined, first of all, by marginality (the in-betweenness of his position). Passing from the children's world to the adult, the teenager does not fully belong to either one or the other.

Eleven years.

11 years - the restructuring of the body begins, a large number of hormones

disturbs the psychological balance, the child becomes impulsive, negativism appears, frequent mood swings, quarrels with peers, rebellion against parents. Children of this age are actively developing self-awareness, intelligence, and curiosity is increasing. The circle of interests becomes wider and more selective. Often, younger teenagers cannot immediately determine their inclinations, so they often change hobbies and activities.

At this time, children are looking for role models. bold personality, they themselves dream of exploits.

In the eyes of a teenager, the importance of the collective, public opinion, and the assessment by comrades of his actions and actions sharply increases. He seeks to win their authority, to take a worthy place in the team. Children want to be independent, they just need it. Let the children show their independence. Distribute your responsibilities among the children from the first days of the shift. Entrust them with such things as: get paper and paints and pencils from the supply manager, sports equipment from the physical education teacher, girls can find out when the squad goes for a medical examination, find out the schedule of circles in the house of creativity, etc.

Younger teenagers often conflict not only with their peers, but also with adults. There are natural reasons for this - the process of puberty begins. It manifests itself earlier in girls (10-11 years old), in boys (12-13 years old).

A huge dose of hormones is released into the child's body, which destabilizes both physiological and psychological development.

There is a feeling of anxiety, irritability, depression. Disproportionate physical development leads to the emergence of a huge number of complexes, a decrease in self-esteem. According to the results of research, it becomes clear that adolescents tend to negatively evaluate their abilities.

It is incredibly difficult to match the ideal "I" that is formed in self-awareness prone to maximalism. Expert estimates say, for example, that the risk of onset of schizophrenia in adolescence is 3 to 4 times higher than throughout the rest of life.

Even perfectly healthy adolescents are characterized by:

extreme instability of moods.

Constant fluctuations in self-esteem.

A sharp change in physical condition and well-being. (Frequent bleeding from the nose, a sharp decrease in hearing and vision)


inadequate response.

This age is so rich in conflicts and complications that psychologists call it "normal pathology."

The main problems of this age are usually considered according to three factors:

communication with peers

communication with adults

· personal problems associated with self-knowledge, self-realization and psychosexual identity.

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Page creation date: 2016-08-20


Podolskaya Olesya Alexandrovna 1 , Klokova Azhelika Valerievna 2
1 Yeletsky State University them. I.A. Bunina, Lecturer, Department of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy
2 Yelets State University I.A. Bunina, student

The article discusses the features social behavior children of senior preschool age in a role-playing game. Guidelines are given to preschool teachers on the formation of social behavior of boys and girls of senior preschool age in a role-playing game.


Podolskay Olesya Aleksandrovna 1 , Klokova Angelica Valeryevna 2
1 Yelets State Ivan Bunin University, lecturer, department of preschool pedagogy and correctional
2 Yelets State Ivan Bunin University, student

In the article features of social behavior of children of preschool age in the role-playing game to be considered. Methodic recommendations for the teachers of pre-school educational institution on the formation of the social behavior of boys and girls preschool age in the role-playing game are provided.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Podolskaya O.A., Klokova A.V. Features of the social behavior of boys and girls of senior preschool age in a role-playing game // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. No. 5 [Electronic resource]..02.2019).

Preschool education is the first stage of the educational system in Russia. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) preschool education Today, the choice by modern Russian pedagogy of the path of humanization of upbringing and education, the struggle for a return to educational and educational activities true understanding of masculinity and femininity.

The goal is to form in a child a future man, husband, father, future woman, wife, mother - one of the main things in education. For a long time, especially in Soviet period, in domestic pedagogy, the asexuality of education was cultivated.

In the studies of T.V. Bendas, O.A. Voronina, S.V. Glebova, N.S. Grigorieva, A.A. Denisova, A.V. Dresvyagin, V.D. Eremeeva, I.S. Kletsina, Ya.L. Kolominsky, I.S. Kon, L.G. Lunyakova, L.V. Popova, N.L. Pushkareva, T.P. Khrizman, L.V. Shtyleva and others emphasize that in the formation of personality it is necessary to take into account the specifics of gender, cognitive activity, emotional sphere and types of social behavior of boys and girls.

Boys should be courageous, courageous, decisive, responsible, emotionally stable, chivalrous to women.

Girls, in turn, should be caring, gentle, modest, tolerant, able to peacefully resolve the conflict. During the period of intensive physical growth and development of mental processes, children should be clearly aware of their gender.

I.S. Kohn believes that the universal factor of sexual socialization is the society of peers, both of one's own and of the opposite sex.

Preschool age plays an important role in the socialization of children. Social behavior implies a deep assimilation by the child of patterns of correct adequate behavior, norms, values ​​that allow him to be a full-fledged member of society.

According to N.D. Nikandrova, S.N. Gavrova and others, socialization is the influence of life as a result of which an individual learns the rules adopted in a given society, norms, values, behavior patterns.

HELL. Glafirov, considers the role of men and women to be an important part of socialization. The child observes the behavior of a man and a woman, which helps him learn direct social roles. The society in which children develop, where they acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, give them an attitude to a certain social role.

The role-playing game at preschool age is one of the types of children's activities. It is in it that children learn the rules of behavior, taking into account the gender factor. Senior preschoolers choose the role-playing game that helps them determine their gender orientation.

Impulsive activity, when the child is not aware of his gender, gradually changes to mediated, conscious activity. Boys and girls understand and accept social roles associated with behavior adapted to a given situation. Children in role-playing games can evaluate good and bad deeds understand the moral norms of good and evil.

The social behavior of older preschoolers is distinguished by the possibility of developing the ability to know oneself in unity with the world, in dialogue with it, the ability of self-determination, self-actualization. All this is represented by the skills of cultural behavior, specific knowledge (individual experience of knowing the world around), role-playing behavior, his social competence. The social roles of children are subject to rules that change depending on the situation. Consequently, the social behavior of boys and girls of older preschool age should be proactive, flexible, adapted to the necessary situation, independently and independently. When one component changes, the entire component changes.

The process of social behavior of children of senior preschool age includes social self-awareness: species (a child is a person), generic (a child is a family member), sexual (a child is a carrier of sexual essence).

Thus, the development of social behavior of older preschoolers includes several components:

Motivational (manifestations of kindness, care, help, attention, mercy);

Cognitive (knowledge of another person - an adult, a peer - and the ability to understand his interests and needs, notice a change in mood, emotional state, etc.);

Behavioral (associated with the choice of communication methods and patterns of behavior suitable for the situation).

The term "gender" is first encountered in R. Stoller's studies.

According to N.I. Abubakirova, “gender” is the sociocultural origin of the differences between men and women.

A.A. Chekalina considers "gender" as a socio-psychological sex of a person, which includes the characteristics and characteristics of an individual's personality in society, manifested in communication and interaction.

By the senior preschool age, the child is aware of his gender, shows interest and behaviors in various games and partners in them.

The gender behavior of preschoolers is cognitive (the child refers to a certain gender); emotionality (shows gender-role preferences, expresses his interests, represents value orientations, reacts to the assessment, shows emotions associated with the formation of masculinity and femininity traits); behavioral aspect - how the child learns a model of behavior typical for the sex.

Teachers and parents should understand their child, helping to reveal his gender opportunities. During your stay in preschool children are subjected exclusively to female attention. Educators do not identify the gender image of the child with a certain social role. We need a gender-oriented approach to children in situations where this is appropriate.

In this regard, an important task is to improve the skills of preschool educators to implement differentiated approach to boys and girls both in dealing with them and in organizing and leading various activities.

At preschool age, gender affiliation is especially intensively formed in play activities. Children of older preschool age are intrinsically motivated to acquire values, interests, and behaviors appropriate to their gender. As a result, preschoolers may develop very rigid and stereotyped ideas about "what boys do" and "what girls do".

At the same time, children pay great attention to the features of behavior that correspond to their gender and do not show interest in behavior that is inappropriate for their gender.

Consequently, the upbringing of older preschoolers, taking into account their gender characteristics, will largely be determined by the individual characteristics of each child, depend on those patterns of behavior of women and men that he constantly encounters in the family. Therefore, in the process of leading the role-playing game of children, the teacher must create situations aimed at the manifestation in boys and girls of those personality traits that will allow them to be successful in modern society.

Thus, on the basis of the studies studied, revealing the essence and content of the social behavior of boys and girls of senior preschool age, we have developed guidelines for preschool teachers on the formation of gender socialization of children of senior preschool age in a role-playing game.

Teachers need to conduct a conversation with older preschoolers in order to identify their ideas about the role of employment of men and women in the family, to determine knowledge about the differences between boys and girls, the culture of their behavior. The results of the conversation should become the basis for developing a plan for further actions of educators with children of senior preschool age and parents, tactics for selecting a set of necessary role-playing games, taking into account gender characteristics.

Teachers should monitor independently organized role-playing games of older preschoolers in order to identify each child participating in the game, his social role.

To compile a detailed social portrait of each child, it is necessary to conduct a survey with parents. Questionnaire questions should be detailed, understandable and readable. Therefore, all this should serve as the starting point for a set of activities that develops in the child the self-awareness of his social role, taking into account gender. When selecting role-playing games with a gender factor, it is necessary to develop in older preschoolers the consciousness that he belongs to a certain gender, he has precisely those behavioral traits that make up his social portrait.

Educators should not impose games on children in which male and female roles are not clearly defined. When choosing these games, it must be remembered that boys prefer military games, construction games and games related to obtaining certain labor skills. Girls diligently copy relationships in families and they are interested in playing feelings and emotions, and not actions, like boys.

The work on the formation of the social behavior of boys and girls of senior preschool age in the role-playing game should continue for a long time, since the gender aspect, according to N.I. Abubakirova, A.D. Glafirova and others, is digested quite hard.

Educators are recommended to carry out a set of activities for pedagogical education of parents related to gender-role orientation. Thus, only the joint activities of preschool teachers and parents can give an effective result and help boys and girls of older preschool age to firmly grasp their social role.

Then moral standards. In contrast to law, morality mainly bears an evaluative load (good - bad, fair - unfair). Compliance with moral rules is ensured by the authority of the collective consciousness, their violation meets public condemnation.

There are also aesthetic standards. They reinforce ideas about the beautiful and the ugly, not only in artistic creativity but also in people's behavior, in production and in everyday life. They are manifested, for example, in judgments that a person “lived his life beautifully”, that such and such “behaves ugly”. Negative assessments in this case are combined with moral censure.

Political norms regulate political activity, the relationship between the individual and the government, between social groups, states. They are reflected in laws, international treaties, political principles, moral norms.

Finally, religious norms. In terms of content, many of them act as moral norms, coincide with legal norms, and reinforce traditions and customs. Observance of religious norms is supported by the moral consciousness of believers and religious belief in the inevitability of punishment for sins - deviation from these norms.

There are other types of norms, for example, rules of etiquette, etc. Social norms differ from biological, medical, technical norms that establish rules for handling natural (natural) and artificial (technical) objects. For example, a rule prohibiting standing under a crane boom is aimed at the safety of a person in his relationship with a technical device. And the medical rule, which requires compliance with the dose of drugs prescribed by the doctor, protects human health from dangerous consequences, fixes the procedure for handling chemicals.

As for social norms, they all regulate relations in society itself: between people, groups of people, organizations created by them. The impact of social norms on the behavior of an individual presupposes, firstly, knowledge of the social norm and its awareness, secondly, the motive (the desire to follow this norm) and, thirdly, the action itself (real behavior).


Social norms constitute one of the elements of the mechanism of regulation of relations between the individual and society, which is called social control. In the first lessons of the course, we talked about the fact that society is a complex system that includes many different elements. The purposeful influence of this system on the behavior of people in order to strengthen order and stability is provided by social control. How does the mechanism of social control work?

Any activity includes a variety of actions, and each person performs many of them, entering into active interaction with the social environment (with society, social communities, public institutions and organizations, the state, other individuals). All these actions, individual actions, behavior of a person are under the control of the people around him, groups, society. As long as these actions do not violate public order, existing social norms, this control is invisible, as if it does not exist. However, it is worth violating established customs, rules, deviating from patterns of behavior that are accepted in society, and social control manifests itself. One person ran across the street in front of a moving vehicle, the second smoked in the cinema hall, the third committed theft, the fourth was late for work ... In all these cases, other people may react: comments and other manifestations of discontent from others, appropriate actions of the administration, police, court . This reaction of others is due to the violation of relevant social norms, rules, traditions. The people who reacted to these situations reflected the attitudes of the public consciousness (or public opinion) that maintains order, protected by norms. That is why a reaction of condemnation of these actions followed on their part. The expression of dissatisfaction, the announcement of a reprimand, the imposition of a fine, the punishment imposed by the court - all these are sanctions; along with social norms, they are the most important element of the mechanism of social control. Sanctions mean either approval and encouragement, or disapproval and punishment, aimed at maintaining social norms. In other words, sanctions are either positive, which are aimed at encouraging, or negative, aimed at stopping undesirable behavior. In both cases, they are classified as formal if they are applied in accordance with certain rules (for example, awarding an order or punishment by a court sentence), or informal if they appear in an emotionally colored reaction of the immediate environment (friends, relatives, neighbors). , colleagues).

Society (large and small groups, the state) evaluates the individual, but the individual also evaluates society, the state, and himself. Perceiving the assessments addressed to him by the surrounding people, groups, state institutions, a person accepts them not mechanically, but selectively, rethinks through his own experience, habits, previously learned social norms. And the attitude to the assessments of other people turns out to be purely individual for a person; it can be positive or sharply negative. Recall what was said at the beginning of the course: a person constantly evaluates himself, while self-esteem can change depending on the maturity of the individual and the social conditions in which he acts. A person correlates his actions with social patterns of behavior approved by him in the performance of those social roles with which he identifies himself.

Thus, along with the highest control on the part of society, group, state, other people, internal control, or self-control, which is based on norms, customs, role expectations, assimilated by the individual, is of paramount importance.

In the process of self-control, conscience plays an important role, that is, the feeling and knowledge of what is good and what is bad, what is fair and what is unfair, the subjective awareness of the conformity or inconsistency of one's own behavior with moral standards. In a person who, in a state of excitement, by mistake or succumbing to the temptation of a bad deed, conscience causes a feeling of guilt, moral feelings, a desire to correct a mistake or atone for guilt.

The ability to exercise self-control is the most valuable quality of a person who independently regulates his behavior in accordance with generally accepted norms. Self-control is one of the most important conditions for the self-realization of the individual, its successful interaction with other people.

So, the most important elements of the mechanism of social control are social norms, public opinion, sanctions, individual consciousness, self-control. Interacting, they ensure the maintenance of socially acceptable patterns of behavior and the functioning of the social system as a whole.


People's behavior does not always correspond to social norms. On the contrary, in many cases there is a non-compliance, violation. Behavior that is not consistent with the norms, does not correspond to what society expects from a person, is called deviant.

Sociologists also give another definition: deviant behavior is a form of disorganization of the behavior of an individual in a group or category of persons in society, which reveals a discrepancy between established expectations, moral and legal requirements of society. Negative deviations from social norms at the level of the individual are manifested primarily in crimes and other offenses, in immoral acts. At the level of small social groups, these deviations are manifested in deformations, violations of the normal relationships between people (strife, scandals, etc.). In the activities of state and public organizations such deviations are manifested in bureaucracy, red tape, corruption and other painful phenomena.

Manifestations of deviant behavior are as diverse as social norms. The consequences of these deviations are no less varied. Their common feature is harm, damage to society, social group, other people, as well as a person who allows negative deviations."

Especially dangerous are social deviations as a mass phenomenon.

Crimes and other offenses, alcoholism, drug addiction, religious fanaticism, racial intolerance, terrorism - these and other similar negative processes in the development of society bring incalculable damage to humanity. Their danger can be considered on the example of drug addiction.

What are the causes of deviant behavior? Researchers have different points of view on this issue. Let's consider them.

At the end of the XIX century. a biological explanation of deviations was put forward: the presence in some people of an innate predisposition to violations of social norms, which is associated with the physical characteristics of the individual, criminal temperament, etc. These theories were subsequently subjected to convincing criticism.

Other scientists have looked for psychological explanations for the deviations. They came to the conclusion that the value-normative representations of the individual play an important role: understanding the world around, attitude to social norms, and most importantly, the general orientation of the interests of the individual. The researchers came to the conclusion that the basis of behavior that violates established norms is a different system of values ​​and rules than that enshrined in law. For example, a psychological study of such motives for illegal actions as cruelty, greed and deceit showed that criminals have these qualities most pronounced and justified: “It is always better to show your strength”, “Give your own, so that others are afraid!”, “Believe from life whatever you can!"

Scientists have come to the conclusion that these deformations of the personality are the result of its incorrect development. For example, cruelty may be the result of a cold, indifferent attitude towards the child on the part of parents, and often the cruelty of adults. Studies have shown that low self-esteem in adolescence is compensated later by deviant behavior, which can be used to attract attention and gain approval from those who will evaluate violation of norms as a sign of a strong personality.

The sociological explanation of deviant behavior, the reasons for which the well-known sociologist E. Durkheim saw depending on the crisis phenomena occurring in society, has received wide recognition. During crises, radical social changes, in conditions of disorganization of social life (unexpected economic ups and downs, business decline, inflation), a person's life experience ceases to correspond to the ideals embodied in social norms. Social norms break down, people become disoriented, and this contributes to the emergence of deviant behavior.

Some scholars have associated deviant behavior with the conflict between the dominant culture and the culture of a group (subculture) that denies generally accepted norms. In this case, criminal behavior, for example, may be the result of an individual's predominant communication with carriers of criminal norms. The criminal environment creates its own subculture, its own norms that oppose the norms recognized in society. The frequency of contacts with representatives of the criminal community affects the assimilation by a person (especially young people) of the norms of antisocial behavior.

There are other explanations for deviant behavior. (Think about these points of view and try to explain for yourself the reasons for deviations from social norms.)

In relation to persons who allow a negative deviation from the norms, society applies social sanctions, i.e. punishments for unapproved, undesirable actions. Weak forms of deviant behavior (oversight, deceit, rudeness, negligence, etc.) are corrected by other people - participants in the interaction (remark, suggestion, humor, censure, etc.). More significant forms social deviations(offences, etc.), depending on their consequences, entail condemnation and punishment, coming not only from the public, but also from state bodies.


Crime is the most dangerous manifestation of deviant behavior, causing the greatest damage to society. The word "crime" is derived from the word "crime", which in Russian has always meant "an act contrary to the law, lawlessness, atrocity,". A crime is a socially dangerous act that encroaches on the right to order and is provided for by the Criminal Code.

The totality of crimes committed in a given society and in a given period of time is denoted by the concept of "crime". Crime is not just the sum of crimes, but a mass phenomenon that has the laws of its existence and development, causes, conditions that contribute to it. This phenomenon is social, since it is rooted in the depths of social relations, reflects the characteristics of social life, and acts as an extreme expression of the contradictions and shortcomings in the development of society. It causes grave consequences for society and its members like none of the other negative phenomena of social development.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation indicates the following types of crimes: against the person, in the economic sphere, against public safety and public order, against state power, against military service, against peace and security. Crime is not only a social, but also a legal phenomenon, since only what is enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is criminal. Crime includes actions that encroach on a person, on property, rights and freedoms of citizens, on social relations. These actions cause the object of encroachment real and very significant harm.

The peculiarity of crime: the presence of a certain contingent of persons - criminals, for some of whom criminal activity has become professional.

Organized crime is the biggest threat. In a broad sense, it refers to any group of persons organized on a permanent basis to extract funds in an illegal way.

Organized crime is characterized by a particular danger to the individual, society, and the state.

The danger to the individual lies in the suppression of his rights and freedoms by acts of violence and other means. This is manifested in the destruction of small entrepreneurs who refuse to pay money to receive protection from criminals (racketeering); forcing women and teenagers into prostitution; extending influence and control over, for example, trade unions; an increase in the cost of goods and services; the possibility of complete suppression of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens through physical, moral and material terror.

The danger to society lies in the interception of the rights of ownership and disposal of the material values ​​of the whole society by organized criminal communities and corrupt groups of officials (especially in the areas of trade, extraction and distribution of strategically soon raw materials, precious metals, production and circulation of weapons); the ability to manipulate significant capital, infiltrate the realm of legitimate business, and bankrupt one's competitors through price controls; planting the ideology of the underworld, its romanticization, the cultivation of mafia and corrupt relations, violence, cruelty, aggressiveness, which creates the conditions for "social infection" of criminal customs and traditions.

The danger of organized crime for the state is manifested in the creation of parallel illegal power structures at the regional level. illegal armed formations; preparation, financing and organization of direct anti-constitutional actions in the form of incitement of national hatred, organization of riots, conspiracies to seize power; encouraging such state crimes as banditry and smuggling; penetration into political parties and the state apparatus of corruption of politicians and public officials;
seeking to weaken the federal government. to facilitate the control of organized crime over entire regions.

In modern conditions, the fight against crime is of great importance. This is a socially regulating activity, which is carried out in order to ensure that citizens do not commit acts prohibited by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It includes, firstly, political and economic measures. social, socio-psychological, managerial, cultural nature, allowing to eliminate the conditions conducive to crime; secondly, the development of the legal consciousness of citizens; thirdly, special preventive activities aimed at identifying and eliminating the immediate causes of crime; fourthly, the application of criminal law in relation to persons who have committed crimes.

Growing crime has become a real threat to Russia's national security. Solving this problem is one of the most important national tasks.


1 Knowledge of legal and moral norms, traditions and other rules is necessary not so much for passing exams as for Everyday life a person striving to integrate into modern society.

2. Since the people around you expect you to behave in accordance with generally accepted social norms, try to behave in accordance with them. This will be one of the prerequisites for comfortable well-being in society.

3 Once in another country, get acquainted with the laws, customs, etiquette, other norms that exist there and take them into account if you want to avoid a negative attitude from the people among whom you are.

4 Since the norms emerging in small informal groups sometimes contradict those existing in society, everyone who is part of such groups should make their own choice and subsequently be responsible for it.

5 Bargaining with conscience, i.e., self-justifying actions that go against one's own convictions, weakens self-control and, repeated, can open the way to deviant behavior that is detrimental to the individual and society.


From the work of the Russian sociologist O. S. Osipova “Deviant behavior: good or evil?”.

The form of society's response to one or another type of deviation should depend on which (by the degree of generality) social norms are violated: universal, racial, class, group, etc. The following dependencies can be distinguished:

The higher the level (in terms of the degree of generality) of social norms and values ​​is violated, the more decisive the actions of the state should be. The highest value is the natural rights of man.

The lower the level of social norms violated, the more emphasis should be placed on informal measures of social control (social reward or censure, persuasion, etc.).

The harder social structure society, the more diverse the forms of social control should be.

The lower the level of social norms violated by a person, the more tolerant should be the reaction to his actions.

The more democratic the society, the more emphasis should be placed not on external social, but on internal personal self-control.

Questions and tasks for the document

1. Give your own examples of universal, racial, class, group norms.
2. To what level of generality can the norms be attributed: “do not steal”, “before the New Year we go to the bathhouse together”, “separate education for blacks and whites”, “solidarity of workers of all countries”?
3. What does higher or lower standards mean? Why really high level do the authors place natural human rights?
4. Why is the most resolute action of the state necessary in case of violation of higher level norms?
5. How is social control manifested in case of violation of a lower level of social norms? Why?
6. How to explain that a more democratic society involves a shift in emphasis from external social control to internal self-control?


1. Give examples of each type of social norm.
2. What is social control?
3. What is the meaning of self-control?
4. What are the causes of deviant behavior?
5. What is the social danger of crime?
6. What are the consequences of drug addiction for the individual, family, society?


1. How do you feel about the statement of the English historian G. T. Buckle (1821-1862): “Society is preparing a crime,
the criminal commits it”? Explain it with some example taken from newspapers.

Natalya Petrovna
Conversation "Rules of conduct and social norms of society"

Target conversations: form the concept of social norms and rules of behavior in society.


Reveal the content of the concept social norms;

Summarize Features rules of conduct in society;

Conduct a survey to identify the level of assimilation of the studied material.

Rules of conduct in the theater, to the cinema

When going to the theater, cinema or concert, remember that not only you, but also others want to relax and enjoy. Therefore, do not interfere with others to have a good time. This is the main exit commandment"to the people".

Ceremonial clothes: to come to the theater in jeans and a T-shirt is a sign of bad taste.

Come to the theatre, cinema and concerts in advance in order to have time to catch your breath, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, put yourself in order and find seats. If your seats are in the middle of the hall, go towards them facing those who are sitting. If you come with a girl, you go first, paving the way and apologizing to disgruntled neighbors. By the way, a well-mannered person, if he is disturbed, will never show his irritation and will not wait until he is asked for permission to pass, but will get up in advance himself, noticing those walking along the narrow passage. When getting up and sitting down, try to avoid noise. Lower the seat of the chair silently (you should do it for your girl). Standing up, hold the seat with your hand so that it does not hit the back of the chair. Do not occupy both armrests, because your neighbor may also want to lean on his elbows. Keep your things on your lap, and don't throw them on the floor under the seat. Do not lean on the back of the next chair and do not rest your feet on it. Do not take other people's places; it is unpleasant to look at those who are expelled with disgrace from other people's places.

If for any reason you are late, enter the hall quietly and sit down in empty seats, if there are none, stand near the door. You can only take your seats during the intermission.

Some people have a habit of reciting the content before starting a movie or play. This cannot be done. Your companion will soon have the opportunity to find out for himself.

During the performance, you should only listen and watch. Even if the play or film is uninteresting, courtesy obliges you to sit silently until the end of the play. If this is unbearable, the hall can be left during the break.

When the program begins, you need to stop all conversations. During the performance, it is forbidden to do anything that interferes surrounding: whispering with a neighbor, giggling, fidgeting in an armchair, rustling candy wrappers, chewing, commenting out loud on what is happening on the stage or screen, singing along to the performer or beating the beat with your foot, sitting with your beloved head to head, talking on a cell phone. Cell phones must be switched off during the performance. If you have a cough or runny nose, think before you go out. You need to take care not only about your health, but also about the peace of others. You go another time.

How to leave. Some break out of their seats and rush to the wardrobe without waiting for the end of the play. This is highly impolite. Wait until the curtain falls and all the artists leave the stage, only then get up.

Last note. You don't have rights leave the girl to her fate in the middle of the night city (many performances end quite late). You are obliged to accompany her, if not to the door, then at least to the entrance of her house. Although if you have already reached the entrance, then you can bring it to the apartment.

Rules of conduct on the street

There are a lot of people on the street, and therefore you must observe the basic mass communication rules to avoid stress and conflict.

So we have right-hand traffic, therefore, walking along the street, do not rush against general flow. Oncoming bypass with right side. Even if you are in a hurry, do not fly knocking everyone down, do not push your way with your elbows, but ask for permission pass the: "Excuse me, let me pass".

In a crowded crowd, do not turn into a turtle, otherwise you can wait for someone to give you a boost. Don't suddenly stop in the middle of the sidewalk, even if you have a brilliant idea. Walk in rhythm with everyone.

Bags are usually carried in right hand, trying not to hit passers-by on their legs and not to soil their coats. Carry the umbrella upright. Hold an open umbrella over your head so that water does not flow onto passers-by, and the knitting needles do not get into their eyes. If you are under an umbrella with a girl, then you are holding the umbrella.

The rule says: the man accompanying the lady always walks on the left side. This custom dates back to the Middle Ages, when every man had a saber or sword hanging on his left side. So that the weapon does not hit the legs of the companion when walking, the man tried to walk to the left of the lady. This rule in our time, only the military in uniform does not obey. In order to give a military greeting to the oncoming military and not touch their lady with the elbow, it is more convenient for them to go on right.

A real man is obliged to take any heavy burden of his companion into his own hands, but not a handbag - the girl carries it herself. A man with a handbag in his hands looks ridiculous and ridiculous.

In a small crowd, young people can walk in an embrace if they manage to walk beautifully and not interfere general movement. It is indecent to laugh, kiss and be drunk on the street.

If you meet your friend on the street, do not stop in the middle of the sidewalk to exchange a few words with him - step aside. If you are waiting for someone on the street, then it is better to walk back and forth, and not stand in one place.

If a girl, walking with you, met another friend of a guy, then she is not obliged to introduce you to each other. You should walk forward at a slow pace or stand at a distance while she talks to the person she meets. At the same time, modern etiquette forbids a guy to leave a girl alone in such a situation. You must introduce your companion and only after that start conversation.

If you need to turn to passers-by to find the way, do not forget to use words: "Thank you", "Please" And "Sorry". If, on the contrary, they turn to you for help, answer clearly and briefly. If you don't know, then Tell: "Unfortunately, I do not know" rather than confusing the person with lengthy explanations. It is absolutely unacceptable to pass by, ignoring the question or muttering something unintelligible through your teeth.

Eating outside is unacceptable, even if you are as hungry as a wolf. Better go to a cafe or bar. In the heat of the summer, you can eat ice cream - this must be done quickly and gracefully, without letting it melt.

It's no secret to anyone that you must strictly observe Traffic Laws. Always stick to right side of the road, and if there is no sidewalk, then go towards the traffic.

Do not cross the carriageway of the street obliquely, do not cross the street in the wrong place. Do not walk with friends in a line on the sidewalk, you will close the entire passage, and passers-by will be forced to bypass you. Where you can only go one at a time, let the elders go ahead.

Do not speak loudly and do not laugh out loud; do not scatter gum and candy wrappers around - there are garbage containers for this.

Do not point your finger at people or objects. It is absolutely unacceptable to show curiosity towards people with external defects. Help such people, as well as the elderly, if the situation requires it. However, do not impose your services if people do not need your help or refuse. If you notice a person (even strangers) some errors in clothes, then quietly tell him about it - the person will be grateful to you. If a person drops a handkerchief, it should not be touched. We must approach its owner, quietly say: "You Dropped" and show with your eyes.

When entering the store, first let the exiting ones through, and then go in yourself.

It must be remembered that a man or a guy with a cigarette in his mouth, accompanying a woman, compromises this woman one hundred percent.

How to behave in public transport

You can not hang on the steps or run after a moving vehicle, and even more so jump up and jump on the go - this is life threatening. If the bus is full, it's better to wait for the next one.

When boarding and disembarking, let children and the elderly go forward, give them a seat. It is necessary to give up seating to the sick, pregnant women, parents with children and the elderly. This rule no one has canceled yet. Bypass the tram in front, the bus and trolleybus in the back.

To pass in a crowded bus or trolleybus, you should not "work with your elbows", push, climb ahead, just ask to step aside, skip ahead.

IN public transport, it is unacceptable to eat anything, gnaw seeds, pick your teeth, smoke, shake snow or raindrops from your clothes, throw garbage on the floor, look at passengers, unfold a newspaper half a wagon, look into a neighbor’s book, lead conversations about personal life and official affairs, eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

If you are transporting piercing and cutting items, then carefully pack them, otherwise you may injure or tear the stockings or clothes of passengers.

Rules of conduct when traveling abroad

Recently, Russian people are increasingly traveling abroad, and there are some sharp moments here.

First, remember, another country - other mores. The customs of another country must be treated delicately. Abroad you represent our country, and by your actions and behavior will judge the people as a whole.

When going abroad, learn about the climate, customs and sights of the country you are going to visit, so as not to get into trouble. Feel free to learn a few English words and phrases - they can be useful to you there.

It is necessary to arrive at the airport in advance in order to have time to complete the necessary formalities. Do not take customs clearance as personal insult: such is the order everywhere.

On the plane, think not only about your peace, but also about the peace of those around you. Do not make screams of surprise or fear during takeoff and landing. Don't tell the neighbors scary stories about accidents and catastrophes in the sky. Do not take other people's places, you have your own. Do not flaunt your courage and fasten your seat belt, these are rules.

On the train rules etiquette remains in effect. When entering the compartment, say hello to your companions. It is not necessary to introduce yourself, only if there is a desire to continue acquaintance.

Don't abuse right to the bottom shelf, which is formally assigned to you by a ticket. After all, a person from the top shelf will not be able to spend the entire trip there. Give him the opportunity to periodically go down and sit next to you. Remember that the luggage box is also shared.

A well-mannered young man will always give up a better place to a sick or elderly person.

You need to eat on the train so as not to disturb the neighbors. Do not eat foods with strong aroma: garlic, onion, herring and the like. When eating, do not bite off a whole tomato so that splashes fly in all directions, do not tear a piece of meat with your teeth, do not break out chicken wings, do not champ, in general behave with dignity.

Quiet, pleasant conversation help pass the time on the road. However, do not overwhelm your fellow travelers with your excessive sociability: do not tell them the whole story of your life, do not devote to your personal problems, do not ask incorrect questions: who and why is going, where he works, how much he earns, etc. You shouldn’t be gloomy silent either - this has a depressing effect on others. The best way to end a conversation with an annoying neighbor is to delve into a book or magazine.

Don't make noise on the train conversations, do not play cards until late at night (there is no need to say that in no case do not play cards with strangers, otherwise you risk being skinned like a sticky, do not sing, do not walk around the car, do not slam the doors and do not occupy the toilet for a long time.

Rules of conduct in a team

A polite, cultured person is inherent in tact. Tact is a sense of proportion. Being tactful means being able to feel the mood of another person, take into account the peculiarities of his character, take into account the properties of his nature and, depending on the individuality of each person, find one form or another. communication with him.

In a team - at school, college, etc. - be polite. Rudeness is unacceptable anywhere.

Attention to friends, classmates should not be intrusive. Do not get into the soul of people, do not burden them with your problems. Avoid familiarity in relation to others, do not allow it in relation to yourself.

Never wash the bones of others, do not discuss their manner of dressing, figure and complexion, do not judge who looked at whom, otherwise there will be no grief you will manage: already on the third person, your words will take on a completely different meaning. Gossip is a dirty business, try not to stoop to it yourself, and try not to let it touch you.

If you like to joke, make sure that your jokes do not hurt the vanity of others, try not to hurt with an inappropriate joke. Remember important rule: in 99% out of 100, your jokes about the appearance of people, their names or some habits of success will not bring you success and they are unlikely to add friends.

The real mistakes of people should be pointed out calmly, without insults.

If there is any misunderstanding, if you feel that you have been treated not fair Try to calmly deal with the situation. Irritation is a bad helper, you need to control yourself. A guy who has lost control of himself and becomes personal is in an even more depressing position.
