Where to get strength, where to expect help? Human resources and personal potential. Internal resources and their significance for a person

I believe that within each of us lives a Force that can lovingly show us the way to perfect health, ideal relationships, brilliant career and prosperity in every area of ​​life. Louise Hay.

Everything is ingeniously simple, but I would like to be more specific, what is this power that is in each of us and how to find an approach to it? How can it be applied to a specific goal, dream? What power can help you achieve success or former, live happily?

One of the laws of Tao says that everything changes except the law of change. Calmly accepting changes that are inevitable will help self-reliance, inner strength. The more you become aware of your strengths, the easier it will be for you to face challenges and achieve your goals.

In psychology, what can help a person in various situations is called personal And social resources, personal potential. What is included?

The parable is a metaphor for "The life-giving spring". Just as you cannot step into the same river twice, you cannot repeat your life path.
The path begins from the very birth of a Human, from the first breath, from the first cry, which announces to everyone about the beginning of the life path.
What does this road hold for the traveler walking along it? How long is this path, what expanses does it pass through, what obstacles will be encountered along the way? All these questions are answered in the course of life.
A person begins his journey uncertainly, in small steps, but as he grows up and acquires life experience these steps become more firm and confident.
The path that the traveler walks is not an easy one. It either narrows and becomes impassable, then suddenly widens and intersects with other roads that run along small rivers and the sea coast. This road is never straight and smooth. It can pass through a thicket of uncertainty or run through mountain ranges.
This winding road can lead to the desert or lead to a swamp, but there will always be that same magical path that will save a person and will certainly lead to a new source of life. The source that heals can originate high in the mountains or deep underground. It can be in the form of a dewdrop or a sip fresh air. And wherever a person is, he will always find his unique life-giving source, which will replenish the lost strength and give energy for the further path. And the path itself will certainly be illuminated by a source of heat and light.

1. Physical and mental health;

3. Volitional qualities - for example, patience, self-control;
4. Accumulated knowledge and mastered skills;
5. Self respect, self-sufficiency, life values;
6. Human interest in life, desires, goals;
7. Positive life experience, active life attitude - understanding that purposeful actions will sooner or later lead to results;
8. Readiness for personal growth, for self-improvement;
9. Accepting the challenge of life,- the ability to use the difficulties of life, problem situations for self-development;

11. Time and how you spend it;
12. Material opportunities (income, savings, etc.);
13. Material and technical means (house, transport, etc.);
14. Social support - people who can help achieve the goal;
15. Information and sources of information.

A story about resilience. Once a frustrated disciple said to the Master:
- Teacher, I'm tired, I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I always swim against the current, I have no more strength, what should I do?
Instead of answering, the teacher put three identical containers of water on the fire. He threw carrots into one container, put an egg into another, and poured coffee into a third. After a while, he took out the carrots and the egg from the water and poured coffee from the 3rd container into a cup.
- What changed? he asked the student.
- The egg and carrots boiled, and the coffee dissolved in water, - the student answered.
- No, - said the Teacher - This is just a superficial view of things.
- Look - hard carrots, having been in boiling water, have become soft and pliable. The fragile and liquid egg became hard. Outwardly, they did not change, they only changed their structure under the influence of equally unfavorable circumstances - boiling water.
So people - strong outwardly can fall apart where fragile and tender only harden and grow stronger.
- What about coffee? the student asked.
ABOUT! This is the fun part! Coffee completely dissolved in the new hostile environment and changed it - turned boiling water into a magnificent aromatic drink.
There are special people who do not change due to circumstances - they change the circumstances themselves and turn them into something new and beautiful, deriving benefit and knowledge from the situation.

Erich Fromm believed that every person has the three most important resources that can help him solve any problem. This:

  • hope - that which ensures readiness to meet the future, self-development and a vision of its prospects, which contributes to life and growth;
  • faith - awareness of the existence of many opportunities and the need to discover and use these opportunities in time;
  • mental strength (courage) - the ability to defend hope and faith, the ability to say “no” when the whole world wants to hear “yes”.

So, a resource is something internal that can help us achieve a goal. The formula using resources to achieve success would look like this:

A.S. + R. = J.S.

A.S. - The current state is what is now.

J.S. The Desired State is what we strive to achieve.

R. - Resources - what we may need for this.

And now a small projective test Sea Treasures, which will clarify your goals and tell you what resources you need in the first place.

Instruction. In this picture you see a small piece seascape Or rather, the seabed. You need, firstly, to complete this picture with details, complete it, and secondly, pay special attention to the chest. As you have already noticed, it is open, but empty. Fill it with the content that you consider the most appropriate and accurately reflects your thoughts.

You will find the key to the test in the article “Projective methods. Picture Tests: Your Goals and Resources ”

"Young teacher modern school»

Personal growth training: find your inner resource.

Purpose of the training session:

creating conditions for increasing the interest and motivation of young teachers for their own development, for positive changes in themselves and their lives.


    Create an emotional atmosphere of trust, comfort, openness.

    To develop the ability to adequately and most fully know oneself and other people.

    Diagnosis and correction of personal qualities and skills, removal of barriers that interfere with real and productive actions.

    To develop the ability to effectively interact with others, to update the internal resources of personal development.

Stage 1 - preparatory.

introductory word psychologist.

We all know very well that the quality of education directly depends on professional competence and personal characteristics of the teacher. Only a person capable of self-development can meet today's rapidly changing conditions. It is in today's time that an amateur, creative, active and resilient personality is in demand. Professional and personal growth are inseparable, and today at our training we will talk about personal growth.

Personal growth ... The concept is intriguing, obscure, but intuitively perceived by most people is definitely positive. "He grew up as a person" - they often talk about people who have become more mature, wise, successful.

The purpose of the training is to update your own resources for the development of your personality. And we will lead it ... (presentation of the presenters)

pay attention totraining session rules they are on the screen(slide 2)

1. Confidential communication style (one of its differences is calling each other “you”, which psychologically equalizes all members of the group and the leader).
2. Communication on the principle of "here and now" (talk only about what worries the participants in this moment and discuss what is going on in the group).
3. Personification of statements (rejection of impersonal speech forms that help people in everyday communication to hide their own position and evade responsibility, put forward their judgments in the form "I think ...", "I think ...").
4. Sincerity in communication (say only what we really feel, or remain silent; openly express our feelings in relation to the actions of other participants).
5. Confidentiality (what happens in the lesson is not taken out of the group, which contributes to the disclosure of participants).
6 Definition strengths personality (during the discussion, be sure to emphasize the positive qualities of the speaker).

Let's start with dating.

    Acquaintance - "Alphabetic rank"

Leading: Design badges, write your training name, thenin the shortest possible time, you need to line up in one line so that the names are in alphabetical order. Sit in a circle.

Stage 2 is the main one.

    Exercise "Three colors of personality"

Leading: Each of you receives a model of a person - he will be a "piggy bank" of our features. (qualities, lifestyle, hobbies, hobbies, attitudes, etc.) One side of a person with three points different color. Next to the green dot, you need to write what unites you with everyone - “like everyone else”, next to the blue one - only with some (as it seems to you) - “like some”, next to the red one - what distinguishes you from everyone else - "like no one else"(slide 3 green - “like everyone else”, etc.)

Each participant makes a record about himself, about his own properties and traits.

After filling out the leaflets by all participantsleading asks to voice what was written, to present oneself.

Leading. What you have just been talking about is your resources. They are external and internal.

(slide 4) Internal resources - personal qualities or properties of the body that help achieve the goal, they can be both positive and negative.

External resources are conditions that contribute to the achievement of goals.

Leading: I suggest you work in microgroups (group 1 - determines what can be attributed to internal resources, group 2 - to external ones), each subgroup presents its achievements, other participants add)

(5 slide - table) The host interprets unfamiliar definitions along the way

Internal resources (personal)

External resources


Self confidence

Positive and rational thinking


Emotional intellect

Internal locus of control


Mental self-regulation skills

Active motivation

Emotional-volitional qualities

Psychological defenses

Creative thinking

Coping strategies

assertive behavior


Material resources:

Conditions for living and recreation

Sufficient income level

Life safety

Optimal working conditions

Pay stability

Social support:

Emotional Support



Family, friends

Leading: Each person at different periods of his life has access to a wide variety of resources. However, we are not always aware of the availability of resources, and sometimes we cannot access them due to some psychological barriers (the influence of negative past experience, inadequate parental attitudes, irrational thinking, etc.). The more resources (internal and external) a person has, the easier and calmer she copes with situations on her life path.

Today in the lesson we will work with some of our internal resources and replenish the treasury of our resources.

The study of our personal characteristics is a powerful resource for personal development, as we learn to build our activities and our communication, making the most of our personal strengths and capabilities and leveling out shortcomings.

    "Test geometric shapes(Susan Dellinger).

Leading: Take a look at the following figures.(6 slide)

You are invited to choose one of five geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle or zigzag. Choose from them the one in relation to which you can say: "It's me!" Try to feel your form. If you are having a hard time, choose the one that first attracted you from the figures.

Leading: now I suggest that you break into groups in accordance with the chosen figure.

This is your basic figure, or subjective form. It makes it possible to determine your main, dominant character traits and behaviors (brief psychological characteristics of the corresponding forms of personality).

Leading: Each group should be familiar withinterpretation of test results (to the extent that concerns their figure) and briefly tell the rest of the participants about those features of character and behavior that are inherent in people of “their figure”.

If someone made a mistake with the choice, justify why you think so, and you can move on to a “figure” that is more suitable for you.

Leading: Now we offer the groups to fill in the tables and write down the pros and cons of the character and behavior of the people of the figure you have chosen.


If your main figure turned out to be a square, then you are a tireless worker. Diligence, diligence, the need to bring the work begun to the end, perseverance, allowing you to achieve completion of the work - these are the main qualities of true Squares. Endurance, patience and methodicalness usually make the Square a highly qualified specialist in his field. This is facilitated by an insatiable need for information. All the information that they have is systematized and sorted. The square is able to give the necessary information instantly. Therefore, the Squares are deservedly known as erudite, at least in their field.

If you have chosen a square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely you belong to the “left hemisphere” thinkers. They are more likely to “calculate the result” than to guess about it. They are extremely attentive to details, details, they love the routine once and for all. Their ideal is a planned, predictable life, and they don't like change. habitual course events. They are constantly “arranging”, organizing people and things around them.

Excessive predilection for details, the need for clarifying information for decision-making deprives the Square of efficiency. Neatness, observance of rules, etc., can develop to a paralyzing extreme. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, conservatism in assessments prevent Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people.

The main life values: order, work, traditions, reputation.

(Slide 7)




"Black and white" thinking, one-sidedness


Inflexibility, pedantry


Excessive severity


Meticulousness, pettiness


overly serious



Tenacity, perseverance


Firmness in decisions


Loyalty, honesty

Resistance to the new


Fear of risk


poor fantasy




This shape symbolizes leadership. The most salient feature true Triangle - the ability to concentrate on the main goal. They are energetic strong personalities. Triangles, like their relatives Squares, are linear shapes and tend to also be "left-brained" thinkers, able to analyze situations deeply and quickly. However, in contrast to Squares, which are focused on details, Triangles focus on the main thing, on the essence of the problem. Their strong pragmatic orientation directs mental analysis and limits it to the search for an effective solution to the problem under given conditions.

Triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right about everything! The need to be right and the need to manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for themselves, but also, if possible, for others makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others. Triangles have a hard time admitting their mistakes! We can say that they see what they want to see, do not like to change their decisions, are often categorical, do not recognize objections. Fortunately (for them and those around them), Triangles quickly and successfully learn (absorb useful information like a sponge), however, only what corresponds to their pragmatic orientation contributes (from their point of view) to the achievement of the main goal.

Triangles are ambitious. If it is a matter of honor for the Square to achieve highest quality work performed, then the Triangle seeks to achieve high position, to acquire a high status, in other words - to make a career. The main negative quality of Triangles: strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. On the way to the heights of power, they do not show particular scrupulousness in relation to moral standards. Triangles make everything and everyone revolve around them... Maybe life would lose its sharpness without them.

The main life values: power, leadership, career, status, victory, income.

(slide 8)



Successful Leadership


Ability to take responsibility

The desire to control everything that happens

The ability to concentrate forces

Complete preoccupation with business

Set to win

Philosophy "the end justifies the means"

Self confidence



Courage, risk taking


Directness, frankness

Sharpness, cruelty

The power of feelings, passion

Outbursts of anger, rage




This figure symbolizes the state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can "wear" at certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the way of life that they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position. The reasons for the "rectangular" state can be very different, but one thing unites them - the significance of changes for a particular person.

The main mental state of Rectangles is a more or less conscious state of confusion, entanglement in problems and uncertainty about oneself at a given time. Most character traits- inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. They tend to have low self-esteem. They strive to become better in something, they are looking for new methods of work, lifestyles. Quick, abrupt and unpredictable changes in Rectangle's behavior usually confuse and alarm other people.

Rectangles, on the other hand, need to communicate with other people, and this is another difficulty of the transition period. However, the Rectangle also has positive qualities that attract others to it: curiosity, inquisitiveness, a keen interest in everything that happens and ... courage! During this period, they are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, they easily learn everything new. True, the reverse side of this is excessive gullibility, suggestibility. Therefore Rectangles are easy to manipulate. "Rectangularity" is just a stage. She will pass!

It is characterized by a reassessment and a change in the main life values ​​as a result of significant events in life.

(slide 9)



Search Orientation


Positive attitude towards new things



internal discord



Trust and empathy

Emotional instability




Low self-esteem

High learning ability



The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. The one who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested above all in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people. The circle is the most benevolent of the five shapes. It most often serves as the “glue” that holds both the work team and the family together, that is, it stabilizes the group. Circles are the best communicators primarily because they are the best listeners. They have high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize.

First, Circles are about people rather than business. In an attempt to keep the peace, they sometimes avoid taking a "hard" stance and making unpopular decisions. For the Circle, there is nothing more difficult than to enter into interpersonal conflict. They try to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes, to the detriment of the cause. Secondly, Circles are generally not distinguished by determination, often they cannot present themselves properly. Triangles, as a rule, easily take over them. However, the Circles are not too worried about who holds the power. In one, the Circles show enviable firmness - when it comes to moral issues or violations of justice.

The circle is a non-linear shape, and those who confidently identify with the circle are more likely to be "right hemisphere" thinkers.

"Right hemispheric" thinking is more imaginative, intuitive, emotionally colored, more integrative than analyzing. Therefore, the processing of information by the Circles is carried out not in a sequential format, but rather in a mosaic, with breakthroughs with omissions of individual links. This does not mean that Krug is at odds with logic. It’s just that formalism doesn’t get priority in their decision life problems. The main features in their thinking are an orientation towards the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find common ground even in opposing points of view.

We can say that the Circle is a born psychologist. However, he is often a weak organizer - he lacks the "left hemisphere" skills of his "linear brothers" - the Triangle and the Square.

The main life values: serving people, happiness and well-being of the family, children, communication.

(slide 10)



High need for communication

Dependence public opinion

communication, accessibility








Generous emotional sensitivity


Calmness and relaxation


Non-conflict, the tendency to forgive



This figure symbolizes creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen the zigzag as the main shape, then you are most likely a true “right-brain” thinker, a dissident.

You, like your closest relative Krug, only to an even greater extent, are characterized by figurativeness, intuitiveness, integrativity, mosaicism. Strict, consistent deduction is not your style. Zigzag thought makes desperate jumps from "a" to "z", so many "left-brained" people find it difficult to understand Zigzags.

“Right hemispheric” thinking is not fixed on the details, therefore, by simplifying the picture of the world in some way, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, to see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense.

The dominant thinking style of the ZigZag is most often the synthetic style. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and achieve synthesis not by concessions, but rather by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict is resolved, “removed”. Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very caustic, “opening their eyes” to others.

Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured situations. They are annoyed by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and permanent ways work. In their work they require independence from others and high level stimulation in the workplace. Then the ZigZag "comes to life" and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work.

Zigzags are idealists, hence their traits such as impracticality and naivety originate.

Zigzag is the most excitable of the five patterns. They are unrestrained, very expressive, which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are not strong in working out specific details and are not too persistent in bringing things to the end (since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost).

The main life values: freedom, creativity, change.

(slide 11)



Striving for novelty, creativity

disorganized, incoherent

Thirst for knowledge


Rebellious spirit

Individualism, insecurity


Disregard for laws, traditions

Future orientation







Stinginess, causticity

    (12 slide) "Pantomime - a figure in activity"

Leading. Now we invite you to express yourself. Using their Creative skills, using the characteristics of the figures, positive and negative qualities- imagine a pantomime. Depict the leading quality of your figure in the form of pantomime. (2 minutes). The rest of the participants must determine this quality.


What impression did this exercise make?

Was it hard to picture? What caused the difficulty?

Leading: Each of you, choosing this or that figure, has an irreplaceable, very important resource.

In fact, there are no bad or good qualities. There are situations in which some quality interferes, and there are situations in which the same quality helps. If we treat our features in this way, we can control their manifestation ourselves, instead of obeying them. And then we can say: "I use my quality, not the quality uses me." This is just the ability to think rationally.

By usingRATIONAL JUDGMENT we formPOSITIVE attitude towards life, allowing yourself to be the masters of your life.

IRRATIONAL JUDGMENTS On the contrary, they make us dependent on other people and circumstances, hinder the achievement of our goals, and lead to emotional problems. Figuratively, these thoughts can be called(slide 13) « MENTAL GARBAGE", which can be divided into four categories:


The essence of such an algorithm of thinking is to internally remove responsibility for what is happening. It is based on an unconscious self-prohibition on making mistakes, on possible own wrongness. It is important to maintain the image of one's own impeccability and "correctness".


Forecasting the most unfavorable scenarios for the development of the situation. Making an elephant out of a fly. It is difficult to maintain cheerfulness and good mood when the forecasts for the development of the situation are one worse than the other. The saddest thing is that these predictions often become reality.

    “I/YOU/HE MUST!”

Deep conviction in the truth and objectivity of their own ideas about the world. Imposing the chosen stereotype of actions on others and on oneself as the only possible one. A person ceases to be aware of the difference between his ideas about reality and the real living situation.


The tendency to draw global conclusions from the results of particular situations (always so, all people are like that, I can never ... etc.). Thus, we form a subconscious attitude to the stereotypical reproduction of this situation and fix the background negative attitude towards it.

Leading. “Mental garbage” prevents us from thinking positively, and therefore personal growth. It is necessary to learn to think rationally, and the following algorithm will help us with this.

(slide 14) When a problem occurs, a person always has a choice: to leave everything as it is or to make changes.



Leave everything as it is Make changes

    Change the circumstances in which the problem occurred

    Change yourself (reactions, behavior, habits, attitudes, attitudes)

    Change your attitude to circumstances, that is, accept them:

    As a condition for something else - good

    Like a lesson to be learned and something to learn that will be needed in the future

    As an advance payment for something good that will happen in the future

    As a Catalyst for Intrapersonal Resources, Personal Development and Opportunities

    As something positive that is contained in what is so far perceived as negative

Leading: So there is always a choice. But not always a person can see something important and useful for himself in a problem. In fact, there are several tricks that help not only to see something useful even in difficult situations, but also to find a way out. They are called "POSITIVE THINKING FORMULA":(slide 15)

"Theatre in a Snuffbox". The ability to see the problem "from above" helps to reduce the exaggerated negative meaning of what is happening, the feeling of powerlessness. The problem is seen as a whole, it becomes clearer.

"The other side of the coin". The medal cannot be with only one side. Where there is bad, there must be good. This is the law of life, and no matter how we treat it, it works.

"Little bricks of the big wall." If we want to jump over a large wall, then most likely we will break, and the wall will remain in place. If every day we separate a small brick from the wall, after a while we will see that there will be no trace left of the wall. What are the first three bricks you can take out of this wall?

"Trouble as a Friend" , "Advice to a Friend" .

    Exercise "The other side of the coin."

Leading: Let's try to work with one of these formulas "The other side of the coin." You need to split into pairs. First one voices their problem or difficult situation to another, and the other must find the positive. Then you need to switch roles. (2-3 minutes)

Discussion: Did the formula help you? Were you able to look at the problem from a different angle? If it didn’t work right away, you can try again or turn to another formula. The main thing is that there is always a way out.


Leading: Positive thinking leads to the formation of adequate self-esteem. A person with inadequate, excessively high or low self-esteem, is not able to adequately perceive the world correctly assess the circumstances. Such a person is not able to make the right decisions.(slides 16, 17, 18)

Self-esteem - this is a person's attitude to himself and to his actions, based on his own experience and on the opinion of others about this person.

Self-esteem level





Self-confident, calm, open-minded

Arrogant, self-confident, believes that others are not able to fully understand him

Insecure, indecisive, distrustful

Attitude towards weaknesses and strengths

He sees both positive and negative aspects both in himself and in others.

He sees mainly advantages in his behavior and disadvantages in the behavior of others.

Sees mostly his faults, suffers from it

Attitude towards criticism

Ability to take criticism and strive to improve

Does not accept criticism, believes that those who criticize him are not able to understand

Responds badly to criticism


Focused on knowledge, action and communication, active, purposeful

Aimed at solving his problems, at achieving a position corresponding to his level

Aimed at masking his shortcomings, so that others do not notice that he is worse than them


Can objectively assess situations, take into account the opinions of others

Inability to accept a different point of view and understand others

Dependent on the opinions of others, tries to "be like everyone else", focuses on the position of the majority


Knows how to empathize, has many friends, is conducive to communication

Communicates until he loses interest in the partner (or the partner does not lose interest in him)

Has communication problems. Two behaviors:

1) depression, loneliness and isolation, tries not to stand out and not show himself ("I'm bad, but others are good");

2) aggression. draws attention to himself, behaves provocatively, tries to suppress and humiliate others (“I am bad, and others are even worse than me)

    Test "Self-assessment"

    Do you often think about what others think of you?




    How do you feel when you compare yourself to a more successful person?


    A little dissatisfaction

    Peace and joy for him

    Do you think you have achieved what you wanted to achieve today?


    Not really

    Hardly ever

    How often do you call yourself a loser?




    Who do you usually blame for your failures?


    It all depends on the circumstances


    Can you easily change your opinion of yourself under the influence of others?




Results processing:

    2 points

    1 point

    0 points

(slide 19)

8-12 points. Low self-esteem. You depend on the opinions of others. You listen to them too much. Any casually thrown word can knock you off balance for a long time. You have too much suspiciousness and anxiety. Low self-esteem hinders successful development personality. A person who does not believe in himself doubts everything, looks to the future without optimism, carries a lot of complexes.

8-4 points. Average self-esteem. You are adequate. Adequate self-esteem encourages a person to be active, aimed at the formation of those qualities that are not well developed, to get rid of shortcomings.

4-0 points. High self-esteem (turning into overestimated). You will not be touched by anything but underestimation. By cutting off negative information, you deprive yourself of positive information. This is the other side of the first type, you cannot redefine yourself. If a person of the first type is too flexible, then you are the exact opposite, you cannot be reached. As a result, mistakes and shortcomings in behavior can turn into habits that will be very difficult to get rid of.

Leading: To reduce high self-esteem, you need to be critical of yourself, but in order to. To improve it, I offer you some very effective tips.

(slide 20) How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence? Here are 12 tips to help you do just that:


Leading: One of the important personal resources is creative thinking. To manifest this resource, I suggest that you do the following exercise.

    Exercise "How can I be interesting (interesting)?"

Leading: I suggest you break into 3 groups and take a description of one of the situations. Participants take turns taking cards and reading the text. It is necessary to determine whether there are unexpected moves and decisions in the “stores of experience and personality” that could work in this situation. The first right to answer belongs to the one who read the card, then everyone speaks. Use your creative resource to solve situations:

Examples of situations that can be written on cards:

    “Unexpectedly, in the middle of the working day, it turned out that a colleague had a birthday. I need to find a gift ASAP. Do you have something original for this occasion?”

    “You and your children went on a trip. Suddenly, in the late afternoon, the lights in the hotel and the surrounding streets went out for several hours. Do you have "preparations" for this case? How could you be interesting to children?

    “A festive concert has been scheduled, several performances from teachers are expected. Suddenly, all engaged educators-artists fall ill! How can you be interesting in such a situation?

Leading: Please note that at the beginning of the training we said that we would dedicate it to updating our internal resources. Take mock-ups of your little people, write down those qualities that you have realized and emphasized their importance for personal growth.

Stage 3 is the final one.


(Slide 21) Continue the sentence “An important resource for me is…”


Please answer a few questions about the last lesson

Circle the rating on the 10-point scale that corresponds to your opinion.

    How satisfied are you overall?

    How useful do you think this activity is for you?

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very satisfied

    Will you apply the experience (knowledge) gained in life situations?

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Definitely will

    Would you recommend your friends and acquaintances to participate in this training session if it is held again?

No way 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I will definitely

    Your suggestions and wishes.


Personal growth, no matter how you call it - self-actualization or moving forward - is the main driving force of life. The main thing is not to stand still, learn, grow, let your personality develop. After all, in this case not moving forward is the same as moving backward.

COURAGE - change what you can change in yourself.

PATIENCE - accept what you can't change.

MIND - to distinguish one from the other.

12 tips to help boost self-esteem and self-confidence:

1. Stop comparing yourself to other people. There will always be people who have more of something than you, and there are people who have less than you. If you make comparisons, you will always have too many opponents or opponents in front of you that you cannot surpass.

2. Stop scolding and blaming yourself. You will not be able to develop a high level of self-esteem if you repeat negative statements about yourself and your abilities. Do you talk about your appearance, your career, relationships, financial situation, or any other aspect of your life, avoid self-deprecating comments. Self-esteem correction is directly related to your statements about yourself.

3. Accept all compliments and congratulations in return "thank you." When you respond to a compliment with something like “yes, nothing special,” you are rejecting the compliment and simultaneously sending yourself the message that you are not worthy of praise, building low self-esteem. Therefore, accept praise without belittling your dignity.

4. Use (affirmations) to boost your self-esteem. Put on a commonly used item, such as a plastic card or wallet, a statement such as "I love and accept myself" or "I attractive woman And I deserve the best in life." May this affirmation be with you always. Repeat the affirmation several times throughout the day, especially before going to bed and after you wake up. Whenever you repeat an affirmation, feel positive emotions regarding affirmations. Thus, the impact effect will be greatly enhanced.

5. Use self-esteem workshops, books, audio and video recordings. Any information you allow into your mind takes root there and influences your behavior. Dominant information influences your actions in a dominant way. If you watch or read a crime chronicle in the newspapers, most likely your mood will be inclined towards a cynical and pessimistic side. In the same way, if you read books or listen to programs that are positive in nature and capable of boosting self-esteem, you will acquire qualities from them.

6. Try to communicate with positive and confident people who are ready to support you. When you are surrounded by negative people who constantly suppress you and your ideas, your self-esteem goes down. On the other hand, when you are accepted and encouraged, you feel better and your self-esteem grows.

7. Make a list of your past accomplishments. It doesn't have to be something monumental. The list may include small wins, such as learning to snowboard, getting a driver's license, hitting the gym regularly, etc. Review this list regularly. As you read your achievements, try to close your eyes and feel the satisfaction and joy you once experienced again.

8. Make a list of your positive qualities. Are you honest? Selfless? Helpful to others? Creative? Be kind to yourself and write down at least 20 of your positive qualities. As with the previous list, it is important to review this list frequently. Many people focus on their shortcomings, reinforcing their low self-esteem there, and then wonder why everything in their life is not as good as they would like. Start focusing on your strengths and you will be much more likely to achieve what you want.

9. Start giving more to others. I'm not talking about money. This refers to giving of yourself in the form of deeds by which you can help others or positively encourage others. When you do something for others, you begin to feel like a more valuable individual, and your self-esteem and mood increase.

10. Try to do what you enjoy. It's hard to feel positive about yourself if your days are spent at a job you despise. Self-esteem flourishes when you are busy with work or any other vigorous activity that brings you pleasure and makes you feel more valued. Even if your work does not suit you completely, you can devote free time some hobbies that bring you joy.

11. Be true to yourself. Live your own life. You will never respect yourself if you don't spend your life the way you want to spend it. If you make decisions based on the approval of your friends and family, you are not true to yourself and will have low self-esteem.

12. Take action! You will not be able to develop a high level of self-esteem if you sit still and do not accept the challenges that arise in front of you. When you act, regardless of the result, your sense of self-esteem grows, you feel more pleasant feelings about yourself. When you procrastinate due to fear or some other anxiety, you will only feel upset and sad feelings, which, of course, will lead to a decrease in self-esteem.

You are a unique person, with great opportunities, with great potential. As your self-esteem grows, your true abilities will unfold. You will begin to take more risks and not be afraid of rejection; you will not be guided by the approval of other people; your relationships will be much more beneficial both for you and for others; you will do what brings you joy and satisfaction. Most importantly, high self-esteem will bring you peace of mind and you will truly appreciate yourself.

5 exercises to help you find your purpose

Do you know how to know if you are on your own path? Pretty simple. If you wake up every morning filled with energy and creative ideas, you are on your way. If you hate the sound of an alarm clock and get up in a bad mood, it's time to change jobs. Here are some exercises to help you understand what you really need to do.

Exercise 1. Return children's interest

Do you know the difference between genius and common man? A genius defends his right to do what he loves. This usually happens at a very early age.
Ask yourself what you liked to do as a child. Even before your parents started stuffing you with attitudes that “drawing won’t make a living” or “dancing is not serious.” Write down three things that really fascinated you as a child. This is a small hint where you should aim.

Exercise 2. Looking for patterns: 20 favorite activities

Now let's make a list of 20 of your favorite activities. Let some of them seem banal to you (for example, eating delicious food) - write anyway. When the list is ready, take a close look at these classes. See the patterns? Maybe things related to helping people predominate on your list? Or some sports activities? Or things related to calm monotonous work?

Understand what groups you can break this list into. It will help you figure out the kind of life you would like to live.

Exercise 3. Your ideal environment

If no one believes in you, then it becomes even more difficult to believe in yourself. That is why the environment that produces winners is almost always made up of winners. Unfortunately, the environment in which we grew up is not conducive to the creation of geniuses.
Imagine that the world has changed overnight to suit your needs. And in the morning it will be filled with such people as you want. What will these people be like? What qualities do they have? Maybe they are all creative, or, on the contrary, are they people who passed the sopromat with five plus? Maybe they do everything quickly, or, conversely, would you like to slow down the world?
What have you learned about yourself and what do you need to fully express yourself?

Exercise 4. Five Lives

Now imagine: you will have five lives. And in each of them you can become whoever you want. How will you live these five lives?

This exercise, like all the others, you can customize for yourself. If you manage for three lives - take three. You need ten - do not deny yourself anything. I chose five only because I like this number.

So, imagine that you devote one life to biology, the second to professional travel, the third to having big family with a bunch of children, in the fourth you will become a sculptor, and in the fifth - an astronaut. Which one do you like more?
The most important thing to understand here is this: if you have to choose only one life, even the one that you like best, you will still miss the rest. Because they are an integral part of you. We were hammered into our heads: “Determine!”. This is sad.
There are people in the world who are born for a single purpose, but this is a rare exception. Each of your lives contains something that you love and need very much. And you can bring it into your life.

Exercise 5. My perfect day

Now we have a long walk through your imagination. Grab a pen and paper and let's go. So how do you see your ideal day?

Live this day in the present tense and in full detail: where do you wake up, what kind of house is it, who is lying next to you, what do you eat for breakfast, what clothes do you wear, what do you do, what kind of work do you do, at home or in the office?

Don't limit your imagination. Describe the day you would live if you had absolute freedom, unlimited funds, and all the powers and skills you could ever dream of.

After the list is made, divide all your fantasies into three groups:
1. Which of these do you need as air.
2. Which is optional, but I would still like to have it.
3. What You Can Do Without

Our lives are made up of life experiences, stories, roles, relationships, earnings, skills. Some of these we choose. Some of what we call our choice is actually a compromise. Something totally random. Some of this is necessary and very expensive. But all this is not you. Focus on yourself. Find what you love. And start moving towards your destination.

Each person has vital resources that he can dispose of and provide certain processes. Thanks to personal resources the needs for survival, safety, comfort, socialization and self-realization are provided. In other words, we can say that the external and internal resources of a person are his life support.

Characteristics of personal resources

Resources are divided into personal (internal) and social (external).

Internal resources are the mental and personal potential of a person, as well as the skills and character that support people from the inside.

External resources are those values ​​that are expressed in social status, connections, material support and everything else that helps a person in outside world and society.

This article will talk about how important internal resources are and how they should be developed and used to achieve success.

Human resources include:

Health (physical and psychological);


Intellectual abilities;

Skills, abilities, experience;

And emotions;

Self-assessment and identification;



To achieve success and harmony with the world, it is these internal human resources that must be developed to maximum level. Many experts in the field social psychology note that people who are engaged in self-improvement, in most cases, achieve their goals. They have the ability to control themselves first and then take control of the situations around them. It is this algorithm of behavior that is correct for influencing various social processes.

Health (physical and psychological)

A healthy human body, which receives rest and food in the required amount, as well as expends its internal sexuality and energy in the required amount, are the internal resources of a person on which most of the success in life depends.

The psychological component (the processes of the psyche and its functions) are also regarded as fundamental resources. The internal components of the personality psyche are erudition and erudition, figurative and abstract thinking, intelligence, the ability to use information, the ability to analyze and synthesize, attention, quick switching from one object to another, will and imagination.

Emotions and positive thinking

Various emotional states are inexhaustible resources. Inner moods can set the rhythm for both the physical body and the psyche as a whole. At the same time, the resources are both a feeling of favorable emotions, such as joy, happiness, fun, peace, and a feeling of grief, sadness, anger, rage. But each of the emotions must carry a creative function. For example, rage and anger in defending one's rights can indicate and will not allow the opponent to violate them. But rage, aimed at the destruction (moral or psychological) of another person, already carries a destructive function.

The perspective on creation will allow developing the ability to positive thinking, which very often becomes an assistant in resolving many problems and troubles in life.


Character is understood not only as those traits that are highly moral and attractive to society as a whole, but also those that help the individual move towards achieving any results. For example, anger and irritability are not very welcome in society, but thanks to them, a person will always be able to stand up for himself in a difficult situation. That is why such traits are also resources. The internal resources of the individual, which are in character, of course, must be close to the ideals of society. It is worth remembering that all character traits should be manifested in right time and in the right place, in which case they will only benefit the person himself and others.

Skills, abilities, experience

A skill is what a person has learned to do, and a skill is the automation of a skill. Thanks to this, the person can the people around him. Thus, an internal resource is manifested, which lies in skill.

Experience, processed and experienced, is an important human resource. Everything that a person could realize and feel is already experience, and in the future a person can consciously use it in similar situations to overcome any difficulties.

Self-esteem and identification

Identity is what we identify with and identify with. The last characteristic can be professional, social role, gender. It is also an internal resource that allows us to perform those functions and responsibilities that we consciously accept. Self-esteem plays an important role in a person's life and the proper use of this resource. We can say that it is a real assessment of one's position in society and attitude towards oneself that allow one to weigh one's own actions and failures, draw conclusions and continue to achieve life goals.


The ability to respond correctly to current situations is an extremely important component of any personality. Using the resource of self-control allows a person to analyze and choose the right behavior model that will not harm either others or himself.


Spirituality in the field of internal resources means not only faith in higher powers, but also values ​​that are associated with justice, love, faith in magic and energy. It is these non-material values ​​that lift a person above the earthly chaos, and allow him to become more reasonable.

First you will imagine a vase made of baked clay, a beautiful vase, such as are found in China, and in Africa, and in France. There are also such vases in Russia. Such vases are found in the countryside and in the city. But this is a very, very beautiful vase. She is very skillfully decorated. And you imagine it, you mentally invent it. And when you imagine her properly, her form, with all the details, shades of color, you know how you can let me know about it ... Very good ...

Now you go to the person who makes such vases. You choose a good specialist, a master who knows his craft well. And you will describe to him the vase that he will have to make for you. And when you realize that he understood what you want from him, you will let me know about it ... You have the time to explain everything well to the master, to give him all the necessary details for the implementation of your project ... Very- Very good...

And now you will sit in a chair opposite the master and watch him work... Very, very good... And when you sit down to watch him, you will let me know... To look after him and watching , study. But the master does not immediately sit down at his Potter's wheel. First, he goes to the backyard to find among all the variety of clay, plaster and other materials that he has, the one that is most suitable for making your vase. There is red clay, there is green clay, and there are other varieties too. There is hard clay, there is soft clay, there is elastic clay, he will choose the one that is most suitable for the realization of your plan. And you see how he comes back and puts a piece of this clay on his circle, which he uses to carry out your plan. The potter puts his hands on this mass, which has no definite shape, and starts spinning the circle... And when the circle starts spinning, you will let me know... Very, very good...

Look closely at the circle. And look at the clever work of the potter's hands. The hands first work in parallel, they approach and rise a little along the form, which gradually appears ... And the hands go up ... And soon the form is received, and the potter removes his hands to look from the side at the object that he created. And when he removes his hands, you will let me know... You have time, and you give the potter time to create a good shape.

When the potter takes up the second part of the work he is now beginning, he will place one hand... I don't know, right or left... in the center of this form, and leave the other hand outside... And while the circle is turning, both of his hands will work. The hand that is inside will exert outward pressure, while the hand that is outside will exert pressure inward. This is work in two opposite directions, but in fact complementary. Because while the inside hand pushes outward, the outside hand moves back a little to allow the inside hand to move outward. And the hand slightly holds the clay, so as not only not to spoil the shape of the vase, but, on the contrary, to get an even more beautiful one.

And you can see how the potter changes hands: the hand that was outside is placed inside, and the hand that was inside is placed outside. And gradually, thanks to this alternating and outwardly opposite work of the hands, the vase takes its final shape...

And when the potter has given the vase its final shape, he will remove both hands with great care and stop the circle. And when the circle stops, you will let me know... Very, very good...

The potter will take the vase and put it in the kiln to make the first firing. And while the vase is being fired, in that chair where you sit, there, with the potter, you can have your time and let your mind wander, dream about other vases or about something else that interests you. And for a few moments, while the vase is being fired in the kiln, you can dream.

And you hear the potter opening the oven. He takes the vase, places it on the work table, waits for it to cool, and begins the third part of his work. He paints a vase. And you yourself will approach him and indicate exactly what he will have to do. He is a technician, a performer, and you know what to do. You know where to put which color. You know how you want to decorate it. And you point it out to him with great precision. And the potter good master, he understands everything you tell him and does what you ask him to do. And when the vase is fully decorated, you will let me know. Give good instructions, because in this part of the work it is very important for the potter to know your desires, to know in which direction he should move, how to realize your project. Very very good. Now the potter will fire your vase a second time to consolidate what has been done. And when the work is fixed, he will offer you this vase... He gives it to you, and you leave with it. And you go with her wherever you want.

And this vase is a little magical - "a vase with resources." It already contains what we call resources, which consist of your past experience, all experience, because any experience is positive if you look at it from the right point of view. And this vase is very large, and it can hold any experience that will come, from today or tomorrow and you will place it in this vase. You will put the vase wherever you want, in the place you know and love. And when you put it on, you will let me know about it... Very, very good...

Now you will settle down in front of the vase, where it is, on the seat, comfortable or uncomfortable ... It does not matter now. And you will have fun doing the levitation exercise, as you know how to do. You will let your right or left hand rise in its rhythm, you will give it the opportunity to act ... Well ... You know that the main thing is to think about it. The concept of lightness... The very concept of lightness allows the hand to become a little lighter, and you don't need to think about anything else... And you give it the opportunity to become a little lighter, and when it becomes a little lighter, you allow it to rise. You can imagine what I'm saying... Imagine that a very light thread is tied around the wrist, and two or three balls are tied to it, and these balls raise your arm.

And as your hand rises, you will imagine that your vase is being filled with all the resources of your past, whatever they may be. You don't need to think about it... Your unconscious knows them. These are the resources your unconscious has received since early childhood are the resources of all the learnings in your life... what your parents taught you, your friends, your teachers - everything your life has taught you.

And while the hand is raised, all these resources begin to place themselves in the resource vase. And when the vase is full, you will let your hand go down... knowing that when you want it, you will only have to think about this vase... Almost like the children who know it well from the fairy tale about Aladdin, who has Magic lamp, and when he needs help in life, rub this lamp and a genie will appear to help him solve this problem. And the resource vase will be something like such a lamp. And when you have a need in life to progress in the direction you want, you will only need to think about this vase. First you will think about it specifically, and then you will no longer need to think, your unconscious itself uses all the necessary knowledge ... Very, very good ...

And you can still let your hand rise. And your hand can go up to her face or... wherever she wants. It doesn't matter. You're letting her act because you know that while your hand is being raised, work is being done on another level...maybe the level of the resource vase...maybe some other...But it's not- important ... And we do not need to do this. The important thing is that you let your hand go up to where it needs to go until the trance is over.

And when it rises to the place where it should rise, it will begin to descend. And while the hand is raised, the energy that you have, and the resources that were saved, are mobilized. And when it soon begins to descend, all these resources will go to those parts of your body or your spirit - and for me the body and spirit are one and the same - that need it. All the smallest parts that make up the vase, whatever our idea of ​​it, will be placed in their places ... Some in their former places, and some in others, because each thing should be in its place. And when every thing is in its place, the unity that these things make up functions best. And only when your hand is on your knee can you take a deep breath whenever you want.

You have the time to finish this work, which you have done very well and which you can do at home, as I will tell you in a few seconds ... Very well ... You have the time ... And when you want, you will allow yourself to breathe in and open your eyes. Thank you.

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