Cards with tasks for the birthday of adults. Comic tasks for guests at the birthday table

Birthday Fantas for adults and children is an exciting and interesting game. For its implementation, a leader is required. He removes one item from each participant. It can be anything: a bracelet, a wallet, earrings, even a sock. The object should be small so that these forfeits can be folded into a small hat or some kind of vessel that looks like a hat. Fanta's game will become .

Now the host turns away, and the players take turns taking out forfeits. The host, without looking at what item was taken out, says what the owner of this item should do. According to the rules of the game, the item cannot be returned until the task is completed. And tasks, by the way, can be long-playing. In order for the game to turn out to be fun and intense, tasks for forfeits must be thought out in advance. We offer a selection of such tasks.

Fanta birthday for cheerful company adults at the table:
It is necessary to draw a mustache for yourself with any material at hand and not wash it off during the evening;
You should move a penny with your nose so that it falls from the table into a glass substituted for these purposes;
It is necessary to depict the sounds of a flying plane and run around the house, pronouncing them loudly;
For each player, the phantom must make a paper medal. Moreover, the merits for which the medal is awarded must be real. For example, the most kind, the most quick-tempered, etc.
You need to put on pajamas and walk in it to the nearest store, buy a pack of salt there. If passers-by ask questions along the way, then they can only be answered: “So it is necessary”;
It is necessary to drink all the alcohol that is in the glasses on this moment;
Stand up, of course, this can be done with support. Then come up in this position to the couple in love at the table and wish her happiness, good luck and all the best;
Show, without the use of speech, what you do every day at work;
Go out onto the balcony or just lean out the window and shout ten times with all your might: “People, I love you very much”;
15 minutes to pretend to be a foreigner, be sure to make a toast in any other language;
Open and eat a banana without using your hands;
Go to your neighbors and bring a glass of salt or a bucket of water from them;
Sincerely confess your three sins from the past. Gotta get on your knees;
Turn to the neighbor on the left and portray a scene as if he should marry you;

In front of the mirror say ten times: "Oh, how good I am." The phrase must be pronounced every time new way;
Drink a glass of any alcohol without using your hands;
For guests, depict a pig in a pigsty. At the same time, crawl on the floor and be sure to grunt;
Shouting to extinguish the candle. You can’t blow on a candle, you only need to use your voice or the power of thought;
Sing any children's song, and in pauses, knock to the beat on the stomach;
Show stripper. Then show a stripper who got drunk;
You can ask a person to show any animal. Most good options here is a penguin, fur seal, snake, bear;
Take three eggs and juggle them. Of course, there is a high probability that the eggs will fall and break. So, it will be necessary to clean up after yourself - this is also the task of this phantom;
Give each guest a compliment;
Say a nice nasty thing about each guest;
Name three qualities of each guest that the participant is most impressed with;
Feed each guest at the table from a spoon;
Give any of the guests a hand massage;
Take a hair dryer, comb and gel to make yourself an unusual hairstyle;
Predict the future for each guest. Not just like that, but pretend to be a real professional astrologer;
Discover the secret of who you wanted to be as a child;
Just to tell a joke, but to make the guests laugh;
The host chooses three participants, whom the owner of the fanta must hug, kiss and shake hands;
Draw a portrait of a neighbor on the left or right;
Recognize any girl in love, but do not use words;
Put balloon ik between two phantoms. Make them hug so tightly that the balloon will burst;

1. Sing a song.
2. Dance a funny dance.
3. Make guests laugh.
4. Unwrap and eat the candy using cutlery.
5. Tell a joke.

1. To make it more fun,
Sing us a song soon!
We make a promise
What do we sing to you.

2. Your finest hour has come!
Please dance for us
Incendiary and brave
Tango sultry ... with a mop!

3. Charge everyone with positive,
Something to make you laugh
For us to have fun
To laugh heartily!

4. This is a sleight of hand task.
Dare, praise and honor to you!
Knife and fork candy
Manage and deploy, and eat!

5. Amuse honest people:
Tell us a joke
To laugh until you drop.
Remember more - we will be glad!

1. Open champagne.
2. Get a tea bag into a mug.
3. Prepare a sandwich.
4. Eat a banana without using your hands.
5. Take a photo of the guests.

1. Surprise you
I got a fan simple:
For us without delay
Open the champagne!

2. Here is a test for accuracy!
(The hall held its breath.)
Drop this tea bag
So that he gets into the mug!

3. Fant is simple: from different products
Make a sandwich (light snack)
To make it look great
And it tasted great!

4. Try to entertain us a little,
Have fun with friends and girlfriends
And eat a banana without a fork, without a spoon,
No knife, no hands.

5. You got such a phantom:
Take a picture of all guests.
But with one simple nuance -
To make it funnier!

A wonderful path was passed by the hero of the day,
You can talk about it in a book.
Come up with a title for the memoir
that he could write.

Not a difficult phantom, you should know
About this, do not go to a fortuneteller,
And now name five things,
Required for fishing

Now you must show
How flexible are you?
Your phantom - to dance with a chair
Funny and erotic.

Maybe this role is for you.
A bit out of the ordinary
Your phantom - sing a ditty now
Of course, it's better

Your phantom at first glance is quite simple,
But it will arouse general interest -
Let us know the hero of the day growth,
And also guess its weight.

You are lucky, you got a simple phantom -
You must stand on your right foot,
And holding the left leg with your hand,
Raise a toast in honor of our hero of the day.

You must drink without a trace
For the birthday girl a glass
Build all the ladies in order
And dance the cancan together

Your phantom is to become a conductor for a while,
Organize all guests quickly,
So that, by order of the hero of the day, in chorus
Drinking all the songs to perform.

Your phantom: in the art of achievement
Show your guests to everyone
Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
Poem to tell!

As a sign of friendship and mutual respect
To your neighbor or neighbour,
Pour wine and loudly with expression
Read everything on the label.

Your phantom is successful, let's say in secret -
Organize model show,
And comment on the show at the same time,
And recruit fashion models from the guests.

You need to compose
From fruits on the table "He and she",
Add your own explanations to it
And to announce to whom it is dedicated.

Should you applause
For the hero of the day, in her honor
Invent a fax from the President
In her name and read.

Such a duty, except for you,
Can't be done by anyone else.
Your phantom - on behalf of the guests now
To the hostess of the celebration say "Thank you"

Which assignments for the game of forfeits to use depends on the imagination and the "audience level". For children's holiday forfeits with wishes to drink vodka without a snack will not come up. Fantas that need to be performed under the table or on the street are not suitable for a corporate party. And in a youth company or in the company of best friends, you can play bold and original forfeits. But still it is better to preliminarily stipulate the scope of the tasks performed. In order for the game to be fun and varied, invent difficult tasks that require the player to either make an effort or be brave.

In case the players run out of options, you can offer blanks (on paper or cardboard).

Fun tasks for playing forfeits for a youth company or a company of close friends:

At home

  1. Move the ruble with your nose so that it falls off the table into the substituted glass.
  2. Make a paper medal for each player. The name of the medals must correspond to the truth (for incomparable taste, for honesty, etc.)
  3. Make a plan of the apartment, providing all the rooms or other objects with comic captions.
  4. Drink all the alcohol that is poured into the glasses at the moment.
  5. Show without words what you do at work.
  6. Say a Caucasian toast.
  7. Turn into a foreigner for 15 minutes and say a toast in some foreign language.
  8. Go to your neighbors and bring a kilogram of salt or a bucket of water from them.
  9. Depict the scene "You must marry me" with a neighbor on the left.
  10. Drink a glass of champagne hands-free.
  11. Have a drink with a neighbor on the right "to brotherhood".
  12. Extinguish the lit candle with a cry (you can’t blow it).
  13. Put on flippers (felt boots) and dance the dance of little ducklings.
  14. Stick your head in open window and shout loudly "I see Japan!!" or "People, I love you!"

crowded places

  1. Grab a stranger by the sleeve: “Don’t you trade in the market? I definitely saw you, you sold me a defective blouse! She is female!
  2. Coax 5 passers-by on the street to jump together while holding hands.
  3. Go to the store in pajamas or a dressing gown and slippers and ask for matches and salt to salt the soup.
  4. Pretend to be drunk, stick to a passerby and borrow money for a bottle of vodka.
  5. Walk into a store wearing a gauze bandage, coughing out loud, "Fucking swine flu."
  6. Meet 7 people at the entrance to the entrance, greet each one (without repeating) and say a compliment.
  7. If you play in winter, bring a snowman from the street.
  8. Collect 50 rubles by addressing similar people with the phrase: “Compatriots! I am not a local…”
  9. At the bus stop, ask a stranger: “Excuse me, but how can I get to the Vodka Museum? What stop should I get off at? How do you not know, have you not been to the Vodka Museum, or what?

Cafes and restaurants

  1. Put a sign on your table or attach a badge to your clothes with a bright inscription such as “I don’t give tips as a matter of principle”, “All catering workers are crooks”, “Please don’t spit in my soup”, etc.
  2. In a loud voice, address the waiter or others: “Tell me, why is there glass in the salad ?!”
  3. Start getting to know your roommates: send them compote “from our table”, offer something from your plate in exchange for something from their plates.
  4. Pretend that you are a visitor from a distant country, and the contempt of others for your national customs(of course, completely idiotic), will mortally offend you.
  5. Eat everything with your hands. Try to eat soup with a fork or Chinese chopsticks and wonder out loud why it's so uncomfortable. Pretend that you are unfamiliar with the devices and ask the people at the next table to teach you how to use them.

Where everyone works and you need to keep silence (office, lecture, meeting)

1. Speak quietly but clearly the following set of phrases:

“Well, of course, it’s easy for you to talk about it,”

“In my opinion, complete nonsense, what do you think?”,

“Yes, he does not understand anything at all in this matter!”,

“I’m itching from these words, look here! ..”,

"Could you scratch it, right here? ..",

“Y-yes, you don’t have to think about sex ...”

2. Meow, bark, or chirp like a horse.

3. Trying not to draw too much attention to yourself, moan softly at intervals of 1 minute and pretend that you are hardly losing consciousness.

Long-playing forfeits

1. Put on your desktop in the office, a photo in a frame with hearts of a terribly ugly girl. Show everyone a photo of “your bride”, say that you love her madly and get married in the summer. For married people, attach the gel-filled lips of some victim of plastic surgery to the photo of your wife in Photoshop. Show everyone a photo with the words: “My wife had plastic surgery, look what a beauty she has become!”

2. Sign all correspondence during the week: “With adoration, Ivan Ivanov, finalist All-Russian competition on tying knots”, “Love, Svetlana Petrova, Miss Bikini-95”, “Selling manure, delivered to your home, call [your cell phone number]”, “Married but available, call [your cell phone number]” or "Respectfully, Ivan Ivanov, master of the universe."

3. Send a message to all contacts in your ICQ: “Hello! Now I work as a distributor in Avon, I want to offer you a new men's mascara "Narcissus". This mascara was created specifically for men like you ... ”and further in the same vein.

4. Send a declaration of love to the addressee selected by the previous phantom. The confession must contain at least 500 words.

Fanta game is a game that can be played at any age. It is interesting for both children and adults, and mixed companies. different ages. Fanta can be played on New Year, and for a birthday, and just in the company to have fun.

The name of the game "Fanta" comes from the German "Pfand" - pledge, pledge.

There are several types of games:

Fanta with a host. Each player pledges one personal item. It can be a piece of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name, or any valuable thing that is a pity to part with. For example, mobile phone or hours. Players put things in a common bag or box.

The host turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?”. The host assigns a task to each phantom. The person who owns the object must fulfill it. Moreover, the host also has to redeem his deposit. IN classic version deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Fanta with cards. Each player writes their wish on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected and mixed. You can also prepare a deck of phantoms in advance - cardboard cards with tasks for the players. Further, either the players, without looking, draw out their tasks to the phantoms, or the leader shuffles the cards and distributes them to the players. Participants in the game must remember that they themselves may come across their own task. Therefore, it is better not to think of something that you yourself do not dare to do.

Fanta with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever's match goes out, he will perform common desire players. This version of the game is not suitable for children. Matches are not toys for children!

Tasks for playing forfeits for children and for any company:

  1. Draw a portrait of yourself or the neighbor on the left (possible options: in one minute, with your eyes closed, holding a pencil in your mouth).
  2. Draw a portrait of a birthday boy or Santa Claus by holding a felt-tip pen between your palms.
  3. Depict some hero of fairy tales: Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Kolobok, etc.
  4. Depict any animal: a lion, a pig, a hedgehog, a cat, a monkey, etc.
  5. Depict any bird: a crow, a swallow, a rooster or a chicken, etc.
  6. picture famous person or movie hero: Marilyn Monroe, Rinat Litvinov, Jackie Chan, Spider-Man, Terminator.
  7. Draw a cartoon character: Shrek, Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Homer Simpson.
  8. Pantomime an alarm clock, perfume, ice cream.
  9. Pantomime a New Year's cracker.
  10. Pantomime a sparkler that doesn't want to light up.
  11. Show without words a request to screw in a light bulb.
  12. Depict a mirror (go around all the guests, and everyone looks at you, and you must portray him).
  13. Kiss everyone.
  14. Confess your love to someone present without words.
  15. Draw 7 different emotions on your face.
  16. Tell a poem.
  17. Read the poem as if you were falling asleep.
  18. Write a poem about a birthday.
  19. The birthday boy pronounces any word, and you must quickly come up with a rhyme for him.
  20. Sing a song (you can complicate the task - make you sing under the table or with matches in your mouth).
  21. Sing a song about a small Christmas tree, pressing a spoon or pencil with your upper lip to your nose.
  22. Sing a verse of a children's song (for example, about a grasshopper), replacing all the nouns of the text with words derived from the name of the birthday man or the neighbor on the left.
  23. Perform the melody of the song "Two Merry Geese", smacking your lips - "sending kisses" to the birthday man or neighbor on the right.
  24. Play with your finger on the lip the motive of the song "Let them run awkwardly ...".
  25. Answer "yes" to any question asked by each of the players in the group.
  26. Come up with a congratulation so that all words begin with "P" and "G" (any letters).
  27. Dance the little duckling dance (options are: Swan Lake, lezginka, gypsy).
  28. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two back.
  29. Pretend to be an airplane and run around the room with a "whhhh" sound.
  30. Walk on all fours around the room, food "I'm a moon rover alone, beep, beep ..."
  31. Say 7 times in different ways "Oh, how beautiful (beautiful) I am!", Looking in the mirror, and not laughing.
  32. Name for each player 2 qualities for which you like him.
  33. Compliment the neighbor on the left and pass this task around.
  34. Yawn until you make someone else yawn.
  35. Salute with your right hand and at the same time extend left hand forward with the palm clenched into a fist and the thumb raised up. Say at the same time: “Wo! Birthday!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.
  36. Spoon feed the player on the right (all players are allowed).
  37. Tell us about your favorite toy.
  38. Tell a joke.
  39. Draw a symbol for the coming year.
  40. Imagine yourself as an astrologer or a fortune teller and predict what awaits each of the guests next year.

If forfeit game options for children are too boring for your company and you want thrills, then take a look

Where can you win real money. This is interesting, but no less exciting are games of desire. So that you don’t have any difficulties with what wish the loser should make, we have compiled a large list of them.

It is pleasant to spend time among friends for an exciting interesting game, but I want the winner to get a nice bonus at the end of the game. Many games for a fun company do not at all imply material gifts to the winner, and even more so financial rewards. In order to answer the question of what wish to make, we have compiled a whole list. Wish games are the best way to have fun. They will turn an ordinary game into a real entertainment show.

So, if you have gathered in a company, prepared cards or board game, and to enhance the excitement and competitive spirit, they decided to play on desire. And here comes the question: what wish to make to the loser?

funny wishes

We offer several options for really funny desires that will amuse the whole company:

  1. You can make the loser the whole next round of the game to sit in hockey leggings or goalkeeper gloves. If nothing like this is at hand, then you can make “mittens” from toilet paper.
  2. A desire that will cause a lot of laughter from others, but will not please your friend - to sit the whole horse with an egg in your mouth!
  3. If you play cards, then you can make the loser, with each trump card that appears on the field, get up and say some funny phrase or phrase with a specific intonation. For example, “I love cucumbers”, “it seems that mice are rustling somewhere”, “look, geese are flying!”.
  4. In the game of desire, make the male player spin the hoop while singing a cheerful and cheerful song, or dance an erotic dance to the Russian folk "Kalinka-Malinka".
  5. Put a black cloak on your comrade and offer to run around the table at every bit or at every trump card and shout: “I am a horror flying on the wings of the night!”.
  6. If you need to make a wish to your brutal friend, it will be cute and at the same time funny to ask him to sing children's songs for the whole next con, and even with expression!
  7. When new people join the company. Those who came later than the rest, you can guess that the player fulfilling the wish would meet them and help them undress as politely and carefully as possible, invite them to the table, while saying: “Come in, dear guests! How I have been waiting for you! At the same time, you can begin to untie the guests' shoelaces, unfasten the buttons on the coat.
  8. Provided that the fulfillment of desires is not limited to the apartment, invite a friend (especially funny if it is a man) to go home with a big teddy bear and act like he is alive: fasten his seat belt in the car, pay for his ticket on public transport.
  9. Guess the loser to take a photo, you can take a selfie with a taxi driver, saleswoman or taxi driver. Or a selfie with a random passerby.
  10. You can offer to put on socks over your ears and go to the store in this form.
  11. The loser can go to the store and confess his love to the seller.
  12. Congratulate all passers-by on Valentine's Day, when spring is on the street.
  13. You can imitate the behavior of any animal.
  14. In a towel wrapped around your head, walk down the street or skimp in the supermarket.
  15. Let the player during the game of desire make funny photo(for example, with a cat, or with a saucepan on his head), post a picture on social networks and do not clean it for several days.
  16. IN winter time year it will be very funny to see how a person will bring a snowman into the house.
  17. The loser must run on all fours along several floors of the entrance, saying the words: "I'm in a tank"
  18. Put on your friend all the things found in the apartment - 5 sweaters, three pants, winter boots, several hats and gloves. In this form, send it to the store. This desire will be especially relevant in the summer season.
  19. Get a friend hooked on drugs ... Only instead of cocaine there will be ordinary flour, which he will have to sniff out in both nostrils in front of everyone.
  20. Ask the loser to dance a striptease. Instead of a pole, you can use a mop, a door, or other objects.
  21. Go outside with the ball and pushing it with your nose, run around the house.
  22. Order pizza or sushi at home, and when the courier arrives, pay him with toy money.
  23. Pick flowers from a flower bed and give each person you meet one at a time until all the flowers run out.
  24. Approach the first pedestrian you meet and ask him how you can get to Paris.
  25. If the guy turned out to be the loser, then you can make him up with women's cosmetics and ask him to walk down the street in this form, or go to the store.
  26. Just make up the guy and tell him to take a selfie, and put the photo on the avatar in social network for a few days.
  27. Timidly and shyly confess to oneself in love and ask for a hand and a heart.
  28. Run up to any passer-by with enthusiastic cries and ask him for an autograph.
  29. If the rules of the game allow for more than one loser, then you can invite them to change clothes with each other and play in this form for the entire next round. If both boys and girls are the losers, the effect of this desire will be even funnier.
  30. The loser takes a mouthful of water and sings some famous song.
  31. Make a wish to the loser so that he, after passing a certain segment of the path, says “Hi” to every person he meets.
  32. Ask the loser to give the winner a massage, preferably erotic.
  33. If you have a watermelon in your refrigerator, then you can make a combat helmet out of it for your losing comrade. In this form, he will have to run down the street, shouting a battle cry.
  34. Be near public toilet with a notepad and a pen, and after the next person leaves the booth, write down and say with an important air: “The 25th person went in a big way, or the 56th one in a small way.
  35. Turn all your clothes inside out, put them on and go to the condom store like this.
  36. The loser must eat and drink all evening like a pet - standing on all fours and not using his hands.

This is just a small wishlist! The rest is only limited by your imagination!

Sports Desires

If you want to test your opponent's athletic ability in the wish game, we offer a sports wish list:

  1. You can offer push-ups from several times to hundreds of times, it all depends on how much good preparation your friend.
  2. Squatting can also act as a punishment.
  3. And if there are several losers in the game, then you can organize a funny relay race with overcoming obstacles.
  4. You can think of running a distance of 100 or 200 meters in 1 minute.
  5. It may be suggested to remember school assignments and perform a complex for the loser, which will include a “birch tree”, a “bridge” and several somersaults.
  6. If you make entertainment also fun, then you can offer to tumble back and forth alternately for several minutes.
  7. You can make a defeated person jump over an "imaginary" goat.
  8. Jumping in a bag around the yard will look funny and fun. This will allow both to test the physical fitness of the loser, and amuse everyone.
  9. And if your friend has long forgotten what sport is, then you can start to join it after losing the wish game by asking him to spin the hoop 100 times.
  10. It will be fun to punish the loser with a task in which you will need to jump over the rope many times.
  11. Arrange a competition in the long jump, while unbuttoning your trousers.
  12. Summo - the losing participants of the game stand in a circle, marked with a rope or drawn with chalk. You need to try to push the opponent out of the circle. At the same time, it will be very fun if the sumoists are without clothes, with the exception of a loincloth made from a sheet or towel.
  13. Gymnastic task - your friend should try to get a pack of cigarettes with his teeth, which is located behind a chair with a back. In this case, no part of the body should touch the floor, and the gymnast himself is on a chair.
  14. If the company has the same number of girls and boys, you can arrange a competition called a crossing - the girls sit on the shoulders of the guys, and they must carry them to the finish line.
  15. Basketball. If you have a ball at home, then you can play home basketball, using a bucket or any other vessel that would fit the ball instead of a hoop.
  16. Limbo. The rope is pulled at a distance of 1 meter from the floor. The losing person will have to walk under it, arching back, while not touching the rope with any part of the body. With each horse, the height of the rope can be reduced.
  17. We make a losing friend to run the relay with their backs.
  18. You can also ask a friend to run certain area while jumping rope.
  19. Wheelbarrow. If two people lost, then one of them takes the second by the legs, and he rests on the floor only with his hands and in this form you need to go a certain distance.
  20. Lay out the newspapers on the way to the finish line at a great distance from each other. Participants must move only on them, touching the floor is not allowed.
  21. Pair run. Participants grapple with each other with their hands behind their backs and run the distance.
  22. Kick the soccer ball as many times as you can, using your feet, knees, head, and chest.
  23. To diversify the relay race, participants can be offered to take a spoon in their mouth and put an egg in it. Whoever drops an egg on the way to the finish line is out.
  24. Running in fins is an unforgettable sight.
  25. Having fixed the legs in one position, it is necessary to reach a certain object with the help of hands, while touching the floor with other parts of the body is not allowed.

Basically, there are many more answers to the question, what wish to make sports character. But it should be understood that it is unnecessary to set tasks that a person cannot complete due to lack of physical fitness or the presence of health problems. In this case, the punishment will not be fun entertainment, but gross ignorance.

Often sports desires make even passive table entertainment become an occasion for active rest. Wish for one loser can turn into mass entertainment for the whole company.

Alcoholic Desires

Without alcohol, not a single meeting of good friends often takes place. But how to make real entertainment out of the usual use of alcoholic beverages? To do this, you just need to make a wish related to alcohol in the wish game. This kind of wish list is very long. Let's list some of them:

  1. Drink a glass of strong alcoholic drink in one gulp.
  2. You can invite the loser to offer to drink a cocktail of beer, vodka and champagne. Of course, you need to understand that most likely your friend will not remember the end of the evening.
  3. Also, the punishment can serve as a task in which you need to drink 2 liters of beer without interruption.
  4. You can launch a roulette with alcohol, on which various drinks will be placed according to the strength in various volumes, and the one that the roulette indicates will need to be consumed by the loser in the wish game. It is worth noting that often such a punishment outgrows entertainment for the whole company, and the remaining alcohol does not disappear.
  5. Another severe punishment it will be that you need to make the player drink 100 grams of vodka or whiskey, after which he must do 20 push-ups or sit down 30 times. This will be a very difficult punishment, so before you punish your friend like that, you need to assess his physical condition.
  6. A tough test for a friend will be the desire for which you need to drink an alcoholic drink sprinkled with hot pepper.
  7. Tests will be interesting in which you need to eat an alcoholic drink with a product that is completely not intended for this.
  8. The losing participant is blindfolded and three glasses are placed in front of him. A strong alcoholic drink is poured into two glasses, and juice or water is poured into the third. It is necessary to drink one glass at random and immediately drink the second. A very dangerous desire, you can lose your friend for a long time.
  9. In the form of a wish, the loser can make a wish, either drink a glass of alcohol, or take off a piece of clothing. Everyone will have a choice - get drunk or go naked.
  10. Drink a glass of alcoholic beverage without touching it with your hands.
  11. Drunken chess. Instead of checkers, glasses with alcoholic drinks are used. For example, they put vodka for whites, and cognac for blacks. Each knocked down checker means that the player who lost it needs to drink this glass.
  12. Things are bad when 3 or more checkers are knocked down in one move - you have to drink one after another.
  13. The losing comrade needs to rotate the hoop at the waist and at the same time drink a low-alcohol drink, for example, beer. Not many will succeed, and the beer will spill enough, but the whole company will have fun, that's for sure.
  14. A lot of glasses with various alcoholic drinks are placed on the table. The music turns on and all participants run around the table. With the music turned off, everyone should grab a glass and drink it in one gulp.
  15. Penalty. On a segment of 11 meters, 11 glasses of alcohol are displayed. The participant must crawl on all fours the entire distance on all fours, while holding a soccer ball around his neck. Every meter you need to drink a glass of alcohol.
  16. bottle. The meaning is the same as in a standard bottle, only instead of kisses, the one pointed to by the neck drinks a glass of alcohol.
  17. If you are not sure who will go to the store next, you can arrange a endurance competition. Whoever can’t stand it before everyone else and rushes to the toilet, he goes to the store.
  18. Desire for girls. An alcoholic drink is poured into a bowl and the girl must lap it up to the end. The task is not very difficult, but cosmetics will definitely float to the delight of others.
  19. Beer is poured into the glasses of the participants. Everyone drinks a little and tops off the rest with vodka. When there is practically one vodka in the glasses, on the contrary, it is necessary to supplement the glasses with beer. This entertainment event continues until everyone is asleep.
  20. Each participant in the feast pours one component (alcoholic) into a glass in small doses. To drink this cocktail is for someone who can no longer add a drop without spilling the contents of the glass.
  21. The loser in the game needs to drink the contents of the glass with a teaspoon. It is allowed to use a straw for the same purposes.
  22. Pour and drink without hands. Can be used as a wish, or as a competition, when participants compete with each other to complete these actions. It is most convenient to open a bottle by holding it between your legs and using your teeth.
  23. Guess the drink. 15 different drinks are poured into identical glasses, among which non-alcoholic drinks can also be used. The participant with his eyes closed must determine by taste what was poured in each glass, while drinking without interruption.
  24. alcoholic drink poured into corks and placed on the steps of the stairs. The loser must drink the contents of each step while climbing the stairs on all fours.

There are many such exciting desires. You can invent them on the go, it all depends on the variety of drinks that are available and on the health of your friends. Alcoholic desires will turn any game into fun entertainment, as a result of which, perhaps, someone will even forget the outcome of the evening, but this will be a good reason to repeat the meeting.

This genre also includes tasks related to snacks. For example, they often offer to drink and eat either from dishes not intended for this or in an unusual form. There are several options for when to eat:

  1. From a thimble.
  2. From a paper bag.
  3. From a small glass.
  4. From a plastic bag.
  5. From the palm.
  6. Taking a leg in hand.
  7. Mouth from the surface of the table.
  8. Standing on a chair on one leg.

It is worth noting that this manner of drinking alcohol turns drinking into entertainment event from an ordinary gathering, during which you can Once again chat about problems. Such meetings with friends will be remembered for a lot of pleasant impressions and funny ridiculous scenes, and perhaps even adventures.

Vulgar desires

This category of desires was created for the company of close friends or a couple in love. Often it is desire games that become good option leisure activities and in close company, one can allow a much wider flight of fancy in the desires that the loser must fulfill. If you are thinking about what kind of wish to make, then the wish list will help with this. It should be understood that in this category there are desires of a frank nature.

So, here are a few options:

  1. You can offer to approach a girl or guy you don't know and say, "Hello, I'm a wonderful person who wants to make love with you, do you mind? ".
  2. Dancing on the table with striptease elements always remains prominent representative among vulgar desires.
  3. For a couple in love, punishment will become very relevant, in which one item of clothing must be sexually removed for each defeat. You can also replace this with the fact that you need to gently remove clothes from the opponent.
  4. You can also run around the house with shorts on your head.
  5. Perform a frank dance (striptease) with any object from the house. For example, a mop, a broom, a saucepan, etc.
  6. Dance a striptease on the roadway. But there is a risk that there will be too many viewers who want to continue the show.
  7. Stop a stranger on the street and tell him: “My finger was in my ass, and I will never forget this!”
  8. As a punishment, you can set the task to stand in a dog pose, while sexually arching and say "Ya, Ya, Ya" or any other phrase German descent. Often this task looks more interesting in the performance of women.
  9. You can invite a person to talk very passionately about how he wants to eat a certain product.
  10. One person is put a coin on their bare stomach. Another participant, preferably of the opposite sex, lies on top of him also with a bare stomach. The task is to turn over so that the coin is on the stomach of the second participant in the game.
  11. The losing couple is given a ball of thread or a long ribbon. The guy needs to wrap his partner around using only his mouth.
  12. You can make the following wish to the losing couple - the guy sits on a chair, and a sheet of paper falls on his knees. The girl sits on top and must tear this sheet without using her hands.
  13. A friend or girlfriend should learn a vulgar verse and tell it to the first person you meet.
  14. If the girl lost the game, tell her to go out onto the balcony and pull up her blouse. It is advisable to do this during the day, when there are a lot of people on the street.
  15. Banana. The guy squeezes a banana between his legs. His partner must peel this banana and eat it. Naturally, all manipulations are carried out without hands.
  16. Find a stash. The desire involves a girl and a guy. The guy must hide the money on his body in secluded places, and the girl must find all the bills.
  17. A balloon is clamped between the guy's legs, preferably an oblong shape. The girl, without touching the ball with her hands, should try to burst it.
  18. The loser of the game throws the dice, and what number falls out, he must take off as many items of his wardrobe.
  19. Sixth Sense. Various fruits and vegetables alternately lie on the chair. Your friend must guess all these products, while he is blindfolded, and you can only touch fruits and vegetables with the help of the fifth point.
  20. Egg. If a man loses, then he needs to push a raw egg from one leg of his trousers into the second. The losing girl performs the same manipulation with a blouse.
  21. Make a hole. A pair of girl-guy between the foreheads is placed a piece of paper. Pressing it only with their foreheads and without using their hands, the task of the participants is to make a hole in the sheet. It should be a hole, not a gap. To do this, the participants push through the paper with their tongue, or bite it with their teeth (often the partner's nose comes across with the teeth).
  22. Match. Participants must pass a match with their lips to each other in a circle. After passing each circle, the match is shortened by half. The pair between which the match falls is the loser.
  23. Take the candy. The losing guy is blindfolded and told that a girl is lying on the couch with candy on some part of her body. Without using their hands, the contestant will have to find this candy and eat it. It will be much more fun if you put another guy on the sofa instead of a girl.
  24. Get to know a partner. Only with the help of hands is it necessary to recognize who is standing in front of you. The task becomes more difficult if the participants in the game change clothes.

If we talk about vulgar desires, then it is worth remembering that there are a number of desires of an intimate nature that should be embodied only within the company in which the game takes place, and there is a list of desires for the implementation of which a company is simply needed.

Useful Desires

Cleaning the house and cooking is tiring if you do it yourself, but if one of your close relatives or friends does it, the process will be more enjoyable and you may even like it. So, let's discuss the list of desires that will benefit:

  1. You can offer the loser to remove everything that remains after the gatherings of the entire company.
  2. After the game, you can send the one who was defeated to the store for beer or other purchases.
  3. The punishment can be cooking dinner for the whole company or a specific dish that the winner will order.
  4. Quite banal, but no less useful desire to take out the trash, it often remains an unpleasant consequence after meeting friends.
  5. You can offer to wipe the dust.
  6. A useful desire will also be a request to iron all things.
  7. No one likes to beat carpets, but winning a game will be a good reason to ask a friend about it.
  8. A harmless but useful request is to make coffee for all friends or some kind of cocktail,
  9. You can also suggest repotting all the flowers.
  10. The loser can be offered to order pizza for everyone and pay for it.
  11. Blind owners will surely be happy if a beloved friend cleans them for him. So this desire will be a good start to the general cleaning.
  12. Washing windows is an unloved thing for everyone. And if you make this activity a task in the game, then you can fall in love with clean windows on the facade of your home.
  13. It is quite difficult and humiliating for the fulfilling desire to polish the shoes of the rest of the participants in the game.
  14. Make the losing participant of the game prepare an original dish. And if there are not enough ingredients, let him go to the store and buy them.
  15. Do you have a home library? Let the loser sort all the books alphabetically by title, or sort them by author.
  16. A particularly cruel punishment is to make your personal slave out of the loser. He will have to fulfill all your desires throughout the day. How far you go in your desires is discussed before the game begins.
  17. Not at home washing machine? It doesn't matter - you can always invite friends to your place who will “happily” wash your clothes, unless of course they lose the wish game.
  18. Who will drive drunk friends in a car all day long? This is easy to determine by playing for desire. But in the morning, the loser will feel all the delights of a sober life.
  19. If you feel sorry for the money to wash your car, and it is covered with a centimeter layer of dust, then ask your friend for the service. An additional motive for fulfilling your request will be losing the game.
  20. It will be very fun to watch how your friend with a shovel in his hands will rake snowdrifts near the entrance. And friends laughed heartily, and the yard became clean.
  21. The losing player must water the flowers in the apartment for a whole week.
  22. Ask your friend to iron all your things.
  23. Guess the loser a trip to the store. At whose expense purchases will be made, agree in advance.
  24. During the feast, you can ask your friend to serve all the guests - pour alcohol on them, lay food.
  25. If the company is just going, the loser can be made a doorman. His duties will include welcoming new arrivals, removing outer clothing, and escorting the guest to the rooms.
  26. Who will wash the dishes after the feast? This dilemma will solve the game of desire.
  27. You can guess that the loser pays for everyone for a taxi ride.

Such desires can come up with an incredible variety. You can add elements of fun, for example, when the loser cleans the carpet in the yard, so that he shouts funny phrases. Also, when buying goods in a store, a person can complicate the task and offer to ask the seller all the questions several times. Therefore, when thinking about what desires you can make for your own benefit, you just need to think about what you really need, and this can be realized without effort.

extreme desires

Sometimes extreme lovers meet for exciting game on desires, and here the question becomes, what wish to make a wish for an adrenaline lover? There are a few tips to help you be prepared for this eventuality.

We have prepared a small wish list for extreme sportsmen:

  1. If a person has not yet jumped from a parachute, then you can offer him to conquer the air spaces together and take a selfie there.
  2. Of course, it is worth considering going down the mountain slope if the game is played in winter.
  3. Let's remember that you can conquer the expanses of water, so water skiing, kayaking and other water activities, even if this person does not attract at all, are an excellent option for extreme entertainment.
  4. Since extreme is not only extreme entertainment, then good job the task will be to negotiate with the driver of the tower so that you can climb it with some kind of funny poster.
  5. For those who are afraid of the dark, the task will even become extreme, in which you need to walk to some object at night, for example, to a store.
  6. The game of paintball seems to be a standard entertainment, but if you order to pay for this game to the loser, then he and the whole company will like this extreme sport.
  7. You can also think of swimming in the ice hole in winter.
  8. Cycling around the city is also a fun activity.
  9. The bungee jump will also be an unforgettable experience for all participants in the game.
  10. You can make a wish on the roof of a building to shout the phrase "I love everyone" or something funny.
  11. Swim a certain distance - for example, from coast to coast. Accompany your comrade on the boat so that in case of exhaustion, you have time to pick it up.
  12. If you have roller skates, ask your friend to ride them down a hill. It will be funnier if a friend does not know how to roller skate at all.
  13. Overcoming obstacles. Here you can use any artificial and natural obstacles that the loser must jump over, climb over, crawl, etc.
  14. extreme orientation. Leave your friend in the middle of an unfamiliar forest without a compass or means of navigation. Let him try to get out himself, guided only by the sun and moss.
  15. Ask the loser to ride on a sled or oilcloth from some sheer hill, naturally in winter.
  16. Grasshopper run. The Grasshopper is a special projectile that you can jump on when standing. It’s already difficult to stay on it, and if the competition is for speed, then you can’t do without falls.
  17. Skateboarding. To make the race fun, you can put various obstacles and springboards on the track that you need to overcome by jumping.
  18. Roller skating or skateboarding on a halfpipe is a structure that resembles a half pipe, designed to jump and perform various tricks.
  19. Zorbing - the loser will have to roll down the mountain, being in a transparent rubber ball.
  20. Rubber band jumping. As a rule, they are carried out from the bridge. If your friend has never jumped, then this will be a real test for him.
  21. Climb the tallest building nearby. It can be an abandoned factory, a tower, a tower, etc.
  22. Do a somersault from some hill.
  23. Descent with the help of climbing equipment from various structures. If there are mountains, then you can go down from the highest points.
  24. You can go down the mountain slope by bike in summer, or by snowboarding or skiing in winter.
  25. Go down the river in a boat or raft.

You can come up with a lot of extreme desires, but it is worth remembering that the one who lost must be ready for this. You should not risk the health of your friend or relative for the sake of entertainment, it is better to guess what he will do with pleasure and not harm himself. Such desires will lead to the fact that everyone will have fun and the usual home entertainment will be remembered by all participants in the event for a long time.

But it is very important that at the moment a person commits an extreme act, conceived in a wish, everyone who participated in the game must be present.

Unusual desires

Wish games can take place in calm environment, and large-scale desires can not be made, but you can show your imagination, and make this an unforgettable adventure or event for all company members, and in leading role the loser of the game of desire will have to perform. Standard tasks that are completed immediately after the loss do not always satisfy the imagination of all game participants, so over time they begin to come up with unusual desires that take longer to complete or they simply have a non-standard plot.

So, a small list of unusual desires:

  1. The loser has to place his phone in the newspaper with ads. And place an ad such as selling manure with home delivery, giving everything you want, etc.
  2. Unusual is also the desire when a person will have to put a photograph on a table in his office, which will depict a very ugly woman with the caption: "I love my beloved."
  3. You can send a long message of love content to any phone number. In this case, you can get a fascinating correspondence with an unknown person.
  4. Participation in an interesting quest can also be a wonderful unusual desire, but only you will have to work hard on its organization, or you can make him a quest organization for all those present.
  5. Collect a certain amount by performing a song or dance in a crowded place.
  6. You can offer to draw some phrase known only to your company on the building.
  7. It will be a very noble task to give away toys on the street and at the same time wish every passer-by Have a good day or good mood.
  8. You can make a wish, for the fulfillment of which a person needs to drive a car along the main street of the city, open the window and shout loudly "I see Berlin !!!". At the same time, someone should shoot it all on video and then post it on the Internet.
  9. Order an unusual congratulation on the radio and ask them to play the most ridiculous song.
  10. For especially tough fans of the game of desire - dye your hair a different color and go in this form for a couple of weeks.
  11. A man can be asked to shave his legs, arms and other vegetation on the body.
  12. Dress in a straitjacket and run around the street in this form until passers-by call an ambulance or a police squad.
  13. Put the loser facing the wall, arm yourself raw eggs and shoot him.
  14. Approach with a ballpoint pen instead of a microphone to passers-by and interview them.
  15. Pretend to be drunk as an insole, passing by police officers.
  16. Make the loser go to karaoke and sing his least favorite song.
  17. Get into a crowded elevator and say in front of everyone the words: “So, everyone is probably wondering why I gathered you here?”
  18. Watch a recently released movie, then go to the cinema, and around the middle of the movie, stand up and tell how it all ends. And of course get your feet up.
  19. Get to know a girl, invite her to eat ice cream, and grab a pack of condoms at the checkout with the words: "Oh, let's have some fun today."
  20. Arrange a fight with your friend in a public place (of course, comic).
  21. Get smeared from head to toe with various products of dark tones, and go to the neighbor from below. Tell them that the sewerage has burst on top of you, and that they will soon have a flood.
  22. Take the mobile phone of any participant in the game and randomly select one contact. Call him and confess your love, the more shy can just send a love message. From whom to take a mobile phone? Yes, the one who loses.
  23. The loser can be enrolled in dance lessons and monitored to attend all classes for a month.

This is a small list of non-standard desires that can be modified depending on your imagination, and m

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