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Quotes about the book, library - page #1/1

Quotes about book, library

Multiply your library - not to have many books, but to enlighten your mind, to form a heart so that creative works great geniuses to elevate their souls.

V.G. Belinsky
No greater beneficence could be given young man how to give him free access to a good public library.

With what greed, how tightly I clung

To centicolor glass, to the windows of prophetic books,

And I saw through them expanses and radiance,

Rays and forms of unknown combinations,

Heard strange, familiar names...

And for years I stood, mad, at the window...


Libraries are the rivers where the remains of great saints are kept.

Modern man is in front of the Himalayas of libraries in the position of a gold digger who needs to find grains of gold in a mass of sand.

S.I. Vavilov
The age of university libraries like their great-grandmother - the Museum of Alexandria - will sink into oblivion... Our age is the age of special libraries and specialized library networks, mutually complementing each other, coordinated production and connected with each other by all means of communication.


As soon as I enter the library, I lock my door, and thus banish greed, selfishness, drunkenness, and sloth, and all the vices of which ignorance, the fruit of indolence and melancholy, is the source; I plunge into the bosom of eternity among wonderful authors with such pride, with such a sense of self-satisfaction, that I am ready to pity all the important and wealthy gentlemen who are not part of this happiness.

... The library is an open table of ideas, to which everyone is invited, at which everyone will find the food they are looking for; it is a reserve store where they put their thoughts and discoveries, and others take them on growth.

A.I. Herzen
Libraries are wardrobes from which skilled people can extract some for decoration, much for curiosity, and still more for use.

Knowledge is needed on the part of those who choose books for public libraries, true understanding what is useful for human soul; the exclusion of absurd books is necessary ... and the selection of wise books ...

... Pages rustling in the silence of libraries, this is the most wonderful sound I have ever heard.

L.A. Kassil

The librarian who does not like to read, who, while reading interesting book, does not forget everything in the world.

N.K. Krupskaya

Of all the advantages we enjoy in our age, perhaps we should not be more grateful for one than for the general availability of books.

Each of us can find in the library peace of mind, comfort in sorrow, moral renewal and happiness, if only he knows how to "possess that precious key that unlocks the mysterious door of this treasury."

Libraries are the treasuries of all the treasures of the human spirit.

What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a feast worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim.

The guarantee of the best and most powerful development, the benefit and strength of cities, is to have diverse, knowledgeable, intelligent, honest and well-mannered citizens ... Therefore, cities and, in particular, big cities Those who have sufficient means should not spare money for acquiring good books and book depositories.

It is impossible to keep books locked up in a prison, they must certainly pass from the library into memory.

Each picture taken to the gallery, and each decent book that ended up in the library, no matter how small they are, serve a great cause - the accumulation of wealth in the country.

A.P. Chekhov

... The most striking characteristic of the library of the future will be not so much its appearance how much intellectual activity within its walls is the activity that was hallmark every library at all times, starting with the Alexandrian ...

This is not human habitation, plentiful, irreproachable and blameless; it is the school of human thoughts, which makes them capable of work, the chair of life, the seat of valuable judgments, purified from ignorance.

Library inscription 1459
Most of human knowledge in all branches exists only on paper, in books - this paper memory of mankind ... Therefore, only a collection of books, a library is the only hope and indestructible memory human race...


If you want to live more or less a human life and want to expand, deepen, elevate it ... get acquainted with books, with as many of them as possible, acquire knowledge about them, about the general composition of book wealth, which modern humanity can and should use ...

N.A. Rubakin

With the help of the book, every literate person has the right and opportunity to enter the realm of the mind.

How many days of labor, how many nights without sleep, how many efforts of the mind, how many hopes and fears, how many long lives diligent study are poured here in small typographic fonts and squeezed into the cramped space of the shelves surrounding us.

A. Smith
... I love libraries, I like to stay in them, and I know how to leave on time. I have been reproached for this more than once, but I am only proud of it. Gotta be library reader but not a library rat.

The library is not only a book. First of all, it is a colossal concentrate of compressed time, as if conjugation of millennia of human thought...

M. Shahinyan
Without a library, a school cannot do anything. The school and the library are two sisters.

From the petition of the peasants to open a library. 1910

... Libraries should not be only repositories of books, they should not serve for fun, for easy reading - they should be centers of research, which is obligatory for any rational being - everything should be an object of knowledge and everyone knows. We must not forget that a person is hidden under the book. Respect the book out of love and respect for the person.

N.F. Fedorov

..If every book is a small light in this darkness... then every library is a huge, ever-burning bonfire, around which tens of thousands of people stand and warm every day and every night... Stanislav King

A library entrusted to an ignoramus is like a harem run by a eunuch. Voltaire

What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a feast worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim.

William Makepeace Thackeray

The greatest treasure good library. Belinsky V. G.
Libraries are the treasuries of all the treasures of the human spirit. Leibniz G.
How many days of work, how many nights without sleep, how many efforts of the mind, how many hopes and fears, how many long lives of diligent study are poured out here in small typographic fonts and squeezed into the cramped space of the shelves surrounding us! Adam Smith
There is only one truly inexhaustible treasure, and that is a big library. Pierre Buast
How many such gentlemen, on whose libraries one could stick, as on pharmacy bottles, the inscription: "For external use." Alphonse Daudet
A luxurious library is a harem of old people. Charles Nodier
Rome, Florence, all sultry Italy are between the four walls of his library. In his books - all the ruins ancient world, all the brilliance and glory of the new! Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are. One can get a true idea of ​​the mind and character of a person by examining his library.

Louis Jean Joseph Blanc

A large library dispels rather than instructs the reader. It is much better to confine oneself to a few authors than to rashly read many. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The library for reading in the city is an evergreen tree of devilish knowledge, and whoever constantly amuses himself with its leaves will reach the fruit. Sheridan R.
Libraries are wardrobes from which skilled people can extract some for decoration, much for curiosity, and still more for use. J. Dyer
Libraries are stores of human fantasies. Pierre Nicole
Libraries are shrines where the remains of great saints are kept.

Francis Bacon

The multitude of books in a library is often a crowd of witnesses to the ignorance of its owner. Axel Oxenstierna
My home is where my library is. Erasmus of Rotterdam
The book is the friend of the lonely, and the library is the refuge of the homeless.

Stefan Witwicki

Nowhere do you feel the futility of human hopes so strongly as in public library. Samuel Johnson
Others own the library as eunuchs own the harem. Victor Hugo
Don't give your books to anyone, otherwise you won't see them anymore. In my library there are only those books that I borrowed from others to read. Anatole France
The book captured him so much that he grabbed the book. Emil Krotky
I like to visit friends from time to time just to look at my library. William Gaslitt
● A book is a vessel that fills us, but does not empty itself.

(A. Decursel)

● Only the one who does not read anything does not think about anything.

(D. Diderot)

● The work being read has a real one; a work that is reread has a future.

(A. Dumas son)

● One can determine the dignity of a people by the number of books they consume.

(E. Labule)

● I judge a city by the number of bookstores it has.

(A.G. Rubinstein)

● No masterpieces lost in oblivion.

(O. Balzac)

● A book that is not worth reading twice is also not worth reading once.

(K. Weber)

● The more you read without thinking, the more sure you know a lot, and the more you think while reading, the more you see that you know very little.


● The so-called paradoxes of the author, shocking the reader, are often not in the author's book, but in the reader's head

(F. Nietzsche)

● Poetry is the most majestic form in which human thought can take on.

(A. Lamartine)

● Burn people's hearts with the verb.

(A.S. Pushkin)

● Style is the right words in the right place.

(D. Swift)

● When I stopped drinking tea with kalach, I say: I have no appetite! When I stopped reading poetry or novels, I say: not that, not that!

(A.P. Chekhov)

● Reading made Don Quixote a knight, and faith in what he read made him crazy.

(George Bernard Shaw)

● People stop thinking when they stop reading.

(D. Diderot)

● People read on the train because they are bored, on the tram because they are interested.

(Ilya Ilf.)

● The book captured him so much that he grabbed the book.

(Emil Krotky.)

● Don't give your books to anyone, otherwise you won't see them anymore. In my library there are only those books that I borrowed from others to read.

(Anatole France.)

● Books are children of the mind.

(Jonathan Swift.)

● Libraries are the treasuries of all the treasures of the human spirit.

(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.)

● Each book must be able to read.

(Blaise Pascal.)

● Books are intertwined people.

(Anton Semenovich Makarenko.)

● Through suffering and grief, we are destined to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books. (Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.)
● What is not worth reading more than once is not worth reading at all.

(Carl Maria Weber.)

● The two most useful books for a girl are her mother's kitchen book and her father's checkbook. (American saying.)
● Human action is instantaneous and one; the action of the book is multiple and ubiquitous.

(Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.)

● Books are ships of thought, wandering along the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation.

(Francis Bacon.)

● Solitude with books is better than company with fools.

(Pierre Boist.)

● A book read on time is a huge success. She is able to change life, as she will not change it best friend or a mentor.

(Pyotr Andreevich Pavlenko.)

Good book- just a conversation with a smart person.

(Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.)

● Reading is a window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

● The whole life of mankind consistently settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained.

(A.I. Herzen)

● What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. (Charles Lam)

● Books are the best companions of old age, at the same time the best guides of youth.

(Samloel Smiles)

● A book read on time is a huge success. She is capable of changing lives, just as her best friend or mentor will not change.

(P.A. Pavlenko)

● The book is a teacher without pay and gratitude. Every moment gives you revelations of wisdom.

(A. Navoi)

● Proverbs are short, and there are entire books of mind in them.

● Bread nourishes the body, and the book nourishes the mind.

● A book is to the mind what warm rain is to seedlings.

● Waste of work - fishing without a hook and learning without a book.

● The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

● The book is like water - the road breaks everywhere.

● The book is not a gingerbread, but beckons.

● A book in a bag - a burden on the way, a book in the mind - relief on the way.

● Reading a book is like flying on wings.

● The book is not an airplane, but it will take you to distant lands.

● The spoken word was yes no, but the written word lives forever.

● An illiterate person is like a blind man, but a book opens his eyes.

● I read a lot, but took into account little.

● Lazy Mikishka is not up to the book.

● An unfinished book is a path not completed to the end.

● Is the pen large and big books writes.

● Az da Buki save us from boredom.

● Read books, but don't forget things.

● The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.

● Books are books, and move your mind.

● From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

● Whoever works without books draws water with a sieve.

● With a book you will lead - you will gain your mind.

● The book is a mirror of life.

● A book is to the mind what a warm rain is to seedlings.

● Who reads a lot knows a lot.

● Read a book - met with a friend.

● A good book is your best friend.

● The book is your friend, without it as without hands.

● Take care of the book - it will help you live.

● Reader and book in hand.

● An unfinished book is a path not completed to the end.

● Him and books in hand.

● Books do not speak, but they tell the truth.

● Who knows Az to Buka, and books in his hands.

● Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from the book.

● A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

● Waste of work fishing without a hook and learning without a book.

● From time immemorial, a book raises a person.

● Read, bookworm, do not spare your eyes.

● In the book look not for letters, but for thoughts.

● A house without a book, that without windows.

● Other eyes on the book leads, and his mind walks sideways.

● The book is a book of strife: one teaches, the other torments.

● The book is small, but gave the mind.

● The book is not honey, but everyone takes.

● The book will help in work, help out in trouble.

● The book teaches to live, the book should be cherished.

● Books do not like to be honored, but they love to be read.

● To whom the book is entertainment, and to whom it is teaching.

● Who knows more, and books in hand.

● A good book shines brighter than a star.

● One book teaches a thousand people.

● With a book you will lead - you will gain your mind.

● Another book enriches, and another - from the path seduces.

● A good book is your best friend.

● A book is the best gift.

● To live with a book - do not grieve for a century.

● You can't say smarter than a book.

● Reading - the best teaching.

1.About original thought? There is nothing easier. Libraries are just full of them. Stephen Fry

2.X A good library is a bookish reflection of the universe. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin

3. With tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are. One can get a true idea of ​​the mind and character of a person by examining his library. Louis Blanc

4. H then for the pleasure of being in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a feast worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim. William Makepeace Thackeray

5 B Libraries are the treasuries of all the riches of the human spirit. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

6. M We're all missing something big, losing something," Oshima said when the calls stopped. - A rare case, an important opportunity, feelings that you can’t return later. This is part of life. But somewhere in the head - most likely in the head - there is a small nook where all this is stored, like a memory. Like books on the shelves in our library. To find what is in our soul, for this nook you need to make a file cabinet. It needs to be cleaned, it needs to be aired, the water in the flowers needs to be changed. In other words, you spend your whole life in your own library. Haruki Murakami "Kafka on the Beach"

7. B LIBRARY - shops of human fantasies. Pierre Nicole

8. B The library is Noah's Ark in a sea of ​​books. Konstantin Kushner

9. M oh my homeland is where my library is. Erasmus of Rotterdam (Gerhard Gerhards)

10. T oh, for the sake of what it is worth living, it is impossible to think through the mind. It must be felt with the heart. k / f "Librarian"

11. About one aphorism is a novel, two aphorisms are a collection of works, and three aphorisms are a library. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

12. E There are three things worth leaving behind - your photographs, your library, and your personal notes. All this is certainly more important for future generations than the furniture set in your home. Jim Rohn

13. Z go to an old library, where no man has set foot for a long time, and spray yourself ... Isn't this happiness? ... (From what Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin did not say) Yuri Slobodenyuk

14. D for a person accustomed to reading, it becomes a drug, and he himself becomes his slave. Try to take his books away from him and he will become gloomy, twitchy and restless, and then, like an alcoholic who, if left without alcohol, pounces on polish and methylated spirits; he will grieve over five-year-old newspaper ads and telephone directories. William Somerset Maugham

15. H Sharing good books is, as it were, a conversation with the most respected people of past centuries - their authors, and, moreover, a learned conversation in which they reveal to us only the best of their thoughts. Rene Descartes

16. H shade for the mind - the same as physical exercise for body. Joseph Addison

18. L the love of reading is the most wonderful gift from fate. Akhrorjon Kosimov

19. C the best and most precious book is the one that, after reading, does not leave me in the same state; a book that sets in motion in me a new noble feeling, or a new great aspiration, or a new lofty thought; a book that moves me from my place or makes those around me move; a book that awakens me from a deep sleep, or makes me jump out of the mud of indifference, or leads me to the road where I will untie one of life's knots. Amin Ar-Reihani

20. P Re-reading books already read is the surest touchstone of learning. Christian Friedrich Goebbel (Hebbel)

21. H shading makes a person knowledgeable, conversation resourceful, and the habit of writing accurate. Francis Bacon

22. M Man possesses a leg, he desires much; but among all the good things of life, only the following are valuable: an old wood for a furnace, an old wine for drinking, old friends for pastime, and old books for reading. Everything else is nonsense. King Alphonse

23. H shading is an idle creative labor. Maurice Blanchot

24. B Without reading there is no teaching. Konstantin Kushner

U25. A narrow circle of reading and communication - that, it seems to me, is what they are most proud of! Edmund Burke (Burk)

26. N There is no entertainment cheaper than reading books and there is no pleasure longer. Marie Montagu

27. H Tension is similar to the process of eating food: well-chewed is better absorbed. Erian Schultz

28. In Choosing books for one's own and others' reading is not only a science, but also an art. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin

29. I I read strangely, and reading has a strange effect on me. I read something that I have long re-read, and as if I strain myself with new forces, I delve into everything, clearly understand, and I myself extract the ability to create. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

30. E If the crowns of all the kingdoms of the world were laid at my feet in exchange for my books and my love of reading, I would reject them all. François Fénelon

31. C quiescence should not be read like prose, for it is a "song" and poets, in their own words, sing. But reading should not turn into authentic singing. (...) About this kind of reading, Gaius Caesar’s apt remark, made when he was still a boy, has been preserved: “If this is called singing, then you sing badly; but if reading, why are you singing?” Marc Fabius Quintilian

32. B ukvar is the book of life in the first reading... "
From the Unsaid by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy Yuri Slobodenyuk

33. H the more a woman has a collection of shoes and the smaller the library, the more it is likened to an infusoria - a shoe ... (From the inexpressible Marilyn Monroe) Yuri Slobodenyuk

My home is where my library is. Erasmus of Rotterdam


Read and you will fly. Paulo Coelho


Knowledge is needed on the part of those who select books for public libraries, a true understanding of what is good for the human soul; the exclusion of absurd books is necessary ... and the selection of wise books ... Carlyle

The rustling of pages in the silence of libraries is the most wonderful sound I have ever heard. L.A. Kassil


The librarian who does not like to read is no good, who, reading an interesting book, does not forget everything in the world. N.K. Krupskaya


Of all the advantages we enjoy in our age, perhaps we should not be more grateful for one than for the general availability of books. lubbock


Each of us can find in the library peace of mind, comfort in sorrow, moral renewal and happiness, if only he knows how to "possess that precious key that unlocks the mysterious door of this treasury" lubbock


Libraries are the treasuries of all the riches of the human spirit. Leibniz


What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a feast worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim. Lemb


The guarantee of the best and most powerful development, the good and strength of cities, lies in having diverse, knowledgeable, intelligent, honest and well-mannered citizens ... Therefore, cities, and especially large cities that have sufficient funds, should not spare money on acquiring good books and bookstores. Luther

It is impossible to keep books locked up in a prison, they must certainly pass from the library into memory. petrarch

Each picture taken to the gallery, and each decent book that ended up in the library, no matter how small they are, serve a great cause - the accumulation of wealth in the country. A.P. Chekhov

... The most striking characteristic of the library of the future will be not so much its appearance as the intellectual activity within its walls - the activity that has been a hallmark of every library at all times, starting with the Alexandria ... Shira


This is not human habitation, plentiful, irreproachable and spotless; it is the school of human thoughts, which makes them capable of work, the chair of life, the seat of valuable judgments, purified from ignorance. Library inscription 1459


Most of human knowledge in all branches exists only on paper, in books, this paper memory of mankind... Therefore, only a collection of books, a library is the only hope and indestructible memory of the human race... Schopenhauer


If you want to live more or less a human life and want to expand, deepen, elevate it ... get acquainted with books, with as many of them as possible, acquire knowledge about them, about the general composition of book wealth, which modern humanity can and should use ... N.A. Rubakin


With the help of the book, every literate person has the right and opportunity to enter the realm of the mind. Smiles


... I love libraries, I love to stay in them, I know how to leave on time. I have been reproached for this more than once, but I am only proud of it. You have to be a library reader, but not a library rat. France

The library is not only a book. First of all, it is a colossal concentrate of compressed time, as if conjugation of millennia of human thought.. M. Shahinyan


... Libraries should not be only repositories of books, they should not serve for fun, for easy reading - they should be centers of research, which is obligatory for any rational being - everything should be an object of knowledge and everyone knows. We must not forget that a person is hidden under the book. Respect the book because of love and respect for the person. N.F. Fedorov


Emerson ... in his lecture he says that the library is something like a magical study. There are bewitched best souls humanity, but they are waiting for our word to come out of their muteness. We must open the book, and then they will wake up.

Jorge Luis Borges


The greatest treasure is a good library. V.G. Belinsky

Multiply your library - but not in order to have many books, but to enlighten your mind, to educate your heart, to elevate your soul with the creative works of great geniuses. V.G. Belinsky

It is impossible to do a greater good to a young man than to give him free access to a good public library. Bright

With what greed, how tightly I clung

To centicolor glass, to the windows of prophetic books,

And I saw through them expanses and radiance,

Rays and forms of unknown combinations,

Heard strange, familiar names...

And for years I stood, mad, at the window... V.Ya.Bryusov

Libraries are the rivers where the remains of great saints are kept. bacon

Modern man is in the position of a gold digger in front of the Himalayas of libraries, who needs to find grains of gold in a mass of sand. S.I. Vavilov

The age of university libraries like their great-grandmother, the Alexandria Museum, will sink into oblivion... Our age is the age of special libraries and specialized library networks, mutually complementing each other, coordinated production and connected with each other by all means of communication.


As soon as I enter the library, I lock my door and thus banish greed, pride, drunkenness and sloth and all the vices of which ignorance, the fruit of idleness and melancholy, is the source; I plunge into the bosom of eternity among wonderful authors with such pride, with such a sense of self-satisfaction, that I am ready to pity all the important and wealthy gentlemen who are not part of this happiness.


The library is an open table of ideas, to which everyone is invited, at which everyone will find the food they are looking for; it is a reserve store where they put their thoughts and discoveries, and others take them on growth.

A.I. Herzen

Libraries are wardrobes from which skilled people can extract something for decoration, much for curiosity, and even more for use. Dyer

I am not calling for the replacement of the state by a library...but I have no doubt that if we chose the rulers on the basis of their reading experience, and not on the basis of their political programs, there would be less grief on earth. I. Brodsky


Books make you stop near them, close your eyes with pleasure, as you close your eyes, looking at the sun, in order to look again with already open eyes. K. Fedin


Among the various tools that man has at his disposal, the book is undoubtedly the most amazing. Everything else can be considered its physical continuation. A microscope and a telescope continue the eye, a telephone - a voice, a plow and a sword - hands. But a book is a completely different matter, a book is a continuation of memory and imagination. Jorge Luis Borges


Being a librarian is like riding a bicycle: if you stop pedaling and moving forward, you fall. D. Schumacher

The librarian ... must show himself to everyone who comes, courteously, affectionately and as an assistant in acquiring useful knowledge. V.N. Tatishchev


First you need to find a good librarian and only then open the library.

S. Ranganathan


I wrote this article on a computer in a room full of books. In five years, I'll have a new computer that won't fit much of my old software and storage media. The books will still be here, and my children will be able to read them. And their children too. Thomas H. Benton


There is a bottomless box of the world -

From Homer down to us.

To know at least Shakespeare,

It takes a year for smart eyes. Sasha Black


Pierre Nicole


The book is the friend of the lonely, and the library is the refuge of the homeless. Stefan Witwicki


You are the main persons in the state, because the education of the country, its culture depends on you. Without common culture there can be no rise in morality. Without morality, no economic laws operate. In order for the country not to disappear, it needs first of all you - librarians. Academician D.S. Likhachev


Without a high culture of reading, there is neither school nor genuine intellectual labor.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


The multitude of books in a library is often a crowd of witnesses to the ignorance of its owner. A. Oxenstierna


There is only one truly inexhaustible treasure - a large library. P. Buast


Libraries are stores of human fantasies. P. Nicole


Rome, Florence, all sultry Italy are between the four walls of his library. In his books - all the ruins of the ancient world, all the splendor and glory of the new! G. Longfellow


A large library dispels rather than instructs the reader. It is much better to confine oneself to a few authors than to rashly read many. Seneca


Libraries are shrines where the remains of great saints are kept. F. Bacon



A luxurious library is a harem of old people. C.Nodier


Libraries are wardrobes from which skilled people can extract something for decoration, much for curiosity, and even more for use. J. Dyer


How many such gentlemen, on whose libraries one could stick, as on pharmacy bottles, the inscription: "For external use." A. Dode


Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are. One can get a true idea of ​​the mind and character of a person by examining his library. L. Blanc


A library entrusted to an ignoramus is like a harem run by a eunuch.


What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Look at books - and then alreadyhappiness. Before you is a feast worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim. William Makepeace Thackeray

Libraries are the treasuries of all the treasures of the human spirit.Leibniz G.


How many days of labor, how many nights withoutsleep, how many efforts of the mind, how many hopes and fears, how many long lives of diligent study are poured out here in small typographic fonts and squeezed into the cramped space of the shelves surrounding us!

Adam Smith

There is only one truly inexhaustible treasure - a large library.

Pierre Buast
How many such gentlemen, on whose libraries one could stick, as on pharmacy bottles, the inscription: "For external use."Alphonse Daudet

A luxurious library is a harem of old people.Charles Nodier

Rome, Florence, all sultry Italy are between the four walls of his library. In his books - all the ruins of the ancient world, all the splendor and glory of the new!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are. One can get a true idea of ​​the mind and character of a person by examining his library.Louis Jean Joseph Blanc


A large library dispels rather than teaches the reader. It is much better to confine oneself to a few authors than to rashly read many.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The library for reading in the city is an evergreen tree of diabolical knowledge, and whoever constantly amuses with its leaves will reach the fruit.R. Sheridan

Libraries are wardrobes from which skilled people can extract something for decoration, much for curiosity, and even more for use.J. Dyer


Libraries are stores of human fantasies.Pierre Nicole


Libraries are shrines where the remains of great saints are kept. Francis Bacon
The multitude of books in a library is often a crowd of witnesses to the ignorance of its owner. Axel Oxenstierna

My home is where my library is. Erasmus of Rotterdam

The book is a friend of the lonely, and the library is the refuge of the homeless. Stefan Witwicki

Nowhere do you feel the futility of people's hopes more strongly than in the public library. Samuel Johnson

Others own the library as eunuchs own the harem. Victor Hugo

Don't give your books to anyone, otherwise you won't see them anymore. Only those books that I borrowed from others remained in my library. Anatole France

The book captured him so much that he captured the book. Emil Krotky

I like to visit friends from time to time, just to look at my library. William Gaslitt

Quotations should be used only when you really can not do without someone else's authority. Schopenhauer

Show me the school library and I will tell you what this school is like. Sh. Rustaveli

Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Books are best friends. They can be contacted in all difficult moments life. They will never change. A. Dode ...

Love the book with all your heart! She is not only your best friend, but also a faithful companion to the end! M.A. Sholokhov

Reading is a habit to which one does not get used, but becomes infected. D.S. Likhachev

Looking at books is already happiness. M.Lemb

The book will carry you to any shore. Ch. Dickenson

Reading should fulfill three main tasks: to give a person knowledge, understanding, an active mood in the work on self-education. N.A. Rubakin

It's a pity it's impossible to read all the books, Books, thank you for being you. K. Inaccessible

What I read in the library is yours, but return the book. T.Ber

Reading is the best teaching. A.S. Pushkin

Learn, read, think. V.V.Mayakovsky

Empty without books human life. D. Poor

The book is not only our friend, but also our constant faithful companion. D. Poor

A book is the world seen through a person. I.E.Babel

I can't learn without books, I can't get knowledge, Only books will help me become a man. M. Gafuri

Everyone has access to the wonderful world of an open book. M. Gafuri

Everything pales before the books. A.P. Chekhov

It is given to the printed word to abide not only in time, but also above time. N.S. Leskov

Without books, like without air, a person cannot live. S.P. Korolev

You can see and know your land only with your own eyes, or with the help of books. M.V. Lomonosov

Book wealth, in its entirety, is a literary mirror of life. N.A. Rubakin

Books are memory, and you cannot live without memory. V.Ya.Bryusov

Literature requires not only a talented writer, but also a talented reader. I. Goethe

The writer, creating works, performs only part of the work, hoping that the reader will take further part in his mental activity. I. Goethe

My joy is a mental flight over books, from page to page. N.A. Rubakin

Books expect from us a high manifestation of human feelings - understanding, attention and love. N.A. Rubakin

A book for life, not the other way around. N.A. Rubakin

The craving for books has always been among the people and has never faded. V.I. Syromyatkinov

A book is a great thing as long as one knows how to use it. A.A. Blok

Curiosity creates scientists and poets. A. France

Consider that day or hour unfortunate in which you did not learn anything new and did not add anything to your education. Ya.A.Komensky

Man strives for knowledge, and as soon as the thirst for knowledge dies away in him, he ceases to be a man. F. Nansen

The need for education lies in every person. L.N. Tolstoy

Not only writers create, but also readers. G. Ibsen Reading books is just the beginning. Creativity of life is the goal. N.A. Rubaki

Knowledge is armor against all troubles. A. Rudaki

Whatever the last book says to him, it will fall on his soul from above. N.A. Nekrasov

Knowledge and only knowledge makes a person free and powerful. D.S. Pisarev

There is only one way to become cultured person- reading. A. Morua

If a blank sound is heard when a book collides with a head, it is not always the book's fault. G.Lichtenberg

The wisdom of the book is like eating the light of the sun. From the ancient alphabet Great benefit comes from book teaching. Books are rivers that fill the universe with wisdom. There is innumerable depth in books, or we console ourselves in sorrow. From the Tale of Bygone Years I owe everything good in me to books. M. Gorky

Who is this person, do you want to know? Find out what he likes to read. A. Gafurov

The immortality of a book is in its readers. L. Kratky

A house without books is like a body without a soul. Cicero Read! May there not be a single day when you would not read at least one page from a new book. K.G. Paustovsky

The book, perhaps, is the most complex and great miracle of all the miracles created by mankind on the way to the happiness and power of the future. M. Gorky

The book is magical. The book changed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages. N.A.Morozov

The book is a powerful weapon. A clever, inspirational book often decides the fate of a person. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Learn and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest. F.M.Dostoevsky

The task of the book is to facilitate, accelerate the knowledge of life, and not replace it. J. Korchak

To prepare a person spiritually for independent living, we must lead him into the world of books. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

I see that you have collected books, but books have also collected you. V.B. Shklovsky

The greatest treasure is a good library. V.G. Belinsky

Libraries are the treasuries of all the treasures of the human spirit. G. Leibniz

A good library is a bookish reflection of the universe. N.A. Rubakin

The public library is an open table of ideas to which everyone is invited. A.I. Herzen

A large library dispels rather than instructs the reader. Seneca

The book is the collective memory of mankind. G. Smith

Books are children of the mind. D. Swift

The book is the purest essence of the human soul. T. Carlyle

The book is the life of our time. V.G. Belinsky

Books are the best companions of old age, at the same time the best guides of youth. S.Smiles

Books are beacons in the ocean of time. A.I. Herzen

Books are ships of thought, wandering along the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. F. Bacon

The best book is the one that contains the greatest number of truths. P. Buast

A good book is one that you open with anticipation, and close with riches. A. Olcott

The book that really leads is the one from which the reader draws his own conclusions. Only such a book affects his behavior. A.S. Makarenko

Any kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. V.Hugo

We read a wonderful book every time as if anew. Y. Olesha

How many people who, after reading another good book, opened new era own life. G.Toro

Books are society. A good book, like a good society, enlightens and ennobles feelings and morals. N.I. Pirogov

Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you would not read at least one wanderer from the new book! K.G. Paustovsky

When you last time were in the library? For a long time? But these institutions deserve your attention. They contain the wisdom of generations, which sometimes cannot be found on the Internet. and librarians were made famous people who were well versed in reading and culture. Want to know what they thought about this?

About the public library

The public library is an open table of ideas to which everyone is invited. (A. I. Herzen)

This statement about the library suggests that a person is not so often enlightened. New ideas can be born in the head only when the person has enough knowledge. You can buy them in the library. Everyone can daily expand their knowledge, and for this they will require not such a big fee from him - free time. Given that a person is limited in this resource, then, looking at his life, you can understand how correctly the person prioritizes. Sometimes it seems strange that people choose the Internet rather than books as a means of learning. It is more difficult to find useful information on the Internet, as there is too much of it. In books, knowledge is systematized, ordered and tested by many generations of our ancestors.

About the librarian

The librarian who does not like to read is no good, who, reading an interesting book, does not forget everything in the world. (N. K. Krupskaya)

Similar statements about the library and librarians are rare. But they are accurate. A person who loves his job can make the profession prestigious. Unfortunately, those persons who could not enter other professions are studying to be librarians today. Such "specialists" will not be able to raise the prestige of libraries. Only a person who loves to read himself can instill a love of reading in others.

The statements about the library and reading are very accurate. How often can you meet people in the temple of knowledge who are genuinely interested in their work? You can find a maximum of 2 such persons. This is not enough to ignite a few readers. The one who understands literature and loves it can not only give good advice novice reader, but also to develop his good literary taste. It is this task that should be faced by every person who wants to claim the high status of a librarian.

About the treasury

Libraries are the treasuries of all the treasures of the human spirit. (G. W. Leibniz)

What can you compare the library to? With a warehouse? Smart people in their statements about the library they compare it with a treasury. All the world's knowledge is stored in these buildings. And anyone can buy them. But, unfortunately, in Lately there are not so many people who want to be enriched spiritually. Our people prefer material wealth to some other. Is it bad? Yes. Culture is dying, people are degrading. All this happens for the reason that personalities are changing values. They cannot distinguish real treasures from fictional ones. People are like natives who gladly exchanged gold for pieces of broken glass. A person must understand that the knowledge he has accumulated will remain in his head forever and, over time, will be able to generate new ideas. Money will scatter to meet immediate needs, and nothing will be left of them.

About the reading ban

You cannot keep books locked up, as if in a prison, they must certainly pass from the library into memory. (F. Petrarch)

Our ancestors wrote books so that contemporaries could use them. Knowledge fixed on paper can preserve the wisdom of generations. The above and the library helps a person to understand the true purpose of the temples of science.

Libraries today are really like prisons. People bypass them, being afraid to even step over the threshold of this institution. Many people do not dare to communicate with the "inhabitants" of libraries, they consider them unworthy of their attention. But this is very stupid. Books - the source of human wisdom, should not gather dust on the shelves. Their purpose is to share knowledge with people, to help find themselves and their place in life. Have you noticed that young people often cannot find their calling and go to work in shops? Do you think that society and time have changed and that there is simply no other job today? This is wrong. People and their values ​​have changed.

About the future of libraries

The most striking characteristic of the library of the future will be not so much its appearance as the intellectual activity within its walls - the activity that has been the hallmark of every library at all times, starting with the Alexandrian ... (Shira)

Libraries are slowly dying. So that the temples of science do not disappear from the face of the earth, they need to be retrained. This statement about the library helps to understand in which direction to work. The man is walking to the temple of science for knowledge, but you can get it not only from books. People can develop through discussions and lectures. Such events must be arranged under the roof of the library. Reading youth today is at a very disadvantageous position. Sometimes people cannot find like-minded people to discuss the work they like with them. Libraries and librarians can take on the task of organizing book clubs. Interest meetings can be held weekly or monthly in the temple of sciences. For example, one day people who are not indifferent to science fiction will gather there, the other day - fans classical literature. At such live meetings, readers will have the opportunity to meet like-minded people, express their opinions, and also learn a little more about the genre of literature in which they are interested.

About measure

I love libraries, I like to stay in them, and I know how to leave on time. I have been reproached for this more than once, but I am only proud of it. You have to be a library reader, but not a library rat. (A. France)

There are various statements about libraries. The quote above may shock some. But there is nothing terrible about it. People need to manage their time wisely. A person may love libraries, but he does not have to live in them. A well-educated intellectual has many interests besides reading. Therefore, you should not spend all your free time among books. Otherwise, a situation may arise when a person will not live in real world, but in the illusory one, in the one that was invented by numerous authors. You should be able to close the book when the window is late in the evening. Family, friends and loved ones, unlike books, are not eternal. Therefore, show respect and attention to living people. The statement does not urge readers to turn their backs on libraries. It is aimed at ensuring that a person reconsiders his life priorities and, if necessary, shifts them a little.

About knowledge

The library is not only books. First of all, it is a colossal concentrate of compressed time, as if conjugation of millennia of human thought. (M. Shahinyan)

What does a library mean to you? A beautiful building in the city center? Sayings about the libraries of great people are completely different. For some it is a treasury, and for others it is a concentrate of compressed time. Yes, it's hard to say.

Books are the memory of generations, which is stored under one roof. In the library you can find books that will tell about the life of our contemporaries and distant ancestors. Paper relics can be used to study culture, life, as well as colloquial speech. All this has changed over the centuries. It is difficult to imagine all the power that is concentrated in the library. But how many contemporaries are willing to spend their time getting into the feeling of antiquity and sitting in the reading room? Such an event is common for one person out of a hundred, and perhaps out of a thousand. People go to the library out of urgent need to write a term paper or dissertation. Few people go to the temple of science not under duress.

About gold

Modern man is in front of the Himalayas of libraries in the position of a gold digger who needs to find grains of gold in a mass of sand. (S. I. Vavilov)

Do you want to find a monologue statement for the school library? It is listed above. This phrase is suitable for a school room in which several shelving is made up. Teenagers do not like to read for various reasons. Some parents did not instill this habit, while others were not lucky with a literature teacher. If a good librarian works at school, he can change the way young children look at books. A sensible explanation and instruction will help the student to understand the wilds of literature. On your own, it can be difficult to find an interesting book that would come in very handy in terms of age and level of development. The librarian can advise good literature based on a conversation with a child. And in this case, the student will not have to independently, through trial and error, look for treasure on the shelves. After all, many people do not read because they could not early years find a person who could develop a good literary taste.

About jewelry

Libraries are wardrobes from which skilled people can extract something for decoration, much for curiosity, and even more for use. (J. Dyer)

Not all sayings about the library of great people gain fame. Most of them are forgotten. Yes, it's not hard to explain. The status of libraries today is so low that these institutions are rarely talked about. But if you think about it, the library is a unique room where everyone can find something for themselves. Someone can flash a witty phrase taken from a book on social event. Some books will help to find the answer to a question of interest. And someone just can't imagine their life without good reading. The popularity of libraries needs to be raised, otherwise the level of culture will completely fall. Someone may say that there is nowhere lower, but if you look at the countries of the West, you can confidently answer that Russian culture is not at the very bottom, and you can fall even deeper.

On the futility of hope

Nowhere do you feel the futility of human hopes so strongly as in a public library. (Samuel Johnson)

This statement about the library is very relevant today. If you look at the attendance of these institutions, you can understand that the temple of sciences does not enjoy the love of young people. Is it sad? Certainly. Our ancestors hoped that their knowledge would not be forgotten. And in order for this to be so, people wrote books. But what do young people read today? A biography of Olga Buzova or books on how to become rich and successful without making any effort. Such literature contains no useful information. When visiting the library, one becomes sad at the thought that many great authors will remain unread, and some of the classics will go into oblivion in a few years. Time changes, people and their interests change. But are these changes happening for the better? It's hard to say who's to blame. But remember that there is always a way out. And in the case of the futility of human hopes, it is very simple. It is necessary to increase the popularity of the temple of sciences, which will instill in people a good literary taste.

About personal library

I like to visit friends from time to time just to look at my library. (William Gaslitt)

This statement about the library and the book causes a smile. Of course, it is irrelevant today, but an analogy can be drawn. People love to borrow things, but not so much to return them. Previously, these items were books. Although a similar situation may repeat itself in our days. A reading person can praise a work so much that a non-reading person decides that he also wants to see what a friend found good here. But in the end, the book ends up on the bookshelf. The borrower soon forgets about his recent acquisition, so that it continues to live peacefully in his bookcase. Is it strange? Not good. This statement does not call you to be an evil friend who does not share anything with anyone. Be choosy and do not lend things dear to your heart, as they may never return to you.

About character

A personal library reveals the character of a person most profoundly. (Lee Michaels)

To understand what a person thinks about this world, you need to look at his library. A collection of books will fully tell about all the preferences of the individual. A person who has a small library is very limited. His horizons and stock of knowledge is small. A person with a large library is well-educated and well-read. Of course now we are talking about people with an average income who buy books not for beauty, but in order to use them for their intended purpose. Do you want to know about the personal qualities of a person? Ask him what kind of literature your opponent prefers. If a girl likes to read novels, then she is sentimental and very impressionable. A person who prefers fantasy has an extraordinary mind and a good imagination. Person who loves historical literature, has good logic and a sober view of the world.
